The Straits Times, 25 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20.763. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 NOTICES. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India. HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness in Stock or made to Order Saddlery and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding, Polo and Walking Boots and Shoes Made
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    • 469 1 NOTICES. Mr, J, van den Brand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, De)' tv &f. 30/6 RADHASWAMY CO. i 'Beak and Rosewood furniture Show Rooms. Splendid Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. v.c SHIPPING. FOR HONGKONG. MESSRS APCAR <fc CO.'S steamer CATHERINE APCAR, Capt. Belson, having left Calcutta,
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    • 376 1 NOTICES. iNOTICE OF REMOVAL. ffIHE Office of the Straits Chinese JL Printing Office has been removed io No. 2 Robinson Road, but the printing business is carried on at the same address a* before 114 Amoy Street. 8. S. KUM, Manager. 'JB-5 T. C. HIN, Agent. NOTICE. MR. Lou is
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    • 272 1 NOTICES. A I.»K(;»T Stock. fl BKBT OoodB X 111/ UU Lowmt PKirig l oys?x stores. GEORGE MICHAEL, Singapore, tu. Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. S2/75 per Dozen 1 lb. Tins. FROM H. JONESP* CO.. HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. v.c. HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT Have placed larpe contracts for
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    • 549 1 Chamberlain's Colk, Cholera and Diarrhora Remeoy. IS EVEUYWHKKK ACKNOWI F.PGED to be tlie ino-tt sucirhi. ul mei'icine in use for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cure* quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. Cure* griping, all kinds of dianhwa. and at the
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  • 1349 2 There be rats, and rats."— Hamlet. London, '2-illi Jan. The great Cackle Show at Westminster, the reported funniments of Dan Lano at Druiy Lane, and the examination of Mr. Whitaker Wright in connection with the London and Globe scandals have been the chief topics of conversation
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  • 346 2 I Something the Matter n ith the Works. A sportisc correspondent who is si Ilium prone to growl, sends us the following comments on the recent Kinta Race 'tl^eting. From the allegations he sets forth it would seem that f>o far as management was concerned, there was
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  • 76 2 Democrats have presented a substitute for the Philippines tariff bill in the Senate proposing to give the Philippines free trade and independence when a stable government shall have been formed. They want the United States to retain only military and naval stations in the islands. Professor Scburman,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 764 2 NOTICES. CDteAPOBI SPORTING CLUB Programme fcr Spring Race Me'ling, 1902. V IV 2Mh 22nd, nnd -JUh. FIRST PAY. Fmb**A 'Mill Moy. Kik*t Kacb. THK MAiDKM PLATE.— VaIue $400. A K(u-c for Miiidrn Herpes and horses ihiit bftfu mil ,i~ Koad'-ters, Sul/•cription (iriflfins, nnd in Kiicpb i en. (in. il In
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    • 388 2 have started in the Roadster Race on the Second Day. Entrance 96. Distance. i mile. Fodbth Kacb. THh STEWARDS' CUP.— Value |400, and $100 to the Second Horse. A handicap for horses that have started in Races Nob. 6, 6, or 7 on the First Day. Entrance slo. Distance, K.C.
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    • 463 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly matured in bond. Price $10 per case samples free. BORNEO CO., LTD. tu. th. 8. Sole Importers. ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASSURANCES EARLY IN LIFE. IT is an advantage to eSect Assurance early in life. By delay, the rate of Premium increases; Death may
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    • 426 2 NOTICES. BAILEY'S Aqua-Thrnster Pump. o iHjB I '"^aS s The strongest and most efficient pump for mining and other purposes. The Aspenshaw Coal Co., Pingot Colliery, say: The Aqua-Thruoter has worked almost night and dsy continuously and has not cost a sinele penny for wear and tear IT DEALS WITH
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  • 984 3 Lipis, Wh Fehruary. The Estimates. The Pahang Estimates for the current year ihow Revenue «355,6:J5. Expenditure 5712.255 The principal items of estimated raeaiptl appear under Customs ($146,380) Licenses (SIOS.CWS) Lands (N«,77. r >) Keimbursemente (•16,780); and Posts and Telegraphs ($10,240) Minor heads of revenue are lineb and Ins
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  • 650 3 2Uh Feb. The Vallflla with Lord Crawford and Dr. Walker on board arrived in the ■lohore roads on Friday noon, saluting the port on entering, the courtesy being duly returned by the Johore authorities Capt. Daud, Mr. Gawler called on board during the afternoon on behalf of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 125 3 /^RUSHED FOOD I .V IT AKD YOU WILL SR BATIBHKU. I. R. BELILIOS begs toinform thepubii' that his Factory for preparing Crusbe' Food, at No. 1, Belihos Road i» now opene* First Class Fresh Crushod Food p. c. per bag wg. 1-10 $».0t Cleaned Oats do wg. 0-90 Si.i" No.
