The Straits Times, 27 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. jo, 765. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 292 1 NOTICES. ifBARK AND ;I:R0N WINE i) SOLE AGENTS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. lf-3-OJi /IKUSHKD FOOD IKY IT ANI< YOI WILL KE DATISPIEI>. I. R. P.EL 11.1 < )>l»«-g« to inform thepuchthat his Kaitoiv lor preparing Crushe' Food, at. No. 1 Hcliiios H9M is now openm yirst Class Plrssk OnMlMd Food
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    • 548 1 Reduction II HO* ES OK Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Kodaks, ai d FiJms. GE( '1.1-.E UK HALL, )IUO MORrS ih. WikcsftCo., PHOTOCRAPHERS. IT ARMENIAN STREET. The Premier Studio. Photos token equally well at anj hour of 'hr .'in 12-7 AUCTION SALES. :»ALE OF HOUSEHOLD KURNITIRE, &c. At Grasslands, No. 8 St.
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    • 716 1 NOTICES. cneArou sighting club Programme for Spring Race Meeting, 1902. MA V 20lh, 22nd, and 24th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, Mlh May. First Racb. I'HE MAIDKN PLATE.— VaIue 1100 A ].;.li- foi '.l.iiilen lli.rves and b-.r en thai have run as KoaiMers, Subsciiption (in tlin-. and in Rasas coi. lined to
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    • 627 1 THIRD DAY. Saturday, 24ih M"y FiKBT Rack. THE OPEN GRIFFIN HANDICAP.Value $300, and |«1 Ij tlie Second Horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have started at this Meeting Entrance $10. DixtancA, R. O. > Hack. THE SCURRY STAKEB.— VaIue $400. Juki to the Second Horse.— A Handicap for all
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    • 440 1 NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. r pHE Office of the Straits Chinese 1 Print^g Office haa been removed to No. 2 R«.binson Hoad. but the pin tiiu business is carried on at the tame address as before 114 Amoy Street. 8. 8. KIM. Manager. •.'B-o 1. C. H!N, Agent. NOTICE. MR
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    • 816 1 Sprains Sprains ,y, y prams! IF POSSIBLE TO TREAT THK SPRAIN withi an lio. i nf i it is rpceived, or bi fore inlliini.iii.tioii In* si-t in bnndage the p rs iiiid'kcep the b.-indnge saturated with Oh:inil.eilnin's I'nin Holm but after the parts hnve liernn inlhinied nnd swollen, no I>»m<!>ii;c
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  • 1030 2 Allegations against the Chief Clerk. This morniug, A. J. Monteiro, Chief Clerk tit" the Post Offioe, appeared before Mr. Brockman in answer to a summons issued at the instance of Mr. Trotter, Postmaster-General, on the allegation that he, the defendant, prior to the 27th ulto. at
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  • 238 2 The strong position held by the New Zealand Insurance Co. is shown by the figures quoted at the annual meeting recently held at the head office in Auckland. The Chairman, referring to the satisfactory state ut the balance sheet, said the income from all investments at
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  • 584 2 A Boat Washed Ashore. The following communication was issued from the Admiralty on Jan. 24: The Secretary of the Admiralty regrets to state that nothing has been heard of H. M ft Condor since her departure from Ei-quimault on Dec. 2. She was due at Honolulu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, J EWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Apollinaris THE gUMMM OF TABLE WATEMS." Annual Sales now exceeding 28,000,000 Bottles. To be
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    • 288 2 NOTICES. HOTEL DKR NKDKRLANDBN BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all tbe steamers. A. F. MERTEN. Proprietor m. <t th. n.c. KAHNALL HILLKS 06, Robinson Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans,
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    • 386 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY S" PECI ALLY selected blend thoroughly matured in bond. Price $10 per case samples free. BORNEO CO., LTD. tu. th. s. Hole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •50 lbs., 1.200 Hi*.. atter seven after fourday* in teen dayit Water. in Water. The above tests were made
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    • 264 2 NOTICES. BELTING. John TulUb's Llama Hair Belting is the most suitable kind made fur Tropical Climates Prize Medals have bran received at no less than Sixteen Exhibitions by Messrs. John Tullis Son for their manufactures, and we confidently recommend Llama Hair Bf lting as being specially constructed to withstand the
