The Straits Times, 17 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20.756. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1802. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 217 1 IU K Vbasel's Name. Flao A Ri« Tons. DISTIXATIOR. 'eb 16 16 16 It! 16 16 16 IS 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 17 18 17 18 18 17 17 Hiak Dragoman huh Wo Tientsin Ceylon Ran VYhatt Soon Farfalla Kuriiit
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 412 1 NOTICE I OFFICE, T«LBOK»rH STBKKT Alt \Vh*kvrh, Kkppki. Habhouk STIAM NAVK4MION COMPANY. !*rmMKl:s K)K ('HIS\. JITAN, i'SVANC Obylov. Irhu, Australia, Aprs, Boypt. Uakkeillbs. Hihkaltab, Malta. KkiNIU-I PI.VMorTH. M-'n IiOIfUON. Thronifh Mill* of \jt lm« issunrl fo^ Perxin--'Juif, Continental and A m'rioan Ports, alto rhinn Co**t. MAM. LINE OniWAKh Hohrwabo. 1902
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    • 389 1 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Siiiirnpove. N"l tt li h UMt'.s KIKK INHDUANCE SOCIKTY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 1707. 'OB KIRE INSURANCE ONL) Ai oust inroad Lc*«ei> paid 11,600,000. Pr»-niinni iorome X ««.(«0 'tin uioe effected 1 n almost erery deacriptior m
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    • 522 1 j NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. i Colonial Libraries at $1.50 Each. TheTiiln uftha Great Mutiny, by W. !< Fitchett. Thr Eternul City, bm Hall Caine. A M-miifjiPtiircr's Daughter, by A. C. Gun'er. The Nest of Linnets, by F Frankfort McM>re. Unofficial Despatches, by Edgar Wall»ce Her Grace's Secret, by Violet
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    • 252 1 NOW READY. The Chronicle and Directory for China, Japan, Corea, Straits Settlements, Indo China, The Philiipines Netherlands India, fife, ffc, Large Edition (with 14 Maps and plans) $9.00 Small Edition 4.50 Dl.W.f. I O AH AW A X Co lin good supply at O licck.-ti.n und Labuan, with prompt .1'
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    • 323 1 I> \\l 1 1»«: < nil hi.i.n rh<r<> in little. K any. d ni tir wol plait't when j rofl rl\ ll* Mil. rl r~. turns bakt-r of lokwnlipr. Ohio, s. A ,>•»>>■: Uuriin. l».-i M:iv an iuf.itit child of nur glibour \v;ih MiflarlM fri.m iholem ilttWM. Thedi.fior- li.-i'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 NOTICES. T\ 11 SPECIAL iiunville s Whiskey. $10 Par case. 5 par cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA pf DUNVILLI'S I 1 £S U" 6 LASGOW, SCOTtX/lp \\M fK J^T ll I Vi v S^nK m.w. A f. 21-1-03 YAMATO^& CO. JAPANESE GENERAL STORES OrPosnE to Shipping Office, next to
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    • 635 2 BANKS. MOMiKuNH AND hHAKQHAl BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 .r^iERVE FPND.— Sterling Re8erve..$H>,0n0.0a0 ..o.junnnn ■Mlver Reserve....* 8, 60,000/ 13 76O00n RESERVE LIABILITY OF» 11(1(lnftm PROPRIETORS J-fUMWOOU Corwr of mnacroM r B. S«iWlN, K.IMJ -fH»IM»» Hon. J.J. Bill Irving Dsp< tt i'hiisiu; H. E Tomkink I K L EirBAKuaoN, E«j A
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    • 605 2 NOTICES. kinH4\ KStlt'k H UKHi Co. 1'ASIK PANJANG, 4 RE now supplying bnilding bricks :V For particulars, apply to Chop KIM BJR, 4/8 No -4 M 4m* Htr«-i HOTEL D R NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) CIhss Hotel. Known for its exe»*llen food V«rv frequently viritd !•>• Britiwh peoplr. A udmh spexkinv
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    • 357 2 NOTICES. Charles Ibcftstech's TXlbitc Scat ilbanipaoiK. Bole Aumts. KEHN, MBYKR A Co., f ty Si ngapore and I'eiiarig. *mJF~~^ Dkpotb. Singapore |V Messrs. Jork LittikACi Messrs. (li'ntzkl aw> fjj tk SCHDHMACHKK. ,jg Hatarut W Sournhaya *~L~\s y Vfnanre. K. L.YAM Nibrop A i <'. ni m. t. nc ARMY NAVY
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    • 264 2 NOTICES. UK. NoHLK, Denlxl Sur 01 I. i« r.-tunii-il to «i ng.ipoif and may b«< onsiiltiMi daily fr m to 4 Mhi in.- Ciub i^ K tu-s Square, i.e. COMPARE TBI FLAVOUR AND AROMA Of ARABIAN COFFEE. WITH THI Jbocatty ARTICLE Pure Arabian C 3 ff c c in
