The Straits Times, 21 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,760. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 283 1 NOTICE .NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety fuses. AND Electric Blasting Apparatus, The aliOT* Explosxeen, being all manu fonivrtnl in (ireat Britain, am nuule <■ pr*/ tins high sUwdurd of safety nvd pwrity M* imposed by the Britiuli
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    • 271 1 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Singapore. Duriim tin- on IH»J» I»«O al tin <.nii Club anil lliirliiiKnain SPORTING BALLISTITE for the SFCOND vesr in suTnssion bends the list of winnine t owders. BORNEO CO., LTD., AGENTS. \FALISTFR CO.. RETAIL AGENTS. m. it w.f. BAILEY'S
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    • 629 1 NOTICES. NOTICE OF KEMOVAL. '|IHE Offioe of the Pine»po rt Steam f*aw J "111 ht- I (•■■ii from thibday rumoveU to No 31 nliiiL Sl.S 1 IIOA OIANG THYE. Binenpore l. f .-2-02 22-2 iNOT'CK Oh' REMOVAL. 'I'HE Office of Ihe Mtbaits Chixksk I Ik.m m. (ihic ha>> i» cri
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    • 451 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD^ Colonial Libraries NOW READY. at $1.50 Each. The Chronicle and TheTxlf .line Great Muiiny, by W. TWrvoicwv h. Fitchett. i/ircnury Th* E.»-.ral City, by Hall Came. fOF S% a i£*»~* Daughter, b, a.c. China, Japan, Corea, The M N ,Se ofLinnet8 by FFrankfort Straits Settlements, Unofficial
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    • 178 1 tnts, En: ices, Sca.ui and Burns, Or liko InjurioH, Are Promptly relieved by > CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BAIDT A few application will effoct a complete en For silc by nil < If.-i I is in dici l i< i noa pvt-rywtipre Price fiO cts. and $!.«>"). i (ieneral Agents, The niBpPiiBHry,Sinjf..|iure
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 565 2 NOTICES. mr\<m m special PUnVllle S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. 1 10 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash, DUTY EXTRA I "RpQ-i I f'l»aS5 WE 5n5 nw t ?ii^t l «S etmt if ou tw eui '"^li I T" «t* £5 [.WBRO'LIMIfPIi jusc Glasgow, scoTtife ||l|(l w. f. 21
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    • 624 2 BANKS. HONGKONG AND HHANGHAJ BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000 00C RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Beserve..slo,ooo,ooo\ Hilver 6e«erve... 5>60,000 J |13 > 750 00a REBERVE LIABILITY OF nntnnnn PROPRIETORS -$10,000,000 OOUBT OF DIBBOTOBS: I B. Shbw4H, K«q.-- Chairman H"N. .1 .1 Hell-Ikvino I Dipt'TT Chairma.-. H E Tomkins B L. Kiohardbon, Km
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    • 557 2 NOTICES. ART NEEDLEWORK. LESrtONS in embroidery, etc., und« management of Mrs. APTROOT, will commence i n March Fees 2 a montl For further particulars apply »o. THE 8I««*H I» CHARGE 22/2 Bt. Mary's Col leg. Charles Uefosiecta mbite Seal Cbampagne. Sou Aaran, BEHN, MBYEE Co., f Singapore and Penang. x
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    • 769 2 NOTICES. 'PHE Undersigned have this day O|en« i business at 81 Kling St. as nommi sr Sou agents and Merchants under th name and style of Qiang Bros, and Co. CHOA GIA^O THYE i. BE\H ENG KEAT CHOA GHNQ WEE 22-:2 KOH TEONG VAN. c Singapore 17th Feb. t THE
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    • 332 2 NOTICES. Drink Malacca Tea Tue best and purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Little t Co., Ltd., Messrn Ann Lock 4 Co., Hatter v-'o.-ui. and Messrs Yong Lee Seng, Orchard-r. a«. ni. w. f. 6/10 CAUTION TO -Himu.NKKs ANl> CAPPAINS. RAHTJEN'R ANTI-FOULINU COMPOSITION.