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  • 438 3 Further Particulars. The Muliiy Hail ot the 24th instant contains the following particulars of recent rioting ut Kaaa and Kawang (8elangor):~ Some time ago the Miners Association decided that naichang (contract) coolies should work twven hours a day, instead of six commencing from the Chinese New Year. The
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  • 581 3 Lipis, Ml f«fc Postal. The Poet and Teicgrapli DepaituMat in Pahang, which us.-d hitherto to be under the charge of the Tww— MCI head-quarters, has thi* trMur bora tnude into a separate wt*bTii*linMtnt with itsown head. It is staled tint Mr. ('ormac, of the Selangor Post Oftiue. Urn
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  • 264 3 Some Details of the Wreck At the date of last mail advices there was little hope of salving MIlMf ihv cargo or machinery of ll>e steamer knight Companion, recently wrecked uti the JapantiMt coast, near Kobe. Hrn vessel was on the voyage from Puriland (Oregon) to Japan
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  • 308 3 In the London Divorce Court, on Jan. 27th, Mrs. Florence Lo Ben, formerly Miss Kate Jewell, asked the President to dissolve her marriage on the ground of the misconduct and cruelty of her husband, Lo Ben. There was no defence Counsel said the case whs a curious
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 WHAT WOULD YOU DO if taken with a severe attack of colic or diarrhoea and your physician could not be readily summoned Provide yourself with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will then be prepared for such an emergency. It always gives prompt relief. s
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    • 643 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OOBI'ORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..slo,o<)o,oon\ M „Rnnnn Silver Reserve....| 4,.'.V).0u0/ 14 ouuuu RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 -mm.irwi PROPRIETORS J llJ .w",uuu Ooubt or Diricotoks R. Kmi. CininmK Hon. J.J. Kill-Ikvinu I Dei- tt i'hmkjiu E. UOKTZ, Esq. 11. Sriici: M; i Esq.
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    • 593 3 NOTICES. QUALIFIED Dregser wanted for Negri H.-mbilan. Married man preferred. Apply to 28-2 W. B. SMITH. WANTED. FR Merchant's office, a correspondence clerk. With knowledge of shorthand and type writer. 28/2 Apply to K. Y. Z. EMPLOYMENT WANTED A EUROPEAN lady deoires engagement as governess or nursery-go> erm ss. Speaks
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    • 533 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. A COMMODIOUS HOUBE on Emerald Estate, entrance exactly 6i n.ile? out on Thomson Road, on the right hand side from town Rent moderate. Apply to JAMES AITKEN, ii. c No. 6 Battery Road. TO BE LET. X' O. 6 Baffles Quay (at present occupied i> by
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    • 157 3 NOTICES. TANSAN SPLITS™ Price $6 per case of 100 bottles. Stoppered with Crown Corks May row be had from all dealers in Singapore and the Native States. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, Kobe, Japan' v.c. "TANSAN" Is on sale at all the prircipal Hotels Tiffin Rooms, Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co.
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  • 557 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 27TH FEBRUARY. From \\l> it meagre details are to hand regarding the riots at the Ulu Selai. gor tin mines, it may be inferrred that the police ut>ed no half- measures in suppressing the ruffianly strikers, who in one instance are reported to
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  • 338 4 A singular episode of the land market occurred yesterday. Seven pieces of land on Hokien Street, with the seven houses known as Nob. 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 Hokien Street, were put up to auction separately at a reserve in each case ten per cent below the
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  • 46 4 On puges 2 and i» of to-'lay's issuo will, be found further news about H. M. S. Goiui'ir, the recent Selangor riots, the wreck of the Knight Companion, Pahang news, and a report of the i'ii-i- in which allegations are laid against post office ntlii-i >l-
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/10^,
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  • 11 4 B. P. De, jeweller, sends us Calendars for kbit year.
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  • 11 4 The King and me (^leen will visit Ireland after the coronation.
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  • 11 4 Messrs. Margaret and Turton came from Melbourne by the L'jii.a yesterday.
