The Straits Times, 15 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,829 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 666 1 NOTICES. NOTICE r pHE fort Dicks n Co operative Coffee ('urine Company are prepared to receive < 'offee in parchment or Cherry for treatment. Special Tern's given for large shipments. Apply for terms to the 21-9 MANAGEK HOIICI OF REMOVAL rpHE ('ffiee of the *TK\iic OUIMMMM J I'k.ntino OITICI has
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    • 791 1 NOTICES. NOTICK. rpHC Kirm J. DEN BAK THE PIK TO I <V Co., Stevedores and Shipchandlers, Semarang, will from thisdnv be known as THK NEW SrMARANG STEVEDORE <"OMPAN\ and will be carried or. by Mr. THE PIK TO as sole proprietor. 15/5/02 THE NEW SEMARANG STEVEDORE COMPANY. Telephone No.
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    • 530 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. ON Thursday the Ifti li instunt at 4 SOpmthe public are invite. i io attend a meeting at the Town Hall under theChiirmanship of Sir Lionel C. x, Chiwf Justice, Straits Settlement*, to i onsider what steps s'.iouM be taken to celebrate the Coronation of. Their Majesties the
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    • 417 1 NOTICES. THE GROVE HOTEL. TANJONG KATONG. [S beautifully cool during the hot wetther, with every convenience for -•■;i ■ja'hir>g. P|>ecial tiffin and dinner parties can bb arranged for by telephone 2W5 or 111. v.c. TAN (JUAN TECK, DECK AS ED. »)URPUANT to section 4« of the Conveyancing and Law of
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    • 314 1 NOTICES. G. OTOMUNE &C0. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Japanese Curios SINGAPORE. HAVE JUST RECEIVED CLOISSONE WARE SATiSUMA WARE LACQUER WARK IVORY WARK ORNAMENTS IN BRONZE ANI> ANTIMONY PORCELAIN WARE Flower Stands, Flower Pots, Tea Pots, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Coffee Cups and Saucers. Silk Table Covers.
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    • 384 1 NOTICES. Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HAVE NOW REI It El» THE NU01 OF Common Bricks to t^l 40 p laksa Firebricks to Jjj) >'' p iooo Fireclay 3)i-«.»>U p ton Hoilir seating?, bciltr crvcre. nr <l any nth< r c ther shaped brirl>i> < r firebrick
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  • 537 2 In the Revue de J'arLi Maeterlinck gives a most curious analysis of what the ordinary man calls luck," and what the scientist styles the laws of chance. He evidently believes that there is something to be said for the theory that certain people are born into this
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  • 178 2 His Future. The iuture of Lord Francis Hope will be watched with interest. He I* heir presumptive to the Dukedom ol Newcastle, ana he is said by all who have known him to be a really goodnatured man. He came young into a very large fortune left
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  • 170 2 No more to be used in the fighting line. A message from Renter's correspondent at Pretoria states Great regret has been caused among the Highland regiments serving in South Africa by the new dress regulations, in which it is, apparently, intended to supersede the kilt in
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  • 463 2 After reviewing the history of the Madras Sepoy, the Madrat Tim'x has the following: A long I'liriod of peace is not conduoivn to the cultivation of military qualities Armies, like individuals, deteriorate without exercise, and the absence of exercise in war in the ease of the
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  • 130 2 Mayors Matrimonial offer to youngEnglishwomen. Mayor Moore, of Omaha, L\ S, A., desiring to reduce the surplusage of marriageable girls in Knuland, has evolved a solution for the problem coised by the relative dearth of women in Nebraska. He has prepared an artistic oook, containing half-tone pictures ot
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  • 170 2 Not many lovers of cricket trouble themselves to •xplmta the name of their pet pastime but if they will seek to understand the origin of Uie name, 'ney go a good way in ascertaining the paternity of the sport itself. Cricket is a word, now practically
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  • 112 2 Eady Scores 566. Tiik cricket match between Kre;ik o' Day and Wt'lliii^toi) to determine the championship of South Tasmania for the season was continued and brought to a close on the 4th April. Tin- former Club put up the record for one innings of 91 1, of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 263 2 NOTICES. t?he StraitstSimes' CRAO TINTS, See offer on Page 5. HBARK AND IRQN WtNEj) in.- the blood- Kextorce the \ forc.n Stimuli) 1 tin; appetite— femgtfcMM the IMIIM -I'lc.i .nit to the I'.il.iti'. SOLE AGENTS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. 1(5-2-03 WATTS CO, (Established 1808.) BIT APPOIITTMBITT To H. E. LORD
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    • 357 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests ».-><> lbs., 1,800 llwu, atter neven after fourdays in teen days Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronouueed tbe Cement the best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 172 2 NOTICES. EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. THE IDEAI, MACHINE FOR OFFICE WEAR, Being built on principle comprising GREAT STRENGTH •AND SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION *^L gTL V Tyiv\"-^g^=«»w*W SUPPLIED 10 The Admiralty, Bo.ird of Trade, War Offlrfl, Post Office, Crown Agents fat the Colonies. i iipjit Western Knilway, North London Railway. L. B. and
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    • 12 2 Appreciation is not always-shown in a manner in which it is appreciated.
