The Straits Times, 18 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,757. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 322 1 NOTICE RITCHIE'S WHIBKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly matured in bond Price $IU per case; samples fr»e. BOKNKO CO., LTU. tu. tb. g. Hole Importers. NOI.VMt H I'MiiN KIKE INSOKANOE SO(Mt.TY OF .VORWiCH AND LONDOS. K*T i I■■ ii< IT 7. FOX VI K K I N K U. KAN K
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    • 264 1 NOTICES. Ind Coope Cos. Ale and Stout in Bulk. SOLE AGENTS. The Borneo Co. Ltd. Singapore. ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASnUliANCES EARLY IN LlhE. IT is an advantage to effect Assurance early in life. My delay, the MM of Premium tmer»m*s; Drnth may 0.-eiir l»elore the Provision is effected ur llrtilth
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    • 541 1 NOTICES. NOTICK OF U KM OVAL. 'I WE Office of the Sinenpur- Steam Saw I v 'Ui li i 1 from this day removnd to No. 31 Kline St. CHOA GIANG THYE. Singapore MMMI '-'2-2 KOTICK OF REMOVAL. 'pHE Office of Mm Struts Chine-if. 1 I'mM.M, kkh i. h:i- In
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    • 289 1 NOTICES. THE PERFECTION OF NATURB AND ART. rtanufactured by a special process, securing hij,h concentration of the nutritive, stimulating and refreshing properties of the finest Cocoa Beans, i van louten's Cocoa I Is to-day In daily regular use in every country in the world. Try It, you will find it
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    • 279 1 —A I iKU»U fc.U FOOD I I.V IT AMU YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. I. R.BEl,lLlOSbegstoinformthepn?li that his Factory for preparing Crushe' Food, at No. 1 Belilios Rsad is now opened First Class Fresh Crushed Food p. c. per bag wg. i -in Cleaned Oat* do wg. 0-90 W.f No. 1
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    • 862 1 ItIMIIMI MIMUKKS |.> AII.U A us" ''hnmLerliiin'sColic, Cholera nn.l l>inr rha-a W. < H|>t. (i. J>i-nni»f,n i« well known nl! ovrrAfriia ax fumiwnrtf I of th. fones th»t. CH|>ture>l the fMRflO* n-U-l Ualtahn, l nderdntpof X»-v 4th, l>»>". fion. Vryl urn, H«»i l)i 'fiiiHliind. In- «n:.-< I i-fon' Until
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 320 2 NOTICES. 'DAKTRING' 'LANOLINE' ■/y. Natural Toilet Preparations. Z<^^§\ OARTRING 1 TOILET 'LANOLINE' in small and r»l(C )/)V hn:e co" IPsillk1 P sill k tuoes. Mixes rough skins smooth uid prot.vts delicate comp.ejiions irom the crfects iiK win! and sun. Tl)f IiARTKINO' LANOLINE' TOILET SOAP »S unDirtHng' wmtm jiullcJ I r
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    • 638 2 BANKS. nO.\uKt>NU AND -HANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 KKfcERVE FUND.— Sterling ReBerve..»lt\ono.orm I ,o 7fionnn silver Reserve....! fiD.OOO/"' 13 760 00 RESERVE LIABILITY OF Innn nrinr. PROPRIETORS |-f 10,000.000 CorBT Or lIIB.HOTOBB: c. «b»w»m. y.i>.— r»i»in«»it Hon. J.J. Bill Iktinh Pip- tt CHAIUiAr. H. R Towkiiis K L. Kn
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    • 689 2 NOTICES. KIMH l\ KKICH WOKkS Co PA8IR PANJANG. ARE now bnilding bricks For particulars apply to <"inp KIM BIR, 4/8 No :»4 M.ihwH Ktrooi COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A tt* m> worfc nn tbr miiiwk mwI moxt *Vntiue iml rff.-. t u;il mt-j* ti- "i m-H-«-ure rvf r .n*.-"*n*-.f lor nrnrooft
