The Straits Times, 6 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,94* SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 686 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. ma—mtCHOWfl PKB SKI CHOUG A Co. (T;iil(i- and Oultittersi) l*g to nnnciiiniT 1 1 i 1 1 tli.-ir t-st- li-limont will be n moved during the next month from tl,, ir premise* In Hink stro.-t to HOC. 6 I and i>"J North Bridge Koad, (Corner of Brn«
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    • 205 1 NOTICES. Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road, one house before the house known as Claymore. RAFFLES STORE 33 North Bridge Road. New Goods! New Goods!! adies' Moire Pulley Belts. Silk and Satin Pulley Belts. In Black and Assorted Shades.
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    • 461 1 NOTICES. H. J. BIRD, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO.. The lending manufacturers in America of Saw Mill Machinery, established fifty years in the heart of the greatest timber countrj. alwava bnilrim o» b-'w mills employing the best experts and producing tbe latest inventions their saw mth\ "'h
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    • 1070 1 NOTICES. ii =i Bilious hWHSIvIiKiI Colic L^^^BaMH^BMI^BH^B^BI l« quickly curiil by C'liaiiilx-rlaiirsCi'lic. Cholera and Diarrh.K-a Kitmily. »J H I It never lulls ami 1^ pleasant and safe 111 I'll to take. EM«M«Mk ■1 V 1 The attack may X' warded off by tak- in(T a double do«- ni this retnedy
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  • 1087 2 Home. Tbe papers strongly reneut the tone ami temper of the Boer Appeal. They declare it to lie ;i ili-iii^fiinnii- attempt to -tir up hu-ti lity to i.ri'.ii Hritain The donor of the hundred thousand dollars to the Boer fund, mentioned on Tuesday, is Mr. l'hipps. of the
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  • 79 2 For Singapore Per F. A O. s. s. Oceaaa connecting with the steamer Parramatta at Colombo, from London Sept. 18, due 19th Oct.— Messrs. J. R Ballin, J. Macintosh, K. H I cc. A. N. Ryrie, Mr. and Mrs Follett, Mrs. Mackintosh, Messrs. B. Wilson, G. H.
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  • 190 2 Mr. F. D. B. Uperahaw, draftsman, F. M. >S. Railways, Perak, to act as office assirttant, F. M. S. Railways, Perak. Mr. P. A. Satow to be an inspector of Mineß. Mr. Nevill Knndall, collector of Land Revenue, Lower Perak, and acting Indian immigration agent, Perak, has heen
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  • 327 2 His Consideration For The Feelings of The King. Mr. Morgan's doings in Kurope have been the subject of much amusing comment in America. A New York evening paper printed a humours interview, purporting to have been received by wireless telegraphy. It is understood, Mr. Morgan," said the
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  • 369 2 Yarrow's Little Vessels. In distant parts of the world, where light-draught steamers are availulie for shallow river navigation, traders will naturally regard with interest any improvements in the present lyatea of propulsion which are likely to extend their commercial operation. Several systems are in use on European
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 274 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, (ielatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses. AND Eleetrie Blasting Apparatus. The abov". llxptosives, being all manuf<utwr>* mi Qreat Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government,
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    • 843 2 NOTICES, FODENS' STEAM WAGON EASILY beat all competitors at the recent Military Trials at Aldershot. which tK> following Table of Results vill show FODEN. Date. Mile Time. Fuel. Water. 6th 30 45m. 420 lbs. 227 gals. 6th 80 Hi. 45m. 359 lbs. 20Ti gals. 9th 32 .Mi. 16m. 392
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  • 433 3 On Sunday evening, the 7th ult., says the Englishman, a most violent storm burst over Calcutta, the worst experienced for over two years. The rainfall was excessive and the peals of thunder and Hashes of lightning incessant. By 7-;<0 the heavy rainfall had flooded Calcutta. Dalhousie Square was
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  • 354 3 Beri-Beri and .Malaria. Head-Hunting Savages. M Maje, a French naturalist, who is a passenger to Marseilles in the M.M ftWmt. in conversation with a Perth "Herald reporter the other day, graphically liepiiteil the terrors of lift in Dutch New (iuinea, which he vis-ited in May
