The Straits Times, 13 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,827 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 656 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. MR. ALBEBT DURLIB li«> baaa admitted a partner in our linn. 145 (i HIEBEK 4 CO. NOTICE. rpHK I'ort Dick> n Co n|>< ■r.-itivi- Coflu' 1 ("urine (.'onipanv arc pranawd to receive OoOM in pjirehnicnt cr Cherry lor lieiitiiM'ni. Bnasial IVip-s n' v en for lar^e •hi patents.
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    • 456 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ JJUIpjIN BRAND Ml I'gSSffiJj IVlllk H&k l/S^Sr I Guaranteed '*351P r fwV*is COMIESSD W l^ Bee thii Full Cream. ZZnu* Largest Sale in the World. "tUT NOTICE. \1 r E hereby give notice that we have purcliased fiotu Messrs. Ang Kee Beaag A Co. the good-will and stock-in-trade
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    • 349 1 Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HVVK NOW REDl CEDTHE PRICE OF Common Bricks to $140 p laksa Firebricks to {j)50 p i >oo Fireclay 3>-7.oU p ton Boiler seat int*, toiler cover?, and any other other shaped bricks < r twbriefci can l>e made to order for
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    • 145 1 NOTICES. MAYNAHD&CO,,LTD. WHOLESALE AVD RETAIL CHEMISTS k DRUGGISTS. 14, Battery Road. Toilet Requisites. The celebrated Oriental Haii Wash. Atkinson's Perfumes. All kinds and sizes in Stock of: Genuine Marina Eau de Cologne Genuine Murray and Lanman's Florida Water, Rigaud's and Pinaud's French Perfumery. To 'et Soaps AND A Large assorttnentol'Loofahs,
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    • 334 1 NOTICES. •Che Straits dimes' CRAO TINTS, See offer on Page 5. KATZ BROS., LD. f?jave 3asc anpjacKeD A large stock of SUNSHADES the latest novelties from the best London and Paris houses. A Special Show now on For the Coming Races. Each Sunshade a different Coloured Silk, no two alike.
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    • 92 1 Macniven and Cameron's Pens. They caiuc as a boon anil a blrsxint) to mm The Pirkuu-k, the Hul ,ivd th' Wmttrttg In, I RFTOMMENDKD BY 3,007 NKWSI'APKK?. •Sold at all .Stationers. WAVICKI.EY WOKK?, EDINHr!«iM, Penraakei-s to His Majesty's (invernnient (Offices. tu. b :«n/9/o-j Komeya Co. 24, HIGH STREET Sole Importers
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  • 1617 2 Qeneral Meeting. At the request of the local manager of the bank, we publish the following full report of the forty-eighth ordinary general meeting of thit bank which took place on the lGth April at the Cannon Street Hotel, Mr. J. Howai'i Gwyther being in tlie chair. Mr.
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  • 228 2 Bellamy Storer, the United States Minister to Spain, arrived in New York, the other ilay, on leave of absence, ami denied the report that King Alfbwo it pliysically and mentally unlit to assume tins reins of Government lit; has heen admirably brought up by a most devoted
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 701 2 NOTICES^ j j'AftK AND IRON WINE) ltl»— Ol«t<» the 111 I ttli'llM the vital for.-.-- Stimulate* I lie t|l|ltfilll MNMgUNM 111.- M.-rves— rieiisnnt tv th* Palate. SOLE AGENTS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. 16-2-03 Californian Wines. Big Tree Brand nrr\ \v/ imcc These are the same prices KhL) WiINCO as in
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    • 346 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly matured in bond. Price |10 per case; samples free. BORNEO CO., LTD. tu th. s. Sole Importers. ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASSURANCES EARLY IN LIFE. IT is an advantage to effect Assurance early in life. By tlelay, the rate of Premium increases; Death may
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    • 367 2 NOTICES. FODENS' STEAM WAGON I EASILY beat all competitor* at the li recent Military Trials at Aldershot, which the following T.iblt; of Results v>ill show FODEN. Dato. Mile Time. Fuel. Water. fith -W sh. 4:.m. 4i>o lbs. -»-.'7 gals. 6th 4h. 41a, :{.5« Ihs. -JOr, gals. 9th .')h. 16m. Wi
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  • 784 3 7th May. Captain Lyons has been recently in I'enang superintending the embarkation of H H the Sultan of Perak's bodyguard; -welve out of fourteen mounted Sikhs were originally selected from the Sultan's guard in Kuala Kangsar for this purpose; but HE. the Governor did not consider
