The Straits Times, 20 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,759. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 NOTICE RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend; thoroughly maturnd in bond Priue $lv per cftse; sample* free. BORNhO CO., LTD. to. th. 8. *Ole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests 960 lb»., UN M)%.. alter M'tvn alt.r lour«iii>« in Urrm ibt>i> Waier. in Wn.i ILe uliove tents were nimtf b< lln
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    • 469 1 NOTICIiS. BELTING. John Tullif-'s Llama Hai elting ii <i" muM Mutable Mini bmm fin Tropica' Clin>ntes Plize Medals !i;.v»- J>< i n n< livid at no It ss ilian Sixteen Exhibitions by MesMb Ji.lin lull. tV ton k* iieir nfartiimt ami cunlitl«-iitl} recommend Llama Ha r B< as being
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    • 555 1 NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 1 'HW OflW of the Sinjrßpor* Btfwa f»»w I ill 111 1 -i c n from this day removed tv No Sl kltea Si. lluA GIAKG THYK. Sinirnpore lfi-2-02 2J-2 fIOTICK Of REMOVAL. THK Office of the Ktxaith Obrtmb I I'kim Mi Orru c haa been
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    • 229 1 NOTICES. F R A S F^'d'NEAVE^ AERATED WATERS RECOGNISED AS THE BEST IN THE EAST. Purity and Excellence Ouaranteed. Fiaser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. m w. v. c. KELLT& WALSH, LTD. (:o:) Colonial Libraries NOW READY. at $1.50 Each. The Chronicle and The Tale .t the Great Mutiny, by
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    • 537 1 It's Dangerous to trifle with a cold. Use CHAMBER I AIIS"* COUGa REMEDY Pleasant to take never fails to cum. For aale by all dealers in medicines everywhere. Price OOcli-.iukJ SI. ti*neral Agents, The Di»peni-ar>, Smgapoiu. It LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTKD. FOR Masonic riut>. Vi oil. i.■ in KHpurity of i»:ew!iil
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 648 2 NOTICES. "wattsTcoT (Established 1808.) To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India. HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. Bfc-ST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to Order Saddlery and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding, Polo and Walking Boots and Shoes Made to
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    • 634 2 BANKS. nONUKONO AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..! 10,000,000 7Rnnm Silver Reserve....! 3,760,000 13 750,000.7 50,000. REBERVE LIABILITY OF\ inr¥¥lnnn PROPRIETORS J"» 10 Court op Directors B. Shiw4n, Eaq.— Chaikmam. Hon. J.J. Bbll-Ikviko Dbpittt Chaikm*? H. E Tom kins R L. Hichardson, Emj. A. Haupt,
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    • 648 2 SHIPPING. "GLEN" LINE. FOB LONDON. THE s. s. OLBNOARRY, Captain Stevennon. is dun here on or about the 7th March, and will have prom pt despatch for the above nort. She has excellent accommodation for saloon passengers. For further particulars apply to BOUBTBAD <fc Co., Agents, w. A s. 20-2
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    • 735 2 NOTICES. UIW WAN KKKk HUKUS Co. PASIR PANJANG. ARE now supplying building bricks For particulars, apply to Chop RIM BIE, 4/3 No. 24 Malacca Str-of YAMATO^& CO. JAPANESE GENERAL STORES OppoBltb to Shipping Office, next t> Emmarioit'i Tiffin Rooms. 1. COLLYEK QUAY, 6-3 Singapore. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT" ORCHARD ROAD. Just
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    • 503 2 NOTICES. r r*H E Undersigned have th'sdav nppnnd I business at SI Kliul'Si as commission agents and Meirhaut* under the name and style of Oiani; Urn- and Co. CHO\ Ol\vo THYE 9E\H ENG KR\T CMOA (Ji >NG WKE 23;* KOK TEONG YaN. Singapore 17th Feb. THE SINGAPORE OAS COMPANY, LIMITED.