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  • 83 3 Thk Committee of the .Bengal Chamber of Commerce has been informed by the (Jovernment of ltengal that information has been received, through the India Office, that the Commander of one ol the Hamburg-America Steamship Company's vessels, which lately passed in ptozimity to the lighthouses building
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  • 472 3 The following from the Asian gives further details of the Amateur Golf Championship of India, which has recently been advertised in our columns:— The eleventh competition for this event, which is yearly growing hi importance, will, we see from the programme issued by the Calcutta
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  • 273 3 A rf.i ent issue of the lArerpuol Journal „t (Jmmmtw considers that the opening of the Panama Canal will exert a most serious and detrimental etl'ect on the port of Colombo, and that Singapore t..0 will be affected in a measure. Our contemporary
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  • 143 3 The stereotyped sugared reports of fashionable marriages pall. One hails with delight the Missouri up-to-date style of doing such notices, of which the following is a good example Married Miss Sylvia Rhades to James Carnahan, lust Saturday afternoon. The bride is an ordinary town girl, who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shmtini: advertinements, with dates of sailling etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 36 3 VEBBELB ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Penang and Calcutta, C. Aycar, due tith Oct., barkies Mo-«>s. Sourabnya and Samarang, Onsang, due 6th Oct., Buustead. London via ports, Sinai, on 6th Oct., M.M. Calcutta, Oiula, on tith Oct., boustead.
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    • 408 3 NOTICES. Apollinaris THE tfUEEN OF TABLE WATM/tS." Annual Sales now exceeding: 28,000,000 Bottles. To be obtained at all Clubs and Hotels. In Pints and Splits. m. th. 19-2-03 Drink Malacca Tea The best and purest, direct form The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Little A Co.,
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    • 708 3 NOTICES. T ANTED engagement as maoagei, for t T hotel married good reference. Apply to F. 8., c/o Straits Time* office. 8-10 WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate the Typewriter (Remington). Apply with references to o-c 11. c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED. IN a Solicitors' Office, an experienced Costs Olerk.
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    • 625 3 NOTICES. H. L. COGHLAN ff CO. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and MM Auditors, Commission Agenta, and General Brokers Insurance Agents iFire, Life and Warine. Fire Loss Assessors. Manufacturers' Representatives. MORTGAGES ARRANGED. VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. AGENCY THE HEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO. FIRE AND MAMIHE.. Premises No. 8-4, Change Alley, GROUND FLOUR
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    • 551 3 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPAHY, LIMITED. FOR CALCUTTA DIBSCT. THE Company's steamer OSDA, f>,247 tons, Captain Lowe, will be despatched for the above port on Monday, the Ath instant, at 4 p.m. For freight or passage, apply to 6-10 BOUS'JEAD A CO., Aepnt? COMPANIA TRASATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. for Manila.
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  • 45 4 Mac \rtskv On Sept. 9. at Brighton, Lady Macahtnkv, wife of Sir llalliday Macartney, Councillor of Chinese Legation, in her 41st year. Fkkucsson— On Sept. 9, at liin rexidence, \Y 1 Side, Syiienham hill, .lamks Ferguson, ;i_'c,l 64, and of I Great Tower-street, London.
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  • 647 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 6th OCTOBER. The question of forming a Commercial Bureau in Singapore was discussed at the meeting of the Singapore Cham ber of Commerce held recently, and the idea was approved generally. At. Kri/.t-ll put forward the suegeation, but the Chairman, who favoured the
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  • 107 4 Reutkr's telegram regarding the Japanese loan has doubtless been changed in transmission. He cables that the issue has been made at O2, and at an exchange rate of, presumably, one shilling and eight pence to the yen, which does not cr.nform with the current rates of exchange. Japan has a
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  • 14 4 Reading matter, including wire news, will be found on y 1 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/8
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  • 11 4 This is the tenth anniversary of the death of Lord Tennyson.
