The Straits Times, 8 May 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,823. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902. PRICE :5 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 615 1 NOTICES. NO 11 UK. MR. AI.BKKT PI.'XI.XX h m he n ndinitled a piirm.-r in our firm. 14-ft G HIKBER ''(>. NOTII E. A(iKNKKAI. M'-ptitißof Urn Ennineeis .\>v>iiatinii wi I be held in the rooms on thr eveninu of Wednesday 7ih. at H.I pni. NOTICE. rr*HK Port Dieka n Co
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    • 478 1 NOTICES. Mfflonaidf jftENSED Ml f I \T ifc?A llf iilllK ySjT-iir 1 Guaranteed '*m 3& P^JTSS (UNUtKSS)^jk tm- See this Full Cream. trade mm Largest Sale in the World. Singapore Sporting Club. NOTICE. IAKIKS attending the Baces on 2Cth. j -L'nd. and 24th May, are reminded that MhaiwkM to the
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    • 470 1 NOTICES. Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HAVE NOW REI'LCED THE TRICE OF Conrmon Bricks to $140 laksa Firebricks to $50 p iffloo Fireclay $27.50 p ton Boiler Beatings, boiler covers, and any other other shaped brick*' r firebrick*- can l>e niHiU 1 toi rrler forde'ivery in four
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    • 323 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROS., LD. i?jave aasc? anPfICKeD A large stock of SUNSHADES the latest novelties from the best London and Paris houses. A Special Show now on For the Coming Races. Each Sunshade a different Coloured Silk, no two alike. Black Satin Sunshades. ■*^??3S^5*X trimmed lace. JEt ,<£ w
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  • 635 2 A Lucrative Industry. Among the future industrial possibilities in New South Wales is that of coffee cultivation on a remunerative basis. It has already been successfully introduced into Queensland, where it tiirnislieHetnpioymer.t to about a couple of hundred workers. Nearly a quarter of a
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  • 587 2 Sulphur in gold ores has loug been one of the banes of the mining engineer, since with the usual methods of gold extraction it has been necessary to remove the sulphur pretty completely by roasting before attempting to recover the precious metal. In a paper recently
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  • 317 2 The Vienna correspondent of the (Mamlwd writes According to reports from Paris, niucli inti-rest is taken, in French Colonial circles, in what the Japanese are aliened to be Hi,ing, on their own account and on England's behalf, in Siam. Their prueaedion, it is said, have been
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  • 325 2 The revenue from water, says the municipal administration report, was 8379,528 in 1SH)1 against S*M,f>44 in 19<X). The outlay on maintenance ana extension was $20t',8S0 against over ?1 :'."U'" in 19u0. The water delivered wan 1,575,916,000 gallons jgainst 1,472,782,000 in 1900. The scarcity of water between September and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY 81'ECIAI.LY selected blend; thoroughly inn in.' in nonil Price $10 p<*r caw s.-.mples free. 3OKNEO CO., LTD. tu. tb. s. Sole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests ll>*.. 1.200 |I>h., alter nrwn after fourtlayx in teen day* Witter in Water. The nliove tests wore mnde by the
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    • 302 2 NOTICES. EVERY FACILITY In connection with Life Auurancr Hurinftß U aflorded by •yHE CTANDARD J^IFE QFFICEone of the largeßt and wealthiest of the Frovi.lent Institutions of the United Kingdom. Forms of Application and all information will be promptly afforded on application to THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Agent*, Standard Life Office.,
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    • 324 2 NOTICES. Regeiieratc» the blood— Restore* the vital forces— Stimulates the appetite— Strengthens the inn i- Pleasant to the I'nlatc SOLE AGENTS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. I 16-2-03 THE TWO POPULAR" SCOTCH WHISKIES aie thh; celebrated rv"i fjß "HOUSE OF COMMONS" Egg t\J~J« Better known as I,£T3 Black White" jntt liw
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  • 919 3 Wily not an Imperial British Zollverein (Communicated.) Thkrk appears in the April number ml the C<ml«mpvrary Renew an instructive ami wetl-written article by Dr. h. J Dillon, entitled, "The commercial needs of the Kmpire," well worth careful IHsrusal by all who are in any degree interested in