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  • 1288 3 Mr. Kipling is now hailed as the Muddied Oaf." 80 far as famo and an epithet go, Mr. KipliiitiV Hiiewra at cricket, and foot hull in his now notorious po*-m. Th- l.<la><d*is, Ht-pin to hnve rfflfcter) upon Innmelf N->u>, for itiftanue, tht foll"wiiit: "(MatOttM Muddied af,'' umniHtHkably by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 ADVICK TO THAVELfcKS. We wish TRAVELERS amid realise ttM importance u4 having with them luittlr <•! Chtmbertawi Colic, Cholera and Uiatrha* l^nitdy. Llmiifif ol watt-rano diX tieciueiith i-ruduee l»iarrl.a-a. vhkaOM be quickly cuted with iliiiremedy. Sdlil by all dealers in medi•mes. The Dispensary, Ueneral Agents. 7 A EVERYMAN' «-.iii 17
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    • 126 3 NOTICES. Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. $2/75 per Dozen 1 lb. Tins. FROM H. JONES CO., HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. v.c. RADHASWAMY CO. Tseak and Jlosewood furniture Show Rooms. Spleniii Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NURTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. v.c ROBINSON CO. New Goods: Real Panama Hats,
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    • 683 3 NOTICES. WANTED AMXNAGFR for the Marine Club, (Mngapore. Knowledge of honkkeeping and colloquial Mx.lay. essential iirm required *1.-(Xi. Applications, wh eh will lie received up t<> the Inth Kebruxry. should l>e addiesscd to the Secretary, Marine* 'üb. Singipore.. W A 8. II C. (iOVERNMKNT NOTIFICATION APPI 1CA'I1(»P will be received
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    • 574 3 NOTICES. FIREWOOD. "\\TANTFD Tenders for about "tO.OOO Tf pieces afcau firewooU, mouthly. Length 4to A feet Apply "> v.c THE IOhNiOiOY LTD. FOR SALE. ROAN Australian Gelding Gig. and set of hiiini ss in f^uod ordt r I'KlCKfVid. Aiplv t; W DAIIAN'S TSIRALIAN IM h.-f ktltlM I.Y. uc roi >ai
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    • 437 3 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO i WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY KXKfTTFD Mr. J. da Pcreira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orch&rd Road one bouse before (he house known as Claymore. Lp-tO'Date Photography. Messrs. WAH FONG CO I'hotorraphic Artists, h»ve now »-pti-red 11 to their
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  • 30 4 On Dec '»«th, at St rh>ma«t's Hospital, l/inHon, M .jo' C. F M d, It It, Adi the late M.tjor-Oeu. P M .11 (,H K iif'» I M Jl_
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  • 498 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. It is to be hoped that the e«tal»li8U-im-nt of an experimental home mail st-rvice via Madras and Bombay u ill shortly result in an arrangement be' ween the Government postal servicean<i the British India Si earn Navigation Company which will permanently expense with that
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  • 84 4 Aa we have already noted in these columns, the question of Singapore harbour improvements, according to the scheme of Mr. Matthews, and the proposed expenditure thereon comes before the Legislative Council to-morrow in the form of a notice of motion by the Acting Colonial t Secretary. For that reason tba
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  • 114 4 read with more than ordinary interest. There is a striking resemblance in the main points of the schemes of Mr. Warrack and Mr. Matthews. Such weight of high opinion in favour of improvements in Singapore harho»r is undeniable evidence of the ne»d for mek improvements, and though the m<i is
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  • 57 4 Saturday's paper contained a not* rt-ti-ninir to reports from the Chihvi.. .\'cuu>lil<td. which reports we stated wiTr printed in another column of lay's is ue. By an unfir'u.iate ini>take, the report on whirl) nur reinaik* him i' iiartfil was held out of the pxp>'r will he f iinici in
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/iiik. hn k jhIi; is l/lOj.
