The Straits Times, 31 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,842 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 621 1 NOTICES. EXCHANGE BANKS. H K K\ ha L.- n .nii.s ii ill it eland on i tiiefnliowingilaV: uf.-itHy. 3rd June. H.K.i.. tin- fnnce of Wmim' Buthday. 2-6 NOTICE. THE Kort Dicks n Co-operative Coffee Curinc Company are prepared to receive Totftre in parchment ot Cherry for trrntnient. Spoeial Tern-g piven
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    • 92 1 NOTICES. POWELL ROBINSON'S ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE. Commencing Monday, June 2nd. :o: A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale OF ODD LENGTHS REMNANTS ALSO Flannels Coatings Serges Tweeds Cheviots Angolas Suitings Worsteds, Etc., Etc. HELIMIIETS, 13L .A. TS, C-A-FS AND White Straw Hats. All at Reduced Prices. SPLENDID
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    • 267 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CORONATION GOODS o Best off Silks 8 Best off Everything! Arrived per s. s. SBaUaarat. Customers who want to see absolutely the best selection of Coronation Goods in Singapore should call, at once, on K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO, Jewellers it, Silk Merchants si-52 High Street (Telephone 254./
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  • 1442 2 An Americnn View. [The tbllnwing letio r forms par Oriental Corr&ponifence, rontributeH i.o s.-vervl United StoCes newspajioi's bj Mr. Van Bergen, a well known \«nerlc m >V(\riia!i-,1. who ru-V'itly i-itetl thb> part of the world, li is dated fron etnffSpQtß, :lst BBODtJi.I A sail in tli«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. Tin Latest Tests '♦-.<> II»m.. UMiUlih, U.r *»'\»'ll fOtir<la>« io (:*•>!! ;Sn\ W.:it i in Water. ti.' it' a letuf ;tie |l -i Iraa Wani lp»l ie I |,art VIIB BORNEO <•(>. I.i I). Siml' i. ire UEI/I John T'ulli- a l»m« H><;- iifeit ;ilcr .111 Olin
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    • 163 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON CO s\ CHAMPAGNE. Ai: <'XtPll(»nt. Bry wine, al ;< modepi v M piata 83*> THE BORSKO COMPANY. LTD. NICH o-ios kjke onOXAKO >» NOItWICH AND LHKDON. X'- (BiISHUI :"!t|. OS i n nb a NOR 0M lint ir«ur W 4835.0WMKH S. lljmflOO. i.n kaoMM jl ix." .< I
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    • 295 2 NOTICES. KATZ BROS., LD. FITTED TIFFSN BASKETS. i e^ Complete •^■r*^^' 'ea Ba&licts 2 Persons t y" f i FOLDING CAMP BEDS -non i- ac -h. e>T\. «> '.S. VC.K6 .^^mSr*aAi^^^a^wllH^^M^^iaaß9BßmVM!Sj^B^HHB < BBH*^^ WATEFPROOF SdEJCTING FOLDING C\MP 1 OOLS $1.50 EACH. 'COMBINED BATH A\'D WA3HSTANn «^[o.oo. KATZ BROS., LD. Red,
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  • 230 3 I I riic i .1... n ell ill I .on „i i iu the pi in phi 1 t-.cllllv 1 M lei v Hani .ion t. Ihi „n, towns, .nill: nine and tngs i rtainly ,>. era" in 1 1„- acrobat >• >>il,i. sell an .n-: appl i
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  • 124 3 THE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. eii's I tempt rani <■ I i\t c. held llieii annual mi el Methodist tin!'.- >. In il, stiori Street liderabli poopli ol ;ill •'I Hie vi> ci imodiuus and a I progrs iui i i v IMackmore Mr s rry read a shoi ire
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  • 350 3 I r the i tin I I pli i The i py sniiie ordii di n l.abuai np from Ist I wei within u ,-s ii ||i i tion In ol being tied up > doped a diss ise which iks OUI in .sines :,ll >>\c
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  • 12 3 MSRB. VI I Cnptaii A It Jui CIKS« M< i»J pent*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 FOR NORTHERN PORTS <X BORNEO. W -'.'a i i r|*HK i- fc*.l/>A I V. Unj.tnii b Jum .1 v:/.. I'M i I I ruilisil .-> I S t ."l Si .and ;erfi eet OPLF AXI Ti !v, Baffles Quay. i ID] Capl h June I Jesi i,;. roi ft ,c
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    • 299 3 |j NOTICES. V_JT*?ITEp: an efleient engrossing >» 'i-ik. Vpplr 5V letter to Hrsan i a N pier. m. v. a, UOOD S'KKDLBWOMAN NTEH a once -i >-ouag Lad) as aiii j I the m VCobi bapoT. ilav 81-6 WURTKD. T7*UR Fhtemlianff, a Chiimn r Tarn I I engines and c