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    • 636 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OOBPOKATION. PAID-HP CAPITAL fW.000.000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Ko«.Tve..| 10.000,000 I --nrvii Silver Reserve... f S.rsoloOO 13 0 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 ainumMM PROPRIETORS »»lO,oou,uuu Court of Diriotom:--B. BHBW4N, K»q— Chairman. Hon. J.J. Bill-Irvino Dbpt/tt Chairman H. E Tomkins B L. Gichakdson, Em). Haupt, Km
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    • 569 3 NOTICES. WANTED. FOR Masonic Club, a Bookkeeper to act in capacity of steward. Hours 9a.m. to 1 p.m. and S p.n.. to 6 p.m. Salary to commence at 940 per month. Apply liy letter with copies of testimonials to 26-2 THE HON. SECRETARY. EMPLOYMENT WANTED AFUROPEA> lady Hesires engagement as
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    • 575 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE on Emerald Estate, entrance exactly 6} mU«s out on Thomson Road, on the right hand side from town Rent moderate. Apply to JAMES AITKEN, v.c. No. 6 Battery Road. TO BE LET. NO. 6 Raffles Quay (at present occupied by Mr. A. M.
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    • 159 3 NOTICES. i TANSAN SPLITS. Price $6 per case of 100 bottles. Stoppered with Crown Corks May now be had from nil dealers ir Singapore and the Native States. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, Kobe, Japan v.c. tansan" Is on sale at all the principal Hotw*i3 Tiffin IwCw.** Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo
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  • 12 4 Xavier— At, Bangkok on the i'tliin-t., 1.11/ Maria Xavibk, aged 62.
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  • 537 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 25th FEBRUARY. Hope springs eternal in the human breast." In the correspondence published on another page, a quiet little tragedy is revealed in the letter of an unfortunate parent in New York to the Editor of this paper, and incidentally to any Editor
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  • 1443 4 To-day's 4/ras. bank rate is 1/ Hi;,. Tub Court of Appeal sat again to-day Rangoon has decided to have electric power for lighting, &c It is rumoured that several Straitsborn Chinese are going to England for the King's Coronation. It is expected that the ne* Supreme Court will be ready
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  • 58 4 The usual monthly medal handicap competition touk place laßt Saturday, with the result that Mr. Walker R. E. headed the list with 46 3*— 6 7b, Col. Oakts made a good second with 79. The others competing were Captains Robinson and Winter, Dr. Ellis and Messrs.
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  • 81 4 H. M the King of Siam entertained H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham at dinner, last night, at Hurricane House. This morning the King and Queen, and their suites went on board ih.Hamburg to bid farewell to Prince Paribatra, who is going to Eu;ope to> complete his
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  • 100 4 Last night, about 10.30, Mr. C. B. Whitehead, Asst. Supt. of Police, was going alone 'lank Road in a 'rikisha, when Ng Tong Tow approached from behind and attempted to snatch hia cap. Mr Whitehead was too smart, for him and quickly had him in hand, and
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 62 4 BOERS AND BLOCKHOUSES. A RUSH THROUOH THE LINE. Lomion, 25l,\ Feb. Three hundred Boers attacked the line of blockhouse* between Frankfurt and Vrede, at Twee jKopjes. They broke the wire fencing by driving cattle through, and then rushed through under a heavy fire from the blockhouses, in which many of
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    • 39 4 Later. The Russian and Chinese Governments have assured the United States Government that Manchuria will remain open to American trade. PRINCE HENRY AT WASHINGTON. Prince Henry of Germany is at Washington and has visited President Roosevelt.
