The Straits Times, 8 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,950. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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    • 91 1 Gambler Copra Bali do Pontiaoak Pepper, Black do White, (8%) Sago Flour Sarawak do Brnnei No. 1 Pearl Sago Coffee, Bali, 15% baaia Coffee, Palerabang, 20% basin... Coffee, Liberian No. 1 T«;!oca, small Plake do ia lit quality do med tLtVe do vmall peari do med do Tin Opium
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    • 139 1 O.i London— Bank 4 m/s lflH Demand 1"*,'. Private 6 m/« l/8f* do 3 m/s l/8| On Germany.— Bank d/d 1.7S Private 3 m/s 1.75 do 6m/s 1.78 On Franre— Brink d/d 2.13 Private 3 m/« 2.16 do tnfi 2.171 On India— hunk T. T. 12«i Private 10 I/a
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    • 404 1 Raubs (18/10 pd.) $5 00. *£1 fully paid IA 25 *Kechau Gold (SlO paid)... 12.00. The N. Kechaa Mining Co. 51. 50 South Rauba (f 100 pd.) fln.OO, •Queensland Raube (11/4 pd.)52.00. do do (£1 fully pd.) Sepiau ($lO paid) $9.50, •Redjang Lebong(fl. 100)... Punjoms ($5 paid) $2,511. sellers.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 692 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION HALE OF H' I'SEHOLD FURNITURK, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. T OUR .-ALK-ROOM. Thursday, 9th Octoi>er, 1902, nt ll a.m. Now on view. S-10 pn w 'XI.I, r<). Auctioneer* AUCTION SALE MISCELLANEOUS OOODS. At Our Sale-Koomh, 8-4 Change Thvrtdny, 9<h October, at 10 30 a.m, Q»~r ii, /f.
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    • 666 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ BRAND Im6k Icsndensed*moj| 11/mllt' Ip m MUKMi, D BR»»"f|tT llf I I I lift kifiVT^H v Guaranteed i *mW t uil Cream. tmdi Largest Sale in the World. "W_ H. J. BIRD, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO. The leading manufacturers in America of Paw Mill
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    • 198 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON &CO. The "Bogey" Golf Ball The "Bogey" Golf Ball, The "Bogey" Golf Ball $5-5o per doz. The Best Ball in the Straits MADE SPECIALLY FOR US. The "Bogey" Golf Ball The Bogey Golf Ball The Bogey Golf Ball ROBINSON &CO. ST. ANDRUW'S HOUfc-E. A CHURCH of England
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    • 191 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET. THF TB1OIY" Rivor Valley Road, a comnio-iious dweMing bouse. Entry Ist November. Apply to 7-11 BARKIE" A MOSES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. IIiHF TAILORING DEPARTMENT. This department is now replete with all the latest and most fashionable goods, and we invite your attention to
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    • 71 1 Keep Quiet No better advice can be given to anyone troubled with diarrhoea than to keep quiet and take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. A prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy is equally valuable for children and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant
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  • 1106 2 Alluvial Mining: in the Straits. It may be of interest to some readers of The Cornish Post" to read a few remarks regarding tbe country where tbe tin comes from, (writes Mr. J. C Warren, dated Camborne, Aug. 25th.) My stay in the Malay Peninsula
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  • 574 2 Indications point to the early eollnp-e <>l the xclieinc of the Hoer (ienernlx to raine the tuiiiU ilii-y wish fur home relief. OoffWl cientn of the Itaiiag MMM IQNI that in tierlin, the aj>|>c:il li.v had nn o]i|>OHite ■■lint to that intended. The Now Yurk MM pomlent of
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  • 321 2 There will be gMMMI regret in the Far East, among all who knew him, when it is known that Chaplain \V. I). McKinnon, U. 8. A died at Manila on the 2M\ inst. Father McKinnon was 4i years of age last August. He was born
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 NOTICES. T% •'l'l f SPECIAL Dill! Vllle S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA v w JJ h §2 > ?9 hI uunvillll 1 Z < I Special Old Scol-chlV'itiil I ■g, p g\ Glasgow, scotlWjiJ p^ m. w. f. H-] Californian
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    • 275 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer, of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Cheat Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British lovernment,
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    • 344 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. IND COOPE C^.'S LAGER BEER, BOTTLED AT BURTON ON TRENT, OF ALL DEALERS. BORNEO CO. LTD., SINOAPORE, Importers. m. A w. "pHE OTANDARD T IFE QFFICE. pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds,
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    • 20 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailling etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • 724 3 Mr. Wright, proprietor of Wright's Hotel in Yokohama, has been fined 1.25 yen for failing to report the arrival of a guest. Tub census of 1900 shows that the Chinese population in the United States and Territories is 124,545, of which California is credited with 46,783. Thk United States exports