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    • 357 3 NOTICES. TO BE LXI ALAKGE piece of neant land BBSt to houB'>., No. 'JOo. OrchaVd Road. Apply to AI>A(iOKK 0. TO BE LET. BI7KGALOW, CoofeoVral the sea; entry fif>ni i I April Appl] to H N. KI.IA-, v o. t; Change Alloy. TO BE LBT. OMAI.i. bnnjnlow :it Famii J'!iiii»ii{;
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    • 76 3 NOTICRS. TYPK-WRiriNG. LADY k'o<l to n Typi'-Writiny of Coramanicationi i l».s e'o MK-i-sK-i CRI.LY v WALSH BELI.EVUE HOTEL. WN H Mi UILI I M{(iK I in', le i s-uini ly fui 1.-- Jun Hitrh Ci/i~.- Cooking. IA Ifll :i(l':fl|il. EIOTKI. \V| LIMI w El HAI-WKI i be i 1
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  • 21 4 Kek— On l>oard V. and O s. Orbital, at Koval Albert Doefc*, London, Mny 4, T. Rawsos Ker, .iss..! M
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  • 251 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 31st MAY. Mi; Chamberlain's statement with regard to the increase of taxation in Labuan is strictly non-committal, but though the virtual annexition of a Crown C >lony by private chartered compaov may be an unprecedented ac*. lUid unholy one for the Colony, there
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  • 20 4 An American view of Singapore and its trade will be found on page 'J. Reading matter appears on pat<e 3.
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  • 6 4 To-D/y's4/ms bank rate is 1/B ft.
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  • 8 4 With to-day s issue there is a supplement.
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  • 10 4 The Amphitrite left Sheerness for China on the 4th inst.
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  • 12 4 The Raffles School Sports will be held on 111,:, and lUth June.
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  • 16 4 The homeward mail by the B. I. s. s. Zaida closes at 4 p.m on Wednesday.
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  • 12 4 The Selangor yacht Meran was expected to leave for Pahang this afternoon.
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  • 12 4 The telegraph steamer Sherard Othorne left Keppel Harbour for Malacca l.tttt night.
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  • 18 4 The 00 rifles for the Malacca Company of the Singapore Volunteer Inlantry are now on the way out.
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  • 18 4 Likut. Buttkkwokth, R. E. leaves this evening for home by the I'arramatta. He goes via Jipan and America.
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  • 19 4 The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will be closed on Tuesday next, the Prin.ce of Wales's birthday.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisement, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 A general meeting of the Penang Turf Club is to be held on oth June to pass the programme for the August meeting.
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  • 19 4 Mr. Ciio., Giang Thyb has been nominated by the Governor to be a member of the Singapore Municipal Commission.
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  • 21 4 Mr. Powell Robinson's annual clearance sale at greatly reduced 1 tor cash, commences on Monday and lasts ten days only.
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  • 23 4 Mr. R. W. Hullett, Principal of Raffles Institution, who is now at home on leave, is expected beck in Singapore in October next.
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  • 21 4 Thk Barnes'Company will arrive tomorrow by the Arratoon Apear, and will positively open at the Town Hall, Monday night, June 2nd.
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  • 48 4 Reached London Yesterday. Mr. J. K. Jennincs informs us that he has received a wire from his son, who is one of the Straits Volunteer Contingent, stating that the Ceylon has arrived at London, and that the Contingent is now at Alexandra Palace all well.
