The Straits Times, 28 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,766. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 464 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. (:o:) Colonial Libraries NOW READY. at $1.50 Each. The Chronicle an< The Tale of the Great Mutiny, by W. DirPrtnrv h. Fitchett. i/ireciory ■f-.i-.-t City, by Hall C»ioe. x-~ >ifQC A Daughter, by A. C. Qfofa^ J^^ Q^^ The M^ o£Linnets> by FFrankfort Straits Settlements Unofficial
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    • 511 1 NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 'pHE Office of tbe Straits Chinbs] JL Printing Office has been removec to No. 2 Robinson Road, but the printing business is carried on at the same addresi as before 114 A moy Street. S. 8. KUM, Manager. aB-S T. C. HIN, Agent. NOTICE. ArK.TouTiTTtnflM. 1
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    • 468 1 NOTICES. REMOVED. J f\R. Q. VON WEDEL has changed hii 1 LJ residence from Lloyd Road 12. t( Dublin Road No. 4, Villa Emma. House Telephone No. £63. Consul tation hours in Gresham House Buttery Road from 10 to 1, and from 2 tc p.nv 1-3 Telephone 266. THE MALAY
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    • 672 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. AT POWKLL «fe CoB BALK-ROOM. Saturday, Ist March, at 11 a.m. QQ cases corned B*ef, S cases come 1 igs' Feet, 3 cases Saver Kraut an Sausages, I cases corned ham. Mißhtlysei damaged ex. s 8. Indra Suviha. 28-2 POWELL A CO., Auctioneer SALE OF HOUSEHOLD
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    • 810 1 (SAVE THE 111 l Ik It 1 >. There is little, if any. duolHl from bowel mplaints when properly treated. Mrs. Curtis Baker of liook waiter, Ohio, H. A says Daring last May an infant child of our neighbour was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctors haH given up all
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  • 2030 2 (Via Australia.) London, 6th February. The War. The Notes exchanged by Dr. Kuyper, the I'remier Of tbe Netherlands, and tlie Mftrquib of Lancdowne, the British Mmiter for Foreign a ffairs, on the occasion of the suggestions for the bringing about of pi':i >• made by th« former,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 304 2 NOTICES. T\ 11 SPECIAL UUlWlilC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey, $10 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA 1M1Z. BRO?. LI C*V*?U|| n p *i I III Q J 1 1 o L'UiNVJLLfqf-: 1 IE gs fc™ Glasgow, scotlX/Ip />> I Win LJ <• m.w. 21-1-03 Mr. J.
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    • 299 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL K1ND8 OF Safety Fuses. AND Eleutpic Blasting Apparatus, The -thove Explosive*, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to past the high suuul'ird of safety and purity ttsts imposed t-y the British 'iovernment,a:idare,
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    • 326 2 NOTICES. "COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Singapore. NORWICH UNION VIBE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NOBWICH AND LONDON. Establishes 1797. »OH KIKE INSURANCE ONLT Ai ount insured i»35,000,0ui Luaea paid. Jt 11,600,000. Premium inoome Jt 900,000. tntn .inoe effected on almoit entry description I pi -pwty at
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    • 52 2 PAIN IN THE CHEST is nature's warning tint Pneumonia is threatened. Damp a piece of flannel with CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM, and bind over the «eat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents,
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  • 599 3 An expert view on the tituati on. Sfeaking of the relative merits of the Pauaoia and Nicaragua Canals, «ays Engineering, there cannot be two opinione as to which of the two schemes would alford superior facilities from the point of view of commercial requirement-. The advantage of
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  • 202 3 A new test for blood suggested by I'ertol is based upon ahsurption, and its simple and inexpensive nature is a great recommendation. The only apparatus required is a square of good blotting-paper about tiiC size of a playing-card. A small amount of blood is aspirated
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  • 121 3 THE FAT BOY'S SISTER. In the Molont Police-court (accordiug to an Australian paper) a girl named Mary Ann Frame was charged with having no lawful visible means of support. She belonged to Armidale, and bore a respectable character, but having been in service at several places in the Molong district
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  • 421 3 An interesting experiment calculated to throw light on the degree of intelligence possessed by wild animals is described in the Annalet de la Psychology* Zoologique, a publication devoted to facts of experience or observation that bear on the mental faculties ot animals. This experiment was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 WHAT WOULD YOU DO if taken with a severe attack of colic or iliurriin a and your physician could not be readily summoned Provide yourself with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will then be prepared for such an emergency. It always gives prompt relief.
