The Straits Times, 12 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20.752. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 325 1 NOTICE NOBEKS EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. MftnufafturtTH of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL K.NI'- OK Safety Fuses. AND EleotPie Blasting Apparatus. Tits aim'?. Explosive*, b»xng all mum, featured iii (-heat Britain, v.m made to pass the high standard of safety and purity ttsts imposed by the British
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    • 200 1 NOTICES. Ind Coope Cos. Ale and Stout in Bulk. SOLE AGENTS. The Borneo Co. Ltd. Singapore. TAN-SAN MINERAL WATER The most palatable and wholesome natural mineral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. Kobe, Japan. IN crown-corked bottles easily opened Price #A.60 per case of 4 doz. pints Splits ft;
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    • 377 1 Just Received, A NEW SUPPLY OF WHIFF WHAFF OR TABLE TENNIS PRICES $6-50 and $10-50 *Per £ef. aOTICK OF REMOVAL 'pHE Office of ide Straits Chinese JL Printing Okfm k has been removei to No. i Robinson Kcvl. but the print iu bu -in-—- is carried on at the same
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    • 617 1 NOTICES. Raffles Hotel AND Raffles Tiffin Rooms. FASS BEER ICED Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. The ARMY NAVY Stores are now open and in full working order In CALCUTTA For full particulars, address the Depot Manager 41, Chowringhee. Calcutta. 19-4 CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM Applied to the afflicted part* qutckhi ReArres STIFF NECK
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 281 2 NOTICES. T\ *11 SPECIAL JJunville sos ou > scotch Whiskey. $10 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA t M KJPQRE& PEHg^f X? n f*" 1 1 1 < «3 O _j p" I J I I 9 -Tl^T 1^ %^^>^ <j- —^^j 1 1 111 3
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    • 633 2 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re«erTe..slo,ooo,ooo l t 3 sooorj Silver Reterre....! 8,760,000 f-* lti > 50 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF |Ifl(n|(m PROPBIETOBB -9W,9n.0m Court of Uimctokb:— It. BHBWA*, Knq— CHAIRMiW Hon. J.J. Bill-Irti no DartrTT Cbaibiu.> H. E Tomsihs I B L.
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. YAMATO^ CO. JAPANEBE UENERAI. STORES Opposite to SwrtgM Ofhi-e, next to Emmerson'sT'tfin Room*. 1. COLLVEK QUAY, fit SintfHp'ire. COALS ATGALLE •<est Welsh and Indian (Barrakur) ilways in stock Quick despatch. CLARK, NPLNCE Co E COATKS Co. >alle. February I^^2 Yamatoya's Best Shirts. if ;?i i £'2Z. S IS I
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    • 151 2 NOTICES. J AMES"WA r fSON 06?S~~ SCOTCH WHISKIES All THK BBSr VALUE IN THE MARKKI I I. A<; HltANl), 10 YEARS OLD «*.oo pkk cask, pott brb*. j V.V.o S|»H( IALI.Y KKCOMMKNDED) «U» mm kxtra >HT*JNAHI.K KK<»M KRTAIL. DEAI XXX OK John Littl^ Co., Ltd. Just arrived NEW MAIL CARTS
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  • 374 3 "Some day," fays the American Engineering tfagnziiu- (December), in discusainp* Kngiueer-iu-Chief Melville's recent report, some one of the great naval I 'ewers will awaken to the fact that lighting by machinery means als> fighting altogether with engineers, and by engineering methods alone, and will sweep the whole
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  • 568 3 A> i MMM to the Wan-nien-shu. the ten thous.ind year calendar which, by the way. is of course only an expression and not a reality, for the calendar does not rui: to more than a third of one thousand years the date for this Chinese New Year
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  • 674 3 OkderB for coronation robes are keeping the London costumiers busy. A peeress's robe is of crimson velvet, bordered with minever, the cape pntirely of minever, with rows of ermine fur laid on it. The dress worn underneath known by the pretty old-world name of kirtle is of pure
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  • 54 3 The PAIN of a BURN or SCALD is almost inst.iiitlv relieved bf applying. Cliiniilii-rliiin's I'ain Balm, ll .'il-.i heals tin- injured parts more ijuiokly than l>y any other treatment, and t-xefpt the liorii is very severe, d<><>« not leave A SCAR. For mle l>y all dealers in Medicinrte. The Dispenpary.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS. P n OMPTLY EXECUTED Charles "foeftstech's Ulhitc Seal Champagne. solk Agents, KEHN, MKYBR 00., H ML^k Singapore awl. Ptnn-ng. '»M!DkpAtk- Singapore \f~' Messrs. John Littlb* Co {jt Messrs. Uuntxkl aM)> /'/f'-Jm SOHUHMICHUK. f ffffMS Batnviu: |J» G. HOPPIMSTS f^£&Z^' Sourabaya ?ZZ~~A, Messrs. t*.
