The Straits Times, 4 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30.947- SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 608 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. STRAITS City RuhDer Stamp M»nufactory. Orders executed on shortest notice and'at moderate prices, The rubber is mounted on brass instead of wood. Also monogram brass stamps for sealing wax. I Battery Road. tu. th. s. 31-12 NOTICE. rX'HE undersigned l>egs to give public 1 notice that on the
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    • 229 1 NOTICES. M.C.S. Mohamed Co. Diamond M< r< bar is. Manufacturing Jewellers, and deab -i> in precious stones, No. High Street, Singapore. Are showing a splendid stock of High Class Diamonds And ui'iii set Jewellery with extensiv varieties of solid Gold and Silver wares. Kuaranteed genuine works from China, at moderate
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    • 656 1 NOTICES. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT. TOWN HALL— SINGAPORE. THE ROYAL BIOSCOPE. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. (THE KING OF CINEMATOGRAPHS LIFE-LIKE PICTURES—NO FLICKERING THE CORONATION CEREMONY of their Majesties the King and Queen of England.— THE CORONATION PROCESSION. The Football Cup Ties. A water-polo match and many interesting anu up-to-date pictures. Prices of
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    • 303 1 AUC'IION -ALE OF UNCLAIMFD AND CONFISCATED PROPERTY, INIESTATK ESTATE PROI EHTY. UN>ERVICEABLE POLICE STORES, Ac On Friday, 10/ A Oct., at 2 p.m. A Quantity of unclaimed goods and unserviceable stores, Ac. For particulars see cataloeue. 9-ln P< WFLI CC, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Or FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS TO BE H*LD
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    • 578 1 NOTICES. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP. Millions use Cdticcra Soap exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tbe skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scaleo, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, wh'tcning, and soothing red, rough,
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  • 547 2 Acheen. Onslaughts by the Achinese, sword in hand, are now less successful tban formerly owing to Dutch patrols and scouting parties having learned to be more careful. The strict blockade of the coast has cut off the supply of arms and ammunition which used to be smuggled in
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  • 127 2 Races were held at M«dan on Monday. The following are the placings First Race for Maiden Batak PoniesCharlie 1, Jankrik 2, Isa 3— Tote $6. Second Race Selling for 2nd Class Horses— Kitty 1, Goldlinks 2, Katak a Third Race Maiden for Horses Zoro aster 1, Moonray 2,
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  • 141 2 Dr. L. Restrepo. of Medellin. has reported through the channel of the British Legation, Bogota, Columbia, that he has found the husk of coffeebeans useful in malarial fever, as also in influenza and chronic dysentery. His prescription is Coffee-husk 30 grams Water 400 (prams Boil for
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  • 822 2 Fresh Legislation. The Government (lunette, publishes tbe text of the following Rill to be introduced into tli- Legislative Council intituled an Ordinance to validate certain grants in fee simple of Crown Ltnd hcretof >re made by the Government of tbe Colony and to authorise the future issue of
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  • 124 2 Mr. Birch, the Governor, lately paid a visit to the Sulu islands where he was hospitably received by the Americans at the town of Jnlo. H. B. has also visited the island parts of the B. N. B. territory at Kaningan and Tamburan. Near Kinabalu lttfiOO
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  • 89 2 401 For one Wicket A Match between M.C.C. and Ground v. Wiltshire was continued at Lord's on August 29th. The day before, the M.C.C. were disposed of for ISA, and at the close Wiltshire were 358 without low. The overnight not-outs, Medlicott (198) andC. H Ransome (142) the
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  • 20 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailling etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 331 2 NOTICES. "DRYASDUST" i Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS PROM BORNEO CO. LTD. I w&s Singapore. I ROUSSILLON COM CIIA.MPA.GNE. An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. 12 quarts $34. 24 pints 536. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. tn. 8. Hulk Asients. rpHE p^EUI.CKT OF J^IFE^SSURANCE. YEAR AFTER YEAR men are cut down
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    • 419 2 NOTICES "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 9AO lbs., I.2<M) lb«.. alter m*> vrn after fourilrj w in tern days Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the beet he bad ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO
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    • 825 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING OLDB Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1902. OCTOBER 2\st, 23rd, 25th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 2lst Odobtr. FIBBT Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $400. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst.) Entrance, flO. Distance, R. C. Second Back. THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value 1900,