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  • 2357 3 THE MURUTS OF NORTH BORNEO. (Fritislt North Borneo Herald There are many scientific problem! awaiting solution in the great i-l.j n.i ot Borneo, n.»t the least among them beinu the origin and history of thelneei inhabiting the < ountry, from tlm warlovine, head-hunting S*a-Dyak down •> that mysterious race the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 CHOICE BUTIER-the bet-t in the world and of wide repute- from the Pri nee of Wales Dairy Co., can be had at 19, Robinson Road. J. N. KOTHARY, 25-2 Commission Agent. BAIiNALL HILLES 96, Uol-inson Boad. HAVE ON HAND:Electric Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, fin. tJO Mi. 100, 110, and
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    • 590 3 NOTICES. WANT)- 1). t hineve or Eurasian clerk with good knowledge of English short-hHP.d, Rnd type-writing. God salary to really competen man. Apply to MERCHANT" v.c. c/o Straits Times. SITUATION WANTED BY Englishman who has been six year in tbe Straits. Fully n< quain<e< v'th import and export traile, am
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    • 429 3 NOTICES. THE KELUBI TIN MINING Co., Ld. L J In Liquidation. FOR SALE. rpHE valuab'e tin mining rights of the 1 Ke l v in Tin Mining Coy. over about 50 acree of land in the valley between the rivers Kelubi and Bu&i- in Ulu Pahang. Also, a prospecting licence
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    • 246 3 NOTICES. YAMATO^& CO. JAPANESE OENKRAI. STOKKS OrPosiTt to hnMB Okfick. next t<> Enmerion'i Tiffin Rooms. 1. COLLYKK yl' \Y. 5-3 Singapore. THE RESI DENT COUNCILLOR. (By Mrs. Egerton Emtmek.) Printed on antique toned paper, with wide margins and uncut edge :io9 pages. PRICE-12 4/ The Saturday Review shvk Tho local
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  • 1682 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY. 2lst F BRIDAY Thb Education U >m ni-t-tioa recently appointed by the i nMrnor is proceeding with its work of enquiry but, owing to the complex nature of the suhject and the host of variant opinions touching thereon, it will be a considerable
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  • 41 4 Owmbks of carnages should remember that from 7 p.m. to midnight tomorrow, general cracker firing is allowed in the street*, and that it is advisable that those in carriages should get home before dtrk, and thus avoid the possibility of accident.
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  • 17 4 H. E. the Govern r will be "At Home" at Government, House at 5 o'clock this evening.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/mn. bank rate is l/lOj.
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  • 11 4 Ki:am>.u matter is piinte 1 on page 3 of to-day's issue.
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  • 16 4 The King of timm MM abandoned his plan of paying a visit to the United Statof.
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  • 16 4 Messrs. A. J >in>»t<>ne and J. S. U ims arrived from Hongkong by the yesterdxv.
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  • 18 4 The mail mu.uh.-i i r'enl^l lefi Peuaug at noon to-day anil is due here at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 17 4 We are infonuei v.ii the Singapore RifTi Association htve as tooton Saturday afternoon beginning at &4I p.m.
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  • 23 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be f >und on p ige 7 General shipping news is printed on paxe S.
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  • 22 4 Capt. H. R. Bakek, 13th Madras Infantry, has arrived here from India, and has been tak^n on the strength of the command.
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  • 26 4 This nrynins:, Mr. Joaquim, of the H 0. and J Dept., (-nspended 'rikisha puller No 4710 lor ten days for refusing hire on the 19th inst.
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  • 22 4 Two hundred and eight deaths were reihdtered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturdtv last. Ttie ratio per thousand »v 4101
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  • 27 4 Drill Sbrokant, S V.C. (to awkward -(jiil): T oull't of our new rifle wi I go right through 16 inches of solid wood. Remember tin', von hiwkheadt>!
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  • 30 4 This morning, Mr. F. K Jennings, as agent ot the Opiu.n Farmer, prosecuted a Chinese woman for being in possession of #42 worth of illicit chandu. She was fined $100.
