The Straits Times, 24 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times N«>. 20,762. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1902. PRICE 15 CEWTS.
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  • 3006 1 WIRE NEWS. Sport. favourable wvnther, and before a crowd of lMxki ru|.li- pi iv in the lou tli te-t maU'b was coimii«iiceci on the Sydney ground u the Mth in-tant. 'Ihe w.-k. I ww p^ifect. p.nd .Mr. MuLi.nii Ht"in won the tuutv The English team wa» 1 1 1 same
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 166 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD, (:o:) Colonial Libraries at $1.50 Each. The Tale i.ftlie Great Mutiny, by W. h Fitchett. The Btaraal City, by Hall Came. a M;;:!:; ,n,,v, Dau,llter, a.c. Theses I inne,,i. by F Frankfort i'spat.hes by E-Uar Wai- -enft, hyvi,.iet Twe.-.i^io fll( s b~*'ll> V Wife, l.y K
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    • 64 1 NOW READY. The Chronicle and T\\ n>ric%W uircciory lOf China, Japan,Corca, Straits Settle IlientS, IndO Chllia, The Philippines Netherlands India, &C., &C, Large edition (with 14 Maps and plans) $9. Small hdition $5. m.w.f. GGOrffG I Pictures. I [farces. Michael PUOTU STORES, Singapore. Wilson C 0., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 ARMENIAN STBEET.
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    • 500 1 CHAMBKKL.A ITS PAIN BALM Applied to the nfflictnl ptirtx i/uu-klii Hrli-vet STIFF NE< K RHKHMATI-M BORK.NK-i> of he MUtLKS AN!> iTipypnw nf ti.i> urn Jor siil«' Ij li I ll»-n|ilK ii> lie ni.ii eg ••vvi wlii-rv. —.V iI- arx >l <miioritl Ag<-»ts, Ih> l>i>-, i-r-iiry. n,> |)"i<>. Kuppers Beer. Club
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  • 1415 2 IHlh February. Mr. and Mrs. Re.rrington have been staying al Kuala Kangsar. Mr. Vane goes hoint shortly on Ion;; leave and we hear Mr. F. W. Talbot is to act as State Auditor in Perak during his absence. Mrs. Douglas Campbell left Seremban on Sunday for
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  • 290 2 In a Shanghai court, the other day, a native was charged with stealing a g <u\ earring valued at S."> from a Chinese woman. Inspector Matheson stated that the circumstances of the case were most peculiar. The complainant had a child laid up with sickness, and
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  • 107 2 A gkkat deal of in'erest centres in a cargo of blue g'.m timber which recently arrived at Dover from Australia for the National Harbour works. Most of the baulks, or sticks as they are termed, weigh as much a<< 10 tonn each, and <-ange between 100 ft
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  • 92 2 In America, we are told, when children are naughty they are threatened by a nursemaid with the cinematographic camera. The prospect of having thei' outbreaks recorded with lifelike exactness upon a screen for t lie ainucement of good little girls and boys will often, it is said,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 294 2 NOTICES. Tf^ •'j'j J SPECIAL UUnVIIIC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA v IJ»J i^lh^FFffl^ 111 m 2 H > DUNVILLfp IJI 5 Special Old Scofch|»iis!f *> <hasgow, scotlJwp f C>2) •i w. A I. 21-1 Po 111 WAX BKUK WORKS
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    • 330 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS Or Safety Fuses. add Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Explosives, being all manuu.tured in Great Britain, are made to xws the high sUiitdard of safety and u/nty tests imposed by the Britis/i lovemment,
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    • 268 2 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Singapore. NOI.WKH ONION FIKK INHDItANOK SOCIETT OP NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 1797. ■OK KIRK INBUBANCE ONLY Ai ount insured 4886,000,000 Lum paid 11,600,000. Preminm in come 906,000. lasn .inoe effected on almost erery description pi -peity at current ratee
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  • 652 3 Fraudulent Insolvency. Fraudulent bankrupt> iea among Asiatic traders iiavu long been a crying evil at Batavrt and other ports in Javn. Ei|ii.iily long have proposals to che.j.k them be^n uuivailiugly made. *H»rue people liiii.'ied that coinpuUiun on Asiatic dealers to keep their books in Malay or Dutch would