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  • 919 3 History and Organisation. In the Indian and Etterv Engineer, Mr. J. Morris, formerly of ihe P. W. I), in J-ipan, gives the following description of this Japanese Steam Navigation Company It. is a purely Oriental undertaking. Whilo it is not to be denied that the Nord-Deutscher-Lloyd
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  • 726 3 Progress of the Works. Since the first block of the SouthWent breakwater of the harbour of Colombo was laid by His Majesty the King (when Prince of Wale*) in IH7">, Colombo has become a great port of call for loading and also for transhipping cargo for home and
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  • 152 3 For Europe P. O. /■MM, sailing about May. For London, Mr. and Mrs. Stormont, Mr. Y. Flower, '.i sergeants and 9 men. N. D L. Prtnztw Irene, sailing about 19th May. For Bremen,- Mrs. Cassens, Miss Martha Cassens. For London, Mr. C. E. F. Sanderson, Mr. T. C
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 School Board Inspector Who is it that sits idly by doing nothing while everybody else is working?" Bobby: The teacher."
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    • 639 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND »HAN»HAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000.000 REBERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..#lO,ono,non 1 1 I nnnn Silver Reserve....* 4,v.V>.ooo J *A RESERVE LI ABI LIT V OKI 4 lJlMinu o PROPRIETORS |..f I'JAJUO.uw OOHBT O? DIBKCTO*Br— R. Shiwik, R*q.— Crairhan. Hon. .T.J. Bill-Ibvino— DiP'TT i'iiaii:ma> E. GOETZ, Esq. I
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    • 636 3 *V NOTICES. WANTED: Chinese clerk, good book keeper, must be able to work Typewriter and to write Shorthand. Apply with references to IHE HOFNFO CO. I TP. Agent! i-ruseh Hydraulic, v.c. "I'm Mining Co. Ltd WANTED. HY :i European who speaks English, French, Spanish, and Chinese, a position as steward,
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    • 538 3 NOTICES. FOR BALE. A QUANTITY of valuable PINEAPILE MACHINERY, together with the GOODWILL of the PIN* APPLE BUBINESS carried on under the name o J. Bastiarii at No. 6 High Street Singapore. For i'l'ply to v.c. POWELL CO Auctioneers. PINK-APPLE PRESERVING MACHINE. FR sale, a new pine-apple preserving machine.
