The Straits Times, 14 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20.754. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 226 1 Ves8kl'8 Name A Tons Captain Rio. Ger str. 189} JenhingeiBrit str 575 Htratton I 'nt sir. 10-JO (iiHschtJap str. 277P Thompson Brit str. I Spence A us Btr. 1K71 M-it.r.ivitrh Dut str. 300 Cbrimes Writ str. 1961 JKobinson str. 3-fi Davidson str. 10-2 Chopsrd Nor str. 1 7H> C'rietiansen
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 294 1 NOTICE NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINI>S OK Safety Fuses. AM) Eledrie Blasting Apparatus, The al'orr Ezploxires, being all MM* factored in (ireat Britain, are made tn pa*s the high statuiard of safety and purity tests imposed hy the oritinh
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    • 271 1 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Singapore. Uwrinx the Season is'j'.i I.Hit at Hn liuu Club and UurllnKnain uflSr***- SPORTING BALLISTITE SPORTING BALLISTITE for the SECOND year in snocession heads the list of winning rowders. BORNEO CO., LTD., AGENTS. M C ALISTER CO.. RETAIL AGENTS.
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    • 405 1 NOTICES. iSOIRK Of REMOVAL. r pHE Office of the Straits Chinese I Printing Office has been removeii to No. '1 K>>l>inson Hoad, l>ut the printing business is carried on at the same address h» l»efor«- 114 Amoy Street. S. K I'M. Manager. 28-fi T. C. HIN, Agent. NOTICE. A K
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    • 186 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. g. otoiviuNe: co. Have just received a large assortment of JAPANESE HIGH CLASS CURIOS, ART WARE. :(o): INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. G. OTONfUNE CO. SINGAPORE. KELLY WALSH, LTD. (:o:) Colonial Libraries NOW READY. at $1.50 Each. j The Chronicle and The Tale of the (Jreat Mutiny, by W. j
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    • 315 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUfMI RKMKDT Him life,,, i), fmmom f»r itx MM* ODUttU t'OLl>> chut Wl!n(ii'|\ii COUGH IXFI.Ii-N/A Try it when in i,e I. For > by all >tealen >n medicinal ever> win-re. Price Wj o*, aod 91. General Agents, The Di-prm n r>nin|iora. 7— H HOTKI. Di It NKkKULANi h.N BATAVIA
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 NOTICES. V^ H 9 SPECIAL D unville s <>,» Whiskey. $10 Par casa. 5 p3P cant, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA I '"ill IS i£*!sikss l > •s pvl tSi!°RE: Pf*!3 Sa m IHkBBBIBEB^MBiBBfIf *S^ if* #j ••■•Jll "SOj C^^^ '«J 1 1 1 i I DUNVILLJ !i I m
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    • 639 2 BANKS. nOM,kll>,r A>|) -HAM.M.d BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CA PITAL •10,0UU,O»i RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..|l»,<XX)nnoi _„7 |inrt, •silver Reserve. .V 60.0110/"* 13 6000 KEHERVE LIABILITY OF 1 PROPRIETORS J~HO,OUU.Utti CorsT op I)i**otoiw— K Sbhwan, R«a -Chmu^an Hon. J.J. Hell Ibvino Dbp tt h aikm a> H. K TOMKINR I K L
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    • 622 2 NOTICES. jf\\Tor Ladles! PI IrfLS A Remedy tor all lrregul«rltls«. S«»«r.«l d( Bltttr Appl». r«nurrojri.l. >. Solu uy Sin K .por« Dl.pen.ln* Co., Ltd., Raffles Place, Slnjapor«. Prop tM MARTIN. CBMM S«HrrMAAI»»TON. HNfll AND CfIHMOIISENSE-NUTBHELL »iw in.*!* '•> «>rt on Otr .iiwa ami hum adract le ■ml .S^'tilll m.«iw ■■>
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    • 613 2 NOTICES. ART NEEDLEWORK. lEHM)XB in embroidery, etc., under j management of Mas. APT ROOT, will •O'nrn«ncHin M irch FnlUmmth. For further p+rtiou ars a-iply to. THKM-TKkIN i'IHRUK 2-Jf-J Ht. M 'rv's <:ollogp Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. f m J2/75 per l>»znn 1 lb. Tins. FROM H. JONES CO., HOBART.
