The Straits Times, 10 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,750. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 435 1 NOTICE P t OPFIOK. TKI.KOBATH STRKET .Vy Whakvkh, Krppbl Habhode O. IR4I NAVIGATION (H)MI'ANY. STKAMEKS FOB <'HIN*. IAPAN, I'GNANti (hnrMM, India, \i'str\lia, Ai>bk, Eovpt. Makkkillbs, Oirkai.tar, Malta, Rriwoibi. Hlymodth. 4HU I.iiMXIN. I'li.-oiarh Billaof I.H'liriK ißcueil for Persian Wulf,Contin'.nlal arulA •n'rir.nn Hortt.alno Jot f.'htnn Cloft. MAIL LINK I>l, I W«KI> HOMVWtBL).
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    • 379 1 NOTICES. COKE. Finest Welsh Foundry. Quotations on Application. Borneo Co., Ltd. Si rum pore. NOl.Whh I Md.N HKh INMIKANOE SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON E<ti n l i a h in 17X7 •OE NRE INSDRANTE ONLY Ai onot inrarod .£386,000,000 Loatwpud X11.6U0.000 Premium inonme OOfl.Ono 'mn .tioe effected on almost
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    • 778 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. (:o:) NEW BOOKS. ):o:( China in Convulsion, by A H. Author of Chinese Characteciftics, 2 vols Illustrated S i:i Chinese Porcelain, by Cosmo Mniikh .u«if, [Must -2-rQ Chamr><>rs'fi •'ycl"pce<lia of English LiieratnrH.riew Eliti<m vol 1 7-50 The Life of Unhort F.oni« St«-VHii-Bon.hy(Jraliamßalfiiur,2voli. 4-(>0 Who's Who, 191)2
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    • 353 1 < uts, Bruises, calds and Burns. Or like njurii*", Aro Til. nn ty r- In -v<l liy CHAMBERLMN'S P IN BAM A fi-w aj>| licit ions will 1 (Tci t a <■■ MfMtMBV For H'lr liv >iH <li»l r- in nii'ilii'ines evtryw iTf PHcV .Ml Cla\, mill $1.00 <i«iicnil Agents,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 NOTICES. W\ f SPECIAL iiUIWIIIC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10 Par case. 5 par cent, off for cash. DUT* EXTRA ,^6fe iljii I •s mf\ g Apore P^Nn]y I^4 rr hi DUNVIL' Eli! I I I sP«wlOldScorchiV!ii»!l|5 P«wlOldScorchiV ii»!l| f g^ 6 >-ASGOvv- > SCOTI-Afio fl f»j) ik.w. A f.
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    • 634 2 BANKS. HOnhKiim, AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAIIM7P CAPITAL #10,000,000 KESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..! 10,000,000 „..--n nnn -silver Reserve....! 8,760,000/ t)0000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF J „n m nnnn PROPRIETORS J UI) JU CorBT OP DIB.«CTOKB:— B. SHIWkN, K*Q --OMAIKKHN Hon. J.J. Bbll Irviwo Dipi'TT in mkmail. K Tomkins I R L.
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    • 478 2 NOTICES. HOTEL Dr U NKDKKLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) I^IIRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellen food Very frequently visited by British people. Enultsli speaking dervants. Every aceommo lati>>n. MessentiT oil board of all the Btuamers. A. F. MEKTEN. I'roprietor. in. fi th. x\.v.. COMPARE THK FLAVOUR AND AROMA OF ARABIAN COFFEE.
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    • 341 2 NOTICES. DR. NOBLE, Dental Surg on has returned to mngapore and may lie .■onsultcd daily from to 4 Marine Club Building, Rabies Square •i.e. Gbarles Ibeifcsieck's tOhite Seal £bnmpaonc. r-OLB AiiKNTS, kkhn, Kirn t i u 42c r i v \i'/ Smgupme <nul I'tnaag. *Ij!,*V IIKPOTB. Smgiifxtre f' Vlessrs.JOHN LITTLB
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    • 897 2 NOTICES. KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. PROGRAMME OF Annual Race Meeting, To be held at Itatu (injah On IMh ISth February, ;.'/o.'. HIRST DAY. ISth of Toll I—l j I. Tiik M.mukn I'l.v.k M 0 P.M. V.ilui- 11.— A ran In* HI m.,.hi and llonw impnrtnrT firilHnr I loih KiraMi S.-ll I.