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  • 257 3 Tukkk are now at the Yokohama chnragt three of tlie finest ships that ihe British Ntvy ca"i boast of, say the Jope,, Unity M..H .if th- lUihult. They consi.-it vi' iw lirsl-<'l;ifcs battle-ships ami nut; lirst-clars cruiser. T'lift All'ion, i wliiili carries 1 n- l!.:L;ot
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  • 539 3 List of Unclaimed Letters lying at the General Post xffice, Singapore. Abdool Latip M yer, Capt. A. AbdulJh.ffar Mijout. Frt>d. Abraham, Muxun u.i.iiii-, V Murphy, J. L. Albeit Mms Maude MuualiHr, C. 8. Augeiettio, V. Naiuoo, a. 8. R. Ayyurt, Ur. K. Ntppa, i£. uaruer Le D. Lang-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 Up-to-Date Photography. Messrs. WAH FONQ CO Photographic Artists, have now entered into their new and spacious premises No. ■-.'•-'■> South hridjfe Road, and are prepared to supply modern and beautifully tinted hi;'b art pirn ogrnphs in all siz.s, M most rensomibW- terms. Views of ftiBftaporc are also on sale, and
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    • 652 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND bHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00( RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re9erve..slo,ooo,ofjn .10-^nnn Silver Reserve. S.-fio,ooo I 8U w RESERVE LIABILITY OF) -mnrmnno PROPRIETORS 10 000 000 COURT OF DIRBOTOfte: B. HBIW4N, Koi.-CIKIRdJN Hon. J.J. Bblllbvino Deputt Chairm^ H. E Tonkins K L Bicrakdson, Ksq 1 Him Ksq H
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    • 629 3 NOTICES. I \\T ANTED. bineee or Eurasian clerk, T» with good knowledge of English, *hort-hxnd and tyj e-writing. Gooc salary to really competen man. Apply to MERCHANT" v.c. c/o Siraits Times. SITUATION WANTED. BY Englishman who has been s x years in the mraits. Ku l\ a. qiiHin.d vith import
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    • 368 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET, rpHREE large godowus Nos. 124 d, I?4b I and la-JK. Cioss Street, suitable for Offices. Apply to ALKAFF .v Co. U, Raffles Qu»>. n.c. iv bE LJfT. /"IOMIOUND Houce No 58 Hill Street \J (atel occupii d by Iho Chinese Consul Ueii. r I), suitable for
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    • 783 3 NOTICES. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT ORCHARD ROAD. Just received a large stouk of Fancy Check Canvasses, Lustrine Silks &c. Dressmaking under European supervision. m. Ath. 12-i-"B. tnm. U. m\ Ktrmet m On. ttm ra mftor tmolr urrcni mm AoEN'R IN fNOLAND. Emtattllahod ..-t »844. //i km a thnntuah ktio- loi'i. f
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  • 250 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 24th FEBRUARY. Mi;. Hi li.ikr, the A'-Mne Curator and Librarian of the Raffl '8 Mu->eum and Library has written a letter that is published in another column, and therein he vindicates the action of the Committee in doubling the rate of second class
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  • 221 4 In welcoming Kine Chulalongkoru to Singapore, it may not be untimely to express the hope that th<* occasion of his visit, will also be made the occasion for officially explaining to His Majesty that neither the local Government nor the local press harbors any of the sinister desiens against his
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  • 205 4 We regret to anuounce the death at Hanoi on the 9th inst., of Mr. J. T. Lillie, formerly the editor of the Siam Free Presx. Mr. Lillie had been a Master at the Assumption College there before he filled the editorial chair of the Free Press. As editor of that
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  • 305 4 Like "Raffles" in this part of the world, the Grand Hotel at Yokohamk in the best known hotel in Japan, and at the recent semi-annual meeting of the Company that owns the property a complaint was set forth by the Chairman that For more than a year past, report* have
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  • 139 4 Tim mining has latterly been in a bad away in Selangor. On many of the mines, work had proved so unremunerative that some of them were expected to be shut down or to be managed le«s liberally. Tiie resulting d satisfaction among the miners was anticipated to lead to trouble.