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    • 773 2 NOTICES. BVf.AU K Col in supply at I rmik-t' >n iiinl Lulu) in with prompt d.-«piti'h fibu'iMf re r o Ki.r lernif. apply to .loliu llnMie. S.irH-.VHI U >vern ment A;,, l.iliu hi. uc LIQUID FUKL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32 6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence)
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  • 1638 3 The following ar'icle from th« London 0«i/y Tilryrapl, will be read with iniei*Bi by .""iiiKHjH-re Volunteers Alt lionuli the announcei.ient that brigade instructors are to be appointed f.r the better training of V .lunteiT oflir.-rs has no foundation in fa -I, 11 |> to a very MtfMlt requirement
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 151 3 CMS, BI.UiSKH. M'Al-lw and bUUMS in i.ike loj rics An- pn mptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM. A few ajip! effect a complete cure. For sale by all dealers in medicine*. 1 !.<■ l>i!-i<-;.-'hi\, GeLwal A^rMt, HingHpnre. fl A FORSHIFGWNEFS& CAPTAINS hoeo'B AXTI OKItOSI VE 4k tXTI-t'Ol Ll.\(; <«MFO>»ITI6.%.«>
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    • 492 3 NOTICES. kl.i»»\\ i.lil' HOKk.t tv. I'AMIK I'ANJANU. VKr. nnw Miipi l> ink Imilding hriuks For pHrticulat-h, i.pplv to i»ii.|. KIM HIK.. 1/8 Nn \l U.i-m IWH*i jTmotion co WATCH .MAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAJIH-. I1I 1 •OMIMI.Y kXK<TTEI> Singapore Merchant Service Guild. EVnF.R" I sri- MM Mnc pnrolle I for *l
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    • 719 3 NOTICES. WAN'I ED. \< liin-pe Cashier witb security for t2,i«o. Apply to V. 0., c/o St,ail» t'-v.r*. 14/-J ».OVh.UNMbN I NUi IHCATION. VTI'I ICA1I(»NS will l« received a» the lan r I'tiy' fti n n|H>re. up to h -.'-*****8111.1, for the po«t of thiii. n> I n i|i.eUT inul 1
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    • 679 3 NOTICES. PINE-APPI.E I'RKMfiItVINU MACHINE. PR sale, a new pine-apple preserving mitchine. Price moderate Apply to KIM HOE A Co, v. c. 24 M<. hi Quay. rOli r-ALE. ONE Australian horse and i»rn»r in pood order. %i:* a bargain. TiUI given if w nteil A I p tv X O. P..
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    • 421 3 NOTICES. Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. l»Au.\Ai,l> A llJl«ldM& m, /rVttwitm tUxui. HAVK ON HAND:— Kiectnc Fans. Ceiling and Table, 40, Ml, Mi «i. lMi. I Ui. and M> Volts.
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  • 610 4 The Straits Times PRICE IS CENTS. FRIDAY, 4th FEBRUARY. I tilt imehU'iice conveyed in today's despatches to the «-flei'i that the convention between Emu land and J ipan, which safcuuardChina aaaiaat partition and injures th< independence of Korea, Ratixfie* t'pneral sentiment in England an I 'In United Stales, is gruifyin*
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/10&. i
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  • 11 4 Reading matter is printed on page 3 1 of to-day's issue.
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  • 8 4 Thb Straits lhirfyet will be published to-morrow morninir.
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  • 9 4 H.MS. Aurora kit lor Plymouth at :;<i this mortiine
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  • 10 4 A aizo t.'-.iiiv, King Edward opened his Hr*t Pi'liamei.t.