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  • 14 4 A Naval reserve uf Maltese is being formed, and is in a promising condition.
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  • 14 4 Mr. and Mrs. M.».liier and Mr. Pfi-is came from Bangkok by the Sl.tgapore yesterday.
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  • 17 4 H.MS. Vestal i« expected to arrive from the Straits early on the morning of the Ist March.
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  • 21 4 Thb <TP.rm;in in til steamer from Europe left Penang at 11 a.m. t>-day, and is due here at :i tun to-morrow.
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  • 22 4 Shippi ng advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will he found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on pane 8.
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  • 26 4 The St. Jam-'i G tzelte states that Lord Salisbury will resign at the end of the session, if the war in South Africa is then over.
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  • 22 4 The P. and O. extra steamer Nankin left Bombay yesterday afternoon, and is expected to arrive here at 10 am. on Saturday.
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  • 20 4 Thk annual u«'ie™l meeting of the Selangor Planters' Association will be held at the Club, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday next.
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  • 20 4 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kiev left for Vladivostok yesterday evening. The Vladimir left for Olessa at the same time.
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  • 18 4 Thk China aim Manila Steamship Company is now running the steamer Diamante between Hongkong and Bangkok, on trial.
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  • 20 4 The Sappho from Port Swettenham via Malacca brought Messrs. O. V. Bovill J. Ranee and Kogell, and Mrs. Basagoiti, yesterday.
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  • 24 4 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday, March sth, at 4 p.m.
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  • 25 4 Th« residents of Bencoolen Street want the Municipal Engineer to spare a little water to lay the dust, which just now is practically choking them.
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  • 34 4 The M. M. steamer Ernest Simons with the mail from Europe of th« 7th Feb. left Colombo at 2 p m. on the 26th instant, and is due here on Monday at about daylight.
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  • 31 4 The Siam Observer understands that the s.B. Ibadun is now being fitted up with stalls for 160 cattle, and will be used in the cattle trade between B angkok and Singapore.
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  • 32 4 Thk Officers of the Royal Engineers are giving an At Home" at Pulo Brani on Saturday afternoon, at which a regatta is to be one of the attractions p'rov'.ded for their guests.
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  • 41 4 Mr. Thomas Windsor, senior partner of the tirm of Windsor and Co. at Bangkok, has just died in Europe at the age of 08 years, lie wine to Siam in 1862 and largely contributed to build up the trade of Bangkok.
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  • 681 4 Katz Bros.' Absconding Cashier Bondsman is not Liable Th« Court of Appeal gave judgment this morning in the appeal of Yap Boon Seng against Katz Bros. Limited. Some considerable time ago Katz Bros, had in their employ a cashier who was under a bond of security for
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  • 102 4 Thin >lay is dedicated to St. Tha!ilu-ii», wb» wept -i\u yearn for hi* »in». (IM Tin- lir-t KiiMiiiaii Embassy to Kml'l.ukl readies London. 171W -Died John Kvelyn, the diarist,, "tbe perfect model of an Knglixh gentleman of the xeventeenth century." I V' 7 li. M.i l.on-1.-llou.
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  • 35 4 Mh. H. Spearing from Kinta will shortly relieve Mr. N. Gray as Executive Engineer, Larut and Matang, the latter taking his place. Mr. W. Blackshaw is to be attached to Larut, as Mr. Spearing's assistant.
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  • 35 4 Thk German Emperor has presented Count von Waldersee, who was C<>m-mander-in-Cbief of the Allies in China, with a captured cannon, 250 years old, used by the Chinese in the attack on the Legations at Peking.
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  • 38 4 Latest reports of Mr. J. \V. Hallifaz, the Penang Municipal President, are of a satisfactory nature. Mr. Hallifax is now out of the doctor's hands, and will be leaving England for Penang about the cod of next month.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 35 4 GOVERNMENT DEFEATED. London, '2"th Feb. The Government has been defeated in the House of Commons on a motion by Captain Norton, M. P. for We«t Newington, re^ardin:j the excessive hours of work for railway men.
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    • 27 4 There is a serious revival of unrest, parti illy from political causes, among students at the St. Petersburg University and other Universities in Russia.
