The Straits Times, 7 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,749. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 448 1 NOTICE P T~ OFFIOB, TSLEORAPH STRBBT Arr Whabvbs, Kkpi-ki. Habbodb 06 0. STKAM NAVIGATION (X)MPANY. Steamkkr fob China, Japan, Pekano Cwrum, India, AruTBALiA, Adbn, Egypt, Mak«eillbB, Girraltab, Malta, Rbihdibi, Plymodth, ahd London. I'hrouafh Bills of Ladini; issaed for Persian '*4ulf, Continental and A merican Port*, alto for China Cruul. MAIL
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    • 270 1 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES iith Wood-Burning Fire box. All sizes from 4 H P to 14 H P always in stock. 1 A Gold Medal has been s awarded to Messrs. GaTTOtt Sons the Paris Exhibition tor the Kxcellence of their Steam Engines. Unsolicited testimonials from the Native States received
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    • 223 1 NOTICES. WHY Are 90 per cent of the Orders for FRAMING entrusted to us BECAUSE Our Usual Charges are only 10 pc; cent above cost, and never so high as to allow us to make a special reduction ot 25 per cent i n m i Our Usual Charges. George
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    • 1063 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. (:o:) Just Received, A NEW SUPPLY oy IA/HIrT IA/HArr WW I 111 I WW I IPII I °R .vb-bbmiia TADIC lUM M IC HDLL ILlllllO PRICES ■■■■w«-w $6-50 and $10-50 GD pr Qa t SKI j) C 9 NOTICE. I j, Oscar Schneider has beer, authoJjJ.
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    • 471 1 It's Dangerous to trifle with a cold. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Pleasant to tnkc never fails to cure. For sale by all dealers in medicines everywhere. Price ;V)cts. and $1. General Agents, The Dispensary, Singapore i— l NOTICE. STRAITS City Knlit.or st nip Manu factory. Orders executed on pliortesl notice and'at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 NOTICES. T\ #<11 SPECIAL UUnVlllC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10 Per case. 5 per cent, off for cash. DUTY EXTRA r»i i Hill •s «M P^^ ffl \tm i GLASGOW, SCOTIMO [111 l f*^ UIMV HMMaBMHs I||^MMmSBhmSS3^Sml BB^MBBM Mi.w. k I. 21-1-1)3 CENTRAL HOTEL, KYTCHE SQUARE, RANGOON. THIS Hotel fiieesth"
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    • 621 2 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.* 10,000,000 Silver Reserve...! 3,760,000/ 13 7 60,000. REBERVE LIABILITY OF 1 .m/v^nnn PROPRIETORS. •10,000.000 Court of DiMCTOBe:— R. shiw*n, Eaq.— Chairman. Hon. J.J. Bill-Irvino Dipi;tt Cuairhai H. E 1 omkinm RL. Eichardson, K»q A Haupt, En H
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    • 550 2 NOTICES. YAM ATOMS' CO. JAPANESE GENERAL STORES OI'POSITE TO BllllM'lNG OKKICE, next to Emmersons Tiffin Room*. 1. COLLYEK QUAY, 6-3 Singapore. Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. $2/75 |>er Dozen 1 lb. Tins. KROM H. JONES CO., HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. v.c. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. FROM THE FOLI
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    • 278 2 NOTICES. ST. ANDREW'S HOUfrE. 4 CHURCH of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the Hou«e Master, St.. Andrew's House or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. r. n c. COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL *ew mrdual work on
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    • 891 2 NOTICES. KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. PROGRAMME OF Annual Race Meeting, To be held at Batu Gajah On I.lth ISth February, 1902. FIRST DAY. 13lli of February. 1. Tiik Maiden Plate, 2-30 r.M. Vnlue #S»rO.— A race for all Maiden-- ;uul Hoi -is imported as Griffins into tba Si mils Settlements and
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  • 1555 3 Some interesting facts and figures. Much interest is heinß ■amfHtod in tlie issue of the Coronation coinage, and many application! have, already NN raomved by London hankers from their rap— aentatiVM la Urn eoantiy for oomplnte sets, and special requmtt are ■Mdo for tin' inclusion of the
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  • 401 3 PENALTIES OF D IVORCE. The Flittings of a Gay Parlsienne. A case that came up last month hefore the Tribunal of the Seine was decidedly amusing, and very Parisian. The plaintiff was a gentleman bearing the imposing name of Comte Henri Gaston Vermin de Bonneuil, and he asked for 100,000
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 293 3 RADHASWAMY &CO. Tseafi and Rosewood furniture Show Rooms. Splendid Art Suites, Iron Bedsteads and Cots. 35, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. v.c British Antifouling Composition and Paint Co., Ltd. Von Hofeling'f process. Manufacturers of (juick drying Enamel Compositions for ship's bottoms The must effectual prevantian nirainst Corrosion and Foulini; even In
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    • 1570 3 NOTICES. Agents for LEA a PERKINS* |ft WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. By Special WappantJW^B^^^ His Majestg *V Purveyors to The King, CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. PINE-APPLE PRESERVING MACHINE. I70R (>ale, a new pine-apple preserving machine. Pi ice moderate. Apply to KIM HOE 4 Co., u. c. 24 Boat Quay. FOR SALE, SODA WATER