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  • 15 4 A LA nch for Mm swimming Club will leave Johnston'-* Pi-t at '.i p m
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  • 14 4 It is stated that .-l-iaric fr^'n* will probably begin running at CdlcuUa in April
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  • 18 4 It is ofKci»li> r«|>>rtid fiat pUguo is inereasiiiK in M mritius, despite ;.H ff .its to check i'
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  • 14 4 Mi*» Roosevei' ii.i.Kit'T of Pre-ideni K', is •■xp-cied to attend the i^oroii.iiioii cer"Mi v
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  • 21 4 Thk Marquis 1... m i.ned his homewarii voyatJH on ihn Kii.ulfrJmn wlncl> left, for China i>< J 'ins v o ihiik-
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  • 22 4 Hhippiso Niit."ti n.ii.s, with datci•f >aili< g t. 1 wi.l be found on pave 7. (t'lieinl shippim; n.'ws in printed vi. paiseS.
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  • 23 4 Thb nMMUW V .i.i.iieers have been in eniiip. They a| p mt to have had ati insiru.-tive and enj yahle time u..d»r ■aiivaK.
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  • 27 4 The P and >.••••• ...ed -it.- stenmer ■ii On ief Penani! at. 4 i> ill. xesieriiay, in. i h due to arrive here at 6 a m. tomorrow.
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  • 23 4 Thk M. M >«••*,•«•*'• hoirew .r ■< nail -ii«nn>'r i ..< lett Sdiizon at K i.m t -da>, and is due bum on Sum. a. lajlinht.
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  • 30 4 Tub P <fc x .a in r Pekin 1-0 Honuk >"g at :i p.m. <>n Tim s i«jr, a d is cx p".' ted to arrive here at noon on
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  • 29 4 Thk li'Tin m .-i er (Ml is oalintr ■if the wliaif to. liy Iroin th« collier Alii on. The Ilertha will coal at the wharf on Mon 1 1>
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  • 26 4 Thi* week, >ir .i i.n ..-rlain was'" l>e presented with an address from In iiy of Loud m in recognition of his -erviees to liw E-n-'i-t".
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  • 25 4 The Briti-u mi ..i-ul'-war Mudve arrived at P^oang from Port D'.-ks. n m Mond ty. Her destination g Kedal whit er she p"> *n At/f
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  • 27 4 Mr C OtKn-, ..coii trtC'in'l maeip•ra'e leaves to-d iv lor Alor i j di, Malacca. Mr H M irriott t k his place in the I '■>•• >urt.
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  • 35 4 The sloop i 6>o tons dit-I'la.-eiiK-n', 6 kiiiix. 13 25 knots, is due here from S ihhiii j <s snort I v on h- r w>iv to the Chin sti'ion to relieve tl.e Plover.
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  • 33 4 Thk JapanesM i,., -.1 >-b >it destroyi r Ahatmiki is due. here from Euiope aboi.t the 25 hof March. 8n« b the first < f -ix similir U ordered by tl.e Japanese Goveri'tii.-nt
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  • 28 4 Baron and bUmmm von Hes^e W»Tlfttk liMve arrived in Calcutta. The B ooiifss b -Her known as Minnie Hauk— is -iifF-rin* from a rather st-rious attack R r.
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  • 32 4 This mormon v. *r the Victoria Rri l«e in Victoria Street, a gharrj collided with a rikisha. A general mmcm up restdted. Luckily no one was injured. The coolie had wnmi'wloi ei-cape.
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  • 30 4 Thk Honukong hrnnicle and Directory for 19<>2 maintain" the high reputation of that standard w«>rk of reference. The mmM issue contains a mii.c of information on the countries dealt with.
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  • 33 4 In an Elict, i-mci by the Emperor of China, he orders the members of the Imperial clan and of n .l>l- familiesto travel abroad and m;ike. acqu»int»nci with Western education and Western ideas.
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  • 36 4 Thk Army Ontor on ..Hirers' uniforms ordains three sorts of officers' dress,, full, service, and in. ss uniform. The order anticipates much economy, but the changes are trifling. Gold on the trousers »r> .liohed.
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  • 41 4 Aboi't 20*) imiii iioin the German squadron in port will be entertained at a theatrical performance at the Ten ton ia Club to-night. in Sunday the officers of the fleet will be "hi home" to the members of the TMtnnia Club.