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  • 119 3 Thk recrudescence of Boxer activity in North China appears to give serious cause for alarm. On the 19th ult. the mob destroyed the China Inland Mission premises at Meicheo, whilst Tanlin-hsien, Mingya-hoin and Katinggu wp" threatened. At Chengtu the Roman Catholic Mission was in danger
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  • 893 3 Thb following letter, which lately appeared in the Alliance News, is of considerable interest locally "As we are having a spell of hot weather again, and therefore a great demand for beverages of one kind or another, I wish to put in a plea for
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  • 26 3 A Succession of phenomenally high waves recently inundated Odawara and Yoshihama, two villages near V okohama. Some 320 house? were floo ded and about oO.compfotel demolished.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 425 3 NOTICES. TANSAN Is on sale at all the principal Hotels Tiffin Rooms Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co.Ld. Singapore. Sub-agents... McClymont Co., Port Dickson. N Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuala Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton, Teluk Anson. Modern European Dentistry Messrs. CHEONd BROS., sons of the late
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    • 654 3 NOTICES. WANTED engagement as manager, for hotel married good reference Apply to F. 8., c/o Strait* Time* office. 8-10 WANTED. IN a Solicitors" Office, nn experienced Costs Clerk. Apply to m.w.f. v.c. C O. 8 T r/o Strait* Time*. WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate tie Typewriter (RemiDpton). Apply
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    • 675 3 NOTICES. LAND FOR SALE. EUBOPEAN BUILDING SITES: A number of desirably situated building lots. 10WN PROPERTIES on main thoroughfares; good inv>E>tments. SEASIDE LAND within easy reach of town. Properties placed with us for disposal will lie dealt with to the best advantage. No fee or commission charged unless a sale
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  • 1156 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS Thk first harbinger of the new era of electricity in Singapore has come to hand in the shape of a circihr from Municipal Engineer, setting forth the rates at which electrical euergy fat lighting or other purposes will be supplied by the Municipality to
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  • 477 4 Siam has at last succeeded in securing from France the evacuation, or the promise of the evacuation, of Chantabun, which town the French have occupied since the war of 1893. In return for this evacuation, anu apparently regardless of the fact that France promised to leave the place of her
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  • 1474 4 An article on tin mining in the Malay Peninsula, wire news, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3. To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/B£. We regret to bear that Mr. J. J. Gledhill is still seriously ill. The bioscope exhibition will be open at the
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  • 111 4 Advices from Redjang Lebong to the 23rd September, speak of such a persistent drought that only from five to ten heads of stamps can be worked. The drought is something unheard-of. In normal years rain falls there almost daily all the year round. In former days, the longest
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  • Router's Telegrams.
    • 112 4 SIGNED AT PARIS. Provinces Ceded to France. In return France Evacuates Chantaboon. ljwulon, MA Oct. A treaty between France and Siam has been signed at Paris. Under the treaty, Siam cedes to France the provinces of Mfllouprey and Bassac, and also the territory on the Great Lake between
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    • 103 4 Wants to Make Good the Ravages of the War. I Have Sfzned and Will Keep my Word." Dewet. speaking at Brussels, denied that he had come to Europe to seek vain support in eifirts to regain tl'e independence of the late Boer Republics. What he wanted was help
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    • 23 4 The whole of the National Guard in Pennsylvania has been called out in consequence of the coal strike.
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    • 341 4 $i,300 Stolen by a House- Boy. Yesterday morning Mrs. Mi-Arthur, St. James, 'JYlok Blanga, was the victim of a robbery by a house boy," who succeeded in setting away with about $1,200 worth of jewellery and money. The boy chose an opportune moment for the committal of
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    • 43 4 The final tie of the A Doubles Handcap was commenced yesterday afternoon, but was not finished. The match will be concluded this afternoon, and afterwards, if possible, Salzmann will play Bradbery in the final of the A Singles.