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  • 1204 3 "I» a man hold the outer Ra»«. shall he not tax those who would In ive thr city." Such wks the princtpta upon which my present tnmA, th« fbrmer pirate, guided his conduct in the days before the white man discouraged the pirate industry. My
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  • 915 3 [A'eii; York Nation] Tn following article is of special interest to the Straits in view of tlie invest. gat ions of the Shipping Commission recently appointed Any canuid man must admit tha 1 many causes tended to tliecommerical supremacy of England in the middle of the last
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 248 3 E. WALLACE, Bronze Medallist, British Horological Institute. Watch-Maker and Jeweller. REPAIKS IN ALL BBANCHKS GUARANTEED. 6-B BATTERY ROAIX s. v c. PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND Imported sinck 187ri BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. None Oknctne without the above two labels. BKHN MEYER Co., 9. Soi.k Importer HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT
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    • 627 3 NOTICES. WANTH). hinese or Eurasian clerk, wi th good knowledge of English short-hand, and type-writing. Good salary to really competen' man. Apply to" MERCHANT" v.c. c/o Straits Times. SITUATION WANTED. BY Englishman who has been six years in the Straits. Fully acquainted with import and export trade, and shipping. 24-2
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    • 315 3 NOTICES. TO BE LET. 'PHRRE large godowns. Nob. 1-'4i>. 124 i I and 124 F. Cross Street, -vi table for Offices. Apply to ALKAFF A Co. 14, Raffles Quay. v.c. TO BE LET FROM May Ist next. No. 1 Stevens' Kuad. Apply to B. J., c/o Strait* Ttmm 25-U TO
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    • 178 3 NOTICES INDIAN PAIW STONE COY. Prevention Against Plague. rpHTH stone is excellently adapted for J. paving Courtyards. V "elling Houses, Surface Drains, Stablex, Servants Quarters, and other Out-bouses. It is absolutely damp proof and nonporous, being laid plastically it is joint lees and eaxily cleaned. Sanitary Experts recommend it as
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  • 1102 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY,20TH F BRUARY Now that the Shipping Conference Commission m an established f iot,it may not be »li-> ni 1 in tlapropos to explain to the public, an<i rniyhap to some nnmbers of the Commission itself, wlnt that Commission ought to do. It is
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  • 8 4 The homeward mail closes a* 6 a.m to-morrow.
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  • 10 4 Reading matter id printed on page 3 of to-day's issue.
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  • 20 4 The Penang Volunteers broke up camp on Sunday last. A Calendar for this year has been received from Sbibuya Co.
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  • 13 4 The Russian gunboat Yettessei left for Port Arthur at 8 o'clock this morning.
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  • 13 4 Teams from H.M.a. Brumhle have beaten Bangkok teams at rifle shooting and football.
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  • 15 4 The time ball at Fulo Brani failed to-day. Ihe one at Fort Canning fell correctly.
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  • 15 4 Tub Straits liwtget was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 16 4 Tub German warxtnp Funtt Binmarck left for Chin;-, yesterday. The limsard left for China this morning.
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  • 22 4 Mb. M B. F. Au.:y, of the Telegraph Co's staff, has arrived here from Saigon. Mr. Airey is going home on leave.
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  • 17 4 To-day is the 35th birthday -of Princess Louise of Wales (Duchess of Fife), tbe King's eldest daughter.
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  • 22 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site this afternoon from 5 to 6 p. m. (weather permitting.)
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  • 38 4 Shipping advertisements, with dutes of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pa*e 8. Arrangements are in progress for despatching several members of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps to attend the Coronation.
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  • 23 4 The Paknam Railway Company at Bangkok has declared a ten per cent, dividend for last year. The net profit stood at 27,000 ticals.
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  • 62 4 In the Bangkok British consular Court, Mr. R. B. H. Uibbins, assistant to Mr. W. A. O. Tilleke, has just been admitted to practice as a barr ster-at-law. All the members of the 8. V. R who recently want through the examine ion for the rank of Sergeant have passed.
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  • 35 4 Mbsirs. Thom:is. G M M lit land, E. Dunkels, W. Bo ilchand. K. D tlieto, P. M. Perpet.uo and Sergeant L iwes were passengers by the P. and O steamer I'urrumntta from Hongkong, this morning.