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    • 374 3 NOTICES. Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Singapore Merchant Service Guild. MEM BEX* are now being enrolled for the :iirove puild. All Mnsters ami Mates sailing out of Singapore or I'enang
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    • 562 3 NOTICES. WANTED. A TEACHER for Ist or Und Standard. A pply to N." c/o Straits Timrs. giving ag««, pxporience. references, and salaiy expected. ni, w A f, IS-.' WANTED. INTELLIGENT Clerk with Fngineering or Shipbuilding experience. Apply to "ALPHA." c/o Stmits lime* Office. WAN I ED. AM^NAGWR for the .Marine
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    • 477 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. TWO horse, used to saddle and harness youni; and <\a\> t. Address A. B. e/o this office 12-2 FOR SALE. r PWO Australian horses to be sold by I public auction, on Thursday, 13th irist., at I p ni trial given. SARKIES JOHANNES A CO., IS 2
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    • 899 3 NOTICES. KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. PROGRAMME OF Annual Race Meeting, To be held at Batu Gajah On I.lth 15th February, 1902. FIRST DAY. l.'Uh of February. 1. The Maidf.n Plate. '2-30 r.M. Value $.'«■(>. A taee for all Mnidenß and Horses imported a» Griffins ii to th- Snaits Settlements and Fedt-rated
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  • 15 4 On the 21st December, at Dublin, W. Chapman, formerly Postmuster-Udneral and J. P. Hongkong.
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  • 620 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 12TH FEBRUARY Dbtails of the agreement, reported in to-day's cables, between England and Japan, for the maintenance of the integrity of Korea and China, will be awaited with keen interest throughout the East. It seems to serve notice to Russia and France that
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  • 176 4 to, but does not «xist,i8 to say the least of it unusual. Men talk of the matter in the Club and at the dinner table, and some of them fume But neither talk nor fume will lay a track, and therefore the question arises 'Who or what will f The
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  • 512 4 Japan is feeling the strain of the credit system which has permeated the East in recent years, and a cry comes from that land, through the Kobe Chronicle, for a return to the wholesome methods hy which European trade ac. quired its foothold, and before the German invasion. The fashion
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/lOj.
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  • 9 4 Reading matter is printed on page of to-day's issue.
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  • 14 4 Imsp. Campbell of the Gunpowder Department at Penang has been pensioned from Jan. 24th.
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  • 16 4 Thk Dallas Dramatic Company are now in Shanghai, and expect to perform in Hongkong next month.
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  • 21 4 St. Xavier's Institute at Penang has now, on its front, a clock costing about $1,000— presented by Mr. Thian Thiaw Siat.
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  • 22 4 Shipping advert iisements, with dates of sailing eU-., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 901 4 The December issue of the Straits Chinese Magazine, just to hand, is of more than usual interest. This entertaining and always readable publication has a peculiar habit of constituting itself a back number from the outset. It is invariably dated a month or so prior to its publication. For instance,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 20 4 HEAVY BOER LOSSES. London, l'2th February. The Hoer losses last wo»>k reached 717 in killed, wounded, and captured.
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    • 46 4 Reinforcements turn up and Defeat the Captors. A British convoy of nixty waggons was captured at Fraseibure. Reinforcements arrived and defeated the enemy. The British loss was two ofticers and eleven man killed— and forty-ei«ht men wounded. .Seventy-one Boers were killed and wounded.
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    • 30 4 The enemy rushed a detachment, one hundred strong, at Culvinia, by night. The British loss w 11 three officers and seven nu:n killed— and seventeen men wounded.
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    • 31 4 Monster (lathering* at Sydney and Melbourne. Australian Opinion of Continental Slanders. Immense patriotic demonstrations at Sydney and Melbourne have passed resolutions repudiating the Continental slanders on the British troops.
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  • 34 4 THE PAPERS EXPRESS UNIVBRSAL ADMIRATION. Later. The admiration for l)e Wet's exploit is universal. The newspapers call to mind the escapee of Hannibal, and other parallel exploits mentioned in classical literature.