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  • 40 4 The King has approved of the appoint nieut of the Right Kv. Reginald S. Copleston, D. 1)., L ird Bishop of Ceylon, to be Bishop of i lie See of Calcutta and Metropolitan in India and the I-land of Ceylon.
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  • 63 4 M. E. Vice Admiral Geissler will hoist his flag on hoard the German ert'ieer Furtt Bismarck at 8 a.m. to-morrow. At the same time HE. Vice Admiral Bendemann, who is going home by the next German, the Hamburg, will haul down his flag from the Hertlui amidst the booming
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  • 84 4 On the Ist last, a number, variously stated at from twenty to forty, Chinese were enjoying a Donnybrook in Bali Lane. The police inteifered, spoiled the. sport, and succeeded in bagging eight of them. Sticks, stones, and fragments of crockery were among the missiles used, with the result that three
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  • 652 4 A crowd* D audience assembled at the Town Hall Mat nitfht to watch, listen to, and enj iv ihe Complimentary Concert to Mr. and Mrs. Salzinann w'li.'h has been exciting the anticipalietm of all iiius'ciil Singapore for nome weeks The. programme commenced wtli a selecioii from
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  • 222 4 Harbour Improvements. At the meeting of the Legislative Council next Tuebday, the Acting Colonial Secretary will give, notice that iheCounril agree to a subsidy to the B. I N. Co. of 530.0 0 a year, to run lor three years, lct theNegapatamhomeward mail service from Singapore, and to
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  • 64 4 A firs broke out at a quarter to one, this morning, at 44, Race Course Road The house, which was a plank and attnp building, was vacant and belonged to Mr. H. Grand, of Messrs. Katz Bros. The house was burnt to the ground. The cause of
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 74 4 HEARTY APPROVAL EXPECTED. London, 14th Feb. The Ampriran (J >vTiim"nt welroineK the Britisli-Jiipanese treaty. A i erica, stands n-utral, hut its nimtrality is benevolent and sympathetic. The American papers say that the United States stands to train much from the treaty and should give r!u
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    • 26 4 Lnttr. M. Sievers, an uAnial from Hie F .reign OlKce at Sr.. IVteri-bure, has ii-en app tinted Consul General at Yokohama.
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    • 74 4 Communicated to America. Lord Cranhorne stated in the House of Uomm •us tint the vahataaed of the BriiishJ.t(>a'i«-«e A-jre.Hinent had been communicated t > Mm Am t'i.u. Government, before the publication of the document. Manchuria Included. It was explained that Manchuria was no more HX-lud^d from the scope
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    • 200 4 At a meeting of the Singapore Art Club, held at Government House on ilih 2 h inttt., it was derided as follows: 1. That, owing to lack of interest amongbl members, it is advisable to ttive up the monthly exhibition oi -ketches. 2 That, once or twice
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    • 164 4 BY M A.I OK Ml'RKAY, V U., COMMDT., 8.V.C. 8inga|>ore, 13th Feb., 19 a. S. V. R. O.O for the ensuing week Lieut. D S. Oirmicha< I, N.C.O's. 8i<t. T. C. B. Miller. Parade? Monday. 17th, at fi.l<> p.m. K nuils Drill; W.dne.-day, 19th, at 6.10 p in.
