The Straits Times, 4 February 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,746 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 481 1 NOTICE P r Office, Tblboeaph Stbbet ,1T WHtRVBS, KSPPKL HABBOnu 06 0. SIKAM NWKUTION OOHPANY. htbambrd fob china, japan, i'enano Obylon, Iwdu, Australia, Adbs, Egypt, MaksbilleB, Gibraltar, Malta, Brindisi. Plymouth, and London. Through Hills af 1.-I'lini; issued for fernian 'J*Uf,Continental and Avwrican l*OTt»,alto for China Con»t. MAIL LINE. Or»TW*Rn. HOMBWARD.
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    • 258 1 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES iitli Wood-Burning Fire box, All sizes from 4 U P to 14 H P always in stock. A Gold Medal has b*m awarded to Messrs. Qarrett Sons -it tiie Paris Exhibition tor the Kxcelleuce of their Steaii) Engines, Unsolicited testimonials from the Native States received from
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    • 171 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ROBINSON CO. Steel Trunks, Airtight Uniform Cases, Despatch Boxes, Deed Boxes, and Cash Boxes. The Empress," the Strongest Steel Trunk made In 24, 27, 30, 33 Inches. The "Star of India" in 24, 27, 30, and 33 Inches. Cowhide Gladstone Bags in 18. 20, 22, 24 and 26
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    • 470 1 NOTICES. KAttNALL iV UiLLMB m, RoK-twon Hottd. HAVK ON HAND:--Electnc Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 60 M), 100, 110, and 120 VoltB. Designed to operate from Incandescen Circrits. Any Voltage to orrlnr. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, "104 VoltB. Inspection invited from all people whi hnv*
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    • 777 1 Mil. Mir < fill l»l; I V I There is little, ii any. dftBmr Iroaa bowel complaints- when properly trented. Mrs. Curtis Baker of lio»kwalter, Ohio, U. S. A., cays During last May an infnnt child of our reighbour was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctors ha'l p«M up all
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 627 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. MR. Oscar Schneider has been authorized tn sign our firm per prrx-uration I'rom the i gt of February. 19U2. --> M. THOMAS CO. NOTICE. ALT. <-l:iinis against tho late W. Kilw mis ile.-e;ised. Municipal Storekeeper, «re requested to be presented immediately (within 3 flam from Jate) to Hr.
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    • 538 2 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 1 TENDERS will be received at the P Colonial Secretary'* Offlc, up to nom\ B of the ">th proximo, for the k Mowing 9 work I Kor the erection of Rangers' Quarters, Eastern Division, Singapore. Plans and Specifications may b 1 seen, nnd printed forms of tender
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    • 614 2 BANKS. HONOKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..$10,000,00Q\ Annn Silver Reserve....*. 8,760,000/ l -V«>,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF lnnnnnnft PROPRIETORS J..»iu,u«.uuu OOUBT OF DlMCTOM R. >hfwan, Km].— Chairman (Ion. J.J. Bcll-Ikvins Dcpiitt Chairman H. K Tomkins R L. Kichardkon, Esq. A. Haupt, Kaq H Schubabt. D.
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    • 163 2 NOTICES. WARNING. MAAT«C,H».PPIJTOT MIJV EX BOSCH EXW-OITATIE OF LANGKAT. Alnnje quantity of damped Paraffin Oil having been sold in bulk, some >f which may b« filled into empty tins which had previously contained oil of .his compauv, purchasers of Draaon Oil ire requeßted. when Imying the Oil of ;his company,
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    • 934 2 NOTICES. COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL A Nnr nirdlral work on (Im i»am and moat atinKMc nnd effectual mean* nt .u-lf cure tv«r diaoovared lor Berroun and functional debility, waau of »italllj, drprraoon of xplrita, *<■ .with practical ob"«rr»tk»u. on marriags and full dirwtioni lor rmtOTtll( certain dlmgualiflrai ii 4» tbat dntro7thehappin«wo(wa4d«dUft.