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  • 74 4 A TREATY FOR MAINTENANCE OF PEACE. Britain and Japan are Allied. Still Later An agreement between Britain ami Japan was signed on the 80th January. The agreement aims at U\e maintenance of peaue in the i ir East, ant! the preservation of the integrity of China and Corea.
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  • 160 4 On Saturday next we shall again have the pleasure of listening to Herr and Mint. Marquardt, who gave us a musical treat last month. They have, returned from Batav'a, where they were very successful, and had a great reception. At next Saturday's concert, they wilt be assisted
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  • 147 4 Mk. W. Blacksliaw to In- an assistant engineer, Public Works Department. Mr Blacksliaw reported Ins arrival on the SOtb December. Mr. H. y. I). Putter to be an assistant engineer, Public Works Department. Mr. Potter reported his arrival on the viotli December. Mr. W C. Kphrauins' appointment aBdistricttreaBurer,Kinta,hab
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MARQUARDTS Famous Violinist and Harpist. Ass ted by Mrs. Zimmer, Soprano and by Mr. Cross, Piano.) TOWN HALL. Farewell Concert SATURDAY, FEB. 15th, 9.15 p.m. Reserved Seats *2. Admission Si. Seats may now be hooked at the Kohinpon I'iano Co., Ltd. TOWN HALL. 13th February, 1902, at
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    • 520 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. A Chinese Cashier, with security for $l',ooo. Apply to P. G., c/o Straitt Times. 14/2 BRITISH NORTH BORNEO WANTED. AS Pool master, British North Borneo Government, a clerk experienced in postal matters. *alary $80 per m^nsera. Apply, giving full particulars and testimonials to the Secretary to the
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    • 86 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. Photographers. ON account of thi long rainy season, we vhall only be able to open our new studio and offices. at Orchard, Road 3a. some day during the first hilt of February next. The exact date will be advertised. In the meantime all sittings are
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  • 173 5 There has been sent to us a copy of Lloyd's Shipping Returns, from which it appears that during 1901, exclusive of warships, t>39 vessels of 1,524,739 ton? gross 591 steamers of 1,501,07* tons and 48 sailing vessels of 23,6t>l tons) were launched in the United Kinedom. The warships launched at
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  • 62 5 The change in the procedure of the police courts which places in the hands of the Senior MagiB trate the enquiry into all applications for summonses and warrants i» productive of good results. The old complaint of delay in having a complaint heard has disappeared, and numbers of frivolous complaints
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  • 63 5 It is reported that the Chinese Government has appointed Princft Tsai Chfla. 4th Order, to be .Special Ambassador to congratulate King Edward on His Majesty's Coronation. Taotai Ling ChVnjt is to be First Secretary, and Taotai Wang Kai-kah, Second Secretary to the Embassy. It is expected that the Mission will
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  • 64 5 This morning, the enquiry into the allegations made against F A. Oliveirn, a clerk in the Post Office, of misappro-, priating sums of 59, $11.3*, and $S, the X roperty of (Jovernment, was postponed for a week. Another case in which a Sikh watchman, employed by Katz Bros., is charged
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  • 49 5 The I'inang Gazette expects nothing satisfactory from the Education Commission as now constituted. For instance Penang and Malacca have no representatives, and most of thn members appear to be trustees of the Rallies .School. In short the Commission is thought to be one-sided and to contain too many officials.
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  • 17 5 Messrs. McNally, Herbst, Gunn, Hennie and Stewart arrived from Port Swettenham per Han Whatt Hin, this morning.
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  • 44 5 A fire at Penang, on Friday last, burned down a,, Chinese Kongsee* house, in Armenian Street, which itad cost over $100,000 The blaze arose from a lighted candle, set before the ■■josh," falling among inflammable materials through the carelessness of 'the man in charge.
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  • 43 5 An extraordinary general meeting of the Shell Transport and Trading Company was called for 24th January, to increase the capital to XH.OOO.OOO by issuing 100,000 preference shares of I' 10 each— entitled to a lixed cumulative preferential dividend uf ."> per cent, per annum.
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  • 45 5 The French mail steamer Aniuim. which was due with the mail from Kurope on Saturday next, has met with an accident and has been detained at Suez for repairs. The mail will ronsequently be delayed, and will probably not arrive hem till the 21st inst.
