The Straits Times, 19 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20.758. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 332 1 NOTICE NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASGOW. M— iifiiiwii o' Dyiiamitt, Qelignite, Boatine DynamilB, Biasting lielafcme. Detonators. ALL DM OK Safety Jruses. AMI Elei-trie Blasting Apparatus, The rt'-otv Kxi>loinn:x, Iming all munu fathered in 1-frtut iintain, tirr made t< pno* the high utandurd of mfety and purity tmtl iinpoted by the
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    • 202 1 NOTICES. Ind Coope Cos. Ale and Stout in Bulk. soi.E A6EKTB. The Borneo Co. Ltd. Singapore. TAN-SAN MINKRAL IKAXK& The most palatable and wholesome natural mineral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. Kobe, Japan. IN crown-crteil bottle* ensilv opened Pi i( c |'i r," per c«se of 4 doz.
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    • 608 1 NOTICES. NOTIfK OF REMOVAL 'IMIK Offi.-,. of the Sins«porf Steam Saw I M|U h>R leen from ihixliiy removed to No :sl Miiil S*. < lIOA CIA.NG THYE. Sinenpore K--2-O2 .'2-2 AO'IICE Oh' REMOVAL. 'pHE Omee of the Straits Chinksb 1 l'Klsi^G >ffi< c has U-cn rfinoveti to No. I; liin-on
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    • 739 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, Lm Colonial Libraries at $1.50 Each. TheTHlw »,ftlie Great Mutiny, by \V. 11. Fitchett. Tht- Eternal City, by Hall Came. A Mmiif;i( turn's Daughter, by A. C. Gnnter. I lie ft-nt of Linnetß, by P Frankfort Hoore. Unuflii ial Despatches, by Edgar SValIhcc Her Grace's Secret, by
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    • 330 1 NOW READY. The Chronicle and Directory for China, Japan, Corea, Straits Settlements, Indo China, The Phillipines Netherlands India, Large Edition (with 14 Maps and plans) $9.00 Small Edition $5. m w f. Stiaits Parcels and Shipping Agency. SINGAPORE AND FENAN6. Gtodi*, jaws, lv; fjajte, He., meiud, ptcki d, aiid bl.ij>j.ed
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    • 259 1 The littrtor'.s AiMier. When your el il.l Iim* ji |.rolrm-i<>rl, pan x\ sni I couth HM :>l i i^lii, < inpMfltcd liv ii I'ic Mill:. (I ii v l.i uhiih laniiut !><■ tni.-iH i m.ii lien 1. l»'Ure t i xi rdomlioii of niuii>. wiih H |>| >>■ i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 NOTICES. T\ •11 SPECIAL Dunvilles ™>*™™ Whiskey. $10 Par case. 5 par cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA 2}}£l •ai* j I O UJ f— r KV?r/T!'nTf&?\ if i 1 1 111 «!i* 2 O H| DUNVILII J"" 6»-ASGOvy,6 »-ASG0vy, scOTI-Aflo JlJn fa n-.w. A f >\-t- M S\> \W\K
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    • 630 2 BANKS. UUMtKUM, AM» -WANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 KKMERVE FtTND.— Sterling Renenre..slD,O'X),ory>\ no?^/^, silver 6eserve....f H.W1.000/" 113 ***** KBHRKVE LIABILITY t>Kl lnmmi PROPRIETORS 1O W 0011 CorKT OF UIHMTOBfI:— R. K«.| -Ch»IK«»N Hon. J.J. Bill Ibtino Dar< tt Cumc a* H. K Tomkinb K L Rtni4RiMoii, B*q. v Hturi.
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    • 640 2 SHIPPING. A>K MANILA. 'pHE 0.8 8 Co'sss. "Memnon." ISIO I tons register. Capt 't'lmw no«r here i« int.'ii'lo'l to ■-nil forth<) al>ove port on ihnrs hv 2 th instnnt. For freight and pa<-ag-< -vpply to W. MAVHFIBI.II fr no. 20-2 Agents— Ocean .Steamship Co. "GLEN" LINE. FOR LONDON. 'PHE s.
