The Straits Times, 13 October 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,954 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 767 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. $150 REWARD. WILL be paid to any one giving information leading to the discovery of the nit la and one nil that were Btolt 11 from our godown No. 12 Raffles O,u y on the night of the f>th inst. and the conviction, of the thief. LhONG 8ENG
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    • 640 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. I have just landed a large shipment of iron safes on stands of various sizes of both English and Austrian ma c, and am prepared to offer them at manufacturer's prices. Inspection invited. A. FRANK EL, 1 m.w.f. 22-10 376, Victoria Street. 1 Singapore Sporting Club. NOTICE. T
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    • 633 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OK FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS TO BB HRLD AT POWELL Co's BAI ROOM On Wednesday, the 15th October, 02, at 2 30 p. m. I nVKI.VK Fret-hold Building Hllotmentfi I situate at Wallich Street and Tras Street of! TanjoDg Pagar Koad, Singapore Town. N-10 POWELL Co., Auctioneer*
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    • 949 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY~OF SINGAPORE. Second Issue of Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 pep cent. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of tbe Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (1) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four hundred thousand
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    • 188 1 Keep Quiet No better advice can be (riven to anyone troubled with diarrhoea than to keep quiet and take Chamberlain's Culic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. A prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy is equally valuable for children and when reduced with water mid sweetened is pleasant
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  • 527 2 Somi visitors who have just passed through here on the American transport MeCleUan, and who doubtless studied their own Cleopatra* Needle in Central Park and mayhap its sister on the Thames Embankment, were very anxious to learn whence and wherefore comes that hoary relic in obelisk form
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  • 100 2 News from the north says the Siam Fret Press, states that the Governor of Phrae has fled from the town to seek safety in Luang Phrabang. It is thought that the reason for this sudden flight is owing to the Siamese authorities seeking his arrest as they
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  • 230 2 About 4 o'clock on Monday 20th inst. afternoon, the ceremony called Teemery "or fire-walking will be performed at the Hindu Temple. South Bridge Rd. The candidates for the privilege of undergoing this ordeal will assemble earlier in the afternoon at the temple in Outran) Road where preliminary arrangements
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  • 812 2 Although ftociology and especially that particular branch of the study of the inter-relations of mankind which is known as political economy has few or no attractions for the average merchant out Bast where the labour problem it> capable of solution on broad and well defined lines, he
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  • 115 2 A few days ago a Malay was arrested by the detectives while trying to pawn jewellery worth $20,000. He said this property was entrusted to him by a Javanese prince, but he was unable to produce credentials to this effect, and he was remanded till Friday last,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 470 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses. AND Electpie Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Or eat Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity iests imposed by the British
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    • 475 2 NOTICES. IND COOPE CO.'S LAGER BEER, BOTTLED AT BURTON ON TRENT, OF ALL DEALERS. BORNEO CO. LTD., SINGAPORE, Importers. in A w. I*2 Tl?1?T?Dl?V'C!" Mil t llCj 1 O EDINBURGH J3k STOUT. X^vaaja A special, light brew for the m tropics. Highly rei-omn.en ded WIMJftH Price IS 60 P« r
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  • 999 3 Home. The tonrton correspondent in the Indian hield telegraphed on the 27th Se|.t. the result of the Prime Edward Handicap, as follows Hormon 1, Volodyovski 2, Syneros 3. Nine ran. Mormon won by three lengths, and a leugth and a half »eparated the serond ami third. The start
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  • 163 3 The A class medal was played for recenty by a large number of members and wan won by Col. < lakes with 81 net. The following handed in cards Three cheers were given for the winner and also for the Messrs. Vade, who, alter tying twice won
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  • 111 3 Left by the Ocianien For Marseilles Mr. Y. T. van Bloemen Waanders, Commandant Servant, Mr. Ed. Yongelinghs, Dr. Onema, Mr. A, Aguesae, Mr. C. Robin, Mr. L. Richard, Mr. F. Cario, Mr. fiartels. For Sydney (via Colombo) Mr. Hedgeland de Nacon and Mr. N. K. Lowe. For