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  • 1786 3 iSp cial to Ihe Strait* KaM." Ijahuuii, Borneo.— North Horneo does not seek litmt* as i hunting resort. Other land* whici possibly offer no more are fjuiie welcome to that distinction, tjovemment just now is iniere»ted in drawing settlers, not in scaring Hit in oil. It lias
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 The FAIN of a BURN or BCAI.D is a!moi»t instantly relieved by applying. ChjinilwrlainV Phmi Balm, ll also heals thr injured purls more quickly than by any other treatment, find except the burn is very severe, does not leave A HCAR. For sal* by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary,
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    • 297 3 NOTICES. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT ORCHA':i> ROAD. Just received a large stock of Fancy Check Canvasses, Lustrine Silks &c. Dressmaking under European supervision. m. A th. la-i-i.i. Tasmanian Jams I. K. L. $2/75 per Dozen 1 lb. Tins. FROM H. JONES CO.. HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. u. e. RADHASWAMY &CO.
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    • 619 3 NOTICES. Y\/" ANTED for nn outport, a hunisian v? or Nivive ••urveyor, must I >e a good •iriniulitsm.-iii. Apply to 1 1 --J IV c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED [NTELI.lUKNT Clerk with Engineering 1 or Shipbuilding experience. Apply i> «LPHA." Co St a>l* l\ms* Office. WANTED. VTE »CHF.R f.>r 1st -r
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    • 401 3 NOTICES. FOK SALE LANDAU, tiie pro|«-rty of Mr. II Ksclike. KniiuiMi at German onsulnte. n w f. MM FOR SALE. BLACK M.ire and trap RarMM etcMm $4<K). Apply to K. WALKKK K K, ra. w. f. uc. I'ulo Brani TO BK LET. OFFICES at Hi Colly, i Quay Apply to
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    • 446 3 NOT ICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. ■IPAIHE PROMPTLY KXECUTEI) Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to Orchard Road one house before the house known as Claymore. Singapore Merchant Service Guild. MEMBERS arc no v being enrolled for the ahove guild.
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  • 19 4 < AVEMAGH— At teyiiiiitf .1 in 1.1, Mahf.i o-ilv d 1 1— H'nlnni I nil >;■». Oifeiir ve'iHeh
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  • 495 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 10TH FEBRUARY It ui-iy ba a long lime 0.-i>r<) vie dooisof the Postal Union will be opened to China, except to admit treaty port!-, hut it is gratifying to note that Su Kobert Hart's department, which control- Pusts as well as Customs, has
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  • 95 4 Those interesieu in shippine developroenttt in thin part of the world will be pleased to note that the Nippon Yuseu Kaiuha has decided to construct a piei .'(00 yards loug and 270 yards wide at Chefoo. An English engineer will be engaged to superintend the work, which is expected -to
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  • 6 4 To-days 4/ms. hank rate is 1/10^
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  • 8 4 Rkauino matter will be found on page '.i.
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  • 10 4 The German humeward mail closeß at 8 a m. to-morrow.
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  • 13 4 M>B9K3. E. Gnmm and E Rosier came by hu Tunglm from Newcastle yesterday.
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  • 18 4 Thr Vtli from H mitktik this morning brought Messrs. W. E Reeve and E. Weiss as pas-" tiger*.
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  • 20 4 H. M S. Ann/Tit is due here from Hongkong on W d ih-.l;iv nex', and will bunker at the *lmrve«.
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  • 18 4 Mk J. Lloyd has tiffii granted ■< license to conduct sales hy auction under the Bills of Sale Ordinance.
