The Straits Times, 3 October 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,946. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 635 1 Singapore, 3rd Octobkp, 1902. PRODUCE. Oambier seller* f U.S7Copra Bali 8.90 do Pontianak 8.75 Pepper, Black buyer-. 35.00 do White, (8%) S3.A0 Sago Flonr Sarawak 3.921 do Brunei No. 1 3.80 Pearl 8ago 5.25 Coffee, Bali, 15% basU 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basin 30.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 14.75
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 727 1 NOTICES. I She Simfs. ADVERTISING RATES. I PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. I ADVERTISEMENTS. f I'HK type used at) a Htandard for Hetting B X advertiaementM in itimilar to thU, nnle*« the instrnction in to dixplay the advert i«r- ment, when any effective Htyle of type, lined in J the paper, will
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    • 533 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. MEBSBS CHONG FEE GEE CHONG A Co. (Tailnnt and Outfitters) bee to announce that their ettahlisbrvent will be removed during the nexi month from their premises in Hivb Street to 6(10, 6 I and rin-j Nortfi Bridge Boad, (Corner of Krsp Baeah Boad in close vi< inity to
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    • 638 1 NOTICES. ,v, H. J. BIRD, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO. The leading manufacturers in America of Saw Mill Machinery, established fifty years in the heart of tbe treatevt timber country, always builders of saw mills employing tbe .pHt espeita and producing the latest inventions, their saw mill
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    • 356 1 SALK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. The Property of W Neal, Esq., At Police Bahru. Saturday, 11th Octolter, 1902, at 2 pm. 10-10 POWELL A Co., auctioneers SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. At No. 56-13 Neil Road. Saturday 4th October, 1902, at 2 p.m. (ibI^ESE carved ehony drawine-room suite* inlaid
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    • 163 1 NOTICES. FOR SALE. YACHT ~HILDA." 4 CUTTER yacht of tons. Built of copper and teak th. oughout cabin and berth for two. In perfect sea-going condition Apply to P B 8 c/o Strait* Times, m.vf.l. 9-10 FOR SALE. A TURNOUT. $450. PONSISTING of a brown mare and Sechler cart with
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    • 31 1 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINEERING. Ah Illustrated Weekly Jourkai. THE RECOGNIZED ORG AN OF THE PROFE88ION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona M*. circulation LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C. E. CALCUTTA w*f
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  • 711 2 Stpt. 20th. H. H. the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan has been staying in Seremban during last week. Mr. D. H. Wise was away in the Districts early in the week, and left on Thursday last for Perak, by the Malacca. He will be absent about
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  • 127 2 At Shanghai on the 18th alt., two men, Charles Brown and Robert Smith, were charged with piracy on the high seas. They pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr H. C. Brush field. It appeared from the evidence that the men, two beachcombers, took away the
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  • 86 2 The trade in rice between Saigon and ports in the Philippines, Java, and South China has hitherto mainly been confined to small British and Gernan steamers. Now, however, the French are taking a hand, and a new line has been started unaer the name of La Compagnie Francaise de Cabotage
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  • 131 2 The huge sendan tree (Cf »^K|tandmir Indian pride), which lias be ""^B, j o f tM for centuries in the comp ''"Hl noted Tennoji temple at r»« e trun!i shattered about half-way ll o^m e jtend is last month by the gale. TlrMut twelve that this tree was planted Hii^^lpku
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  • 845 2 A.S.C. Sergeant Acquitted of Stealing: Col. Mir ray's Property. The Daily Telegraph of Sept. 4th contains the following police court report: James Reynolds, 28, a sergeant in the 49th Company Army Service Corps, was charged at Tottenham, before Mr. Alderman Huggett, with stealing on Aug. 20, from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 815 2 NOTICES. ODIUAPORE SPOTTING CLUB Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1902. OCTOBER 2lst, 2»rd, Hft. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 2Ut Oc^bvr. Fust Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue »400. A Race for Maiden Horsed. Weight as per scale (lOet.) Entrance, $10. Distance, K. C. tiBOOHD Rack. THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value $300,
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    • 812 2 NOTICES. Fooxth Hack. THb STEWARDS' CUP.— Value $400, and $100 to the Second Horse, provided there are five starters the Eroperty of different owner*. A andicap for horses that have started in Races No*. 6, 6, or 7 on the First Day. Entrance $10. Distance, R.C. Fifth Rack THE GRIFFIN
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    • 339 2 NOTICES NOVEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manu ficiwed in Cheat Britain, are made to oass the high standard of safety and ourity tests imposed by th* British