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  • 41 4 Thk German in ill s'eamer Hamburg having left Hongkong yesterday at 1 p iii may be expected to arrive here on Sunday abut,b >ut, noon She will prohibly be de^patchel for Europe on M >ml iy evening or I'ups lay morning.
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  • 39 4 new •niMMMiM for Singapore were due to arrive in thi Giimorgtinshire to-')ay. The noun were recruited from the R ivil Irish Constabulary by Lieut. Col. IViinei'itlim-. tlie Inspector General of Police, who is now at. home on leave.
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  • 46 4 The wall time tames for the German mail -te liners for 1902 are out, and will he disributed to all business places, hotels etc duiing the next few days. Should an> body !>•» overlooked he may have a copy on application at Messrs. Behn, Meyer Co* olfice.
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  • 41 4 Thb foil iwing were passengers by the Sappho from Port Swettenhara via Mdlarca yexterdnv Mr. Nellis, Mr. and Mrs Williams, Mr I! 11. Mr. Hover, Mr Horley. Mrs. McNeill, Miss Anderson, Mr. and Mrs Carey, Mrs. Kllu.and Mr. C. A. Mirrintt.
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  • 39 4 The Shm<w (invtrmnent Gazette notifies that Admiral de Richelieu has resigned hi* post a' Commanding Orricer of tne Siamese navy on the ground of ill-health, and thai ft nice Blianurangsi, Minister of War, has been appointed ActingCommand«r-in-Ohiefof the navy.
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  • 50 4 Mr. W. Matthkws, uf Messrs. Coode Son and Matihews, expects to leave Colombo for Europe on the 27th instant. Recently tbe Governor of Ceylon inspected the woiks in progress in Colombo harbour. H. fi. devoted particular attention to the new Giaving Dock, and Mr. Matthews had to ex(.l.iin everything thoroughly.
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  • 46 4 The Government Telephone Service at Penangcauses dissatisfaction because tbe rates are being raised to meet outlay on the extension of the lines. The subscribers object to the higher charges on the ground that the service ix almost self-supporting, aud should not be worked for revenue purposes.
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  • 48 4 The following are passengers for London by the P. O. Parrumattu, sailing to-morrow morning Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Adams, Miss Salzmann, Mr and Mrs. Burkinshaur, Mr. J. Bentley/ Mrs. Robertson, infaut and ayah, and Comdr. W. G Mott and Mrs. Molt. Lord Ashburton is booked for Marseilles.
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  • 53 4 This, morning, Cliinamen were charged by the military authorities for attempting to steal a quantity of sand from Blakanc Mar.i. Lieut. R. F. Mningay R. E. and Serg'. Major Cook K. E. gave evidence. This charge fell through, but they each got a month for trespass on land reserved
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  • 60 4 Kino Edward tins granted to Mr. F H. Gile*, Director of the Department of Revenue, Siam, H. M's royal license and authority that he may accept and wear the insignia of the third class of the Order of the White Elephant, conferred upon him by the King of Siam in
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  • 66 4 The Danish barqim Huguliild arrived in port at Bangkok on the eth instant from Port Natal, with all the crew sick. On the day of the ship's arrival the cook, Hans Olsen, died. It whs then found that tin poisoning was tho cause of death. A stock of tinned goods
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  • 61 4 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co." a net. profit of *t>45,949 last year. The addition of this to the balance brought forward from last account less deductions— raised the amount for distribution to 1.094,89"). The directors, recommend a dividend for the half-year of 10 per cent, or $250,1)00, and
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  • 81 4 Im uthkk news of the remarkable escape of I '<■ Wet, recently, states that De Wet, when breaking through the blockhouse line, was subjected to a terrific fire. It is estimated that he was accompanied by about 200 Boers, only ;id of whom succeeded in crossing the
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  • 82 4 Thk 8. 8. Islander arrived from Christmas Island on Tuesday (lying the police flag. The Marine Police were informed and a European Sergeant went on board. A Chinese prisoner was handed over to him. This man, who was a barber at Christinas Island, is alleged to
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  • "Reuters Telegrams.