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    • 631 2 NOTICES. FOITBTH KACB. THi. BTEWARDS' CUP.-VaUe $400 sod $100 to the Second Horse' provided there are five starters the. Cperty of different owners. A dicap for horses that have started in Races Nos. 6, 6, or 7 on th<9 First Day Entrance $10. Distance, R.O. Fifth Rack THE GRIFFIN CONSOLATION.—
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  • 234 3 Hyderabad, Sept. 14. We recently beard of the appearnce in a Singapore Hotel of a very unusual visitor in the form of a tiger, which after several ineffectual attempts to diblodge it was eventually despatched by being shot but we little expected that peaceful Secundeiabad was
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  • 254 3 (Viol*.) Whenever any eminent Russian visits India, British courtesy is displayed by facilitating his acquisition of whatever information he may desirp. lie is shown round by polite officiate, who vie with one another in personal attention to their highly honoured guest. Nothing is kept back from
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  • 147 3 A Russian View. Aktkk announcing that the construction of the British railway from Quetta to Nnshki has been definitely decided upon, and that work will be commenced upon it immediately, the JKnWM I'rnmya remarks that this ra 1w i> constitutes the first section ot the great iron
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  • 223 3 SiNciAPOKK Volunteers who have been imbibing the principles of the new Infantry Drill will be pleased to learo of a new recreation which has been given to Tommy, and which he has facetiously termed, with that wit which is all his own, Coronation Drill" He
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  • 522 3 Qold mine In Mysore. The statement of accounts for the year 1901 of the Champion R- ef and Mysore Gold Mining Companies tells in unmistakeable terms, that India is still the land where gold coins can be had in millions by delving in the soil. A piece
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  • 240 3 Thi following written by the Chefoo correspondent of the fl. V. Daily 9mm suggests whether in Singapore some similar institution might not be started in connection with the boys' schools here. What proportion of the boys of Singapore can swim at all I The annual long
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  • 208 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 O. 8. India, connecting with the steamer Chttsan nt > olombo, fro-" London Sept 6. due 6tb Oct.— Mrs Crawford. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. J. Bidweil, Mrs (Jones, Mr. D. C Sinimomls, Mrs. 8 omes, Mr. Grew, Mi, W C. Maedonald,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 660 3 NOTICES. TNEY WILL REMAIN. The bump of reverence in overshadowed by the bump of intelligence in the 20th century man and woman. Old things are not preserved simply because, they are old. Whatsoever is no longer useful must get out of the way. Nevertheless, progress that is not intelligent will
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    • 738 3 NOTICES. WANTED, Chinese Clerk quick at figures; must be good writer. Apply to 4-1Q p. p. co Strait* Timtm. W.WIEK Lady Operators for the Telephone Company's Fxchnnges Apply by letter cnlv. ORIENTALTEI EPHONE 4-io EIFCIRI' COY ITD WAMtli, for i nti»h boroeo. A TELEIHONE OVERSEER must be able to repair
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    • 668 3 NOTICES. H. L. COGHLAN ff CO. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and Valuer*. Auditors, Commission Agents, and General Brokers Insurance Agents Fire, Life and Marine.) Fire Loss Assessors. manufacturers' Representatives. MORTGAGES ARRANGED. VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. AGENCY THE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO. FIRE AND MARINE Premises No. 8-4, Change Alley, GtiOUAD FLOOR
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    • 672 3 SHIPPING. BRITIFH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITKD. FOR PENANG RANGOON. THE ('om|iiin>V»ti-Hni- i sURADA.^Vaa tons Captain NeiUon will be despatched for tne above ports on Saturday, the 4th October, at 4 p m. For freight or pasMge apply to 4-10 BOUSTEA I > CO., Agents. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,
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  • 306 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 4th OCTOBER Mr Nelson Ann vndale has written a letter to the Bangkok Times in which he acknowledges various mistakes anent his erroneous accounts of Patani. Mr. Annandale adorns his communication with abuses of the truth. He refers to a letter published in
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  • 315 4 A somewhat curious affair has just taken place in Shanghai where, at a meeting of the Club, it was resolved to pass a resolution abrogating a former rule which barred Japanese from membership. Shanghai apparently did not know what to do. Still, as the Kolie C ironiele points out, the
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  • 28 4 Reading matter, including Netherlands India News and the text of a new land Bill to be laid before the Legislative Council will be found on pages and 3.