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  • 115 3 Tin- HMMMI meetine of the Mercantile Rank of India was held on April I'itli at Winchester House. Sir Alex. Wilson presided, anil moved the adoption of the report, which stated that for the year ended Dec. .'{lst the net profits amounted to 49,985/., out of which the directors,
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  • 106 3 At the meeting of the above Club on Saturday :srd iust., some very bad shooting was witnessed. The trophy, a silver cigarette box, was won with 9 kills out of a possible 14, by Mr. C. Langley Johnson, Secretary of the Club. Mr. G E. Llewelyn, who
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  • 434 3 Commenting on the climate in the Philippine Islands, F. Peter Dunne's Mr Dooley says Th' climate is simply hivenly. No other wurnid describes it. A white man who goe* there seldom rayturnes unless th' bereaved fam'ly insists. It is jus' right. In winter enough
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  • 331 3 LiM of Unclaimed Letter* lying at the General l'o*t Ofu-a, Singapore. \ltro, F. Konyn, A. Apia, A. Koster, J. R. P. .ii ip- J. 8. Lazard-Jeillon Capt. Hart he*, A. l.ifsusti, M L. Een>-a»sar. M. Lissiniucho C *****, C. l.ittle. K. M. BodoK-i'. L Mnitland.W. M. Bonnet, F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 411 3 NOTICES. fiRUSHKU KOOO \J iBY IT AXV YOD WILL BK SATISFIKU. I. K. BELILIOSbegs to inform thepubli' that his Factory for preparing Cruohe<Food, at No. 1. BeliHo* Road isnow oiienw Firt.l Clasa Frasb Crushed Food p. c. per bag wg. 1-10 Cleaned Oats do wg. 0-90 M.(* No. 1 Bran
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    • 711 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A competent European to take chnrpe or the construction of a seawall at Penang apply, stating t xpericme and salary expected, to BARRETT A STARK. U-S Peimng. wanted! A CHINESE Clerk with knowledge of Office Work and Bazaar. Apply by letter only to 13-6 KUMPERS A CO. WANTED:
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    • 601 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. ARAI.I.I-CAK with rubbor tyres by Lambert Bros. Price moderate. Apply to 21 B C H. c/o Strait* Timet. FOR SALE. A DRILLING Plant and one Tnngye's Sydney Pump with accessories all new. For particulars, apply to v.c. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. TO BE LR (^1 1 1.STEAD
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    • 514 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. BUNGALOW, Confederat a Estate, facing the sea entry from it April next Apply to BN. ELIAB, 6 Cuange Alley. TO BE LET, FURNISHED. VILLA Marina, Urove EMate, Tanjong Katong 'M'P'y to v.c. STEPHENS PAUL CO TO BE LET. /COMPOUND Hou«e No. M Hill Streot \J (lately
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  • 26 4 Koekitz.— On the 12th inst. at Frankfort House, Lloyd Road, of typhoid fever, Jessib, the your. gest daughter of Mr A. Kueuitz, aged 14 years.
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  • 729 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 13 TH MAY. Now thu the Municipal Commissioners have taken up the matter of a new Christian cemetery, they might fittingly and profitably withal, devote some attention to the subject of the Chinese cemeteries that flmrish among and around us. We have at
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  • 370 4 Tlie Tablet, being a Roman Catholic sectarian organ, has a comparatively small circulation outside ot ecclesiastical circles. It stands to the Roman Catholic Church in England and overseas much as The IM; does to the Established Church, save in the fact that it is probably more widely circulated and ipso
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  • 155 4 M. J. B. Kkemkr, the Chief of Police in the French Concession at Shanghai, has iu*t issued his annual Report,which is published more or less at length in the current issue ot L'Echo de Chine. According to M Kremer, the list of Chinese arrested during the year under review shnw«
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  • 26 4 A full report of the last Chartered Bank meeting will he found on page 2. Page U contains K. M. S. Notes and other reading matter
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  • 5 4 To-DAV's4/ms bank rate, is 1/bV,
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  • 10 4 The homeward mail closes at 0 a. m. on Friday.