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  • 299 3 Jamks A. Bovd, ->iiperintenHent of Public Works at Honolulu, relates story which throws new Imlii upon lh. murder of Cnpt am Cook, tit" explorer, in Hawaii C.ipiam Cook was killed fi. [77t^MMr Kf.ilaki.kua lfay.oii iheKociM coa-t Of Hawaii Aecolding to ac eple.l doetimeni*, parts of Captain
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  • 453 3 KmrAU II Ci.agin, of New V.irk, wlio ligur. s as ci.iei pMMutft of a Hellenic k r American M.mkw ill tbe Emt, has i.een nwwlully engaged fuf the last few yens in KgMHIMg aim tl >ai urn Urn o-iaunercwl and Hmmh cial en»« rprises, aiinrtu
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  • 741 3 Conditions of Efiiciency for Officers and Men. The following new Order appears in the Army List for January 1. Ti.e attention of 1 tie Volunteer force is directed to Section VII. of Volunteer Uegulntinns respecting the t'onditiuiiN of Efficiency for Officer!) and Volunteer*, issued with Army
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 Ul'ln, uuUi>k», nIALUn atiu HIIHNS >i i k.- ]n j ries. Are priniptlv relieved by CHAMBtKLAIN'sPAKN BALM. A few applications will effect a complete cure. Kor sale by all dealers in medicine-*. 'J he l)i>-(H ii-Hiy. (ii.MiHl ApuuU, Sinnupor". -A THE MITSUI BIfcSAN KAISHA (MII6UI ft COD HEAD OFFICE: 43,
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    • 352 3 NOTICES. Mr. J. d'a Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Up-to-Date Photography. Messrs. WAH FONQ CO I'holoiraphic Artists, h«ve now entered II to their ni'\v and Rpacious prenvi-et No. i .south i ridee Ko»d,
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    • 677 3 I NOTICES. j 1%' AM'lJi < hi tick- or Eurasian clerk, w ih v ku< w ledge of English, -In it h.-.i (1 suui 1j I i -vntii.g. Good I 8alaiy to really c< mpcten man. Apply to AiERCMANT" u.c. c/o SirtitiH Timr*. bIlUAII"N WANTED. BY Ki'^'l', Imi.'in who lui-
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    • 611 3 NOTICES. FINE-APPLE PKK.sEKVING MACHINE. PR sale, a new pine-apple preserving machine. Price moderate Apply to KIM lli.K Co, fe. M Koat Quay. li KELUBi TIN MINING Co., Ld. In 1. quinATinN. FOR SALE. THF vhIuhI i> tin mining righto of tlw KfUil i T n Nuiiinir Coy. <v< r si
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    • 306 3 NOTICES. Raffles Hotel AND Raffles Tiffin Rooms. FASS BEER ICED Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. TANSAN Is on sale at all tlie |<rimi|>;il Hotels Tiffin Booms, Wine Spirit Daalers Sole Importers... Borneo So. Ld. Singapore. Sub-agents... McClyrnoni k (.'<>., Pdrt INrkwm. M, i. Chow Kit Co., Kuah Lumpur. A. Oldfield, T,mh.
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  • 1259 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 19TH FEBRUARY A pkominent and pipul ir G>vernment official, but lately cone from unionist \i!« on long l>'ave, expressed to i he Murnwinc friends who w.-n- bidding him farewell from the wharf that the inly way to see Singapore ti ir>pil v w.-i-fmm
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  • 235 4 It is notliint!>ur|iriMii)( to beur of rioting at Hiroloiia as detailed in to-day's lalrgflMM. Bjrcelona is a notoriously 1 urbiilfiitcily Thepr. vinue ot >.'■ tialmna in wliirli it li<;s is li.iim. c-.imin'ii with .lipat)'<-cii<>n to tlm [we*. -lit rulers <f ■Spain. It-publicanisiu, Anarchism, and socialism are rite, and have of'
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  • 164 4 In > hi; hi. 1 1 it* way of the transgressor is not hard, to unote an in-tance In the Assize Court there, recnritly, .< certain M. Lain iche, an itli ' of sort> vv;ts in>iicte<1 fur tlie embezzling of (i ivernniHiit m-inev, amounting to cer UMXlO dollars. Tlie defence
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  • 9 4 To-day's -I /m s. hunk rate is 1/10 J.