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  • 321 3 The Imperial German mail steamer Sachsen arrived on Saturday morning from Europe with 180 passengers, of whom 79 disembarked at Singagore. Among these were From Bremerhaven Mr. O. Kaefewle, Mr. Hans Schmidt, Mr. Wilh. Schoor, Mr. Orlowski, 3 sailors. From Antwerp Mrs. C. Ingenohl, Misses Irma
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  • 291 3 The Singapore Royal Engineers (Volunteers) paraded for inspection at Erin Lodge on Saturday afternoon and the Inspecting Officer, Lt.-Col. Fullerton, R. E., was well satisfied with what be saw. Out of a total strength of 32, this newly formed branch of the S V.C. mustered 25 men
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  • 160 3 Per P. A O. b. 8. Oeeana connecting with the steamer Parramatta at Colombo, from London Sept. )8, due 19th Oct.— Messrs. J. R. Ballin, J. Macintosh, R. H 1 cc, A N. Ryrie, Mr. and Mrs Follett, Mrs. Mackintosh, Messrs. Wilson, G. H. Moor,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 723 3 NOTICES. BAGNALL A HILLEB 96, Robiruon Road. HAVE ON HAND:Electn.; Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, SO, U0 40, 100, 1 10, and UM Volt*. Designed to operate from Incandescent Circuits. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who
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    • 660 3 I NOTICES. WANTED. IN a Solicitors' Office, an experienced 'Jons Clerk. Apply to m.w.f. u.c. C. O. 8. T. c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED, for European godown, an assistant with a fair knowledge of Singapore produce. Apply to c/o Strait* Timet. 24-10 WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate tbe Typewriter
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    • 570 3 I NOTICES. H. L. COGHLAN tf CO. Auctioneers. E.tate Aaentv, and Valuer*. Auditors, Comml«»lon Agents, and Oanral Brafcer*. Insurance Agents (Fire, Ufa and Marina.) Fire Los« Assessors. Waawfaotarare* lUpr— .iitatty— FOR SALE. A Complete Ice Plant on the Lindes'' Anhydrous Compression System, capable of a daily oat-put of from 20
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    • 517 3 I SHIPPING. |lNDO-CHINA 8TKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PKNANG AND CALCUTTA. rpHE Company'* steamer NAMSANl, 1 4,034 tons, Captain Payne, having left Hongkong on the 7th ins'.., may ue expected to arrive here on or about the 1 3th idem, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For
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  • 2429 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 13TH OCTOBER. Now that the Kelantan difficulty is practically settled, and M. Beau has passed on from here by the French mail to take possession of, inter atia, the ten thousand square miles of new territory that Siara has ceded to France, it
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 58 4 Suffering in Canada. London, Uth Oct. The coming of the cold weather and the clearness of fuel are causing great suffering among the poor at Montreal, where there has been a marked increase in the mortality among children. English Coal for France. There are numerous shipments of English
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    • 42 4 Strikers Talk of Marching on Paris. Movements of troops are observable in all directions in Northern France, converging on the strike districts. There in much talk in the mining centres of a monster march of strikers on Paris.
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    • 19 4 Mr Farrell M. P. has been sentenced to two months hard labour at Lardford for intimidation.
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    • 23 4 The Canadian and British Governments have decided upon the establishment of a i'.im. steamship service from Liverpool to Canada.
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    • 21 4 The first meeting of the NeOMttMtad Cabinet wan held to-day. The principal subject discussed was the Education Bill.
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    • 28 4 Active military operations have been renewed in Somaliland. Major Swayne's force has captured 5,000 camels and 10,000 sheep in the country of the Haud tribe
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    • 18 4 Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener have been presented with the freedom of Liverpool.
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    • 41 4 The (Jedardene which was conveying the bronze statue of General Gordon for Khartoum his sunk in the Thames owing to a collision She has since been refloated, and the statue has been transferred to the lesbian.
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    • 53 4 London, Od. 12'/». The subsidy of the new steamship line between Liverpool hihI Canada is fixed at one and an eight!) million dollars (£225.000) annually for ten years. I Tin' Km i-ii (fovernnient'i subsidy to tbe Cuinirii liiif. a* minounced by Keuter Iwu weeks a^o, i* uuly
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 49 4 As a result of the Colombian protest, the United States Government has instructed Commander Casey to avoid infringements of Colombia's sovereignty, and to permit the transport of troops and munitions of war, unless such a course is likely to lead to a battle on the railway.
