The Straits Times, 16 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,830. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 659 1 NOTICES. BXCHAMGI BANKS. rpHK FxehanKe Ri.nks will be eloße-1 on J the following ili.vs: Monday, H'ili inst., whit Munda\. Tui'silh'v. 2<)tli 1 ill noon Tliuisiliu, 22nd Rare <in\* 17/-, MOTICE. !'<>rt Dicka 11 Uo operative ('oflee J Curint: OotnpMy (ire piep:ueil t,i receive IVtflee in parehßWOl or Cherry foi treniinent.
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    • 539 1 NOTICES. NOI ICE is heieby gi\en that I, the ur nersigned. Ang Soe: 'Ijianc, so'e proprietor of "Ang Kee Siant Co of No. l;<at Quhv nnd No 1 10 Market Street Singnpore. have this day sold to Lee Tye Sw«n of I hep Lee Cheng all the stock -ii -trade
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    • 489 1 NOTICES. COALS AT GALI/F Best Welsh and Indian (Barrakur alvvays in siock Quick despatch. CLARK, SI'ENCE Co E COATKS Co. Galle, May. 19.)2. 5-6 Drink Malacca Tea The best and purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd., Messrs Ann Lock Co.,
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    • 394 1 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. A very choice selection of NEW GOODS now on show. Glac<' Silk Skirts with Pointed FIoQMM in all shades Sunshades, newest styles Fancy Shirts, Boleros, Lace Collars, Fichus Narrow Shaped Belts, Vest Fronts, Unities, Scarvts, &r CHOICE ROBES. Made in Japanese Silk with
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    • 201 1 m BUTTER. USE tl.e best and the purest Butter fioni the Prince of Wales Dairy Co who are the suppliers to Adpn, Colombo. Bombay. Calcutta, Rangoon and btraits Settlements at the lowest piioes. The consumers say that they pay nothing for the quality. J. N.KOTHARV, AGEVT, 20-7 1 1 Robi
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    • 523 1 LATEST AUVbHIISEMENTS. A BARGAIN. 1 DTP hi«li ({rule IV. mi. -r bicycle. X >econd hxid. in pood order, rei'etr'y fitted wi'h r>« V lye antt uiln'B, gear-case, etc.. Price |80- Mny be seen at KOCK GUANS Cyc.e repa'ring shop. 17-6 :,> d hoHd. BOARD LbDGIKG ptOMFOHTAF-LK an' airy apartments
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  • 918 2 Annexation of Malaya by Britain, only a Question of Time." The belief seems to have permeated as far as Bangkok that to quote one of the daily papers published there—" the annexation of Siamese Malaya by Britain, is only a question of time. 1 Th«
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  • 450 2 King of Barotse'and Specially Invited. iijin ki. Colin Harding, C.M.G., late Acting Administrator of North-West Rhodesia, has left for South Africa in order to meet King Lewanika, the para mount chief of Barotseland, and escort him to England, whither he is coming at the invitation of the King
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  • 156 2 M. M. S. ENDYMION." H. M. S. En'lijmion paid a visit, on 'he 16th Kure, Japan, where no British ship ha<l put in an appearance since the conclusion of the alliance. The Eudymioit steamed in with ship fully dressed. After the usual salutes, Captain Pag»t received a visit from
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  • 133 2 It is reported in Shanghai mandarin circles to the tffaet that it is proposed to open the following cities to International trifle this year, i>r early next:Chihli provisos: t tie prafaetonJ city of Shuntient'i (I'eking); Kwangtung province tlio district city of Chiangmenhsien (K^ngmoor), ir. Haichoa prefecture
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  • 104 2 W k all know Mie "bicycle hump.'' Xow comes the automobile frown. In this newly-deve)o| til alHiction there is a distinct. oootfMtUM of the muscles uf the forehead and ayes, producing a frown, which, by <jontinned habit, remains in evidence upon the face. This is the result
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 NOTICES. W^ •fl'l J SPECIAL Dunville s <>.» scotch Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA fig teßßo»sM\tij,i j- M BhK Ri: la* m h i dunvillJljl I J < Special Old ScofchjVj'l |l I ym Glasgow, scortXrtti w pg ii. m. t f. -M-i-03
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    • 346 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES 30MPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manu- i- nrt tl in Great Britain, are made to lass th« high standard of safety and mrity tests imposed by