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  • 11 4 Mk. H. G. Sakw.ik has be^n appointed Third Magistrate, at Singapore.
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  • 11 4 Mi.s. MkkewkihivK leaves for Selan gor by the Mnlarcu to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 15 4 The rate of maintenance at the Reformatory, Singapore, has been lixed at S8 a month.
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  • 15 4 The Dallas Company will give a Cigarette Smuker at the Tanglin Club on Friday night.
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  • 16 4 The American Biograph Co. advertise that this will be the last week of their season bere.
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  • 17 4 Capt. Sakgkaunt, the Acting D.A.A.G. being ill, his duties are performed by Lieut. J. Thomson R G.A.
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  • 17 4 Messrs. G. D. Monroe, and A. C. M. Weaver, arrived from Sourabaya by the AUing this morning.
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  • 21 4 The East Asiatic Co.'s steamer Sentis left Suez, on the 11th inst. and is due here on the .'ird of June.
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  • 19 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play in the People's Park this afternoon from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 19 4 The Corps of Volunteer Rifles now being raised in Sclanenr is to be called "The Malay States Volunteer Rifles."
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will by found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 18 4 Mr. Eschkg has been approved a« Consul for Germany for British Borneo Labuan, and the Federated Malay States.
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  • 20 4 Coust Wai.dkrskk is said to have declared during an interview that war between Japan and Russia seemed to him inevitable.
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  • 24 4 Mb. C. F. Van Rketh acts as Belgian Vice-Consul, and Mr. Paul Hati'ter as Acting Consul for Denmark at Singapore from the sth instant.
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  • 24 4 On Sunday niuht, a Chinaaian was found lurking about Mount IScho. He had a knife in his possession. He is detained for police enquiry.
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  • 22 4 Twenty Fijian armed native constabulary under a European officer have, says a Renter teleuram from Suva, been ordered to attend the Coronation.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 24 4 Readeks will noun: that the Xorddentbclmr Lloyd nu\v advertises the names and dates of sailing uf the (ierman mail steamers up to March, 1903.
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  • 34 4 Fkom 10 a.m. yesterday till the same hour tins mornii.g, nine MaM of cholera, seven of wtiich were fatal, were reported to the police. The death rate ligures up to 77 7 per eta*.
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  • 30 4 The P. <fc O. uuiward mail steamer Chusan with dates tv the 25th April left Colombo at 6 p.m. on Sunday and is expected to arrive here on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 25 4 I'i.A'jfK lia* reappeared at Hongkong. Forty-eight eases had heen reported u[> to (Hi instant.. The disease is expected to spread rapidly owing to insanitary conditions.
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  • 30 4 Thb L it (X Express hears that the health of Mr. Tnomas >Scott has rot heen such as his friends would have desired, since his arrival in England from Singapore.
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  • 28 4 UEcUo de Chine publishes a statement that Viceroy Yuan Shikai is negotiating with the British Government in order that the Chinese fleet may carry out manoeuvres at Weiliaiwei.
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  • 34 4 M. i a.-imih I'i-.kikk, ez-Presklent of the Frencli Republic, has been elected to till the vacancy in the board of directorate of the Suez Canal, caused by the death of the late M. Herbtstte.
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  • 36 4 The entrances of vessels into the port of Bangkok during the month of April numbered 71, with a total tonnage ot 66,286. 30 of the vessels entered flew the German flig, 19 British, and 14 (Norwegian,
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  • 39 4 On Saturday next at 9 p.m. the memhers of the I. O. <i. T. lodge, at 51 Hill Street, give a musical entertainment. On this occasion, th« members will be glad to see their friends and otiiers in force.
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  • 39 4 Mr. A. Richards has arrived at Kuala Lumpor to take over the duties of Manager of the Chartered Bank there. Mr. Sutherland, who recently left Singapore to take over the Kual.i Lumpur managership, is about to take a holiday.
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  • 36 4 The Bmm Free I'ress hears that the salary of Mr, Rivett-Carnac, Financial Adviser and Comptroller-General to the Siamese Government, has been increased to .£4,000 a year since his appointment as Legal Adviser to the Siamese Government.
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  • 43 4 The public ar* reminded of the meeting to be held at the Town H.ill next Thursday at 4-15, to consider what steps should be taken to celebrate the Coronation, beyond the official ceremonies already notified. The Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, will preside.