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    • 645 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND (SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve-! 10,000,000 1 ■Silver Reserve....! 4,2*0,000/ oo oou RESERVE LIABILITY OF > innnn nnn PROPRIETORS. •10,000.000 Coukt or DißMXona:— B. Shiw»», K»q.--€H»iRM»N. Hon. JJ. Bill-leti sii I DaprrTT CHAIBatA> E. QOIR, Kaq. H. BCHVBART, Esq. A. Hauft, Bag.
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    • 548 3 NOTICES. QUALIFIED Dresser wactod for Neer .Semlnliin. Married man preferred. Apply to 28-2 W. B. SMITH. WANTED. FR Merchant's office, a correspondence clerk. With knowledge of shorthand and type writer. 28/2 Apply to K. Y. Z. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. WANTED Clerk for the Gaol Department, Sandakan, with knowledge of accounts;
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    • 447 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE on Emerald i~V Estate, entrance exactly &i miles out- on Thomson Koad, on the right hand side from town. Bent moderate. Apply to JAMES ATTKKN, v.c. No. 6 Battery Road. TO BE LET. NO. 6 Baffles Quay (at present occupied by air. A.
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    • 177 3 NOTICES. Mr, J, van den Brand Go,, Lawyers, Medan, DeH tv &f 30/6 MILLARS' KARRI ff JARRAH FORESTS LTD. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. WW r E, the undersigned, having been appointed Agenta for the above Company, are now prepared to quote and accept orders and indent** for Jarrah and Karri Woods of
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  • 45 4 Windsor. On the 18th February at Jersey, Channel Islands, Thomis Wisosor, Aged 68 Senior partner in Windsor and Co., B im-kok. Simpson At the Peak Hospital, Hongkone, on the 19th February of pneumonia. Alexandrr Enwis Xumw, late of the Hongkong Telegraph; as(ed 3^ years.
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  • 307 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 28TH FEBRUARY. There is no valid reason why it. should be doubted that the work of collecting subscriptions to the Victoria Memorial is going on apace, but it seems to be proceeding too silently. So far as the public is concerned, nobody that
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  • 542 4 Loud Koskbbry has authorised the formation of h Liberal League (with himself as President.) with the object of cooperating with the moribund Liberal Party on the lines laid down by him in his academic, as distinguished from practical, speech at Chesterfield two months ago. In that speech, it may be
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  • 802 4 Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy M't'ins to have met with a check that was entirely unsuspected. At any rate a telegram the truth of which one may venture to doubt has appeared in the Ceylon papers to the effect that a company working the system for the past two months
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  • 75 4 Thk Dallas Company are doing well at Shanghai. Speaking of the performance of "H.M.S. Irresponsible" the Shangliai Time' says In fact, the whole performance was so good that everybody in the audience, even those who were severest on the opening night, now cordially agree that the company is just as
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  • 6 4 To-day's i/ms. bank rate is 1/H>f*j,
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 13 4 The Swimming Club launch will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at :i p.m.
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  • 17 4 Miss Harm and Mr. Dick son arrived by the IHn Seng from Penang via Port Swettenham yesterday.
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  • 20 4 A set of harness was stolen from the syce's quarters of a Chinese house in Mahomed Sultan Road last night.