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  • 458 3 HOME. The following rewards and promotions have been gazetted To receive the Distinguished Service Order Major Phillip**, for services in Somaliland Major I'etrie and Major leorpes, for services in Uganda Captain Godfrey, Indian Staff Corps, for services in Ashanti Major Sparkes promoted Colonel for Services in Bahr-el-Ghaz"! Major
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  • 220 3 A>; Indian contemporary writes: It is satisiactory to see that the Italian Government and Italian men ol science are energetically following up the question of the connexion between mosquito bit is and tbe spread of malaria, iiicy are now specially working at the questioii of what, practical measures
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  • 106 3 An Important Discovery. A New York despatch dated M arch 31st states that the captain of the Urnbrin has made an interesting report on the working of the Marconi wireless telegraphy during his last voyage. While messages were being transmitted between his ship and the Campania, the poles
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 462 3 NOTICES. GOVERN MENT NOTIFICATI ON APPLICATIONS for the post of Collectoi and Clerk in the Gunpowder I'ppartment. Police, Singapore, will be received at the Secretary's office, up to noon on the i'Oth proximo. 'lhesxlary of the Appointment is SBH6 per annum. hf selected ennuidate will have »,o furn sh
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    • 722 3 NOTICES. ,4 P PRENTICE wanted also a clerk for A the Itobinson Piano Company Ltd.. Singapore House v.c. W\NTED. A CHINESE Clerk with knowled s e of Office Work and Bazaar. Apply by letter only to KUMPERB A CO. WA TED. 2 TREADLE pressmen and one Compositor. pi ly to
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    • 600 3 NOTICES. PINK-APPLE PRBBERVING MACHINE. PR sale, a new pino-apple preferring marl nne. Price moderate. Apply to KIM HOK 4 Co., v. c 34 Boat Quay. FOR SALE. A DRILLING Plant and one Tangye's Sydney Pump with accessories all new. For particulars, npply to v.c PATF.KSON KlltOlfl <♦ CO. FOR WALE.
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    • 567 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. /COMPOUND HouwNo. 58 Hill Street V 7 (lately ocenpieu by the Chinese Consul General), suitable for a hotel Apply to CHOP HENG LOONG, v.c. 24 h* binson R^od TO BK LET. RANNOCH LODGE. 17 Grarge Road r utry Ist June. IiHJ2. Apply to EAH LIAN<i SEAH
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  • 427 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, S TH MAY. Enquiries into the circitin-iiances oo ncerning the removal of nijiht-soil nuisance elicit no comforting assurances as to its etrly abatement. As a matter of fact the present system ha* attractions in the matter of economy wuich seem to entirely out-weigh,
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  • 211 4 Admiral Sampson, so to-day's Reuter message runs, is dead— killed so to Speak by the Schley court of inquiry. Sampson was a captain, and .Schley a commodore in the American Navy at the opening of the Spanish ML On the recommendation of the Navy Department, the President assigned Sampson to
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  • 205 4 Schley. So matters stood when, early last year, an underling in the Navy Department named Maclay drew up in hook form a semi-official account of naval operations in the Spanish war It credited Sampson with all the head work oft' Santiago, and its allusions to Schley implied that luck rather
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  • 352 4 Balmy ipkinmi of diction characterise* the omm^nts of the Saigon Press upon t lie election contests past and pending in Saigon. M. Dbloncle heads the list, i>f indicates— there are six of them and in til probability he will bf elected. He is said to have received his principal support
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  • 132 4 For the information of nervous persons and of alarmists generally, it may be stated that the present out-bre*k of cholera is normal, and that such outbreaks will continue to recur so long as the people list all sorts and conditions of well-water, which in the majority of eaata includes water
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  • 50 4 M. Doumbr, the Governor-G eneral of French Indo-China, has sent in his resignation. He was returned at the general elections on the 27th April, and intends to embark on an active political career with an eye to the premiership succession. M. Doumer advocates a forward policy towards China and Siam.