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  • 557 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 7th FEBRUARY. A stranger from Mars who chanced to make a flying visit to Singapore, and based his conception of this world and its people upon the experiences he would be in a position to enjoy in this part of it, would surely
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  • 116 4 In the hope of preventing a recurrence of plague, which placed a serious embargo on trade last year, the Hongkong Sanitary Board has voted to seek the loan from the Indian Government of assistant surgeons trained in plague work. Five of them will be assigned to the ten sanitary districts
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  • 144 4 plus $40 house allowance. In the discussion over the employment there was no dissent from the proposition for expert service, but doubt was expressed whether Chinese would submit to house inspection by Indians or Eurasians. On this account, employment of Australians or Japanese was suggested, the Chinese raemuer of the
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  • 167 4 Laziness is at a discount in -Siam just now, at least by being lazy in the ordinary walks of life, the ordinary working man courts a period of enforced publiclabor from which his industrious neighbor is exempted. There has always been a labor tax in Siam, compelling all subjects to
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  • 11 4 H.M.S. SI ut me left westward at 0..W p m. yesterday.
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  • 12 4 As we go to press, a German warship is coming to anchor.
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  • 13 4 The Bank of England discount rate has dropped from :ij to per cent.
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  • 13 4 The Parade Tneatre will play in .Singapore for the next three nights only.
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  • 12 4 The Swimming Club launch will leave Johnston's i ier at a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 13 4 The U.S. army collier Ajux arrived from Cavite yesterday en route for Rangoon.
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  • 18 4 Somc interesting facts and figures about, the new coinage will be found on page .1 of to-day's issue.
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  • 18 4 The annual report of the Protestant Church at Bangkok shows a balance in hand of over 3,560 t.icals.
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  • 17 4 A Chinaman was arrested last night for attempting to break into a godown in Mahomed Sultan Road.
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  • 21 4 To-morrow the Rattles Library will close at 2 p. m. The Museum will remain open till 6 p. in. as usual.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Shanghai left Hongkong at noon on Thursday, and is due here at 4 p. m. on Tuesday.
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  • 21 4 It is understood that Mr. Spooner's son will be coming out to Kuala Lumpur shortly to study engineering under his father.
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  • 20 4 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kherson arrived from Odessa this morning bound for Vladivostok. There are 1,508 emigrants on board.
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  • 25 4 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday 12th February at 4 p. in.
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  • 25 4 The Borneo Company has added to its fleet of lighters, at Bangkok, a new craft the Cormorant— from Calcutta, which is of 180 tow) displacement.
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  • 25 4 It is announced in Brussels that Mr. KeneSherirlan.deputy public prosecutor in the Congo Free State, has been appointed Legal Adviser to the Government of Siam.
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  • 27 4 A case of the virtuous widow occurred the other day at Hongkong. A Chinese woman, on hearing of the death of her hubby in Singapore, hanged herself.
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  • 35 4 To-morrow, which is the first day of the Chinese New Year and a Bank Holiday, there is no issue ot the Straits Times- On Monday next the paper will be published at 2 p m.
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  • 35 4 H MB. BramhU arrived at Bangkok from Hongkong on the 28th ulst. She was to await the coming of Admiral Bridge, who is on the Glory which left here for Bangkok a week ago. I
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  • 39 4 Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at 9 and 10 a. m. There is to be a polo match against a team of the R. 0. A All players must go over by the first launch.
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  • 32 4 To-MOkROw, the Post Office mo;iey order and parcel post branches will be closed. The Post Office and sub-offices will close at noon. The savings bank will be closed to-morrow and on Monday.
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  • 31 4 Thk marriage of Mr. .Samuel Tisseman to Misu Margaret Beatrice Long, at Bangkok took place on the 271h January, in the Church of the Holy Rosary and at the British Consulate.
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  • 32 4 The Hongkong Amateur Dramatic Society now finds itself unable to stage His Excellency as intended. That Colony seems to sutler at the present moment from a great dearth of available amateur actresses.