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    • 894 2 NOTICES. KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. PROGRAMME OF Annual Race Meeting, To be held at Batu Gajah On 1.1th 15th February, 1902. FIRST DAY. 1 31 li of February. 1. Tiik Maiden Plate, l>:«i r m. Value |ML— A UN for all MaiclSM and Horses imported a* Griffins ii.lo tin- Straits MtlMMIM
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  • 787 3 Sbluy, busily tending the filling of his pipe, glanced upwards somewhat sarcastically at mo. A curious story, Captain," he remarked. "l)i you object to hearing one of mine? It has the merit, of being strictly true." "That is rather a slig'it on my veracity 1 expostulated. Having
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  • 123 3 <>nk of the latest developments of what is i-alli-il cosmetic siirgcrv. says the Hospital," is the moulding of nones in Barnaul which, if reports are to be believed, is now being practised in Vienna. The process consists in the subcutaneous injection of paraffin which, before
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  • 1102 3 How Scientists Are Striving to Solve the Problem. The alchemUts, who in olden times gave themj-eives up with •'uch astonishing fervor to thu solution of th« great problem of the philosopher's stone, whicli when discovered was to turn everything it touched into gold, have their followers
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  • 125 3 The Oaths Act, 188S, provides that "if any person to whom the oath is administered desires to swear with uplifted hand, in the form and manner in which the oath is usually administered in Scotland, he shall be permitted to do so It is evident (says the
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  • 496 3 The introduction of automatic telephone exchanges and the consequent abolition of the central-office operator will result, we are gravely told by The Electrical h'eriei'- (October 19), in an improvement of the public morals. The irate citizen who cannot get his connection will have to swear
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1059 3 NOTICES. o 'B I HRS^B ■4 o ri EbSaH^sl I^K I flßvaS iff '5 ALL SIZFS FROM TO 12 HP. NOW IN STOCK READY FOR DELIVERY. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD., ENGINEERS. Sl] WIT WANTED. AN experienced < hinese elcrfc for general office uurk. Mll-1 have good knowledge of English language, and
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  • 93 4 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OK ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Datb. Fl r a A Ship's Name. Captain. D k From where U ftw. BAILING. ATlON. RbMAHK an 14 Urit s> Dukeof Argyll Oundey 'London Batavia IMtut sspSalak Sharp Jan lft BiUvia Roi ordam Hi Brit Ihi.'KJ. Spoiii-f lulu) Stron:u-li .Inn 4
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  • 276 4 5 Vbskklh Name Tons. Captain From > Sailbd. Oonsionkbs. Q Km. Ian I Ro.klight+ Brit s>tr. Utt Welch Hongkong Jan 24 Syme A Co. Altiiiii l>ut Mr 7'M Hchutemu Ratavia Jan :i I Daemiels and Co Sri Wong-iee sti Nacndah Rhio Feb .iTnck .Senif a (Oarlyle Brit str. S3
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  • 588 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CE NTS. TUESDAY, 4th FEBRUARY. Somb weeks ago it was announced that Sir West Ridgeway was proceeding home from Ceylon, an 1 was to figure 4t the King's Coronation as the representative of all His Majesty'b dependencies in the Far East. There can be no
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  • 403 4 Somb time ago it was reported that the King of Siam wonld probably visit London for the Coronation ceremonies in May next and, if he does so, it is certain that the Siamese section of the procession will be one of the most attractive features of the entire show. As
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  • 306 4 Mr. Richard Croker, ■dim "Boss" Croker —the principal political crook of New York, and a minor .sporting patron of the English Turf has, according to a news despatch, announced his retiremem from the leadership of Tammany Hall. Tiiiiiiiiariy is the organization which controls the Democratic party in New York city,
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  • 188 4 The Commissioners appointed by H. E. the Governor, to enquire into the subject of higher education in the Colony, would do well to glance through the address delivered the other day by the Rev. Brother James, Director of St. Xavier's Institution at Penang, on the occasion of the annual distribution
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  • 102 4 A correspondent writes suggesting the propriety of establishing a steam laundry in Singapore. He knows that the first one failed. Now, however, he imagines that the good people of this town realise the inefficiency of the dhohi and would not mind paving a trifle extra for a superior class of
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  • 586 4 To-days 4/ms. bank rate is 1/lOj The homeward mail closes at :i p.m. on Friday. Some interesting reading matter will be found on page 3 of this issue. The mining r ights oi the Kelubi Tin Mining Co. are advertised for sale. Mk. C. F. Green will leave for Malacca
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 66 4 REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN REJECTED. Holland will Make Another Offer. LmtdoH, I'd: 41U. It is generally believed that the Dutch proposals for mediation in the South African war have been rejected by the British Government. It is stated at the Hague that Holland intends to remodel
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    • 38 4 MANCHURIAN NEGOTIATIONS STILL PROCEEDING. Litter Lord Cranborne has stated in the House of Commons that the Russian Government has not receded from its intention, previously announced, to evacuate Manchuria. It is understood that negotiations thereanent are still proceeding.