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    • 447 2 NOTICES. YAMATO^& CO. JAPANESE GBVKR\L STORES Oppisitb to Shipping Offick, next In EmmartOß'iTlflln Room*. 1. OOLI-YEK O.U \Y. S-^ Siniftipj'o. CAUTION TO HHIrNWaKKs A.M OAFrAiNa RAHTJEITB AN TI-FOULINb COMPOSITION. Other DM*«i> »h-m oar original m;»nuf,iitares are now aold. 1 he genuine hiiu only Composition with which Mr. K\m iKS-mi-isi'lf h-i4!in\
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    • 959 2 NOTICES. JbJ. WA.LLACK, Bronze Meiliiili t. ltriti«h Horolo|{ical Insti ute. Wxtoh-Maker and Jeweller. REPAIRS IN ALL B'!A>.CHKB (HIARANTKf.D. 6-b UAITEKY KOAU. tulh.s. v.c. INDIAN PATtM STONE COY. Prevention Against Plague. 'I 'l lIS Mone is ex-- he-tlv a.<lnpt»ii for I |>nvi> k < uuny>r<li>. l> eliinu Hmiiu-s, ~uif:ii->' lir.iin>, rltH4—
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  • 1061 3 Ffcte of Two Hundred Japanese Soldiers. Particulars of the fatal march in tin) Mm v near A >m iri of the secornl battalion of (.lie Fillli Raiment of th«Hirosaki Army I). vision show that the march was umlertaken under very mumatdimmey circumstance*. Whil.Hi.- ouii'li of
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  • 654 3 Lift of Unclaimed littlers lying ai the General Po,*t ffice, Singapore. Abang H-tnit. Liiziniß .1. \bilool Latip 1. I'ui- Kinilo Ahdul Jh.ffar Lew, J. !.i .-in nn. Luok O. A. i.i nn-. N. Man land. U. M. Anderson, A. W. Maniitl, F. Allix-Maurice Msxino. F. vntfelettie, V. M-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 CITS, BRUISES, SCALDS and BURNS O> i.ikr Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM. A few applications v ill effect a complete care. For aale by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, Geoeial Agents, Bingaport>. A A Mr, J, van den Brand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, Del' tv &f. ao/e
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    • 127 3 NOTICES. Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. j $2/75 per Dozen 1 Ib. Tins. FROM H. JONES CO., HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. U.C. RADHASWAMY &CO. Tseak and Rosewood furniture Show Rooms. SjrttnJM Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. v.c ROBINSON CO. New Goods: Real Panama
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    • 722 3 NOTICES. (JOVERNMBNT NOTIFICATION. A PPUCAI IONB will be receiverl at the XJL Panln-ptcy VfR c, Sin t spore, up to ill'- th instHi 1, fm id.- port of Chiii>Bc Interpreter nnd ilirkin tin- Km-i vp 1 (ffice. Sine pore, hnlaiy #M 0 per ■■Ma I'-i a Uioioughly qnal tu-u perso
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    • 641 3 NOTICES. FOR i»ALE. ONE AuntrfiliHn home ftnd carrinpp in good order. |-'-'j a bargain. Ti i.-il jtivi-n if wanted A| p>toX. O. P.. Sir its Timnt. 18/2 Fit -ALK. A Ladies' II «i k (will a-• V> ii li»rr in-) ViM quiet, mid good t< ri'nerert, nnd poon fmen IVice
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    • 359 3 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PfIOMPTLY DCKCDTID Mr. J. da Pereira horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Up-to-Date Photogra r| y. Messrs. WAH FONQ CO l'holo.-ra|ihic Artists, h»ve row entered 11 lo
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  • 117 4 I'MK Vb«8kl's Nam*. Flag A Km Tons. Destination. M 17 17 1« 18 18 18 1H 18 1H 18 10 19 1H 111 titn.kep lolv M<'l|'Oinpn< l 11 ■hi.i.Mit SchiS S| HllUVl.T I •■truinii* Thyrat Kuin Hang Calcbas O. U. Meyer Kuby Farfalla Ophir Dut «i r. Nor str.