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  • 31 4 Swimming Club launches will leava the pier <•» Sunday at 9.30 and 10.30. There will be a water polo match against the RA. All players must go over by the first launch.
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  • 34 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Adnms, Miss Salzmann, Mr. and Mrs. Burkinshaw, Mr. J Bentley, Mrs. R .nert«on, Comdr. W. G. Mottand Mrs. Mott left for home by the P. O. Purramatla this morning.
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  • 31 4 i Sevkral members of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps who are leaving the Colony at an early date are, the Hongkong Daily PresK understands, to represent the Corps at the Coronation ceremony.
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  • 30 4 Some American capitalists are endeavouring to procure the privilege of constructing a new railway from Peking to Nanking. The railway will be built through the district between the Peking-riankowandTientsin-Chinkiang railways.
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  • 40 4 Thb Chinese New Year Sports and Fireworks will h- held on the Reclamation, Robinson Road, to-morrow, commencing at 2 p in. The band of the 1 ."-itli Madras Infantry will play during the afternoon. The programme of o'.rrts is lengthy.
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  • 43 4 The Siamese royal yacht Maim Chakrhri, which is now on the way to Singapore, with H. M. the King and Prince Paribatra on board, is escorted by the Siamese gunboats Makut and Bali. The yacht is expected to arrive here on Sunday morning.
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  • 45 4 Thr German mail steamer Ifamhvrg left Hongkong on the 19th inst. at 1 pm., and is expected to arrive here on Sunday, 23rd inst., at noon. She will probably be despatched for Europe on Monday evening the 24th inst. or Tuesday morning the 25th inst.
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  • 44 4 President Roosevelt's eldest son is reported to be seriously ill at his school at Groton, Massachusetts. Washington despatches of Feb. 9th. stated that the President had abandoned his projected political tour to the South and had left the White House for his son's bedside.
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  • Reuter's Telegram
    • 52 4 The Budget Committee of the Keicustag has reduced the vote for the forces stationed in China by f>4 millions of marks the amount put to°account of the German girrgjn at Tientsin. The Committee also struck out the vote of one million of marks for men-of-war in the
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    • 88 4 Later. Lord Cranborne has announced in the House of Commons that Russia intend* to restore the Custom* at Newchwanc to Chinese administration, as soon as circumstances allow of the transfer. In his opinion, there was no reason to question the good faith of thin declaration. GOVERNMENT NOT TO
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  • 48 4 I'hk Legislative Council orders for Tuesday's meeting include the first leading of a bill to authorise the construction of a tramway here, »nd a motion to revote $7,000 to buy a piece of land at Orange tirove corner an site for the erection of houses for Government officers.
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  • 50 4 Mr. A Phillip has been experimenting at Bangkok with a podoscaph, or water-cycle, of his own ■•■instruction which seats two persons. One morning it was taken out for a spin on the river and proved nuccess, despite a «trong ebb tide, and steered perfectly, either with or ag'tinxt the stream.
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  • 43 4 Onb of the la' enterprises to he announced for Manila is the Manila Commercial and Law College. The school will comprise four departments, irreparatory, bookkeeping arid penmanship, shorthand and typewriting, and law departments. A nchool of Telegraphy, is also to he opened shortly.