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    • 429 3 NOTICES. HOTEL DKR NEDKKLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA.) IMKST Class Hotel. for its excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all toe steamers. A. F. MERTEN. Proprietor, tb. u.r. Apollinaris THE jUEEN OF TABLE WATMSS, Annual Sales now exceeding 28,000,000
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  • 24 4 Stothard— On Ma> Bth, at Colombo, on her w»y home, MißGikct SloCowin. wife ol <}s>kue vroriiAKh, of Ku.una Ksiii c, Tel uk Anson
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  • 288 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 15TH MAY. Our special telegram to-day from Hongkong announces that the Krench Government has acquired, near Macao, a .-iie for a naval hospital. The idea of such an acquisition was in great favour with M. Doumer, the late Gov-ernor-General of French Indo-China. In
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  • 451 4 As recently as Monday last reference was made in these columns to the Siamese postal system, and the fact that It is one of the painful things at. it certain nations not yet quite Westernised that they occasionally abuse the putative inviolability of the mails.' They probably know more about
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  • 330 4 Suit* Obeerrtr recently reproached tbe Straits Time*. In connection with this latter sultanate, we can assert that its ruler has not yet liberated the colored British Christian woman that he inveigled from Bangkok. He has done something else too, evidently with the connivance, if not on the suggestion of the
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  • 53 4 H. H. the Rajah of K ■l.imrm ariived this morning by the Singapore, from Kelantan, and proceeded to interview H. E. the. Governor at Government ll'iii-c. The Raj.ih landed at Johnston's Pier amidst a salute of litteen guns, and was met by Mr. L. E. P. Wolferstan, Secretary la the
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  • 23 4 Mi?'ELi.ANEors reading matter will be found on page 2. Articles on Colombo Harbour and on the Nippon Yusen Kaisha appear on page 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ni!< i>«. k inie is 1/S.J
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a. m. to-morrow.
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  • 16 4 The Exchange Banks will close on Whit Monday. On race days the banks close at noon.
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  • 15 4 The Strait* Budget was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 16 4 The British North Borneo Police contingent Hails for London by the Prinzens Irene on Monday next.
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  • 20 4 The Cigarett.e Sauking Concert by the Dallas Co. at the Tanglin Club tomorrow night will Ii •-'in .a i) sharp.
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  • 18 4 It is reported from New York that the Morgan Shipping "combine" has business intentions in the Orient also.
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  • 20 4 Fkom 10 a.m. yesterday, till the same hour this morning, six fatal cases of cholera were reported to the police.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 A (;beat cyclone has swept over Dacca, in Bengal, destroying the place and neighbouring towns. 416 persons were killed. Thk Resident-General has approved
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  • 19 4 of the title of accountant and auditor, F M.S., being changed to that of Financial Commissioner, V ll S.
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  • 28 4 It is stat.erl taw aoout :i,o<)o exBuxers, rob 1 ers, and other unruly chatffftm have been beheaded in reking since the return of the Court on January 7th.
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  • 35 4 This morning, Mr. Marriott sent a Kling to prison for a month for working a bullock in an unlit state. A few such sentences would effect more in this matter than any number of tines.
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  • 32 4 \\lov, recent appointments in Selangor are that of Mr. L. Carey to be Inspector of Mines, and that of Mr. .H. C. Robinson to be Museum Curator —both on six months' probation.
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  • 30 4 Mr. H. H. NokkiB, the Malay Interpreter of the Supreme Court, Penang, has been transferred to the Supreme Court, Singapore, and will proceed to this Settlement at mn early date.
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  • 30 4 A telegram from Lisbon states that the Portuguese Government has instructed the Portuguese Minister in Peking to demand the cession by China to Portugal of two small islands near Macao.
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  • 27 4 This morning, Mr. W. F. Morgan prosecuted a discharged boy for trespass on his premises. The "boy" admitted the trespass and was fined 910 by Mr. Beatty.
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  • 27 4 A combine among cotton dealers in the Southern States of America is reported to be under consideration. The proposed capital is stated to be sixty million dollars
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  • 28 4 Subscriptions of SlO each from Messrs W. A' Dowley, J Graham, and W. M. McNeil are acknowledged by the Honorary Secretary of the Strangers and Prisoners' Aid Fund.
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  • 32 4 It is understood that no nomination has yet hnen made by H. K. the Governor to till the vacancy on the Municipal Commission caused by the resignation ot Mr. Wee Theam Tew.
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  • 41 4 The Malay Mai .um. mures the death, on the 9th instant, of a w-ll known planter there Mr. J. Toynbee, of Hawthornden esuue. The deceased only teturned Irom a holiday a few month* ago, having been married whilst in Kngland. m
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  • 41 4 It is estiiniitdi Uml 70 per cent, of the miners in Perak are working on "tribute"' The average uett earnings of a coolie are put at S2UO pei annum, which is a good deal higher than the estimate made in Selaugor.
