The Straits Times, 16 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,957. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 586 1 NOTICES. noticeT PHOTOGRAPHS descriptive of the Q. M. E A. Co.'s Meat Works in Brisbane, whence it is proposed to draw all supplies, for the Singapore Cold Storage Co., are now, through the courtesy of Messrs. Robinson and Co., on exhibition at their place of business in Raffles Square. u-f.
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    • 743 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. OTRAITS City Rob Der Stamp Manu- factory. Orders executed on "hortest notice and at moderate prices, The rubber is mounted on brass instead of wood. Also monogram brass stamps for sealing wax. I Battery Road. tn. th. s. 81-12 SUPPLY OF STORKS, 190.1 rpHE F M.S. Government is
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    • 736 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SAI E OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. AT THE I'KIoHY, RIVKK VALLKY ROAD. Satvrday. \Bih October, at 2 pm. DINING room furniture, crockery »nd glasswnro. Bedroom and drawing room furniture, llimtf, tennis gear Ac. On view three days prior to gale. H. L. COGHLAN CO., 17-10 Auc'ioneert. A
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    • 731 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SAIE OH VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PR* PEKIY I T Ql'StN STBEET. To be h. id at Powell Co 't> Pale-room On Wednesday the 29th Oct., 1902, ot 2-30 p. m. I EA-PEHOLD land situate at Queen JLiHreet, adjoining the Singapore Catholic Club area 15,M4> square feet compri-ed in
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    • 231 1 NOTICES. Funagoya Tansan THE above mineral water, for which we were recently appointed solf agents by Hasegawa A Co.. of Kobe Japan, is bottled at Funagoya spring in Kiushiu Japan, and is an invigorating and refreshing drink. ft mixes excellently with whisky, brandy, or milk and, in this lespect is
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    • 337 1 READ IT THKOUOH. Twoold Spoil This Story to Tell It in the Headlines. Up toashort time aen Mrs. John K. Harmon, of Helfa Station, V a U. b. A. had no penonal knowledge of the rare curatire properties ot Chamberlain's Cough Kenwdv. "Latit January," sh« lays, "my baby took a
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  • 768 2 Little sympathy in expressed in the American papers for President Cipriano Castro of Venezuela, who finds his authority seriously menaced by General Matos and his revolutionary forces. The revolutionary army largely outnumbers President Castro's force, and the overthrow of the government is looked for at any time. Castro
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  • 124 2 The Hon. John Barrett, Coinn.issionerGeneral of the St. Louis World's Exposition, has completed his negotiations with the Chinese officials for the participation of China therein, and has just returned from Shanghai on the Korea to Hongkong. From there he will visit the Philippines, Siam, Straits Settlements, Burma, Ceylon, India, and
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  • 112 2 Tfe Globe gives the foil-twine beauti ful samples of how the English language may be tortured There once wax an old man at Wemyim. l T iied to dream such remarkable <ireniy«M j The folks stared H^hast At the thin;-- he'd forechatit, And gave vent to their
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  • 145 2 The funeral of the late I'rofessnr Yirchow took place with gfl solemnity at Berlin. Bebolan. nii'inhnrs of the medical profession, Town Councillors, magistrates, and Members of I'.irliament were all present to pay a last tribute to the memory of the deceased, who was honorary citizen of
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  • 249 2 Thk cruiser Boyarin, which hat> been built at Copenhagen for the Russian Navy, was expected to arrive at Cronstadt shortly at the date of last mail advices (19thSep'fmber) After the official trial trips, an<i provided that the authorities succeed in fitting the new cruiser with its full armament
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  • 305 2 An interesting proposal is now before the Benchers of the Inns of Court on behalf of Indian pleaders, or vakils. It is that v.ikils should he allowed to become members of the English Bar on the same turns as colonial advocate? and solicitors —namely, by keeping four (instead
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  • 79 2 A pork seller at Penang has just been fined $50 for dealing with a false weight suspicion was aroused by his shaking the weight hook when the inspector examined the scales. It was then found that a piece of wood had been jammed on the side to keep the thing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1462 2 NOTICES. J. H. GWYNNE, Ltd., J&S^m.'u. MAKERS of the MRGBST, MOST ECONOMICAL and MOST SUCCESSFUL Centrifugal PUMPING MACHINERY in the World rTfißfc For lrp '9 aliori o<*alia]B, v Reclamation, Dock*, Ac. Ac. Invincible Centrifugal I m m PUMPING MACHINERY a H l I ,^^^HHH| Stationery type), larue or small. WtL