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  • 14 4 Interesting reading matter including wire news will be found on pages 2 and 8
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  • 7 4 To- pay's 4/ms bank rate is 1/?^
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  • 7 4 The race entries clone on Saturday next.
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  • 14 4 The German mail from Europe by s. s. f'ri'.ussea is due early to-morow morning.
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  • 13 4 Mr. and Mrs. Plummer arrived from China by the Kmnakua Mara yeste rday.
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  • 60 4 On Tuesday evening, Sergt. Connor was using a rikisha when he heard that his puller was threatened with arrest. Enquiry elicited ma' 'rikisha peon No. 29 had obtained three cents from the puller on this threat. Yesterday, the peon was arraigned before Messrs. Brockman and Wilson, found guilty of obtaining
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  • 65 4 The Rev. Brother Maitbews, of bt. Joseph's Institution left for I'enang yesterday afternoon, much to the regret of the schoUrs he has taught. One of his pupils writes to us, on behalf of all the boys, expressing regret at the departure of Brother Matthews, referring to him as an able,
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  • 52 4 Mmk. Melba has consented to sing at a great concert to be held in the Royal Albert Hall during June on behalf of toe Coronation Prize March contribution to King Edward's Hospital Fund. Mr. Purcy Godfrey's Coronation March will he performed at this concert by the m.iKsed bands of crack
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  • 49 4 The new J-ipanese torpedo-boat destroyer Skirakumo, ;J3O tons, 56 crew, 7,600 horse power, has arrived from England on her way to Japan, and is now at anchor in the roads. The little craft, which left England on Feb. 27th, will probably continue her voyage on the 17 th inst.
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  • 49 4 Mr. S. Gittins, section engineer tv the Siamese Government Railway, has just left Bangkok for Europe. Mr. Gittins first came out to Siam with Sir Andrew Clarke's aurvey party whici surveyed the line of railway from Bangkok to the north. He has thus b^en fourteen years in Si am.
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  • 52 4 The Hongkong coronation festivities will take three days, 26mi, 27th, and 28th June. The first two days will be kept as holidays. The celebrations take the usual form, the only novel feature being the turning of the first sod of a public park at Kowloon to be named aft ir
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  • 41 4 A cottRBSpoNDENr informs the Calcutta Englishman that a large number M dbobies theie ar<4 refusing to carry on their hereditary trade, and are getting their children educated, and are now looking for employment in less arduous, if not more profitable directions.
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  • 42 4 Ykstkrday two Chinaman met a third an absolute Btranger in An son Road, and proceeded to relieve him of his money, shoes, and hat. Fortunately a couple of detectives were about and arrested the two men. Enquiries are being made about them.
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  • 39 4 Thk Europeans in the service of the King of Siam were to meet at Bangkok on Saturday last to consider how best to approach the Siamese Government on the question of the serious result of exchange fluctuations to them.
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  • 39 4 Tub S. V. C. orders dated to-day uotify that. His Excellency the Governor has approved of the promotion of Captain Broadrick, Acting Commandant of the S. V. C, to the rank of Major with effect Iron April gdth last.
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  • 35 4 A War Office re' urn shows that the full enrolled strength of the home Volunteers on January Ist was 377,140. There is a nei decrease ot 790 compared with the corresponding day uf last year.
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  • 26 4 Bakon 11 AYAShi, the Japanese Minister in London, unveiled the renovated statue of Queen Anne :it Kingston, on the occasion of the bicentenary of her Coronation.
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  • 26 4 The Municipal Commission meet? to-morrow at 2 itO Among the matters for discussion aro- an additional iine of tramway, and a new road at Tanjong Katong.
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  • 27 4 In yesterday's issue it was stated that Mr. E. M. Merewetner is fulfilling the duties of Resident of Negri Seuibilan. This should have been iSelangor, of course.
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  • 28 4 Mk. D. W. Jones, late mining manager to the Pahang Corporation, arrived here on Saturday by the P. and O. B.s. Hal aarat, on his way to Celebes
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  • 31 4 Among recent arnv .Is here from the F. M. ft. are Mr. D. G. Campbell who is on his way home for the Coronation, and Mr. G. B. Wnite from Kechau.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the O'.d Jail £>ite this afternoon from S to 6 (weather permitting
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  • 22 4 It is understood there will be no Marine Court of Inquiry into the recent wreck of the Aing Hin on Pahang Bar.