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  • 45 5 I hk Japanese sailing ship Takasakimuni collided with the British steamer I dome urn* outsidu Nagasaki harbour on the 20th ult. The (ship was seriously damaged on h»r left, bow and sank shortly afterwards. The crew of the ship were rescued by a steam launch.
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  • 48 5 Mr. \V. H. Chappel, a well-known European miner of Perak, met with an accident on the eve of his departure from London and had been confined to his bouse for three weeks, but will be able to leave for Penang probably by the next P. and O. steamer.
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  • 40 5 It is reported that Mr. J.R M. Smith, succeeds Sir Thomas Jackson, who shortly leaves Hongkong, as chief manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Hongkong. .Sir Thomas lack sun probably joins the directorate of the Bunk in London.
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  • 39 5 Mr Tkkell, late District Engineer at Kuala Kangsar, hasrujoinedtbe F. M.S. public service in the P. W. I). It is probable that he will be attached to Selangor for duty with the Sanitary Board at Kuala Lumpur as engineer.
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  • 37 5 I'm-: i M-nu.m mail steamer Kiiiittsckwi, <Jue here from Europe to-morrow morning, brings i large number of passengers for Singapore. The Marquis Ito, who is returning to Japan after his tour in Europe, is also a passenger.
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  • 36 5 IT lias been decided that all the subordinate oflieers of tbe Calcutta Corporation are to wear unifoims with a distinctive badge, so as to enable tbe public to at once recognise the servants of the Corporation.
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  • 34 5 Tub marriage of Mr. William G. C. Walter, of the Federated Malay States Civil Service, with Miss Harriet Florence Lloyd was to take place at St. .lamp's Church, Piccadilly, on Tuesday, the 4th inst.
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  • 32 5 The British steamer K*itk1 Comptr a ton has been wrecked near Kohe. Both captain and crew are safe. She was running for the Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company on the TransI'acitic line.
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  • 29 5 Elevrn European police constables trom the Royal Irish Constabulary left London for i^ingapore, by the s.s. tTlaiin>rgtinsltui>, on Jan. 11th. They will probably arrive here on the :20th itist.
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  • 33 5 The New Chemor Tin Mining Company, Perak, is said U> have been floated at home. The land to be worked includes part of that held by Messrs Aylesbury and Garland in the locality.
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  • 30 5 Mh. Hawk9, representing a syndicate, lias applied to the Kinta .Sanitary Hoard to supply Kanipar with drinking water, proided h« be permitted to levy small per centage as water rate.
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  • 26 5 Mr. R. Shklkoku real a paper at tlie Zoological Society, on the ltth January, entitled "Observations on some Mimetic Insects and Spiders from Horneo and Singapore."
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  • 27 5 At la«t r.ijrhl 8 final rehearsal for the Sa'zmann Complimentary Concert, the i^irls from St. Mary's College were present an«l listened to the music with ovident enjoyment.
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  • 22 5 CoKMBNUM from to-day, mails will be despatched from Sineapore for Warope, etc. every alternate \Vednesda> via India, in addition to existing services.
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  • 29 5 IU HOUR says that the cruisers Edtpte, (Capt. II. H. S Stokes), and 1WM (Capt K. (i. Stopforil,) are to be transferred from the China to the Australian station.
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  • 28 5 A Chinese bundar entered 44 Cecil Street last night and helped himself to property valued at $>\ The man, who is an old offender, was caught in the ;iPt.
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  • 22 5 H.MS Aurora (Cap*. K. H. Bayly, CB.) arrived from Hongkong this morning homeward b"imd Hhe will leave for Plymouth on Friday morning.
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  • 23 5 A Miss Jackbon has been appointed Head Mistress of the Treaeher Oirle' School, Taiping, and is now on her way out from America.
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  • 24 5 St. Joseph's Institution, will re-open on Monday the 17th inst. It iR very important that all the pupils should be present the first day.
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  • 22 5 K. I'. C. Coulston, who has only been in Singapore a couple of years, has been invalided home and given a cratuity.
