The Straits Times, 22 February 1902

Total Pages: 7
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,76! SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 328 1 NOTICE RITCUfffS WHISKY 81'ECIAIXV selected blend thoroughly niHtur»<l in bond Price 911' per case, samples free. BORNEO CO., LTD. tu. ih. s. Sn p lin pin ere. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests !».v> i5<«... I. HO Hm^ alti r-••\«.r 11 ;ilt,? four«lji>» .ti li ii -tj«.t« il. Tin- ii^'s wiio
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    • 437 1 NOTICES. ueltingT" John Tullif-'s Llama Hair Belting is li. h nicict suituble kind niade tV.i Tropicai Climates. Pj ize Medals liHve bw»n received at no less than Sixteen Exhibitions by Messrs. John Tullis- t>on tor iheir manufactures, and \vp confidently r.-rniiiini-mi Llama Hair Bflting as being specially eons-tiucted to wiliistand
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    • 637 1 NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL, 11HK Office of the Singapore Steam Saw Mill bus teen from thin day removed to No. 31 Kling St. CHOA GIANG THYE. Singapore 16-2-02 22-2 NOTICE OK REMOVAL. f pHE Office of the Straits Chinese I Pkintino OFTIfK has been removed to No. 2 Robinson hond,
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    • 700 1 NOTICES. CINGAPOKE SPORTING CLUB Programme for Spring Race Meeting, 1902. MAY 200,, 22nd, and 2Alh. FIKST DAY. Tuesday, Mil, May. Fi!:hi Hack. IHK MAIIiKN J'LA IK. -Value %4(M> A Rarr foi Alu lit ii Hmm and hr e« il :f lint tun a? Kniici-ti'is, Sul.■rrißtkm (.i ffi",-. and in
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    • 648 1 THIhD J»AV. Saturday, 24<A -May. FIBST R*C«. THE OPEN GRIFFiN HANDICAPValne SSOO, and f6O to tbe s.t..h, Horse.— A Handicap for all Griffini that have started at this Meeting Entrance 910. Distance, R. C. Second Rack. THK SCURRY STAKES.— Va!-e ?400, and *i<x> to the Second Horsq.— A Handicap for
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    • 418 1 (roup A. FFW MINI T' PKI.AY TN TRKATIMJ s. mi. in-. ..i in up, •ye" th^'li'i Iti nl liin<- ill 111 1 (•> pn R»r n di.ctor. ofli'n.pi nt- Tl.f f> i-t wny ig to kcejj MM relii.l.'e Cio p p edicine coiißtHntlv in tin- li< ii->\ '1 hire
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 NOTICES. I lilMWAN BRICK WORkS PAS1K PANJANU. ARt now supplying bnilding ><riclc* For particulars, apply to <^op KIM BIK, 4/H No. 24 Mnlacrii Str-nt ItAUNALL it H1LLJM Hohin$(m Htxui.. HAVKON HAND: Eiectrio Fans, (Vi :ini» ami Table, 40, M>. riO 10(1. 110, and 120 Volts. l)ef>ii{i)<'<> H operate from Inrandeweot
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    • 287 2 NOTICES. E. WALL.iCK, Bronze M-dallM. British Horological Institute. Watch-Make and Jeweller. REPAIRS IN ALT. BRANCHES GUARANlKtD. 6-D BATTERY ROAJ>. u.c. MILLARS' KARRI JARRAH FORESTS LTD. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. \*7"E, the undersigned, having been apV? pointed Agents for the above Company, are now prepir."l to quote and accept orders and indent*
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    • 611 2 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 REaKEVE FUND.— Sterling Refwrve.-I 10,000,000 1 1|i:V)m HEHEBVE LIABILITY OF\ 1O nm«m PROP&IETOBS |-»iu,««w» Court or Dnmoton: B. SH1WAN, K»q.— CHAIRMAN Hon. J.J. Bill-Ibvino I I>>PnTT CwAiamf. H. E Tomkihs SL. Eichardbon, Esq. Uaupt, Em. H Sohobabt. D. M Mhbib, En.