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  • 39 4 The following passengers are booked by the Voromaiidcl, sailing to-day For London, Mr. H Mackenzie Cook. Mrs. and Miss Boldero, Mr. A. Murcott and Mr. L. A. M. Johnston for London via Marseilles. Lt- J. ft. Murphy for Sydney.
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  • 45 4 The following passenger* arrived per s. s. (i. (V. Jmtm "M Thursday morning from Soerabaya: Messij. L. M Sarkies, M. Johannis, M. A. Naha. iet, C. A. Koning, Nitobe, Misses Elliot and Onslow, Mr. and Mrs. Groote, Messrs. H. C. Croft and R. W. Sutton.
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  • 45 4 Admiral de Richelieu of the Siamese Navy leaves Bangkok on the 19th inst. for Europe. He will be accompanied by H. R. H. Prince Paribatra who is returning to Germany. They leave by ihe royal yacht Malm i.'hukkri to meet the German Mail at Singapore.
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  • 43 4 Mr. Wise was expected at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday last to take up ttie appointment of Secretary to the Resident-General. Mr. I). G. Campbell was to go to Negri Sembilan yesterday, and Mr. Aldworth was to rule in ilit Selangor Secretariat from to-day.
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  • 50 4 The I'erak I'wnetr, in noting the recent departure of certain officers attached to the Malay States Guides in Selangor observes that, unless the conditions under which a wing officer joins are rendered more advantageous than they have been, it will be no easy matter to obtain and keep good men.
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  • 57 4 Another Resident in Sophia Road writes complaining of the alleged reckless riding of Amateur Horsemen in that rond. He testifies that, on the occasion mentioned by our original correspondent, one of the riders had no control whatever over his horse, that he had lost his hat, and that he was
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  • 50 4 Yestkrday, a machine coolie employed by Kelly and Walsh Ltd. was caught leaving the premises with a quantity of Btolen type in his possession. The type was identified as belonging to Kelly and Walsh, and the man was at once arrested. He was charged ut the Police Court this morning.
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  • 53 4 Attention is called to a notice in our advertising columns, signed by Mr. Eschke Consul-General for Germany, which should interest parents. It has reference to the new German Government Bearding School at Tsingtau (Kiaochow), and parents who might be inclined to send childrea to the school are asked to communicate
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  • 71 4 To-morrow from "> to 7 o'clock, the band of the 3rd M L L, will (weather permitting) play in the Gardens under the conductorship of Band Havildar J. Francis. The programme is as follows March "Liberty Bell" Souwi Selection The Runaway (iirl" Cary'll Waltz Phonograph" Yirhrer
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  • 191 4 Football. S«langor v. Singapore. The Rugger teams to play to-morrow are as follows Singapore. Maingay, Williams, Bradbery, Keth, KarriT, Berkshire, Perkins, DeCourcey, Gibbon, Simpson, Rathan, Burgess, Wishart, A. N. V Foundman, A. N. Other. Selangor. A. G. Ulassford (back) \V. Vanrenen, AB. Hubback, J. Glover and J.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 91 4 ENGLISH POSITION IN IRFXAND. There May Be Great Danger. London, 7th Feb. Lord Salisbury has delivered a speech at the Junior Constitutional Club, London, in which he points;! out that there were morn important political questions to be dealt with than that of South Africa. The most vital
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  • 52 4 RUMOUR OF CESSION TO OERMANY. Later. Lord Onelow will make a statement on Monday regarding Wei-hai-wei. Th« Westminster llnzette mentions a rumour that Wei-hai-wei will be ceded to Germany. MORE BOERS KILLED AND CAPTURED. A force under Major Leader has killed seven and captured 131 of Delarey's commando, including
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  • 534 4 '•<)rn Own Man" iva* sei/tid with violent pains in the stomach > after leaving the sing-song last night. He was gently tended by his comrades, who saw him safely to bed and put his lamp out. At Si a.m. to-day, however, bepulchral groans disturbed the sleepers close
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  • 52 4 Small Briton. lluy me a KliillinnK<vorth of Boer soldiers, Daddy. UM father. All ri^lit. S. B. Anil buy me lialf-n-crown's worth ot' Kuglioh sold'crs. Daddy. L. V. What do you want half-* uwmi'f worth of Knglisli solilierti fur t S. B. Why, to Bflht the Boers
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 NOTICES. DR. NOBLE, Dental Burg-on has returned to Singapore, and may lie. consulted daily from 9 to 4 M.inn.- Club Building, Katir-s Square, v.c. rKASKR AND NEAVE, LIMITED. CHINESE NKVV YEAR. rpHE Aci.ittMl Water Department will _l remain closed on Saturday and Monday, 1 In- Hih and intli instant. Orders
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    • 512 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. INTELLIGENT Clerk with Fngineering or Shipbuilding experience. Apply to "ALPHA." c/o Straits limes Office. RAKFLES LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. 'I'lIK Library will be closed tomorrow I (Saturday) at 'J p.m. The Museum will be ojiiMi until 6 p m. as usual. M. HffLMKR, 7/2 Curator aDd Librarian. FOR
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    • 116 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. Photographers. ON account of 1 1 1 > long rainy season, we shall only be atile to open our new studio and offices. at Orchard, Road 3a. some day during the first halt of February next. Tbe exact date will be advertised. In the meantime