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  • 73 4 Duties. O. for t iir ensuing w»ek Lieut. F. S. B. Uaffney. t). N. C <> the ensuing week .'nd ' C E. Coohriine. Panda:— WVlnisday 4th, at 6-10 p.m. KngiiuHsrini; Drill T-tl»- It is notified lor informntion that th" iille of -Singapore Royal Engineers
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  • 229 4 MASONIC The half-yearly communication of the District (Jrand Lodge of Ki-t.-m Archipelago was held la«t evening at Freemasons' Hall, Wor Bro. J, P Joa> qnim, l'.li.S B the Deputy District Unwtd Master, being unable to attend through illness. Wor. Bro. A. kuisrht, P.D.I) G.M occupied the chair, anil on behalf
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  • 25 4 The P. «fc O iuiei mediate steamer Soeotra left Hongkong at. noon on Friday arid is expected to arrived here at 10 a.m on We<ln»«dav.
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  • 26 4 The Monday Si-wmg Meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the R-ittte* Girls' School, on Wednesday 4th of June at 4 p m.
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  • 24 4 A distinctive adhesive stamp has been finally decided on !'.>r judicial revenue, Federated Malay States, and will be introduced luring t !>e current year.
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  • 30 4 A new point in tue *-tioloey of typhoid fever in India has been discovered, viz the gru-itly increased liability of cavalry soldier* to be attacked in comparison wi f '< ••<V>try.
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  • 28 4 Miss Violet Bka.mmj.n, equestrienne md terpsiehorean artiste, arrived by 'he P and O. mail Ihin morning to join Harmston's Circus. The Circus is expected here from Deli to-morrow.
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  • 31 4 Mr. H. G. Sarwar has been appointed Acting Sheriff, Dtvuty Registrar of the Supreme Court, and Assistant Official Assignee at Penane. with effect from the date of bit return from leave.
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  • 34 4 Sallkh Tasaka, the Malay who was convicted at the last Assizes for the murder of a woman at Pasir Panning, was executed in the Civil Prison this morning. The usual inquest was afterwards held.
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  • 38 4 If is notified that steamers from F. M. S. ports arriving here will no longer be required to hoist, the quarantine flag, ax it is now over ten days since the last case of plague occurred <n Selangor.
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  • 43 4 Mil C. J. Saunders has been gazetted to be Sheriff, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, and Assistant Official Assignee at Pcnang vice Mr. A. F. B .wen, deceased. Mr. Saunders. will, for the present, continue to act as Official Assignee at Sinenpore.
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  • 41 4 Information ii<tving been received that bubonic plague exists at. Canton, it was notified yesterday in the Government Gmt'te. that the Governor, under "The Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance XIX of 1886," has declared that the port of Canton is infected.
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  • 59 4 The F. M. S. Public Works departmental rep >rl for 1901 has been published. The total expenditure in the d'-p-irtnent during the year was $3,79^,737; and, exclusive of federal charges, the cost of the establishment, paid locally, was $243,187 being (Ml per cent of the actual expenditure. The length of
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  • 66 4 YasTEKUAY, the s. s. Madeline Rickmeri obtained pratique and left, the quarantine station. She anchored for five minutes at the fishing stakes, and seven of her passengers got into a boat to go ashore. When the boat was just astern, the propeller moved, smashed the boat, and killed a man.
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  • 885 4 Supplementary Budget $70,000. The Municipal Commissioners met yesterday afternoon to consider Supplemental Bur>get No. 1 of 1902. The President (Mr. Anthonisz) was in the chair, and there were als,> present Messrs. Chope, Maclaren, Moses, Jago, and Lee Choon Guan, the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase; and the Engineer, Mr.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 220 4 ADMIRALTY REPRIMAND. liO'idon, Mai May. 'lhe Admiralty has reprimanded Lord Charles Beresford for publishing his famous letter regarding the condition of the Mediterranean Squadron. Lord Charles acknowledges the justice of the reprimand. [Tna famous letter, criticising the efficiency of the Mediterranean Fleet, appeared in the Times last
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    • 54 4 Later. Mr. Chamberlain h« state), in the House of Common*, that the sanction of the Secretary of tor increase in the taxation of Labmn is not required The petition from the inhabitants of Labuan regarding taxation there is under consideration. IRISH GUARDS. The King presented Colours to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 131 4 T» the Editor »f the Strmts Time.'" Sir,-The answer to One who gets a fairly heavy mail" is simple, and was to be found in a notice conspicuously exhibited in the front of the Post Office, as follow*:—"The mail from Europe is no-.v being sorted and no letters
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  • 44 4 JELEBU MINING TRADING CO. The half-yearly m.eting of this Company was fixed i<> l. t > held at the olfiet) of Syme it C.>. to-d«y; but we understand from Syme Co. that, since no shareholders applied for tickets of admission, no meeting could be held.