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    • 446 2 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Singapore. NORWICH ONION FIRE INSURANCE BOCIKTT OF NORWICH AND LONDON. KiTiiLiiiiD 1797. 'OB KIKE INSURANCE ONLY Amount insured 4SBb\ooo,ooo Lum paid Jt 11,600,000 Premium inoome 006,000 'nir ranee effected on almost every deecriptior property »t current rates of premiuir
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  • 266 3 Half-Yearly Report. Tjh». following directors' report was presented to shareholders at the halfyearly meeting of the Robinnon Piano Co., h-ldat Hongkong on Sept. 25th We have satisfaction in presenting to our shareholders a statement of accounts for the half-year ending the 30th June, 1902, and in reporting
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  • 327 3 The following article in the China Mail from a correspondent apparentl) resident in the Philippine Islands, is worthy of attention The Americans in the Philippine Islands are certainly no improvement on the Spaniards, not only from the native standpoint, but als> in the opinion of the former
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  • 302 3 New Regulations For Dress of Army Officers. The complaint, voiced by a suffering parent in the Tune*, tliat the new dress regulations for Arm\ ofticers, constitute a considerable hardship to men with slender purses, is by no means a fresh grievance. It crops up every time any
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  • 460 3 Thk four ships described by Lord (ioschen as "mighty cruisers" have completed their steam trials. Bach has exceeded the stipulated speed of 23 knots, and each has demonstrated her capacity to steam from Portsmouth to Melbourne without recoaling at a speed of 15 knots the maximum seagoing
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  • 294 3 New Act Passed by the U. S. Congress. The United States Chinese Exclusion Act, approved April 29 last, continues in force until otherwise provided by congress, all existing legislation regulating the coming into the United States of persons of Chinese descent, and the residence of such persons
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  • 165 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 O. s. India, connecting with the steamer C'hvsan at Colombo, from London Sept 5. due Mh Oct.— Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Mr*. R. A. J. Bidwell, Mrs. Cones, Mr. D. C. Siinmonds, Mrs. S omes, Mr. Grew, Mr, W. C. Macdonald, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 639 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKINU CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve. .llo,ooo,ooo .14-50 000 Silver Reserve....* 4,750,000/ fl4> 80>WWRESERVE LIABILITY o*l m PROPRIETORS. f 10.0U0.UUU Cockt of Directors. Hon. 1: Shew an,. Chairman. A. Haupt, Km). Deputy Ch aikm a.n Hon. C. W. DICKBON IH. ScHUBAItT, Ksq. K.
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    • 712 3 NOTICES. WANTED, Chinese Clerk quick at figures must be good writer. Apply to 4-l»» 8. D. c o Btraii* Time*. WANTED. Lady Operators for the Telephone Company's Exchanges Apply by letter only. OKIENTALTELEPHONE 4-10 EI.KCIRI' COY ITD WAN'IMi for the Bundi Tin Mines Kemaman, an Eurasian as Overseer and Night
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    • 605 3 NOTICES. H L QPJ^HIyAN ff CO. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, and Valuers. A Auditors, CommlfMron Agents, ami General Buoker*. Insurance A««t.U Fire. Life and •larlnOj/ tuf* L*>*s Assessors. Manufacturer*' Representatives. MORTGAGES ARRANGED. VALUATIONS MADE. RENTS COLLECTED. ASCHCVI THE MEW ZEILINO IHSUR»«CE CO IFIRE AND MMiaC). Premises No. 8-4, Change Alley, UROUSD
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    • 702 3 SHIPPING. BRITI-H INDIA STEAM' NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOB PENANG RANGOON. I flfctE Company* steamer HCI{ADA,6,2HH M. tons. Captain Neilson will be des- patched for tne above ports on Saturday, the 4th Octol'«r, al 4 p m. For freight or passage apply to 4-10 bOUSTEADi CO., Agents. INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,
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  • 495 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 3RD OCTOBER. It w juld be interesting to definitely understand the full scope of power officially vested in the British Consul at Brunei, and also against whom he has directed the extraordinary note of warning published in another column, from its perusal a
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  • 668 4 Thk Perak revenue farms have just been let to Mr. Loke Yew by private sale. This has been objected to by the Perak Pioneer on the ground that tenders should have been called for by public advertisement. The Malay Mail points out that the law of the State authorises disposal
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  • 512 4 It is one thing to crimp a sailoi man and another thing to Shanghai him. Anybody may be Shanghaied, whereas nobody but a mariner can well be crimped, and the mariner must be on the articles of a ship before he can be crimped therefrom. Crimping is an offense against
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  • 13 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/8 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 13 4 The share, exchange, and produce quotations will be found on the front page.