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  • 38 4 Detachments of the Hongkong Regiment, Hongkong and Singapore Battalions of Royal Artillery, Chinese Royal Engineers, and of the Ist Chinese Regiment at Weihaiwei ure to embark along with the Honzkong Volunteers and accompany them to the Coronation celebrations.
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  • 56 4 On Friday morning last two Hylams employed at Hurricane House as "boy" and tukang ayer were prosecuted by Mr. Johannes, the care-laker, for being iv possession of a table-cloth and two bed-currain hooks, the property ».f the KingofSiam. The things were found in the boy's" quarters. The "tukang ayer" was
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  • 66 4 The Revd. B, Walker, the Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, who has been away on a year's holiday at home, is expected to be in his pulpit again on Sunday next. His locum teuens, the Revd. W. Murray, on giving up charge, takes up Christian work among the English speaking
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  • 56 4 On the 2nd inst., five Chinamen formed an unlawful assembly in New Bridge Road for the purpose of mischief, using criminal force, and depriving others of the right of way. Mr. R. W. Braudell prosecuted. On Saturday morning, Mr. Marriott sentenced two of them to three months' rigorous imprisonment each
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 41 4 THE VOLCANIC OUTBURST. MORE PERISH. London, 131 h May. Despatches from St. TtMMMM express belief that 500 persons perished in the volcanic outburst at St. Vincent. It is reported that Kort De Prance, a commercial town in Martinique, is in danger.
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    • 49 4 Later. A Liberal has heen elected for Bury in place of Mr. G. T. Kenyon (C) who had resigned seat. [Mr. (icortfe Tonlinin was mentioned in the latest mail papers as the prnhable Liberal candidate. The I'nicmist cindidatfi was Mr Harry Lawsi.n, son of Sir Kdward Lawson.l
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    • 12 4 Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has withdrawn the cheque stamp duty.
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    • 33 4 The northern side of St Vincent i* ablaze, and is unapproachable. The whole face of Martinique is constantly changing. Some of the rivers are drying up. Others are <>verrlowit£ their banks.
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  • 40 4 1717- -Born Maria Theresa, Kniprpxc al Au>tria. 183!t— Died Cardinal fmek, uiiclp <it Na|M. laaa Bonupurle. 184U^Knrl Stanhope* Motion against the < >pi ii in tnide ne^ativeil in HoaM oi l.orilt.. 1X74 TaH Alexainl.'r 11. lini- l.ii^l.iinl
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  • 206 4 The followit.;.' pIMMum MM ln»>l ed far Singapore up to tin- tit Ii April liy the lluwhury. due here on ''Mi\ May From Southampton. H. tJ. the Sultan of .lolioru anil rritit. Mr. James Campoell K -rr, Private Secretary ta H. 11. the Sultan oi .lohore,
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  • 394 4 This play which is to be introduced to the (Singapore public tomorrow night created a k reat sensation *baa lirst produced .n London r>_v Mrs Leslie Carter, an American actress, who was, till then comparatively unknown but who, through "Zaza at once sprang into prominence. The plot of Znza
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 767 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MAC6REGOR CO. ESTABLISHED 1864. WNE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. ■LONDON. GLASGOW. SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE. (9*riee Jbist on Jipplieation.) SI'IiAITS SI'KAMSHIP CO., LTD. rpHKs. s CAALVUt will .-all at Port I Diukson on Fri.aj, l«th instant, to ii-.-h.iiL'e cargo ;ii..| will in conseqnenre ;u rive at P «it
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    • 69 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. SINGAPORE. (Jmesham House Battery Road. and Orchard Road 3 a, DAILY SITTINGS. From 8 a.m. tr> 5 p.m., week dayi. From Sam. to noon, Sundni/t. It is earnestly solicited to make appointments one day befo"«*hand. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. 5 New Amateur-Cameras complete J Plate
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    • 25 4 Craotints: Life-like, enlarged photographs, 20 by \.~>\ inches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Straits Times at $5 each. Read the ofior on page 5.
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  • 1064 5 CORONATION CONTINGENT. (I'opy of a I'rtrule Letter from one of the Mm.) f'.undO Oylon, Culomlv. I>kak lust wrote from Penang md now 1 wi!! teli you how we "did" Colombo. We wtn mostly seasick fnm Peaanf hat wr pu well in a day or two, a>i<l ymi will be pleased
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  • 34 5 By kind permission of Col. Lawson commanding, and Officers, the band of the XII Ith Madras Infantry will play at the Gardens on Saturday afternoon next commencing at 5 o'clock.