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  • 20 4 On the iH»h in-t at Sydenham -<iinf:ipo-«. Ran I-uvei.l. infnnt f>nn of I.i/.zik Mary and Kkedbkick Ohaklbh I* I.KK..K
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  • 445 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 18TH FEBRUARY. Am iM other a; j met B of an ell'.-ic •Hid Mtperfltious civilisation, Singapore now boasts an incorporate. l as*oci ition uf thieves— at Uu-«t the arrebth of the past few diys seem tn indicate the existence of a Chinese robbers'
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  • 181 4 When the sad news of the disaster to a Japanese regiment reached here a fortnight, ago, we ventured to suggest that the story of the tragedy would reveal some such incidents of fortitude and devotion on the part of the victims as would in a manner relieve the incident of
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  • 74 4 of «ome of the men to carry baci: the body of their dead commander, Mnjor Yamaguchi. These died with the test One report describes the Hincovery of Captain Kaminxre, still alive, hugged close between the bodies of two dead men. He has since been reported as hiving succumbed to the
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  • 202 4 It is not quite a fortnight steel a letter from >»rnwak was published ii the Straits 'l\-w< < giving an account ol t'>e Sarawak regatta and from thai report it was to be inferred that tin finction in question was one cf tin in int liietil'in us and altogether tin
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  • 137 4 Whii.k on the t>uhj*H:t of the Sarawak 6az«tte il may be mentioned that il occasionally carries news itasM of an unusual character. For instance it states iv its K tlaka correspondence that "The wite ol Private Chuat, was poisoned from partaking of SOMM hunt-il fish. She was unconscious when a
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  • 69 4 The Netherlands Consul, Mr. Fleury, and Madame Fleury leave fir E irope next month. Mr. F.eury has bee.n in bad health for some time and goes on sick leave. Mr. J. J. Hultfkamp uf the Netherlands Consular Service, who has for the last, three years been attacl c" to the
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/10}
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at tt a.m on Friday
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  • 9 4 II M. S. Rinatdo li-L fur Hongkong this murniiiK-
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  • 12 4 The German laarfMp flertha left for Rangoou at 7 .'lO this morning.
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  • 12 4 The Court of Appeal liar been sitting to-day hearing H.muk. k motions.
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  • 13 4 The new battleship Mikasu is due here, from England, early in April.
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  • 15 4 854 deaths were registered at Singapore during last month. The ratio per thousand was 42.77-
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  • 19 4 Sir E. Cahski. and party have left Calcutta for Rangoon They will probably be in Burma about a week.
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  • 17 4 Mk.-shs L. K. Yzelminn, A. M. Ciibbon, and V. Ellis came lroin Port Swetteuiiam per Curly't yesterday.
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  • 22 4 The annual general meeting of tin Tanglin Club will be held at thn Club on Saturday next, Jan. 22nd, at 9 p.m.
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  • 20 4 One of the new commodious roomtin the new Supreme Court building i.almo6t completed, and will t>hoilly be ready for use.
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  • 22 4 The steamer Knight Companion which stranded near Kobe, the ol her day, was breaking up at the date ol last mail advices.
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  • 22 4 Mssgßfl. M. J. iiaggie and Halifax, and Mr. and Mrs. l'ykett arrived by the Zanumia from Madras via coast ports this morning.
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  • 28 4 It is rumoured that the State Auditor of Perak will shortly proceed honiton long leave, and that Mr. F. VV. Talbot from Selangor will act during his absence.
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  • 45 4 A wirr received in Hongkong states that the a.s. Indravelli, which sailed from Portland, Oregon, on the 2nd instant, has bad to put back to America on account of fire having broken out among her cargo. She has a large consignment of flour for Hongkong.
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  • 24 4 The town of Waterhnry, Connecticut, has heen partially demolished by fire The datrven ig estimated at the hut"fit?nr<> r»f four million dollars (58,000,000 Mexican.)