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  • 17 4 Mr. Philip Jambs Bailey, the author and poet, died on Sept. 7th at the age of 86.
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  • 18 4 Thk mail steamer Chusan left Penang at 10 a.m. to-day, and is due here at 5 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 20 4 Lieot. Thomson, the Acting Adjutant of the S. V. A., has been granted leave for home till December 20th next.
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  • 14 4 Mr. R. Derry, of the Government Gardens, Perak. goes home on fifteen months' leave.
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  • 20 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailling etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pageB.
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  • 20 4 In order to perpetuate the late successful performances of H.M.S. Pinafore, the whole Company will be photographed together to-morrow morning.
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  • 22 4 Thk official estimate of the expenditure on the China expeditionary force maintained from India in the current financial year is £1,000,000 sterling.
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  • 26 4 Japan advices say that it is not unlikely that the much-talked of ChinaJapan Bank, with a capital of 20 million yen, will become an accomplished fact.
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  • 26 4 Cholera is still prevalent throughout Japan. The railway and shipping companies and large business houses are contributing to a fund for the suppression of the disease.
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  • 29 4 M. Ji'sserani), whose studies in English literature have made his came familiar to readers in England and America, is to succeed M. Jules Cambon as French Ambassador at Washington.
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  • 31 4 The anniversary meeting of the Chinese Christian Association takes place to-night at the Town Hall, presided over by the Hon. W. R. Collyer. The programme includes a number of musical selections
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  • 32 4 The ketch Envy under command of Capt. Strachan arrived at Sandakan from Macassar on the 3rd August. Capt. Strachan then left for Hongkong, leaving the ketch in charge of the chief officer.
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  • 31 4 On occasion of the Hanoi Exhibition an international shooting and fencing competition is to take place between the Ist and 15th January next. Winners will receive numerous and important money prizes.
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  • 40 4 On a Jersey boat recently two women sat together, and one of them presently summoned a steward. Ere, w'iter," said she, bring me a Hegg." 'Ush, Merier whispered the other you shouldn't sy a Hegg you should sy Han Egg!"
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  • 51 4 There was a heavy rainfall at Taiping in Perak on the 24th Sept., parts of the town being under water for hours, and considerable damage resulted. On the hills, the rush of water is reported to have been terrific, uprooting an enormous tree that was carried along for over 100
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  • 60 4 American men of science have returned to an old cure for rheumatism, in the shape of bee stings. The scientific explanation is that a bee when stinging injects formic acid, which is a cure for rheumatism. What probably happens says the Qlohe) is that the patient, after having sat for
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  • 31 4 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL Penang and Calcutta, C. Agear, due 6th Oct. Barkies A Motet. Hourabaya and Samarang, Ontang, doe 6th Oct., Boußtead. London via ports, Sinai, on 6th Oct., MM.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 43 4 Russia and Japan Join Hands. Lo»don, \tt October. A Russo-Japanese Society has been established at Moscow to promote commerce between Russia and Japan. Th/ new Society will establish a mill at Minsk for the purpose of weaving Japanese raw silk.
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    • 77 4 President Roosevelt Invites a Conference. The American Nation Vitally Concerned. Owing to ihe coal famine in New York, resulting from the strike of miners, President Roosevelt haiinvHed the Presidents of the coal-carrying railways and the President of the Miners' Union to hold a conference with him on
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    • 131 4 London, Oct. 2nd. The Times, commencing on the reference of the house-tax question to the Hague Arbitration Court eulogises the courtesy and good humour displayed by both parties, and the graceful and becoming concessions made by the Japanese! Government, wbicfi, says *he Times, show a high sense of
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    • 24 4 Later. Japanese five per cent, bonds for 50 million yen will be issued in London next week, probably at par.