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  • 12 4 Thb homeward mmU bj the Paramatta cl<»-es at 6 am f>n Friiwy.
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  • 14 4 Messrs. MoiiI- .md B mchaH cam by th« 0. G. M*y*r from P.tieinban^ yenterday.
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  • 16 4 I.n*pk< tor Sullivan un<i M ra Snl'ivrM. arr.v.-.i from Malacca by the Hong Wan on Saturday.
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  • 16 4 H. R. th« (iovr.i.i will be Ai H'-me" at G ivurnment House on Friday, th«:'l-t in-'.
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  • 15 4 The choir piimw of rh« Sineapniv Philharmonic will be resumed to-morrow, at 5 15 p.m.
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  • 17 4 The Kunu'ing It mm Oalinilll. via P^nnng, hrauehr. vestcrrlav MHSMr^. W. B. Irving and Bn*»Mw»«m as passengers
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  • 24 4 The Town ami V 4m*um band will plrty on th« People'* Pa-k t -morrow i Hi rimiii), from 5 to 6 p.m. (weather permittins
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  • 25 4 It is utnlHrsto.hl mat a railway train wa* to run to-day on th« J ihorft-Kranj Milw'iv as tar as the second mile, from Tank Road.
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  • 26 4 The P. A O. hom-waH mail steamer Pumini'iUa left Hongkong at 1 p.m. •n Saturday and i* du« to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Thur«Hay
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  • 18 4 The P. O. «te*iner OrievM with the mail from Eurmw of M\t>j2{jit_lajiand is due herft on •■> irur.lay aftornoon.
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  • 31 4 H. K. th p Governor \>»\d a vioit. to t.hp German Admiral on hoard the German mint Herthu this morning. He was received with the customary salute on leaving the ship
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  • 35 4 An S C C. inter-Club cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon. Sir Frank Swettenham Rontribu'ed 1:. runs not out fo»- his aide. Sir Frank's eleven .nade 107 to their opponent-' »4.
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  • 29 4 On Saturday, AotiiM Chief Inspector Sullivan reported his arrival from Malacca and assumed charge of the duties of Chief In«n<"ctor of Police Singapore, vice Chi*f Inspector Black, on leave.
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  • 39 4 The improvement of Raffles Square by cutting away portions of the greens in the centre, is proeres sine, and so fir as one can jiidqe at present, the improvement promises to be of much use in relieving vehicular traffic.
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  • 41 4 Some photograpnx of the recent Volunteer Camp at Keppel H irbour are now on view at the Drill Hall and can be obtained by members of the S. V. C. The photographs were taken by Wilson Co., of 17 Armenian Street.
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  • 51 4 The Russian gunboat Yfnetei arrived from Colombo on Saturday afternoon and anchored in the roada. She is en route for Port Arthur and if> expected to leave on Friday. The Yenetei is of 2,500 tons and has a crew of 310 men. She carried 12 guns and is of 4,700
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  • 44 4 The following were passengers by the Iaws which arrived yesterday From Yokohama Mr. Merecki. From Shanghai Messrs. G Davis, F. Bornet and Mansfield. From Hongkong, Messrs. Siva and F. Skellon. From Haigon, Messrs. F. Oturez, L. Hinnekindt B. Hinnekindt, S. Thompson, and P. Lane.