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  • 30 4 A Tw^ow loaded with rioe. wafangV. in n sq'i-tll off Tanih ■ps«e^dav and '•nnsized. Therp w"re 'wo m»n in the boat.. Oin was picked "p, bnt the Other is nrv«inn.
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  • 34 4 Tbh two m°n wli'i w»n> rwtprfnv -hirjrer? with thp theft of Mr. Mr-Phire'--t'.Tt. were Hispospri of hv the Reneh Oonrt. Thp man with trip l"n» record eot a year, thp nil*** 1 f--»r months.
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  • 29 4 ThR f'->lliwine |)iJ4..i|Tnr« ft, per l,nn* on Piin'tiv. For C'lom^o; Mr T Ornor, Mr V FV,«r.iTV, >»r FTerhort Tiimilt. For \f )r«pi»l-« Mr Oordon Mr Schwatz Wil*»r. Mr Buichard.
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  • 35 4 N F w h>»a rnif-heij S'n'r»r»oro that 347 ahir>w"»ck«»d Hhinpso cooties h"ve hpon nirkei? up in the '"'hina S'»)» and takpn on to Saisron. From there thpv wil! ho «>nt. on to Sonmbaya, their deptination.
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  • 41 4 Jt is cfited thit t.l>» (rnvprnment. nf R'irmi will n^^ndin the vprulv sale of •ho xrvnm f»rm« anH it. i« n"umm) •l>qt there rmv he an attpmr>t made hv •h» f»n f horitiea to nm the retail opium «hnrx» ilepartrne''*''' l
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  • 32 4 Tn«: Ptnai.7 fr 1 o r-l >V Ansin vii nort« hronar'i' th» f.illnwin" passenger" Messrs. A. PiprH'»x. J. W«v». H. S-rnef«r. M Her. E'nhipk V <* V"h, Cimnhoil. Mr*. Campbell, Mi«C>dy, ann T
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  • 44 4 Tr»: owner nf a k w wis to-Hav .■•>Trsrerl h->for<» the \f»«ter Attend mt n>;M, nverlondinr hit" craft and wa« rinpH SO md «"o«t«. The twiknw wi« loaded with «nm K ir helonginij to M'-Kerrow ■ml Co. It sank an the cargo was lost.
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  • 49 4 A "fnyifit nin-r iv^ thit H V.ff. Amp'iitrit*. (which Tin a«hore ne-«r Sivz recent I v '\r\ th«» vovrs"* hiiin, and wa« «ii.'i«»>f dlv refl iato^) will, on arrivil it Clntli im. pay »fl". She will then he <lone iin in I com-nissioned for service on the China ci ->'
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  • 50 4 With <4m*unn 1. •1 1* rwi graph in ve-teid iv's Uaije as to the Indy p:<ssen•7Pr who disappeared frnm a ste-nn«r at P'.rvina >n Thursday night la-^t, the Pi.iaig G 'Z'tte n-ivs th»r. the. m'««ine i»er« hi w i« a p MBjmmj** from Siugipore to Penang by c v- "l-
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  • 58 4 We re«|u ..nnoiincH that th»r« will b« musketry practice for V. It ca«uals at B ilestier II time on and Siindav. l«t ami 2nd Mirch, aJso M March M and ttih, at 2p. in and 7a. in. Vinous imnrove inent^ h iv^ »>«en «fl'.-cu*tJ Hi tb<^ RjMBJP is a result,
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  • 64 4 The half-yea,., eting of the •nemhers of the. Until Adah 'lub was held last nieht at ihe ('lun House. Th. f llnwinp Were ejected nttieals; President, A B. (>-man; Vie. -President ■inrl Hon. Traawirw S. A B.mthan; Hon Secretary H. M. Sirat A»st Secretary P. I) Armi memh. f g
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  • 74 4 IT is expecle.l int. i.,e blowing up «f the rock at the nmnili of the ■Singapore river will tik« place on Sundax next about midday, provided tin npcesgarv gear is availaiile from the floyal Engineers to connect with the ■nines below the rock. If the gear is iMt (orthcoming then,
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  • 46 4 WRECK OF THE BENMOHR." A telrgkam has just been re<v»iv<>d at •Singapore statin;; Miat the s.s Ikuinoh-, which was due here about a in mi ii hence from London, is a total wreck. The locality of the disaster is not stated hut all hand- are saved
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  • 96 4 We have jti«t seen the latest novelty in the wny <>l harp-*. It is called a" Gon'liiliu"or piano-harp, and has the tone lit' an organ. It has a compass of four chromatic octave*, and any note com liin.U inn of notes can be pbiye.d <>r sustained. It is
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  • 150 4 Corps Orders by Major the Hon. A. Murray, v.d. Conitndt. B.V.C. Singapore, I6tb Feb. Parade* Monday 1 7ti. Feb. atfi.l6 p m Nos. 1 an I 2 Corapiniesi at bras Bhhkh Koad Tuesday IHth Feb., at 616 p.m., No. 2 Coy. at lira* Uasah Koad. WVdni- day
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 47 4 The Men were not Used to Boer Tactics. Lmtim, /.s//i Feb. Further rpports show that the Mmuted Infantry entrapped at Klip River were mostly men frt:!-h from, and utilised to But* tactics. The killed inchi li-d the Commander of the company, Major Dowell.