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  • 89 4 By the German mail, yesterday, theve arrived Mr. Rutherford, the nev; Managing Director of ihe Tanj ng l'aerar D>ck Co. Ld anil Mr-, and Miss Rutherford. Tliey wer« received by Mr. Stringer, one of t lie directors, in the absence of Mt. John Anderson, the Chairman Mr. Sellar, Manager, Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 413 4 NOTICES. THE MARQUARDTS Famous Violinist and Harpist. Ass > ted by Mrs Zim ncr, Soprano; and by Mr Cross Piano.) T3WN HALL. Farewell Concert SATURDAY, FEB. 15th, 9.15 p.m. Reserved Seats 2. Ad.nission *1. ■^ea vi i n.iv he looked at the Rim in <i\ Ii 'N-i <"n.. Urn SAINT
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    • 413 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SUNDAY TRIPS TO KATONG. pHE Stoam IMMB, CONSTANCE, will I leiveJohnsto 's Tier for the ( Hotel, every Sunday, at the following h urn 111 1 a.m., ISJr) p.m., 4 p.m. and «3<l p m I**! trip to the Pier 8 p.m. Return fare SI. Feb. 13 v
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    • 92 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. Photographers. (vN account of th lone rally Reason, f we -hall only lie able to open our new studio and offi'io*. at Orchard, Road 3a. pome day during the fir«t h 'It f :irv vi xt. The exact il.-ue will be advei tised. In
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  • 475 5 Interesting Find. fir tin fitrmik Ttmm. As in ist. pe.»pl" ar.i aware, many daily stone implements have been found in supeiliuial deposits in the Peninsula. Tti.->e are H-nerally of a liiglil> tiin-iie..! I >Ci and the most common l'oiin is. repr.^euia'.ive of
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  • 348 5 List of Entries. We give Mow list of the entries in the Ladies' Lawn Tennis I lub tournament, 10— iTinf on Mondty next. The entries are quite up to the aveiage in number, and an interesting tournament, is anticipated. This is the thirtythird tourniimeiit the
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  • 568 5 The Case of H. A. L. Orchard Thk Appeal Court opened this morning, the Cutef Justicn (-*ir Lion il Cox), and Justices Ltsaoli, llyiidm in-J >neB, and Lhw being on ihi H n.-.h. Tiih Court de.cideii to dual lirst with criiniiiHl malterw, and then to proceed with Bangkok
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  • 148 5 The Honekong shipping trade, says the QtiniT M iil, is dull. Since the opening of the present jear the shi^ipiu^ business hi« been going truiu bad tv worse until it has reached low water in rk. In the opinion of those mo«i competent to ?i>eak, tue lowest depiti
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  • 82 5 Returns for January. During last month the vessels entering tiie port of B.ingkok numbered U steamers and 1 sailing veaeel. The following figures show the number an<l tonnage of the steamers according to nationality 17 German 19,473 tons 17 Norwegian 13,0*-* 11 British 7,8H« 3 French 1,128 1
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  • 60 5 An instruction has been tent by the Empress-Dowager to the Chinese Minister at Tokyo, ordering him to present her thanks to the Kmperor of Japan for the fact that the Imperial Palace of Peking was saved from destruction by the protection given it by the Japanese troops, and to report
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  • 195 5 Meeting of the Straits Branch. A ognkkal meeting of the Straits Branch of the. Royal Asiatic Society was held at I! 11l s Museum on Wednesday afieriioon, Bishop Hose in the CiiaK. l'h«re were als-» present Me-sis. Kvnnersley, O'"*ullivan, Sannders, Es.-hke, Knight, l>r. Dane, Dr. U'-st, 11.