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    • 359 2 NOTICES "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 950 I hi.. 1,200 Ibm, atter Npve 11 after fourdays in teen days Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who prononnced the Cement the best he bad ever tested. Prices and particulars from THE BORNKO
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  • 115 3 A despatch to the Daily Exprets from Lisbop says that a rumor that has been current for a time has developed into a grave scandal. It is alleged that the (Government, owing to its need for money, has pawned the crown jewels, which are worth a fabulous
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  • 143 3 The King has appointed A. Hosie, K-ti., to be his Majesty's Consul-General for the province of Szechuen J. Scott, Km| to he Inn Majesty's Consul-General for the provinces of Kwantung and Kwangsi, to reside at Canton W. H Wilkinson, Kg, to be his Majesty's Consul Genen«l for
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  • 205 3 Reported Discovery of a New Reef. lih K.\r .nivm-K iroiu Johannesburg stale Uml Mr Rathhont. a well-known mining engine* r diid late Government Inspector of Mines on the Rand, has returned from making a geological survey of the ground representing the southern fringe of thtt Great Witwatersrand Gold
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  • 473 3 Ingenious attempt at Robbery Lately it may he remembered, a Cliiiiiiman wat. arrested on a charge of robbery, and when searched he was found in pewest-ion of a master keythat opened eveiy lock in the Post Office. In this connection it is interestin); to trad the details of
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  • 172 3 An Italian Aspirant. A papek by tbe last mail states that Decio Marinelli, the Italian swimmer who swam the Straits of Messina, has arrived at Dover to attempt the English Channel. Marinelli is making this effort under the auspices of the Palermo Rowing Club, who have
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  • 165 3 Nkws has readied the Net<- York World, from Mapimi, in the interior of Mexico, that the water supply of the city was recently poisoned by the outbreak of a spring of arsenic, which ran into the reservoir on the mountain side and then
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  • 548 3 Mrs. Roosevelt and the Qrand Duke Boris. Mrs. RooshVnLT'it action in declining to lunch with the Grand Duke Boris at her home in Oyster Bay, where the Russian prince was entertained by the Pretidtmt has caused a great deal of comment, raoßt of which is highly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 NOTICES. BABIES AND CHILDREN should be fairly plump. They ought to put on fat hs fast as they use it up; for fat is fuel, and the burning of it makes power and force. Thin children— even along to the age of eighteen or twenty— are in danger from consumption
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    • 677 3 NOTICES. WANTED for a European godown, an assistant with a fair knowledge of Singapore produce. Apply to Z., c o Strait* 7W» 84-10 \l/ ANTED, for hritish North Borneo, T? A TELEPHONE OVERSEER. must be able to repair and keep in order colephones and lines Salary $40.i 0 per Month,
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    • 753 3 NOTICES. H. L. COGHLAN V CO. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and Valuer*. Auditors, Commission Agents, and General BrokersInsurance Agents Fire, Life and Marine.) Fire Loss Assessors. Maaufaeturers' Representatives. FOR .-AI.K A Complete Ice 1 Isi.t on the Lindes" Ant ydrous Compression By stem, capable of a < aily ou<-| ut of
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    • 140 3 NOTICES. i 1 1 I H HI, |r*j These CAPSULES cure I recent and chronic discharges. I THEY NEVEI FAIL TIY THEM yqj "THE LION" TANSAN Most refreshing and invigorating natural mineral water, for sale at moderate prices. Can be had at G. OTOMUNE &CO. v.c. baffles Hotel. SPECIAL RACE
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  • 892 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 16th OCTOBER. Mk. W. Dunman has embarked upon a venture which ought certainly to secure the support of every foreign resident, and which roust assuredly earn the commendation of every foreign physician in Singapore. .Typhoid ins never been more prevalent here than at
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  • 38 4 An interesting letter on the relations of Siam and Japan, written by a Japanese gentleman who is in a position to make well authorised if not authoritatave statements on the subject, is published in our correspondence column to-day.