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    • 219 4 Desperate Fighting Turkish troops engaged in desperate encounters with Bulgarian bands on the 8th and 9th innt. Petrich, one of the revolutionary leaders, and three hundred Bulgarians resisted the Turks for two days and lost 40 killed and 60 wounded. It is reported at Washington that Captain
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 338 4 HARNISTON'S GRAND CIRCUS, TO-NIGHT TO-NiaHT RE-APPEARANCE OF John Welby Cooke. John Welby Cooke. 8COTLANDS CH \MPION HORSEMAN. Received on Saturday Evening with rounds of applause. A Programme of Novelties. Les Clowns et Clownesses The greatest production ever witnessed in Singapore. Thursday evening (/■•ohtr, I6lh 1902. ItapljpjfnUn Imit tf tht Popular
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    • 78 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Gresham House I (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.- fi p.m. Orchard on Weekd *y» 8 am --6 P«n on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. /"CUSTOMERS who intend sending por\j traits home as Xmaa and New-Year presents are reminded not to ponipane too long.
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  • 259 5 A Oreat Musical Success. Thb Teutonia Club was crowd ed on Saturday night on the occasion of the concert given by Messrs Herzberg (violin) and Bternberg (piano). HE. the Governor was present. It was a most delightful concert throughout, both the artistes of the evening giving ample
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  • 114 5 In order to facilitate the reading of flic entries for the Griflin races, publish«d on Saturday, we append a list of the Griffins with their numbers 1 Dapat, 2 Calanda, 3 William III, 4 Cri-Cri, 5 Moonlightar, 6 S. V. I., 7 Pelican, 8 M vsterv, 9
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  • 220 5 Arrival of M. Beau By the French mail 6teamer Annum yesterday Singapore received several distinguished visitors in the perspns of French officials. M. Paul Beau, th6 new Governor-General of French IndoChina was one of these, and M. Harin.incl, French Minister at Tokyo, another. With M. Beau were
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  • 224 5 The Singapore Volunteer CurpH (together with one Double Company uf tbe ISth Madras Infantry will parade on Saturday next, the llth i ¥i t for field manoeuvres a« follows (ieneral idea Information is received tbat a hostile force i- advancing from Bukit Timah with the object of rutting
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  • 243 5 (By an A uttralian Hortema The entries closed on Saturday and with the Rochore Plate being open until the day of the race, should number over 260. This would produce an average of over 12 for each race. The Maiden Plate has eleven engaged, including three ex-griffins and
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  • 101 5 With regard to the fire on board the s. s. Konigsberg reported by us in Saturday's i-siif it appears that it took place at Sabang Bay (Pulo Wai). Fire was discovered to have broken out in the No. 2 hold and the 6hip put into
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  • 241 5 .UK ,M 111 II M.I llllHl['.tl Ul fcllC Kampar and Gopeng English Schools whilst travelling with his two children in a gharry from Gopeng to Kampar on the 3rd instant, was attacked by two Chinese robbers armed with long parangs. Thisoccurred in broad daylight. Mr. Mitchell and one
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  • 287 5 There was a fair attendance at Harmston's Circus at the matinee on Saturday afternoon, but there was a big booming house such as must have rejoiced the hearts of the management at the entertainment in the evening. Seats were unobtainable and a splendid show was the inevitable sequence.
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  • 7 5 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/B J.
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  • 7 5 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 13 5 Thb death has occurred of Mr. J. B Gribble, the famous tennis player.
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  • 21 5 The British India S. N. Co. has purchased a site at Colombo for a dry dock for the B. I. fleet.
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  • 20 5 The next Tanglin Club. At Home (Dancing) will be held at the Club on Friday 24th inst. at 9 p.m.
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  • 18 5 The post of Sergeant Instructor to the Penang Volunteers, salary £150 a year and free quartern, is vacant.
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  • 22 5 Captain Bland, R. G. A., is leaving for home at the end of the month to undergo a long course of gunnery.
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  • 21 5 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailling etc., will be found on page 7. General phipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 24 5 H. M. S. Arethusa left the port for a criuse this afternoon at about 3 o'clock. She will probably return here in a fortnight.
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  • 21 5 Mr. J. R. Nicholson, the new managing director of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., will leave England for Singapore next month.