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    • 109 4 The sentences passed on Messrs Reddy and Haviland-Burke mentioned in the message sent on the 26th Sept. have been revised on appeal. The sentence on the former has been altered to two months without hard labour, with an additional three months on failing to find sureties for
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  • 86 4 We hear that, as the result of the deliberations of a committee which recently sat to consider Volunteer expenditure, and one of whose recommendations was the appointment of a permanent Adjutant for the whole of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, i' is probable a permanent Adjutant may
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  • 29 4 Mr. Lazarus, the well known oculistoptician,leaves Singapore for Hongkong by the O. Chusan on Sunday. After a short stay in Hongkong, Mr. Lazarus will probably journey north to Shanghai.
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  • 78 4 Thk dock carpenters' strike at Hongkong has just come to an end after lasting six weeks. Higher wages were the aim. They were employed by the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company and turned out to the number of 3,000, but have resumed work on the promise of a rise of
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  • 86 4 Complaints of the dearness. scarcity, and insolence of servants are rife at Manila. The local Time* says that, owing to the extravagance of army officers and others in employing Chinese and native helps, the wages of these have gone up enormously. Cooks, who formerly were well satisfied with twenty and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 360 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IN FIVE GRADES. SAMPLE PACKETS FREE. FROH THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, 1, ROBINSON ROAD. WANTED. IN a Solicitors' Office, an experienced Costs Clerk. Apply to C. O. 8. T. c/o SUmiU Timet. in. w. f. v.c. P|K)R SALK, privuely. a few sundry articles Clock in fancy stand one pair
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    • 527 4 HARM STOATS GRAND CIRCUS, AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. The greatest programme ever presented to the Sngapore public. THE JUMPING DOG FLY. The Musi^a' Burles'iue. THE DAMEN KAPEL. TO-NIGHT. TO-NWHT. BEACH ROAD Mat. nee Matinee I Saturday, Oct. 4th at Matinee j 4 sharp. Children half price
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    • 87 4 G.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Gresham House, Battery Road AND Orchard Road, 3. BEG to call attention to their latest and greatly increased collection of view* of Singapore, Native Slates, Johore, Hiam, Sumatra, Sarawak, Br. B rneo, Java, etc., etc. More than 3,00) different numbers Price of each view, printed in
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  • 1919 5 THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS. Extraordinary Action by the British Consul. From <i I,<il»mn Correspoitdtni.] Lahuan, 27f/i Sept. O.n the 24th Sept. the following notices were posted outside theUovernraeut Offices in Labnan. NOTICE. The public of Labuan are hereby notified, at the request of H. B M Consul for Brunei,
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  • 120 5 Trolly Crashes into a Carriage. This morning a Mr. d'Almeida was driving towards town in his carriage from Tanjong Pagar. When near the Detective Station a trolly suddenly dashed down from the hill on the side of the road and crashed into his carriage with considerable
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  • 118 5 A Mandor Knifed. A mirder took place recently at Christmas Island, and ten Chinese are now in Singapore awaiting trial at the next Assizes on a charge of being concerned in the murder It seems that the coolies were called to work in the early morning
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  • 162 5 An impudent (*ase of assault took place yesterday morning, a gang of Chinese having the effrontery to make a combined attack on another man in the Police Court building. If. would be imagined that the Police Court, of all place", would not be chosen the
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  • 8 5 Cholera is reported t be raging at Medina.
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  • 9 5 The Malay theatrical troupe advertises its last performance to-night.
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  • 16 5 The homeward mail by the B. I. s. s. Zamania closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 18 5 The British transport Wakool left for Honekong at 3 p m. yesterday with the Derbyshire Regiment on hoard.
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  • 24 5 A crowded tent witnessed tue performance of Harmston's Circus lart night, and derived great enjoyment therefrom. The matinee to-morrow begins at 4 p. m.
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  • 37 5 There are about 10,000 coolies at Mo.ji who are now exclusively employed in the work of coaling vessels. The men are under the control of foremen. An attempt is being made to form a guild of coolies.
