The Straits Times, 14 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The StraitsTimes. NO. a 0,82«. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 626 1 SlNH.MMIKK, 1 1TH MAV, 190-J. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers Kt.iHi Copra Bali II.S9 do Ponlianak 10.80 Pepper, Black MLMj do White, (5%) 96.69 Hugo Flon Sarawak- S.flfl do 1>ujio No. I 9.49 Cclf««, Bali, 15% basis -ir, imp Corlee, Palenibanjr.'JO^basM :in.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 19.00 T^c-a. Biuall Flake 5.65
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 704 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. rpHE I'ort Dicks n Co operative Co flee J. Curing Company are prepared to receive Coffee in parchment or Chorry for treatment. Special Terrcs given for large shipments. Apply for terms to the 21-9 MANAGER. HOTCCI OF REMOVAL. 'pHE Office of the b tkaitp Chinesk X Printing OrrtCM
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    • 625 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. MR. ALBKUT PURLER has bari admitted a partner in our linn. (i. HIEBER 4 00. NOTICE. VI A F hereby jjive notice that we hav< purchased from Messrs. Ang Ke< Bang Co. the good-will and stock in-trade of the shipchandler and othe: business carried on by them at
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    • 557 1 NOTICES. t?he Strait stsimes 7 CRAO TINTS, r t See offer on Page 5. KATZ BROS., LD. i?jave oasc anpjacKeD A large stock of SUNSHADES the latest novelties from the best London and Paris houses. A Special Show now on For the Coming Races. Each Sunshade a different Coloured Silk,
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    • 592 1 LATEST ALVERTISEMENTS. BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND Fresh Consignment just arrived. For suit) by CHIN HOA HONG ANN iOCK 4 CO. GEOK TEAT A CO. HOON KEAT A CO. Ilba tins 25 ccnts VnilcK is hereby given that I, the .13 undersigned, Ang Soei ijiaug, sole proprietor of Ang Kee Sianu Co."
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  • 1081 2 A Character Sketch of the drtnt American Financier. (London Morning leader") Nearly pvery Sunday mornine at St. George't* Episcopal Church, in N«w York City, may be seen a Ptnotly huili gentleman, who paaaM ;.!,>ng IM widfl aii-lr <>f tin- ehorah with ;i baaviij dia>fii silver mltot in
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  • 290 2 The list of ofliees has been entirely re-arranged and is now based on a scheme of increments. An addition of between 10 to 15 per cent, was made to the salaries of the officers in the subordinate service. Nine new appointments have been made, the moat important of
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  • 192 2 THE NEW P.M. S.S. KOREA." The 18,600 ton steamship Korea, which has been built at New York for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company at acostofSL'.Ooo.UoO, (gold)and which will soon be seen in Far Eastern waters, returned from her builders' trial trip on 21st ult., after having made a most satisfactory
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  • 199 2 Mr. Chamukhiain's friends --have always claimed tor him that his armour is impenetrable and proof against all weapons; but a weak spot has been found at last, and one of his staunchest admiiers has turned his pen and scissors against him. The Tnilor and Cutler, winch looks
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 NOTICES YARROW CO.'S i: IJB ■|y^- i Shallow Draft Steamers. Particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LIMITED. rr.. \v. V ClI 1 %ta_ The most nourishing, digestible and delicious of all Cocoas. *&4&/ GOES FARTHEST. KELLY WALSH, LTD. Co:) New Colonial Libraries The at 1 .50 each. CORONATION The iioutul of
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    • 321 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses. AND Eleuipfc Blasting Apparatus, (Vie above Explosives, l>eing all manii■vdured in G-reat Britain, are made tu n't* the high standard of safety and ■rarity tests imposed by the /British iovernment,
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    • 255 2 NOTICES. rpHE gTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE pays upwards of Half-a-Million Pound* Sterling p«r Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions' and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 1219 3 Its Future. {Uu W. Hroadlridge, Amte. M- M. fmi 0. X) Tb existence of gold in the Malay Peninsula has been known lor centimes and in almost all of the native Itelw there are evidence*, ami traces of workings by the Chinese and
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  • 123 3 Messkr. E H. Conger (I' S. Minister at Peking). W. H. Bainbridge (second secretary I*. .S. Legation at Peking p .nd .1. W. Rags Hale (I*. B. Consul at Tientsin) have been appointed a Commission by the I'nited States Government to ascertain the amount of damages