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  • 24 5 H. E Liv Kun-yi, Viceroy at Nanking, died from dysentery, on the 6th inst. In the Boxer troubles he took the side of foreigners.
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  • 25 5 The P. <1* 0. outward mail steamer Maxsilia left Colombo at 8 p. m. on Sunday, and is expected to arrive here on Saturday afternoon
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  • 26 5 Reading matter, including a description 'of monuments in Singapore, an article on capital and labour, and wire news, will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 29 5 The home P. &O. mail steamer ]'aUtta left Hongkong on Saturday 1.-ist, and is due on Thursday morning. The mails by her close at 6 a. m. on Friday.
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  • 27 5 The directors of the Suei Cana Company have decided that from January Ist, 1903, the transit dues on the Canal shall be reduced by sd. per ton.
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  • 31 5 A kirk destroyed 2,000 houses at Amoy on the 3rd instant. The damage done is set at several millions of dollars. One European, Captain Fife of the s. s. Wenchetv, perished.
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  • 20 5 Exhaustive trials of British and American locomotives have taken place on New Zealand Government railways. American locomotives gave better results.
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  • 29 5 Messrs. P. R, Warren, C. V. Stephens, W. Patchitt, A. Sol, Dowley, Ruding, Lousby, H. Graves, and Sri Adika Raja arrived from Telok Anson by the Malacca this morning.
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  • 31 5 Capt/ in Hunter of the s.s. hi lan Ann from Djambie, reports encountering heavy weather on the 7th inst., two days after departure. A small portion of the cargo was damaged
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  • 20 5 An American column has completely routed the Philippine Moros killing and wounding a hundred, and capturing and destroying forty forts.
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  • 28 5 The Work Party connected with the Presbyterian Church will meet in Everton House Neil Road, the residence of Mrs. Webb, on Tuesday afternoon at half past four o'clock.
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  • 35 5 The clock over Teluk Ayer market is up to tricks. A little Municipal persuasion may induce it to show the correct time now and then. It requires only a few minutes to set it right.
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  • 34 5 A Meeting of the members of the Church Work Association will be held at Mrs. Frizell's house, Cairn Hill, on Wednesday October 15th at 11 a.m All members are asked to attend, if possible.
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  • 33 5 Two hundred and twenty-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 49.63. Of these deaths 7.09 per thousand occurred at St. John's Island.
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  • 31 5 A meeting called by the Resident Councillor, to consider the question of Tamil Immigration, was held at Penang on Wednesday, at the Governor's room The meeting was representative of different associations.
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  • 40 5 On Friday a private rikisha puller was arraigned before Mr. Beatty for obstruction on Raffles Place and for assaulting a rikisha peon. He was fined $7 on the first charge and S2O on the second. His master paid the fines.
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  • 33 5 The Malay Mail understands that an endeavour is being made to procure the cancellation of the Indian Government's Notification prohibiting the recruitment of labour for the F. M. S. in the Bombay Presidency.
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  • 39 5 Nik Hector MacDoNALi> has just been made a paid Aide-de-Camp to the King. He was appoint ed Aide-de-Cam p to the late Queen in recognition of his services in the Soudan, but has hitherto been on the unpaid establishment.
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  • 42 5 Writers, reporters, and bookkeepers used to b/s stricken down after years of long service by what was known as "writer's or reporter's paralysis." Nowadays by the introduction of typewriters, counting Machines, and manifold sheets muoh of the manual work has been curtailed.
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  • 43 5 Madame Melba, who has just arrived from America in Australia, nas, it is said, been offered XI, OOO to sing four songs at a concert to be given by a well-known Victorian squatter at his residence at Toorak in a few weeks' time.
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  • 62 5 by a well-known Victorian squatter at bis residence at Toorak in a few weeks' time. On Saturday a Chinaman was before Mr. Beatty for gambling in Malabar Street. A key was found in his possession which it was found could open every door iu the Central Police Office. He said
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  • 53 5 A London telegram of the 3rd inst. says that Mr John Stewart Black, the British Vice-Consul at Bangkok, has resigned his post. Mr. Black, who was recently admitted to the bar, Middle Temple, is a hard-working and conscieplious official who has done very excellent service in Siam's capital during the
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  • 58 5 To-morrow evening the Bioscope which has been giving such excellent performances at the Town Hall will re-open in a spacious tent now ererted in Beach Road. Electric light, electric fans, and everything will be provided to ensure the comfort of patrons. Tbe performance commences each evening at 9 p. m.