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  • 62 4 Chinibe immigration from the island of Hainan to Sarawak is increasing owing to the high profits from peppergrowing in that State. It takes some years as a rule for a coo'i;> to become a partner in a payable garden, and of course only a small percentage become partners at all
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  • 86 4 Th« Straits Racing Calendar for 1901, published by Mr. G. P. Owen, Secretary to the Straits Racing Association, is to hand. Those who have had the Calendar in previous years will have been familiar with the very complete information it contains and we have only to add that, in th«
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  • 89 4 Bbtwibn 40 tnd 50 officers from the German warships in port were entertained at the Teutouia Club yesterday evenine. There was a Ixrue gathering of members and their lady friends The Club was very prettily decorated with coloured lamps. >h«.rtly before nine o'cl- irk, a theatrical p«rf >rmance commenced, and
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  • 166 4 L.AT niifht a farewell dinm-i- wai* iv.-n hy Mr Kilo.. H in Y-miii. f the Opium ami S|.irii Wmntm, to Dr. Chan ri'in Suing, who ih Iimvidl' for Punani hortly tn start in hti-iness on his own icc>>ui)t ili.-rn. TIik .tinner took plac ■t Hi.. Penz Ann K >k Club,
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    • 62 4 A telegram from P«nang reaches us stating that a Eurasian passenger, named Miss Zdva, disappeared from a steamer (preoum tbly at or near Penang) on Thursday night la-it, and thp.t the missing passenger left behind her a litter which points to the ctae being one of suicide. Nothing
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    • 77 4 j c iffirtrreno^s "on" Monday, 2-Jth insi. Each tie consists of one round at the Race course and one nund at Sep >y Lines, match play. Entries, which are to be made to the lion Secretary of either Club, close on Friday, the 21st. The draw will
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    • 134 4 Heavy Penalty Imposed. Yesterday evening, a European entered the Central Hotel, Brass Bassa Road, during the absence of the proprietor, Mr Connolly. He went upstairs. Miss BerthaNisfcen, an employee atthe Hotel, desired him to go down. He went, but subsequently assaulted her, and according to the evidence
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  • 147 4 An Important Capture. For some time Inspector Howard, of "A" division, has been carefully collecting facts regarding the existence of an unlawful society of criminals whose sale occupation seems to have been preying upon society. The headquarters of the society is at No. 4, Sago Lane. On
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  • 63 4 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Hongkong, Kumtang, due 17th Feb. Boustead. Calcutta via ports, Nowshera, on )7th Feb., Boustead. London via ports, Adow, on 19th Feb., M. M. Co. London Glengarry on 30th Feb. B'tead. Baltic Porta, KUai, 26th Feb. B. M. Zanzibar via port* Sultan (from Colombo) 19th Fob B.
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  • 36 4 London, IMA F«> The Navy E«timate* provide fur an outlay ol £31,250,000. The Arm. Ksinua'e* provide for an expenditure of i!69,;n0,000 The Army Estimate is for a strength of 420.1 XX) men.
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  • 50 4 London, \7th Fek One hundred and twenty mounted infantry, patrolling along the bank of the Klip R.ver, have been ci.trapped tud overpowered with the loss of twelve killed ard furU-.-iulit wounded. RIOTS AT TRIESTE There has henn sennits rioting at Trieste. Martial law has been proclaimed there.