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    • 219 2 NOTICES. NORWICH CNION FIBE mSDRANCK ll BOCIBTT OP NORWICH AND LONDON. EITIiLIIHID 1707. 'OB VIB£ INSURANCE ONLT Am root insured 4885.000,XX)U LmM |»id.. n .....Jt 11,600,000. Premium iocmne 906,000. Isarraooe effeoted on almont everj description no «rty enrrent ntea of premium KuMH FOB 10 DATS ASM HOW AOOIPTBU t*r 4
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  • 950 3 ITS HISTORY. Thft business taken over from their father by Richard and George Cadbury inlMH.and constituted as "Cadbury Brothers," was, 3ays the lierinv of RfvieiiK, then in the day of small tilings. Both brothers acted as travellers tor the nascent firm, and the first designs for th« ornamental
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  • 494 3 Herodotus is not more indisputably the father of history than is Sir Boyle Roche the father of hulls, says C. Litton Falkiner in his "Studies in Irish History.'" Sir Boyle sprang from the family of Sir Toby Butler, the Irish SolicitorGeneral of James 11., who is known ab the
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  • 275 3 For Europe P. O. Japan, sailing about 24th May. For London, Mr. and Mrs. Stormont, Mr. V. Flower, '.i sergeants and 9 men. N. D. L. Prinze** Irene, sailing about 19th May. For Bremen, Mrs. Cassens, Miss Martha Cassens. For Southampton, Mr. C E. F. Sanderson, Mr. T.
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  • 14 3 W't en drx>s cannibalism occur in England -When a rash man eats a rasher.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 632 3 BANKS. HONUKONU AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID- UP CAPITAI #10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reßorve..slo.ono,ooo Silver Reserve....! 4,-.'5) 1 000/ 14 MWU REHERVE LIABILITY OFI PROPRIETORS. J-»10,000.000 Cocbt or DißßCTosa:— R. SHBWAN, K«q. -CHAIRMAN. Hiis. J.J. Bkll-Ibvino— Dspitt <'haik>;i- E. Goetz, Esq. 11. m iiuiiAKT, Esq. A H.i-i-T P..,, N. A
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    • 563 3 NOTICES. WA TED. 2 TREADLE pressmen am' one Compositor. <»-6 A pply to K H c/o Straits Tim'K. WANTED. BY a European who speaks English, French, i- punish, and Chinese, a position as stewaid, housekeeper, or as domestic attendiint. Private residence preferable. No Hilary required for the present. For further
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    • 529 3 I NOTICES. TO BE LET. WO furnished rooms with private f nrlv within ea«y distance ot town terms 4c. Apply to i A. C. c/O Strait* Timts. FOR SALE. A QUANTITY of valuable PINEAPPLE MACHINERY, together with the GOODWILL of the PINfAPPLE BUSINESS carried on under the name of T.
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    • 555 3 NOTICES. DURABLE AND ACCURATE *Qjy The Keystone Watch Case Co. \f n'«««i in Philadelphia. US A. /?r\ America's Oldest and Watch Factory Ib v For ale by XSJ^t/ Tba Principal Watch Dealers in Straits Settlements "HIRANCr" The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of 4* quarts $8/50. Case of 48 pints
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  • 386 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 16 TH MAY. I'iik Earl of Hopetoun, the GovernorGeneral of the Commonwealth of Australia, now finds that popularity has its limits, and that the Australian democracy r-in-s more for cheapness than for rank. As Governor of Victoria, the Earl was so extremely popular
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  • 451 4 Fro,m what transpired at yesterday's meeting in the Town Hill, it is to be inferred that -for all practical purposes save the privilege of subscribing thereunto the local Coronation celebrations are to be a one-man show." Tne feature in the circumstances lies in the fact that the One Man asks
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  • 20 4 As article on the .Siamese Malay a question will b<» found on pace 2. Page :t contains miscellaneous reading matter.
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  • 6 4 To-oay's 4/ms bank rate ie I/&A
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  • 12 4 Lieut. Monhoe R. E. left for home by the 'oromiiitiel this morning.
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  • 16 4 FROM 10 am. ve«tprday only three but fatal case? of cholera, were reported to the police.
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  • 19 4 The mail stpamer (Jkuanv left Penan? at. 10 am to-day, and may be expected here at ."> p m. to-morrow.
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  • 20 4 The shipping and the Import and Export OHi"«s will be open from 10 to 11 a m on Monday next.