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  • 82 5 A correspondent points out that at the stand pipe opposite Victoria Bridge School in Victoria Street, a number of Malays are in the habit of taking water there for washing horses and carriages, thus depriving other people of their legitimate supply. There is no policeman there and our correspondent thinks
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  • 91 5 Bangkok is rejoicing somewhat in a set of new rikisha rules and likewise in a shipment of new rikishas. It seems that the puller has to bear on his arm the same number as his rikisha, he has to be decently dressed, and before he is licensed he has to
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  • 82 5 About a fortnight ago, on the arrival of the German mail alongside Tanjong Pagar Wharf, a Kling made himself obtrusive by rushing along the gangway before it was clear. Mr. McMurray checked him by stopping him. Thereupon he rushed bull-fashion at McMurray and was received in a manner which somewhat
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  • 142 5 American independence of character is known to exist in a marked degree, but seldom does it extend to refusing a gift from a royal prince. Prince Henry of Prussia, in token of his appreciation of the care taken of while he was in New York, made presents of cigarette cases,
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  • 147 5 Another robbery of jewellery took place in Singapore on Friday. Acting Inspector Connor received information at Kandang Kerbau Police Station at 7 p. m. that jewellery of the value of $1,181 had been stolen from Mrs. Knocker and Miss Poulsen, of 171 Serangoon Road. Mr. W. H.
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  • 536 5 Following is the result of a shooting match between H.M.S. Arethiua and 13th Madras Light Infantry, at the Balestier Range on Friday last On Saturday last a triangular shooting match took place between teams from H. M. S. Arethusa, the Singapore Volunteers and the 13th Madras Infantry. It proved
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  • 121 5 Two seemingly false charges of robbery have been reported to the police. The Chinaman who was suspected of stealing jewellery etc. from Mrs. Knocker, has been arrested, but there is very little evidence against him. He is an old offender. Three Mohammedans made a report that S1.000 had been stolen
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  • 628 5 Singapore, Hth October, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier f 15.6'-'i Copra Bali 8.90 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black buyers 33.00 do White, (8%) 63.60 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.87} do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sago 6.25 Coflee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coflee, Palembang, 2U% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 20.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is tbe worst form of slavery. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, Eng. says About five years ago I was prostrated with Sciatica. From my right tbigb to the bottom of my foot
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    • 176 5 GREAT AUCTION SALE OF MOTORCARS AND OTHER STOCK the property of the Malayan Transport Co., Ltd. (in Liquidation) including 1 "Thornycroff Steam Omnibus capable of carrying 16 passengers inside, and 6 cwts. on the roof, cost new SB.OOO. 3 Locomobile" Surreys, to seat four passengers noiseless, vibrationless with all Clarkson
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 132 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 13th October. High Water. 7.16 p.m Philharmonic Choir. 5.16. Tuesday, 14th October. High Water 8.26 a.m 8.17 p.m. S.V.I. Company Drill. 6.16. RAce Course. Golf Links. Close. Bioscope. Beach Road. 9. Wednesday, 15th October. High Water. 8.68 a.m. 9.3 p.m B'tcy Sale. High Street H. A.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 942 6 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME. For 30th December, 1902, and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. Kai k No. I.— Tub viuen I'i.»te.— Value A Kace for maiden horses. Weight as per scale (10 stone) Entrance $10. Distance K. C. An allowance of 10tt> for all horses imported
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    • 380 6 NOTICES. Value $400. Forced entry $20 and a Sweepstake of $26 for starters $100 of which to go to the second horse provided there are five starters. Distance K. C. Race No. 7.— A Mixed Handicap.— Value B*6o for nil horses that have run in Races No. 8 first day
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    • 196 6 NOTICES. HOTEL DER NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA} IMRST Class Hotel. Known for it* excellent food. Very frequency visited by British people. Knplish t- waking pervnnt*. •><' it.. :i. Messenger on board oi tbe steamers. A. F. MERTEN. m. A th. v.c. Proprietor. Charles Ibetbsiechs lUhitc Seal Cbainpadnc. Bout Agents,
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    • 631 6 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-TjP CAPITAL 510,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..slo,ooo,ooo l .14. 14 Silver Re»erTe....f 4,760,000/ I 4' l 6° REBEBVE LIABILITY OF %waaama PROPRIETORS J.. $10,000,000 Court ok Directors. Hon. R. Shewax,... Chairman. A. Haupt, Em).— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson |H. Schubart, Esq. K.