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  • 7 4 Dbnqi'E fever in very prevalent in Bangkok.
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 8 a.m. on Friday
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  • 7 4 The Appeal Cuurt continued its ■linings to-day.
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  • 10 4 Reaping mntte.r is printed on page 3 of to-day's issue.
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  • 8 4 The Stmits liudget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 13 4 Admiral Bmiogk left Bingkok for Hongkong in tlie (ilory on the 9ih inst
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  • 15 4 The entries for thn S. C. C. tennis tournament close to-n.urrow evening at the Club.
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  • 17 4 It is understood that Dr. Davidson h.-ib arrived in Pennng and has joined Dr. Brown in practice.
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  • 15 4 Messrs. Cowan, B,-U, Cowdery, and Smith, and Mrs. Smith came from liangkok per liortteo yesterday.
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  • 20 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7General shipping news is printed on pane 8.
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  • 50 4 This morning, the enquiry into the allegations against F. Oliveiro, a Post Office clerk, of embezzlement of three sums of Government money, was continued before Mr. fieatty. The case for the prosecution waa closed, and the bearing was continued this afternoon. A report of the proceedings will be given to-morrow.
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  • 25 4 The Philharmonic Orchestra meets tor practice to-morrow at $.:K> p.m. As there is a concert approaching, members are asked to make a poiut of attending
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  • 43 4 The N iti'in*i B 111K of China marie a net- pr ti r. of II4J.0J i i*i year. Tup report rno iinmnn Id Him paving away of ov.-r si;;. i in i .livid mN, <no.(nt i hemtt ie-erve.l, and overSjl,OUU Ohihk carried forward.
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  • 38 4 Tub E E. A. ami C. Tolesraph Co. send us a very neat pocket c ilsmlar, containing plenty of infirm i'i->u on 'hiu<i tule^r.iiiiiic, a m.ip shuwing the cable rates of ill.) company, and a use1111 writing block.
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  • 46 4 The Senretarv i» Hih Strangers and PriM.uern' AlH Fund, acknowledges the ir< ei|>t of $Jo i-ach finm the following sul>8cnht r« —Messrs. Gu'hrie and Co. VV. M 1 1 1 > I i 1 1 1 and Co Kobiutioii and Co. and li .in I Co.
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  • 64 4 A fatality, uu «er ili:ir circumstance-, iit stid t> hive ui'i'iiiii'.i it If .inuk. k on the Tin instant. A Chinaman was p:C<uut( up a basket uf sml.i w.iier botiles wlnuh u i I b>:en in i lie tan, v.'lit-n nan ol the b t l 1 burst .mil a
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  • 71 4 TaU f Mowing wen- passengers per Airu Mum wiiii-h arrived from Antwerp, via pints, tliii- morning: Mrs Hi'oillon, Mr. and Mrs. hi Bi ..uln. k, Mr. an 1 Mrs J.Toynhee, Mr.Hiul Mn-.J li iwen, Mi>s U. Taylur, Mrs. S. Mildred, Mr. It A. F Semni.'l, Mr. A. P.un- I*ll,
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  • 72 4 Thk in>'inlit-i> ot IVrsenangan Stia .'lull^ii the MUiiVMMMry <■( t in HMMN ui i In Suit. hi. t ait In mi. ti y iiimuOer uf the Ciub, on Mutjil.iy ni.L'iit The Club iiniiw w,iL'aily irwntod with il i_ r > anil foliagf. 1 i 1 1 1 Madjie
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  • 82 4 A kkti'k.\ laid on i ue table at yester- lajV meeting of b'gjnliliw Council shows iin- mill iv incurred by Great Britain for the military protection and in ail ut civil i'-.icii)li»linii-iii- in the, lai-t y<»:tr. The pay oftrnoftt, pruvisioiib etc., accounted tor $934,853 Iruiii t i _i 1
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  • 69 4 We understand that the rfiainese Roy.ll vxrht Muka Cluikrkri was to start from Biiivkok to-day for Singapore, wilh His Majesty the King of Slum. and his son, Piince Paribatra. Hi* Majesty is coining to Singapore to bid farewell to his son, who is going
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  • 356 4 f> C.C. V. R.K. Tiioe teams met last evening on the E-'planade. A strong wind made accurate kicking and shooting difticul'. The dun forwards, however, shewed the better combination all through the game and eventually ran out winners by "1 goals to nil. The Club had one or two
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  • Special Telegram.