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  • 20 4 The Japanese torpeuo boat destroyer A nsuiiii left Colombo this morning, and is expect ed here on the 14th inst.
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  • 19 4 From 10 a.m. yesterday, till 10 this morning, 13 cases of cholera, 9 fatal, were reported to the police.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 43 4 London, Hlk Mh<i. The situation of Qieen Wilheimiua is believed to be graver than appears in the bulletins. The tahgniM despatched from the Palace are kept secret. It is stated that weakness prevented the Queen Irom taking nourishment since .Saturday.
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    • 15 4 Doctors are ceaselessly in al tendance. A fresh consultation was held yesterday evening.
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    • 10 4 Admiral Sampson of Santiago fame is dead.
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    • 42 4 HOPHFUL OUTLOOK. Prospects are regarded as hopeful at Pretoria. The Boer deleg-ites who itre visiting the commandos me>;t with considerable success in securing the OOOMSt of the Burghers to a policy of Borrandar. The irreconcilables are chiefly llelarey's men.
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  • 39 4 1RREC0NCILABLES CAUGHT. Later. Lord Kitchener reports thai ten Boers were kill**.! and 208 captured in a southward drive against the Kroon-stad-Linriley line. Among the prisoners w«re some of the most irreconcilable I5)ers in the Orange River Colony.
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  • 119 4 NO DRAWING-BACK. Lord Salisbury, in addressing a gathering of the Primrose League, spoke of the negotiations going an with the IJoer delegates. Lord Salisbury expressed a desire to remove the misapprehension .'hat the Government was showing a willingness to retreat from its formur position. He deuced
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  • 131 4 1-265— Born Dante. I iliis r.nni Le Sa^e, French novelist, author of tiil Mm." 17».)— Oh this day Itoliert Dowe gam t">(» tithe vicar uml churchwardens of St. Sepulchre. Newgate, to tin- end that they should cause 11 bell to l>e tolled ami a serious •xhortatiea
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  • 83 4 Due Here To-morrow. The MMtiogMt of British North Borneo Police which will b»; present at the Coronation, is due here t'roin Borneo to-morrow by Ilia Ku'nt. The continent consists of 24 picked men and is in charue of Mr. <'■. II. Malcolm, iba District Oflircr <»f KoUbolnd,
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  • 94 4 Oxford men fr.»ui all parts nf the world are expected to return to their Alma Mater to tuke part in tba great functions which ars preparing :it Oxford. The University is going U celebrate the tercentenary ot its fa.nous library, founded by the murilicence of Sir Thomas Bodley in IK'j2.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 797 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MAC6REGOR CO. ESTABLISHED 1864. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE. (fPriee Jbigt on Jlpplieation.) LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAN, ED. OWNER of a brown and white SpanielT.'tnrr baariag Municipal number I in-, who can have same by psying the ooal i<f tins advertinement. Apply to ALEX.
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    • 72 4 G. R LAMBERT V CO. SINOAPORE. Gnesiiam Hoobe— Battbry Road. and Ori'Hard Road 8 a, DAILY SITTINGS. Fnim 8 a.m. In f> p.m., veelc dayi. From 8 a m. to tioott, Sunilnu*. It is earn-stly solicited to ni'iko appointments one day liefo ehiind. FOR SALE AT BATTERY ROAD. H New
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    • 25 4 Craotints: Life-like, enlarged photographs, 20 by IfiJ inches, (enlarged from any photograph) supplied by the Straits Timen at $."> each, (lead the offer on page 5.