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  • 15 4 The Siamese giuiuoat Olutmroen was taken to Keppel Harbour yesterday, and dry-docked there this morning.
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  • 21 4 advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on pane 8.
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  • 25 4 In connection with the R. E. Regatta at Pulo Brani to-morrow, a launch will lea v» Johnston's Pier punctually at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.
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  • 20 4 Tin? morning, Mr. Justice HyndmanJones reported to the police that four chickens were stolen from his house during the night.
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  • 24 4 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday, March sth, at 4 p.m.
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  • 22 4 Onb hundred and sixty-one deaths were registered at Singapore, during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 35.61.
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  • 21 4 The following steamers were drydocked, yesterday, viz. Nienhuys and Van der Parrn at. Tanjong Pagar, and Prim Alexander at Keppel Harbour.
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  • 24 4 The amateur dramatic performance given at Penang in December List in aid of the Penang Band fund produced •437.31, after payment of all expenses.
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  • 31 4 A MKKTiNu ot Justices of the Peace w.-i- hold in tbe Council Chamber, yesterday, to nominate amember of tin- hi ird of Licensing Justices in placo of Mr. A. P. Adams.
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  • 46 4 The China-Borneo Company a Hongkong venture, proposes to pay a dividend for 1901 of 10 per cent., write off $.'{,259 from launches and lighters and $1,644 from engine works, transfer $5,000 to contingency account and carry forward $2,707. The net profit for last year is $24,319.
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  • 51 4 The total tire loss in the United States and Canada during 1901 amounted to 164,347,400, according to the "Journal of Commerce and Insurance Bulletin" of New York. This amount is about one million dollars in excess of the total in 1900, and nearly twenty-eight million dollars above the record for
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  • 52 4 Thk engagement is announced of Mr. Percy L. Wait, formerly of the editorial staff of the Ceylon Independent, now of Messrs. Riley, Hargreaves and Co. of Singapore, to Miss Edna Muriel Stokes, daughter of the late F. W. Stokes of Xandy, Ceylon. The wedding will take place in Singapore early
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  • 32 4 Thk deaths are announced of the Rev Newman Hall, the well known evangelist, and of Mr. Archibald Milman, who lately retired from the post of the Clerk of the House of Commons.
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  • 45 4 Before the Master Attendant, this morning, a Chinese kotah man p'eaded guilty to a charge of carrying a cargo in his b. from a steamer in the roads to the, the kotah not being duly licensed. He was fined tl.'i or two weeks' imprisonment.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 40 4 PARTLY SUCCESSFUL. London, 28th Fel>. A despatch from Colonel Byng reports that 600 Boers, driving cattle before them, attempted to rush an outpost on the blockhouse line, south of Bothasberg. A number of them got through the line.
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    • 31 4 The outpost, which was mainly composed of New. ml.ui.lit~ behaved with the greatest gallantry. They lost 2 officers and 18 men killed, and 5 officers and &i men wounded.
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    • 36 4 LEAOUED L 1 JERALS. Late/. Lord liosebery has authorised the formation of a Liberal League with himself as President. Messrs. Asquith and Fowler, and Sir Rdwai d tiny are vice-presidents of th« League.
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    • 38 4 The aim of the League is co-opera-tion with the Liberal I'.irty, on the lines of policy laid djwn in Li^rd Rjsubery's speech at Chesterfield. The League does not intend to secede from the Liberal Party.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OF FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO BE HELD AT POWKLI. CO's SALE-ROOM. On Wednesday, Mh March 1902, at 2-M p.m. TH K freehold rxsidentiul properties known as Mableton and Ail«a, situate at Mount Kli/aboth estate. For particulars, see circulars. 4-3 POWELL CO Auctioneers. ONLY TWO NIGHTS MORE!!