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  • 166 4 I'm; about an liour this forenoon, u smell —utterly new and unlike liUu-han or any other aroma indigenous to .Singapore was wafted landwards troin the harbor in the vicinity of Fmlayson (■rean. It was rather like the smell of English railway porters in new uniforms. What was it? Thk Russian
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  • 74 4 Tee following! were passengers by the Zaida, which arrived this morning From Madras, Mr a id Mrs. Yernon Page, Mr. W. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds. From Negapatam, Mr. Kelly. From Penang, Mr. J, B.iker, Mr. Ogle, Mr Ci.W Klphick, Mr. P.G. Benton, Miss Rosa Morschak, Mr. H. \V. Kirmstone,
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  • 61 4 J he Secretary of the Sipiau Tin Company has received from the Manager at the mines, a utat^ment of dirty ore won in the period, Jan _'4tli to :iltst inclusive. The rough wash of No. 1 monitor produced 27 pis. is catties, of No. t monitor 7 pis. o2
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  • 67 4 The cricket team wlio will represent the S.C.C. against Selangor at Kuala Lumpur leave to-morrow morning by the Carlyl?. The team is composed of Messrs. J. Q. Mactaiieart, K. Bradbery, Hannaford, Berkshire, Carter, Allen, IVrkins, Cater, Kdiin, Grant, and Capt. Ainslie, with Lieut. Col. Teversham as
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  • 255 4 The Singapore Volunteer Artillery and the Singapore Volunteer Rifles will go into Camp at Keppel Harbour from to-morrow (Wednesday) until Holiday next. Both Corps will paiade at the S. V. C. Drill Hall at .'> p m. to-morrow and march to Keppel Harbour, where the Camp has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. BOARD and lodging by an Englishman in a private Family; near town preferred. Address, f. M. E. c/o Strait* Time*. I I EXCHANGE BANKS. I riIHK Evchange Banks will be closed on J the following days:— Thursday, 'ith nut., the Anniversary of the ftett.crneut of Singapore. Saturday,
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    • 188 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Marquardt's Farewell Concert. TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, FEB. 15th, 9.15 p.m. Reserved Seats '2. Admission '1 Seats may now be hooked at the RobinBon Piano Co., Ltd. NOTICE. WE hereby beg to inform the public that we have this day transferred our general ag«ncy for Singapore from Messrs.
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    • 121 4 G. R. LAMBERT ff CO. Photographers. ON account of th* long rainy season, we fhall only be able to open our new studio and offices. at Orchard, Road 3a. some day during the first halt of February next. The exact date will be advertised. In the meantime all sittings are
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  • 528 5 Extraordinary General Meeting. At noon to-day, an extraordinary ueneral meeting of the members of the Tanjong I'agar Dock Co. was held at the town otlice, Collyer Quay. Mr. I Anderson presided, and there were present: Messrs. C. W. Laird, A. J. Gunn, T. S. Thomson, \V.
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  • 258 5 Changes on the China Station. Thk third class cruiser, Fearles*, of I „">SO tons displacement and 16 7 knots, and the screw sloop ilnline, of9Boton6, arrived this morning from Sheerness rim Colombo. They are the first of a Heet of cruioers and light draught vessels now on
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  • 38 5 Pi-r Hal. iila Mnru, for Singapore Mr. and Mrs, 11. B. Salmond, Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake, Dr. Nanson, Messrs Gibbons, Macphail. Gayoso. Saunders, Toir.linson, Cock, Firth, Thomson, Curtis, Neilson, Mactavish, Webbe, Alfton, and Ca moron.
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  • 519 5 "J. W.", an old Singaporean just returned from England, thus describes his experiences there 1 am not at all enthusiastic about my trip home, except that part of it, spent on the Bingo Mttru. In London owing to the severity of the weather, considerable suffering was endured,
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  • 317 5 English Review of his Personality. The Crown Prince of Siam, says Modern Society, won golden opinions during liis visit to Lord Egerton of Tatton at Manchester. He resembles the Prince of Wales in having been elevated to the heirdom of the Throne through the premature
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  • 105 5 Visit to the Pope. A special official telegram, da 1 ted Tokyo January 18th, announces that a despatch has been received by the Japanese Government, stating that Marqui6 Ito, accompanied by Mr. Tsutsuki, had an interview with Pope I .en XIII., who was very much pleased
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  • 299 5 New Government Rules. The Government Gazette publishes the following rules under the Harbour Ordinance Amendment Ordinance: No an,u.i soldier or sailor in the service of any foreign power shall lan-l in the Colony without special permission of the Governor eipressed through the Colonial Secreta ry. This does
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  • 657 5 Something Appears to have been the Matter. Sarawak, Jay. 29« L The Sarawak Regatta of 1902 could not take place on New Year's Day as it usually does, owing to the Malay P",a*a, but the 16th of January was the day selected when the Puasa was quite over.