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  • 309 5 More Heavy Sentences. Chin Sweti cjiniH belore the Chief Justice at tin- Ammbm ye-terday afternoon, on char M of linking house trespass after preparation for causing hurt, and of voluntarily -iti-ing grievous tart to three person* Thi« man, who in a poweil'i.llv I'uiit Chinaman, was oaoftnt m: k
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  • 423 5 Liquidation Agreed On. Thk seventh annual meeting of this company was held at t he Cannonstreet Hotel on the 8th April, \V. Keswick, M. P., presiding. According to the report the net result of the year's working was a loss of -L'-!,'-~">-In moving flu: adoption
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  • 74 5 It is state*, in Liverpool that Sir 1.. Jones, X.C.M.6., of Liverpool, has placed -«t Ihfl disposal of ihe King the new eteanwhip Humtn, or sist-r s-hip. for the occasion of the Coronation Review at Bpithead, and that the Kine has aceci'ted Mie oll'c r. The vessel will be fitted
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  • 90 5 Tm ramping place* of tba Coronation oontingmtt, :ire In Ivichmond l'erak, Indum coatiagents, l.i'iK) strong; at Alexandra PaUoe, Colonial contingent^ I,.">W strong; in London barrackrtand map* coloured troops, 1,000 strong. Tim ■RaiigaiMiita lor establishing the camp at tl Alexandra Park whern the Stnii's men are to be locu'ed are praot-c-illy
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  • 255 5 Since writing, oui last notes, training has pone on steadil.- and there is practically nothing new to relate. There was very little galloping, lieyond phort sprints, done this morning, and evidently the horses were being saved for Saturday. We noticed Snoozer, Peerbux up, do a nod mile and
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  • 92 5 The present regulations. A MM deal of discontent has been caused owing to the regulation that no lady who is engaged in retail trade is to be presented at Court. In the lirst place, it is difficult to fix the precise liruits of the ending of wholesale
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  • 113 5 Last night, Mr. Wathen arrested B. V. N D'Silva a clerk in the employ of Messrs Fraser and Neave Coy., on a warrant obtained on information laid by Mr. McKean, the secretary of the Coy., on the allegation if criminal breach of trust of 539.31 on
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  • 145 5 Thk exhibition of the American Biograph last night was excellent, and wasthoroughly appreciated by all classes of the audience which, it may be sail) showed a marked increase. Of the twenty-six pictures showr, twentytwo were new as compared with the programme of Monday night. Among the most
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  • 83 5 Between* four and five o'clock this morning, two detectives going their rounds in Tan Quee Lan Street saw two Chinamen carrying a signboard. On an explanation being demanded, they threw down the board and a "jemmy and ran away. They were pursued, caught, and locked up. The owner of the
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  • 115 5 Yesterday, Tan Tok Sam, a Hylam formerly in the employ of the Medical Hall," was arraigned before Messrs. Brockman and Wilson on the allegation of ho.ving on the night of the 2nd inst. committed lurking house trespass by concealing himself in the Medical Hall," in order to commit theft. Mr.
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  • 206 5 As an example of what au English ftpnrtsman will do, no apology is nsce«8ary for reproducing the following letter from The Pink Un To the Editor of the Sporting Times.' At the military races here, in the Grand Military Handicap Steeplechase, Captain Harman, riding his own horse, Uwkab, when
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  • 415 5 BY MAJOB E. G. BROADRirK, ACTING rOMMANDANT, 8.V.C. Singapore, 8th May. 8. V. C. l'rnmotioii His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of tbe promotion of < aptain V.. G. Broadrick, 8.V.". Acting Commandant S.V.O. to the rank of Major S.V.R. with effect from
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  • 646 5 Singapore, Bth Mat, 1902. PRODUCE. Caiubier buyers S 1-J..V2J Copra Knli 11.00 do Piintianak »•";> Pepper, lilurk lmyer~ 32.25 do W1.i1.., 55.00 S«ko Flour Sarawak 3.90 do jiiuuei No. I 3.40 Pearl B«H 4.43 Coffee, liali, I.V ha~is 2.">.00 Coffee, Palciiiliiiii;;, 20 ,lia<ir-... 25.00 Coffee, LiUerian No. t IH.OO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 ARMOURS "GOLD BAND" Sliced Breakfast BACON. For salt) by YON'U LFE SENG CHIN HOA HONG ANN LOCK A CO. HOON KEAT CO. GEOK TEAT CO. lib. tins 60 cents Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Oil. is a superlt tonic and reconstructive; there is no room for doubt. It is liased