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  • 109 4 Latham and Co.'s share market report for the mail runs as follows We have again to report a dull week with very little business transactions. Industrial Stacks. Straits Traders are a slightly quieter market with buyers at not better than $31. Fraser N eaves remain steady at SSI, though transactions
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 510 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARMSTON'S BRAND CIRCUS, Tonight, THE great To n ght BALLET. To night Les Clowns et Glowoesses The greatest production ever witnessed in Singapore. THE ELECTRIC TRIO. Fly, The Jumping Dog. Guillaume, The Comique. Antonia The Great. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. BEACH ROAD mSZ) Saturday, Oct. nth. Children half-price. PRICES AS
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    • 80 4 G.R.LAMBERT&CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Gresham House, Battery Road AND Orchard Road, 3. BEG to call attention to their latest and greatly increa»e<l collection of views of Singapore, Native States, Johore, e»iara, Sumatra, Sarawak, Br. Borneo, Java, etc., etc. More than 3,000 different numbers Price of each view, printed in the rich and
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  • 1526 5 The General Manager's Report on the Kul Mine to the 20th ultimo runs as follows I beg to submit my monthly Report on your Mining and Milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work prepared by the mine Manager show a total of 641}' for
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  • 212 5 The audience at the Circus last night was a good one both in nirnber and quality, and the artistes were in first rate form. For those who love the funny element, ample food for merriment was provided by the clowns in the several numbers in which they had
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  • 160 5 There was a very large gathering prior to the departure of the Prinz Regent Indtpold this morning and most of the local residents had assembled to bid bon voyage to Mr. W. Grigor Taylor, the popular General Manager of the E. E. A. and
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  • 512 5 (By an Australian Horseman). This morning's work was very tame nothing going out of a slow canter To-morrow morning should see a big attendance as no doubt plenty of fast work will take place. The Australian racing season proper started on the 6th of last month and from
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  • 171 5 Siamese View. The Bangkok I'lmss thus explains away the Siamese customs action in Kelantan lt is not strictly accurate to say that preferential Cu»toms duties have been established at Kelantan in favour of Siam against Singapore. Siam has merely tried to enforce the general principle that there should
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  • 205 5 The following passengers arrived yesterday morning from tLe North by the German mail steamer Prinz Regent Luitpold. From Yokohama Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birds. From Kobe: Mr Baba, Count and Countess Ennequin, Mr. and Mrs. Chesebrough. From Shanghai Dr. Macaulay, Lieutenant von Stegmann, Mr. Harry
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  • Correspondence.
    • 87 5 To the Editor of the "Straits Times." Sir,— Will you kindly give a little space in your valuable journal to the following few lines. In Cecil Street there is a heap of rotton onions. It has been lying there for several days untouched. The smell is
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    • 340 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, A paragraph appeared in your paper of yesterday's date in which you referred to a correspondent writing a complaint anent certain Malay samstngx who infest certain parts of the town, but y«u regarded his view as that of an alarmist.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 Truth stronger than fiction. A Blacksmith's experience. Wig ton Street Belfast. I suffered terribly with Rheum;. tism in my right arm. It affected me to such an extent that 1 could only slightly raise my arm. I am a blacksmith by profession and, as I have to use a hammer,
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    • 951 5 NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Second Issue of Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (I) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four hundred
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 225 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, Bth October. Hich Water. 2.-J a.m. 1.28 p.m S.V.E. mf. Drill. 6.16. Harmnton's Circus, 9. Bioscope. Town Hall. 9. Thursday, 9th October. High WitHr 2.46 am .'.9 „.m. Sundries Sale. Powell. 11. Town Band. People's Park. sto b\ S.V.R. Signalling. 6.15. Sundries Sale. Cogblan. 10.30. Harmston
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 277 6 NOTICES. Agents tar LEA PERRINS' t\ IJ #f WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v By Special Warpant^^gßS^J^ His Majesty *A Purveyors to fjf&^^&F^S* The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Every Hospital in England that uses Bovril (and there are over 500 that do so) gives practical, unassailable testimony to the pre-eminence of Bovril as