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  • 225 3 Is a communication from Singapore to Xhe Manila 'lint's, the writer seeks to make out that certain German firms here are helping to keep alive the insurrection in the Philippines. He says that this is done by firms- who take advantage of the inattention of custom
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  • 188 3 Mi! Kri-d. A. MeKen/.ie, a London newspaper man, has placed some stroiig matter before the English reading public, under the title of "The American Invaders," showing the tremendous influence of advertising in its ultimate effect upon the success of a nation. He says: "The American specialist
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 319 3 NOTICES. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL RACE WEEK DINNERS, ON Tuesday, the aoth inst. Thursday, the 22nd AND Saturday, the 24th. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. DANCING AFTER DINNER. Sarkies Bros., PROPRIETORS. 14-6 MILLARS' KARRI ff JARRAH FORESTS LTD. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. V¥ T X, the undersigned, having been apW pointed Agents for the above
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    • 714 3 NOTICES. \Jtr ANTED. A competent European T T to take chnrtiO of the construction of a seawall at Pennng; apply, stating experience and salary expected, to BARN 1 FIT A STAKK. 14 r> Pcimng. WANTED: Chinese clerk, good bookkeeper, must lie able to work Typewriter and to write Shorthand. Apply
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    • 583 3 NOTICES. WA >TED. 2 TREADLE pressmen and one Compositor. 1-6 Apply to K. H., c/o Straitx 7Wx. WANTED. BUYERS to clear our stock of Russian Tinned Provisions consisting of the fi'llowing:— Lamprey, Sausages. Eel Young M orhen. Younk VVoodcok, Grey Grouhe, Venison. Phi fridges. Sardines. Roast HHre. ('Rvinre: also disinfectant
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    • 529 3 NOTICES. TO BE LKT. COMPOUND Houfe No. 58 Hill Street \J (lately occupied l>y .he Chinese t'onlol (ii ihthl). sniiiil'lc fora liott'l Apply to CHOP HFXO LOOMfI, v.c. .<) k< lii h i Hf O (i TO%E LET. RANNOOH 1.01n.K IT Qnrga Koat! tntry Ist June. IW2 Apply to EAH
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  • 722 4 The StraitsTimes. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 14TH MAY. No quarter (if the globe, no period of history, can be to as immune from seismic disturbances. In in >dern ti.nes, however, there have been few it any disasters to equal in horror the awful visitation in the West Indies whereof
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  • 412 4 We would call particular iittention to the little matter in connection with the Voi'inteer movement, which is noted by Shade of R.iffl^s in our correspondence column to-day. We all know very well that the majority of the lads in the new Cadet Corps cannot possibly liinl funds wherewith to
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  • 158 4 Whentk come all those wandering lunatics that are continuously arriving here and are permitted to roam aimlessly about our streets until they fall into the hands of the police and are mercifully sent to the Asylum by a magistrate P The question is repeatedly asked, but no satisfactory reply has
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  • 35 4 TBl Public Meeting, under the Chairmanship of sir Lionel Cox, to arrange preliminaries for a public celebration in honor of the Kinu's Coronation will open at the Town Hall to-morrow afternoon at 4.;t0 o'clock.
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  • 26 4 Reaping matter of a miscellaneous nature will be found on pa£* 2. An article on Gold Mining in the F. M. S. appears on page It.
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  • 78 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/8,»- Thb homeward mail closes at 6 a. m. on Friday. The Straits liudget will be issued to-morrow morning. Exchange, share, and produce quotations are printed on page 1. Land in the vicinity of Port Swettenham is said to sell at about Sl,ooo an acre.
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  • 795 4 Thk final of the Singapore Rowing club fours did not take place yesterday afternoon, owing to illness. Shipping advertisement*, with dates of sailing etc., will be fnui d on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8. From Id a. m. yesterdny nine cases of cholera, four of
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  • Reuter's Telegrame.
    • 106 4 EFFECTS OF THE VOLCANIC OUTBURST. Terrible Scenes of DeSolatlon at St. Pierre. Ij&ndon, 14'/i May. The United States Congress has voted $200,000 for the relief of the sufferers from the volcanic outburst. A visit was paid to the ruins of St. Pierre on Sunday last. The
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    • 102 4 ST. VINCENT. httcr. The latest unofficial report from StVincent shows that 1.600 persons perished there. ST. PIERRE SURVIVORS. Of the sole surviv >r<* from St. Pierre (HO in .lumber) rescued by the man-of-war ihuktt, eighteen died, ami eight others are dying. Some houses in the outskirts of St.