    • 202 4 ANOTHER VICTORY FOR AUSTRALIA. Australia 420 England 416. Australia Wins by Seven Wicket* Ilonyko 9. Feb. IS/A. The fourth test, m itch commenced at Sydney on Saturday last, before a liujze crowd of spectators. The wiefcat wa« excellent. Enpland hatted first and mndo M7, to which Madam
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 70 4 Londoii, 19/ A b'thrunrtf. The Au-<traliins h iv.« win the fourth test match by seven wickets. STRIKES IN SPAIN. i.ikiii Workmen Out Many Killed and Wounded by Troops SO,(XX) workmen have, gone on strike at Barcelona. Bommm is piralysed. There have been ininy collisions between the strikers
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    • 78 4 BATTALION STILL kEQUIRHD. Later. In the Kniehs'ag, Biron Vm Iliehthofen, the Minixter f>- K.ireiun Affiirs, declared that a battalion of German troops would still be required to earrison Shnnghai, owing to the importance ot' this point d'appui of (ietmany in the absence of a nearer baee. The
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  • 31 4 The combined bunds of the 3rd Madras Light Infantry and the I3ih Madras Inf.uitry will play at the Botanical Uardeiß next, Monday night commencing at 9 itVluok.
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  • 71 4 In JentifieJ by J t.i Little and Co. Lms night, Ddtectivu Inspector Brennan iiihilh a r<ii<i on a certain hou<e in BiafKpon and discov«red a quantity of mis Hllnne->UB property winch has been identitied by John Little and Co. as having been stolen from their godown Two
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  • 131 4 Si on Worth of Property Stolen. Buholai<B are busy in theTanglin district ntf;-iii. This ih the second time, within a week, that houses in theTanitlin district have been raided by burglars. This time Mr. J. Korben, nf the Chartered Bank, is the victim, his resilience in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 523 4 NOTICES. "I I |H I xci .leicy tlie ('Overnor will be 11 ■At Ii mi- Ht Gnveri ment House on Knilny, l»-t, »«t f> OVII ck. 10 v unr. VTKWI.Y built and conifortiblo Xl i- .iniKumil limine-, No«. 7.Vi and 2 rm-eli Mr. <>t < |»|>lv to nc. sl'K-UKNS PAUL
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    • 307 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BK LET I7ROM May Ist next No. 1 Stevens' 1 li.-ad. Apply lo l«. J.. co mm* t Tim** L's-2 THE PARSEE NEW ELPHINSTONE THEATRICAL CO. OP BOMBAY Will pl*y ti.-niuht MATUM-E-ZAFAR." Tn-MOK OW INDRASABHA." CHINA NAVIGATION COY, LTD. FOR ATBTRAUAN PORTS. 'PHE CHAM/sHA, ■>,■>(& tons re-igter,
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    • 88 4 G. R. LAMBERT 8f CO. Photographers. CvN account of th lontc rainy season. t we >■ hall only lie able to open our new studio and offlee«. at 3a. Orchard Road pome day durititr the fir*t h t nf February tit xt. The exact date, will l>e advertised. In thn
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  • 605 5 Tuesday, 18th February. Present His Exobllesov Mir hUI Athrlstanb SWKITtiNHAM. X.C M <i (CiOVEKNOK). Hon. a W. S. Kynn r*ley (.Yctin* Colonial S.-.n-inrv). Hon F. U > oiinpv(ooloiiianre'isu'-er). Hun A Murnv (Coloni il Kruineor) Hon. T. H K.Tslmvv (Aflttag AttorneyOn— rail. Hon. W. Kv:ins (Acting Au«litr>r-Ui-iier:tl) Hon. J.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 119 5 To the Editor of lite Strait* Time*. Sir, Will you kindly allow me to ask through the medium of your ool— IM, why the Dutch steamer i 'arolina\\H» beenallowedto monopolize, tor the last two months or so, one ot the best in>ha <• berths in Singapore. She has
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  • 34 5 The Proclamation functions at Delhi next winter will include Chapters of the Star of India and Indian Empire. Some 30,000 troops are likely to be present, besides all the high Civil and Military officials.