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    • 271 6 NOTICES. U BARK AND I^QN WINEj) fVB It is pleasant to the palate, j9t It keeps the system toned up It makes the digestion perfect the appetite keen r !J It builds flesh muscle, invigorates the nerves, and rejjene I9| rates the blood. i^m Especially useful in case* of Convalescence
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 687 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. '-ffUIE Standard Life Amnim. A Norwich Union Fire Inanrane* Society. AUm Awuranoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Lif» AMuranoe Socirty. The Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company Th Tottenham Lager Beer Company. *or particulars of thwe Companies. Me th» 'nil aoWiMment of THR BORNEO COMPACT, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 701 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke PaUetvaart Maatschappij. Under contract w'tb the Netherlands India GoYernmem. Ag nti at Singapore: Ship Aoxacr, latb J. Dabndils <k Co., 2-3, Colitis Quat. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer Frcm Expected Will be Tfetpatched for On Maettuyckfr Batavia via Oct. 14 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Billiton Tegal,
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    • 637 7 Compagnie Des Messageries Mapitimes De France. Tbljqbapuio Address: Mk88aqkkib-, Singapore. the -nail (teamen will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— OTITWABD. HOMKWABD. Datei Dates. 1902. 1902. K. Simon* Sept. 28 Laos ISeptJ 28 Annum Out. 13 Oceanian Oct. 1? Yarra 26 I Salazir, 26 Indus Nov. 10 E.
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    • 605 7 t STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Identscher Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, A.MERS OF THE COA8T FLEET. Toms N. R. Tons N. R. SUttin 1682 Sandakan 1371 Paknam 1283 Kohtichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 «<»<muJo* 1189 STorot 1223 Rajaouri 118» Sinyora 1123 C)i"v> Tai 1116 Ahien Tuny 824 Wong Koi 1116
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    • 567 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE IN8URANGB COMPANY. Capital £8,187^00 Paid up Capital £913.760 Reserve Fand £1,073,680 The undesigned, Agent* for the Company, are prepared to accept flre risks at current rates of premium. BOU8TEAD A Co., Agents. pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE \y LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,600,000. Amount paid
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    • 718 7 INSURANCE CO.'S SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. RE Insurance effected on every de* cription of property. ARINE Risks accepted to all parta or the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Lovbll, Esq., Chairman. W. Stives, Esq., G. A. Kkrting, K*q. I.mHo Pdah, Esq., LkkChooh Gcuir, Esq. Wm. McKERROW A
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    • 1450 8 Under this heading Un> following abbreviations are used str. steamer sb. •hip; bq.— barque; 8ch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British; U. S.— United States: Fch.— French Ger. German Dut. Dutch Job.. Jobore G.c— General -cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; V.—
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    • 641 8 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, and name of agent*. STBAMBKtf. Alboin, Tut'corm, due Oct. Borneo Co. Accomac, Europe, p'sd Canal Sept 30; Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2 s Mansfield. Alesia, Europe. Oct 24 Behn Meyer. Alting, Cotie, Oct 31 Aotea, London shortly Guthrie. Aragonia, New York, Oct 19;
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    • 218 8 For Per tteamer Time. To Morrow. Batavia La Seyne 9 a.m. Penang and Colombo Candia 10 a.m. Muntok and P'bang Huby 4 p.m. Samarang via ports Giang Bee 4 p.m. Wbdnxbday. Kelantan via ports B. Whatt Hin 8 a.m. P. Swet'ham via ports B. Poh Guan 3 p.m.