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    • 624 2 SHIPPING. FOR HONGKONG. MES8R8 APOAR 4 CO.'8 steamer CATHERINE APCAR. Capt. Belson, having left Calcutta, is due here on the 27th February, and will leave for the abo.'« port. 27-2 8ARKIES k MOSES, Agents. COMPANIA Th.ASATI,ANTICA OP BARCELONA. FOR MANILA. THE Spanish mail s.s. ANIONfO] LOPEZ having left Colombo on
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    • 289 2 NOTICES. RADHASWAMY CO. Vieak and Rosewood furniture Show Rooms. Splendid Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINOAPORE. u.c Funagoya Tansan 'T'HE above mineral water, for which A we were recently appointed solo agents by Hasegawa <fc Co., of Kol>e Japan, is bottled at Funagoya spring in
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    • 308 2 NOTICES. T^NSAN SPLITS. Price $6 per case of 100 bottles. Stoppered with Crown Corks May now be hail from all dealers in Singapore and the Native States. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, Kobe, Japan' u.c. MCAUSltK CO. SOLE AQKNT8 FoK The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. The follow 1 1. k high class brr.nds of
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  • 934 3 In answer to an imperative summonsI entered Honoria's verandah at the Ilaffles, the other afternoon. Fred she said, entirely ignoring my greeting I want you to order a carriage on Sunday. lam g"ing over to Johore."' Indeed I replied May I enquire your object Why to jumble, of
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  • 368 3 Although the Brazilian crop now being harvested is the largest on record, there are very evident signs that the coffee crisis is nearly at an end. The first point to be noted is that, while in 1899 a Brazilian crop of 12 million bags brought the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 Up-to- Date Photography. Messrs. WAH FONQ CO Photographic Artists, have now entered into their new and spacious premises No. South Hridge Road, and are prepared to suoply modern and beaiitifullx tinted high art pho ographf- in n.l sizes. na mo>t reasonable terms. Views of Maaaaan are also on sale, and
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    • 455 3 NOTICES. j. motion co WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIR& PROMPTLY EXECUTED Mr. J. d'a Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin. to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Raffles Hotel AND Raffles Tiffin Rooms. FASS BEER ICED Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. ANT> t hinese
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  • 810 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY iHt U.illlt'* Liurary, .is well as the management thereof, has been and is still a fertile topic of discussion among many, and a feeling of dissatisfaction -i-t-iiif. to exist at the treatment given to some of those who belong to the
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  • 257 4 The news from Labuun continues to be of tlie grunibliug order, and by this morning's maiJ, private letters enquire whether Singapore can advise the writers as to the date of the surcease ot their sorrows. The latest grivance is an Order promulgated in the 1 8. N. B. Official (Jizette,
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  • 111 4 The text of the Tramways Bill which is to be brought into the Legislative Council on Tuesday is published in yesterday's Gucernment Gazette. The objects and reasons for the measure are thus set forth To authorize the formation ot a Company foi the following purposes (a) To afford a safe
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/10!.
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  • 6 4 ■kxehal Baden-Powell is 43 years to-day.
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  • 9 4 Mr. Haestook arrived from Deli per 8.8. Calypso j'esterday.
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  • 11 4 I To-day is the anniversary of the birth ot George Washington.
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  • 11 4 Mr. Berry came from Telok Anson per 8.8. Petiang this morning.
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  • 10 4 I The Singapore River explosion will not take place to-morrow.
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  • 13 4 Mr H. N. Ridley returns to Singapore by the next French mail steamer.
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  • 13 4 I The banishment of two more alien Chinese is notified in yesterday's Gazette.
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  • 16 4 J hkkk is a talk of a cricket match between Penang and Perak teams, at Easter.
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  • 11 4 The new Anglo-Japanese Agreement was communicated to Germany before I publication.
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  • 16 4 Cjpt. J. Wave, Mr. Bailey, and Mr. More came this morning by the Kedah from Sandakan.
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  • 19 4 Mb. Tamboosamy Pillay is now in India and will probably be away two months He is in ill health
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  • 17 4 Mr. Scrive, Mr. Rose Euniss and Lieutenant G. Bahl arrived by the Korat from Bangkok this morning.
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  • 17 4 Admiral Bienaime*, who has been Chief of the French Admiralty, replaces Admiral Pottier on the China station.
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  • 23 4 The P. and 0. extra steamer Mazagon left Hongkong at 3 p.m. on Friday, and is expected here at 6 a.m. on Thursday.
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  • 24 4 Thk Hon. J. Burfcinsnaw has been granted six months' leave of absence from the 21 at instant from hi« rlutioa as M Lj C
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  • 23 4 L'Ecko de Ckine says that the Shanghai pilots have decided to build a steam pilot-boat, which will be the [first in the FnrEaPt.
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  • 22 4 Mr. R. W. Braddell returns to Singapore by the French mail arriving to-day Mr. J Lamraers is also a passenger from Europe.