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  • 1138 5 Feb. VSth It is hut seldom that Mrs. Rowland in seen in Seremrvin, but she paid a visit to Dr. »n\ Mrs. Brad.lon a few ■lay* sine*, wi' h her children, on her wa> to Port Dickson. Mrs T-ltirt Ins rt«en spending Ratnrdiv to Monday with
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  • 1103 5 Viscount Oanborn*. dealing in Parliament with the '.{iiestion of intervention in South Afiira by foreign nations, said that, prior to the war between America and Spain, several of the great, Powers suggested that a Joint Note should he addressed to the United States. Great Britain having ascertained
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  • 163 5 Yesterday s Play. Mi>. lU)we« ami Mr. Stephen* beat Mi»p> Newton and Mr. Kraser, w.o. Ties for To day. HUB Doubles Hankicat. A Class. Mrs. Lovell and Mr. J. Ci. Macta««art v. Mrs. Sounders and Mr. Von Ber«. Mi«s Kerr and Mi. Norrie v. Mi»r<
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  • 680 5 P. U Parramatta, sailing about 2lst Feb. For Lmdon, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. VU.ii-, Mis« Salzuiann, Mr and Mrs. Kiirkinshaw.Mr. J. Bentley, Mro. I; i 1 '■•M son, ini'.int and aynh, Comdr. \V G M>tt and wife. For Marseilles— Lord Axhburton and valet. Fom Bombay—Mrs
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  • 606 5 Singapore, litni Ferkuaky, IUO2. PRODUCE. Oamhier buyer* 1 '!5 ''opra BaH 10 7% do Pontiinak 10 »S Pepper, Blivk :»0'« do White, («%> SI 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3fi} do Brunei No. 1 S.W Pearl 3ago 4 41 CcfT«e, Bali. 15% bvia ?'.oo> Coffee, I'alembang. ■20% b<we 'W»of> Coffee,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain* Cough Remedy is a great favourite with mothers for colds, croup, and whooping cough. It c. nuaius no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Soiit by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary General Agents, Singapore, fl— A UOXT SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like
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    • 167 5 Steams' Wine, a wond rfnl reme'ly, is n( inv:i!ualile sprviee in nervous dehiliy exhaustion, indigestion, dyspepsia. Hlet-ploss-nrss, chronic couuhs. consumption, iheumatism impur.ty nf the lilood,rarl>un<-108, boils, eczema khatterod n"rvo», n>urnlgia; heart pains, etc It tnaVi>n the sick, well, the weak, strong It purifi -a n.i'i enriches the i>!o-"l. builds up
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 177 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 19th February. High Water, n.B p.m. S.V.K. Recruit* Drill, fi.lo. HV.E. Recruits l>rill. 6.lft. XV I. No I «-o Drill. Ri\ Basah Rd. .1.15 L L. T. Tournament. Parsee Theat c. Beach Road. 9. Thursday, aoth February. High Water. B.IK a.m. 9.66 p. m. I .v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 344 6 NOTICES. KATXChotirrnall Co Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AM) MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS INALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN. CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks. Silk fancy goods. Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, fife, fife, &c. .11 ami 52 Hi<:li Street, r ingapore.