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  • 73 5 The Mine Manager of Jelebu, iv his report for January, states that lodes have been found at various levels. The poppet legs for the Olamie shaft have been erected. Firewood is in good supply. The new battery is finished and ready to start crushing. During January 20 stamps ran
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  • 320 5 S. C. C. v. 50th Co. R. A. Thkse teams met last evening on the Esplanade. A nasty cross wind blew over the pitch, making accurate kicking and shooting difficult. The Club after a nowise onesided game ran out winners 1> v 1 goal to nil. The sides were
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  • 126 5 In tbe cricket match at Kuala Lumpur, on Friday and Saturday last, which was won by Selangor by 14 runs, the full scores were as follows Selangor. C. C. UlaxHfortl c Hannaford b MactßKKart 0 lbw Muctoj.'gart VouleK c Perkins •> Bradbery 2 b Bradbery
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  • 324 5 S. C. C. Barkhhire c Voule* l> VouUwbCoCochranc 0 chrane 16 Carter b Coehrane 4 l.b.w. Tower- it (Jrant b (Massforil 1 not ont S Ainxlie c (ilasuforil b Cochrane 10 b Towers I Cater c Orener b fJIaxs- Ib.w. Coch. ford 1 rane 0 Ilradbery l.b.w. Om» lilassfoid b
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  • 227 5 To the Lectures to Business Men," delivered last winter under the auspices of the London School Board, and now published in book form by Messrs. Macmillan, an interesting chapter itadded, giving the views of several merchants as to the educational equipment necessary for business. Th3 members
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  • 110 5 The Harbab Aakedan Club in Niven Road was a scene of much festivity on Friday and Saturday, it being the 10th anniversary of that institution. On the tirst day the members invited a number of their friends to a sumptuous diuuer which was well served and, to judge from the
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  • 723 5 Via Australia.) The War. London, 19th Jan. A Hi. uk Book which has been issued shows that the establishment of the concentration camps was imperative, owing to the threat of General Botha, in November, 1900, that he would confiscate the property and burn the houses of any
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  • 99 5 About noon, yesterday, a Chinese woman with a baby were going along Tank Road in a 'rikisha, when a Chinaman suddenly came from behind and threw a quantity of some powerful acid over the woman's face. The acid burnt the poor woman's eyes and also badly burnt
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  • 342 5 P. O Parrumatta, sailing about 21st Feb. For London, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Adams, Miss Salzmann, Mr. and Mrs. Burkinshaw, Mr. J. Bentley, Lord Ashburton and valet. Chi'-san, sailing about 7th Mar. from Penang to London, Mrs. Reid and infant. From Singapore to London Mr. F Weld,
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  • 597 5 Singapore, 12th Fkiiruary, 190*-\ PRODUCE. Gambier buyers '!.•.'"> r-opra Bali lO.rtfi do Pontianak 10-25 Pepper, Black :<O.OO do White, (S%) 5400 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.65 do Brunei No. 1 SJI Pearl 3aeo 4.40 Coffee, Bali, 15% ba«in 25 00 Coffee, Palemhanif. 90% basis '-'HOO Coffee, Liberian Vo. 1 IHOO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 THERE'S NO FRIEND LIKE AN OLD FRIEND.— He will always help you in time of nefld. It is the same with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv. It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and like othjr old friends can always be depended upon in
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    • 188 5 A Helpless Cripple N. Bengert of Norborne, says:— For nineteen months I lay a helpless cripple from Rheumatism. The weight of my body was reduced from 170 lbs. to ISO lbs., a proof of the terrible pain I had to •■nilure. During all this time, I sought a cure, but
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    • 195 5 When one is all run-down, completely tired out, it is then he feels that life is not worth living. He is easily discouraged, is indolent, has no energy for either business or pleasurable pursuits. Life is a drag. H» is not sick, nor is he well. Tbe trouble is that
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 183 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 12th February. High Water. 0.35. p.m. C. W. A. Raffles Girls' School. 4. Art Club Meeting. Govt. House. 4.1-Y Philharmonic Orchestra. ■">• K. A. ii Meeting. Library. Presbyterian Church Meeting. 8.30. 8.V.1.N0. 1 Co. Drill. Br. Basnh Rd. Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Thursday, 13th February.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 272 6 NOTICES. FRASER A NEAVES AERATED WATERS RECOO.\ISEI> AS THE BEST IN THE EAST. I'urity and Excellence Guaranteed. Fxaser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. in. \v. v. c. M The most Refreshing Drink in Singapore. B MONTSERRAT j|m Lime-Fruit Juice mi and Cordials HRffiJU either with water or jereated water is
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    • 384 6 NOTICES. BAGNALL, HILLEB 96, Robinson Road. HAVE ON HAND:Electric Fans, Ceilins and Table, f 40, 60, «0 M), 100, 110, and 120 Volts. Designed to operate from Incandescent Circnits. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternatinc Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who tuivf
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    • 362 6 NOTICES. Agents fop LEA PERMS' ft 1| /i WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. vßg Special Wsprairt^AaKiJ^ His Majestg Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. I The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the fact that over five lnindri'd hospitals uiid kindred public institutions, incluoinf,' all nu«t important in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 704 7 OpUE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED rE Staadar J Life Aararanee. Norwich Union Firo InnuuiM Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The KqnitaMe Life Aasuranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. Kor particulars of tL*>s Companies, see the fall advertisement of THE BORNEO OOMPAWY LIMTTKP Agwit* STEAMSHIP
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    • 1221 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. J7-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Auenit at Singapore: Ship Agency, late J. Dabrdbls 4 Co., 2-3, Collyeb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Houtman Cotei via Jan. 27 Bandjermassin, Kotabaroe. Balik Soerabaia Papan, Koet;<%.