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  • 15 4 Pou.aruV Lilliputians are dome well in Winnipeg. Litest advices from Winnipeg announce a huge success.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc.. will he found on pa?e 7. General shipping nows is printed on page 8.
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  • 24 4 At a r^oent meeting of Urn P*»nang Municipality it whs mi cwiuwd that to complete the driimee snhemt' of that town would cost SWB.OOO.
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  • 33 4 Thk chief sizhf. at Permng, on Sunday last was the funeral of Captain Ah Kwi. the wealthiest Chinese resident there The procession took an hour and a half to pass a fixed point.
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  • 32 4 Ix the Victoria Memorial Fund list published yesterday a figure dropped out, making it appear that Mr. C. W. Laird's contribution was $25. The amount should have r>e» n shown as tUSO.
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  • 29 4 Oh. Lawsox, Dr. Murray Robertson, and Mr. Ferguson left Singapore this morning for Perak, to defend the \V«rren Golf Shield for Singapore against Perak and the other competing teams.
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  • 28 4 A meeting of Legislative Council was held this afternoon when a bill was introduced by the Attorney- General "tne;iable the Govcrnor-in-Council to lease .tr demise the Singapore-Kranji Rail**}
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  • 35 4 YESTEkiMy, a coolie employed in dismantling the old police office fell from the roof and cut himself somewhat. How he escaped broken limbs is a miracle. He was sent to hospital, but would not s*ay.
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  • 40 4 TiiK Committee of the Fenang Cricket Club have elected Mr. J. G. Allan, Deputy President, to succeed Mr. A. R. Adams as President, the latter having resigned on his departure for England. Mr. R. A. Law was elected Deputy President.
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  • 45 4 The Bangkok Times understands that the t>.s. Borneo will not be seen in Bangkok again for a few months, as she has be<T. chartered in the Straits. With the Jlnulun also chartered out, this leaves only two British boats among the regular B mpknk liners.
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  • 49 4 On the 10th ult. Wang Cliee who was arrested yesterday is alleged to have delivered as genuine a $5 note as one of 8.50, to a shop-keeper in Hylam Street. He purchased three pieces of cloth for 83o<> and received as the change of the bogux S5O note, $46.50
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  • 52 4 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 7.30 and t> ',H) on Sunday for the shimming Club. There will be a practice game of water polo and all players must go over by the first, launch. The Committee have obtained a launch on Monday, which will leave the Pier at 8
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  • 48 4 Recent appointments in Perak include those of Mr. Archibald Campbell, to act as assistant district magistrate, Tanjong Malim, v cc Mr. D. P. Hopkins on sick leave. Mr C. G. Cadman to be a telegraph inspector, F. M. 8. Railways Mr. Cadmau arrived in Perak ou I'^nd March.
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  • 475 4 . The Belle of New York." Last night a very fair house, including H. E. Sir Frank Swettenhara assembled at the Town Hall to witness that well known and favorite musical comedy "The Belle of New York." The piece was received in an extraordinarily enthusiastic manner almost every
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  • 59 4 S.C.C. r. Dallas Co. What promises to be a most amusing football match will be played on the S.C C. ground this afternoon at 5 o'clock, when a team from the S.C.C will meet the Dallas Co. Both sides will appear in fancy costume, and fun, fast
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  • 150 4 BY CAPT. 8. TOMLIN3ON, COM.MDT. S.V.I. Siii^a|«>re, l.Hli May. Saturday 17tli No. 1 Toy. will MSMMMM their target practice at the lialeotier Range ax follow*. The right half company will mm. hie at the range on Saturday afternoon anil commence firing at Mi p. m. The
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  • 144 4 For the Grace of Woman, by the Art of Man is the alluring quotation author not stated that adorns tin; samples of the Fine Art Soap put up by the Armour Co. of meat packing fame, and forwarded to this office The soap which has now the
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  • 56 4 On Weanesday evening as Mr. Brockman mounted his trap at the 8. C. Club, he noticed that one of the reins had got under the horse's tail. In endeavouring to get matters right, Mr. Bcockman was thrown out of the trip. and hurt his head, but not seriously. Yesterday and
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  • Ratter's Telegrams.
    • 44 4 PEACE DELEQATES ASSEMBLING First Conference Held To ua; London, Wlh l.fl 1 The Boer peace delegates are arriving at Pretoria from all parts, by way of Vereeniging. The first conference between them and Lord Kitchener is expected to be held 10-day.