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  • 159 5 This morning, Hoo Cheng Keng, a salesman in the employ of Messrs. J. Little and Coy. was arraigned before Mr. Marriott on an allegation of criminal breach of tru3t ir. respect of $4, the property of the firm. Mr. R. Scoular, an assistant in the firm, gave
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  • 187 5 The following is an abstract from the Jelebu Mine Manager s Report for April Main Shaft No. 9 Lode B The lode has broken up in th« 110 level. A rise is being put in to the level above to see if the block is payable. The
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  • 91 5 Tiik following h.incfs are said to be pending in the V. M. S. Government Service Mr. EL 0. Watson, Chief Magistrate, I'erak, to be Acting Secretary to Government, I'erak. Mr. R. C. Grey, District Officer, Kuala Kangsar, to be Acting Chief Magistrate, Perak. Mr. H. Chevallier, District Officer, Kuala Pilah,
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  • 17 5 The Ceylon Government has appointed June 26th, 27th, and 2Sth to be observed as public Coronation holidays.
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  • 33 5 An anonymous donor has given a .Silver Cup to be competed for at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club on Saturday next. Two rounds (reverse) of the links, medal play and handicap. Post entries.
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  • 38 5 The Carlyle has arrived from Port Swettenham. Her captain reports that when the ship was off Pulo Pisang in the early morning, during a heavy Sumatra," the main masthead was struck by lightning. No serious damage was done.
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  • 51 5 O.\ the 13th ult. a Chinese boatman had a woman arrested for the theft of $400. After several postponements owing to the prosecutor's absence, the matter was disposed of yesterday by the Bench Court. As the man was unable to support the charge, he was ordered to pay the woman
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  • 50 5 At the election of deputy for Saigon in the French Parliament on the 27th April, there were bo many candidates that none of them got the majority fixed by law M Deloncle was ahead of the candidates. Last Sunday the •-.-<■ in.! ballot was held. This time M. Deloncle wa«
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  • 58 5 The following Penang appointments have been gazetted Mr. A F. Bowen to be assistant official assignee and registrar of h'lUof sale. Mr. F. J. Hallifax to be acting iv^'strar of deeds. Mr. H. H. Hudson to 00 solicitorgeneral. Mr. L. M. Woodward :;■> be assistant registrar of the Bapvuame Court.
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  • 58 5 Advices from Redjing Lebong to the 2'it !i April show that increasing transport difficulties were hampering mining work owing to the ravages of disease among buffaloes and cattle. Heavy rains had damaged the roads considerably. The ore was milled by no more than 25 head of stamps. The average varied
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  • 87 5 The hearing of the charge against Chua Lim Bong of theft, forgery, and cheating in respect of two case 6 of goods belonging to Jaeger »fe Co. wr s concluded at the Assizes yesterday, when the jury found the accused not guilty and he was discharged. This morning the case
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  • 85 5 The United Planters' Association of the F. M. S. held its annual general meeting at Kuala Lumpur on the ;<rd instant The office-bearers elected for 1902 were as follows:— Mr. E. V. Carey, Chairman, Mr. H. M. Darby, Honorary Secretary. Messrs. C. Meikle, M. 8. Parry, E. B. Skiuner and
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  • 76 5 Mr. Douglas Campbell, Acting Resident Negri Sembilan, is going home on leave unexpectedly. He will depart in M. M Tonkin on toaSSth May, Mr. and Mrs. Merewether will also leave by the same boat. Mr. Merewether's departure is the more regretted in Selangor from the deep interest he took in