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  • 133 4 Thk Hongkong and shanghai Bank held its 53rd half-yearly meeting at Hongkong on the 15th instant, with Mr. R. Shewan in the chair. The Chairman pointed out that the profits of ',he Bank were 53>79.090, against £3,479,515 in the previous half-year, and that the Bank was in a stronger position
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/10^
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  • 10 4 Thk Sultan of Ko.lah arrived here from Penang on Saturday.
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  • 15 4 A quantity of wip- news will be found on the front puge "f to-day's paper.
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  • 13 4 On Saturday a Chinaman was arrested for selling 900 catties of stolen salt.
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  • 20 4 Wreck auk of the British sloop Condor has been found on the Vancouver coast, and this renders her loss certain.
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  • 21 4 Dr. and Mrs. Foyvmb and child are due here by the P. and O. mail which left London on Friday last.
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  • 20 4 Ths German mail steamer Bayer* left Colombo on Saturday at 6 p.m., and is due here on Friday at daylight.
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  • 18 4 Tki Earl of Crawford's yacht Valhalla returned from Johore yesterday evening. She left tit 11-30 to-day for Batavia.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General sbippii.^ news is printed on pane 8-
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  • 20 4 It is aotified that It* official rate for calculating exchange "Mnpensation allowance for the current lUMfc m 1/10 per dollar.
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  • 19 4 Tee Town and Volunteer band will play in the People's Park to-morrow from 5 to 6 p.m. (weather permitting)
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  • 22 4 Mr P. T. Bvatt has been appointed auditor of the accounts of the Municipality of Singapore, with effect from the 17th instant.
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  • 21 4 The French transport Cftolon, Capt. Marini, arrived fom Haiphong this morning en route fnr Marseilles. She has 944 soldiers on board.
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  • 28 4 On pages 2 and 3 at this issue will be found the FM S. Notes, Netherlands India news, List of Unclaimed Letters etc and other items of interest.
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  • 29 4 The German mail steamer Hamburg leaves at 10 a in. to-morrow. The list of passengers from Singapore, which i» a long one, includes the name of Mr E. Scott-Russell.
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  • 27 4 At the Singapore Rifle Association shoot on Saturday, Sergt. Buttsr^.V R won the wooden spoon, Lieut. Elliot SV R heing second, and S«rgt. Mwjor Mugliston SVC third.
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  • 29 4 Owing to pressure on space to-day, an interesting critique on the management of the recent Kinta Race Meetinp, the London Letter," and Johore Notes" are held over until to-morrow.
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  • 32 4 The three men who were prosecuted fir assaulting a police patrol in Grange Road oo Thursday morning, were sentenced each to three weeks hard without the option of a fine, on Saturday.
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  • 32 4 Dr. K B. Croucber has been appointed to be homotun Mrsjooa of the Malacca Company of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, with the honorary rank of Captain, with elfect from the 15th tm.tant.
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  • 31 4 Miss B. Webbe and Miss W. Angus have been appointed teachers in (>■.->. Street Government, school. This is the first instance in which young ladies have been employed in Government local schools.
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  • 32 4 Subscriptions of *25 each from the fillowing firms, to the St -angers and Prisoners' Aid Fund, are acknowledged:—Alsagoff it Co, K:«t? Bros, Stiven A Co., Behn Meyer A Co.. tinStraits Trading Co.
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  • 39 4 Thb Philharmonic Choir meets f'vr practice at the Town H til to-mnrrow afternoon, and thereafter regularly carl, week. As there is important work to oe done, it is hoped that every member will make a point of attending regularly.
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  • 37 4 The Molucca from Telok Anson yesterday brought the following passengers: Master F Paul, Mrs. Smith, Miss Cross, Mr. Kirwan, Mr. Southall, Mr. C S. Kohinson, Miss Gordon, Dr and Mrs. P.trt, Mr. Mrs. and Miss J. McClymont.