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  • 322 5 It is about Admiral Keppel and a Royal Prince in the Crimea. Commenting on some society function at home recently, attended by Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar, a home paper notes that the Prince, in spite of his foreign title, is a typical Englishman. Illustrating
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  • 531 5 P. O By the Commanded, sailing about 7th Feb.: For London, Mr. H Mackenzie Cook, Mrs. and Miss Boldero, Mr. A Murcott. Mr. L. A Johnston for London via Marseilles. Lt J. L. Murphy for Sydney. Parramatta, sailing about 21st Feb. For London, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
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  • 126 5 A BINGO-MARU BABY Th« N. Y. K. steamer Bingo-mmru which recently arrived at Kobe, brought a passenger to Japan that did >t appear on the list. On the 7th December when three days from Port Said, r little girl waR born to a Portuguese husband and wife who reside in
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  • 397 5 Mr. A. W. S. o'eiilhvan senior district officer, Province Wellesley, to be assistant colonial secretary and clerk of councils, vim Mr. M. Merewether, transferred to the service of the Federated Malay States. Mr. E. L Brockman, collector of land revenue and officer in charge of the Treasury, Malacca,
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  • 149 5 Coming to Singapore. The Earl of Crawford arrived at Colombo, on Jan. ll)th, in liis yacht, Valhalla, from home on a pleasure cruise. He iB accompanied by Lord Ashburton and Dr. Walker, and the party left Cowes, in the yacht, on the 27th Nov last, and touched
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  • 500 5 Singapore, 4th Fkbruiry, 1902. PRODUCE. s Gambier buyers 10.75 Copra Bali 10.66 do Pontianak 10.00 Pepper, Black buyers 29.75 t do White, (15%) ,54 00 Sago Flour Sarawak ,,&■&> do Brunei No. 1 &M Pearl Sago 4.20 Coffee, Bali, 16% basis 25 00 I Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 28.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 PAINFUL BREATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is quickly relieved by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Kor sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, General Agent*. Singapore. 4 A
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    • 19 5 m Mesbbs. W. H. Ai.ickray and W. H. Dinsmore have been gazetted cadets in the Negri Sembilan Government service.
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    • 38 5 When children are teething theu have more or less diarrhoea, wh^fl :an be controlled by given Clm^M Iain's Colic, Cholera, and Dijfl Remedy. Full directions wjfl bottle. Sold by all dealers in The Dispensary, •< ieneralM Singapore. Jg ~^«»-^H
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 206 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 4th February. High Water. 8.84 p.m. Polo Club. Exchange. 0. liuid. People's Park. 5 to 6. Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Wednesday, 5th February. High Water. 7 36 a.m. 9.81p.m. l'ledses Sale. Powell. 10. C. W. A. Raffles Girls' School. 4. S.V.I. No. 1 Co. Drill.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. UCPAIBE PROMPTLY EXECUTED COALS ATGALLE Best Wekh and Indian (Barrakur) always in siock Quirk despatch. CLAUK, SI'ENCE Co. E. COATKB Co. Gall.-, February, 19.^. Drink Malacca Tea The best :ind purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Mem* John
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    • 560 6 NOTICES. MCALISTER CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. The following high class bramii of tigarettes are always in stock Shah, gold tipped, SI. 60 per box of 50 (large size.) Royales, gold tipped, Si. 25 per box of 50 (medium size) Parked in patent air-tight tins. Obtainable from
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    • 365 6 NOTICES. K.AJ.Chotirmall4Co. Jewellers and Silk Merchants. GOLD and SILVERSMITHS AND MONEY-CHANGERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE and CURIOS. INDIAN, CHINESE and JAPANESE Silks, Silk fancy goods, Oriental Embroidery, Carpet s, Rugs, Foreign Novelties and Curios, Cc, fife, fife. 51 ami .">i» Hifrli Street, Singapore.