    • 34 4 ANOTHER eNOAOEMENT. London, Feb. 20tk. Two of Colonel Elliott's column* engaged a considerable force of Boer* under De Wet on the 16th inst., thirty milps north-west of Reitz. Ten Boers were captured.
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    • 76 4 FIERCE STREET FIOHTINO. Barricades Stormed at the Point of the Bayonet. LaUr. There have been frequent encounters hptwppn the strikers and 'the troops at Barcelona. r ierco fighting took place in one of the Hiihurhs, where the pop llace attacked and burned a monastery. The cavalry, charging the
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  • 78 4 WRECK OF THE HOCK SENO. Mespkci Beng Chin and Co. of Teluk Aver Street, the local agents of the b.b flock Seng received a telegram yesterday from Penang stating that the Hock Seng had been wrecked off JunkCeylon on a voyage from Moulmein to Penang. She was commanded by Capt.
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  • 136 4 With reference tn the arrest of two Klings by Inspector Brennan as reported in these columns yesterday, on allegations of being concerned in theft* of articles from J. Little and Co.'b godown, it appears that the men's names are Kadir Mydin and Shaik. Mahomed. The latter was
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  • 173 4 Fight in Orange Road Hktw kkn 2 30 and 3 o'clock this morning, a Sikh police patrol, consisting of two men, found one of the Municipal lamps in Grange Road extinguished. Oue of the Sikhs climbed up the lamp post and re-lit the lump. Immediately tho lamp
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  • 187 4 An Absconding Cashier. A case of some interest has been occupying the attention of the Court of Appeal, now sitting. The case can best be explained by stating that some considerable tim« ago K.-uz Bros, had in their employ a cashier who was under a bond of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CUMAI'OKE 81WTING CLUB Programme for Spring Race Meeting, 1902. MA V 20th, 22nd, and 241k. FIRST DAY. Tvttday, 20th May. FiBST Raci. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Value »400. A Rae<> for Maiden Horses and b<>r»es thin liuve 'run as Roadsters, BubKrrifitioii Griffins, and in Raens inline. l to horxen imported
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    • 575 4 and $100 to the Second Hone. A handicap for horses that have started in Races Nos. 6, 6, op 7 on tbe First Day. Entrance $10. Distance, R.C. Fifth Racb. THE GRIFFIN CONSOLATION.— VaIue $260. A Handicap for all Griffins that have started at this Meetirg and not won. Distance,
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    • 86 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. Photographers. ON account of th long rainy season, we fhall only be able to open our new stndio and offices at 3a. Orchard Road some day during the first h tit uf February next. The exact date will be advertised. In thn meantime all sittings are
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  • 62 5 A carriaoc accident occurred om the Pasir Panjang Road yesterday evening A horse bolted with a phanton near the Alexandra Brick Works »nd ran into the drain near The Retreat," knocking down a Javanese man who, by the row lie made, seemed to have been hurt The occupants of the
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  • 75 5 This morning, Mr. H W. Davis, Agent of the Ameri-an Tobacco Coy residing at room 24 KatftVs Hotel, prosecuted a Chinese lad for dishonestly retaining a cheque for S:\ti, the property of the Company. The boy was arrested when ming to cash thecheque at a theatre, lie. ai! in it
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  • 77 5 A MTMSatM accident occurred at the Biiii»]i Legation at Bangkok on the /th instHiit arising fom some seamen of H. M H. liriiml'U volunteering to repaint the Legation flag-staff One of them named Q Thomas went aloft to reeve the tackle He had reached the top when he Mar'ed to
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  • 79 5 Prince Chigi-Alkmi, the head of one of the leading f nnilies in R >me, has been proceeded against at Perugia on the charge of haviuc sold to a foreigner a picture hy >.iu<iro Botticelli, the famous Florentine artist of the 15th century The proceedings were taken under i\\c law forbidding
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  • 101 5 In connection with the efforts of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce to induce the Government to a<lopt wireless telegraphy between the Andamans and the mainland, the HaaVat T'tnes thinks that "the system might even be extended to Sumatra, for it in but sixty miles fuii her to Pulo Bra's, and
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  • 138 5 A cokre^i'osdbnt writes The other morning, a native horse- breaker was exhibiting his feats ot horsemanship in Selegie Road within full view of the Kandang Kerbiu Police Station, to an admiring crowd of natives who seemed to immensely enjoy the high leaps and wild dashes of the horse, to the