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    • 36 4 A i.'7 hole match was played last week and resulted in a win for A. Thomson. The only cards returned were as follows A. Thomnon 51+riO-ffiK 1.12- 18«=1S4 K. Butterworlh 5D+43+51 163 l^-=l4l
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    • 106 4 $i,3oo Worth Melted Down. A Malay named Mohamed Bawak reported at Knndang Krehau Police Station yesterday thet jewella.-y valued at >l,:i(m had li ■en stolen from his house in Albert Street during the past seven days. Inspector Hart made enquiries and ascertained that th*" jewellery ii»d bcsn
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    • 147 4 Nothing has been heard of the British sloop f !ondor, despite the fact that numerous vessels have been searching for her. The latest is one of the searching vessels, the Aegrria, is herself considerably overdue. There does not appear a shadow of doubt that the Condor
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    • 159 4 A man uamed Ilorlriguec was yesterday morning prosecuted by Mr Hooper for cheating in 'riki-ha hire. The defendant had hired 'rikishas Nos. 8869 and KO9O on the 15th inst. and discharged them on the 16th paying them by chit, but giving a wrong address. The matter whs
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    • 151 4 (ioclwit I'oineH. Alder Hamex. •Vi H.c. l'oni|icy the Great ir elected Sole ' of Koine. 1601 Kobert, Karl of Khbpx, beheaded. 1713— Died Frederick of I'ruxxia. 1723— Died Sir ChriMtopher Wren, th« designer of Kt. I 'mil Cathedral. On a tablet over the inner north doorway
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 425 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. California!! Wines. Big Tree Brand r> Cr\ \V/ IMCC These are the same prices KfclJ WIIN CO asm England. Ptr Doi. Per Doz. Bottles, i Bottles. No I CLARET, natural pure wine, wbolesome and bloodmakinit $11.50 *6 75 3 BURGUNDY. Fine Rich Wine SlloO $6 75 "4 CLARKT.
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    • 376 4 tu. f. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. WANTED for the British North Borneo Go\e r nment, a Typewriting Clerk Furasian preferred. Must he accustomed to Remington Typ°writing Machine. .Salary $60 per mensem. Apply to GDTHRIE A CO, Agents, British North Borneo Co. uc. BRITISH NuRTH BORNEO. WANTED: six DeT.t.eators, accustomed
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    • 85 4 G. R. LAMBERT V CO. Photographers. ON account of the lone rainy season, we shall only be able to open our new studio and offices at 3a. Orchard Road some day during the first halt of February next. The exact date will be advertised. In the meantime all sittings are
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  • 142 5 Thb American yacht Margaret 138 tons, under the command of Captain B. H. Wider, has arrived in Bombay harbour on Her way to Singapore from New York which port she left on the 16th May last. She is on a cruise round the world. She was expected
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  • 153 5 The following passengers were booked by the Bayern up to the 22nd Jan. for SlBttpora. The liayera is due here on Friday next, at daylight: K ruin Bremen Mr. J. Peter Folkman, Mr. Arthur Ziepenhein, Mr George Clotofeki -From Southampton Mr. and Mrs. R. W Brown,
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  • 202 5 Thk January extraction at Redjang Lebong reached about 1,624 ounces of <;oldand 7,H71 ounces of silver. During that month, about 2,050 tons of ore were milled, of which about 1,092 tons sands and IK j tons siimes were worked off, while ■50 tons slimes were reserved for later
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  • 374 5 The congregations on Sanday at the Mftni-iif 1 Cliiiiuli. Coieinan Street, were larger than have been seen for a considerable time past. At the morning service the Rev. W. E Lowther, principal of the Anglo-Chinese School at lpuii, IVr.ik, preached an excellent sermon, and was afterwards ordained
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  • Correspondence.
    • 521 5 :i78, Park Avnue, New York, Jan 20th 1002. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Dear Sim, —The enclosed, which was sent by the Police Department to the various cities throughout the country, refers to my son. As he was a most dutiful and loving boy, we
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  • 221 5 Crew and Passengers Safe Further particulars are to hand of the wreck of the R.t. ilucfi$e,;g, which has already been briefly announced in these luinii- It appears that the Hock Seng, apt. A. S. l'enn, sailed from Moulmein on the l:<th inst.. with a crew
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  • 51 5 We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrku-a Rfmedy. Change of water and dint frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, Gener^iAgents, Singapore 7
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  • 128 5 Thk Kipg has been graciously plea&ed to intimate his definite decision that the route of the procession on the day following the coronation will be the same as that followed by the* Jubilee procession in 1897. The procession will, therefore, take place on Friday, June 27. In addition
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  • 296 5 The Tramways proposed to be authorized by the Singapore Tramways Ordinance are as follows No. 1. Commencing at a point in Telok Blanga Road opposite the entrance lo Keppel Harbour Dock, thence in and along Telok Blanga Road to Keppel Road thence in and along Keppel Road to
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  • 26 5 Baltic Ports, Kitai, 2Sth Feb. B. M. Australian ports,, Changtha, due 26th Feb., Mansfield. Hongkong, C. Apcar, due 27th Feb., 8. M.