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  • 240 4 Dk. Haviland, in his medical report on the Krian district of Perak for last year, describes the prevalence of malignant dysentery among Tamil coolies who come there from India half starved ;ind sickly. The full meal* they get on the estate are too much for their weakened system,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 684 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Art Also in ten bbtabushe, Gallon Casks. 861 Whisky, caldbeck macgregor co. the big show coming, UADIMICTniM'C MA K IVI O I UI 1 O CIRCUS. AND ROYAL MBNAGKRIE. TI-IC M A CT'/^r\/^IV.T I lit iVIAoIUIJUfN 0F Modern Amusement Enterprises. Grander, more otupendous, moru gorfMNM than ever
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    • 90 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. SINOAPORE. Grksham Hoosb— Battibv Road. and Okchabd Road 3 a, DAILY SITTINOS. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., week day*. From 8 a.m. to noon, Sunday*. It is earnestly solicited to make appointments one day beforehan'l. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. 6 New Amateur-Cameras inniplete—
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    • 27 4 Craotints I Life-like, enlarged photographs, 20 by lftj inches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Strnits Tim** at So each. Read the offer on page 6.
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  • 1916 5 Kvießvnonv in this part of the world must have felt pleased on his own or »ome friend's account, to read the latest report of Ra .b. The outlook now seems far more che«rful than it did when that awful slump came as a sequel to Mr. Curie's
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  • 704 5 Spkii VI. telegrams to the EnglUhnmn, <lale<l London, May 20lh, titate that from lettera received in London, dated a week before the St. Pierre dina>iter, it appear* that the convuUion did not take place without warning. On the 3rd instant the air wax full of volcanic dust. Oni;
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  • 206 5 St. Andrew's Cathedral. Sunday after Trinity. 7 a.m., Matins. 7.46 a m.. Holy Communion (Choral). it 1 :l m Holy Communion. (\'«nChorol) 4 p m Sunday School. 6..W p.m Kvensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 8.15 p. m.. Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC Church of St. Peter
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  • 394 5 List night a very interesting entertainment which certainly merited 1 better support than it received, was 1 given at the Town Hall by M. Donato, the French hypnotist. The first part was given by M Donato and consisted i of a number of marvellously clever 1 sleight
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  • 308 5 Fourth List. Brousht forward S 2,585 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 100 Messrs. Brinkmann A. Co.. 100 Hooglandt A Co 100 Ril<»y Hargreaves C 0. 100 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 100 A. A. Swan, Esq. 60 .f W. B. M*laren. Esq 50 Messrs. Smi h and Foster. 50
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  • 295 5 Thk steadily increasing demand for education here among the Chinese is shown by the fact that the AngloChinese School at the foot of Fort Canning, which is fairly capacious ami is able to accommodate 600 pupils, is now obliged *-o refuse applicants for admission. Forty-five lads have within
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  • 635 5 Singapore, 31st Hat, 1.902. PRODUCE. Ganibier Imyi-rs 13.1k. Copra Bali 10.75 do Pontianak 10.25 Pepper, Black Imyers 30.37' do White, (5%) 56.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.50 do Brunei No. 1 3.7" l'earl Sago 4.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% basin HJI Coffee, PalembaiiK, 20°£ l.asi* UH.on Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 188 5 Some people are weak'y and emnciati'd yet they are not, so to say, sick. Their ■■ppotites are fair, they eat good, whole- oonie food, but they cannot gain flesh. The fact is, their nutritive functions arc f deficient. The food may even be digested. but is not properly assimilated, with