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    • 238 6 NOTICES. DRINK TANSAN BUT SEE THAT YOU GET THE Genuine Article BOTTLED BY J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!! Wilkinson's Tansan imm nut lower the -y- trm but invigorates it vide report on this Water by eminent London I'hysiciani and analyst*. RAFFLES STORE 33 North Bridge
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    • 329 6 NOTICES. BARK AND IRON WINE?) TR It is pleasant to the palate, It keeps the system toned up £Jx3 l makes the digestion perfect the appetite keen J| It builds flesh muscle, invigorates the nerves, and rejjene jj Jt rates the blood. 1 (O Ksjici-iiilly useful in i-.-i-. "f Convalescence
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 713 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. nrniE Standard Life Aanumnea. M. Norwich Union Fire Inronno* Boeisty. A tU* Ammnoe Company (Fire). The Ennit»M» Life A««ur«ioe Society. The China Mutual Bte»m Navigation Company r> Tottenham Lager Beer Company. /or particular, of thwe Companwj, -nil adWtMement of THK b6eNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Atrenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1359 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India ttovernmem. Agents at Singapore: Ship Aobncy, latb J. Daxndbls A Co., 2-3, Oolltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Itaapatched (or On I'a.i drr Parra Deli via ports Oct. 6 Paoeh, Bila, Assahan,
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    • 537 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, I STEAMERS OF THE COABT FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons N. R. Stettin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohtichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjabun 1189 Bangkok 1237 Pitsanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tax 1115 Yt^n Tung 824 ITon? Koi 1116
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    • 631 7 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.Sterling Reserve..slo,ooo,ooo l lv -wrm Silver Reserve....! 4,760,000 M 14 161 6O OOa RESERVE LIABILITY OF lnnmr¥¥) PROPRIETORS f ■■v 10.000.000 Court ok Dibkctobs. Hon. R. Shkwan,... Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hod. CW. Dickson |H. Schubart, Eaq. E.
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    • 884 7 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINEERING. Ah Illustrated Weekly Journal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona fide trireulation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C.E.CALCUTTA w Af rpHE PRO RIVER DOCK 1 PENANG. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has
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    • 1698 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used :—str.—steamer sh.— ■hip; bq. —barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. B.—United States; Fch.—French; Cler. —German; Dut. —Dutch; Joh. —Johore; O.c—General-cargo; d.p.-deck passenger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Taniong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pacar Dock; bTw.
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    • 602 8 Nam*, port, probable dale of arrival. and name of agents. Steam bbs. Alboin, Bombay, dun Oct. Borneo Co. A. Apcar, Calcutta, Oct 8; P. S. A -hilies, Hongkong, Nov 2: Mansfield. \hon, Hongkong left Oct I;G. W. Alesia, Europe. Oct 24; Behn Meyer. Alting. Cotie, Oct 31: Annain.
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    • 117 8 For Per tteamer Ti<v To-Moßßon. Muntok A Palembang (i. O. MSMtr 9 n.m. Asahan and Deli VaniUr I'arrn 11 a.m. P. Dickson 4 St'pang Hintann Timur 1 p.m Frt'inaut Ie via ports Sai-idm 2 p.m Penang and Deli Calypto 3 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Una 3 p.m.
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    • 161 8 From Eubopb:—By the N. D. L. b.s. Stu-h sen due on the 10th October with dates to the 16th Sept; She l>riug« replies to the m\\\* which left Singapore on tho 13th and 18th Aug. From China:—By the M..M. s.s. Omtmim due on Sunday. Left Singapore. Due
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  • 205 8 t VzBBßL'B Name A Ton.-. Captain From Sailid. Con.-k.m kRio. M o 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Oheang Chew i ßrit str. 1213 Frampton .Vnioy *f|>t 29' Heap Eng Moli MoClellan Am tra IH2« Vogdes Manila Oel l'l/. S. Consul
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  • 153 8 DATS. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Destination. Oct 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 Pontianakt Amiial Homelin Benalder Chang Chew baUTier Cheang Hock Kian Resident Schiff Soeogie Rawa Malacca HulUn Ban Poh Guan Calypso Singora Van Outhoorn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 261 8 GO TO "WHITEAWAY'S" FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS THEY GIVE THE BEST VALUE FOR CASH Jl r/ 1 UTILITY TABLE. DAmASK I -r-\/r>ci-v ace r*i/^T"Wc. (i ass Blenched Table ClutliH and Napkin? of a very serviceable quality. The best ifli^j^ TYPEDGLASSOLUIMo. value wp can give you at the price \amo t
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