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/8 7 g
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zamania closes on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 11 4 Messrs. Sternberg and Harzberg will give a concert to-night at Penang.
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  • 16 4 Mr. L. C. Brown of Penang has been appointed Inspector of Coconut Trees, F. M. S.
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  • 18 4 For r cases of cholera were reported this morning from B. division, and two in Sepoy Lines district.
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  • 21 4 The Malay Mail hears that Mr. Severn is in hospital at Kuala Lumpur suffering from fever. He waft better on Thursday
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  • 23 4 The band of the J 3th Madras Infantry will play at the Botanical Gardens next Saturday from 5 to 7 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 22 4 A Hwas telegram says that the tidal ware at Modiaca in Sicily was brought about by a cyclone. Four hundred persons perished.
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  • 22 4 Two hundred and thirty-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 51.85.
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  • 31 4 Tiiiuk was a yount? lady of Venice Who iim'il bard boiled ••an> for tennis. When told thin was wrong, she said "Go along, You don't know how proiilic my lien i-.
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  • 25 4 The magistrate <ii Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday last, committed one Robert Lewis for trial on a charge of fraud brought by the Straits Trading Company.
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  • 30 4 Here is a note for philatelists Examine the new 15c French stamp with a microscope, and you will find that the figure of Liberty has six toes on her foot.
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  • 34 4 By special request the Malay Theatre performs Aladin or the wonderful Lamp to-night for the last time. The company will continue performing here, and not leave Singapore for some time as was announe«l yesterday.
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  • 44 4 A cricket m »t eii oeiween the S. C. C. 2nd eleven and the R. E. was arranged to be played this afternoon at Pulau lirani but has been postponed on account of 'he R. E. ground being flooded by tbis mornine's heavy rain.
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  • 40 4 The services of Mr. K. C. Whiting, Assistant Superintendent of Police, and Mr. H. W. Ta>lor, Inspector of Police, have been placed at the disposal of the Siamese Government by the Barman Government. Mr. Taylor has already arrived in Bangkok.
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  • 43 4 I'm a Prassidhi, tue Siamese Minister in London, has returned- to Siam on leave because he had not been in very good health for some months. Luang Ratana Yati, the lirst Secretary, will act as Charge d'Atiaires in the absence of the Minister.
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  • 47 4 As has been previously announced, there is a mntinfe at Harmston's Circus this afternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock. To-night there is an entire change of programme. A feature of this evening's show will be the comical ballet "Clowns and C'ownesses' produced under the direction of Mr. Jandachewsky.