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  • 53 4 It if? expected that H. M. 8. Terrible will soon pass through Singapore on her way home to take part in the great Coronation naval review. Her commander, Capt. Percy Scott, is eventually to relieve Capt. Russell in the command of H. M. S. Haiuiibnl, one of the battleships of
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  • 56 4 A cricket match on the Esplanade on Saturday between elevens of the Singapore Recreation Club and the Royal Engineers, resulted in a victory for the Club by 39 runs, the scores being, respectively, 106 and 67. For the Club S Zehnder was top scorer with 40, and for the military
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  • 62 4 Womg Ah Fong, compradore to Messrs. Melchere Co shipping agents, Hongkong, hits committed suicide by jumping i-verboard from a launch on the way to Macao. The deceased stood in the capacity of guarantor fnr the compradore whose shroff now stands charged with the larceny of moneys belonging to the Hongkong
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  • 89 4 About 3 o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in a spirit shop in North Bridge Road, just at the corner of High Street. The Fire Brigade were promptly on the scene and prevented the flames from spreading to the adjoining buildings. The house was burnt to
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  • 130 4 Three Chinamen Murdered A Chinaman arrived at Singapore on Saturday morning and reported at the Marine Police Station that he and thtee others were on a Singapore-owned junk oil' Siak on the 13th inst. At 8 p.m. several Malay prahus came off to his junk. Suddenly
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  • 101 4 Special Telegrams. RIOTS IN THE NATIVE STATES. TIN MINERS ON STRIKE. Eight killed and Many Wounded. Further Trorble is Feared. Kunla /jumper, i b 24th. Riots occurred yenterday at Rasa and Rawanp, two tin mininp cent.ies. The rioters looted the Farms. About ei^ht persons were killed and many were wounded
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  • Router's Telegrams.
    • 95 4 London, UMi Feb. lJewnt with a force of 400 B >ers has broWen through the line of blockhouses, back to the northward, west of Lindley. MORE BOERS CAPTURED. Colonel Park with *OoNati >nalScout* surprised ami captured 16-1 Boers, with n«> cantmlties. DISASTROUS FIRE IN NEW YORK. A
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    • 41 4 Lmmlm, 2-ith Feb. Miss Stonp, the American missionary, who was held captive by biigands, has been released. BOER -GOVERNMENT" ESCAPES. The Boer laagers surprised by Col. Park contained the so-called Boer Government. The members of th« Government escaped.
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  • 99 4 1468.— Uutenlnirj.' (printer) dkd. lUS4— Horn HainK'l, tiiC rowan— f, 1720— Horn Koliert. Lord ('live. <>o-i<|uerur of Helical. IS-.Jl— Died .lohn Keat*. ISJS— T. K. H. PriMS Philip and I'riuce Augustus of Siixe ColMirx and (Sollin enter tamed in Singapore1875 K. and A. mail steamer (tolhenbunt
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  • 260 4 The annual Chinese New Year Spu/ls and Fireworks were held on Saturday last. This year the Committee sought fields tresh and pastures m», the sports on this occasion being held on the Government Reclamation Ground, Robinson Road. There was a very hir^u attendance of spectators, ■iinonK
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 NOTICES. DX. NOBLE, Dental Surg on has return. -il to Singapore and may bo con»<dted daily fr m \< to 4 Marine Club tiuilding, K itn Square, a.c. TO BE LET "\JKWiiY built and comfortable j\ > riipnund siiop house-, Nog. 76-1 ami 2 I'rmsep Sir. et. \pplv to or..