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  • 15 4 The homeward mail by the B. I. s.s Zamania closes on Wednesday at 4 p.m
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  • 13 4 The American transport Maelellan is due here from Hongkong on about Friday next.
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  • 18 4 The annual general meeting of the Penang Turf Club is fixed to be held on the 10th instant.
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  • 19 4 The will of the late Mr Alexander Michie, formerly of China, is declared of the gross value of £20,123.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site to-morrow afternoon from 5 to 6 (weather permitting)
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  • 20 4 The P. O intermediate steamer Candia left Manila at daylight on Sunday and is expected here at daylight on Friday.
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  • 23 4 Tub Imp. German mail steamer Sachsea having left Colombo on the 4th instant at 2 p. m. is due here on Friday afternoon.
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  • 18 4 The recently-appointed head constable for the British Consulate, Mr. John Murphy, arrived in Bangkok on the :ioth September.
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  • 25 4 During the heavy thunderstorm last evening a big tree was blown down in Reach Road, whilst Harmston's Circus tent was split from top to bottom.
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  • 24 4 Mrssrs. Jones, Brown, Tinsley, Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. James, Mrs. Rowland, Mrs. Ewart, and Mrs. Brown arrived by the Clihu from Melbourne this morning.
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  • 29 4 A m stone crusher started work in the R>chore Road this morning. Judging by tin- amount of stone piled up along the Esplanade road it was sea rcely necessary.
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  • 23 4 The Royal Bioscope is performing again at the Town Hall to-night. We understand that various improvements have been made in the focussing arrangements.
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  • 29 4 Mr. W. Eyre Kbnny has arrived from Malacca to take over the duties of Superintendent of Public Works and Surveys, Singapore, in place of Mr. Gaffney, who tn Penang.
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  • 26 4 His Excellency the Governor returned to Singapore this morning, being accompanied on the Sealtelle by his private secretary. HE. visited Malacca, Tanjong Kling, and Port Dickson.
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  • 31 4 Foot and mouth disease having now been stamped out, the sheds at Bangkolem, Bangkok, were open again on the 29th September, for the reception of cattle intended for export to Singapore.
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  • 42 4 Thb Calliope has arrived from Japan with a cargo of coals. The British transport Pentnhota coaled at the Borneo wharf on Saturday. The Clitut arrived from Australia and went alongside Keppel Harbour wharf this morning to discharge live stock and general cargo.
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  • 45 4 A Fancy Fair and Conversazione is to be held in connection with St. Mary's, the probable date* being the 6th of November next, in the afternoon and evening. Gifts of provisions, fancy work, plain work, toys, curios, flowers, plants, China, etc., will be gratefully received.
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  • 52 4 A Marbiage has been arranged and will take place in December, between Frederick Joseph Weld Esq., of the F. M. S. service, son of the late Sir F. A. Weld, G.CM.O, and Joanna, daughter, ef the late Mr. Alexander Struthers George, of 14 West Cromwell Road, Kensington, and Earl's Mount,
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  • 49 4 The following passengers arrived by the s. s. Stettin yesterday From Sydney Mr. and Mrs. Rylands, Mr. and Miss Graham, Mrs. and Master Combes, Mr. H. O'Grady, Mr. Guutalla. From Brisbane Messrs. Stivens and Allen. From Batavia: Messrs. King and Edwards. From New Guinea Messrs. Giesler, Procureur, and Malder.
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  • 47 4 LrEUT.-CoLONEL Schau, of the Royal Siamese Gendarmerie, returned to Bangkok from Northern Siam on the 30th ult., whilst Mr. H. G. Scott, of the Mines Department, who has been making investigations in the Siamese Malay States, also arrived in the Siamese capital on or about that date.