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  • 22 4 Shipping advert iseinentx, with dates of Hailing eti 1 will be found on pave 7. General shipping new* is printed on ,ageB.
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  • 22 4 Mr. J F L'wder, the senior British lawyer in Japan, died at Yokohama mi Jan. iist.h. The cause of death was dropsy.
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  • 17 4 I■* Bji^ntineiit Mr. U. Marriott, Distiirt nth'cer, M .luccn, to be m.-.iiml MHgifctrate here, has been tazetted
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  • 23 4 Thk f. M .S. yacn Me-an arrived here from Port SweiteniiHin yesterday. She is to have a new propeller fitted at Tanking l'agar.
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  • 19 4 Captain Cas^erly, Lieutenants Kenson, Cowie, and Storr, atid Mr W. George arrived here from Hongkong per Suu-uug this iii.irninir.
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  • 22 4 Thk Pehak anu Province Wellesley Railway earning for 1901 amounted to 1,173,050 exceedinc those of the previous year by SIS. r >.4:Jl.
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  • 24 4 The Kiuuisclwu, with the German mail from Europe, left Colombo on Saturday at 4 a. in., and is due here on Thursday at daylitcht.
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  • 24 4 A Special tram will run from Batti Gajah, after the last race there on the second d iv. catching the Singapore and Penang steamers
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  • 24 4 Messrs H. W. od, H. J. W Habekost, W. D. Scott, C. Maxwell, anr» Foster were passengers by the I'ewutg from Telok Anson yesterday.
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  • 23 4 Two hundred and sixteen deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Smurdxy last. The ratio per thousand was 47 78.
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  • 24 4 Mb D. G Canipbt-U, Secretary to the Resident, Selangor, has been appointeo to act as British Resident, Negri Sembilau, with emit fiom 7ih in&t.
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  • 24 4 The machine coolie employed by Kelly and Walsh, who was caught with stolen type upon his person, was sentenced to 10 days' rigorous imunsouineiit.
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  • 28 4 Mk. Zacharias has gone from Selangor to Pahang with Mr. Dubeiley in a motor car, to make arrangements tor the new Pahang road service which starts this month.
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  • 30 4 Thk full Com t ul Appeal bus concluded its sittings at Pt'iianp. S>ir Lionel Cox, the Chief- Justice, ai d Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones return* d to Singapoie by mail yesterday.
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  • 35 4 The total outturn ol gold in West Ausiialia, for the year 1901 w<tn 1,851,75tt oz which is 30U.SU7 t* more man that tor 1(M), MM xWlfilV "Z. in excess ot t.'ie ou put tor isjy.
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  • 29 4 Mr. W. T. Taylor, who went home from Ceylon on leave preparatory to laking up the post of Colonial Secrelary, Snails Settlements, ib returning eastwards. His leave txpirtd to-day.
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  • 36 4 It is stated that experiments in the growth ot gutta are short)) to be lurgel) starttd near Chxutaboon. Many young plants are expected Irom the btiails and the ground has been made ready toi their reception.
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  • 41 4 Thk Volunteers at amp have put in some hard woik. Theie was a big li.-i.l day with the garrison on Saturday, oall firing on Sunday, and this morning another sham tight. The Corps luaicu i/ack to the Drill Hall this atlernoon.
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  • 39 4 Thb disappeaiauce, the other moining, ol a cook at Kuala Lumpur with an overdraft ot $80 uu the bazaar account, haw brought gnef into hu erstwhile happy home there, and serves as a reminder of the t-ei vaul difficulty.'
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  • 43 4 A marriage Mtfrt ot Mr. Frederick Dean of the Mainese Navy to Miss Josephine Margaret Kernp was to lake place on une.-d.iy last at Bangkok. Mr. Frederick Dean is an English gentleman who has travelled extensively in most countries ot i he world.
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  • 44 4 Ins Finang U«zeiU, the other day, received a communication from the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, type written on paper evidently made in the U. S. A." It was good paper, thin and mugh, but. that journal objects to the Government using paper of foreign make.