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    • 228 5 Che Straits Gimcs' CRAOTINTS A Like-Like. T?NLARGED |)ORTRAIT MOUNTED ON A PLATB SUNK MOUNT (•JOxl-H inches); is the best value to be had in this part of the world for $5.00 The CRAOTINTS are copied from any Photograph sent to the Straits Time* Office. The Photographs may he Cabinet, Carte
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    • 185 5 FACTS OF ABSORBING INTEREST TO THOSE WHO ARE IN THE CLUTCHES OK RHEUMATISM. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumiitism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow hobbling around in crutches to be
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 182 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 31st May. High Water 4.57 p.m. S. C. C. Cricket. S.LG.C. Medal- PI a». Town Band, High Rervice Reservoir. 6. 1.0. G.T. Temperance Club. 8. Hypnotic Show. Town Hall. 9. Sunday, Ist June. High Water 5.2 am. 6.68 p.m. Summing Club Launches. 6 and 7. Monday,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 NOTICES. MNbftrLEftiffHK 1 fit 1ft WORCESTERSHIRE SAOGE. v By Special Warrant J£^|jBfe^L Hls A Purveyors lo The CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES, JOHN LITTLE Co. (I_iHS/CITEJI3)« CARPET BOWLS. THE SCOTTISH CARPET BOWLING CLUBS. Soul ad South- "V B s played •i r' >'^fi? B 1 rS COMPLETE. PRICE S60 AND S75
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    • 170 6 NOTICES 'Ghe ©traits dimes' CRAO TINTS, See offer on Page 5. UNTOUCHED BY HAND. 3&&Sk IBE&k i \JT ftfc 1 n»uuu» v tSEP tifeJi fi:: t C avf tJRa iff. b^B^Ba a^K^B 9H BKH Ssi BBx Ps9Ps^s h m.' "s. I FOOD For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared is similar
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    • 299 6 BANKS. HONQKOSM AND rHANUUA BANK O COKKJRATJON. PAID-UP CAPITAL fIO.OOO.UU UKHERTE Fl/Nli.— Sterling Ree.-i ye..#10,000.0» 1 mu-mnnt. Silver Reserve. 4^80,000/ RESERVE LIABILITY Of I m, ntmnt I'BOPRJETOIW WW CtXTH Oi UIiUOTOI ♦in I'll vk ri f. W. I>:. i H. H K. UOKTX, K»j. I ,s .i {.itH Rao I.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 365 7 •>TMIE HUBMROOWsVAIIY, LIMIT KD rIIIBr I1IB St»nd*rl l.if« Aisnmnce. S >Torwi. 1' Umiofl \fixa iDimraace Sooiwtj. I -un.n, M..:iny (7iie). .i,:.. ii nee .-cnu}" Hutu Xm7i«ation Company Bssi Company. or a>r' r.n, of ttoW Companios. i«e the IKB nOKNEO COMST RAM SHIP COWPANrES. I .:•.«>' Oi.M! BI l ,111, AHV
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    • 1098 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, TT-ONINKM.fKE FAKETVAABT' MAATBCHAPPIJ l\ finder contract with tta« Netherlands [ntlla C4overnmenv Agmtf nt SrarmtTrr: t^MiP AOESCY, i.ATB .1. Dakndki..? A Co., 2-S, Coi.LYKH i>i i. Thu umii-rmontiotiiHl da>s« sir, 1 only approximate. Steamer From Kxpncted Will *>o !'««r"»U;hert for On tvit>i n M Billiton, BaUvlft, Chnriboo, M I
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    • 718 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. iry.hAN «IEAM SHU' COM.i>ASV v/ and >EDBRLANDf*()HE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ OCEAAS. Tons. Toss, Psktu *.i i Htotor 4««« Tf,,l*us 7441 467t TMtmaekn* 7 i Mcv -JtiTi :»;i Xettor *o; "Out Piyssa kjo Ajom ri)3<> }\rrhiu. MB Aehilk* :.ju nutmtvi '-iti^i DnuoNoH 080 i x ion Wl3 ■Til.i Rhlpfur 3113
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    • 467 7 STEAMSHIP COMPAINES. "nTyjkT AFAN MAILSTEAMSIiII»co LTD j A K-uuiiir roSTNIQHTLY se-rioe i- > I maintained ketween Japan and Europe by 1 1 tLe following NEW TWIN BQBKW BTKAMBBB, I'nder Mail Contr-u''. wtth [mperial laphiiete Of era me nt, rpecialrj for the Company*! Bon lighted Electricity prorided >- iin excellent atHMwunodat'on