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    • 53 4 Later. An empty convoy has been attacked and cip'ured near Klerksdorp (Transvaal) after severe fiphting. THE ESCORT. The escort of the convoy consisted of the Kifth Yeo-n inry and trine companies (U the N irt li mil ri.-rl;in 1 Fusiliers with two gu-is. No details of the action
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    • 63 4 AQRARIANS VICTORIOUS At a meeting of the Customs Committee of the BninlHfg. U amendment to raise all cum duties ftb >ve the tigureK set out in the Tariff 15.11 has been passed, in deliance of the determined opposition of the QovanMMBt. The Agrariins daehuwl that they preferred
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  • 576 4 Ykstkkuav afternoon, Kadir Mydin and Siuuk Maliomed, Klings, were brought before Mr. Marriott the former on a charge of di&hnnehlly retaining stolen property amounting to f4b'5.95, belonging u> John Little ft Co.; the latter on a charge of theft of the property. Mr. Innes, appeared for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 461 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. rpENDERS for tha supply »o H. B. M. I Ships iinil Hired Vessels, o( Fresh Provision* and Water at. Penan*, for the period April. 1902 to 31st March. l«08 will ba received by tho Senior British Naval Officer at that plane, or On l>onrd H»» Feiuleix" nl
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    • 427 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. rHE Committee of tho Singapore Sporting Club propose to i^sue Debenture Bonds to tbe extent of *4 0 I Members of the Club de«ir>us of taking ip such Debenture Honda are requeued 10 commnnicrttx with the ?cr«tary who will furnish full details as to
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    • 101 4 G. R. LAMBERT tf CO. Photographers. ON account of th) long rainy season we shall only be able to open our new studio and offices at ja. Orchard Road some day during the first h ilt of February next. The exact date will l><- advertised. In the meantime all sittings
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  • Correspondence.
    • 2281 5 Important Land Question To Al Editor nf the SlraiU Time*. Sl Rj _At the present moment, a very important Ixnd question is agitating the minds of a large number of landowner* in Singapore, a matter which has caused mucli heart-burning and disftatiflluctiou viz ihe question
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  • 131 5 The first pretentious and consecutive account of the recent royal tour to hand is entitled With, the Ophir Round Ihe Empire," by Mr. William Maxwell, the Special Correspondent of the Standard, who accompanied the royal party on its trip round the world. It it>
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  • 15 5 The Senate of the London University is considering a proposal for confeiring degrees for commerce.
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  • 40 5 Six joint stock companies were registered at Singapore last year. They were: Maynard and Company; the Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Company the Bangkok Manufacturing Company the Tronoh Valley Tin Mining Company; the Kadana Gold Mining Company; and Howarth Erskine &Co.
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  • 36 5 The agenda at the municipal meeting, to-morrow, includes Reports on fires at Race Course and North Bridge Roads, declaration of Cairn Hill Road, iiiiliulan for animals, Tramway Bill, change of days of meeting, and Grove Estate.
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  • 34 5 Mr Eckhahdt, the Wrangler, succeeds Mr. Ponntney at the ResidentGeneral's Office in connection with salary schemes, etc. His place at the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board will be temporarily filled by Mr. Glover— a cadet.
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  • 65 5 Thb Lalpoora from Rangoon via Penang brought the following passengers thin morning: Mr. and Mrs. Abiv, Mr. M. K Martin, Mr. R. Sinor, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Yule, Mr. Brown, Mr. G. Bouchard, Mr. G. Surrally, Mr. E. Debry, Mr. and Mrs. Durant. Mrs. Jinks, Mr. and Mrs. Van
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  • 521 5 Yesterday's Play. C. SINGLES. H. A. Low scr. beat Thompson scr., 8-6, 6-2. W. Ker scr. beat Stitt 16. w. o. De Courcey scr. beat Fraser— l, 3-«, 6-4, 6-3. D«nniston— l beat Downie scr., «-2, 6-4. Chittenden scr. b^at Miller -1, 3-6, tt-4, 6-1.