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  • 56 4 The following passengers arrived by the Uullaarat yesterday from Marseilles Mr. and Mrs. Evatt, Mr. W. A. Oadell, Mr. W. Hutton and Mr. J. D. Kemp. From Brindisi, Mr. J. Maccabe. From I'enang, Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jnnes and Mrs. HyndmanJones, Mr. G P. Owen, Mr. Fort, Sir Lionel Cox, the Misses
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  • 39 4 The Nagasaki PreRS learns that the Hupply of coal for the Messageries Mariiimei» steamers during the present vh ir at Japanese ports, Hongkonc, and Singapore ha« been contracted for by 1 c Mitf>ui Bu«SHn Kaisha, and two other cotnpanieii.
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  • 56 4 The Hon. W K Collyer has been lecturing at Hackford, Norfolk, at a meeting in connecti'-n with the Boys' Brigade there. The puhject of the lecture wh* the Strai's SettlemenKi, and.accordineto the t astern Daily Put*. a lartre and appreciative audience listened with great, interext to the lecturer, who delighted
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  • 54 4 I\ ON4KQUKMF. "t lnd|ieptor Morton's retirement from the service the follow itiir police I'lr-tnees will t»ke place. f>avs the Pinang G-izeUe :—lnspector: Inspector Kirke In MnlaciM, Inspector (-arr"U to tl" Magazine, Inspector Tvirel toDetee' ye Station, Inspector Williams to Pit Street, Sergeant Joyce to R<lau, and ln-|» ctor Watcham from
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  • 60 4 In the American ilou*e of Reprenentatives, the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Cutninerce has reported favorably the Corliss bill, which provides fur the construction by the Government of a cable 10 the Philippines. The bill htipuUtex that the com mercial r?te -lu-ll be fifty rent* gold per word, and that
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  • 69 4 President Roosevelt has asked for the resignation of Stanford B Dale, Governor of Hawaii, recause of such clmsli of politics and of faction in the Territor) as to block legislation. Samuel Parker, who will be appointed Governor, "as once premier of the Hawaiian monarchy and is a wealthy cattleman. He
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  • 64 4 The German w*r abip* Thetin, livz-i.-ird, lltrtku, and burst DUmnrek have arrived here This morning Vice-Ad-mira Bendemann landed at Johnston's Pier and was received by the Hon. C W.S. Kynnersley and Mr Eschke. the Consul-General for (iermany. A military guard-of-honour was piesent to receive the Admiral, who afterwards paid a
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  • 73 4 The inundation of Friday hatcaused considerable dam.tge, notabl) hi the brickfield* owned by Mr. H<< Yang Teng. It is in the opinion of old i esidents the severest visitation of the kind Singapore has had, with th. exception, perhaps, of one about seven or eight yearn ago. The race-course was
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  • 98 4 Friday morninfc, Mr. J B. Elcum Superintendent of Prisons, pronecnteii a Chinaman who had just completed term of five years. On Wednesday, i he man was leaving the prison when he was found to hnve in his possession, a letter, some money, and rattan chairs-. These it was held mm
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  • 153 4 Low Ah Ho hi, a Cninese woman, wa* walking along Souih Bridge Koad on the evening of the 1st of February when she felt an arm passed aiouiid her throat from behind Then she tell a man tr) ing to drag a gold ring from each of the third and
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  • 62 4 The S. C. C. team which went up to Kuala Lumpur to meet a Selan^or team met with defeat by 14 runs. Singapore in the first, innings made 40 runt-, (Ani>lie 10, and the others little or nothing). Selangor made 98 (Grenier 32). For the S. C.
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  • 84 4 It is very probable that our through railway service to Penang will be accelerated in the near future. Slow speed at the opening was rendered imperative owing to obstacle*! that proved unforeseen and could only be overcome after much hard and unceasing labour, which is producing the best
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 37 4 l.ond >n. Hth Feb Mr. A. J. IS ilt'our ii'it stit.».| in th* House of Common-* that aopiw of th* mediation correHp.irnlence with the Dutch Government wen- mailed to Lord Milner cm the l*f Feb.