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    • 790 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) Datet of Sailings from the East to Pacific Coast Ports. Leaving Hongkoxg Portland about about Knight Companion" 14th Feb. 1 5th Mar. "Indravelli" 1 4th Mar. 14th April Through bills of lading granted to
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    • 589 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PIOMPAONIE DEB MESBAGEKIE" \J MARITIMES D£ FRANCE. Tklkoraphic Addrsss Messaoebib, SIMOAPOBK. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoout the undermentioned dates.— Uutwabd. Homeward. Dates. Dates. 1902. 1902. Oceanien Feb. ->2 I. hrn Feb. 16 E. Simon* Mar. 3 Salizic Mar. 2 Yarra 16 I Sydney 16
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    • 402 7 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17^0) THE undersigned, agents for the al>ove company, are prepared to accept Firt> Risks at current rate*. BEHN MEYER Co. w. A s. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the aluv? company, are prepared to accept F
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  • 2208 8 SHIPPING IN PORT. I'U'if- '.'i- h.-.-iding the follow iug abbreviations are us.d str. steamer sh.— »1n|>; 'm( oariue; soli. schooner: Yet. Yhc'ii I Vu —Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat: Tor. I'orp-no. H.p. Horse-power; Brit. Britisji; D. 8.— United States; Feh.— French G«r.— German. Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Johore: «ti:,G.o. General-cargo: d.p. deckpassen«er
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  • 569 8 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamer?. Ajax, China. Mar 9: Minstield. Amiral Btudin, Pauillac, !>-'i Jau 6; Ambria. Hongkong, Feh 17; Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mt>r24; R. Meyer. Annam, Europe, Fel> 20; M. Maritime Armenia, Europe, Feb It; Brthn Meyer Ballaarat, Hongkong, Mar
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  • 107 8 tor fVr »fr. 7«»»' I'O-MoKROW. Pontiaimk Sri I'ontitinal; 7 11.111. Bani?kr>f R,!n II a.m. P. Dickson Hepanfl l:inta,i<i Timor 1 p.m. O'boo ami Sanuiani; Pinnit-r I p.m. Bangkok H.SrniiCuiiii p ni. Bi lk-mA Pontiiinak HWbtftHum -'p.m. Snmbasand P'lianak Vmidrrl'nrm S p.m. Port ">wettenlmiii Carl, /If p.m. Bangkok Siwmi><ir<
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  • 126 8 From Eituopb: By the N' D.1,, as A'lac'mlmi due on Thursday with dates to the 21 M .Inn She brings replies to the mails whii-h left Singapore <>n the '27th Dec. From China:— By the M. M. In due on Sundrfy Timk i vii.X nr Mum Due.
    126 words
  • 71 8 For Singapore. Per M. M. s s. Annum., connectine with the sicamer Erne*t Bim<m* at Colombo, from Marseilles Jan. 2tUli due loth Feh. Mr. R. \V Braddell, Mr. J. Lainmen. Per M. M. s. Oceanian, from Marseilles. Feb. 9th, due 3rd March .Mr. H. N. Ridley. Per
    71 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. TABLE TENNIS OR WHIFF WHAFF Can be Played on any Dining Table. PRICE $8-90 r A A 1 1 CONSIST OF price $8-90 Superior Net, prick $&-9o Twelve Best Quality Celluloid Balls. (Complete in Strong (Bard sBoard ffiox. IPRICE $8.90 THE SET. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO.
      48 words