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    • 633 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WE hmve this day r«moT«d our office to No T P' Almrida WthFe... S. MANASSKH A Co. 1-13 RBMOVED. DR < Vi» V WEDELhas changed his residence from Lovi K <ad 12. to Dublin Roitd So 4, Vi l:i Emmi. House Telephone No 66'). Concultation houra in On-sham
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    • 85 4 G. R. LAMBERT V CO. Photographers. (vN account of th long rainy season, we shall only be able to open oar new studio and offices at 3a. Orchard Road some day during the first h tit of February next. The exact date will be advertised. In the meantime all sittings
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  • 543 5 On Saturday, Jan. 1 lth, at St. Luke's Church, Camden Road, a very pretty marriage tereinony took place, the bride being Miss Mabel Alice Kimmel, daughter of Mr. J. F. Kimine!, and Mr«. Kimm«l, of Catndun R >ad, and the bridegroom Mr. Frank
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  • 313 5 Arrived Mere Yesterday, His Majesty the King of Siam, accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen, and their suites arrived here at 11.20 am yesterday from Bangkok in the Siamese Royal ya^ht Mnha AdMbi The Royal yacht was accompanied hv the Siamese gurihoate Bm Huh- and \l
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  • 22 5 The Hon. J. B. Matthews and Mrs. Matthews return to Penang by the Japanese mail steamer whici. left London on Jan. 31st.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 573 5 To the Editor of the Straits Time* Six, Your leader of Saturday last, the 22nd instant, criticises the management of the R.iille.s Library, and professes to voice the grievances of subscribers and other visitors to that institution The complaint of the latter appears to be that of
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  • 176 5 Saturday's Play. Mm Doubles. A Class. Final. Mr. iiiul Mrs. iiansloser played Mias J. Cunn anil Mr. Salzmann, 4-6, 6-4 unfinished. B. Class. Semi-Final. Mis» \lnll i-iin and Mr. Dnwiey beat Mrlluwes and Mr. Stephens, 5-C, 6-3, 6-3. C'HAMHIONSIIir I'M 11, Mrs. CatafUfS and Mr.
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  • 21 5 MESSRS. Jenkins, Davies, Halliday, Bryan, and ten European policemen for the Singapore force arrived here by the Glamorganshire from London yesterday.
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  • 44 5 Fivb Hylam lads who were recently arrested on Mr. Scott- Russell's premises were before Mr. Beatty this mornine. •-banted with carrying on a lottery. Mr. K. W. Braddell who is retained for the defence applied for a postponement which was granted till Thursday next.
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  • 49 5 About four o'clock tins morning, a Chinese burglar was found in the compound of Glengarry," the house of Mr. Diez, in River Valley Road. The idhd had appropriated a bucket from the stable when he was smartly caught by the watchman, und was subsequently handed over to the police.
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  • 50 5 A Farewell, dinner in honor of Dr. Chan was given last night by Mr Boey Chuau Poll at Bin Chan House," Ballestier Koad. Dr Chan has been associated for some years with Dr. Lim Boon Keng who was among the guest*. The Hon. Moon-light Minstrels gave a little mi'sical entertainment.
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  • 70 5 In the Court of Appeal to-day, the Court unanimously dismissed the appeal of Kimii Ah Peng v. Mali Wah Co., a Bangkok case. In the Bangkok case, Stewart v. Downie, an application for an order for the taxing of certain costs was disallowed. The case of the King on the
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  • 70 5 Apropos of the case against the eleven men who were recently arrested at No. 4 Sago Street for being putatively the leaders of an association of thieves, it is believed that they will be disposed of by the Executive Council under the provisions of the Banishment Ordinance in the same
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  • 222 5 The will of Mr Henry Minchin Simons, of 72, Courth'^ld-Rardens, South Kepbingt.on, of the. firm of Pater«on, Simons and Co., L3ndon and Singapore, who died on Hue. .Vii la-*', ag«d 77, bequeaths an annuity of .£lOO to his brother Thomas Minchin Simons his furniture