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  • 1858 5 Thk town is so empty, and the \v«ather m uncertain, that nothing whatever seems to be happening in the town in fact the only spasm of vitality that seems to have demonstrated itself during the week was the bickering between the Amateur Horsemen ;ind the indignant residents
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  • 1510 5 I ■<< Australia). London, l.Uh January. Chamberlain and Von Buclow. Mr. Chamberlain, in the course ol his speech at Birmingham, said his opponents must find another scapegoat for the vile and infamous falsehoods disseminated in foreign countries without a syllable of protest or the slightest interference by
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  • 55 5 VESSELB ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Europe, I'reuxxm, on 10th Feb. B. M. Baltic Ports, KUai, 26th Feb. B. M. London Glengarry on 20th Feb Penang and Calcutta Swsang due 10th I-'el B'tead. Zanzibar via ports Sultan from Colombo 19th Feb B. M. Teluk Anson via ports, Penang every Monday, and Malacca
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  • 93 5 To-day the members of the Harbab Askedan Club celebrate their tenth anniversary. The Club includes amongst it* members several influential and leading Mohammedans of Singapore. The members entertain several Mohammedan merchants and gentlemen at a irand dinner this afternoon at their Club House in Niven Road and the band of
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  • 191 5 P. O Parramatta, sailing about 21st Feb. For London, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Adams, Miss Sal/.mann. Mr. and Mrs. Burkinshaw, Mr. J. Bentley, Lord Ashburton and valet. Chtifan, sailing about Tth Mar. from Penang to London, Mrs. Ileid and infant. From Singapore to London Mr. F Weld,
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  • 192 5 St. Andrew's Cathedral. Cjuinguagesima.) a. in., Matins. 7.45 a. m.. Holy Communion (Choral). 4 p.m. Sunday School ;ju p.m Evensong and Sermon. Volunteer Corps Parade Service. 12 noon Keppel Camp. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 8.10 p. m., Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral of the Good Shepherd.
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  • 594 5 Singapore, 7th Ferruarv, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier MM Copra Bali 1O.«S do Pontianak 10.25 Pepper, Black 30.00 do White, (5%) MOO Sago Flour Sarawak n.f>.-> do Brunei No. 1 3.25 Pearl Sago 4.20 Coffee, Bali. 15% basis 25.00 Coffee, Palembang, •_>0% basis i'«.n() Coffee, Liberian No. 1 1H.00 Tapioca, small
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  • 171 5 Some people ore weakly and emaciated yet they are not, so to say, sick. Their appetites are fair, they eat good, wholesome food, but they cannot gain flesh. The fact is, their nutritive function** are deficient. The food may even be digested, but is not properly assimilated. With loss of,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 The PAIN of a BURN or SCALD is almost instantly relieved by applying. ChHiiiU'iliiinV Pain Balm. It also beats the injured parts more qnickly than liy any other treatment, and except the burn is very severe, does not leave A SCAR. For kil* by all dealers in Medic. .ies. The
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    • 67 5 THERE'S NO FRIEND LIKE AN OLD FRIEND.— He will always help you in time of ueeii. It is the same with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv. It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and like othsr old friends can always lie depended upon in
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    • 107 5 GOING IXSANK. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge, N. Y. says I was for a long time troubled with sleeplessness and with intense neuralgic pains in the head which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 223 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 7th February. High Water 9.15 a.m. 10.39 p.m. S.V.I. No 1 Co. Drill. Br. Basata Rd. 5.15. Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Saturday, 8th February. High Wnter. 9.59 a.m. 11.9 p.m. New Moon 8.17 p.m. Chinese New Year. 8. C. C. Cricket. Bank HoliHny. Xo issue
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 NOTICES. K.A.J. Chotirmall&Ca Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS INALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY. SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpets. Rugs. Foreign Novelties and Curios, &c &c, &c. 51 and ~>- Uv^h Street, Sinpjaporr. Telephone
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    • 418 6 NOTICES. CUTICURA REMEDIES THE SET Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin, CUTICURA Ointment, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irjitations, with loss of hair, when the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 710 7 Y*liE BORNEO COMPANY, LlMi'lkD fVIUE Staodwl Life Assurance. 1. Norwioh Union Fire Inaunoon Society. Atla« AnunaOK Company (Fire). Hie Kqnitable Life Assuranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beei Company. For particulars of tU«» Companies »«e the nll advertisement of THE BORNEO CO3IPANT, LIMITED. A(?enta. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1263 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, TTONINKLIJKE PAKETVAA3T MAATSCHAPPI.I IV Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Siniawre: Ship Agexcy, lati J. Dabndbls A Co., 2-3, Collyib Quay. 1 ne undermentioned dates are only approximate. ~.-v-camer Kroai KxpecteO Will be hpßpatched tor On Iloutnujn Cotoi via Juii. 27 Bawean,Soerabaia, Bandjermassin. Sdi-rabuiii Kotabaroe.