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    • 481 6 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS. PROMPTLY EXECUTED Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. $2/75 per Dozen 1 lb. Tins. FROM H. JONES CO., HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. v.c. RADHASWAMY &CO. Weak and Rosewood furniture Show Rooms. Splendid Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD,
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    • 246 6 Proved by experience. Three-quarters of a century before the Public and constantly growing: in appreciation van loufen's @coa is to-day The Standard Cocoa of the World. Exqu site in flavor, highly nourishing and refreshing, experience proves it to be The Best of all Cocoas. OK. Ni'lil.K. DentHi nur^ on tins
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    • 177 6 i>rii.k Malacca Tea The best md purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. John Kiit'.e ("0., Ltd., Met>.->!> \nn Im* A Co., Hattery-road, and Messrs Yonn I^t-e Seng, Orchard-road. ni. w. A f. «/H> tUe resident colncillok. (By Mrs. Ei.erion Eaetwiek.) Printed on antique toned
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 710 7 'THE H'iKSKii CUSH'A.NY, LIMIIKD TilK Standar J Lifo A»ur»noe. Norwich Union Fire Inmuanoe Society AHm Awniranoe Tompany (Fire). Thf. Eqoit*hl<> Lifo AsranuiQH Society. Th. Chin» Mutual St«un Navigation Company ThB Tottenham l**t* B«er Compuny. For p«rtimUr« of tl.^oo Companis*. to th» full »dWtiH«m«nt nf THK BORVKO POM p^VV T.IMTWn STEAMS
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    • 742 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I.'-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship AOXSOT, i.atb J. Dabndbls A Co., 2-3, Collybb Quay. The undermentioned dates an» only approximate ~Bweamer From Uxpevted v\m i Jr ItasvMMiMi lor On Vpeelman Soeraljaia Feb. 13 Bawean. Soerahaia Ban fm massin, X'
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    • 584 7 STRAITS SIKAMSHIP CO. (LTD.) S. 8. I Vnang On Mondays at 4 p.m for Malacca Port Dickson, Port Swettenham. and Teluk Anson. s.s. '-Malacca": <>n Wednesdays at I p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port -Wfttenham and Teluk An«on. S. S. -C»rlyle" On Thursdays for Port ■*wetienhani direct. S. h Ban
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    • 710 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.)Dates of 8-iilingt from the East to Pacific Const I'orts. I rivixo Honokono Portland AB IT ABiIIIT 1 Indrspnra 2*>th 2i«t Mar "Indrarelli" JOth Mar 2 'th \nril 'Th ra" 16th April lnth Mly Through
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    • 554 7 INSURANCES. 'PHE yUEE.N hNNtßAftt;*, I.OMIA.M 1 ROW MXRORD IN THB KOVAL INBUBANCE COMPANY. Home Offices QnKEN J.HBn&«NOK BI'ILDINQS, LIVERPOOL The undersigned, Ag sj»U for the above Company, are prepared to take risks ai current rate*. HOOGLANDT A Co. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANf. LIMITED. FIBE I OMDOM, ESTABLISHED IHO3. BDbMrflMd C»pit«l
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    • 477 7 INSURANCES. THE ROY \L KXC'IAXOE ASSUR/KCR. (ESTAHLISHKI* AD. 17-J0) rHE under«igne<l, Hjfi'nH for the above* <.<.mp«ny. are prep red to accept Fir* Risks al current rateItEIIN MEYER A Co. w. s. 31/12 IfAODSKUItQ PIRR INMJKA>CK lOMPANY. (■atahurhbd ad. iwi) rHE u'liL-rsiif ie.l, a*.'ii>.« for th.< abov«> coinpanv. am pr-pired t
      477 words

    • 290 8 Uu<ler this licu'liii^' th>! f >ll'>wind abbreviaiioiiß are ii-«!.i :—str—Mmumt; *h I •lop; Ixj bniq c: sih -schoonnr; Yit.— \*acht; t'.ru —Cmwer, Giit —Qaiibon; Tor i -—lorjiHilo; Up -Unrsf-powiT; i.rit Lri- <»h; V. H.-l!nitt»il Sinto-; Kcli French; I Ojcr.—lifiman: Dut. I >uu h; Job.—Johore; «X.(!.'•—tt'-ntTHI-carit'i: i| |>.