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    • 32 4 GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF AUSTRALIA. RESIONS HIS POST ON QUESTION OP SALARY. 1 jrd Hopetoun has resigned the (iovernor-Cieneralship of the Australian Commonwealth owing to the Commonwealth Parltamaat hiving refused to supplement hi.s salary
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    • 54 4 PEACE PROSPECTS AT PRETORIA. NO RESULT YET. A Correspondent'^ Warning. LiUer. Keuter's correspondent at Pretoria says that nothing has occurred, during the deliberations of the Boeta in the field, which can be considered as favourable 10 an early cessation of hostilities The correspondent, vv.irns the public against counting BpM an
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  • 326 4 Royal Humane Society's Medal Presented to a P. and O. Officer. Before the proceedings of the Coronation public meeting in the Town 11 ill. yesterday afternoon, commenced, an interesting little ceremony took place in the presence of the assemblage the presentation by the Colonial Secretary (the Hon.
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  • 38 4 King Ali-onso of Spain will be crowned in Madrid to-morrow— his 16th birthday. The event will be celebrated in Singapore by a reception to be held by Mr..). M. Allinson, the Consular representative of Spain at this port.
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  • 53 4 Monday next it a Hank Holiday, and there will be no issue of the Strait* Times on that day. On Tuesday and Thursday next week (race days) the paper will be ismied at -J o'clock. Subscribers please note. On the last race day (Saturday), the paper will be published at
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  • 66 4 The Chinaman, who was recently arrested for lurking about Mount Echo during the early hours of the morning, with a knife in his possession, was yesterday bound over by Mr Marriott to be of good behaviour for six months in his own recognizances of Sl(J<>, and of two sureties of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 895 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FINEST CEYLON TEA. TAJ Brand. Packed in 5 grades in lib packets. No. I Orange label, per Ib. 45 cts. 2 Blue m m 55 cts, 3 Yellow 65 cts. 4 Pink 75 cts. 5 White 95 cts. THIS TEA IS OF SPECIAL QUALITY AND VALUE. TrY H
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    • 69 4 G. R. LAMBERT tf CO. SINOAPORE. BMUI Hoose -Battkky Road. and Orchard Road 3 a, DAILY SITTINOS. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., week dayt. From S a m. to noon, Sundnyt. It is earn»fttly solicited to make appointments one <lay befo'ehand. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. 5 New Amateur-Cameras
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    • 26 4 Craotints Life-like, enlarged photograpliH, L'(i by 1 i inches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Straits Time* at $."> each. Head the ut'er on page o.
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  • 1726 5 CORONATION CELEBRATIONS. CHILDREN'S FETE IN SINGAPORE ON JUNE 25th. Resolutions Passed at the Town Hall Yesterday Afternoon. Thk announcement of a public meeting to consider what steps might be taken (over and above the olncial Guverni lent programme already made public) to celebrate the Coronation in Singapore drew a large
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  • 64 5 The Assizes closed this morning, the last case being that of Lee Kee Keng, a"' boy on the Sri Borneo, who was convicted of stealing several hundred dollars in notes and silver, and some l' from the cbinchew's cabin. Tbe prisoner got five years. Go Leone Seong, charged wi th
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  • 47 5 Sir Frank Swbttkkram, has made a grant of Rs. 8,750 for the purpose of completing the publication of the materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula," by Sir George King, formerly Superintendent of the Botanic Garden near Calcutta. Its publication had been stopped for of funds.
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  • 47 5 AccoßniNG to the Univertal tlazette, the British Minister at Peking, Sir E Satow, and Vice- President, Hu Yufen, have just signed an agreement which provides that Great Britain shall restore the Pekin-Shanhaikwan Railway to China on the 20th June next, on condition that the other Powers concur.