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    • 621 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) Dales of Sailings from the Etixt to Pacific Coast l'crrts. Leaving Ho.NdKONc Portland aiiout ABOUT Knight Companion Nth Feb. Kith Mar. "Indravelli" J 4th Mar. 14th April Through bills of lading granted to all
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    • 550 7 INSURANCES. 'pHE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY X ROW VIUID IN TBK BOYAL INBURANCK COMPANY. Home Office*: Quken Insurance Buildings, Liverpool The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at current rates. HOOGLANDT A 00. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE i ONDOM, lITiBLIIIiD 1803. SobioriW Capital .£1,200,000.
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    • 527 7 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, Hgents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire Risks nt current rates. J BEHX MEYER Co. 1 w. <fe 8. 81/12 MAGDEBURG FIUK INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.I). 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to
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    • 1682 8 Utltler this heading the following abbre viattont arc used :—str. —steamer sh. ■hip; —barque; sch.—schooner: Yet. Yacht. Ccu.—Crotoer; Gbt. —Gunboat: Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. -Horse-power; Brit.—British; IT.l T. B.—United States; Feh.—Fren< h <Jei -1 torman; Dut. —Dutch; Joh. —Johore: Ac^Gx.—General-cargo; d.p. -deckpassen#er I —I'ncort tin T. P. W.
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  • 592 8 Samr, port, probable date of arrieal. and name of agents. MUM Ajax. China. Mart*; Minefield. Amiral Bnudin. Pauillnc. left Jan tt: Ambriß, Hongkong. Fel> ->->; Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hungkong. Mar 24; B. Meyer. Annam. Europe, Fell 20; M. Maritime!* Armenia. Eurone. Feb M; B»*hn Meyer. Ariake .Mnru, Moji,
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  • 19 8 for Pr.r ttr. Tim* Monday. Yokohama and Kobe Lamlaura 3 p.m. TUKSDAY. 110 Ilo,etc., Patani 3 p.m.
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  • 135 8 From Europe:—By the P. 40.8.8. Hallaa- c it 'In on iSumlav with d- tes to the l'tb Jan She brings replies to the nviils irhich left Singapore on tlie 1 7th Decembei-. From Chiwat By the tt. D. Nw »ru due on Sundiy. I'tMK I'M: .K
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  • 364 8 5 Vessel's Xame A Tons. Captain From Sailed. OHMnm, Riu. ?eb 5 Trieste' Aus str. 3203 Metis Trieste lan 7 Kautenberg 5 Sambia lier sir. 36 .'3 Schmidt Hongkong .lan :S0 Behn Meyer A Co. 5 A Aii Brit str. 2*97 *Fey Calcutta Jan 2*.SarkieB and Mos»-s 5 .Vera
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  • 197 8 'ATB. Vk&skl's Name. Flag Kk; Tons. Destination. el. 6 6 I 6 5 6 ti I i 6 I 6 I 6 7 7 8 7 7 7 Hong Wan tint str. iI iSultaa* str. 102 Carlyle str. 331 Malacca sir. 406 KaJA of Sarawak Sar str. M»2 Borneo.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 117 8 Will be Closed on Saturday, the Bth February. BEST VALUE!! 1 I BEST VALUE!! 1 BEST VALUE the I nIS the TmIS the "etydllenge" Series <BMtenge" Series "<26allenge" Series OF o»l|J op OP ENVELOPES WRITING PAPERS. ENVELOPES. Lot Lot FASHIONABLE FASHIONABLE. FASHIONABLE. GREY GRANITE. for GREY GRANITE, for GREY GRANITE.
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