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    • 24 4 Lird Milner would be in-trui-ted to Hfk L ird Kitclieii'-r. hy '••Ipyr.ipli, In communicate witii tli« B inr* in the field.
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    • 33 4 The cruiser Amphitrite. homeward bound, is ashore in Suez k-iv. ARMOURED TRAINS COLLIDE Five persons have heen killed and 27 injured by a tsHW m between nrmoured tra:ns neir ISurgln-rs lorp
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  • 272 4 London Ulh FeL The Amphitrite has been refl ■at«d. BOER LEADER CAPTURED. Marais, a reb»-l ciniiitu iant, wax captured on HmMIM January. AUXILIARY BOERS Lane, a Boer commandant, now a prisoner at St. Hele"H, ha* fl'-red hi* itervicestothe Brit ieli wirii 1 cuninandc DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Lmiwm, 10/ A
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  • 89 4 Tut Singapore Municipality are ex ti-ii'iin, 1 the meter s^sl< in in the town, jndpiopose to gradually lit every se vice •Mill a meter, on whicu they will cuarge no Imv, but exact a uniloiiii rate of 20 cents per luuo |ml|mm payable monthly. I his is
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  • 134 4 The .champions. 'u> p. ay of the Sepoy Lives dull ('nib wat- brought lo an end last week, by a closely contested Match between Dr. Gilmore Ellis anil Mr J. D. Monto, HE. Ihe loiuicr was the winner. The contest wu a very close one Un\jUi>liout,
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  • 129 4 .Some months ago 1 announced (say* the Brussels Ugrrwpuadoot ol th« London l><t\ly Chronicle) tlml -ii agreement had been OOMM to between the Netherlands and Germany tor the conttlrucMun of v )>'• ni ot cables to the East for the purpose of the laciliiating Eastern communication independent
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 NOTICES. The Marquardt's Farewell Concert. TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, FEB. 15th, 9.15 p.m. Reservetl Seats ?2. Adm'sslon '1* Seatß may n'nv he o 'k«d at the RORINMI.N I'lvNiC-., I TD 171NGINKIR. ox,- lieme. niorliamcal It 1. 1 <ti (or ti jj jji-n en hir>t i-la-s t«'»iiin.iiiiiil>' K'T fnrt in-r partieiil rs
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    • 769 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. COAL Wanted. Apply in person to A Snow. No. 1 A. Victor a Hotel. 12-2 BAKAWXK Co I in gssi supply At i-.rook'-t>>n mid I nim m. with prompt dospatch foi bun-'T' rr r o For ternis •pnlv to John Hanie. SaiHwaL Government Akjout. l..ihu in. U
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    • 134 4 G. R. LAMBERT V CO. Photographers. <|N account of th lonu rainy season, F we !-hall <nlv tie ahle lo open our new studio and nffioea. at Orchard, Road 3a. some day during the first h 'It f Fehru•irv m xt. The exact dale will lie advertised. In thn meantime
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1143 5 tk th' bHitor of Uu Straits 'I'inv.s Dbak Sik.— ln your issue of the 14th ot J mi ti y you reprint a letter, written lo ill- Pin riimV T mt<, by one who calls him-elt Kisiward Ho". Your own comment <>n it is short. Pr.ib.tbly it
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  • 326 5 New Quns Promised. The member* el th* Singapore Volunteer Artillery will be interested to read the subjoined letter from Lord R iberts, read at the annual presentation of nzes to the l>4 Newcastle Artillery Volunteers, at Newcastle. The letter, which is as follows, implies that
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  • 442 5 Some theories anent Young Lochinvar's Elop«ment. <>n ClniHimas Day, sa)s a writer in thu Horning Lender, 1 quoted from the well-known lines whu-h Sir Waller Scott wrote about th« performances of Young Luchinvar, who came out of the West, this couplet So light to tlie
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  • 16 5 The laws of Perak now include an enactment fo» the exclusion of pauper and intirm aliens.