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  • 74 5 On the 12th inst., in a house in Devonshire Road, two young men V. Passanah and A. D'Sou/.a, fell out, and the former inflicted a scratch on the forehead of the latter with a penknife Yesterday, Mr. Beatty disposed of the case by lining Passanah $30, or two months, and
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  • 71 5 The 9mm Ohserrer makes light of the troubles that have broken out in the eastern provinces of Siam, bordering on the Mekong River. The Siamese troops have routed the insurgents and have captured many of their leatWs. The Oaajnvr pointß out that, on the French side of the frontier, local
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  • 72 5 Last n'ght, a Chinaman was found trespassirg in the grounds of No 1 St. Thomas's Walk, occupied by Mr. M S. Martin. He said he was in the employ of a European, but could neither givp h s name nor residence. As the prosecutor did not wish to press the
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  • 96 5 This morning, a fireman of the s. s. Han What Hin named Lim Ah Wee, was arraigned before Mr. Beatty on the allegation of fraudulent possession of three umbrellas, said to be the property of a Malay passenger from Singapore to Kelantan. A report of the loss was made to
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  • 115 5 This morning, Mr. R Thompson, re siding at 34 Syed Alley Road, prosecuted a Chinaman who went to his house yesterday, and told the "boy he had come to do some painting. He got access to Mr. Thomson's room and was in the act of taking away two coats and
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  • 85 5 The following passengers left Singapore this morning by the P. «i' O 8. s iluromamlet. For London, Mr. F. C. Lean, Lieut. Monre, Mr. William Bake, Mr. H. L. IMwsor, Sergt. H. Shields, Mrs. and Miss H. Shields Mr. J. H. Westerhout, and Inspector Hart For Marseilles
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  • 623 5 Singapore, 16th May, 190L'. PRODUCE. Gambler hnyer« IMI Copra liuli 11.20 do I*■in r 1 .> k 10.50 Pepper, Black lmyer« 3±\2\ do White, (5%) 56.<K) Sago Flour Sarawak 3.95 do Brunei No. k. 3.75 l'earl Sago 4.85 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 25.00 Coffee, Palemham;, Wis 28.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 FACTS OF ABSORBING INTEREST TO THOSK WHO ARE IN THE CLUTCHES OF RHEUMATISM. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumßtism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow hobbling around in crutcheB to be
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    • 617 5 NOTICES. Zbc Straits ftitrca' CRAOTINTS A LIKE-I.IKE. TCKLABBID poRTRAIT HOOITB ON A FLAIR nWK MUD JIT (20xlfiJ inches); is th* bost vulue to be had in this part of the world for $5.00 The CRAOTINTS are copied from any Photograph senttoihe Stra is ffmeiOAea. The Photograph* may he Cabinet. Carte
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 211 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, i6th May. Hish Water «.4 p.m. S.V.E. Co. Drill. .VlO. SV.I Pnrade. fi.3o Dallas Co Smoker. Tanglin Club. Saturday, :7th May. High Water 6.3 a m 7-5 p.m. Coronation of King of Spain. S|i.uii-li Consular Keception. S. QL C. Cricket. F'ture Sale. J)ublin Road. Powell. 1.30.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 388 6 NOTICES. "IosEPH fiiLflrrs •■-iKNSn I'KIV I'APIS. ipoo. M A 0 S [faast Quality: and ha»inßGre»!e.tDnrab.Uty. are there MT a^na l^afe ohfapest. m mM w JAMES WATSON "~CO/S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD $12 per case, duty extra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8
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    • 393 6 NOTICES. The ARMY NAVY Stores 41. Chowringhee, Calcutta CALCUTTA. The Gun ;m<i Tool Uepan ments are now fully Blocked at th< Calcutta Depot, where repairs t<> guns* tut) v.Ho are owied onl by European guxuuuith. Cartridges of all kinds mm pli< .1 Mini loaded Fishing Tackle and Entomological Hppliance* stocked.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 716 7 y.UE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMIV ED T'ati Bt*nd»rl Life Assoimnoe. Norwich Tnion Fire Insnranoe Society. UU .ntx nmpany (Fin). The Equitable Tiife Assurance Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lagfe.- Beer Company. Kor particulars ot tU*a Cxjmpania. tee th» 'ull adVertiFem«nt of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITKD. Agent*. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1338 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, frONINKLIJKB PAKETVAART MAATSOHAFFU Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenls at Singapore: Ship Aqkucy, late J. Daxhdbls A Co., 2-3, Colly kb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Frou Expected Will be Itaapatched (or On Ha Moluccas via ''lay 12 Maca-sar, Bwool, Palehleh, SoeRatavia maltta.