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  • 215 5 A Remarkable Scheme. Yuan Shih ku, tue Viceroy of C nidi, who has tteen appointed advisei to ihe Ottice of A linini-tritive Relonn .ulili .--id an impoitanl confidential Memorial to thr> Emperor of China Among other reforms he recommends that advisers should be engage.' through the
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  • 213 5 MACi.AKKN'sti'anion the sth inst, wor fbe return match with New Ho th Wales, at Sydney, by an innings and 128 run?. The only batsman tn do anythintton the New South Wales side, in the second inning-, was "S»rd" (Gregory, the hero of the first innings, who ppnred
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  • 275 5 Thk German mail ateamer Kiautachou, Commander LueneHchlox!., arrived yexterday afternoon from Europe with 225 patwen^erH, of whom IU3 disembarked at Singapore. Among i in--' 1 were From Hamburg Messrs. .1. W. Bollenliagen, Braxk, Ka*e, Lnecke, Kaltliofl', Uuenther, Motschinan, Jonaa. From Antwerp Mr. Pierre Retra. From Southnii]i:.ui
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  • 923 5 SON G IN CAMP. Dcring the recent Volunteer camp at Kepp«l Harbour several enjoyable "sings-songs" wre held, and not the least appreciated items at these. imnmmptu concert* were th« contriho»i«ns of Acting Q M.S. Hiyward, SVC, which we print below MHivward is the author of th« ditties Af>'-r rpßding thpm
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  • 516 5 P. O Parramatta, Bailing about 21st Feb. For London, Mr. and Mrs. A P. Adam«, Miss SOzinann, Mr and Mrs Burkinshaw, Mr. J. Bentley, Lord A^hruirton and valet. (Jhiwin. sailing about 7th Mir. from P«nang to L->ndon, Mrs. 'I 'id aril infant From Singapore to London Mr F
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  • 160 5 A huge sathe'inz of -> people assembled at, CarililV, on th Ist inst to witness the In' Ku:bymatch he'ween Scotlanl and Wal»-s. The visitors won the toss and elected to face a str >ng wind a grave tactical error, heciuse all the points were srnr«d in the fi-s
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  • 616 5 SINUAPOKK. I4TH KkIIKUAKY 11*1. PRODUCE. Inmhier hny.'rt '1 tl "opra RaH 10 75 do Pontianak l ft *rt p enr»er. Rt<iPk. buyers 3n.2fdo Whit«. (R%^ fit 0(1 ■*nen F'onr S<»r->w^tf *< HI do Brun«i \o. 1 S'> Poari Pwo 4 4^ '"■nffno, Riti in% hi>i> f> 00 r-offop, PalAmSmie
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain's Cou^b Remedy is a great favourite vi'h mothers for colds, croup, and whooping cough. It containn no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary General Agent*, Singapore.
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    • 138 5 Tou must stop Coughing. The best way to cure Chronic Cought. Bronchitis, and Chest-Colds is to apply Little's Oriental Balm. Rubbed well into the chest and back, it penetrates immediately to tbe inflamed parts. The tickling in the throat cases the. spasm weakens the cough disappears. It often cures when
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 14th February. Mit'h Whi-. -2.4 pm. S.V.I. No. ICo D-ill Br B«<Ui Rd. Saturday, 15th February. High W*t»'. $M am -17 pm. T' eatre Sale. Reach Koa<i Powell. 12. Moon !«t vjuai t*r. 25i p.m. Furniture si..»le sj P p O y Li.ies Powell. 2. Cricket.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 349 6 NOTICES, K.AJ.Chotirmall&Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Cllks. Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, ffc, &c, &c. f«l ;unl 62 I T i»li Rivet,
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    • 248 6 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ ggfrngsmSf^it BRAND ffilf» wndensed mils fin-i I \T iW'l ffs#T Guaranteed m\nK\^OT I tm- 8« e this l^Slllls^ Full Cream. TR ade«a« Largest Sale in the World. 'T FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. Steam pressure to 300 lbs. sq. in. guaranteed Flexible HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM Tubing. Being Metallic will not char,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 699 7 'pilK IHIKNKU CiiMl AS\, LIMUID TiIE maadari Ufa Ajaruraooe. Norwich Union Fir« Inmusttos B«i«t> Vtlan Amuranon r«mpany (Fire). The K<|H»t»M«. I.if« AR«nran«. Rocinty The Chin* Mutual Bt«am Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager H«w Company. For particular* of tJ.*™ Cvmp»ni«is, see th» fall adr«rH«.m«it «f THF BORNKO POV pivt i ivrri
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    • 1321 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, f "ONINKLIJKE PAKKTVAAKT MAATHCHAI'PIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aae.nt* at Singaport- Ship Aokxot, latb J. Dabndbls A Co., 'i-S, Coli.ybb y hay. Thf •■nd««rme- tinned d^tow are only approximate > „nie r f>'ro tap- imu Mm (hi iWpaichiia ToT vn_ Vpeelman 8o« ribaia Feb. IS
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    • 680 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. »tn in n mi ben ice uf the Ortaui Meam >hip Company and the West Atifltrslian k tmm Navigation Com pan j between (MANTLE (PERTH). NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, AND SINRAPORE. IHJ£ SULTAN, SALAIUA, VINILYA AND AUSTKALIND. These steamers run at frequent intervals •etween Singapore and Western Australia,
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    • 563 7 INSURANCES. Trlk PHUtMIX ABSUK»NCk COMPANY OF LONDON. (liTliLliimi.ii 1788.) The undersigned, Agent* for the above Com pany are pnmLred tv aooept Fire Risks at the onrrrat nttes in Singapore, and also in Jo h >n> and the other States in the Malay Peninarja. S XI V E N A Co.