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  • 27 4 Reading matter, including an article on the Venezuelan revolution, and an account of rich gold discoveries in the Transvaal will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/Bjj
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the I alelta doses at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 11 4 The Philharmonic Orchestra meets for practice at the Town Hall to-night
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  • 19 4 The Town and V ilunteer Band will play on the E<pl*nade on Friday at 9 p. in. (weather permitting.)
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  • 17 4 The StriiU Budget was published this morning. A supplement for the mail will be issued this evening.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advancements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 24 4 It is notified in the Singapore Volunteer Corps orders that the field day fixed for next .iturday afternoon has been postponed till next month.
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  • 30 4 This morning, there were four cases of cruelty to bullocks before Mr. Marriott, a fine of $25 was imposed in each of three of them and $10 in the fourth.
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  • 25 4 The latest published of the new volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannic*, the fifth, contains an article by Mr Hugh Clifford, c m g on Johore.
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  • 25 4 The following is the result of the Jockey Club Stakes, run at Newmarket early this month -.—Rising GUis* 1, Tern-pl-emore 2, and Ard P-ilrirJe 3.
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  • 24 4 The band of Mm MfcH M. I. will play at the Botanical G trdens on Saturday the 18th inst., commencing at 9 p m.
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  • 29 4 Dk. P. J. SphouiK, of the Straits Civil Service, Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court, Penang, and at present on leave, was to be married on the 1 1 th instant.
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  • 29 4 The. Roman Oath >nc Mission has purchased Trie Hermita?*," at the Pdss, in Perak. The Pe.rak Pioneer says a sanitarium and school will be established there by tli* Mission.
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  • 32 4 Tub Derbyshire K ■■jim«nt arrived at Hongkong on the ~i h inst. This week half the battation will move north to relieve the Welch Fusiliers now stationed at Shanghai, Peking, and Tientsin.
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  • 29 4 This morning, Mr. N. Trotter, Post Master General, prosecuted an assistant steward of the Qocenw-Geiieral Metier for bringing eleven unstamped letters into the Colony. The wan was fined $30
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  • 47 4 Yesterday, Det. Sergt. Frayne was thrown out of a 'rikisha in r<outb Bridge Road owing to another puller colliding with him. Both vehicles were damaged and the fares in both were laid out on the road. The colliding puller was this morning fined $5 by Mr Beatty.
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  • 56 4 Tickets for the concert to be given on Saturday night at the Town Hall by Messrs. Herzberg and Sr.ernherg are reported to be going off like the proverbial hot cakes and a full house is assured. In addition to the amateurs already mentioned by us, we learn that Mrs. Arthur
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  • 55 4 Dk. Unoh Lean Tuck (Queen's Scholar from Penang) has been awarded the Cheadle Gold Medal in Clinical medicine for this year at St. Mary's Hospital, London. This is said to be the first occaeion on which botn the Kerslake Scholarship in pathology and the gold medal in clinical medicine have
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  • 149 4 For Singapore. Per P. A O. 8. s. Ooetma coanaeti ng with the Bteam«r Parramatt* at Colombo, from London Sept. 18, due 19th Oct.— tfessra. J. R Ballin. J. Macintosh, R. H Lee. A N. Ryrie, Mr. and Mrs Folleti, Mrs. Mackintosh, Messrs. E. Wilson, Q. H.