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    • 47 4 1,'der. Thf» Washington Senate has ratified thetn-aty with Di'iunaik rcc-'irdini! tti* purchase «i tlif D inwli W ln>lies. WEI-MAI-WEI. Mr. Arnuiii K .r*i«-r, Secretary to the A lininilty, llalM UmM Wei-I> li-wei will still he usuil us a utval base t t many irarpoMfti
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    • 17 4 The death is announced of the Chinese Ambassador at. St. Petersburg-
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    • 555 4 THE GILMOUR" CASE. Decision of the Japanese Government Britain Asks for Something More. Lai^dnwne, in the lliuse of L'irds, slated that the Japanese Government replied to British representations in the Gilmour case, that the responsible "ticials had heen punished. If, however, Mr. Gilmour wanted redress, the Japanese Government stated
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  • 77 4 Thfhk are two mails from Europe due here on Saturda) next. The MM. ste.amer, a week behind time, left Colombo al 6 p.m. on Monday last and is expected to get here about noon next Saturday. The P. and O. steamer left Colombo fifteen hours before the
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  • 98 4 Ac -i-iihiun.; to the T<>kio Asahi, the Admiral commanding the Russian squadron on the Asiatic Stations intends to carry out naval maniuuvrea nil' the southern coast of Corea this spring making the fleet in Port Arthur act Hgainxt that in Vladivostock. The volunteer fleet will also take
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I j I /al \\l MSfM II 1 &J I (BARKEN f'jg^ W^EH SOLE AObNIS MEDICAL HALL, Singapore. tu.lh.s 16-2-03 T.c ffcM&t ntitV .-Lr-HIN-LTMf IHEATRICAL CO. uF BOMBAY Will play to-night MAHMOUDSHAH." TU-MOKi ow •MATUm-E-ZAFAR." 1»I>1 X'.IU-icy lie (io'tiror will be I •Al h nir" i.t i.uviii mn.