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  • 62 4 Mr. G. D. Rishion, for several years Chief Officer of the E. E. Telegraph steamer Sherard Osborn, has been given the command of that vessel, in succession to Captain LHinmall who has gone home to take command of a new ship. Mr. Morell, Chief Officer of the Recorder, has also
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  • 63 4 Last week two lar^e steamers of lines running regularly to the East called at Sabang Bay, Pulo Way, for coal. The Indrairadi took about 500 tons, and the Kouigin Luise about 350 tons. This is only one further instance of the necessity for extended coaling facilities at Singapore. Had it
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  • 58 4 In the face of the Kelantan discrimination customs tariff against Singapore, the Siam Olirerrer Ikis the hardihood to assert that As for Siam hampering and "killing" British trade, this is nonsense. There would be no country in the Far East more favourably disposed towards British trade if Siam were treated
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  • 88 4 The anniversary gathering of the Chinese Christian Association, held at the Town Hall last night, showed the Association to be in a satisfactory position. The Hall was crowded, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The Hon. W. R Collyer presided, and was supported by the Rev. S. S. Walker,
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  • 136 4 An incident is related in one of the home papers that recalls the attitude of the Puritans in New England. The town sergeant of Newbridge, near Curragh Camp, in county Kildare, observed a soldier kiss a girl at a window. He summoned the damsel before the town court for riotous
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  • 418 4 (By an Australian Horseman) This morning's work started with Sir Lancelot (Kirwan)andSnoozer(Pierbux) both horses doing a real good working gallop of H mile. Sweet. Erlna (Kirwan) and Blue Jacket (Pierbux) went round, the former 1£ mile, the grey horse about 1 mile and a furlong, both striding along
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  • 282 4 The semi-finaj in the Championship was won by F. Salzmann. Darbishire made a good bid for victory, winning the fir«t set M-6. He was winning 4-1, when Salzmaun won live games to Darbishire's one, and led by 6-5. Darbishire, however, amid much applause, followed by winning the
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  • 70 4 DußiNti last month 284 vessels passed through the Suez Canal, of which 157 were English, 46 German, 24 French, 19 Dutch, 11 Russian, 8 Austrian, 5 Italian, 4 Japanese, 3 Spanish, 2 Danish, 2 Turkish, 1 Norwegian, and 1 Egyptian. The receipts during last August and the last
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 27 4 Over 30,00 > Death. London, did 0<:l. The cholera scourge continues in Egypt. There have been :56,658 cases since July 18th last, and :{o,9s>B deaths.
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    • 21 4 Both Mr Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain deny that the Government intends to withdraw the Education Bill.
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    • 42 4 Turks Hope to Overawe Revolutionaries. A great display of Turkish force is being made in Macedonia, and it is likely to overawe the revolutionaries. The Governor of Monaßtir reports that three bands of insurrectionists have been dispersed by Turkish troops.
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    • 67 4 An Explanation -or an Excuse With regard to the proposed interview of the Boer Generals with the Kaiser, it is stated that the initiative was taken, not by the Generals themselves, but by some powerful friends of the Boers in Berlin, who intimated to
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    • 53 4 New York Offical Statement. It is officially announced in New York that the Shipping ('i)mbine has stated that the agreement with the British (ioverntnent provided no discrimination against Combination ships regarding the carriage of mails, troops, etc., and no policy antagonistic to the Combination or to the continuance
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    • 67 4 Growing: Oppositiou to the Education Bill. /Alter. There is a general stir in political circles in view of the approaching Parliamentary Session. The opposition of the nonconformists to the Education Bill is growing and the spirit of opposition^ amongasection of the Liberal Unionists. Mr. Chamberlain presides
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    • 46 4 The contest for the county chain pionship has been brought to a conclusion. Yorkshire, with 12 points (excess of wins over losses), is first Sussex, 4 points, second Notts and Surrey, 9 points, tie for third; Lancashire, 2 points, fifth Warwickshire, 1 point, sixth.