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  • 84 5 On Saturday night, being the 15th day <>f the Chinese New Year, crackera <>f all kinds, except bombs, were fired from 7 p in. to 12 pm. by the Chinese Last night being the occasion of the annual moonlight drive for Chinese ladies, there were hundreds of carriages at the
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  • 98 5 Thk sixth ordinary general meeting of the members ot the Federates Engineering Co. was held on Saturday morning at 5 R>>ad Street, there being present Messrs. Maobean, W. M. Robertson, S ndersoo, Benzie, Pieston, indT. CJ B Miller (-ecreUry.) The lirectors' report and the accounts for the year ended on
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  • 606 5 sincm'iikk. MM Kebkuary, UMl. PRODUCE. 'Mmhier bnyers 8 11.60 •onr* Bali 107^ do Pontiinak K>1> Pepper, Black 2«874 do White. (5%) 5J.00 Sagn Floor Sarawak 3.6% do Brunei \o. 1 S.95 Pearl ?neo 4.4" r-offee. Bali. 15% ba«i* 2*00 Coffee. Palemhang. 20% basis 8«W Coffee. Liberian No. 1 IB
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 ADVICE TO TRAVELERS. We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of Chamfter Iain's Cone, Cholera and Diarrhtra Remedy. Change of water and di«t frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, GeneralAgents, Singapore
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    • 51 5 YOU KIDE A BICYCLE You are always liable to have a fall. Chnmberluin'i Pain Balm is the best liniment for cats, sprains, and bruises. It will tieal the part* in one-third the time any other treatment would require. bold' by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore. 7—
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    • 239 5 NOTICES. THE TANJONO PAOAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Met- tine of the above n<med Company will )m held at the Company's Towo office No. 6 Collyer Quay, Singapore, on Wednesday, the 26th day of February, 19 2, at noon, for the purpose of
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    • 552 5 NOTICES. THE TANJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE. MR. GEORGE RUTHERFORD, .t Director of this Company, has >tB»urneci administrate n theieof under he title of Managine Director. Mr ImM -ellar continuing Maaajtf of the Com(iaiiy as he'elofore. By order of the Board of Directors. W. it. NIVKN, v.c. Secretary. RADHASWAMY
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 247 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 24th February. High Water 11.24 a.m. 8.G.<:. Ladies' Championship Play. 8V.R. Recruits Drill 5.10. SV.A. Squad and Carbine Drill. 6.15. SV.E. £.-cruite Drill. 5.16. S.V.I. No. I Co Drill. Br. Bis-vh R1. Ul L. L T. C Tournament. Mi--.' i H:i'i.N ''in 9. Tuesday, 25th February.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 337 6 NOTICES, K.AJ.Chotirmall&Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DBALJUB IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods. Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, fife, fife. fife. 51 nix! ~>2 High Street, Mngapore. 'Ick-phone
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    • 299 6 NOTICES. Milkmaid! BRAND F~^ssS n/r 11 Ji&\ PNDENSED MJLjh |l/| 1 I 171 7 iV^A 1% km vSm \ks*j?-~ Guaranteed flails comTkN-STO** 0 pxr S« this Full Cream. trademark Largest Sale in the World. "tT" SARKIES JOHANNES~AND CO. Jiuetioneers and Estate Jlgents. 6 and 7, TELEGRAPH STREET. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 694 7 rp.liE BORNEO OOMi'ANY, LIMIIEI' fl^llE Btandari Life Aatnnooa. JL Norwxoh Uniou Fir« In»nr»nos 9od«ty. Atlas Aaroranoe Company (Fire). The Equitably Life Amuruioa Society. The Ch^iut Mntual St.-<am Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. For particolan of U Companies, sec the full adWtu»nwnt of THE BORNEO COM PA.VT I.TMTTKn \(^»nt<
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    • 700 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, ■7-ONINKLIJEE PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singpvore: Ship AaxaoT, latb J. Daxndbls A Co., 2-8, Colltib Quay. T'k undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer Kroin Expected Will be Despatched tor On Mnntel Batavia Fet>. 21 Batavia, Cheribnn, SHmarang, Soerabaia. Macassar, Balik Papan,
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    • 527 7 STRAIN STKAMSHII* (X). (LTD.) S. B. Penang": On Mondays at 4 p.m for Malacca Port Dickson, Port Swettenbam. and Teluk Annnn. S. S. Malacca: On Wednesdays at 4 p.m. fo" Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Bwettenhini, and Teluk Anson. 8. 8. "CtHyle On Thursdays for Port Sweite ih. -i m direct.