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    • 384 4 Sl.UAilo.N WAN LED. HY Enelndinvir. who has been s'x years in the B)trkll«i Pu ly a <|'i iin'«-d uith import and export trade, aim fhippiag. .4-J B. A 8. c/o Strait* Times AUCTION SALK. (,),rr SINGAPOIiK DISPENSARY 4s) BHAMS. Wrdaetday, 1 9//t VeWuary, at 12 o'clock. H-J I'OWKLI- .V CO.,
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    • 91 4 G. R LAMBERT CO. Photographers. (|N account of th lone rainy xeattnti, 9 we -hall nnlv he altle to open our new studio and offl<-e«. at Orchard, Road 3a. come day durin.' ihe fir-t h ill <'f Felnnarv in xt. 'Ihe exact dale will be advertised. In the meantime all
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  • 205 5 First Day. Ihbre was splendid weather at the races on Th irsday, wall a record attendance, large fields and good racing throughout. The following are the Maiden Plate.— (He Jo 1, Fkrmmnttm 2, Ihnn. l)"M :i. Won by thte.e ami a hall lenaih*. Dividend *11. Resident's Cup.- /<"'"■'«
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  • 669 5 l.ipi*, bth. February. Mh. Ir.jor^u Liws, win ivcuinly pubiiaheJ in the Stiaits Tmm an interesting article upon minimi in the N igri Sembilan, was tor some yeai» UM General Manager of the Selensing group of companies in the J--1 v, L'lu Pahang He aseuined control of ihe e
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  • 127 5 China v the Straits A CoMHirriE meeting of the Hongkoiui t ri.k.'i Club is to be held to consider the question of the team to visit Singapore, to represent China v. Ihe Straits. The prospects of itetnng together a strong side are improving, though the team is likely to
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  • 130 5 Yesterdxy five Chinese Reamen of the s s (ile»fi dloch were arrested by the M iriue police: three of the men on the i-ii.ir_:<- of importing opium in tins to the value *.">_'*, a fourth for possession of $J2 worth of the drug and for abetting the importation
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  • 135 5 An Important Point. A pvmmoNS case was heard yesterda\ morning, by Mr. orockman, in which II was made clear that, in the in liter <>i the lure of hackney carnages, tli«di*tindion between fare by time and hit l>y distance counts fur nothing I'lie syce sued f>r paymrnl by
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  • 171 5 Hi- Highness ui« Hni Muda to b« --i i-nt of M'ik.i and Oyx Sir Teroy diny»g«iaini', B-.rt. to <)<> duty as Resident ol Sibil under ihp Resident of the 3rd Division F. J. I). Cox, R.-sident 2nd CU-s, m d duty at Ovh under His Hiithness tlic Kajih
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  • 321 5 Feb. Uth. Thk report that Messrs. Cliff ml and Bellield are to receive appointments in South Africa, has caused great satisfaction in Perak. After the compliment paid to the Ceylon Civil Service in the- person of Mr. D ividson, now Colonial Secretary at Pretoria, it whs hoped that
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  • 757 5 February \6tk. About a fortnight ago, I was a-ked bj a Malay in:in Bila mini main Junvary 7W«?' To the uninitiated this uu loulit sounds strangf, but Main Jntuiry" is the nam« the natives have isiv«n to the New Year Spjrts which midyear were postponed till Chinese New
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  • 183 5 Speculation is rile as to the honors likely to be bestowed by the King at ihe coronation. The London correspondent of the Birmingham Post «Hvs that Karl Spencer and Sir William Harcourt are especially named as among those to be honored, while a dukedom may be
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  • 396 5 Beginning on lUr, .(1st .1 m. thftre have been on ilie (:ir«J Ftib incessant gains of terrible violence over all the western coasts of Europe. Hourly reports are pouring in trom all points, telling of i. tii ill.' devastation. The French h irque (Jlianwrd struck the rocks near