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  • 40 5 Thk troops from the French transport Oachar were landed at Tanjong Pagar Dock in lighters this afternoon. It is understood that they will be camped on the Dock Company's premises. It is expected that the Caehar will be docked to-morrow.
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  • 47 5 The two batteries of Royal Artillery now at Hongkong are to be relieved on the 9th November by two batteries from Ceylon. They are to be conveyed there in the hired P. and O. transport Palawan, 4,686 tons. The Palawan then brings the relieved batteries to Singapore.
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  • 86 5 The poor are playing ping-pong on the pavements of New York. In this -treet game no racquets are used, but the children use the palms of their hand in their stead. The ball is sometimes a rubber one and sometimes of celluloid. The ball can be purchased for one or
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  • 85 5 The China Times of 11th ult. says:— A sad accident happened on Tuesday night, when Bergt. Trowell, R. W. F., accidentally shot Private Roberts (No. 5915) of the same regiment. They were examining a revolver, with one cartridge in it. While Sgt. Trowell was handling it, he discharged it, the
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  • 83 5 It is now ascertained that the fire in Canal Road yesterday morning was brought about through carelessness. None of the property destroyed was insured. It was owned by three Chinese. The damage to buildings was about $1,600; an oil store behind No. 84 suffered damage to the extent of a
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  • 137 5 On the Ist of September, a Chinese medical practitioner was called to a house in Serangoon Road to attend a sick child. It had fever and he prescribed for it. Two days later he saw it again and found the child covered with eruptions. He told the father of the
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  • 210 5 The bioscope drew a fair number of people to the Town Hall last night, the second night of exhibition. The last presentation takes place on Saturday night. The Coronation pictures, that of the masses of Colonial and British troops in the Coronation Procession especially, and the representation of
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  • 78 5 President's Cup Race. Following are the handicaps for the 250 yards swimming race for Mr. T. de M. Braddell's Cup at Katong on Sunday Henderson ..scr. Diehn ...30 see*. Evans ...*2 Dartiishirr > Hannaford Whetham Rosenbaum f v Napier w Davis, S. A Thompson Kerndt I'i-niiy >46
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  • 139 5 Yesterday's Play. CHtMPIOKSHIP. F. Salzmann beat Norrie, 6-3, 7-6. B. CLASS SIItGLB. Pollock rec. 4 beat Major Lilly owe 16 4-6, 6-3, 7-3. C. CLASS SINI.I.E. FINAL TIE. Pad day owe S v. Lane rec. 3, unfin. B. 1 LASB DOUBLES. Skey and Wishart 4 v. Barrett
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  • 69 5 A cotton mill, said to be the largest in the world, is to be erected near Kansas City, at a cost of .£2,000,000. The mill will have 500,000 spindles and 12,000 looms. It will give employment to 4,000 workers, who will receive an annual wage of £490,000. The capacity of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 678 5 S. V. C. ORDERS. Bv Lt.-Col. thk Hon. A. Murray, V. D., Commandant. Singapore, 3rd Oct. s. v. CORPS. Coronation Contingent The O. C. desire* to express to the officers, N. C. officers, and men his hearty thanks for their services a* members of the contingent deputed by the Government
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    • 848 5 NOTICES. Seremban Gymkhana Club. AUTUMN MEETING. November the Ilth. I3th and Isth, 1902. PROGRAMME OF EVENTS. FIRST DAY. Race No. 1. Iks Maiden Plate. Value, |Mt K... maiden horses. Weight for scale. (Top weight l ini.. excluding penalties), with an allowance of 14lbs. to horses imported into the Snails Settlements
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 170 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 3rd October. HiehWaU" 11.88 p.m. 8 V.A. 25 Gun Drill. 5.15. 8.V.E. Inf. Drill. 6.16. 8.V.R. Co. and 8kir. Drill. 6.1b. S.V.I. 8quad Drill. 6.16. C C.A. Prinsep Street Church. 8. Harmston'n Circus. 9 Saturday, 4th October. High Water. 11.82 a.m. Pledges Sale. Leong Man Sau.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 NOTICES. Dunville's srcci ot D scotch Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA 9 JJIm Ij i I t tE*s*^ I ~JJ I r^trS, .'ill *sIS I 'iiiill I,' 111 1 I jq H y. I TBIuKJiITi I l/l 5 I 111 f™ T5T 5