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    • 258 8 M tLA\, Vessel's Name A Tow Captain Bio. oct; 11 Amiral Duperrr !Fch str. 3012 Louis 11 Kiiin Ann ißrit Btr 101 Huutor 11 Kiau Yaati ~tr. 70 Sbicnmen 11 R S Baroe Dut «tr 88 Nuco.lhli 11 Will O'the Wisp Krit str 148 Ralph 12 Ruby str 149
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    • 210 8 Oct Date. 11 13 13 U 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 18 IS 13 IS 13 13 14 14 IS IS 13 •a Vessel's Name. Flag Rio. Tons. Destination. Amiral Duperre Fch str. 301.' Saigon Siogkep Dut str. I 96 i Singkep Candia
      210 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 WHITEAWAY, LA ID LAW CO., GIVE BEST VALUE IN TRAVELLING GOODS. H STEEL UABi.N ikONKS TO SKETCH I HELMKI CASKS MJ y<? lßßKrtE y REAL LEATHER BKIKF BAGS Size 27 :fo :<2 inches W^^- t> Japanned Black j WUt: sju inches Price $7.75 10.75 12.75 each KB^ P Cc $4
      294 words
    • 90 8 Funagoya Tansan rpHE above miiipral water, for which X we were recently appointed solt agents by Hasegawa A Co., of Kobe Japan is bottled at Funagoya spring in Kiusbiu. Japan, and is an invigorating and refresh ing drink. It mixes excellently with whisky, brandy, or milk and, in this lespect
      90 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 326 9 NOTICES. Riley,Hargreaves&Co., LIMITED. SINGAPORE IPOH. SOLE AGENTS FOR ALBION MOTOR CARS ALBION MOTOR; CARS ALBION MOTOR CARS. Thoroughly reliable, Easily controlled, Run smoothly. Economical and free from smell Moderate in price. The ALBION" are BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Illustrated Catalogues and full particulars on application. Ri!d),Hargreaves&Co., LIMITED. Californian Wines. Big Tree
      326 words
    • 233 9 NOTICES. "Good things to Eat." LIBBY, McNEIL, LIBBY'S. Siloed Bacon. Dflicious fur Breakfast. Lunch Tongues. None nicer. Brisket of Beef. Exquiste for Tiffin. Pork and Beans Columbia's own. Vienna Sausage Sauerkraut. Not better in the Fatherland. HAVE YOU HIED LIBBY McNEIL AND LIBBY'S Oxt ail Soup Mock Turtle Soup You
      233 words
    • 197 9 NOTICES. Wurfcisd Wrop6ies. TURKISH CIGARETTES. (TEH IN do» Make friends and KEEP THEM. Get an introduction (at your Dealer's). The pleasure will be lasting, With many it has lasted 20 years. The American Tobacco Co., 9 A, Raffle* Quay, .Singapore. Buchanan's Old Scotch Whiskies. g Buchanan Blend Ejgj ■fill HOUSE
      197 words
    • 468 9 NOTICES. RAFFLES SftftE 33 North Bridge HMd. T K beg to annoiMce to our customers T that we have just received a pretty assortment of L ADIEU" SCARVES and BOWS onsisting of White and Cream Chiffon Scarves Silk Scarves in White and Cream and a variety of delicate shades FANCY
      468 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 588 10 NOTICES. n?e Puteometet> Requires no rfSfc Thousands in use skilled attendance. £gS|ti giving entire satisfaction. Will PUMP K I ALMOST fil anythirtg. HB^i I Needs no M A Oil, Packing, No moving parts WJ to get out J^ or Leathers. Wn... JT W MOST] ECONOMICAL WORK |J|^^ STbAM PUMP. SUSPENDED
      588 words
    • 120 10 NOTICES. IMF WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Qfjampagnes POMMERY AND 6REN0 CHAMPAGNE. (EXTRA 8EC)- (NATURE). G'esler "India Extra Dry" Theophile Roederer Extra Dry. XVdisfcies. Usher's Grand Old Highland Usher's Special Reserve. Dewar's Extra Special. "Cabinet" Blend. Lawson's Liqueur." Daniel Crawford's Old Highland. Sir John Power's Whisky. Burkes Whisky Henry Thomson Co's Newry
      120 words
    • 216 10 NOTICES. ¥N •'I 1 SPECIAL Duiwille s Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA h- I qijnvill|'s jMr 5 < I Specif ad Scofchll \M\\ji n \mm 6LA%GOw,6 LA%G0w, scOTLXr|6 Iffl #^A 'I ill m. w. A I. 81-1 JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE
      216 words