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    • 596 7 INSURANCES. TUB ROY \L EXCHANGE ABKURANCK. (EBTABLIBHF,I> AD. 17.W T^HE undei>inned. agi'ntx fur the ahove> I (:i>nip»ny, are prf p red to accept Fire Kisks ai uurraut roteBEHN MKYKKACo. w. As. 31/12 II.IGDKHUIHJ KIICK IX>UKA>Ce iOMI'v.XY. (ESTABLISHED A.I). 1811) rHE nnd.-rsicxMl. ou'-n's for th" ahove rompanv. ai*>> prepared tiKiii'pt Fire*
      596 words

    • 2141 8 liud-» r this heading the following abbre- I fMMM aie used str. steamer sh.— ship, \kjo hrqqe; sen —schooner; Yet. j Yiii-nt Oro Cruiser; <ibt. Gunboat: Tor. I Tom-do; H.p. -Horse-power: Brit. Bri- i tish I. s. Tnited Stat.'s; Fch.— French; -fler. —German; Dut. Dutch: Joh.— Johore:
      2,141 words
    • 576 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamers. Ajax. China. Mar 9; MinMidiJ. Arairal Biudin, Pauillac, 1.-fi Jan 0; Amtiria Hongkong. Fob 17; Bebn Meyer. Andalusia, Hongkong, M»r 24; R. Mayer. Annum. Europe, Feb JO; M. Mvitirneß Awa Mn mi. London, Feb 19; P Simons.
      576 words
    • 114 8 I For P*.r atr. 7'«»»f. To-Mokbow. Monday. iHMMWma via port* Trt*f)u*»* 7 am. Penani? ami Colombo shnnihni U a.m. Billion* Pontinrvik H What S,wn Ip.m. Amov and Swatow Hong Moh 2 p.m. Soumhuya o</n p.m. Bangkok Friiiqa .2 p.m '\salmn :iii'l Oeli Axahnn 3 pm, P>;nani{ and Deli
      114 words
    • 127 8 From Ri-ropk:— By the M. M. s.s ffmrt Simntis 'In- on ih -.'lst in*':int with dates to the 24th .J:inuir--. She brines replies to the -nails which left Simtaporn on the 28th and :*>th December. Fk-.m Ciiinv: —By the M. M. s.s. LtM due on Sunday. HMg
      127 words
    • 49 8 For Singapore. Per M. M. s s gtmt Bim~* fron. UvMill«« lan. Mth .tiu- 'Ist Feb.— Mr. U. W Himlclell, Mr. J. I.ammor, Mr. H. N. Uidltv. Per M. M s. s. O( -ran im, from Marseilles, Feb. 9th, due 3ri March Mr. H. K. Ridk->.
      49 words
    • 140 8 lMlK. Vessbl's Name. Flag A Rio Tons. UftSTINATION. •el. 14 13 13 16 18 14 16 14 14 18 14 16 lft 16 14 16 Caiiyle Lady Mitchell Obeang Hock Kian Kawichi Maru HiilKlan Resident Schifl 8hMDghai Kaso^bitna Maru l Ban Fo Soon I Otlypeo Hye Leone Will O'the
      140 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 262 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. Sandow's Developer "I Sandow's Developer HEAW -VwTIGHtI LIFTING HEAWWEIGHtI V-^LIFTJNG y'T e»Eßcises; am r» I E EROSES f%x} Exerciser mt^m Exerciser ,N 1 *~J| By its use the weakest obtain strength, can be used by all, \B^^ Should be in every Home for the general use of
      262 words