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  • 20 4 Dr. Ki.ows, of I '.■mini,', has been I appointed a .nember of the Education Commission. The sittings of the Com-
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  • 19 4 Mkssrs. Henri inilmann and M C. Denhaan, and Mdme Fischer and I iwo infants came from Saigon by the
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  • 34 4 Foi RTEKN yr.irs ago to-day, the Singap >m Volunteer Artillery Corps W&6 **in hi it] if<\ hv i »ri)cl nil i 111 1 ii li' k was at the time of the verandali" rioU.
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  • 29 4 ihe Riftl-w Museum will be thrown open to Chinese ladies and children to-inortow being the 16th day of the Chinese New Year) from 10a. m. to 1 p. in.
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  • 29 4 Those who have gambled at Johore, and who have followed systems good, bad, or indifferent -may read with interest a little story printed on page 3 of to-day's issue.
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  • 31 4 The Malay Unit says that the Malay States Guides' *;uiis were manufactured forty-five aud forty-eight years ago respectively they are the only weapons the Government possesses for the defence of Selangor.
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  • 42 4 Yesterday, a Chinaman was before the Bench Court on a charge of having With three otheis surrounded a rikisha in Cumnaing Street, and robbed the occupant, a Chinaman, of two gold rings. Eighteen months was the punishment awarded. The other men escaped.
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  • 82 4 Mb. E. Scott- Kusbuli, who is shortly going home on leave, was entertained to dinner at Riffles Hotel last night by a number of tne members of the Singapore Rowing Club. Mr. Scott Russell lias done much for the Club. Despite the length of time he has been a I
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  • 96 4 In the Court ot Apprf*!, yesterday, the appeal of the Oißuihl Assignee against the order of Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones refusing a motion to declare that Mr. Arthur Barker was not entitled to retain thn benefit, of an execution against the land of Wee Hum Soo.i, a bankrupt (on the ground
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  • 33 4 The usual monthly medal will he competed for this afternoon. The Town and Volunteer Band will give a selection of music at the Golf Pavilion on Friday 28th inst.
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  • 50 4 Thk French mail steainei passed Malacca to-day at UUKfc so that she will arrive here late this evening, or early to-morrow morning. The P. and O. mail steamer, which brings news a week ahead of the French mail, is expected to arrive here at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
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  • 74 4 It is notified in Calcutta that only those Volunteers selected by the Government of India will be allowed to take part in the Coronation ceremonies in England. In addition to the Court dresses which are being embroidered in India for Her Majesty the Queen, for use at the
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  • 79 4 The Mexicanx began their year on this day. 1632 Born Samuel I'epys, author of Pepy»' Diary." 17»t— Died Sir Joshua Ikjjllii 182(^C'ollapHe of the Cato-xtreet Conspiracy. 1851— Died Joanna li.uliii-, poet and dramatist. 1875 a. I'anlti launched. 1878 Hou.-f hold suffrage motion defeated. 1883— Guatave Dori- died.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 50 4 DEFINITE SEPARATION ANNOUNCED. London, 22nd February. Lord Rosebery, in a letter to the Times, in which he replies to certain remarks made by Sir H. CnmpbellBa'inerman, announces his definite separation from t.h* Liberal Party owing to discordance of views on the war and Home Kule.
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    • 24 4 The number of casualties in the riots at Barcelona, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, were 240 killed and wounded.
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    • 17 4 Later. The strike movement in Spain has spread to Saragossa ami other labour centres.
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    • 20 4 A congregation of about 70.000 persons assembled yesterliy in St. I'eler's Cathedral, Rome, to inaugurate the pontifical jubilee.
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    • 41 4 Mr. Arnold Forster, Uir Secretary to the Admiralty, in introducing th« Naral Estimates, saii that 87 ships .vmild be under construction in the coming financial year Hrt h >pc 1 th;*t ships would be added to the tctive rtrtet.
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  • 501 4 The Methodist missionaries from Penang and the Native States, and one representative of the Philippine Inlands Mission from Manila have been arriving in Singapore one by one from their different stations during the past week for the Annual Session of the Malaysia Mission Conference. Yesterday morning Bishop
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  • 28 4 Thk P. and O. mail steamer Oriental, due this afternoon, brings to Singapore Mr. 8. Sowden, Mr. J. C. Dumbleton, and Sergt. and Mr*. Martin and six children.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 2026 5 Municipal sagacity and caution will seldom advance further than these qualities have with our local Commission, whi'h— with a foresight and thoughtfulness which may be regarded as little less than Providential —has decreed that every muck-scraper and team-driver and stone-breaker in its service who draws over SI
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  • 43 5 We aie asked to state that the S.V.R. parades for next w<»»»k are as follow* Monday 24tu, Kecruits" Musketry. A and B C'o's. Section in Extended order. Wednesday 26th, Recruit*' Mn»ketry. Friday 28th, Kecrnits' Musketry. A and B C»\ Drill.