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  • 51 5 You are always liable to have a fall. Chamlierlain's Pain Balm is the best, liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will Heal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore. 7—
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  • 762 5 The S. C. C. tennis tournament commences to-morrow afternoon. The handicaps are as follows A. DOU/JL19. Braddell and Elliot,— 10. Barkshire and E Bradbery, Firmstone and Beatty, Kiil/minn and Hartnell, 1. Hooper and Mosley, Mactaggart and von Berg, White and Butterworth, scr. Darbishire and Kerr,
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  • 154 5 Yesterday's Play. Laoies' Singles. Mfh. Lovell beat Mm. Kerr, 6 3, Ml Mixkd Doubles. B. Class. Final. Mm. Ciiflhey and Mr. Wathen l>eat Mi>* Anderxon and Mr. Dowley, 5-6, 6-3, 6'>. CHAMPIONSHII' I'AIKS. Mr«. Coleridge and Mr. von Berg beat Miss Kerr and Mr. Norrie,
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  • 408 5 For Europe. P. O Chwan, sailing about 7th Mar. To London (from Penang) Mrs. Reid and infant. From Singapore to London Mr. F. Weld, Mr. Ogilvie, Lady Rowena Paterson. Ballaarat, sailing about 21st March. For London, Mr. D. Nimmo, Mr. and Mrs. Fleury. Bombay, sailing about 29th March.
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  • 621 5 Sihgapobk, 2.VTH February, 100*2. PRODUCE. Gambler 8 U.*> Copra Bali 10.75 do Pontianak 10.2(4 Pepper, Black 29.76 do White, (5%) ,,54.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.75 do Brunei No. 1 ,3.26 Pearl 8aeo 4.40 Coffee, Bali, 15% basin 25.00 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis '28 00 Coffee, Liborian No. 1 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 FACTS OF ABSORBING INTEREST TO THOSE WHO ARE IN THJS CLUTCHES OF RHEUMATISM. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To get rid of those awfu! pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow hobbling arouni in crutches to be
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    • 128 5 WE iiave this day removed our office to No. 7 D'Almeidii Street. 24th Fob. 8. MANASSEH Co. MS DR. NOBLE, Dental Surg-on nas returned to Hingapor* tad may l>e consulted daily from 9 to 4. Marine Club Building, Kuni»» IqMUV. D.c. ST. ANDRUW'S HOUSE. A CHURCH of England Boarding House
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 284 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 25th February. High Water 0.3 Legislative Council. 2.30. L L. T. 0. Tournament. S.V.A. Horse Battery Drill. 5 16. Philharmonic Choir. 5.15. Band. People's Park, 6 to 6 Wednesday, 26th February. High Water. U.« a.m. 0.40 p.m. Dough Mixei Sale Powell II. Tanjong Paitar Dock
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 NOTICES, K.AJ.Chotirmair&Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN. CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks. Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, fife, &c, fife. 51 and Hi<;li Street, Singapore. Telephone 254.
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    • 573 6 NOTICES. YAMATC^& CO. JAPANESE GENERAL STORES Opposite to Shipping Office, next to Emmerton'i Tiffin Rooms. 1. COLLYEK QUAY, 6-3 Singapore. Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. BAGNALL HILLKB 96, Rvbinsen Road.