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  • 36 4 The detachment uf the Wei-hai-wei Regiment which has embarked for England from Hongkong, to attend the Coronation, is composed of line, stuniv specimens of the northern Chinaman, and should create a very favourable impression in London.
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  • 57 4 This morning the b. s. Singaporr arrived and brought from Klang Mr. Wiggo Douglas who is wouWMd b> gun shot in both l«-gs, ihal is to sa> in the calf of tin- right leg and above the left ankle. He is now in hospital. The police here think the wounds
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  • 135 4 To-night The Bel eof Xeic York will be produced at the Town Hall for which the booking is going on briskly. The Company Lives a concert at the Tanglin Club to-morrow night and on Saturday Za/.a will be produced for the first time in Singapore. Everything is
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  • 209 4 Runaway Carriage Horses in Stamford Road. Yesterday afternoon, as Mrs. Trotter was driving to town in her carriage and pair, a gentleman in a gig cnllHed with the horses at the foot of Government Hill. They plunged, broke the poie, and bolted, notwithstanding the exertions of the
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  • 120 4 Thi rteenth List. Brought for vm-d S 1(W,15S Messrs. E. Mover ft ou 600 C. W. Laird, tfsq. 2.5 Henry A. Crane, Esq. Wm. 0. Coveney, E g. 15 Messrs. Koh Eng H«on A <■•:■- 200 Chop Yap Eng Moh 100 <"hi» Ann Siang'a Estate 300 Tan
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  • Special Telegram.
    • 62 4 HONGKONG CONTINGENT. SAILS FOR HOME VIA CANADA. Hongkong, 14th. May. The Coronation Contingent left today in the 8. 8 Empr of Japan for union via Canada, after a review by General Gascoigne, the Officer Administering the Government Sir Thomao Jackson was also a pas ganger by the vessel. The
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    • 112 4 NAVAL HOSPITAL WANTED. A Menace to Hongkong. News has come from Macao that the French Government has purchased some land on the promontory of Catai within a few miles ot the town of Macao. The French are supposed to have paid »120,U00 to the Chinese
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 70 4 MEETING OF BOERS. Limim, 1M May. Botha, Websels, and other Boer leaders have left Hainsmith for the meeting to discuss terms of peace at Vereeniging. [TWi WM to In- I genWl I meeting of ti;Boer leailcr-i ;it wMoh x\\k lliirgherH were ti> ballot for ii <leii»ion on th=
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    • 61 4 2....... VICTIMS. it is now estimated that 2,000 persons —mostly Caribs—perished in the eruption at St. Vincent. FRENCH PREMIER'S VISIT TO THE CZAR. M. M. Loubet and Deleave have started for RussiaiTlii'.v will vi>it the CMI U ('run*t;ult. PARLIAMENT. Sir William Harcourt moved an amendment to the
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    • 68 4 hitter The Finance Hill has been read for the second time in the Hjuse of Commons. AUSTRALIA BEATS SURREY. The Australian cricketers have beaten Surrey by M innings and twenty-eight runs. KITCHENER'S PEACE CONFERENCE. I Lord Kitchener has arranged that the l'eace Conference at Vereeniging i shall
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    • 80 4 EVERY LIVING THING KILLED. The Place Wiped out. All the northern section of (ieorgetown in St. Vincent has been devastated similarly to St. Pierre. Practically every living thing lias been killed. The details are too harrowing to describe. All the best sugar estates and the reservation for Caribs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 495 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST LANDED" A LIGHT AUSTRALIAN HOCK (IN QUARTS AND PINTS) CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. John Little Co., Ltd. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. A very choice seta-lion of NEW GOODS now on show. Qiad Silk Skirts with Pointed Flounces in all shades Sunsh.nW. iiewost styles Fancy Shirts, Koleros, Lace Collars, Fichus Narrow
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    • 71 4 G. R LAMBERT V CO. SINGAPORE. (Jrebham Hodbk Battkry Road. and Orchard Road 3 a, DAILY SITTINGS. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., week dayt. From Ham. tu noon, Sundnyt. It is earnestly solicited to make appointments one <lay befo >>hand. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. 5 New Amateur-Cameras complete
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    • 27 4 Craotints I Life-like, enlarged photographs, L'O by l;Y| inches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Straits Times at So each. Read the ofler on page 5.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 553 5 To t!iK Editor of t)u "Straits Times." Sir, -1 'ie letter of Shade of Raffles on the Cadet Corps, which ■ippeared in your issue of the 14th instant, disposes of the prevalent belief that the. corps was organized in order that it should serve as a feeder
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  • 218 5 MY MAIOR E. a. BROADRICK, ACT INC COMMANDANT, B.V.C Singapore, 16th May. 8. V. A. Orders by U. F. Hilton, Acting Comdt. *.V. Duties O. O. for the ensuing week 2nd Lieut. P. R. Warren. Orderly N.C. O for the ensuing week Corporal*. l L Hope.