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    • 625 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rBE LET. furnished, C Bungalow, Tanjong Katong. Apply to Mr. V Tan 1 Collyer Quay, or Adelphi Hotel, room No. 27. l-» NOTICE OF REMOVAL. DR. VON TUNZELMANN has removed (rom The Coitage," Orchard Koad, to OlaroUnds," Tanglin. 6-3. FOR SALE IN PENANG. A Small Hotel in the
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    • 106 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. Photographers. ON account of the long rainy season we shall only be able to open olr new studio and offices at 3a. Orchard Road some day during the first halt of February next. The exact date will be advertised. In the meantime all sittings are
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    • 510 4 VOLUN TEER ORDERS. BY MAJOR Ml'KKAY, V. D C\)MMDr., 8.V .0. Singapore, 27th Feb., 1902. 8. V. C. Appointment* His Excellency the Governor baa been pleased to Hppoiat Dr. F. B. Crouch r, M.B., to be Houry. Surgeoa of the Malacca Comp.i ly of the 8. V. Corps with the
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  • 556 5 J. LITTLE CO. v. E. WALLACE. The Question of an Agreement. The appeal lodged by John Little Co. against the decison of Mr. Justice Law, in the action of Little Co. v. E. Wallace, came before the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Leach, and Mr. Justice HyndwdnJoiieß in the
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  • 120 5 Tong Hin Tong, Chan Clioon, Wong Seng, Chow Seng, Chan Lye, Mali Teng, Leong Tye, Kong Fook, .Snn Leong, Low Sin, and Wong Lee were brought beiore Mr. Beatty, this afternoon, for enquiry into the allegation of being members of an unlawful and dnnsrerous society. Those men
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  • 182 5 UK.l— lt A|>lmel, thr great e "t of paintcrx, born. 1.-.3:t liorn MmMmm Hi* KwiayM and rluti'n-li'- Liven are the only bookx known to have Iwen in ShakenpeareV library. MM Died George lluclianan, historian. I7')9— The l\,pe permitx the Bible to be t raiiHliitfii into all
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  • Correspondence.
    • 130 5 To th« Editor of the Strait* Times." Dear Sik,— l read with great interest the letter on the Land Question that appeared in yesterday's issue, and I generally agree witii the views put forward by your corresj ondent, with, howover, the following reserve. He believes that the
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  • 950 5 Thk Malay Mnil's special corespondent in the Ulu sends to that paper the following additional particulars of the recent rioting at Rasa and Rawang: The row originated by the coolieii on M i ike assembling on Sunday in front of the Kawang gambling farm, and declaring that
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  • 63 5 John Roberts, the billiards champion, will give an exhibition game at Penang on Monday next. He afterwards goes to the Native States and thence be conies to Singapore. It may !>•■ added that, at Penang, the Champion will play Mr. Khoo Ghee Eng, better know as Kichil. It is n<
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  • 533 5 Thk Russian town of Shemakha in the Caucasus has been totally destroyed by an earthquake, and a large number of people killed on the spot. The survivors, digging among the ruins of the town, have unearthed over three hundred dead bodies already, and i Iniui.iiiiN more are still
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  • 527 5 Yesterday's Play. A. SINGLES. Wolferstan+3, jeat Nprrie~3, 6-4, 6-4. U. l-IXc.I.F M.-insfi t gcr. beat *harp-r-2, postponed. EdliQ+s, v.F. H. Pearce Scratched. Terkina— 4 beat R Peirce-M, 6-1, 7-5. Ruchwaldy scr. beat Knox +1, 6-2, 6-2. Rose— 2 beat Scott+2, 6-8, 6-2. C. 81 sn
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  • 89 5 L. L T. C. TOURNAMENT. Yesterday's Play. Championship. Mrs. Lovell beat Mrs. Uansloser, li-o, 0-6, 6-5.! riiAMt'ioNsHiP Paiks. Final. Miss .1. .mi n and Mr. Salzmann beat Mrs. Coleridge and Mr. .mi Berg, 6-2. I adiks' Sinoles. Semi-Final. Mrs. Saumlers beat Miss Fraser, 6-0. t>-2. Ties for To-day. Championship. Mm
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  • 620 5 Singapore, 28th February, 1902. PRODUCE. Qambier buyers 8 U.OO Oopra Bali 10.71 do Pontianak 10.25 Pepper, Black buyers 29.75 do White, (5%) 64.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.70 do Brunei No. 1 3.25 Pearl 3aeo 4.45 Coffee, Bali. 15% ba«i« 25.00 Coffee, Palen-'bang. 20% basis 28.00 Coffee, Liber'an No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO BAIL. Hongkong, C. Apcar, due 27th Feb., S. M. Hongkong, Bitagiio, due 28th Feb., Behn Meyer. Japan via ports, Bayern, die 28tb Feb., Behn Meyer. Manila and Japan, Lalpoora, on 3rd March, Boustead. St. Petersburg via ports, Aunum, on 21st March. Manchuria, mid April, Behn Meyer. Teluk