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  • 997 5 The War. Mr. St. John Brodrick, in introducing his supplementary war estimates in the House of Commons on the 30th January said that tha Army in South <frica on the Ist January numbered 237,000. The blockhouse system had produced the best results. The rebels in Cape Colony were
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  • 965 5 On Sunua), 2nd Febiuary, Mr. D. H. Wise relurneu to sen- m ban from Kuala Lumpur by the s.s. Malacca. Mr. Bede Cox passed through oil riuuda), oil Ins way back to Jeietm froiu Port Dickson The Key. Mr. and Mrs. Izzard came up from
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  • 124 5 The Salznaann benefit concert at the Town Hall on Thursday evening promises to be one of the big successes among the entertainments of its kind ever held in Singapore. The programme is a particularly good one. The first part will consist of a selection fmm Sir Michael
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  • 155 5 The first-class cruiser Pontrju.l of 14,200t0ns displacement, and 22 1 knots, is, as we stated the other day, expected to arrive here shortly from home on her way to the China Station to relieve her sistership, the Terrible. The Terrible will have been in commission four year* in
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  • 598 5 Singapore "*th Termitary l»* '1 PRODUCE. o%mbier '1.2S Copra Ral' 1»«5 do Pontinnak 1"'25 Pepper, Blvk. anno do Whito, (5%) fi'W Bago Flour Samwik S«5 do Brunei No. 1 B*l Pearl S*en 4 30 Coffee, Bnli 1«% baM* 2r.of>2 r .0f> Coffee, Palembane '_>n% bmiß t^'*) Coffee, Lihorinn No
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 THERE'S NO FRIEND LIKE AN OLD FRIEND.— He will always help you in time of need. It is the same with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-% Remedy. It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and like othjr old uiends can always be depended upon in
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    • 186 5 FACTS OF ARSORRIN'U INTEREST TOTHOSK WHO ARK IN THr. CLUTCH KS OF RHKUMATISU. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rlicumst mil To B>-t rid of !>!o-> nwful pains th-it make life a never-i-nriim; series of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, t.o-morrn» hobbling around in crutche* to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 214 5 DAY BY DAY. /rtonday, 10th February. High Water IU9 a.m. Bank H"li'l:iv. 8 V. C break up camp. 8. 01 QL Cricket. Parse* Theatre. Bench Rnad. 9. Tuesday, ith February. Hieh vv 0.7 and II.M a.m N. I). L. homeward mail ("loses. 8 a. in. l'led«eg Kale. Powell 1 S.V
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 357 6 NOTICES. K.AJ.Chotirmall&Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AMI MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DBALBBS IN ALL KINDS Of JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS, IN.DIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets, Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, &c, Cc, &c. 51 ami ">_ High Nreet, hiagapon. Telephone
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    • 321 6 NOTICES. VIAINTAINS THE HIGHEST IMPUTATION FWHVWIIKRF. Fortify the System against Disease with PURE Bl OOH. '^THfc 3£ST SECURITY FOB HEALTH. 1 EBBENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAM>ir.\ *»M?il —Jr km hlic since 1829. E^H^ltrliJ^jßljPttfiL^lJ^ ''-^JS P^onouncefl hv the MI^MKST MtUicAL AUTHORITIES m ill B Jj b M til B&*1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 723 7 '|MIX HOK »KO COMPANY, LlMl'lbli r r^UK Stai\<t»- 1 Lifo AKMiranw. I. Norw« Union FirH Insunncn Sotiuty VM<» AsnnmTir" OSSBfaay (Firo). Die Kquit.H'.l. if<- Akbui-htiw. S<«i«fy I he Ohio* Mutual St«wn Nnnifntion Ooioptuaj Ph« T.»lt«nliHiii lJitftr Hwr <:<.mj.»uy. Kor p»rti'-ii)am of tV*** Comp»ni.«, M>» mil aa».Tri^>m..nt of THK BORN BO
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    • 1319 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, f^-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government Agents at Singapore: Ship Agency, latb J. Dakndei.b A Co., 2-3, Collykk IJuay. The Mnd«rmnntion«?d dates are only approximate >. atner Kro i Exiwrleu Will >je i»-o|jHicied toe H out mi in C'oici via lan. 27 Biiwuun.Souralinia, B;indjermas«in.