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  • 242 5 Yesterday's Play. MixtD Douiiles IIMMK A Clash. Mrs. l.iiM-ll .mil Mr. J. Q. Mactaj;<;art beat Mi- UaHM an.! Mr. I! -.iii y. •>■•), 6-3. Mm. Siiuiiili-rs ami Mr. von Borg belt Miss Kra>er anil Mr. D.irK-nire, 61, ")-8, 6-4. Miss K.-rr mid Mr. Nurrii beat
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  • 652 5 P. O Parramatta, sailing about. 21st Feb. For L<>n<ion, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Adams, Miss Salzmann, Mr. and Mrs. Rurkinshaw.Mr. J. Bei.tley, Mrs. Robertson, infant and ayah, Comdr. W G M«»tt and wife. For Marseilles yird A<libur«i>n and valet. Fom Bombay M rs de Ray, and her
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  • 602 5 SlNGAPORK, loTH KUHKIAKV, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyer* 5 >Mfff Copra Bali 1» Ts do Pontianak WM Pepper, Black buyers 30 (V> do White. (5V,) l0 0 Sago Flour Sar-iwak S.6S do Brunei No. 1 Pearl 3aen 4 »0 Coffee, Bali. 15% h*«iM ?''00 Coffee, Palemhane 20% basis '-*»■*> Coffee,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 VESSELS ADVERTI8ED TO 8A1 U London vid ports, Adonr, on 19th Feb., M M Co. l.iiiuliiii Glengarry on 20th Feb. B'tead. Zanzibar via ports Sultan rota Colombo) 19th F-b. B. M. Manila, Me.mnon, on 20th Fell.. Mansfield Fenang and Calcutta, Laitanf, due on 20th Feb., Boustead. Fremantle via porn, Sultan,
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    • 194 5 X(JT RBTOHD HdPK Thosp who hnv^ Buffered year after year from Rheumatism will bn glud to hexr <f aremedy thut has proved nn nbsolute specific. There, are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe > nor from what enu c. thut manot immediately l>e relieved, and permanently cured liv
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 177 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 18th February. High Wxter 1M p.m. Band. People's Park, fi to 6. Philharmonic Choir, 0.1-i. L L T. UL Tournament. 1-j.i -■■>• Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Wednesday, 19th February. High Water. 6.M ft.m. 9.8 p.m. Shares Sale. Powell 11. Su-idries Sale. Powell 2. B.V.R. Recruits Drill.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 340 6 NOTICES. K.A.J. Chotirmall&Co. Jewelers and Silk Merchants. GOLD a»d SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DIALCRH IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN. CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods. Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs, Foreign Novelties and Curios, &c, &c, &c. 51 am) 52 Uifjli Street, Kngajore.
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    • 317 6 NOTICES. MCALISIER CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. The followinp high class brands of eiftxrettes are nlwayt- in stock Shah, gold tipped, 1.60 per box of 50 (large t-ize.) Rrya'es, sold tipped, tlJi per box of 50 (medium gizr) Pack«-d in patent air-tight tins. Obtaimible from m c
      317 words
    • 232 6 NOTICES. i y± jKaif^B^B^ll 1-i IBs /vci^Wuja W a** O BHalßV^Zil""** l^SK^B7^jE^BW^*S 3 Q daffilflßMß^B^^B^B^Br^L R Hfe' E 0 iTvMBI^bI Wm' W J wbG c W3li*a« V 1 B J -r} P'sb^b^HbH^' Wafci' Inlfa'] 3 Cj K^^^^^HlbV^' -r<B t v- *\B ,Jkl! sri SB»— l bj 2 it Jn'^^/^BBt j
      232 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 703 7 'J'.lIK llllK-NKtiIMMfANV, LlMllfcU rK Standar J Lifs Amutaos. Norwich Unbm Fin Inrannos Soeiet) Aclaa Asmranoe Company (Fire). The Kiiii'tnVii- Lift* Amanuim Society. The Chm» Mutual St»»m Navi»p»tion Oomp*ny The Tottenham L^jer Heer Company. Por wu+VTuUm of tLt?«B Companies, »cc th» fall advwrtinmnMit of THR BORNKO (;OV Pt.VT MMiTvn >»~i-». STEAMSH
      703 words