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    • 658 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Hemce of the Orewi Mean Miip Company and the West Australian steam Navigation Company between FBEMANTLE (PBBTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POBTS, AND SINGAPORE. THE SULTAN, SALADIN, MINILYA AND AUSTHAUND. These steamers run at frequent intervals jetween Singapore and Western Australia, jailing at Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 655 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAV1UA TIOM COMPANY, LI M IT El). TO PENANG, RANGOON, A CALCUTTA One of theCompany's attamen is intended to leave Tanjoug Pagar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to
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    • 1836 8 let HIM beading the fulluwins: abbre nations iivp awd str slimmer eh.— t»"Br?|-Tr5<^ -schoonerTVet.— Vn. it «'ru ruiscr; (ibt.— Gunboat Tor. —Tornado; H.|> -Hawfcmr; brit.— BriHah; D. B.— United StHt<>«; Ft-h French; ■Sar.— German; Dut.— l>uuh;Joh.-^Johore: Jan,fli' Hemiral taigu; <l.p. deck pa»senOtW D.— l'nciTtiin T. P. \V.—
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    • 239 8 .Va.ti*, port, probable date of arrival, and nnmr of agent*. Stbamkrs. A. Apcai, Honqkong, Feb 28; S. A Mwa*. Ajax. China. Mnr M 'iisfield. Anterior, China. Apl 6; Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkonij. Anl. -i Behn Meyer. BalU.irat. Hn igkoii^, Mir 21 P. *O. iaaea, Hongkong, Mar 14; P. A
      239 words
    • 81 8 Per Itr. ftm T0-.VIoKKO»< Bangkok Or»U 7 u.m Kurope vin port* Hamburg 8 IVIi M,,l,, n :< Manila Mtmttmt Hum Dju*bie iitm Ado l p.m P. dwitt'hun vUportt Batavier p.m Muntok ami P'b:ia« liiihu p.m U'ftUNKfillW. Bi li'on A 1'ontinn-ik H W'hnll Si,,,,: Noon Swaiow ami Amoy
      81 words
    • 126 8 From Kukoi'K: By the X P I.. <s.s.Bii/er» With lintes lo Mm 4th Feliru;iry, on the L'Stl: inxtnnt She brings replies to th« mails which .(»!t S nj.'i|>nivot) th(> loth Jjuiu iry. Fk >M C.iix* By the M. M. s.s. ftmUuk due on Sunday. eft Mn«;i|iore
      126 words
    • 411 8 Vknkkl's If aim I TomKic. Captain Fbuh Merlin '*aiiron I'iirkinuon Penang Mummen MjiIhc.h Nacodau Rhio LougUlail lt;iilK'"nn i<] Bombay J8.-I.miti! Oolombo Hulmer BclaWHii N:li- iiIhI, Kl)i<l l.iMtm .1111 Manila Ue Wyn Ponttanak Nacodah Sarawak Riley Hongkong ,M*caison (Cardiff Evans 'London Munarry Mi:iul.i Mellor iPSwet'ham Rilph jPontianak Smith J'al--iiii.:iiii{
      411 words
    • 236 8 DATS. km -js 33 ■2i m 33 23 •-'2 •>•> 33 m m 20 •24 24 24 24 34 26 26 24 I 84 34 a Vmsbl'8 Namb. Flag A Kn, Tons. Dkstixatios. Isla de Luzon 8pa sir. 26M) j Barcelona ami Liverpool Hamburg u eT str Krenicrhaven
      236 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 337 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. jf EOYS STOUT DERBY HOBNAIL Jffi'] J\ j 2 fa yy ($R »f out smooth Pr £r *2.7o, 2.80 CHILDREN'S TAN C=^^^^ \k boys sxxozas. GRAINED SHOES. children brown shoes. CnKuJ IHK PRI1ICI GEORGE. Children's Brown Leather Shoes \l» I'^W^. SStiSS "xford L,cing S, eUra Stout slron,
      337 words