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  • 115 5 Yesterday's Play. Championship Pairs. Semi-Fisal Miss J. (Junn and Mr. Salzmann beat Mi"* (in mi and Mr. Kainnie, 6-1, 5-6, 6 4. Champion-ship. Mrs. Lovell played Mrs. Ganslcwer, 6-5, 0-6, 3-4, unfininhed. Ladies' Sin<;i.ks. Mm. Saumler* beat Kfai Kerr, 6-1, 6-4. Ties for To-day. Championship.
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  • 605 5 Singapore. 27th February, 1902. PRODUCE. Oambier S H.80 Copra Rali 10.7^ do Pontianak 10 2ft Pepper, Black buyers 29 75 do White,(ft%) M 54.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.7ft do Brunei No. 1 3.2ft Pearl 3ago 4.4ft Coffee, Bali. 15% basis 3S.00 Ooffee, Palemhang. 20% basis 28.00 Coffee, Liberiap Vo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 PAIN IX THE CHEST is nature's warning that Pneumonia is threatened. Damp a piece of flannel with CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM, and bind over the fteat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 599 5 SHIPPING. FOR HONGKONG. MESSRS APCAR A CO.'S steamer CATHERINE APCAR, Capt. Belson, having left Calcutta, is due here on the 27th February, and will leave for th« above port. 27-2 SARKIES A MOSES, Agente. CONfPANIA TuASATLAN'fICA OF BARCELONA. FOR MANILA. THE Spanish mail s.s. ANTONIO LOPEZ having left Colombo on
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 249 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 27th February. H it'll Witter. 1.17 p 111. Hand. Old Jail Site. 6 to 6 Philharmonic Orchestra. 8.30. Parsee Tb<*ai re. Beach Road. 9. Friday, 28th February. High Water 1.26 a.m. 1.66 p.m. German mi 1 mail due. Municipal Commission. 2.30. 8.V.R. Recruit* Drill. 6.1<>.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 352 6 NOTICES, K.A.J. Chotirmall&Co Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN. CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Si!k fancy goods. Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs, Foreign Novelties and Curios, &c, &c. &c. 51 and S:J High Btreet, Singapore.
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    • 330 6 NOTICES. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT" ORCHARD ROAD. Just received a large stock of Fancy Check Canvasses, Lustrine Silk 3. &c. Dressmaking under European supervision. m. 4 th. 12-1-03. HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT Have placed large contract* for the BERNESE ALPS MILK COMPACTS' "SLEDOE" BRAND. Sledge Brand IWeetened Condensed Milk f,, r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 756 7 rr-UE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED Stand*! i Life Ateurmnon. l_ Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atla* Avnnnw Company (Fire). The Kqoitabln Life Amnrancfl Sooiety. The Chin* Mutual Bteam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. For particular* of tLe«a Companies, n» the full adTerti»ement of THE BOBNKO COMPANY t,TMrrvr> »<~»i»STEAMSHIP^^OMPANTESi Orr
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    • 675 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, 1^- ON INK 1.1.1 XX PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ (i n.ii r contract with the Nethurlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Aornct, lath J. Daendrls A Co., 2-3, OoLLTRR Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected' Will be Despatched (or On Mossel Batavia Feb. 21 Batavia,
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    • 487 7 AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here Outward. Homewasd 1902 1902 Silesia Mar. 8 tCWno Mar. 1 t Trieste Mar. 26 All the steamers to Trieste are calling
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    • 674 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Service or the Ocean Nteam ■>hip Company and the West Australian Ntesm Navigation Company between FBEMANTLE (PBBTH), PHTB WfcST AU3TBALIAN POBTS, AND SiNGAPIIHE. LHE HULTAN, BALADIN, MINILYA AND AUSTRALIND. 1 hew steamers run at frequent intervalg ue; «i-c:: Singapore and Western Australia sailing at Derby, King's Sound
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    • 670 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA BTBAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANQ, RANGOON, A CALCUTTA One of the Company's steam ers Is i nteo ded to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rate* to all port* i-i India and Ceylon, also
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    • 1681 8 Uadet this heading the following abbreWalietM are ut.ed str.-. steamer sh.— •hip; la— barque; sell schooner Yet. Yncht; Cru ruiror, Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. ''"orpedo H.p. —Horse-power; Brit. British U. B.— United States; Fch— French •<3er. German; Dut. Dutch; Job. Johore; -Ac.,G.'-.— <ienernl-cart;o; d.p. deck p.-insen-fc <er D.—
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    • 565 8 Same, port, probabU date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. A. Apcar, Hongkong. Feb 28 8. 4 Mose-. Adria. Hongkong, Mar 12; Behn Meyer. Ajax, Chiu.-.. Mart: M nsneld Anterior, China. Apl 6; Maobtield. Armenia, Hongkong. Ad. Behn Meyer. Balhiarat, Ho-.gkong, Mar •»->; P. 4 O Bamberg.