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  • 54 4 It is satisfactory to learn that, since the raid made by Inspector Howard at Mo. 4 Sago Street on the criainal thieves' society, not a single ease of robbery by garotting or throttling has been reported in any police division. This speaks volumes in favour of tlt« importance of the
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  • 51 4 THE APPEAL COURRT THE APPEAL COURT. The sittings of the Appeal Court were continued to-day. Yesterday, the arguments of counsel in the appeal of Yap Boon Seng against Katz Bros. Ltd. were concluded. The facts leading up to this appeal were described in yesterday's issue. Their Lordship's decided to reserve
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  • 57 4 MYLAM BOYS CAPTURED. Yesterday afternoon Assist. Supt. Whitehead and a number of detectives raided Mr. Scott- Russell's "hoys" quarters at "The Mount," River Valley Road, where a large, number of Hylams were gambling. Five "boys" were captured red-handed, but several managed to escape. It is understood that the boys will
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  • 1005 4 The Visit is "Off." We understand that the anticipated visit of a team of Hongkong and (Shanghai cricketers at Easter next is now definitely of)'." It appears that, there was great difficulty in getting up a team at all but after a continued effort the Hongkong Cricket
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 NOTICES. SAINT S~ RAPHAEL M WINE. /A Fortifying, [■■'■y^l Digestive. Tbe i-ii'hi-t Wine known as a strength giver and as a ionic. Highly recommended by the local Medical faculty. CALDBECK, MACBREOOR A CO. .l2-4 SOLE AGES TS. I" Everything known in Mimlb." Pianos. Pianos. BT Brinsmead Rachals Bechstein Werner
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    • 434 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TURNOUT FOR SALE. RALEIGH ca-t and harness almost new Australian gelding A years old, will go in saddle or harness. Price IWSO. v. A. S. MULHOLLAND. TO BE LET. UNFURNISHED. NO. IOSOPHII ROVD, known as i thelde c." Immediate entry. Apply to v.c. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. TO BE
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    • 89 4 O. P.. LAMBRKT 9 CO. Photographers. ON account of th long rainy season, we »hall only be able to open our jew studio and offices at 3a. Orchard Road some day during the first h ill >f February next. The exact date will be advertised. In th» meantime all sittings
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  • 372 5 [The Straiti T\m*t U not responsible for th» pinions of it* correspondent*.] COLD STORAGE. To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir,— A good deal has lately been said au >ut frozen meat for Singapore, No doubt it would be a boon to the European population, but as a
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  • 404 5 Mr. Brodrick, replying to a question, said Captain Hanigan, veterinary department, who w is largely concerned in the purchase of worthless Hungarian horses, had been removed from bib poBt at Aldershot. The Minister for the Colonies intro duced a Bill in the French Chamber authorising a State guarantee
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  • 60 5 The Japanese Government is nothing if not paternal in many of its ways. A Bill has just been introduced by it, taxing playing-cards. Playing-cards, this Bill declares, are articles of luxury, which are apt to create evils, and it is therefore proposed to impose a tax on them, so that
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  • 155 5 Mr. A. C. Warnes to be a second class inspector, Perak Police Force, with effect from the 9th November Mr. Wiirnes reported bis arrival on the 1 lth November Mr. F. A. Vanrenen assistant inspector of school, Kinta, to act as Secretary, Sanitary Board, Kinta, in addition to
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  • 164 5 New Service Starts This Week. A mektino of the directors of tbe Mala) an Transport Co was held at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night. The buHineßs was the making of final arrangements for the starting ot the Pahang Road traffic. All the remaining cars, including the
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  • 222 5 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA NIPPON YUSbN KAISHA. '***** 111 statement of the liabilities and assets of the Nippon Yuaen K-iislii, ami profit and loss account for the half-year. ended September 30tb last, just sent to us by Paterson Simons and C" the Singapore agents, show the groef profits of the (Jumpany
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  • 261 5 Among the passengers by the Japanese mail steHmer Kvmano Maru, from Japan to Brisbane, says tbe Perth Herald, were two Hindoos, who shipped at Hongkong to Townsville. Under the Immigration Restriction Act, they were forbidden to land. Great trouble was experienced at Townsville, where the men attempted to
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  • 51 5 You are always liable to have a fall. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will lieal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore. 7—