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    • 254 7 INSURANCES. GCARDIAN FIKK AND LIFE ASSOKAV I IOMPA.VY, LI.MITKI), LOSVOS. Snbscribfl'i £^,nOC.Of»: i ToUl Invested Fuuds »«^6l< *K Auouol Income Tbe ender-.;.,, are prepai<-.d ro acoep fire ri»(.i 'or short periods of ten days or long*periods at current rates to be named t appliv-r.tion tn I'ATPJRSOV, fftMOM OUN
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    • 1012 8 otuler this heading the following abbre- nations Hre used —str. —steamer sh.— :<hip; bq —barqie; sch —schooner; Yet. -.'iw-rit; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt —Gunboat: Tor.« -Torpedo, H.p —Horse-power; Urit —Hrinsh; U S—United States; Fch—French; «Ter. —German: Dut. —Dutcu:.loh. —Johore; I «I.C—Generil-onrgo; d.p. -deck passenger; I U. —Uncp't iin
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    • 869 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. HTXAMKBB. A. Fouru-hon, M seill-M, I'ft May 1 M Cte Agamemnon, China, June 16; Manstield. Ajav Liverpool, June 20; Mansfield. Albc 1, Bombay. June 25; Borneo Coy. Alpgia, Moji, June 6; Behn Meyer. Alti g Sourabaya, June 14
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    • 104 8 for r*r ttr. Tirnr. To- Day. Bangkok ,tn 3 p.m. Penang and Bombay KtUmmmru 3 p.m. Hongkong C. .\,,car 3 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Sappho 4 p.m. Bi Ikon* Ponti.inak H Whatt Sno-n 4 p.m. Batu Pah .1 Suit,,, hi 4 p.m. Pontianak Sri Pontiawtl; 4 p.m.
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    • 125 8 Fkom Europe By the N'.D.L. s.s. Print Ueinruh due on the nth June, with dates to the 13th May. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 18th and 21st April. Fkom China By the N. D. L. g.s. Prim Regent Luitpold due on
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    • 72 8 N. D L. Prim llegeut Luilpold, sailing about :.'nd June. For London, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stewart and child. Mr. and Mrs. Kitching, Mr. Hethay. For Genoa, Mr A. Straes6le, Mr. Rentlinger. Mr. Schraum. N. Y. K. Hitncki Mam, "ailing about 7th June Mr. G.
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    • 203 8 I'er P. A O. 8 p. Ocrnnn noun^etinK with the steamer Hemixl at t'olomho. trom I •on don May IS— Mr. and Mr*. .1. Hadilon Hal' Mr. K. O. Sykes. Per F. &"O. s. Malataa from London May 3. Jue 6th June- Mi. Kojjnr Pc
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    • 182 8 M v. 5 Vowel's Namk A Toss Caitaim From>. Ohmh». d I Rio. M>| I I I 2U Vfoi'ul Brit str. 8654 jAohe&ter HonKkonj; May 23 P. Sin.ons and Co. 2» Vliike Maru tap str. 2081 lYaf?i Yokohama May 10 T. Simons and Co TO iAustriu Aus str.
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    • 122 8 Datb. y f r Namb. May SO Oaoymede 50 Tolv 31 i Korat 31 Gaea 3i Rajah of Sarawak 81 Resilient Srhifl 81 Parramatta Jane 1 > Emile 1 i Fuh Wo+ 1 Afghanistan May 31 Bedang 31 Sappho 51 Sultan 31 Pin Seng via- Penang +in B Flag
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 211 8 Notice of Removal. Notice of Removal. Notice of Removal. The Netherlands Trading Society having The Netherlands Trading Society having The Netherlands Trading Society having purchased our Present Premises we have been purchased our Present Premises we have been purchased our Present Premises we have been Compelled to Remove Compelled to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 92 8 WEATHER REPORT. I KamliiiH.i Kn-iiau Ho*i>ital. -'9'h ,W»» 1902. »» 9 p.m. ip"' KtM vk« l I Bar 'j<<f*****849 2».Hf10 Morning, Temp 87.6 85.0 810 <l»y and W B'lbTher 8l.i) 7HO 780 n.y'it ciear. Dir.of Wind si. Calm MavTetnp.. Ho<l Mm 7.°.* Max. in Sun 147.1.' Terr r*d TV.' i
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