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  • 107 5 The Japara"-" Jomina" Collision. The steamer Japara, of the Royal Dutch I'acket Navigation Co., arrived here yesterday from Jjiurabaya, and went into dock. On the 10th inst., the Jupara collided with the Jcnnina at Sourabaya. The latter was entering the port at the time without a
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  • 125 5 'is. t' hy Major Murray v. h. Commdt., S. V. C. Singapore, -JOth Fab. Parades Monday 24th N»s. 1 and 2 Companies at Bras Bas&h Road at 5.15 p.m. Tuesday J.">th No. '-'Coy. at Bra-i.a-ah Riad at 5.16 p.m. Wednesday L>6tb N". 1 Coy. at Br-*s Basab
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  • 119 5 Ordek8 for the reduction of unnecessary ceremonial parades at the time of the Coronation are revived in General Orders just issued by the Com-mander-in-Chiet in India. Attention is specially drawn to instructions which direct that troops are not to be needlessly harassed by practising marching past and similar
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  • 155 5 Yesterday's Play. Mixkii Doubles Handicap A. Class. Mr. and Mrs. Gansloser beat Mrs. Lovell and Mr. J. G. Mactaggurt, tj-4, b-0. Miss J. Gunii and Mr. Sal/.inami heat Mrs. Coleridge and Mr. I'eirce, 5-ti, B-3, 6-0. Ties for To-day. Mixed Docblks Handicap A. Class. Kinal.
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  • 1195 5 JiOn>lon, 24th Jan. The following news was brought by the French mail steamer Oceanien, which arrived to-day TIIK CORONATION. The Coronation proeexsion proper takau places on June Mft, On that day the King will be crowned in Wentuiinxter Abbey, to which Hik Majesty and Queen Alexandra will
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  • 167 5 The case of the Nederlandsch Handel M'^atachappy, for he sum of S44S, together with inter /wt and notarial and other exDens^g, against the owners of the Rii«sian RlH^mship Lilja, has been decided by Mr. Justice Barnes in the Admiralty (iv'sion. It appears that, in July, 1901, whiUt
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  • 215 5 St. Andrews Cathedral. (2nd Sunday in Lent.) 7a.m.. Miitins 7.45a m.. Holy Communion (Choral). 4 p.m. Sunday School s 6.30 pm Evensong and Sermon. Garrison Parade Service. 7 a.m. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 10.45 a.m. Biaknn Mati. 12 Noon, l'ul.-iu Krani. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 8.!5 p. m.,
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  • 616 5 Singapore, 22hd Fkukmaky, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers Copra Bali 10.76' do Pontianak 10 25 Pepper, Black buyers 29 871 do White, (5%) «4.00 Sago Flour Sarawak SjN do Brunei No. 1 3.25 Pearl 3ago 4.40 Coffee, Bali, 15% basi* 2VOO Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis -""10 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 YOU RIDE A BICY CEL You are always liable to have a fall. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will neal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore
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    • 50 5 ADVICE TO TRAVELERS. We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of Chamberlain's Coac, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Change of water and dint frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all de- Jers in meui cinafcThe Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 141 5 Steams' Wine of Cod Liver Oil. is a superb tonic and reconstructive; there is no room for doubt. It is baaad upon scientific facts, is carefully prepared by experts, und thousands of people in all quarters of the globe testify 'o its ii valuable services to them in restoring h
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 215 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 22nd February. High W ter. II 6 p m. Full Moon. 7.59 p in. I' it (I outward mvii due. 4. Chinese Sports. Ribinson Road. 2. langlin Club Meeting. 9 Parsae Taea re. IS 1 h Kotd. 9. Sunday, 23rd February. High Water 10.43 a.m. IU
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 698 7 qpilE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMIT Kit fT^UE Standard Life Assnnnee. 1 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Anaranoe Company (Fire). The KqnitoKn Life Agsnranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. For particular, of tte«e Companuw. •eeft t full advertuement of THE BORNEO CO/JPAWT T.TMTTKrv Agent*