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    • 636 5 NOTICES. THE GROVE HOTEL. TANJONG KATONG. r Sl>eauti fully cool during the hot webther, 1 with every convenience for sea Special tiffin and dinner-parties ran lie arrange d for l>y telephone :W> or 111. THE American Biograph. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, will now be exhibited EVEi.Y DAY at 9
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    • 394 5 NOTICES. Don't Miss This. f Cbc Straits time*' CRAOTINT Jl Mfe-Mke Enlarged tyfjotograpf) FOR CRAOTINTS ARE REAL WORKS OF ART. "The Sporting Times" and several other British papers that would not misrepresent matters to their subscribers advertise them is worth Two Guineas apiece. A Life-Like V^NLARGED QOSnUlT MOUNTED ON A
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 196 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 8th May. Hiiih Water 10.23 pm. Ascension Day. New Moon. ".41 a.m. Band. Olrl Jail Site. 5tot>. Friday, 9th May. High Water 11.21 am. 10.69 p.m. S V K Co. Drill. 5.10. >. V.I. No. 1 No. 2 Co. Drill. Old Tail Site fi.'o. Muniiip:il Commission.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 NOTICES. //^Lr^B *m Wm m iuS^^^^BC* I BnkV cl *ZS «Si *n99Bfl9EnP3<3cV >> t^wvvS I llf o c J^~ w^Bl J 'j J w <^B i^^ —^x 'i c> ALL SIZES PBOM TO U H.l'. NOW IN STOCK READY FOR DUJVXBV. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD., ENGINEERS. SINGAPORE, PERAK, BANGKOK WRITK FOR
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    • 367 6 NOTICES. "Che Sfpaffs dimes'" CRAO TINTS, See offer on Page 5. JAME^WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12 per case, duty extra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8 per case, duty extra. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DfcAi.EKS. OK McALISTER Co., sole agents. For
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    • 70 6 NOTICES. The ARMY NAVY Stores 41, Chowringhee, Calcutta CALCUTTA. The Gun and Tool Depart ments are now liilly stocked at tin Calcutta Depot, where repairs t< guns and rifle* an- carried oat by a oropoan gunsmith. Cartridges of all kinds supplied and loaded Fishing Tackle ami Entomological appliance* stocked. 19-.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 720 7 »T<HE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED Standwri Life Awraranw. J. Norwich Union Fire In«ur«no» S^ietyAtl«« Ammrn Company (Fire). The Equitablu Life A«wur»nc« Society. The China Mutual St**un Nnvitr»tiou Corapß-ny r u« TuumJxtm L*K«r B«-er Company. For particub.r« of t).^-,. Companiwi. th* 'ull vlWtixrft -nt of HIK HOKNRO COM'••ANY. UMIV'.n Aifwnt* STEAMSHU COMPANIES.
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    • 752 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I -<>MN Xl I.IKK IAK'ETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. A limit at Singapore: Ship Aoisot, latx J. Dakkdkls A Co., 3-8, Collycb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On VtmDUmm Batavia May 5 Batavia, Samarang, Soerahaia
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    • 615 7 (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) Dateg of Sailings from the East to Pacific Coast Ports. Lkavini; Di k Hongkong Portland about about "Indravelli' 25th April 24th May "Indrapura" 14th May 12th June -'Indrashama" 14th June 13th July Through bills of lading granted to all points in
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    • 643 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Service or the Ocean Steam Nbip Company and the West Australian steam Navigation Company between FBEMANTLB (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINGAPORE. THK SULTAN, SALADIN, MINILYA AND AUSTRALIND. These steamers run at frequent intervals oetween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 459 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PWCEAN el-BAM SHIP COMPANY AND NEDERLANDHCHE 8T00MVAAKT MAAT8CHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tons. Ton*. /'•.M..« 7441 Hector 4669 7>dn« 7441 Diomed 4670 TefemacAiM 7441 AfenWau* 4671 Jaion 7441 Jvwtor SbOi Agamemnon 7010 t/h/»«e« 3«20 7039 Pyirrhut 8620 -4c«/te« 7043 Tantalus 862n /VucaKon 70S0 /zton SfllU Mom*««i« 6763 itttp«u« 3113 Stentor 6773
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    • 619 7 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re»erve..|lo,ooo,ooo l Silver Reserve....! 4JWSOOJ ..-'.0.000. RESERVE LIABILITY Ot\ ,>,.,,^ nnn PROPRIETORS j ..^.l XJO.OOU Court of DimcoToita R. Shiwan, K«q.— Chairman. Hon. J.J. Bill-Ikvino Depiitt Chairman E. GOETZ, Esq. |11. SlllUllAßT, Esq. A Haupt, Esq. j N.