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  • 53 4 Two Europeans were drunk last, night in North Bridge Road and held the situation. When expostulated with, one of them assaulted E. P. C. Sullivan. This morning, they were fined by Mr. Beatty So each for being drunk, and an additional fine of SlO w;is imposed on the man who
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  • 54 4 The German Emperor has awarded to Mr. John S Hogg, late master of the s s. Hyson, a telescope, in recognition of the good service he performed in connection with t the transport of horses during the recent disturbances in China. The present was forwarded through the Foreign Office to
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  • 57 4 The failure of the Malayan Transport Company (in liquidation) is heralded by a notice appearing in our advertising columns to-day. The whole of the motor cars and other stock of the Company is to be sold by auction at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday afternoon next. The advertisement furnishes details of
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  • 62 4 Thb steamer Oregon, which is fitting up at Seattle for the purpose of taking a party of American manufacturers with exhibits on a six months' cruise, will sail on the 15th of next month. The Oregon will visit Russia, China, Japan, the Fnilippines, the Straits Settlements, India, Mauritius, South Africa,
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  • 81 4 Gold raining in Siam has not hitherto proved particularly profitable The ottier day a somewhat sensational story come to hand re nuggets being found in a marble quarry. Now the Bangkok' Times reports that an analysis has not shewn the existence of gold in a paying quantity. There is, of
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  • 104 4 The French transport Cnchar was taken alongside Tanjong Pagar wharf at 11 a.m. on Saturday. At about h .If past ten at night she was taken into dry dock and undocked at 10 a.m. on Sunday. She now lies at the sheer's wharf where she is re-loading all the rice
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  • 104 4 Mr. Choa Giang Tbye has given notice that at the next ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission, to be held on the 10th inst. he will ask Will the President lay before the Board the number of notices served after the water scarcity for closing up old wells, both existing
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  • 139 4 As evidence of the keen opposition which is being displayed in many quarters at home to the Education Bill, which Government through Mr. Balfour .nil Mr. Chamberlain declares it has no intention of withdrawing, a mail paper of date September 11th states: The National Free Church Council are completing arrangements
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  • 194 4 A few days ago, a Chinaman named Kong Eng Keng offered for sale to the Manager of the Tanjong Pagar wharf a little under four tons of, what he termed, scrap brass. He was told to bring it along and he did so. A cursory glance at the stuff convinced
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 23 4 London, Alh Oct. Yielding to Madame Zola's entreaties, Dreyfus will keep away from her huuband's. funeral to avert disturbances.
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    • 139 4 President's Appeal Unavailing. The Public Angry. President lloosevplt has made a strenuous appeal to both parties in the mining strike to avert tin- Buffering, almost amounting to a national calamity, throucli the coal famine, in view of the coming of cold weather. Though his intervention lias failed
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    • 76 4 New Loan of £30,000,000. The Financial Nens states that Mr. Chamberlain will bring in a Bill to authorise the raising of a Transvaal loan of .£30,000,000. The money will be applied to redeem Boer obligations, and to further public works. The question of the Transvaal contribution
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    • 58 4 Dreyfus Was Present After All. l.tititlon, aih GetThe funeral of Zola at Montmartre took place on Sunday, at 1 p.m. The crowds present were enoimouu but orderlyThe Minister of Education represented the (lovernment and delivered an oration. Dreyfus was present, but passed unnoticed. MARTIAL LAW COMMISSION. The Martial
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  • 140 4 Hakmston's Circus had a good house at the matinee on Saturday and a veritable bumper one in the evening, wlii-n and most excellent programme was rendered. As a matter of fact seats of the better class were unobtainable, while the cheaper ones were well packed. The Harmston-Love youngsters,
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  • 172 4 Confers with the Foreign Office. Says the Jxtiuion and China Express, to hiii'il by Saturday's mail Phya Sri Sahadheb, Siamese ViceM mister of the Interior, has arrived in London from Paris to confer with the British Government, and visited the Foreign Office on Bth Sept. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 343 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IN FIVE GRADES. SAMPLE PACKETS FREE. FROM THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, 1, ROBINSON ROAD. WANTED. tX)K uTmik inatsillntion near Singapore lu)-|iit ii .lri's-.T. v.c. Apply to H. c/o Straits Time*. WANTED. A FITTER for MulHcun. experienced in puttiiiK-oi wain- .-MTvices Apply personally, atones, with copies ot tlir.'e rec nt