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  • 37 4 16Mb Horn (Jaliriel Daniel Fahrenheit. 1771 licim Ituliert Owen, philanthropic and !-<n-i:il ri'lciiiner MM Sn|Kil liukl'M nt Kltm. lMil— On this day Adelina I'atti iiiHile liri lirM appearance in l.niiilun in l.i Sounam
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  • 87 4 The following is an extract from a letter received by the Sipiau lin Company Ltd. giving Apiil returns. "The output of clean ore for April and sold to Trading Company, was Pols. 163.4S for whicn we received *si.")H-67. Our actual working expenses, salaries included, was $."{*'*4 *h,
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  • 362 4 S. C. C. v. R. A. (Blakan Mali.) < ).n the Esplanade last evening the S. C. C. met a team of the R. A. from Blakan Mati. A large crowd lined the ropes and an interesting display of the game, was shewn by both sides, the Club eventually
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. MR. HENK/ DALLAS' MUSICAL A*D DRAMATIC CO. Nu performance to-night POSTPONEMENT ZAZA. lii coiim i|'i..|icc of the elaborate preparation* wrwary for the production of ZAZA md owing to the limited Mag* a< c->nißSudatina available at 'he T"wn ll, ill the performance of ZAZA is unavoidably postponed
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    • 456 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ZAZA WANTKI). RY an Etiropeiin who speaks English, French, Bad Chinese, position us sti'wii'il, hou-eWeeper, or as domastie attend int. I'livit- rosiilcme preferable. No »»ljiry required for the pre--ent. For further p*rUcnlan apply to the underiiientiono.l uldr fhrfog the name and place of location in clear writing. Apply
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    • 69 4 G. R. LAMBERT V CO. SINQAPORE. Grbsham Hodse— Battkry Road. and Orchard Road 3 a, DAILY SITTINOS. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., werk day*. From 8 am. to voon, Sunday It is earnestly solicited to make appointments one day hefo'fhand. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. /i New Amateur-Cameras complete
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    • 26 4 Craoi ints Life-like, enlarged photographs, 20 by IJU ir.ches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Straits Tiinux at $."> each. Head the offer on puge r>.
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  • 1031 5 The other side of the story. A <oRRKBp<)NnKNT, signing himself Verittu, sends v the following for publication. 11.1 1. is a refutation of the strictures passed by Mr. W. W. Eddy on lohore. It speaks for itself lha.i to thank you for affording your readerß tin opportunity since who
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  • 146 5 Postponement of Zaza." Mr. Dallas regrets to have to postpone the performance of Zaza to-night owing to the elaborate preparations necessary for the production of the piece on account of the limited itage accomodation of the Town Hall, al-o that he has been unable to secure the
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  • 352 5 This morning, B. V. N. D'Siiva, a clerk in the employ of Messrs Fraser, N'eave it Co was arraigned before Mr Beatty for enquiry into an allegation of criminal breach of trust made asainst him by his employers, of having used $404.78 of their money on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 180 5 To tlu Editor of ihe Straits Times" Sir,— I would like to enlist your support on behalf of the Cadet Corps. There are ore or two movements on foot to raiea funds so as to get these boys, about .?00 in number, into some simple uniform for
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    • 368 5 To t'te Editor of t lie titraih Time?" Sir, The apparent apathy and indifference evinced hy the Chinese community in neelecting to fill the vacant seat on the Municipal Board caused by the resignation of Mr. Wee Theam Tew not altogether surprising since past experience has shown that
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  • 366 5 Accused Sentenced to Death. At the Assizes this morning, Sailed bi.i Tasaka was sentenced to the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of a Malay woman named Bedah at Pasir l'anjang, on April 17th. Briefly, the facts were that the prisoner and the mu r
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  • 53 5 This morning, Ng Koon was sentenced to six months by Mr. Marriott for having in his possession, on the sth inst. a counterfeit fifty cent piece and five twenty cent pieces. He was also charged with delivering the counterfeit fifty cent piece. Mr. Peelhorst, Asst. Qnvt. Analyst, proved the coins
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  • 57 5 A Jewish lad was, this morning, fined $5 r.y Mr. Marriott for riding his bicycle without a light in Middle Road at 730 ve-terd.-iy evening. In this cane the lad came doubly to grief; for he collided with a rikisha, got severely shaken by being upset, and had his machine
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  • 67 5 The Chinese Consul-General here, who has been on a visit to Australia, is said to have been commissioned by his Government to inquire into the condition of the Chinese there, and to collect information as to their number, occupations, and their part in the social and political life of the
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  • 77 5 Yesterday at 2 p.m. two Chinese boatmen were arrested in twakow 986 at Campong Saigon, for the theft of 11 piculs of copra worth 599, the property of Goh Leone Phing. In their possession was found a pen-knife, a bleeder, a needle, two bags of copra and three empty bags.