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    • 1229 8 Uuder tb s heading the following abbreviations are used str— steamer sh.— ship; l>q b:ir<| >e; sch schooner: Yet. Yacht; (Jru.— Cruiser, Gbt Gunboat Tor. Torpedo; H p Hone-power: Brit. britiah; U. B —United States; Pen. French; Ger. German. Dut. Dutch ;Joh. Johore: Ac. -.i.e.— General-cargo; d.p.
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    • 771 8 Name, port, probable date of arritm' and name of agents. MEAMERS. A. Excelmans. Dunkirk, left Apl 1-1 Acbilles, China. Msiy "-'U; Mansfield. Adria, Hougkong, Ma\ 16; Behn Meyer Agamemnon. China. June IS; MummM. Alboin, Bangkok, May 17; Borneo Cor. Alcinous, Liverpool, May 2rt; Mnnstield. Alicante, Manila, May 16;
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    • 99 8 For Per ttr. Time. To-Mohkow. S'bnyiuinil Samarang Van biemm 7 a.m. Bi li.-nnAPetuinnak B.Wkatt Soon Noon. Bangkok Deli 2 p.m. P.Swet'ham via ports Oanmnnb 8 p.m. Saigon Prin>a 3 p.m. P;ilcml>ang Ophir 4 p.m. Satubday. Samlakan via ports Triniiuanu 7 a.m. Fremantle via ports Miniliin 10 a.m. Peniing
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    • 122 8 Fbom Eubopi:— By the N.D.L s.s. Preuxten due on Friday, with dates to toe 16th Apl. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 21st March. From Chi..*:— By the M. M. s.s. Mm due on SucJay Tim« Table of Mails Ove. Left Singapore
      122 words
  • 160 8 I 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 M.AO I VsggEL's NAMK A i TOSS. OAPTAIH _H»«_i •Ophir l>ui sir. m.-, JAk-Gill IKian Yanj; Brit eti TO .Sainimen lUisela* Aus str -.'lito Caiabiese Benlawers* Brit sti 1484 Boe Sappho i str. 329 Turner ■ihirakumo >Jap tor SSi
    160 words
  • 160 8 I'M K. Vessel's Namk. Flag A Hu. Ions. Destination. May l > 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 I Isiak i mi
    160 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 REMOVAL SALE BARGAINS. COLONIAL NOVELS Sale price $1-17 each LADIES' COTTON VESTS Sale price 27 cts. each ASSOCIATION FOOTBALLS Sale price $4-5O each MERCERISED LAWNS Sale price 23 cts. per yard STRIPED FLANNELETTES Sale price 18 cts. per yard THE FAVOURITE CRUET Sale price $2-O7 each LADIES HEMSTICHED HANDKERCHIEFS Sale
      96 words
    • 22 8 From 9th May IN Every Department OUR COMPLETE STOCK WILL BE O_b '.t 'ERED AT REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR From 9th May.
      22 words
    • 251 8 GENTS' HEMSTITCHEDHANDKERCHIEFS Sale price $2-16 per doz. LADIES' SAILOR HATS Sale price 54 cts. each TURKISH BATH GLOVES Sale pr:oe 45 cts. per pair SHIRTING CAMBRIC Sale price 23 cts. per yard CHILDREN'S JERSEY CAPS Sale price 45 cis. each PRINTED LAPPET MUSLINS Sale price 23 cts. per yard THE
      251 words