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  • 51 4 The following pu-iengers arrived per VaJetta to-day from Shanghai. Miss. Davies, Mr. R.D. Williams. From Hongkong. Lt. Macdonald— The following passengers are leaving per ValrtUi tomorrow for London— Mr. P. J But ;ess, and Mr. A D. Boucher. For C >lombo Major Georg Schaer and Dr. Kurt Siemers.For Melbourne— Mr.
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  • 59 4 The drought this year has played such havoc with the fish in some parts of Siam that it has been found necessary to abolish the fishery tax for the present. The rice-crop, although late, is said to be in many cases a good one, whilst in the irrigated district of
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  • 61 4 A Chinese woman was fined one hundred dollars at Penang, on Monday hist, for brutally ill treating a girl of that nationality whom she had bought at. Amoy. The evidence was that the defendant had repeatedly put the girl to torture by applying a lighted taper to her, and using
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  • 61 4 St. Xavibb's Institution, Penang, was enfett l.tst week-end in celebration of the Riv. Brother Ztjboras having attained his fiftieth year in the Brotherhood, and his :s.Vli year as a Brother of the Institution, in which he is Sub-Director. Notwithstanding his advanced age, Bro. Z-iboras is still hale and hearty, and
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  • 71 4 In a letter in our yesterday's issue over the signature "V. S A." in reply to a letter on Capital and Labour by lmperium," misprint changed the meaning of the second sentence and made it read thus lmperium takes tor his text the incident of the American coal miners' strike
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  • 65 4 The performance of the Royal Bioscope last evening was very successful, the fey. slight faults of the opening performance having been thoroughly remedied. There was a crowded house and the audience appeared to enjoy the entertainment immensely. To-night a complete new programme is annouueed, every single picture being new. Intending
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  • 69 4 HocBß rents have risen so much at Kowloon, Hongkong, that a numoer of gentlemen there have combined and purchased some land for $7f,000, which about a year ago wa* b night by the present vendor for $40,00", with the intention of escaping from the impositions of the landlords. The price
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  • 73 4 A wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon at St. Andrews Cathedral, when Mr. A. Agnew, chief wharfinger of the Tanjong Pagar I) >ck Co., entered into the bond of matrimony with Mrs. Maclonald, proprietress of the Straits Hotel. There were a large number of guests invited to the ceremony, who were
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  • 73 4 His Excellency the Governor is due to return from Kelantan on Saturday In connection wi'.h his departure thence by the SeaJielle on Tuesday afternoon, it is interesting to note the fact that about 20 Sikhs left Singapore the following day by the 8. s. Ban Whatl Hin, presumably as reinforcements
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  • 86 4 The Japanese courts of law are nothing if not funny from a western standpoint. The other day, whilst a man named Clifford was being tried in Kobe for obtaining goods under false pretences he happened to yawn. The Court interpreter warned him that this was a most grave offence. But,
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  • 136 4 Yesterday afternoon, a disturbance took place between some painters employed upon work at Ruffles Hotel and some servants, which resulted in seven hotel boys and three painters being fined $5 each and being bound over to keep the peace in the Police Court this morning. The trouble arose between a
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 126 4 Commission Agreed to. I. undo n, Isth Oct. An important conference has been held at Washington between President Roosevelt; Mr. R )ot, the War Secretary i Mr. Pierpont M »rgan, and several of the leading mine-owners. It was agreed th it tho President should appoint a
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    • 66 4 Mr. John O'Donnell, M. P, has beeu sentenced to three months' hard labour at Birr for intimidation, and has app«aled acrain^t the. Metit«»n.;e. [John O'Donnell is Nationalist M. I. u>, Mayo South, licin^' elected in Kelinury, 9 X). lie is h journalist, and »a- the 1
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    • 24 4 The Boer Generals have left Paris for Berlin. It becomes increasingly evident that they are being made the catspaws of foreign politicians.