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    • 1677 8 Arrivals since ?ioon of Yesterday. Avi Mnru, J «p. gtr. M.» 17 torm, Tnptxin Trei.nt, Mfc I el>. Wnm Antwerp 11.(1.c., and .'U d.p. l'at<TBon Siinuii!> dc —4"o For Hongkong, V—W Bortt'o, Brit, itr, 404 ions, Capt Robin-on, 18 h Frli. From Bangkok, 14th Feb G.c.
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    • 134 8 Namr, port, probable dale of arrival. and name of agents. BTKAMERB. Aj.ix. China, Mar 9; Mxnsfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, M*r 23; R. Meyer. Annam, Europe, Feb JO; M. Maritime* Anterior. China, Apl 6; Maonh'eld. Armenia, Hongkong, Apl. Behn Meyer. Ballnarat, Hoogkong, Mar 21 P. 40. Bamberg, Europe, Feb 24;
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    • 92 8 for Per ttr. Tinte 10-MOKROW. Swatow and Amoy Hong Kan 9a.m. Malacca and Linggi Hetene 1 p.ra P. DickBon 4 Sepang ltintan(t Timer 1 p.m Neganatam via ports Camorta '2 p.m. Sarawak R of Sarawak 2 p.m. Bangkok Skuld 3 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Chmo Phya il
      92 words
    • 148 8 From Kitk^pb:-Rv th- M.U.«U Pi mTn dun on Hi- i-inA laH'ai with iHAm to Urn 21th J« iuii-v. She l.nng< r-plina to th" •nnils which Ipft "<in 'Hoii-^on ih« 2><t.h i\m\ »ith Me einl»-r. By Mm P..VO. Ml Qriimtii with dates H) the 3l*t lana iry. on
      148 words
    • 273 8 For Singapore. Ppr M. M. s. s. Ernml S"»')"« from MirseiHes .lan. Mk ••aafcrad Feb— Mr. U. W Braddell, Mr. J. Lanmier, Mr. H N. Kid 1.-y. Per' P. O. 8. s. Rril'iaii'i connecting w tli the s. s. <'»•■!, iniiitirl at i'o'c. n o. from l^ndon
      273 words
    • 109 8 r i..v Vksskl's Namk <fc Tons. Oaptain Fkom Saii.ui> Uonmunku. Rig. IS Emile Dut str. HO Nncorinh Rhio Feb lnCiuui Hot" Uvv 18 Sri TTaninn Mr. W N-u-odnh Khiu ftb MTiHik "iene 18 Borneo Brit sir. 4<M Koliinaon KHngkok ¥>-b U Low Sum 1m Terrier Nor ?tr lOi-t Kamfj
      109 words
    • 124 8 lUtb. I Fei. 19 18 s 19 20 20 19 19 20 19 20 20 I 30 Vessel's Name. Flag A Rig Tons. Destination. Ariake Marut Jap str. 2183 SouraUja A 1 Loin Brit air. 670 Bangkok Terrier Nor Mr. 10W Bombay Mercury Rub si r i'i''l Odessa Sri
      124 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 815 8 *WHITEAWAY -1-^ Q IWI O^^ A CU TIME OF PURCHASE JL.A.ITDJLj.A.W OO I trVIVIw'V/MOn OH. WITH OITtlDEIR. SILKS! SATINS!! VELVETS!!! GAUZES Etc. PONUEE SILK SURAHSlLKS QLACH SILK BENGAL IN H Silk g HnitKble for Minuses, Dresses, etc, etc The following Suitable for all kinds of Dresses A very Dainty material
      815 words
    • 44 8 Mr, J, van den tirand Co,, Lawyers, Mclan, DcV tv &i. ao/a PUB SALE. OWNER le-uinfj the Colony. A »arj st\lish pair of black Auslraliar ({••l.liniis. Both horses alhO accustomed to smxlc baroea*. ■\p|)l> to "A. X Hi"" in. <v th c/o MmitK Time:
      44 words