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  • 95 5 Yesterday, at the Assizes, the Chief J -tice sentenced Khoo Heng Wee to one year's rigorous irenrisonment for forgery. The hearing of iiarges against Lee Leng and Koh Teng of murder, culpable homicide, and causing death by a rash act was proceeded with. The prisoners were accused of causing the
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  • 92 5 Thb Russian government, the OsfaMfltil he Lloyd says, intends to considerably strengthen its Far Eastern fleet. The three torp«do boats Forel, St. rtimi, and Omttr, built in Havre, are on the way to the East. In the course of the present year two battleships and se»ren cruisers are to follow.
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  • 83 5 A correspondent writes that there is a certain fishmonger, a stall holder, in Kllenborough Market, whose demeanour towards those custorueis who make a reasonable bargain with him is anything but peaceful. This person is alleged to have used rounds of ab 'se to customers, to have thrown water over them,
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  • 181 5 Are you weak, tired, easily fatigued, all-worn-out If so, your system lacks tone. Your system needs recuperating. You need a good strengthening tonic. When the system is in a depressed condition its resisting power is lowered and it is an easy prey to disease. Germs may readily multiply upon the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 GOING INSANE. A. L. Kimer of Stoneridge, N. Y. says: I was for a long Mmc troubled with sleeplessness and with intense neuralgic pains in the head which made me feel as though I was eoing insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures
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    • 527 5 AUCTION SALES. IN THE MATTER OF THE Estate of J. M. Lyon,— Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Engineers' Stock-in-Trade, Machinery &c. (By order of A. Lyon, Executor.) To be held at J. M. LYON Co's WORKS AT BEACH BOAS ON Monday, the 12th May, 1902, commencing at 10-30 a.m. To
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    • 558 5 NOTICES. Zbc Straits Zimce' CRAOTINTS A LIFK-LIKK I^NI.AUCKI) QOBTKAIT MOUKTBD OH A ITAIR SUNK Morsr (2Oxlf>i inches): is the best, value to '>c had in this part of tin- world for $5.00 The ORVOTINTS nr,. ,-or>ied in. in :mv Photograph «.'iit toil) Stra U Tin.. <O(lice. The Photograph* nviy be
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 209 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 14th May. Hi «h Water. 4.M p m. Moon. First (Quarter 8 35 p.m. S.V.E. Engineering Drill. BIO. Horses Sale at Al>ram's. Powell. 6.15. Thursday, 15th May. High Water. 8.H a.m. 4.">4 p.m. Bo- rs meet Kitchener. Coionat'cn Meeting. Town Hall. 4.30. P. A O homeward
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERSINS 9 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v BySpsciaiWarpaßtM^ESJ^His Majestg Purve-jors to *E§^SM^^» The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. A cup of Bovril for late Supper will be found .1 desirable change for many who feel the need of nourishment before retiring, but to whom an ordinary meal is only
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    • 108 6 DURABLE AND ACCURATE *f]fl|O i The Keystone Watch Case Co. WHmmm <■■■ Philadelphia, U. SA. America's Oldest and §£?*'*> >\Largest Watch Factory X^L^y The Principal Watch Dealers in Straits Settlements COALS AT GALLF Best Welsh and Indian (Barrakur always in stock Quick despatch. CLARK, SPENCE Co E. COATKS Co. Galle,
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    • 319 6 NOTICES. U The most Refreshing Drink in Singapore. I mohtserrat:; jm Lime-Fruit Juice mm, and Cordials HF i:M either with water or aereated water is a delightful thirst quencher. ffcrTrt} ThmLMMCETmm^.. JifTT"" T ll) Wa oovnMl tha public to drink Limef"SsCjj(TJiH H V --^/V >> r«U Julm wktuvn and vhrnvu
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    • 345 6 1 The ARMY naY y Stores 41. Chowringhee, Calcutta. CALCUTTA. Tlic Gun an.l Tool Depart ments are now lullv stocked at the Calcutta Depot, where repairs t<. guns and rifles are carried out by .1 F uropean gunsmith. Cartridges of all kinds supplied and loaded. Fishing Tackle ami Entomological ippliaDcet
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 712 7 I^HE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED THE Standard Life Ami— noe. Norwich Union Fire Inimrance Society. AtlM Asfuranoe Company (Fire). l'h« K(|uit*hl.. Life A»Hurance Society. 1 he China Mutual Steam Navi~.tion Company 1 hfc TottenVjnn L t«t Keer Company. For particula- of Ifcm Companie*, »cc the 'nil advT.rtiBein..nt of IH I BORNEO
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    • 749 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, 17-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Unde; contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* at Singapore: Ship Agksoy, i.ate J. Dasndbls A Co., 2-3, Collykk Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Fro— Expected Will be 1 tpspatoherl for On Hantam Moluccas via >iay 12 also* car, ■wool, Palehleta, BoeBatavia
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    • 1125 8 Uiider this h-ading the f.>llowiru abbreviation? ar" u-*)d str.— steamer »h.— •hip; Ikj- -barque; aflh arhno—l Yet.— Yacht- Cru— Cruiser; Gbt —Gunboat: Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse-p >wer; Hrit.—British U. S.— l'liited States Fch— French Ger.— German Dut— Dutch Joh.— Johore 4c..Gr.c W^neral-cargo: dp. -d«ekpa«*aager U.— Uncertiio T.