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    • 17 4 The following is the result of the Cesartswitch race Illncksand 1 Congratulation 2 Kighffid 3
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  • 140 4 Benefit to Mr. Robert Love. The performance of H inu-itan's Circus last night was as u-nal very excellent. To-night Mr. Robert Love takes a benefit under the p ttronage of HH the Sultan of Johore. In addition to the present strong programme Gus. Burns will enter the
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  • 148 4 On the .ird mat. Inspector Kirk visited a pawnshop at 111 North Bridge Bom, and on inspecting the pledge hook, found an entry to the effect that on the 29th of June last, Low Yew Tong had pawned two gold krotungg (Malay brooches) for S2OO. This man
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  • 152 4 On Saturday a cricket match wan played between teams captained by O. Marks and A. B Hubback. The former took first knock and ran up a total of 146, McClosky 40 and Tyte 26 being tbe chief contributors. Hubback took '.i wickets for 15 runs. Hubback's side then
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  • 36 4 The Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at 9 15 and 10.30. a.m. All members competing in the final quarter mile race for the Braddell Cup must go over by the first launch.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 787 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. t^^\ _r^ Price lo per Cau w Used by all the T Tinfrmy principal Clubs, V V lilOtV X Hotels and Resi.j. 4. dents of the Straits Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Settlements and London, Glasgow. Shanghai. Hongkong, and Singapore. [Native States. l-'ivtiHiilr oj Label. J FDRMIBHKD Rooms to be
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    • 429 4 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS, TO-NIGHT TO-NiaHT Complimentary Benefit of Complimentary Benefit of ROBERT LOVE. TTn&er the Patioaaeo --ad la t_o proseace of H. H. Tflß SULTAH Qf 1 JOHORS. great Programme THEAMATKUK RIDING CONTEST GUS BURNS Will perform the Royal Bengal Tiger OuUe TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! BEACH ROAD SATURDAY I Orfober 18//<
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    • 92 4 G.R. Lambert Co Photographers OPEN Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— fi p.m. Orchard on Weekda y 8 8 *.m.~6 p.m. on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. /CUSTOMERS who intend sending Dory tr.-iit- h■ime.-ih ■ime. -i Xmai iml New -Year presents are remiutied not to postpone too long.
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  • 697 5 The Alleged Burglars in the Police Court. Yesterday afternoon, Tan U Kirn and lan Kup Seng were before Mr. Marriott for enquiry into allegations of housebreaking, theft and offering an illegal gratification against the first, taking the property to Johore against the second. Dot. lusp. Brennan ;onductcd
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  • 226 5 Ykhtkkjmy, Mr. Marriott opened an anquiry into the case in which two M tlay li-liermen, Uinbi bin Noneh and S.iiuit, urn allugKil to have caused the dtMili of lvi Ah Huey on board a tongkaag on the .">tli inst. Mr. Innes prosecuted and Mr. R. W. Braddell
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  • 43 5 Telegraphic advices received from l'enang yesterday are to the effect that Bad Lee and Company's pawnshop, in Penang Road, was completely gutted on Tuesday night last. The contents were, we understand, insured for 1600,000 in the New Zealand Company.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 303 5 To the Editor of r/te "StrmiU Times." Dear Sib,— Though unfortunately not blessed with the delicate sense of humour and trenchant satire so amply bestowed by a beneficent Providence on your correspondent LJ.S A., I feel that one of his remarks really does deserve a reply, and
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    • 395 5 To the Editor 'if the Straits Times." Dear Sir,— ln view of the recent sensational items of news with reference to the political situation in Siam, circulated by some correspondents in Europe, I should like to be allowed to say something on the subject through your valuable