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    • 406 4 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS, AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. Our new Programme Our new Programme THE GREAT BALLET Les Clowns Et Clownesses. Les Clowns et Clownesses The greatest production ever witnessed in Singapore. Produced under the direction of Mr. G. Jandaschewsky. Costumes made by MADAME H ARMSTON LOVE
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    • 95 4 G.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Gresham House, Battery Road AND Orchard Road, 3. BEG to call attention to their latest and greatly increased collection of views of Singapore, Native States, Johore, Sinm. Sumatra, Sarawak, Br. Borneo, Java, etc., etc. More than 3,000 different numbers Price of ench view, printed in the
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  • 775 5 (fly an Auntralian Horneman). Monday morning's work was as usual '>f the slow order nothing going out of a canter. Soutliall returned from Deli where he rode three winners. Turner rode no less than seven winners, Cutlin Junior two, Pearson one, Bull nnc. Turner's stable won all the
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  • 118 5 Messrs. Sternberg and Hrrzbero, two accomplished musicians who have been touring the Far East and are now giving concerts in Penang, will be here in course of a few days and will give a concert at the Teutonia Club on Saturday next, the 11th instant. Lovers of
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  • 270 5 I. O. G. T. AT HOME." On Saturday night, the members of the I O. G. T. and their friends were at Home" at their lodge at the Temperance Club. The room was comfortably full. A varied programme was worked through. Miss Scholey and Miss Webbe gave a good rendering
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  • 264 5 As cockfighting has been carried on for some time in spite of the vigilance of the officers of the R. S. P. C. A., increased efforts have been made to check it, the result of which was the arrest of three Eurasians, four Chinese Babas and a
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  • 275 5 A curious case of suspected theft was exposed in a pawnbroker's shop yesterday, when a Malay was arrested by Detective Inspector Brennan with about $20,000 worth of gold and jewellery in his possession, which he is suspected of having obtained dishonestly. The chief detective
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  • 60 5 The F. M. S. Sterling Scheme for appointments open to Cadets has been published. Under it the Resident-Gen-eral gets £2,000 with 52.400 entertainment allowance. The Residents of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang get Si ,200 as entertainment allowance each, besides free furnished quarters. These Residents salaries are thus fixed:
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  • 189 5 Last night's shower, added to those of Saturday morning, have had a slightly appreciable effect on the storage. It is well that this is so for it would have been necessary to further reduce consumption had it been otherwise. Last week the daily output reached 2,700,000 gallons,
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  • 228 5 Yestekday was Children's Day in the Middle Road M. E. Church and last night a programme, chiefly in Malay, of songs and recitations, was got through by the children of the Malay speaking Chinese Sunday School. After prayer by the Rev. .1. R. Denyes, a quartette was
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  • 463 5 250 Yards Race. The 250 yards handicap race for the President's Cup came off yesterday morning at Tanjong Katong under perfect conditions, thj sea being smooth as a millpond, with little or no current against the swimmers. The distance, which is fifty yards longer than the longest
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  • 54 5 Th* British transport Pentakota arrived in the harbour on Saturday afternoon from Taku September 20, at Shanghai 24th and Hongkong 29th. She brought from the north twelve British officers and 35 British rank and file, and 692 native soldiers and followers. The transport left with the above details at 6
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  • 127 5 A Chinese boatman was murdered on Saturday afternoon. Four Chinamen were bringing a tongkang, which was laden with stones belonging to the Municipality, from PulauObin to Singapore, when on the way the lighter ran on to some fishing stakes belonging to Malays. As a result some of
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  • 457 5 Salzmann Wins the Championship. The court upon which the final in the championship was played on Saturday afternoon was surrounded by a large number of spectators, the other ties in the Tournament which were played being left strictly to themselves. Beatty, who beat all comers in last
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  • 28 5 Mr. Fkbqussom has arrived at Kuala Lumpur from home to assist the manager of the Chartered Bank. The Bank's premises there are also to be considerably enlarged shortly.