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    • 304 6 NOTICES. I OAWSON'S SOOTS I FOR ALL- CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE 6ENUINE WITHCUT OUR TRAHE MARK STAY PCD CN THE SOLEB. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS. 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with first class accommodation, overlooking Fytche Square GardeD, near 10 the
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    • 264 6 NOTICES. *jtß It is pleasant to the palate. W It keeps the system toned up It makes the digestion perfect the appetite keen ~**m builds llesh muscle invigorates 'he nerves, and regene- 2 rates the Mood. Ecpecially useful in oases of Convalesoenoe after severe illness JF^S b^bV in Aa«Bmla and
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    • 213 6 JUST RECEIVED A small selection of Choice Engravings, at One guinea and two guineas each. Including the following well-knowi subjects. On the Bank In the Marshes Chorus Her Mother's Eyes Dante's Dream Bath of Psyche j "Take this, Grannie" "Now ride I^ads &c, &c, Ac. w. i. Bricks AND Firebricks
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 717 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rTUXK Suujdjuri Ljfe Asraranee. X Norwich TTnion Fire Inraraoe* Soeicty. Atla* AHUimnoe Compaoy (Fm). The KqoitablH Life At»ur»noe Booiety. The Chin» Mntn»l Bt^m Navigation Company T> Tnttenham Lager Bear Coapuy. /or oartioaUri of tK««e Companies, roll «Crti«em«nt of THE bSbNKO COMPANT I,IMITPT» 4r«nt» STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I
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    • 1362 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Kon in klijke Paket vaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India 'iovernmenv. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agmcy, lati J. Dabnpilb A 00., 3-8, Ooixra Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approtimate. steamer From Expected Will be IMwpatched for On Van der Parra Deli via ports Oct. 6
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    • 528 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. SorddeutsGher Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, j BTEAMERB OF THE COABT FLEET. Tons N. R. Tons N. R. ■MNk) 1682 Sandakan 1574 Paknam 1283 Kohtichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1237 PiUanulok 1189 Korat 1223 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1123 Chow Tai 1116 V««n Tung 824 Wong Kni 1116
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    • 518 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHB LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 7777 «3,137.MM Pud np Capital £812.760 Reserve Fond £1,078,680 The undersigned, AgenU for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUBTKAD A 00., Agents^ C" ANTON iNBU BAN OB OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed..
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    • 392 7 INSURANCE CO.'S SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every det cription of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all parts of the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Lovkll, Esq., Chairman. D. 8. Carmichabl, Esq., G. A. Kertino, Ksq Lm Ho Puah, Esq., LeeChoon Guah, Esq. Wm.
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    • 1320 8 J* Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer eh.— •hip; bo,.— barque; sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Qbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—British U. 8.— United States Feb.— French Oer.— German; Dut.— Dutch; Job.— Johore; ti.c— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain
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    • 721 8 Same, port, probable date of arrival. and name of agents. Stbambbs. Achilles, Hongkong, Nov 2 Mansfield. Afton, Hongkong, left Oct 1 G. W. Alboin, Bombay, end Oct; Borneo Coy. Annam, Colombo, Oct 13 M. Maritimes. Antonio Lopez, Barcelona, Oct 8; Barlow. Aotea, London shortly Guthrie. Awa Mara, Japan,
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    • 89 8 MAIL S CLOSE. For Per $t*amer Time. To- Morrow. Hollo via ports Loodiana 11a.m. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon. I Butu Pabat Sultana -J p.m. Penang I'in Seng Muar and Malacca Sultan 2 p.m. Penann and Rangoon Surada 3 p.m Peaang Cheang Che W 3 p.m. Asaban and Deli Asahan 3