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    • 164 6 i4JAtK AND il RON WINE j) I SOLE AGENTS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. M-Mi 'DARTRINC 'LANOLINE' J^ ■A, <y Natural Toilet Preparations. //iYyifri 'DARTKING 1 TOILET 'LANOLINIi in HMI and rii(l )j)\ collapsible lubes. Makes roujth skins smooth and protects delicate camftutam <rom the effects of wind and sun. r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 744 7 ♦X(HE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED tf)\l E Standatl Life Awuranoe J[ Norwich Union Fire liuannoe Society. Atlai Annnnoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life AMnnuioe Society. The Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. For particulars of tLeae Companies, tee the full adTerti»ement of THE KORNRO COMPANT I.TMTTFI' Ae»nfa«
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    • 699 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, TXONINKLIJKE PAKKTVAA3T MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship AaraCT, lat« J. Dakbdxls A Co., 2-3, Coli.ykb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate ~Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched (or On Mussel Batavia Feb. 21 BaUvU, Cheribnn, Samarang, Soerabaia, Macassar, Balik Papan,
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    • 522 7 STRAUS STEAMSHIP (X). (LTD.) S. S. Penang On Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Poit Swettenham, and Teluk Anson. S.S. "Malacca": On Wednesdays at 4 p.m.. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham, and Teluk Anson. S. 8. "Carlyle." On Thursdays for Port Swettenham direct. 8. S. '-Ban Whatt
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    • 661 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Herrice of the Ocean Steam shiji Company and the West AuslraCrtTi Nteam Navigation Com puny between FBEMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTHALIAJ POHTS, AND SINGAPORE. 1MB SULTAN, SALADIN, UINILYA AND AUSTRALIND. 1 hese steamers run at frequent intervals between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound
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    • 666 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ORITIBH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA I> TION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, A CALCUTTA One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passengers md Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 1595 8 Uuder this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ship; Iml banjue; sob. schooner: Yet. Yacht; Cm. Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horbe-power; Brit. British I". S.— United States; Fch.— French <5ter.— German Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Jobore Ac, G.c— Genera! CUg0j J.p deckpassenger U.—
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    • 535 8 JfanM, port, probable daU of arrival. and name of agents. HTKAMIBS. A. Apcar, Hongkong, Feb .'8 8. A Moses. Adria. Europe, Mar 10; Behn Meyer Ajax, ChinA. Mar 9; Maoofield. Anterior, China, Apl 6; Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkong, Apl. 0 Behn Meyer. Ballaarat, Hongkong, Mar -JO: P. A O.
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    • 106 8 Par *tr. 717 1 w To-Morbow. Pontianak Sri Pontianak 7 a.m. MuntokA Palembnng tf. i/j/?r 11 a.m. Manila Maritime 11 a.m. BilliionAPontiitnak B Whatt Soon Noon Asahan and Deli Asahan 2 pm! Bombay via ports Zamania 3 p.m. T. Anson via ports Malacca 3p ni Bangkok B.SrngGun.i 3
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    • 126 8 Fkom Eitkopk:— By the N.D.L. SA.Bayern with dates to the 4th February, on the 28th instant. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 10th January. From Chin-a:— By the M. M. s.s. ft mint due on Sunday. Timi Table of Mails Dub. Left
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    • 140 8 For Singapore. Per P. A O s. s. Aimtralin connect^;: with tht» steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London Feb. II; due i'3r<i March— Mr. and Mrs. Simp«on, Mr. K. F. W. Carnell. Mrs. Blark. Mr. T. C. ferutton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fowlie. P'T V. O. s.
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    • 152 8 a KLAt. 5 VgfwßL's Name a Tows Ria. Captain From Sailed. OMMMfOfc Fel> 24 Mosnel Dut str. 1306 24 Asahan (tor str. 161 24 «an Seug Uuar Brit str. 4HO 24 iVirlyle gtr. JJSI 24 Kitai Rug str. l .'ti4« 24 U. Q. Meyer Out str. 443 24 Emile
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    • 89 8 HATH. V'bsbkl's Namb. Flag 4 Rio Tons. Ohti.nation. Out str. 80 Rhio RuB tra. 3i»7 Odessa Brit str. 148 Pontianak «tr. 101 Djambie MM Btr. 3130 Suez and Marseilles Rus str. 2849 Copenhagen ria ports Brit str. 322tt Penang.Cachin, AdenAN.Yjrk atr. < '22eu China and Japan str. Un MuQtok
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. boys' shoes GRAINED SHOES. CHILDREN BROWN SHOES. -^r^A^v^ ETSn* THK PItINCE GEORGE. Children's Brown Leather Shoes %fel™ B ''T^^ fc J""" very cheap. infants. X I weanngthan BUM *****.") f J Ul c o v n t ry PRICES 25. 2-50, 2.75, 3-00 4-00, 5-00 \jM made
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 85 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbav. Hoxpital, ?.j»k Fi-h., t:u>. »».m .<(> m.Hp.m. Hkmakks. Bar 30.060 29 942 30 034 Temp 82.0 84 0 7H.0 W.B'lbTbor 74 0 76.0 72.0 Dir.ofWind N.E. N.E. N.K. Max. Temp. 89.0 Mm 6«<t Max in Sua 104.0 Terr, rad OS.O Rainfall Nil The standard time bull
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