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    • 117 4 Shipmaster Murdered. A kbw days ago, the four-master, American Schooner F. J. Wood anchored ofl' Manila (lying signal* of distress. The people on board of her told a blood-curdling story of how the masted Captain Jacobson, had been murdered by the Japanese cabin-boy who had been
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    • 168 4 Nothing so entertaining has appeared in Punch for some time as the series of "Sentences on Athletes" during the past few weeks. A recent issue reports the appearance of Mr. C. B. Fry at Bow-st., charged by the Institute of Journalists with neglecting his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Kupper's Pilsener Beer (IN HOCK BOTTLES) quarts 13.0.0 per case, pints 16.0.0 CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO. SOLE AOENTS IN THE EAST. tuth.s. We have the honour to inform the public that we have opened a Dispensary and Drug Store at No. 87, Robinson Road. REIN CO. tn. th. A
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    • 393 4 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS, AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. Change of Programme Change of Programme THE GREAT BALLET Les Clo?as et Clowns Produced under the direction of Mr. Q. Jandaschewsky. Costumes made by MADAME HARMSTON-LOVE at the cost of 53.000. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. BEACH ROAD PRICES OF ADMISSION. 1.
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    • 67 4 G.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOORAPHERS. Gresham House, Battery Road AND Orchard Road, 3. I > K'.l to call attention to their latest and O greatly increased collection of views of Singapore, Native States, Johore, Siam, Sumatra. Sarawak. Br. Borneo, Java, etc., etc. More than 3,000 different numbers Price of e&ch view,
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  • 597 5 What Is It The omm Observer thus endeavours to explain the ins and outs of the diatoms question at Kelantan: Renter tells us that negotiations are proceeding between Britain and Siam regarding the preferential Customs duties which are said, quite erroneously, to havß btttM establislnnl at Kelantan
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  • 183 5 A nun of tributers at the You Hing BUM, Hill. nit East, Australia, the (tint day unearthed a nugget of gold. It is thought that >t will be found to contain 1:JO oz. of pure gold. The discovery was made at the No. ."> level in
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  • 161 5 Last Bight a pleasant little function was held at the Temperance Club. It was Hit- occasion of the opening performxnfe of the Singapore Dance Club whit li has just been organised. There was a fairly good attendance. The music was rendered by some of the Town Band,
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  • 176 5 Thkre was a heavy downpour of rain this morning and the reservoir will probably have benefited to the extent of an inch or two thereby. The state of the water famine is slightly improved, and at the present rate of consumption there is six weeks' B'ipply in
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  • 112 5 The steamer Sunudm is exempted from the full operation of the Cattle Transit Ordinance. Fresh rules are notified under the Fees Ordinance, as regards the fees leviable in respect of the demarcation and survey of parcels of land throughout the Colony excepting the Dindings. The following appointments take
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  • 234 5 THF DRAYTON GRANGE." The following interesting information as to the state of affairs on board the British transport Dntytu,* Grange, with Colonial troops from Eolith Africa to Australia, illustrates the absence of discipline and common sense which prevailed on the overcrowded ship on the voyage. A ship's ollicer was allowed
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  • 352 5 The effective entry which the Shell Transport Company is making into the American market through the Texan oil- fields, is now attracting particular attention in New York. The local correspondent of the Berlin Boersen 'ourier states that Sir Marcus Samuel, the Chairman of the Shell Company, who