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    • 179 5 You must stop Coughing. The beet way to cure Chronic Cough t Bronchitis, and Chest-Colds is to applj Little's Oriental Balm. Rubbed well intc the chest and back, it penetrates immediately to the inflamed parts. Tne tiokling in the throat erases the spasm weakens the cough disappears. It often cures
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    • 357 5 NOTICES. The ARMY NAVY Stores are now open and in full working order In CALCUTTA For full particulars, address the Depot Manager 41, Chowringhee. Calcutta. 19-4 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. KOR MANILA AND JAPAN. THE Company's steamer LALPOOR.x 2,124 tons, Captain Coopi 1 will bo despatcbi>d for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 269 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 28th February. H igh Water. 1.56 p.m. S.V.R. Recruits Drill. 6.1". s.V.A. Fire Discipline. 6 15. S.V.E. Recruits and Musketry Drill. 6.15 H.V.I. No. 1 and 2 Cos. Br. Basah Rd. 6.16 Fmsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Saturday, Ist March. High Water. 1.55 a.m. 238 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 338 6 NOTICES. KAlChotirmail&Ca Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN, CHINESE >nd JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, fife, ffc, fife. 51 and b 2 High Street, Singapore.
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    • 239 6 NOTICES. I JOSEPH niLLOTT'S r "GRAND PRIX." PARIS, ipoo. HA Hi Y&Tj £ft\ OiHi;.'heirtQuality; and hnviiie Greatest Durability, are the ■>•■■ B^ IV CHEAPEST. M MS I M W SARKIES JOHANNES AND CO. Jluetioneers and Estate Jigents. 6 and 7, TELEGRAPH STREET. THE CHEAIKPT HOI'SK FOR TKAK WOOD FIRNITUffE. ALL
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    • 551 6 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. :o: No. 1045 Lace Lamp Shade 15 for Table Lamp 2.85 No .1046 21 for Floor 5.00 No. 1048 Lace Lamp Shade 15 for Table Lamp 5.75 No. 1049 21 Floor 10.25 No. 1047 Brass Holder for above shades 75 cents. A large assortment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 738 7 rp.HE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED rE Stan I»'..' Life Assurance. Norwich Union Fire Iniunnc* Society. Atlas Amutuiob Oompasv (Fire). The Equitable Liftt AwnranOH Sooiety. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham La<or H«or Company. Kor particulars of ti.i-«.« Companies, am the full advHrti««ment of THB BORNEO C.OMPANT T.rMTTFn STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1222 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. XTONINKLUKE PAESTVAABT MAATBOHAPPIJ JV Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. agents at Singapore: Ship Agbxcy, latb J. Dajshdzls A Co., 2-3, Collybk Quay. the nndermentioneddates arejjnly approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Jtaspatchad for On Xirnhuys Cotei via Feb. 22 Bandjermassta, Kota Baroe, ports Passir Boelongan, Brouw
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    • 665 7 STEAMSH IP COMPANIES. Combined Service of the Ocean Steam ship Company and the West Australian stej.m Navigation Company between FHEMANTLE (PEBTH), NORTH WEST AUSTHALJAH PORTS, AND SINGAPOBE. THE SULTAN, SALADIN, MINILYA AND AVBTRALIND. These steamers run at frequent intervals Detween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound (Port
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    • 668 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVI'M TION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON. A CALCUTTA One of the Company's steamers iaintended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passenger* and Cargo booked by the above steamer* at through rate* to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 1512 8 Uuder this heading ihe following abbreTi.itionß are used —str. —steamer sh. hip; ha. —barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. ■"Yafbt; Cru. —Cruiser; Qbt. —Ounboat; Tor. —Tor|»>do; H.p.—Horse-power; Brit.—Bri•tiob; I. S.—United States; Feb.—French; tier.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Job..—Johore; Ac,Gx.—General-cargo; d.p.—deckpasgenj;er U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong PagnrWharf ;T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. \V.—Borneo Wharf; J.