    • 742 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, r"ONINKLI.IKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPfJ Onder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship Aukscy, latb J. Dabndblb A Co., 2-3, Ooixtbr Quay. The nndprmnntioned date* are only approximate Steamer*" Froui fispected Win be I >hs patched tor on Speelman Soerabaia Feb. 13 Bawean. Soerabaia Ran Ijprmnssin, Kntabaroe,
      742 words
    • 583 7 STRAITS STKAUSHU' OU. (LTD.) 8. 8. Penang On Mondays at 4 p.m fnr Malacca Port Dickson, Pert Swettenbam. and Teluk Anxnn. s.s. '■Malacca": <>n Wednesdays at t p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port ->virtti>iiham. and Teluk Anxnn. S. S. -C irlyle On Thursdays for Port direct. H. h. -Ban Whitt
      583 words
    • 654 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. oombiut*! tttsrvire of Hie Ocean Mtwui >hip Comiutny and th« Heat Australian *te»ni Navii<ation Company btttwtwn FREMANTLE (PERTH). NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINGAPORE. IHK SULTAN, SALADIN, VINILYA AND AUSTRALIND. These steamers run at frequent interval* >etween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Derby, King's Sound (Port for
      654 words
    • 624 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) Dates of S-'Mug* from the Ea*t it Pacific Ccisf. I'ortt. I.K-.VING HONOKONO PORTJAMD AR IT ABHITT 'Indrapur*' 1 20 th T«\ 2>«t Mar •Indwelli" SUtth Mar 2 »th \i»ril 'Th>ra' 16th April l«th Mly
      624 words
      392 words

    • 2134 8 Uuo>-r thi.t bin-lintf the f iHowlag abbre Tia'ioiiß nre used Btr steamer; tth.— atlip; i"| Ini'i s<h schooner; Y<-t. lacbt; tin Cruiser; Gbt Gunboat: Tor. I 'lorp<*do; H p -Horse-power; hrit Hri- tiah; V.B l'nit-d suien; Feh— French; 4jar. Owmaii; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Jobore: «kc,G.c— (ifneral-cargo; <l
      2,134 words
    • 505 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. BTBAMEBB. Ajax, china. Mar 9; Mansfield. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mm- B. Meyer. Annum, Europe r Feli JO; M. Maritimeo Armenia, Hongkong. Apl. 1 lit tn Meyer. Awn Maru. London, Feb 19; P Simons. Ball: arat, Hongkong, Mar 21 P.
      505 words
    • 94 8 V-t Pet $tr. ' To-Mokkow. Bangkok Bangkok 7 a in (>«le>SH Menuri, 9 a.m. L;iliian :in.i Mam In Chiengmai Hum. Aiimv mid gwatow Cheanfi Ckev Ip.m. ,T. Alison via ports Malacca 3 p.m. P»nang and I'tli Hebe 3 p.m. U'bon and Samarang Giang Si nil 4 pm. Thursday.
      94 words
    • 151 8 Fkom Ei'isih-k:— By the M.M. Ooeanien due on th* Mod insiant with dates to the 2.1h .liiiumr.. She brings replies to the nmilg which left Muvapore on the 2«th and •KB DeUHßtber. By the i'.AO. U. Oriental with ilntes io the Slat January, on the 22n<\ instant.
      151 words
    • 127 8 For Singapore. lVr M. M. a, Wnmi Bimom, fi On Marseilles Jan. 2rilh iiac 2L'nd Feb.— Mr. K. W Biad.iell. Mr. .1. I.amnier, Mr. H. N. Kiillny. Per I. <t O. s. s. Britannia eaaaactißf with the b. s. t'fromindil at Ooloaioo, ir om London F,bn-Mr. U
      127 words
    • 144 8 BFLAU I Vksski/s Nam Tons Z. Bio. rib 17 K. Schiff Baroe Dut str. 68 17 Medan Oar str 476 17 l.i Hal str. 147 17 Calcbas" Brit str. 4278 17 Carlyle str. 331 17 Fred Litehtieid+ Am bq. 9H1 17 Ambria <;.t str. 328 18 Zamania* Brit
      144 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 777 8 -A^EIITEA.-OT'.A/X' p" |3 |ii| Om{* A O I— l Arr TIME ODF* PURCHASE I^A.jIID3L.A."W- &OO C-rvIYIO'V/MOn OR WITH OR.DE3R SULKS! SATINS!! VELVETS!!! GAUZES Etc. PONGEE SILK SURAH SILKS QLACESILK BENUAI.INE SI I. K Huitablf !or H'onses, Dresses, etc., etc Tiie following Suitable for all kinds of Dresses A very Dainty
      777 words
    • 26 8 ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT ORCHARD ROAD. Just receive*! a large stock of Fancy Check Canvasses, Lustrine Silks. &c. Dressmaking under European supervision, m. 4 th. 12-1 -OJ.
      26 words