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    • 821 8 Sum*, port, probahle date of anival. and name oj agents. Steamers. A. Excelmans, Dunkirk, left Apl 14 Achilles. Muji, left May 25; Mansfield. Adria, Hongkong, 15; Behn Meyer. Agamemnon. China, June 15: Mansfield. Alboin, Bangkok, May 17 Borneo Co\ Alcinous Liverpool, May M; MjUuAeld. Alicante Manila, May 18;
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    • 104 8 For Per *tr. Tmm To-Morrow. Snmliiisand l'lian ik Vmidir l'unu 9 a.m. I iM.i-i.i M. i -i etc., Handim 1 I a.m. Malacca and Lin^'i Hele.nt 2 p.m Sarawak Giant/ Ann 3 p.m. P. Swet'hani via ports Chnw Phya 3 p.m. Port ">wettonlmin Carl ale 3 p.m. Bangkok
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    • 128 8 From Europe:— By the P. 40. s.s. Chutan due on 17th inst, with dates to the 25th Apl. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 26th March and Ist April. From China:— By the P. AO. s.s. Coromandrl due on Thursday. Time Table
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    • 246 8 For Singapore. l'er P. O. 8. s. Arrailia connecting with the steamer Chvvun ;it Colombo, from I.ondor April 17, due Ixtli May M»mi-. W. Crompton and J. Crawford, Mr. K. K Bain. Per P. O. s s. Shanghai from Lon-1 >n April 19, dae&M May Mr. F.
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  • 170 8 K ri.u, 5 VassßL's Nami A Toss Captain From Sailed. Conmc.nkks i My 12 jR. Schifl Baroe Dut str m JN'aeodah Khio May UJQaM Wo» Bee 12 ;Pelayo Brit str. lloo'Prynn I' S.-milan May 1' Katz Brother*. 13 ;Chigwell str.i 11P2 lUnderhay B. Papim vtnv 7Myme and Co. IS
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  • 156 8 Datb. Vessel's Name. Flm <fc Kfc; Tons. Destination. May 14 Houtr-ian I hut str 14 £a<lo Mam Jap str. 16 Adeli >ur str. 15 A. K. O'Brien Brit bq. U Ismaila ai 14 I "riLf-lnp*. atr. 14 Sri Wonitsei' Dut str. 14 Flandria n-r str. 14 Malacca Brit str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 486 8 BPI WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW GO'S. p Dress Materials, Tapestries, Liner j, Longcloths, Art Serges, ££Sr- REMOVAL SALE =r., L Chiffons, Nets, 2S!ii«Umbrellas, Rain Coats. Bedding, iVZllTsZT**,**., NOW ON! NOW ON!! NOW ON!!! SC-. GENTLEMENS- DEPAETMEHT. SaS^aSi. GENERAL DRAPERS, HOSIERS, HABERDASHERS rZV^TZ.T^ Sm*£J!n: R.,n c..t.. AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS. 7o*irt*"'"" <gs Boots and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 108 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandanri Kerbau Honpitat, fMt Man, Mft 9 a^m_ 9 prn. 8 pm. _Rem arjcs. Bar 29 983 2» 878 ■2».Hou Morning" Temp.. 79.0 85.0 B^o o»preast, W B'lbTher 77.. r > 78 6 77.9 rain at 3 Dir. of Wind eE. S.E. S.E. o'clock, day Max. Temp. 85.4
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