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    • 165 8 From Eobopb:— By the P. 4 0. s.s C'hutan due on the 4th October with dates to the 12th Si pt She brings replies to the m»il- which left Singapore on the 13th Aug Fbom China:— By the s.r. P. R. fMitpold. due on Tuesday. I'ims-s Table
      165 words
    • 124 8 I Oct 3 2 2 2 2 2 8 3 3 lut VwaiL'sNiMK R <k Tons Captais Fho* Sailid. Consigkkk. Pin Seng Brit rtr. 378 Davidson Penang Sept 30BengChin lOmng Ben« I nrJ 667 arriner Samurang Sept 30 T. K. Tian Co Ltd 2° »n t B J r
      124 words
    • 75 8 CLEARANC ES Dat«. \rKBBßL'a\ r K88BL'a NIMB. Flag A Rio. To««. Dmtikatio*. i Oct 2 Triglov* a Kingsley 8 Nansbant i 8 Moesel 9 Emile 9 Hok Tjioe 3 Banla 4 Andalnaiat via Petumg tin Btdlcat. Aus itr. 618 I Johore Brit str. 479 Port Swettenhani ttr. 1299 Hongay
      75 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 70 8 Maeniven and Cameron's Pens. They came as a boon and a blessing to men Thi. Pickunck, the Old and thr Wnvcrlry Pen RECOMMENDED BY 3,007 NEW8PAPBRP. Sold at all Stationers. WAVKRLEY W0RK8, EDINBURGH, Penmakera to His Majesty's Government Offices. t u. s 30/9/02 HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case
      70 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 NOTICES. "Ooz pateorncte*> Requires no rfSMk Thousands in use skilled attendance. Hutt giving entire /^Jb satisfaction. W'ii.i M■■ I^l^M PUMP ALMOST i I B anythiktg. gJL I Needs no M t&/ A Oil, Packing, No moving parts Wml to get out %Pi k or Leathers. of order. j ijjgSfe^^^^^^U^fliliH^BL Will
      202 words
    • 292 9 TANSAN Is on sale at all the jinm-ina] Hotels Tiffin Rooms Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers. ..Borneo Co.Ld. ft Singapore. Sub-aAk e ...McClymont Co.. Port Dickson. i Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuala Lumpur, i A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton. Teluk i Anson. CASH CLEARANCE SALE. ENVELOPES. THE "PATRIOT" ENVELOPE.
      292 words
    • 830 9 NOTICES. I. FUJISAKI. Japanese Photographer. No. 381 Victoria Street. T)HOTO(JRAPHB taken with all modem JL improvements. A rtistic frames of all varieties for sale. 31-10 PIAUTION TO SHIPOWNERS AND \J CAPTAINS. RAHTJEN'S ANTI-POUUNG COMPOSITION. Other maces than our original manufactures are now sold. The genuine and only Composition with which
      830 words
    • 339 9 NOTICES^ INDIAN PATENT SToS Prevention Against Pl&j|^| f pHIB stone is excellently adapted forT X paving Courtyards, Dwelling Houses, Surface Drains, Stables, Servants Quar- t"i-s, and other Out-houses. It is absolutely damp proof and nonporous, being laid plastically it is jointleF* and easily cleaned. Sanitary Experts recommend it as an
      339 words
    • 125 9 REPATK^m^P^ECUTED LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks alwajs on hand. 32,6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a 6 in. pipe capable of discharging 200 tons per hour. The
      125 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 626 10 c s miSKIES HPIN THE MARKET FlT^^B j^PBroSOLD $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra. J OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OB McALISTER Co., sole agents. C E M E N T The Famous 1 AALBORG' PORTLANDCEMENT FABRIK *»iao«a. •> at nm At S>
      626 words
    • 226 10 NOTICES. The Horse Repository. I beg to inform my clients that I have removed my business from Brass Basah Road, to my new premises in Orchard Road, opposite Government House Gates. H. Abrams. 31st July, l»02 uc. KATZ BROS LTD Have just received and opened out a very fine assortment
      226 words
    • 146 10 NOTICES. pf" INVALID REQUISITES Infants Foods, Feeding Cups, Etc. Clinical Thermometers, Syringes, Bed Pa ns, Meat and Malt Wine. Maynard Co., (LIMITED.) Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists. 14, Battery Road. Buchan an's Old Scotch Whiskies. Buchanan Blend psa pS "HOUSE OF COMMONS" W i MB Better known as Sj
      146 words
    • 177 10 NOTICES. DRINK TANSAN BUT SEE THAT YOU GET THK Genuine Article BOTTLED BY J.CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!! Wilkinsons Tansan As* not lower tbe -ystrni but invigorate* it report on this Water by eminent London I'liysiciaDiand analysts. Cottolene NOB PRODUCING Light Pastry. COTTOLENE is a white,
      177 words