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  • 90 5 (Uonndel.) I'o One H«il Six it MM that it may full; (Id. I lint Home chance nnj^Lit end the-e woful tricks! I'vrii oiiillinj;* MM wenltli, compared to this at all, To One-andSix! t'aunot Dome deity the exchange ho fix r In- bit; coin need not gel quite
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  • 377 5 Tn« Derby ln our last notes we referred to Olafs chance in the Derby. He galloped this morning in company of Orpheus and pulled up all right. He is very fat, and although we understand he is in better condition than when tie ran ami won
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  • 105 5 80 many insurgents in the Philippines have surrendered that the American Government intends, so its reported, to grant an amnesty. All natives, prisoners of war and those under sentence or awaiting trial for military offences, in the Philippine Islands, will be given their liberty. This action
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  • 88 5 Thi"B the Siam Free Fresi It is a new advantage for England, politically speaking, to have gained the control of the Public Works of the Interior. We are informed that the Royal Survey Department, which is controlled by British hands, has been entrusted with the carrying out
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  • 38 5 Thk new Japanese torpedo boat Kagumi arrived yesterday afternoon from EDgland, and is now lying in the harbour, aloneside ber little sister craft the Shirakumo, which arrived here a week ago. Both are on their way to Japan.
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  • 47 5 Thk two men, Tang Sob Hoot and Chit Bong Chin who were reported in* these columns yesterday as being charged with the theft of eleven piculs of copra in the harbour, were sentenced by the Bench Court to two years and one year respectively. Insp. Branagan prosecuted.
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  • 47 5 This morning, Mr. Wilkins prosecuted a Chinese cart driver for driving on the wrong side of the road in Coleman Street, yesterday. Mr. Bear.ty fined the man SlO If more Europeans could be got to interest themselves in this way, the bullock cart nuisance might be abated.
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  • 43 5 The Hongkong Daily I'lexx is informed that the portable railway for the Punjora mines, which has been awaiting shipment in Singapore since February, has been transhipped by tnngkang for Kuala Pahang on the East Coast. This should assure the resumption of crushing shortly.
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  • 53 5 Monday next is a Bank Holiday, and there will be no issue of the Straits Times on that day. On Tuesday and Thursday next week (race days) the paper will be issued at 'J o'clock. Subscribers please note. On the last race day (Saturday) the paper will be published at
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  • 52 5 A trade paper states that the sale of American locomotives, which had never reached the proportions of the British trade, has now diminished by one-half :is compared with last year. In January and February this year only 56 engines were exported by the United States, as compared with 128 in
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  • 53 5 For possession of two tins of illicit chandu, Poo Kok Liang was, yesterday, ordered by Mr. Marriott to pay a fine of $400, in default six months' impisonment. Another man was fined $100, or a similar term of imprisonment for possession of morphia. Mr F. K. Jennings prosecuted on behalf
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  • 52 5 The following appoint nents ive just been gazetted in Negri Sembilan Mr. W. N.Cosgrave, executive engineer, 4'h grade, to be an executive engineer of the 3rd grade in the Public Works Department. Mr. J. W. Simmons, cadet, to act as secretary to the Sanitary Board, Seremban, and as registrar of
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  • 65 5 This morning, a Ceylonese named H. C. Brooy was fined $15 by Mr. Marriott for riding his bicycle without a light along Middle Road at 5.55 last night. The magistrate remarked that vest erday he, dealt leniently with a lad by fining him 45 for a similar offence, but as