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    • 518 8 Name, port, probable daU of arrival. and name of agent*. STKAMBRB. Adria, Hongkong, Mar 12; Behn Meyer. Ajaz, China, Mar 9 Mantttield. Anterior, China, Apl 6; Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkong, Apl. rt Behn Meyer Ballaarat, Hongkong, Mar 30; P. A O. Bamberg, Hongkong. Apl 18 Behn Meyer. Banca, Hongkong,
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    • 207 8 for Par Mr. Time. 1 o-Mokkow Sandakan via ports Kedah 7 a.m. Penang and Colombo Bingo Uaru 10 am. Indragiri A ing Hin Noon. Bangkok Singapore 1 p.m. Amoy and Swatow Glenfalloch 2 p.m. Bangkok Suentung 2 p.m. Penang Hong Are 'J p.m. Penang Pin 3 p.m.
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    • 235 8 For Singapore. Per P. A O s. s. Australia connecting with the steamer at. Colombo, from London Feb. 21, due 2-Srd March Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. E. W. W. Carnell. Mrs. Black. Mr. T. C. Scrutton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fowlie. Per P. 40. s.
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    • 162 8 FTTo Vessbl's Namk A Toif<« Rio. Captai- Fkom Oomsionkks. I fob •>7 17 R 27 •27 117I 1 7 n 27 II Tulilioo Sood Dut >oh. 164 R. Sehiff Baroe utr. H8 Sri Wongee* str 92 Farfalla Ital str. 147 Pin Song Brit gtr i 356 Ibadan gtr!
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    • 105 8 I 'UK. Ykbksl'h Nams. Flag A Rig j Toms. Destination. ?eb 2H »7 Jar 1 i"eb 28 28 28 dar 2 1 1 4 "flb 28 lar 1 Bingo M.iru Carlyle Ma/agon Idomeceus Bri Wongsee Resident Wchiff Sri Wo-ig*ee Maba Vajirunhig Bayern Kaka Union Bjorn vis Pmana tin Jap
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. pri^r *2.70, 2.80 CHI L D R E-N S TAN L*-js^^~ V Sl'H^ boys' shoes GRAINED SHOES. children brown shoes. SStStell THE PRINCE GEORGE. Children's Brov.-n Lcalhcr Shoes Q f "*l Hfc Tan "Memel Hide" Oxford Lacing Shoe, extra Stout strong Children's Brown grained leather shoes exact
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 95 8 WEATHER REPORT. Knndang Kerbau Hospital, *7th Feb., 190-j 9a.m. 9 p.m. tp m. Kemakks. Bar 30.0 1 8 ii). 970 Temp 8->.4 H^.O 76.2 W. B'lbTher 78» 74.0 "i'O Dir.ofWind N.E. N.E. N.E. Max. Temp.. 89.8 Mm 67.0 Max. in Sun 149.0 Terr, rad «2.0 Rainfnll Nil The standard
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