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    • 702 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I > NINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPI.I Onder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Agency, late J. Daendels A Co., 2-3, Coi.lter Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. ~Bteainer^J Froia Expected Will be I tor On Mossel Batavia Feb. 21 Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang, Soerabaia. Macassar,
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    • 521 7 STRAITS STEAMSHIP (X). (LTD.) S. S. Penang On Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca. Port Dickson, Port Swettenham. and Teluk Anson. 8. 8. "Malacca": On Wednesdays .it 4 p.m.. for Malacca, Port Dick.?on, Port Swettenbam, and Teluk Anson. 8. S. "Carlyle." On Thursdays for Port Swettenham direct. 8.8. '-Ban Whatt
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    • 659 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Oombinmt Herriee of the Ocean Nt«tm >>taip Company and th« West Australian steam Navigation Company between FBEMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTHALIAN POBTS, AND SINGAPORE. IHE SULTAN, SALADIN, MISILYA AND AUSTKAUND. These steamers run at frequent intervals netween Singapore and Western Australia, .•Hi ling at Derby, King's Sound (Port
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    • 654 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, A CALCUTTA One of the Company's steamurs is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rate* to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 1235 8 Uude this heading the following abbre Tiattirtlf !Hp used —str. —steamer sh. ■•bifi; I". b.-irc| ie sch —schooner; Yet. Yacht, I'ru—Cruiser. Kht—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p —Horse-power; lirit.—Bri*isi- IT. S -United States; Feh.—French; •«.er.- -German; Dut. Dutch-Joh. —Johore: li.c—lteneral-caigo: d.p. deck passenjjrer Y .—Uneert, in T. P. W.—
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    • 585 8 {fame, port, probable date of arricrd. and name of agent*. Steamers. A. Apcur, Hongkong, Feb 28; S. A Moses. Ajax. China, Mar 9; Mansfield., ('hina. Apl ri. Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkong. Apt. "tj Behn Meyer. Ballanrat, Hongkong, Mar 21 P. AO. Bambci'g. Europe. Feb l' 4; Behn Meyer.
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    • 112 8 for P't ttr. Time. To-Day. Penan;: anil Calcutta Sanii 3 p.m. Penang Pin Seng 8 p.m. and Dfli Cnlvono 8 p.m. Muar and Malacca Sultan p m. P Sw-t'ham vin ports S'ippko 4 p m. Hongkong and Amoy l.nrrtr.* 4 p.m. Penimt' and Bombay H •nnidn
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    • 130 8 From Europb:— By Mv> P.itO. s.s.Orvn'ii with dates to the 31st January, on the -JJrui instant sin- brings replied to lh» miils which left S'ngipore on the 4th Janunrv. Fr m Ciiin\:— By the N. L). L. a.s. Hamburg Hue on S'inday. Timr Table of Mails Dob.
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    • 37 8 For Singapore. Per P. O. 8. 8 Oc'ttna connect ing with the Oriental at Colombo from l^on.ion .'Hrd Jan., due Feb. T2— SrrRt. Martin, nnd Mr*. Martin, Mr. 8. 8owden, Mr. J. C. DumbletOD.
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    • 151 8 ■j run. Vksskl's Namk A Toss Oactain From Sailkd. Coksionkks. bio. 21 R. H. Baror Out str. 08 NaiM'Inli Rhio |F.-b 21 T.-ng f»i;ii SI Bauka Brit str. li'7 feckhoOM .Natuniwla FVb -JO T«o Hoe Lyr SI Isab^H/i Ml Mr. H4 Naoodsli ibia F.i> tiling Ohai 21 JnparH* str.
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    • 69 8 1»A Datb. *tk. Vbhsbl's Name. Flag Kig' Toms. Destination. VI. 21 Farfalla I Ital str. 147 Muar and Malacca 81 Numidip Fcb 416 M*igon 22 Chun Snr.K Brit gtr. 1418 Hon^onf{ and Shimglini '.'2 Rokebyt utr. 24A5 .-HiKon -ii Residnnt eicbid Out str. (M Khio 3S Isahellit Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 348 8 WHITEAWAY, L A I D L A W CO. i GENTS WICKER DRESS BASKET. gd(StegHfck \V -|f si/ ■-;v> 'r, 1 j 1 1>r;ce V i« and --"j inches. Hfl 1 1 u li^ 1 1 Tlie Wolsely Fa:k. X', 27 12.',". 20lw PRICE 10-17 eaih. i^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^K^^^. 33 bv 26
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 85 8 WEATHZR REPORT. fC<in,lti,i i Kubnu Hntpital, .'Oth Fib., I!H>2. Kkmakk*. Mar 30iViO39.U108O.<j<K» Tnmp 8i.2 *f>.-> 75.0 W BlMher 71.0 7'_>ti 70.') Dir.ofWind N.E. iN.E. N.K. Max. Temp. 87 0 Mm f8 0 Max in Sun 147.0 Terr, rad &4.0 Rainfall Nil The standard time bail at Pulo Brani,
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