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  • 634 5 Singapore, 6th October, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyern f 14.75 Copra Bali 8.90 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black Imyers 35.624 do White, (8%) 53.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.87} do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sajfo 5.25 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, PalembanK, 20% ba*U 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME. For 30th December, 1903, and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. Race No. 1. Thk Maiden Plate.— Value $300. A Race for maiden horses. Weight as per scale (10 stone) Entrance 110. Distance R. C. An allowance of Km, for all horses imported into
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    • 1043 5 NOTICES. The following is the scale weight for age. St. Ib. Aged horses to carry 10 6 year old 10 10 4 10 3 „8 6 Race No. 4.— Thb Sblanook Stakfk.— Value $80n, and $100 to the seco"d horse provided their are five staiters the property of different owners.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 175 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday. 6th October. High Water 0.-28 p.m. S.V R. Recruits. 6.15. N D. L. mail for Europe due. Missionary M'ting PrinsepSt. Church 8 Harmston'4 Circus. 9 Tuesday, 7th October. High Water 1.24 a.m. 05.7 p.m. Herman homeward mail due. Town Band. <>ld Jail Site. sto 6. SV.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 NOTICES. *C h e oulsometet> a m Requires no r^Tjfr Thousands in use skilled attendance. S ivin entire ANYTHiivrG. B Needs no Nd iiniNiiiv; parts Jt- Jw of order. s£&E^ 'jfflß WB WOST ECONOMICAL work steam pump. IS NOISELESS. *»^^R2& application. SCI .il AGENTS HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. V)urkis() TURKISH CIGARETTES.
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    • 270 6 t;t)\ "ekxmknt-i;knki;ai. OP PREKCB IMHI-t HINA. THK HANOI EXPOSITION WILL BK Onm "X 3Bb KOVKMBBK, l»«. rpHE Exposition, which is situated close to tbe Kaihviiy Termiuus at Hanoi, will comprise a GttAXD PALACE and MAGNIFICENT BUILDINGS, containing Artistic, Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Productions of the greatest variety from France and
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    • 158 6 NOTICES. D- LAVILLE'S LIQUOR r. comab fils ft c Paris I Sold by all Chemists. Y. SHIBUYA. Have just received a large assortment of new goods HIGH-CLASS JAPANESE CI'IUOS AND GENERAL GOODS Satsuma Ware, Cloisonne Ware, Lacquered Ware, Porcelain Ware, Photograph Albums, Photograph Frames, Tea Services. Grass Gau; I Lace
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    • 226 6 NOTICES. NY CARLSBERG BEEP, ("CROWN" BRAND.) GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND Obtainable at the principal Hot.U. and Retail dealen. Yon* Seng A Co.. Noon Meat Co.. At. THE EAST ASIATIC CO. LTD., _*-<2 Sole Agents BAf K AND IRON WINEi) ~^< It is pleasant to the palate, It keeps
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 703 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. riIUE Standard Life AMoranos. X Norwioh Union Fire Insuanos Sooiety. Itbi Awuranoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Awuninoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company Th Tottenham Lager Beer Company. PANY. LIMITKD. Atrenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Officb, Tblboraph StreetOr Wharves. Kbppel Harbour. 06 0. STKAM NAVIGATION mMPANY.
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    • 701 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgentM at Singapore: Ship Aoixct, latb J. Damdbls A Co., 2-3, Oollth Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be l>nspatcbed (or On Van der Parra Deli via ports Oct. 5 Paneh, Bila, Assahan,
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    • 661 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with thb Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here Outward. Hombwarp. 1902 1902 Marr/uis 1 'Nippon Sept. 27 HiH-'/uehtm Oct. 6 \Trieste Oct. 27 Gisela Nov. 5 Marg Boci/uehem Nov.