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    • 774 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Nerrice of the Ocean Stwm Ship Company and the West Australian steam Navigation Company between FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINGAPORE. THE SULTAN, SALADIN. MINILYA AND AVSTKAUND. These steamers run at frequent intervals Met ween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound (Port
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    • 506 7 INSURANCES. n UARDIAN FIXE AND LIFE ASSURANCE \J COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. Subscribed Capital £2,000,000. Total Invested Funds 4,816,000. Annual Income 088,000. The undersigned, agents lor the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for snort periods of ten days or longer periods at current rates to be named on
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    • 840 7 /NSURANCES. 1"»HK PHIENIX ASSUKANVK COMPANY OF LONTX)N. ESTA BLIBU ID A. D 1/82.) The nndersijfred, Agents for the aoove Com pany, are propaied to aooept Fire Bisks at the current, rates in Singapore, and also in Johore and the other State* in the Malay Peninanla. RTIVEN fio. HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE
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    • 1287 8 U it this h'alini the f)llov,in2 .ib'irt:- viations an us.., jj str— *te-uner *h.— ship; bq baraia; sch •••li».jn-'r: Vet.— Yatlit; Cru— Cruiser; Gbt. QanlMMt Tor. i Tor[).?.)o; H p. -Hum power; Brit Uri- j ush; U B uaitfl i Swte<; r'eli —French: iter.— iienna'i: Dut Dutc'i:
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    • 817 8 Name, port, probable dale of nr< i*%t and name of agent*. Steamer*. A. Excelmr\ns, D'kirk, left Apl 1-1 M "tr. Achilles, M<.ji. left May M; Manslicld. Agamemnon, i hina. June In; MamrfUlfl Alboin. Bangkok, May i' 2: Borneo O>v. Alcinou9, Liverpool. May -'H; KanvfokL Alicante. Manila, May \'b:
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    • 117 8 For Per »V. IW. To Morrow. S'bayaandSaniarang Martiuychr 7 a.m. Bangkok Singnporr 11 a.m. Sarawak R of Sarawak Noon. Melbourne A Sydney Cliius Noon. Penung rtn Seng 1 p.m. Kelantan via ports B. Whatt Hin 1 p.m. B»:ida, eti- Bantam 1 p.m. PeiiangandCalcuttii Sui San<i 2 p.m. Asahan
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    • 126 8 From Europs: 8y the P.AO. s.s. Chuaun due on 17th ins>t., with dates to the 2">th Apl. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 26th March a^d Ist April. From China:— By the N.D.L. s.s. Priiizm ftVM due on Sunday. Tims Table of
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    • 127 8 j VUk V:<»»rl\- Xamk a I Tow Captain Rig. From Saii.kd OOMMUM. My lfi Trieste Aus str. 174« Rretfeld 15 Afttlianistan-* UrU Mr tt9o Haitf 1 A 'Sai-ie Borneo Dut str 35M Koefcl 15 Emile str HO Nucoilah 16 I abella Mr. 84 Nacodiih 15 'Sri Wongseo str. M
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    • 142 8 Dati. Vessel's Name. Flag A Kig Tons. DwmUTM*. iv lrt Coromandel P*O«tr. 27-i JVnnng and Bombay 16 Brouwer Dut str. M Deli via porls 1H PatoQi Uer str. 607 110 110 rU port* 16 Ewlic |»vi »ir. 80 Kino J" J'r 0 AuB Honukong ntui Shanghai 18 Sri Wongsoe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 287 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Go's., Removal Sale Bargains. OATMEAL SOAP PEARL NECKLETS NEW STOLE TIES Bargain price $l-2O per dozen. Bargain price cts. 45 each Bargain price cts. 59 each. WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS GENTS SILK BOWS LADIES WEB BELTS Bargain price cts. 5O per dozen. Bargain price cts. 52 each. Bargain price cts.
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    • 50 8 Gianelli M ajno's Pure Natural Milk. Sterilized. The licit and must whftlwomr Absolutely Tree from ;ill gttnu oi disease «nd fermentation. The only reliuMf Miik for childm and invalids. To be obtained from The [Mspenrary, and all the leading stores Sole Importers HUTTENBACH BROS. CO ill. w. f. i' 4/5
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 25 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. <E. Xt >t- <'. MqprapA OtmptMp.j IStH Mat. HONVKOSG.— Baiom.:ter 29.«h. Direction of Wind S.W. Force of Winl 5. Ma\. Temp in Shade Bst.
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    • 70 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kumt i,ui Ke.lmu Hospital. Ma/;, /.■<". Va.m i'p.m. s p mi. Remark*. Hat i»H"3i.t.Mi7 l'i'.s'-i; Horning Temp.. *4.: i Mil 7H.J cleir, <la> W. B'li.Thc r 7»n 7*.* 77 7 .louily.' Pir. of Wmil HE. If .W. Calm. night etaii Max. Temp. SMI Mm 71. 1 Max
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