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  • 182 5 Serious Larceny By a Shroff A shk kk in the employ of a cora)>radore a* the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has, an already announced by us, been arrested at Hongkong on a charge •»f stealing nt-arly $25,000 The thefts are believed to extend over 1 lengthy period,
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  • 178 5 Qood Ole Jo At the -iH-iiiul day of the Kinta iiaces (Saturday last) the winners in the first six events were Mayflower, Contadina, Ole Jo, Sylvia, Mayflower, and Lyddite The Singapore Chinaman who races as Mr. H. S. Tann won the Ah Qui Stakes, ov. r 6 furlongs,
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  • 875 5 V wterday morning, the enquiry into 'he Hlle^Mtionn brought againta F A. Oliveiro, clerk in th«t Post Office, •>( nisappropnation of three sums of money, viz: 99, Si 1.38 and *8, the property oi the Government, was rettumed by Mr Beatty. Mr. limes, the
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  • 42 5 According to the Malay Mail, Mr. Loke Yew it leaving Selangor for England towards the end of next month. He will upend some time on the Continent and perhaps return by the western route. He will be accompanied by a European friend.
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  • 771 5 Lipis, 11 /A February. The Pahang Club. A general meeting of the memberi of the I' Club was held here the other day. The accounts for tin past year, which show a citisfactorj credit balance, were passed, and a new committee, consisting of Messrs Siatl.iril.Oi-rr.-iril. Finn', Sunnier
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  • 106 5 A Chinese excise oflicer created some amusement at the Magistracy in Hongkong, the other day. He stepped briskly into the box, and, European fashion, picked up the Book and kissed it. Put that down,' said the Magistrate in no uncertain tone of voice. The Chinaman did as
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  • 31 5 Tbb mercantile marine officers at Hongkong and Shanghai have aeked the shipowners for an increased rate of pay. Up to the 15th instant, the owners had not come to a decision.
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  • 62 5 A fiRVEsoMB shark story has just come to hand from Durban. A big fish was caught, and out of curiosity its captors cut it open. They were shocked by tbe sight of the body of a soldier in its stomach. The body was almost entire, only
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  • 80 5 Correspondence from Peking avers that Italy has renewed her endeavours to force China into ceding Sanmun Bay, and that the Italian Minister, on Jan. 1 1, presented a fcunal demand to the Plenipotentiaries, nho, however, have rejected it. Japan is believed to be backing China
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  • 109 5 Bridbgrooms in Bhanghai have recently developed a peculiar habit of disappearing soon after tbeir nuptials, says the China Gazette. Considerable intereßtand uneasiness are felt in certain fireign circles over tbe strange disappearance of an employee of a leading foreign firm who only married there a shorttimeago. His whereabouts
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  • 129 5 Tbb Siam Observer says that H.RH. Prince Paribatra, who will arrive here on Saturday next, en route for Europe, is, b addition to other accomplishments, a musician as well We arc told, says the paper referred to, that be has just composed a piece of
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  • 435 5 Thbhk is a sudden revival of Boer activity in the south of Cape Colony. An official telegram states that lately a train loaded with army supplies was stopped by the lioe being cut near Craiuclt, which is h.ilf way between tort Elizabeth mm C»le»berg, on the line ruoniug
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  • 54 5 We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-a Remedy. Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrho a, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agent
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  • 208 5 An Instance at Bangkok. The Siam Free Press dwells upon tbe prevalence of opening letters for reading and robbing purposes at the Bangkok Post Office. The following instance is given A resident who ban some children in a boarding school at Singapore enclosed Rome dollar notes to
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  • 206 5 Yesterday's Play. Mixed Doubles Handicap. A Class. Mm. Lovell and Mr. J. G. Mactacgart beat Mrs. Kaanriers and Mr. Von Berg, 3-6, 6-5, 6-3. Ming J. Gnnn and Mr. Salzmann beat M Kerr and Mr. Norrie, 6-3, 5-6, 6 0. B. Class. Mra. Jagoand Dr.