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  • 59 5 Mrs. Aptroot has just received a large and varied assortment of coronation ornaments and decorative material. Jewellery of artistic designs, breast ribbons, hat-bands, flags, ties, and various other things are on view dt the Art Needle Work establishment, Orchard Road. The place is well worth a visit and, what is
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  • 78 5 Central News telegrams from Lisbon and Madrid describe the situation in Portugal as grave. The authorities suppress all reports of rioting in Oporto. The agitation is directed against the convention with the foreign bondholders, which, it is contended, reducer Portugal to the level of a fifth rate Power. Two hundred
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  • 89 5 Thk money spent on provisions in the North German Lloyd fl*>et in 1901 reached I millions of marks (a mark is almost equal to one shilling). The supply of fresh meat alone required 9,800 oxen, 4,500 calves, 3,400 pigs, and 1 I.C JO sheep. The drinks used included immense quantities
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  • 88 5 Mkssrs. J. Buchanan and Co., whose local agents here are Boyd, Kaye and Co. of Change Alley, and who have already been appointed Scotch whisky distillers to the King, have received intimation that they have aho been appointed by warrant Scotch whisky distillers to the Prince of Wales. The firm
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  • 97 5 Recent F. M. S. appointments have thus been gazetted Mr. R. D. Hewett, accountant and auditor, to be Financial Commissioner. Mr. J W. Kriekenbeek, assistant auditor, Central Audit Office, Selangor section, to act as auditor, revenue audit branch, Pahang section. Mr. N. St John, C. Grenier, chief clerk, Central Audit
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  • 51 5 Thk British Military Attache 1 at St. Petersburg, Colonel de itP Poer Beresford, left St. Petersburg last month on a three months' journey in the Par East. He will travel by the Siberian and Manchurian rnilways, and will spend some time at Vladivostok aud at Port Arthur before proceeding to
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  • 67 5 On the evening of the sth inst. .the remains of Dr Patrick Thurbum Manson, eldest son of Dr. Patrick Manson, C M.G., Medical Adviser to the Colonial Office, were laid to rest in the Happy Valley Cemetery, Hongkong, in the same grave in which was buried a younger son of
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  • 52 5 It is notified that commencing from Saturday, 24th inst., the Hye Lo^ng will leave Penang on Saturday evening, arrive at Port Swettenham on Sunday morning, leave Port Swettenham on Monday evening, arrive at .'Vltik An son on Tuesday morning, leave Tehilc Anso.: on Tuesday evening and arrive at Penang on
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  • 64 5 Lee Long and Koh Teng, who were yesterday arraigned at the Assizes before the Chief Justice on charges of niurder, culpable homicide, and committing a rash act, were discharged. This was the case in which a Kling coolie was pushed into the water at Tanjong Pagar. Goh Leong Siong was
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  • 180 5 Latham and Go's, share report, dated to-day, noon, states:— The week under review shows, if anything, weaker rates ruling. In Mining Stacks, Pabang Corporations have been in slight demand at 54.85, at which price a few shares have changed hands. Kechaus and Jelebus are being asked for at no better
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  • 69 5 !W8- l!orn Midiael William Knife, M» poier of The liohemian GtaL" 18:20 Born Florence Ni^htin-;ale, pioneer of Army MHfaM in the ('rimea. IS33 Died K<lniuml Kean, laiuon* actor. IK7— DM, at tJenna, Daniel OVonnell. Itjfei The famouo ironclad Alabumn launched. The English (Joverniuent paid over to.Uim.OOO
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  • 643 5 Singapore, 15th May, l90i PRODUCE. Gambier buyers I3.HU Copra Bali ILM do I'ontianak 10.50 Pepper, Black do White, (5%) &>.•» Sago Flour Sarawak n Ml do Brunei No. 1 3.40 Pearl Sago 4.45 Coffee, Rali, 13% basis KM Coft'ee, Palembang, 'M% basis 28.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.00 Tapioca,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 m BUTTER. USE the best and the purest Butter from the Prince of Wales Dairy Co, who are the suppliers to Aden Colombo, Bombay, Calcutta, Rangoon and Straits Settlements at the lowest prices. The consumers say that they pay nothing for the quality. J. N. KOTHARY, AGENT, 0-7 1 1