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    • 98 8 for r,r «r Tim* TO.MORROW Cheribon and Batavia Guing Ann 10 a.m. Bangkok He Ii 2 p m Batu Pahat Sw* Moh 2 p.m Muar and Malacca Fa'fnlla 2 pm. P. Swet'ham via ports B What! Hin 3 p.m. Cotie via ports Bm Liong <i p.m. Hatdriuv. Sandakan
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    • 125 8 From Ruropb: By the X.DL. %.9.[iiyern with dates ro the 4th Fel>ru.-iry on thy i.'*th in«tant She brings replie? to ih^ miil< which left Singapore on the lOrh Janu irv. Fr m China-— By the M. M. *.s. Salazie due on Sunday. Time Tabls of Mails Dob.
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    • 231 8 M tun, 5 Vksskl's Name I Rio. i'os:- (Japtain KWM 4UIMI. OOMMK FVb Hiring Ann rtrit »t t'rins Alexander !»ut Mr. -'•'> ''ruxKler ttrit sti -Hi Tnni.-ilii- ah U:inil>- ru' 'tor Kan Lioni: Out. str M Hong Wan Brit str 2»i -Ill.JM|| >[■!■ w Str 5M Ujina it 41
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    • 127 8 Dat«. Viuil's Name. 'Flag Kio Tons. I>«8TISATI0!r. Fei> 27 Ant nio Lopez 26 Karon Glanrn 87 I Asaban 27 I Emile 28 I Isabella 27 Djioa 27 Kowloon 27 Hoag Waa 87 Hebe 28 Ban Whatt Hio 27 Chow Phya 28 Giang Ann 27 GlanelKt 27 Xt Andrew t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. kFOR BOYS. BOTS STOUT DERBY HOBNAIL LACING SCHOOL BOOTS. The cheapest Nail Boot Procurable. V Extra fctiong uppers and sole*, n;nl( d with tip on heel, suitable for Hill Country, Jungle and School use Sizes 11 12 U Prices -2-25, 2-20, 2-30 /p Pricea 2-40 2-50, 2-60
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    • 154 8 CHILDREN'S TAN L^^^^~ GRAINED SHOES. children brown shoes. Children's Brov/n Lea' her Shoes ChiWren's Brown grained l.nther shoes >xact exact to sketch. POM-POM TASSEL, to sketch. A largt: amouiii u>t. un;'.-r -i e«t. vm r These shoes sell at a very rapid rate being so ined KIU A ver y
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    • 118 8 S^aifi Mth ''stra y^'^iC^TA --loiit Hiuooth ■a S/ j ]VU srain v pper« Wr aju \l\ leather lined I' i(v bradded <nd jLV arP> w fn I'i'vt np C^^^^^^^f^^^^^ Hid be'ter I wearincthan ijm lia< e i^^^^ Aw it the s;ime Sizes 7 J* 10 II I i:< 14
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    • 16 8 Cliildren's Wliite |P^ Alpine Wool /^ajflJftSMJl^i Low neck cmi r s 'iort sleeves I-10, I-2O each.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 105 8 WEATHER fIcPORT. Kimtlaap K'rbnu Hixpiiul, ?(j'^ F-b., litO* »a.m 9 p.m. tpm. Kemakks. **r 29 902 tt SO4 2H.»-')« Temp.. Hl.O 87.J 7*»u W it'lh Ther 71.0 74 n 7iO Mir. f Win.l N.E. N E. N.E. \f ax. r«?mp. 88 fl Mm I 90 Mix in Sun |143.0 T^rr
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