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  • 859 5 (By an Australian Horseman). About the first horse to work was Comical (Smith). He cantered once round doing the second round a bit faster and spurted home. Sir Lancelot (Pierbux) went twice round the second round at a nice steady pace. Sweet Erina (Campbell), Wedlock (Kirwan). The former
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  • 273 5 Wrecks and Immense Damage. A very severe typhoon was encountered in Yokohama and its vicinity on tbe morning of the 28th ult. In the harbour three large steamers, the N. D L. Preussen, the British oil steamer Khalif and the Phire boat Pembrokeshire were blown ashore,
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  • 443 5 Keuter '> correspondent at Yokohama •few It i> reported that the Minister oi Marine BM ■!•■< i'le.l on a scheme of naval expanxion emliriu-inK the construction of 1*20,000 tons of ships, extending over a period of six year* and involving the annual expenditure of twenty million yen. It
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  • 644 5 Singapore, 10th October, 1902. PRODUCE. 6am bier buyers f 14.75 Copra Bali 9.35 do Pontianak 5.75 Pepper, Black '.myers 53.-i'> do White, (8%) MOO Sago Floor Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. 1 „3.70 Pearl Saeo 5.20 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 THE VALDARES. Thk Valdares, who have attained the reputation of world's greatest trick cyclists," are advertised to make their first appearance in Singapore at the Town Hall on Tuesday night next. With them is a strong variety company which, judging by its New Zealand and Australian press notices, will be
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    • 302 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A PPLICATIONS will lie received at the XX Bankruptcy Office, Singapore, up to the 31st instant for tbe post of Chinese Interpreter and Cler- in the B> nVruptey Office, Singapore Salary &tf4o per annum for a thoroughly qualified person. Qualifications:— Ability to read Chinese and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 168 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 16th October. High Watpr. 9.47 \..m. Feast of Tabernacles (Jewish). Town Rand. People's Park. sto 6. Philharmonic Orchestra. 8.30 Harmston'a Circus. 9 Bioscope. Reach Road. 9. Friday, 17th October. Hieb Water 9 W a.m 10.30 p.m. Full Moon. 0.57 p.m. P. AO. horaewitrd mail closes. 6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 NOTICES. Vpt puteometet> Requires no gfc^kk Thousands in use skilled attendance. §tf£|H| g ivil *S entire Alk satisfaction. Wn.i. M, |K PUMP M f ALMOST MB I'A aktythi]vg M«k B Needs no J WtH/f A Oil, Packing, No moving parts Mt 9k j^ to set out or L eat hers.
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    • 388 6 NOTICES. LIMITED. Silver and ElectroPlate Department. We are now showing a large variety of Sterling Silve" Knives, and Electro Plated articles suitable for presentations, dec. The goods in this department are obtained solely from makers of high repute, such as Mappin and Webb, Walker and Hall, &c. Th is is
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    • 176 6 NOTICES. WurftisG Wropdies. TURKISH CIGARETTES. (TEH IN dO« Make friends and KEEP THEM. Get an introduction (at your Dealer's). The pleasure will be lasting, With many it has lasted 20 years The American Tobacco Co., 9- A., R»tH«>- Qimv, Singapore. JAMES WATSON CO/S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 691 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilK Standard Life Aaannuwß. Norwich Union Fire Inaurano* Society. Atlaa Amunnox Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Asuunuioe Society. Tfte China Mutual Stfl«m Navigation Company T> Tottenham Lager Bear Company. PANT T-IMITKn Krmim. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. UmOI, TILBGRAPH STBKET Pw- Whabvis.KbppblHabboub. BTKAM NAVIGATION OOMPANY. fiTIAMBIW FOB OHISA, JaPAM,
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    • 1357 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaai* Maatschapplj' Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. at Singapore: BBIP AoKSCT, LATB J. Dakidblb A 00., 2-3, Collyeb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approiimate. Steamer Frrm Expected Will be Despatched tor On Maetsuycker Batavia via Oct. 14 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Billiton Tegal, Pekalongan,