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    • 62 5 STEARNh' WINE OF COD LIVER OIL. Is a wonderful flesh creator for those who "can't get fat." Sold everywhere 6 RAFFLES STORE. 33 y North Bridge Road. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS T ADIES are respectfully invited to ±j inspect our stock of COR"*ETB which may be aptly described as ELEGANCE combined
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    • 622 5 NOTICES. Cbc Straits dimes' CRAOTINTS A Like-Like PINLARUED |)iiRTBAIT MOUNTED ON A PIA1K SUNK MOUNT (-•Ox ls.J incheR); if" the l»'st value lu be had in this p:irt of the world for $5.OO The CRAOTINTS are copied from any Photograph sent to the Strati* Tiui>>t Office. Th.- Photograph* Buy he
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 172 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 15th May. High Water 4. 4 p.m. I'm,. 1 meet Lord Kitchener. Coronation Meeting. Town Hall. 4 80. Dallas Co. Belle of New York." Town Hail. 9. Friday, 16th May. High Water 4JI a.m0.4 p.m. -V O. homeward mail closes. 6 a.m. legislative Council. 2.30. 8.V.8.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 520 6 t NOTICES. THE TWO POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE TH! CELEBRATED ff«\ "HOUSE OF COMMONS" MM L ..7~^iP Better known as tli-iTjl ip^ v Black White Wg I 9 Buchanan Blend Hi Red Seal Distillers by Appointment to y^^Bß^^. his Ma i est >' the kinK gfejHlSS?! n s vHIBJ To
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    • 241 6 The ARMY NAVY Stores 41, Chowringhee, Calcutta CALCUTTA. Tin- Gun Hid Tool Depart ments $n now fully stocked at tin Calcutta Depot, when rapain t< guns and rifles are canieil out bj B y uropoati sjunsinitli. Cartridges ol all kinds >uyplied and loaded. Fishing Tackle and Entomological appliam^ stocked. 1»-,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 719 7 'pUE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMIIEt* fVHIE Stand*r J Life Auranwod. Norwich Union Fire Infumnoe 8ooi»ty. AtlM Asunrano" Company (Fire), l'he Kquit. le Life Asuuranoe Society. l'he China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lagsr Hoer Company. For particulars of the.. Companuw, tee th« full adWti»ein.>nt of THK BORNEO COM•»ANT. LIMTTKD Airentn.
      719 words
    • 632 7 STEAMSHIP 1 rrONINKLIJKE PAKETVAABT MAA? Under contract with the Ne' Agent/ at Singapore: Ship Agkscy, v The undermentioned dat Steamer From Expected Rantam Moluccas via May II Batavia Maitsuarker BaUvia 13 via Billiton Alting Soerabaia 13 Reynst BaUvia 18 Ceibes Padang H via ports Catpentier Bntnvia 19 i'an if, r
      632 words
    • 714 7 COMPANIES. j_ rSCHAPPIJ therlands India Government. tb J. Daendkls A Co., 2-3, Coixybb Quay. :ea are only approximate. Will be Despatched for On Slaca«sar, Bwool, Palehleb, Soemalata. Kwandang, Amocrang, Menado, Siauw, Taroena, Tefci, Gorontalo and Ternate. 1). K. May 17 Billiton, Batavia, Samarang, Soerabaia. Bawcnn, Soerabaia, Bandjermatsin, Kotabatoe, Balik Papan
      714 words
    • 634 7 STEAMSHIP COMPAINES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO L.TD A regular FORTNIGHTLY se -vice is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperia l Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with
      634 words
    • 684 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Henrice of the Ocean .st eu m Ship Company and the West Aunt ralian steam Navigation Company between FBEMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINGAPORE. THE SULTAN, BALADIN, MIMLYA AND AUSTKAUND. These steamers run at frequent intervals between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's
      684 words
    • 890 7 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. Programme for ist, 3rd sth July, 1902 Meeting. FIRST DAY. 1. Tiik Mmpbn Plate.— Value |SOO. A Race for Maiden bonea, and horees that have run as Roadster*. Sulmcripiion Grif tins and in RacM confined to horses imported .is subscription grifins. Weight as per scale (Hist).