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  • 82 5 The following Government appointments in Negri Sembilan have been gazetted Mr. S. B. Dodge to be an assistant engineer, with effect from 19th Dec. Mr. Dodge reported his arrival on 23rd Jan. Dr. J S. Part, listriet surgeon, Klang, to be district surgeon, Sereraban, with effect from Ist Feb. Dr.
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  • 51 5 You are always liable to have a fall. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will heal the p&rts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Bold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore. 7—
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  • 613 5 BIBOAFOKK, 30th Pkhkuaky, IMU2. PRODUCE. ■Jambier I U. 46 'opra Bali 10.75 do Pontianak 10.25 Pepper, Black 30.00 do White, (fi^) 64.00 Sago Flour Sarawak. 3.65 do Brunei No. 1 3.26 Pearl dajro 4.40 foff-e, Bali. 1(5% ba«is 2.V00 Coffee. Palemhane. 20% basis S^.oo Poff<w Liherian No. 1 iftOO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Everything known in Music." Pianos. Pianos. BY Brinsmead Rachals Bechstein Werner Haake Russeil Allison Collard Collard. The Straits Model Piano with iron frame, check-action, casework of solid wood, glued and screwed at all joints. Cash Price 5425 or, on the Mire Systen, $475. The Robinson Piano Co., Limited SINGAPORE, HONGKONG.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 194 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 20th February. High Water. 9.66 p m. Philharmonic Orch stra. 8.30. L LI.C. Tennis Tournament. 8.C.C. Tennis Trnament. Entr. close. 7. Band. Old Jail 8ite. n to Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Friday, aist February. Hiffb Water. Oil am. 10.33p.m. P. «t O. homeward mail closes.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 340 6 NOTICES, K. A. J. ChottrmatT&Co Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Siiks, Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs, Foreign Novelties and Curios, fife, &c, &c. 51 and sl' Hijjli Street,
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    • 80 6 Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskb&nk, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. MCALISTER CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. The following high class brands of cigarettes are always in stock Shah, gold tipped, 51. 60
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    • 36 6 Raffles Hotel AND Raffles Tiffin Rooms. FASS BEER ICED Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. The ARMY NAVY Stores are now open and in full working order in CALCUTTA For full particulars, address the Depot Manager 41, Chowringhee. Calcutta.
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    • 382 6 NOTICES. V BAGNAMi ILLES 96, Robinson Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans. Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 60 SO, 100, 110, and 120 Volte. Designed 10 operate from Incandescent Circuits. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 700 7 rrriiE MORN EO COMPANY, UMIIB-l THE Standard Life Awuranoe. Norwich Union fire lanuuM Boei«t) Atlai Assurance Company (Fire). The KqnitaH" Lift Ae.raranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. For particular* of awe Compani|», «cc th full advertisement of THE BORNEO COW P4NT MMITFT* Ar»nt»
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    • 1248 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I NINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Aoisot, IaTI J. Damdilb A Co., 2-3, Collyib Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer"" "From Expected Will_be l»«epatched for On irowuer ftelTvla~ Feb. 18 Bengkahs, Siak, Paneh, Assahan, ports I cli
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    • 651 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I o in in nwi Ntrvire of the Oreaii Ntmai •Nhip Company and tht- West «team Navigation Company between FBKiBANTLE (PERTH), NOBTB WEST AUSTRALIAN POBTS, AND SINGAPORE. IHJi; SULTAN, BALADIH, MISILi'A AND AUSTKALINV. These steamers run at frequent intervals >etween Singapore and Western Australia, .-ailing at Derby,
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    • 659 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGA TION COM PAN V, LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, 4 CALCUTTA I Oneof the Company's steamer* is intended I to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at thron;,h ra*>b to all ports in Irdia and Ceylon, also
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    • 1611 8 Uuder this heading the following abbreT»»tlou< are used str. steamer *b.— ship; I") barque; sch schooner: Yet.— "Tacht; Cru Cruiser; Gbt Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p -Horse-power; l.rit. l-.ri-•tish; U. B.— United States: Feh.— French; lOer— German; Out.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Jkc, G.c— General-cargo; d.p. deckpassengrar U.— T.