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  • 77 5 H.M.S. Arethusa was undocked at Tanjong Pagar close on t.d 10 p.m. yesterday and she now lies at the East Wharf. The Ganymede was dry-docked in her room. This forenoon tbe French transport Caehar was towed to Tanjong Pagar wharf to await docking. A large number of the French
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  • 206 5 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 am., Matins. 7.4S am. Holy Communion (choral) and Sermon 745 a 111. Holy Communion (NonChoral). 4pm Sunday School, and Bible Class. 5.81) p.m Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 8.15 p. m. Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN
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  • 62 5 Penang an i Calcutta. A year, due tith Oct., satkies it Moses. Sourabaya and Samarang, Onsang, due 6th Oct., Boustead. London via ports, Sinai, on 6th Oct., M.M. Calcutta, Oii'la, on 6th Oct., Boustead. Europe, P. R. LuitpoUt, due 7th Oct., Behn Meyer. Manila! A. l^pez,
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  • 635 5 SINOAPOEE, 4111 OtTOBKR, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers f 14.87} Copra Bali 8.90 do Pontianak H. 76 Pepper, Black 35.75 do White, (8%) 83.60 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.87} do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl Sago 5.25 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 2-J.OO Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 BANJO BRAND REGISTERED. £S Finest ||M Pilscner >B^^^J^ Specially |8 H brewed for I Tropical ■^3^&&toJ climates W!Snrnrri«W |n uarts pints.) L©!aNiS^y»J &n c obtained I Wine Merchants. LJ' J3;Bi 26-12
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    • 71 5 WANTED. IN a Solicitors' Office, an experienced Costs Clerk. Apply to C. O. 8. T. c/o SiraiU Times. m. w. f. v.c. Maeniven and Cameron's Pens. They came as a boon and a blessing to men The Pickwick, the Owl and the Waverley Pen '< S' the" owl r thi^N
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    • 255 5 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. CAPITAL Gold 13,000,000. RESERVE FUND Gold 93,000,000. Total Gold $6,000,000. equivalent of £1,200,000 (Shortly to 'k3 increased to Gold 10,000,090.) Directors. Thos. H. Hubbard, James H. Hyde. (Chairman). James W.Alexander. John B. Jackson. Jules S. Bache. Luther Kount/e. Juan M. Ceballos. John Hubbard. Ed. F. Cragin.
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    • 166 5 NOTICES. Cottolene POi PRODUCING Light Pastry. COTTOLENE is a white, firm Lard-Compound which keeps HARD and SWEET, indefinitely, in this climate. It has long taken the place of hog* I'at in Europe and America for all culinary purposes. Put up in air-tight cans containing 1 kilo (about 2 1 ,1b5.)
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 146 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 4th October. High Water. 11>2».m. 1.0.f1.T. 'At Home" Trance Club. 8.30. Harmstons Circus 4 and 9. Bioscope Town Hall. Malay Theatre North Bridge Road. v. Sunday, sth October. Wub W .tflr. 0.13 a.m 0.0 p.m Nineteenth after Trinity. Swimming Club. Launches. St.3o 10.30 President's Cup Race.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 NOTICES. *P?e Puteometet;* Requires no |SSfc Thousands in use skilled attendance. &£S|O B ivin S entire W'll.l. jf j m^k F» XT IVE i^ A ALMOST Jy anything. Jjf j B Needs no of order. j l^EflKSfcTx^^^^^ JBI WORK vß^^B^^^^Hßb SThAM PUMP on a Chain. Kj particulars W&^r^ PRICES on
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    • 271 6 GOVERNMENT-GENERAL OF ntZXCH IXDO-CHIXA. HANOI EXPOSITION WILL BE OPENED ON 3rd NOVEMBER. 190--. f pHE Exposition, which is situated close X to tbe Railway Terminus at Hanoi, will comprise a GRAND PALACE and MAGNIFICENT BUILDINGS, containing Artistic, Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Productions of the greatest variety from France and her
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    • 327 6 NOTICES. Aflents for LEA PERRINS* WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCL v Bfl Special W2PPant^^aHßJ^ His Majestg "A Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HAVE NOW REDUCED THE PRICE OF Common Bricks to v>i4o p laksa Firebricks to p 1000 Fireclay $27.50 p ton Boiler