      890 words

    • 1306 8 Ui.Jer this heading the following abbreriations are used str. steamer sh.— ship; bq.— barq'ie; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H p. —Horse-power; Brit. British; U. S.— United Stntes; Fch.— French Ger. German; Dut. Dutch: Joh. Johore; <i.c— General-cargo; d.p. -de>:k pisseu<er; ll
      1,306 words
    • 884 8 Name, port, probable date of art ivnt. and name of agents. Steamers. A. Excelmans, Dkirk, left Apl 14 M. C'te. Achilles, Moji left May 26; ManstieM. Agamemnon, China. June 15; Manotield. Alboin, Bangkok, May 17; Borneo Coy. Alcinous, Liverpool, May JU; Mansfield. Alicante, Manila, May 18; Barlow. A
      884 words
    • 39 8 If or Per itr. To-Mokkow. Time Europe via ports Coroinawlel P. Swet'liam via ports Ganiimedr Balik Papan, etc., Alting Palembang Ophir 110 I lo via ports Patani 6 a.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m.
      39 words
    • 129 8 Prom Bcbopb:— By the P.AO. s.s. Ckusan dae on 17th inst., with dates to the Jit li Apl She brings replies to the mailn which loft Singapore on tiie 26th March and Ist April From China:— "By the N.D.L. s.s. MIM j Irene due on Sunday. Timk
      129 words
    • 247 8 d f'ljkb Vzssei/s Name A Tons Captain Pkom Sailbh OoMMSBM. J^_ My U 14 11 11 M 14 M U M M l* U if> 15 is 15 15 u ir> I Fun Wo Brit str 454 Yenning l.;mj;k:il May 1*.' K»t/ Brothers Kiwi Yanc »w. "0 Xhimmt-n Malacca
      247 words
    • 130 8 Dati. Vesscl'6 Name. |Flag A Rio Toxs. Dkstination I May 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 16 Ift 16 16 i t Polyphemus Dut str. lt«»8 Hon^konn MM Japan Ban Liinin str. 275 I' via ports Lady Mitchell Brit str. 764 Teluk Anson via ports
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 106 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Cos., Removal Sale Bargains. OATMEAL SOAP Bargain price $l-2O per dozen. WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS Bargain price cts. 5O per dozen. LADIES LACE COLLARETTES Bargain price cts. 45 each. GENTS PATENT PUMPS Bargain price $3-15 per pair. BARGAINS BARGAINS I BARGAINS TOILET SETS (S pieces) Bargain price $4-O5 per set.
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    • 91 8 PEARL NECKLETS Bargain price cts. 45 each GENTS SILK BOWS Bargain price cts. 32 each. LADIES BLACK COURT SHOES Bargain price $1-35 per pair. GENTS HANDKERCHIEFS Bargain price $2-16 per dozen. LADIES CHEMISES Bargain price $1-35 each. CHILDRENS PELISSES Bargain price $1-75 each. COLONIAL NOVELS Bargain price $1-17 each. BOYS
      91 words
    • 110 8 NEW STOLE TIES Bargain price cts. 59 each* LADIES WEB BELTS Bargain price cts. 18 each. GENTS TENNIS SHOES Bargain price .Sl-75 per pair. LADIES DRESSING GOWNS Bargain price $2-66 each. LADIES SAILOR HATS Bargain price cts. 54 each. BOYS STRAW HATS Bargain price cts. 25 each. FLANNELETTE Bargain price
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 93 8 WEATHER REPORT. KanJanii Kerbnu Ho*pilnl, t.',th Man. l.m: Bji.r. >pm. Klmarih. Bar *J9«U6 3».8.7'aJ.i»-ii Morning Temp.. 87.2 8«.O 81.2 partially W B'lbThtr 80 5 7J»O 78.H cloudy." Dir.of Wind S.3.E. s.s.u. S.E. day and Max. Temp.. sight cfc*i Mm 73.5 Max. in Sun 148.0 Terr, rad 71:1 Rainfall
      93 words