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    • 625 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) l)itt,-s „f Sailings /mm the Etixt to J'ttcijtc L'lMwt l't,rt.<. i.y.wisv. HoStiKONCi I'OKTI.ANI) All iUT ABOUT Knight < otnpnnion" 14th Ffb. I'ith Mar. ■Indiavrlli" Uth Mar. 14th April Through bills of laytiai granted to
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    • 549 7 INSURANCES. 'HHE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY 1 HOW MKROKI) IK THB RO?AL INSURANCE COMPANY, Home Office* QnsßN Insdiuncb Bczluihos, Livbbpool The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at •urrent rates. HOOGLANDT A Co. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. FIRE Subscribed Capital £1,200,000. Paid up Capital Jt
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    • 1632 8 futter this healing thi- f ili'iwinc al>bre -cit: MM we Died -btr KtHiimer -h «ihi|>; l«| —l).iri| ie; sell —sohnonnr; \Vt "V's-ht. Cm l'rui*iT. Ol)t —Gunboat; Tor —-IVrpfdn; H -Horsn-powt-r; Mrit —Kri•Wi, I. S —I'liiU'd Bute*; Fell —French •ter Herman; Dm. —Diui'hjJoh. —Joliore; » i- Unimfa I
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    • 555 8 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. STKAMERfI. A jax, China, Mar 9; Mansfield. Amiral 'Baudin, Pauillac, left Jan 6; Ambria, Hongkong, Feh 3*2; Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar J4; R. Mnyer. A nnara, Europe, Feb 20; M. Maritime" Armenia, Europe, Feb 12; Behn Mejrer.
      555 words
    • 111 8 From Eukopk:—Bv the N D.L s.s KiauiicKou lue on Thur«div with dates to the 2-t J.»n Sne brings replies to the mills which Ml ~in^por,- on the 27th Dec I'imk Cibi.s »r Hum Left Smua ior-- Due in Lon lo i Arrived Dm M. M. Jan 2Ut
      111 words
    • 249 8 For Singapore. Per M. M. s s An* in, connecting wi'ti the s e«nii'r Ernent Simon" at Colombo, from Marseille* la-i. -.'nth due IMh Feb Mr. R. W. Braddell, Mr. J. Lammer. Per M. M. s. 8. Ocanim fr nn M ir*eilles. Feb. »th, due 3rd Mir
      249 words
    • 54 8 •or rvr w. To-Mokbow apan via ports y< Vu* ivfjon Rw'phmip tangkolc Jbadan >I»lac<-H And Linggi Helene li%d ran via ports Xa'da 'rtk:m vii» por'd Wo<»>/ L<fc futr and Malacca Far/alia *****, etc., I'atnni lime 7 a.m W a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. p.m. S p nip p
      54 words
    • 528 8 m j n^o Vesski.V Name a I Tom U4TT4IS Kko.m AtlUU* Oonhkikkkk S Rig. Feb 7 Brit str. IOC I hop;trd .W;.,:><-.a IVli fi -<oou Kfd 7 LhiicI.-iui-.-l str. !il57 Rait Rangoon I Uoci.-t.-H.i an.l Co. 7 Ibadan »tr.: 4"J C 'tophereen MWMtkok l' Wood and Co. 7 i'h;ir,«-s
      528 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 31 8 INDIAN ES GJ NEEKIIS G. An Illustkated Weekly Journal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF TIIK PROFESSION IN INDIA. I(7 '/i auurantirtl hono fid* circulaiioi LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE (1 E.CAMTI7TTA
      31 words