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  • 120 5 Oj» the 19th of February, 1901, Ah Ting was cook on board the s. s Hong Wnii in Singapore Harbour. It wa> Chinese New Year, and though Ah Ting had permission to go ashoie, he said he would not avail himself of it as he had no money. Later on
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  • 176 5 RtKKRENCK was made in Parliament last month to the feat accomplished by Petty Officer Grounds, of H. M. M. Terrible, of putting eight hits on the prize firing target in one minute from a 6- in quick-firer while the ship was steaming 12 knotß; and a question was asked whether,
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  • 642 5 SiNi.M-oRE, 13th May, 1902. PRODUCE. Cambier buyer* S l:i.O«» Copra Bali 11.30 do Pontianak 10.60 Pepper, Black MM| do White, (5%) 55.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.95 do Brunei X<>. 1 3 .40 Pearl Sago 4.45 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 25.00 Coffee, Palenihang, 20 ba*U 28.00 Coffee, Liherian No. I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 There is a remedy obtainable >vhich is held in profoundest esteem liy people of the world. It is unsurpassed in elegance and pal.-v iliilitv and unequalled in cur.ilive powers. Reference is made to Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Oil. Thousands owe their ruddy health to the remarkable properties of this
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    • 638 5 NOTICES. ARMOUR'S "GOLD BAND" Sliced Breakfast BACON. For sale by YONG LRE SENG CHIN HOA HONG ANN LOCK A CO. HOON KEAT A CO. GEOK TEAT A CO. lib* Tl s 60 CENTS INDIAN PATENT STONE COY. Prevention Against Plague. rpHIS stone is excellently adapted for J. paving Courtyards, Dwelling
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    • 400 5 NOTICES. Don't Miss This. „L, CRAOTINT Jl Isife-lsike Enlarged r^Pfiotograpd FOR $5. CRAOTINTS ARE REAL WORKS OF ART. "The Sporting Times" and several other British papers that mwld not misrepresent matters to their subscribers iniv.rti— them :is worth Two Guinea* apiece. A Lifk-Like. I^NI.ARGKi' QOBTRAIT MoIXTED ON A HATE SUNK
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 13th May. High Water >37 p.m S.V.I. Parade. 8Jfc Rowing Rai-f. Final. Municipal E'iection. Town Band. People's Park. 5u>'i Wednesday, 14th May. High Water 3 9 a.m. 4.54 p m. Moon. First (Quarter. 8 35 p.m. Lind Salp. Powell. --'.30. S.V.K. Engineering Drill. 510. Worses Sale
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 38 6 STEAM VESSELS IN WOOD OR STEEL. BOILERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ENGINES OF AM. TYPES. STEAM PUMPS. Tin Mining and Hydraulicing Installations A SPECIALITY. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Straits Settlements, Borneo, Saigon, and Netherlands India, FOR Magnolia Anti-frction Metal.
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    • 399 6 NOTICES. 'DARTRING' 'LANOLINE' Natural Toilet Preparations. l/ffyNL 'DARTRINCV TOILET 'LANOLINE' in small .iml rt[l{( )/)Y l 'K e collapsible tube*. Makes roueh skins siiux>tli ln^ protects delicate coniple\ionb from the elleit.-. 2*X^^ of wind and sun. TIIK DARTRING' 'LANOLINf TOILET SOAP i> un 'Dartriog' b*an U equalled for cleansing and
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    • 371 6 The ARMY NAVY Stores 41. Cltowringhee, Calcutta. CALCUTTA. The Gun mm! Tool Depart ments arc now lull;, stocked at tlu Calcutta Depot, rhere repairs t< guns ami rifles are carried <>vi bj a European gunsmith. Cartridges of all kiml> mp> plied and loaded Fishing Tackk and Entomological appliance* stocked. it»-,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 715 7 'pUE BORNEO COMPANY, LI Mil ED rE Standarl Life Assurance. Norwich Union Fire Insnnnoe Society. tla« Asroranue Company (Fire). Che Equitable J/fo Assurance Society, 'he China M«t->al Steam Navigation Company fhe T\n.U.:'haD ..ager Boer Con; pany. For particular* of tl.e«e Coirrwniee, see the 'u'l adv«rti!ienwjt of THE BORNEO COMPANY. LUCiraD.