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    • 574 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Htsamiks. Ajax, China, Mar X; Mansfield. An tenor, China, Apl 6; Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkong, Apl. 6; Behn. Meyer. Ballaarat, Hongkong, Mar 21 P. AO. Bamberg, Europe, Feb 24 Behn Meyer. Banes, Hongkong, Mar*4 P. A O. Bavrn, Hamburg,
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    • 130 8 For Singapore. I er N. I). L. L. s.s. Hmieni from Bremen Jan St, due Feb. 27— Mrs. Napier, Mr. and In, W. dimming, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown, Miss Li ml. Per M. M. s s. Etiu«t Siwioo» from M.irsei lies, .lan. 2«lh Hue 22ud
      130 words
    • 88 8 /"'<>' Per air. Tim*. To-Mobro.v. Europe via ports Purramutta 6 a.m. P. Swetbani via ports B. Whott Hiu 3 p.m. H'konu aud Shaugnai Chuiuany 3 p.m. Bangkok Skuld 3 p.m Cheribon A S'maranp Xwee-na 4 pm. Bangkok Borneo 4j>-m-Asahar. and Deli llruuwir 4 p.m. Saturday. Indragiri Aing Hin
      88 words
    • 139 8 From Rcropb: —By the'M.M.s.s Oceanien due on the 22nd instant with dates to the 24th J.vnuarv. She bring! replies to the mails which left Singapore oi> the 2«th and *)th DeceiabT. By the P.AO. s.s. Oriental with dates to the I-t Janu try. on the 22nd iiwtant
      139 words
    • 108 8 London (ilengami on 20th Feb B'tead. Minila, tf«as«*»,o<i JOtfa F.b. Mansfield Pun-tng and C-ilcutta, Luiian-/, due on 20th Feb., ItimrtlMlt Fremantlo via ports, Sultan, on 22nd Feb.. W. Kaa-dUM Co. Penang aud Bombay, Bormida, on 23rd Feb., B.M. Europe via ports, Hamburg, due on MM Feb,
      108 words
    • 212 8 Oapt*in From Robinfcon Crietmasls Peutney H»nang Ne»bitt Samiintug jUnuerhay |B. Hapm phimmen M«l— m Turner P.sw<-t'hiun PoaKgeo Hi'nt;k:.iiYen Itiitiivu Nacodfth .fibin Abrsbansea KaiiK^uk i Kox 'Kobe Willgher Bombay Pry on {Hongkong i Meneghetti Muar Kelsito 0 .Hongkong J'hannes actiij Bangkok jCooke jShanghai Veskki.'s Name <fc Toss Rio. Pel, I"
      212 words
    • 117 8 Pati. Vbmbl's Namb. Flag Rio TOMR DUTIMATIOH. iTm P atavia, Tegal and Bamaran){ l 'li Colombo *£i KWo iqk Bombay »ia ports ii«u Walaccn and jPort bwettvobaiii ii« Hsm ur 8 T a ports MuaranU alaiacua Hongkong and Japan .1? Malacca and Port Swettenhani fS' Kobe in*!' Peoang and
      117 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO,] GENTS' WICKER DRESS BASKET. T~-^-^T Best quality light oak colour /|P^^ V '''Hi' "f 1 fr m b c l I^o^^ jftW' Z eacl1 PRICES >9 OO EAC 1 wthttt^e away, L~ArT~p~LTA w ~c~qt: m HA ASE r^ N^ flt GLADSTONE M, j LKATHKIS fe. JiS I
      161 words