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    • 635 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddentsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, BTEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons N. R. SUttin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohtichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 11 so Bangkok 1237 1 Pittanutok 1189 Koral 1223 I Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1128 Chow Tot Ills Nuen Tuny «24 Wong
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    • 550 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "XyTkT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation 'or First
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    • 517 7 INSURANCE CO.'S TTHE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY ROW MKROKI) IH TUB ROIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. HomeOfflces: IjrEM INSURAHCB BUILI>IHOB, LrVRRPOOL The undersigned, Agents for the abova Company are prepared to take risks at current fat»». HOOQLANDT 4 00, ONGKONQ FIRE INdORANOE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed *2,000,000. Amount paid up 400,040. Reserve fund
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    • 1402 8 Un<-i»r this hwling the following abbreviations nr.r mad str.— steamer sb.— •hi};; !>n -barque; «<*h. schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Ura.— Cruiser, Qbt— Gunboat; T oi Torr -(to H.p. -Horw-powr; Brit.—British; I.S ITniii-il Stritps: FVh.— French; .(Jar.—Otnn.v, ,mil.~ Dutch; Joh.— Johore G.c— General-canfo; d.p. deck passen«. r D.— Uncertain
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    • 703 8 Name, part, probable date of arrival, and name of agentt. Steamers. A. Lop*/., Manila, Nov 2 Barlow Achilles. Hongkong, Nov t: Manetield. Adrift, New York, (Jet 2«; Behr. Meyei. Alboin, Tut conn, due Oct. Borneo Co. Alesia, Europe. Oct 24 Betan Meyor. Alting. Cotie, Oct 81 Annam. Hongkong,
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    • 110 8 tor Per steamer Tinir. To-Morrow. Kuroi'e via ports V'aUtta 6 Muntok 4 Palembang G. O ilfuer a.m. Jxpan via pons I'litrocliiii' 11 a.m. P. Diekson 4 Sepang Hintann Timor 1 p.m Bandjermassin, etc., Alar'tuuckn- 2 pm. Muar and Malacca Farfaliti 2 p.m. Penang and Deli Calupun :f
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    • 147 8 From Europb:— Ry th« P. 40. s.s Masxilia due on the 19th October with date-i to the 26tb Sept. She brings replies to the m-iils which left Singapore on the 25th Aug. Times Table of Mails Due. Left Singapore. Due in London Arrived Aug 27th B. I.
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    • 293 8 Flao 5 ViB«kl's Nasib A Tons Captain Feom Sailed. Conbigske*. Rio. Oct 14 Chwri Sh.-m i<rit sf. Ittfl iMTorehwi-* Amoy Oct fruulhrie and (Jo. 15 jGinng Ann Mr. 607 |\V»rriner "amurang Oct 13 T. K. Tian Co. Ltd. 16 harierhouse str. 1278 IKinghorn Macassar Oct 7 Wee Bin a%<i
      293 words
    • 146 8 Datk. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rig Tons. Destination. M 16 I lifii.-:; Out »tr. 192 Palembang 10 Resident Bchi ff str. 68 Khio 16 Cheang Chew Brit sir. 1213 Hongkong and Amo\ 16 Hong Wan str. 116 Muar and Malacca 16 Chwnshan str. 1282 Saigon 16 Tritfoni.-i Dut Btr.
      146 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 555 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW k CO. Buy at First Cost Only AM Town orders are P\ P\ All Town orders are promptly and faith- E II^OQC 110 ft l^f ftft O fll promptly and faithfully executed. Tele- L^| gjj UvUQI LlllwllL ful| y executed. Tele, phone No. 30a. I phone No. 303.
      555 words
    • 329 8 NOTICES. <;ovkknmknt-(;knkkal ok ntENCB INDOCHINA THK HANOI EXPOSITION Wll.l. UK OrKNKH UN 3ko NOVKMIiKK. IW>. fpH K Exposition, which is situated ri<>-. 1 to tbe Bslniag Terminus nt Hanoi will comprise a 984N0 PALACE and MAGNIFICENT BUILDINGS, containing Artistic. Commer^m!. AgrieollliraJ and Industrial Productions of the ereatest variety from France
      329 words