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  • 213 5 Yesterday's Play. Mixed Doubles Handicap A. Class. Mm. Coleridge and Mr. Peirce played Miss J Uuim and Mr. Salzmann, 5 6, 6-3, nnfinixhed. B. Class. MisH Anderson and Mr.'l mwlry beat Mrs. J&eo and Dr. Simption, 5-6, 6-5, 6-2. Mrs. Uaffney and Mr. Wathen beat
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  • 525 5 BY MAJOR MURRAY, V D., COMUDT.. B.V.C. Singapore, 2Ut Feb., 19J-2. s V. C. General Committee Meeting:— Th?re will be a meeting of the 8. V. Corps Uooeral Committee at 5 p.m. on the 9«fc inst.. 8. V. A. O. O for the ensuing week Lieut. F. Hilton
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  • 52 5 We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of Cltamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agenta, Singapore
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  • 756 5 P. O Chvmn, sailing, about 7th M ir. To London, (from PanangJ Mrs. R-ud and infant. Prom Singapore to London Mr F W*ld, Mr. Ogilvie, Lady Rowena Pateraon. H-illa-iral, sailing about 21st March. K»r I, >nlm, Mr. D. Nimmo, Mr. and Mrs. Fleury. Bomhny, sailing about
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  • 107 5 A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge, N. Y. says:— I was for a long time troubled with sleeplessness and with intense neuralgic pains in the head w.iich made me feel as though I was going insane. The physiciaus could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures
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  • 618 5 Siroapokr. > !«t February, ItMRf. PRODUCE. f?ambier S '1.4* r-opra Bali in 75 do PontUnak W« Pepper, Blaok 3000 do White, (5%) M.OO Sago Flour Sarawak 3.65 do Brunei No. 1 „Ml Pearl Oaeo 4.40 Coffee, Bali. 115% ba«w 2r>oo2 r >00 Coffee, Palemban*. 20% basis i?"'*) Ooffee, Liherian
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 162 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, aist February High WaU»- 10.S.1 p m. At. Home Govt House. 5. 8 V.T. Vo. I Co D'ill «r Basah Kd. 6.15 Parspe Th*"at-e. R«ar!h Rovl. 9. Saturday, a and February. Hi<?h Witer. 9 50 a in. 116 p.m. Fn'l Mow. 7.R9 p rn MM. ontwaM
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 342 6 NOTICES. K.A.J. Chotirmall&Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks. Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, &c, &c, Cc. 51 and ~r2 Eijjli Street, Kngapflffe
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    • 215 6 NOTICES. JOSEPH fiILLOTTS I ••GRAND PRIX." PARIS, 1900. IM M Q 45fc Of Highest QnaUty; and liavin* Greatest Durability, are therefore EjS> -;£S KW f^ CHEAPEST. \4 SB l\l sarkies Johannes and co. Jluetioneers and Estate Jigents. 6 and 7, TELEGRAPH STRUET. THE CHEAPEST HOUBI FOR TKAK WO'-D FURNITURE ALL
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    • 220 6 NOTICES. TdealMilk Enriched 20 per cent. |jj^==jj'=^H| with Cream. t^St^l Sterilized-Not Sweetened. Ka^yn«ow»j A Perfect Substitute for Fresh I Proved by experience. Three-quarters of a century before the Public and constantly growing in appreciation van Houlen's! I Cocoa I is to-day The Standard Cocoa of the World. Exquisite in flavor,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 697 7 ♦R.HE KOKN BO COMPANY, LlMllEf THE BtMtdar J Life Aicuranoe. Norwich Union Firo Inmnnoe 8oo»etyAtla* Am iranoa Company (Fire), rhe Kqn.tehle Life Awnranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lagor Beer Company. For particular* of t).p«e Companies, tee to* full adverti««m«nt of THE BORNEO COMPANY I.IMtTED A<r«rat«
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    • 1244 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, r^ONINKLLJKB PAKJBTVAABT M AATS*" HAPPI J r nder contract with the Nethb.iands India Government. Agents a. Singapore: Ship Aorscy, latb J. Dabndbls A Co., 2-8, Colltbr Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. ~Steamar From JfapectwT Will be Itanpatched for On Celebe' Bfttavia Feb. 18 Billiton, Batavia, Samarang,
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    • 661 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Combined Menrtee or the Ocmn ttteam »hip Company and Mm* Wert Australian NtMun Navigation Company between FBEMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINGAPOHE. THE SULTAN, BALADIN, MINILYA AND AUSTRALIND. These steamers ran at frequent intervals between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 651 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGA TIOV COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON. 4 CALCUTTA One of the Company's steamers iointenciei to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passenger* and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 1244 8 Uurier this heading tile following abbreviaitoi.B are used —str. —steamer oh. *siip; bq —barq ie; sch—schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm —Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p -Horse-power: hrit Hritish D. S—United Stales; Fell—French <ler. —Cierman; Dut. —I>utch; Joh. —Johore; *te.,<i.c. —(4t»neral-cargn; dp. deckjim«seu4?er D.—Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong
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    • 592 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival. and name of agent*. Steamers. A. A pea 1, Hongkong, Feb 28; 8. A Moses. Ajax. China, Mar 9; M>in«neld. Antenor, China, Apl 6; Mansfield. Atnonio Lopez, Colombo, Feb 20; Barlow. Armenia, Hongkons, Apl. Behn Meyer. Ballnarat, Hongkong, Mar 21 P. AO.