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    • 535 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Rorddeutsclißr Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons Pi. R. 9MN* 1582 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 PiUanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singorn. 11l»3 Chow Tai 1115 Yi<»n Tuny 824 Wong Koi 1115 Ohieng
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    • 526 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHE LONDON ANU LANCASHIKF J. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,137,rt00 Paid up Capital £312.760 Reserve Fond £1,078,580 The undersigned, AgenU for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risk* at current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD A Co.. Agentft. CANTON INBURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,600,000. Amount paid up
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    • 461 7 INSURANCE CO.'S SOUTH BKITIShT FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every det cription of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all parti of the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Lovbll, Bat}., Chairman. A. W. Brim, Esq., <i. A. Resting, K»<j. LimHo Puah, Esq., LbeChoon Uuan, Esq. Wm. McKEUROW
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    • 1554 8 L'tiiim tins ni-ading the following abbreviations are wad fetr.— steamer sli •hip; bq.— barque; sch— schooner; Yet.— Yaotit; Cru- Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; for. —Torpedo; Hj>. —Hone-power; Brit.—Brittahj U.S. united State*; Feb.— Preach; ••r.— German; but.— Dutch ;.loh.— Johore; &e>— Genaral-cacv); iLa -deck passenger; D.— L'ncr' in T.
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    • 673 8 Nam*, port, probable dais of arrivtl. and name of agenti. Steamers. Achilles. Hongkong, Nov 2: Mansfield. Afton, Hongkong, left Oct 1 G. W. Alesia, Hongkong, Oct 24 Behn Meyor. Alting, Cotie, Oct 31 Annam. Colombo, Oct 13 M. Maritimes. Antonio Lopez, Barcelona, Oct 8 Barlow. Aotea, London shortly
      673 words
    • 71 8 For Per $leatner Time. To-Mokrow. Sarawak A". Hmrmm*k II a.m. Bangkok H. Seng (ivan 2 p.m. M uar and Malacca FarfaUa 2p.m. Fiemantle via ports Saladin 2p.m. Muntok and P*bang Ruby 4 p.m. Wednesday. P. Swefham via ports B. Poh (ivan 2 p.m. Europe via ports Zamania 4
      71 words
    • 148 8 From Kukopb:—By the N. I). L. M S,t,l, ten due ou the '"Hi Uciober wit. l:iti--to ihe Ituii Sept; >'•• brings repJiei Urn rn'iil-which leilaiugi'por on the l.'itli ano 18th Aug. From China: Kvth- >. H. L.i poU dii' on Tuesday. Left .""iifiijapore. Dae in LOtlut Au«
      148 words
    • 357 8 v Flag 5 Vmsbl's Slum A Tons 3 Rio. Oct 4 Hong Wan Brit sir 1 16 4 Kian Yang f<tr 70 4 <Bedouin stri IMB 4 'Marie Jebsen lOer str 1771 4 C. Hock Kian Hut str.. 1020 4 Pentaknta Brit tra 220 M 4 Ohusan 1 et'
      357 words
    • 204 8 lUi«. Viwil's Name Flao A Rio. Tons. Destination. j :t 5 Marie Jebsen tier dr. i 1771 Hoihow, Hongkoug, and Amo> 4 Nuentung str. I 824 Bangkok 4 Glenroy Brit sir. 3141 New York 4 Bappho str. j 329 Malacca and Port Swcttenham 4 Lady Mitchell str. 754 Malacca
      204 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 396 8 THE BEST VALUE IN GENTLEMEN'S MERCERY IS OBTAINED FROM ■VT¥±TTttJirWJ±rZ~ o I_i^.l3D3L.-A.^W" &> CO., 4D' Almeida Street vS >k^/ White Wool Sweaters with <? I HANDKERCHIEF UK.- .--Mfe^V^ Byronic Collar and protector PRIfiF S2.OU edCli A New and Belect Stock ot thes. soWfmmß&BF'^^" r^sJ CKNTLKMKN- STIIAW MATS Front like sketch.
      396 words