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    • 650 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I." ONINk-J. I.IKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agency, latk J. Dabndels A Co., 2-S, Collybr Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Bantam Moluccas via May 12 .Maca-sar, Bwool, Pr.lehleh, SoeBatavia
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    • 732 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. C\CEAN sTEAM SHIP COMPANY 2 AND NEDERLANDBCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OOEAAN. Tons. Tons. \PeUus 7441 Hector 4669 Tydeus 7441 Diomed 4670 I Telemachus 7441 Menelaus 4671 Jason 7441 Nestor SfcOl Agamemnon 7010 Ulysses 3620 A)ax 7039 Pyrrhus J620 Achilles 7043 Tantalus 3620 Deucalion 7030 Ixion 361 J Idomeneus 6763
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    • 665 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES vj.Ml'AUME DBS MES8AGERIES ly -M VKiTIM IiS DB KKANC.E. Tblborapuic Address: Mbssaqsbiks, singapore. The mail steamer* viM leave Singapore an or aoout the undermentioned dates. I M'TWAKI). HOMEWARD. Dates. Dates. 1902. 1902. A, mam May 2rt I Tonkin May 2.1 Or.rmi.n June 8 I hunt June 8 K.
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    • 383 7 INSURANCES. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every description of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all part* of the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Loveli., Esq Chairman. Pichabl, Esq., O. A. Kkstins Esq ah, Esq., LbbChoon Guak, Esq. SRROW A Co., General Agent*. F. H.
      383 words

    • 1327 8 1 Uu.ler this heading the f blowing abbrr i Tiation" are used str. steamer sh.— I •nip; ix;. bar.j'ie: sen. MbOMMT; Yet.— Yacht: Oru. Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—Britiaa: U. S. United State*; Fell.— French Ger. German Dut. Dutch Jon. Johort A\...(i.c— General-cargo; d.p.
      1,327 words
    • 810 8 Name, port, probable dite of ant vol. and name of agent*. SSTB4MBRB. A. Excelmans. Dunkirk, left Apl U Achilles, China, May 2u; Mansfield. Aiiria, Hongkong. May 15; Behn Meyer Agamemnon, China, .fune IS; Mansfielii. Alboin. Bangkok. May 17: I'm. Alcinous, Liverpool, May -'*>; Manali 'Id. Alicante, Manila,
      810 words
    • 118 8 P'or /*er *tr. 'Inn-To-Morrow. Hongkong and Japan Sado Mum II a.m. Bin v I'nli.-it hmm II H.m 110 110 via ports Kudnt 11a.m. IndrHgiri Aing Ann Noon. Bangkok Oaea Noon. Muar and Malxcua Sultan '2 p.m. T. Angon via parts Malacca 8 p.m. Penanft and Deli Cahrptn .1
      118 words
    • 122 8 From Europe:— By the P.AO. s.s. Ckusan due on 17th inst., with dates to the Mtk Apl. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the :26th March and Ist April. From Cms*:— By the P. •>. v C'oromand'l due on Thursday. Timb TiBLK of
      122 words
    • 146 8 a Flac. vami n*mf. a Im Captain Faoa tUiuu. Cdiuonkb*. g KIG. My 11 Victoria eiwd str. «8» Hellberj; Saigon May 9KhooTMkPye la Bantam Out, six 13-Jm L-e Batavia M;iy :i Oaradsto MM Cc It a Meyer str. Ml Vm Palem Uin^ .May II Host Bang M Tuiv Xor
      146 words
    • 143 8 Datb. Vksskl's Namf Rlm4 Bm.l loks. I >kkti nation. May 10 Hermaun Lerclie Rug tr.-i. 1871 Vladivostok 11 -lit s.-intl lon «t, Rhio U Forenc Brit Btr. 25»1 Kobe I-.' Chieng M.ii tter str. 7«7 l.abuan iiinl Manila it Purnea Brit utr. 21^7 PenaDK, Knngoon and CaluultK 12
      143 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      241 words
    • 54 8 Mr, J, van den Brand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, Dili, tv Af. 30, 6 ST. ANDKKWS HDUfrK. ATHURCH of Enplan.l Bo.mling House In Karopean nnij Kurat-ian boywho desire to attend tlie schools of the pl.-i.--f. Applications to be made to the Hou«e Master, St. Andrew's House: or t< the Colonial Chaplain.
      54 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kiii'iVihii Kfbau Hoipii'il. tith Mn,i, /:>,,. Wa.m V p.m..* p m. Rkmarkf Bar i*9*0'.>«8M4:. > H.9i8 Morning Temp 77.6 KjO "SO overcast. W B'lbThor 7.5 8 79 5 7H.4 rain nt Dir. of Wind N n.k. East S.R. o'ctacfc. d».l Max. Temp. ><o.O cloudy. Min 74.0 ni^lu emr
      94 words