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 714 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. fl^ilE Btand*ri Life Auuimnoe. M. Norwioh Union Fire Inranmos Sodetj. AtU* Assuruioe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Assurance Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company Vh Tottenham Lager Beer Company. /or particular, of 0«.9 &>*****"'•'*?**? fuU adWtiioment of THE B&BNEO COMPANY T.TMTTWn \ff«nt* STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OmOl,
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    • 694 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninklijUe Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Uovernniant. Agents at Singapore: Ship Aoisct, late J. Damdixb A Co., 2-3, Oolltkb Qtjay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Hteamer From Expected Will be Itaapatcheri for On Van der Parra Deli via ports Oct. 6 Paneh, Bila, Assahan,
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    • 679 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Under Mail Contract with the Austbian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here Outward. Homeward. 1902 1902 Marquis I 'Nippon Sept. 27 Bacquehem Oct. 6 VTnrste Oct. 27 Gisela Nov. 5 M»rg Hoc 111
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    • 673 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. lorddenMßi Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tons N. R. Toms N. R. •iMlin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Pcknam 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 Pitsanulok 1189 Koral 1223 Rajaburi 1189 ■iingora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 Wue.n Tung 824 Wong Koi 1116 Chieng
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    • 537 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 480 7 INSURANCE CO.'S SUN INSURANCE OFFICE, LONDON BfITABLISHBD 1710. Insurances effected upon almost every description of property at the current rate* of premium. Total sum insured In 1900, £460,000,000. do 1890, £361,500,000. BRINKMANN A 00. General Agonts, Singapore and the Native States. THE O.UEKN INSURANCE COMPAHY NOW MBRGBD IN THB BO
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    • 1462 8 I this heading; th<! following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— *hip; bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power; Hrit. British; U. S.— United States; Fch— French Ger. German; Dut. Dutch: J oh. Johore; G.J.— tieneral-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U.—
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    • 723 8 Nam*, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2: Mansfield. Afton, Honskong, left Oct 1 G. W. Alting, Cotie, Oct 31 Annum. Colombo. Oct 13; M. Maritimes. Aitorio Lopez, Barcelona, Oct 8; Barlow. Aotea, London shortly; Guthrie. Aragoma, New York, Oct 18;
      723 words
    • 133 8 For P*t steamer Tim> To-Day. Bengkalis and Bagan Sri Triiwiianu 3 pm. Penang and Rangoon Suraila 9 p.m Penang Cheanii Chm 3 p.m. Asaban and Deli Asahnn 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe 3 p.m. S'kawang P'tianak Han Fo Bwn 3 p.m. Bangkok H'jentunii 4 p.m. 110 1
      133 words
    • 155 8 Fuom KtTKOfB: —Ky the P.AO. U Oku mm due on the 4th October with dates to the 19th Sept.: She hringi replie- to tin m»iN which leit Six^apore on the |:<i h a,ag From CH[N*:-r»} the A. UiitpoU. due on Tuesiiay. Tim e> 1" vi U itu
      155 words
    • 160 8 VXBBIL'B NAMB 5 Flag A Tomk Rio. Captain From Sailed, i Con.signkks. Oct 3 Sultan 3 Sambas 3 Lr.ertes 3 I-abella 3 Croydon 3 Singora ■I Quadalquiver 4 Glenroy 4 Kutsang 4 Kian Ann 4 Poh Ann 4 Penang Brit str. 102 H-r str.. 266 Brit str 1340 Dut
      160 words
    • 141 8 Datb. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rig. Tons. Destination. >ct 3 Farfalla Jtal str. 147 Muar and Malacca 3 Terrier Nor str. 100K Bangkok 4 Carlyle Brit str. 331 Penane via ports 4 Nam Yong etr. 984 j Gorontalo via ports 4 Laertes str. 1340 Hongkong and Amov 4 Islander
      141 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 273 8 SOAPS! SOAPS!! SOAPS!!! SOAPS!!!! Premier Vinolia Soap A and Fi PEARS TRANSPARENT marcel freres Glycerine Soap Toilet Oatmeal Soap PRICE $0.65 PER BOX Matchless for the Hands and CompWwSon Wil PRICE $0.95 PER BOX EXTRA CHEAP Toilet Otto Vinolia Soap price $1.20 per dozen FOR SENSIT.VE SKINS I^Tcf 0 LTD
      273 words
    • 26 8 HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of I* quarts $8/50. Case of 48 pints If Case ot 9i; splits JOHN LITTLE Co. LIMITED. c. a.
      26 words