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  • 640 4 Let it he -ail liitt the Kirewell concert L'ivt-n l.y U.-rr and Madam* Manjuardt at the Town Mill on Saturday night a distinct ariibiic -uce^ss. Though there w.n what may be generally lerined 'a RBud house,' the performance w.m not hb well .itlmidi'.l ii- I' should
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  • 43 4 superficially artistic East. The Chinese New Year Sports and Fireworks will be held on the Reclamation, Robinson Road, on Saturday next, commencing at 2 pm. The band of the 13th Madras Infantry will play during the afternoon. The programme of sports is lengthy.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 NOTICHS. SAPHAEL M WINE. Mk Tonic, i y Fortifying, gfjw Digestive. The rirhct Win.- known nn istrcii(jth jjiv.-r MNI n-t I'iinii: Highh r>- ••innn* i<li»l by thf lochl M.di.-.l fi n'tv CALDBECK, MACGREGOR A CO. nnvAl I.'- sol K AUK TS. Macmvcn and Cannpan's Pens. Iftaj MMM m.i |*M»«mI« Mating
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    • 639 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. nIH Excellency »h« (*o- rn >r mill be "Athume" »t (lover- m°rU Hou«e on Friday, 21st. at A oVIms NOII' K. RUSSIAN VOLMNTK^.R KLBET. n.8. VLADIMIR, Due here for Odessa on the 36th inst. For freight apply to 19-2 R. A. PALMOBS1I Agent, NOTICE OF REMOVAL r |iHK
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    • 109 4 G. R. LAMBERT V CO. Photographers. (vN account of th long rainy season, I we shall only be able to open our new studio and offices. at Orchard, Road 3a. come day during the first h lit of February nrxt. The exact dale will be advertised. In the meantime all
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  • 1650 5 Mr Warracks Scheme. The following letter which ha* been sent to us, embodies the views of Mr. Wirrak on the improvement of Hingtp ire Hirbour and will be read with interest, in connection with Mr M at thews's scheme to the same end which w-<s «Ht forth in
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  • 1017 5 The War. London, 2.VA January. The chief Boer depot, it has been ascertained, is located in an almost inaccessible spot in the Ka*tern Transvaal, near the Cro dile river. The depot contains 60,000 small arms and quantities of ammunition and provisions T ere are indication* that the
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  • 126 5 Man with Eignt Convictions Captured. Yestehday Mr. J. McClure, an engineer on the Alhion, had his hat ■inalched in Anson R>a 1. He called for the police, and a corporal and a constable came to his assitttance. A Chinaman gave information as to which way the thief
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  • 169 5 The new she<tncd sloop Rinaldo arrived from Slieerness via C-iioiiibo yesterday on her maiden comrai' sipn. which will be served on the China Station She is manr.ed by a complement of 104 officers and men, under 'he charge of Commander D St A Wake. A collision
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  • 369 5 More Money Wanted The annual report on the Raffles Library and Museum for last year is signed by Mr. Hellier, as Acting Cura- tor and Librarian. Mr. Hellier notes j considerable increases in the stock of buoks, and in the number of subscribers to the Library.
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  • 811 5 Qerman Naval Visit. Admiral B«ndeinann and the German officers who visited Bativia in the Hertka and Bustard mad* good impt'tutHion there. The Baiavia Sfuirtliinii noted at once that these officers preferred to he in a Dutch j»»rt rather than in a British one. They spoke fret-ly of the
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  • 40 5 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a great favourite with mothers for colds, croup, and whooping congh. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Bold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary General Agents, Singapore. G— A
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  • 615 5 Singapom, 17th Fkbruaky, IUU2. PRODUCE. Gambier M.H> 'opro Bali 10 75 do Pontianak 10 36 Pepper, Black buyers 30 do White,(5%) MOO Sago Flour Sarawak 3.65 do Brunei No. 1 SSI Pearl 3ago 4.40 '"!off«e. Ball. 15% bv>ii 2". 00 Coffee, Palemhane. l ->0% basis '>« •¥> '"toffee. I.iberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 194 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 17th February. High Water 6.10 a.m. L. L. T. C tournament Itegins. SV.R. Recruits Drill. 5.10. 8.V. E. Enrolment S.V.E. Recruits Drill. 6.15. 8.V.I.N0. 1 Co. Drill. Br Basah Rd. 6.16. Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Tuesday, 18th February. High Water 6.10 a.m. 7 65 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 345 6 NOTICES K. A. J. Chotirmall Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DKAI EKS INALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS, INDIAN. CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks. Silk fancy goods. Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, ffc, ffc, ffc. 51 an<) M