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    • 101 8 For ft' $tr. Time To-Morkow. In.lragiri Aing Hin Noon. Batavia La Srynr. '2 p.m. Amoy and Swatow iVaTip Leong 2 p.m. F' emuntle via ports Sn n 2 p.m. Padang via ports CrUhe* 2 p.m. Penang and Calcutta I.v Sang 3 p.m. Homing Pin .S«tk» 3 pm. Pen;iiig
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    • 164 8 From Kuropb:— By the M.M. s.s Oceanun due on the 22nd in«tant with dates to the 24th Jan uar She brings replies to the mails which left Hin.apore on ihe. 2><th and 30th December. By th« P.AO. 8.8. Oriental with dates to the -'t l nt January,
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    • 161 8 For Singapore. Per P. O. 8. 8 Ucrana connecting with the Oriental at Colombo from London 2Srd Jan., due Feb. 32— Brrgt. Mai tin. nnd Mrs. Martin, Mr. 8. Sowde.i, Mr. J. C. Durableton. rVr P. O. s. Mrtfi'Tixm uomie' linK with the s. s. Coromniul'-l at
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    • 104 8 VKt.iiV Nvmk Tons: Captain From "Iail«i> Consk.nkks. a Ric. 1 Feb SO Emii» DM str. 80 'Nituoiiah Rhio Kcl. 20(iu:>n Hoo Bee •J<» Sri Wongsee i 8t.r. 92 |Nacodnli Khio Fob BOJfHcl g«ng 'JO- Numidip Fell str., 41-.' M reel Perim Jan 14 Honsteml and Co. W fin HetiR
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    • 113 8 1>ATK. Vessel's Nave. Flag A. Kio TOKH. l)MTi NATION. ■eb 2i SO •n 91 21 28 28 29 93 -li 31 Tl m Borneo Kian Yang j Carlyle Memnon Sn Wouk Kimlr Sri Wongsee Bormida Guftdalquiver Oceanian Calypso RiervUdf Celebes I Broawer Brit gt,r. str. Btr. Dut Mr. »»r.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 446 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW &l CO. GIVE THE3 IB E S 1" VALUE IF O I*. CASH Price ?-40 per rtoz. wi*?,-. Hun" «tr°p ulrf^fe^/ lj||i 7 <vl# Sr-^^J^^ (LLWOOD'S SHIKARI hijh, f <. u t i old' liner fc^^^^^^S^^p^^ :l<! ,,,"r' sk'.'tcl'i' extra quality, lined THK POPULAR HELME1 band .""colours aie
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    • 130 8 Apollinaris TUB JUSEN OF TABLE WATERS. Annual Sales now exceeding 23,000,000 Bottles. To be obtained at all Clubs and Hotels. In Pint* inti Splits. m. d; th. 19-l-0;» PUBLIC AUCTION. The Undersigned havn received instructions io sell by Public Auction, on FRIDAY. I4TH MARCH, 1902 at 2.30 p.m. at their
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 96 8 WEATHER REPORT. Knndang Ki-rbau Hotpital, 201 h Feb., 1901. p in. H p.m. Rbmaeks. Rar 80 0M> 29.940 30 (KW Temp.. .!8t,2 BM <6.0 W B'lbTher 74.0 T26 70.r» Dir.of Wind N.E. N.E N.E. Max. Temp.. i 87 0 Mio e60 Mix in Sun 147.0 Terr, rad 64.0 Uaiafall
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