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    • 395 6 NOTICES. Of all Chtmltt*. Ew^nH^ffi Natural Toilet Preparations. |R^¥ Mnkra rough »A/iw sn;.,,th, r,,U piutr'- B^^H^>B»?i|^HKß^tZJ Nt-ver irritatrs t'eanses nrd Ar**/i» the $kin suppir. SARKIES JOHANNES AND CO. Jiuetioneers and Estate Jlgents. 6 and 7, TELEGRAPH STREBT. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOB TEAK WOOD FURNITURE ALL SORTS OF TEAK WOOI> FURNITURE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 701 7 I*.UE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMIIKL'JIIIE Standard Life Assurance. I Norwich Union Fire Ininncc* Society. Atlac Aaiunuiue Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Auuranoa Society. I he China Mutoul Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. Kor particulars of the*e Companies, tee the fnll advertinemeut of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. AuenU. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1285 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TTONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAA l.nder contract v. ith the Ne Agents at Singapore: Ship Aqiscy, v The undermentioned da M«imer From" Expected" Houtman Ootei via Jan. 27 Soerabaia Maha Vaiirunhiii Padang via 26 ports Hi on a n Bataviii via Feb. 4 Billiton Ailing Bagan 6 Fan der l.ijn
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    • 535 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Asiatic Steamship Co. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad Navigation Company.) Dates nf Sailings from the East to I'acijic Coast Ports. Leaving Hongkong Porti.ane about vbout Knight Companion" 14th Feb. 15th Mar. "Indravelli" J4th Mar. 14th April Through bills of lading granted to all points
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    • 569 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "VTORDDEUTSCIIEK LLOYL' I> BREMEN. HAHBURG-AMERIKA 1.1 NI K HAMBURG. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. The fast and well-known mail-steamers of these lines will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates Outward 1902. Homeward 1902. Kiautschou Feb. 14 Preussen Feb. 10 Bayern Feb. 28 Hamburg Feb. 24 Stuttgart Mar 14
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    • 1573 8 1 thii beading the following abbre- j »i used str. steamer sh. shii barqoa; s>ih schooner: Yet. Vi i'r., —Cruiser; dot Gunboat: Tor. j -1 .-.i..- H p. —Horse-power; Brit. Bri- i «t- 1. V mted States: Feb..— French; Oer.— German; Dut.— Dutch Job.— Johore: ,j, (]i
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    • 586 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. MMM Adana. Europe, p'sd Canal Dec 24 Ambria, Hongkong. Feh 22 Behn Meyer. Annam. Europe, Feb M; M. Mart t tin.'-' Aragonia, Yew York. Peb ft; B«hn Me\er. Armenia, Europe, Feb 12; Behn Meyer. Ariake M;iru, Moji, Feb
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    • 111 8 hot P*r itr. Th,i' To-Morrow. Bangkok Korat 8 a.m. I Sarawak R. of Sarawak 1 p.m I Cotievin ports Hi it Liona 2 p.m. T. Anson via ports Malacca 3 p.m Bangkok Saga 3 p.m Penane Pin Sr.TUi 3 p.m. I Port "*\vettenham Carlule 4 p m. Pontiansk
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    • 141 8 From Europe:— By the M V. s.s. Sudnnj due on Wednesday with dates to the 10th Jan. She brings replies to the mails which left Sin.aporeon the 18th December. From China:— Bv the f. O. s. i. Coromnrtiel due on Thursday. Tim k Table W Kuu Dt'K.
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    • 68 8 For Singapore. Per M. M i«. Mv« from lUtmHlm, Jan. 12th, due Feb. s—Mr. J. .1. Bolntkaaap, Mr. Salomon Michelle, Commandant Craufurd. Per If. M. s. B, A,mam, aMIMCIJM with the slimmer F.rnexl Simon" at Colombo, from Mantilla* .lan. itith doc 1-ith Feb. Mr. It. W P.r.iddell.
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  • 364 8 Date. Vessel's Name. iFlai; Kio Tons. Dksti nation. Feb 1 Malacca P&Ostr. 8618 i London 2 Kmile Out, «tr 8U Khio 2 Sydney MM str. 8077 Mgot 2 Caleudonien str. 2147 (Moabo 2 Oiintf Seng Brit str. 7:.':. 1 |!;itavia, ("lierii-on it Btuwnnig 1 Lai Bug kit. MM Koaifcoag
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 121 8 WHITEAWAY^LAIDLAW CO. Best We Have Just Unpacked Lowest V ll R U c r V StOck °f MS P r FO^ c S Ladies IVell/inown Material Isdey are Ladies for all being offered at for GentS SALE PRICES Cts. 55 per yard. Gents pQ p FOR Children MELTON CLOTH Children
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