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    • 222 6 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION Fortify the System against Disease with PURE B> OOH. J!Z!l t ir^» S CC u URITY HEALTH." EBB£NOE OR FLUID gXTRAOT or red J*M»IC» since 1829. p>l» fcw»T~;f BuLM 1m >K ms Kab^LVS TORPID l.tfER, DEB'LITY, ERornuuS WEAK and LANGUID FEai^'G?, And all Smpi ities of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 711 7 yilK BORNEO COMPANY, UMMfc.L> TilE titaadarJ Liite Ajeuranue. Norwich Union Pin Insurance Soci«t> Atlas Aatnirano* Company (Fire) The Eqoit»M* Life Awrnramw Societj. The China Mutual v **<«m Vaviirat.ion Companj The TottM>h»m t»V B«er Cimpany. For partiralum of Companies, tb* tall adri.rti~.nvmt of THE BORKT5O COM PANT. LIMITED \e«it» STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1349 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. f^ONINKLIJKE PAKBTVAART MAATHCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government.. Agents at Singapore: SHIP AGB3CY, LATB J. DABNDBLS A Co., 2-3, COLLYBB QnAY. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer Krbni E»p»H-t«u Win oe Itmtpatcheri tor m> ftpeclman Sorrabaia Feb. 13 Bawean. Boeraliaia Ran j<»masf>in, K tabaioe, I
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    • 563 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asistie Steamship Ce. (Owned and operated by the. Oregon Railroad 9f Navigation Company.) Dates of &'ilings f/tim the Eimt to Ptwific Const I'orts. Leaving Honukong Portland ab \t about Indrapura »»th F« >. 2 -i Mar Indiavelli" SOth Mar 2th \i-ril •1h ra" 16th April lwh
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    • 569 7 INSURANCES 1 ROW MBBOBD IB TBB RO7AL INSURANCE COMPANY. HonaeOfflees: QnBBB Ihsubancb Buildihss, Ltvwipool i The undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to take risks a ■urrent rates. HOOOLANDT h Co. THB IHPIKUL INBUBANCI COMPANT, LIMITED. FIRE 1 OIDOI, BSTASbISIBB IHO3. SabMrftxd Capital ,200,000. Pawl op Capital 4
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    • 2024 8 uurter this hciviing the fallowing abbreTiations are used str steamer sh Inp. l>q -burg ip; seh —schooner: Yet.— "Yacht; C-iu --('ruiiiiT. (»bt. Gunboat: Tor. Torpi-iic; H.p -Horse-power; Brit. BriStifsh; I' S— United Staten; Feh.— French; «Ger.-; Dut.— Puh-li; Job..— Johore; JLc.,O c (4pi.pral-car«o; d.p. deckpassen-jp-r P.—
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    • 510 8 tfame, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. Ajax, China, Mar 9; Mansfield. Amiral Baudin. Pauillac. left Jan 6; Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 23; B. Meyer. Annam. Europe, Feb JO; M. Maritime* Armenia, Hongkong, Apl. 6 Behn Meyer. Awa Maru, London, Feb 19; P. Simons. Ballaarat,
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    • 74 8 r,w»i >".... r.,,m... 11 Araoy an<\ fhratnw Clirnnti Cha* '2 |> m. B* idjprmassin, etc.. .V/wrniin :t p in UnnKkong Kmmmm§ 9 pm. P. !<w •I'h-ini via ports Hn timer p i:i '"lonabo <fc Oiics.-i Mercury 4 p.m. MuntokA Klfinbang O O iiyer 4 p.m. Wbdnesdav. T.
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    • 137 8 From Eorofe:—By the M. M. s.s Emeu < Blbjmii due on the 'Jlst instant with tlatos to the Mk Jnnuarv Slip iirintrs replies tr. the mails which left Singapore on the 28t!i I and Soth December. From f!ius\: -By the A (>. 9.8. Par ram'ttla due on
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    • 46 8 For Singapore. Per U. M a, s. OetSMaMS, from Marseilles. Feb. 9th, due 3nl March Mr. H. N. Ridle>. Per M. M. s s. h'rnesl Si'impi* fron; Marseilles. Jan. -.'6th due Feb —Mr. R. W Braddell, Mr. .1. Lammer, Mr. H. N Ridley.
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    • 389 8 Vksski.'h N*me 1 Rig. Ton« Captain From sai j Consign. .k.s. Feb 1.1 ir. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1H 16 16 Ifi IH 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17! I Tientsin (ii.-iiiv Ann Honp Wan Amual
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 245 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. E^Pc?^^^ 01 Sandow's Developer P Sandow's Developer samoow^^otveioper 1 A !N I) j <^ffl7TTT>. AND Is EURCISE; 3 ®{pj^v\ Exerciser mK^Bl Exerciser /Hi 4^J )dl B> US€thC WeakCSt btain strcn th can te «»ed by »IL M^^^ Sh uldbc in every Home for the general use of
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