The Straits Times, 31 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,717 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY DECEMBER 31, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 793 1 »|>Ub Bin.SKiiOOHI'ANY. LIMUBD rl Rh ■>•' lite a vnno*. \:-n>i»:., I (M| Utm A»" 0**«fi»»» 1 1 The T. 1.1 l*>;er l>~r Vnr i«rti. ulsr" Ik*"* Compauw*. sin t f-11^dV*' t THI BOKNEO COM PANT, LI V ITKO. Aicenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p, <iri-Tr»,TEi.Eo«irH Stbket Or WiitKVEii. Krr?Ei.H«»non» IU NVMCATIuN
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    • 1581 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, ■I-ONINKLIJKE I'AKETVAART MAATSCHAPriJ Under coutract with the Netherlands India Government. ■aaati ..I S'utoapon: Ship Aoesot, late J. Daesdel* A Co., -2-3, Collteb Quit. a >mv >m^7 ndermen ion ed dates are only approxi mate, sieimer From Expeeteo w ill b» llespKicnert tor On Ratavia L>ec. SO Batavia, Cheribon,
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    • 594 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSUEANCK COMPANY. Capital 77T £5,127,«W Paid up Capital W2.7K) Reserve Fund £1,073^80 The undersigned, AgenU for the Company, are prepared to accept flre ri*ki at current rales of premium. ItOUSTEAD A Co., Agents. rE CHIKA TRADEBS INSOBAJICK OOMPAST. LIMITED. Capital Snbscribrf $I,O(X>,<X«J Amount Paid
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    • 294 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1790) pHE undersigned, agents for the above I company, are prepirud to accept Fire Risks at current ratev BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A a. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1884) THE undersigned, agent* for the above company, are prepared to
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    • 696 1 BANKS. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI »10,000,000 RE3F.KVK FUND.— Sterling Reserve..! 10,000,0001 tl3 Moan Silver Reserve., f 3,:/iO,OOO l3 r>OOUO RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 nnntinr PROPRIETORS |-»10,000.000 Corirr of Diheotok:— R. s«sw»». Em— Ch»ir««» Holt. J.J. Bsll Uviyo Dinrrv C»iaM». H. K Tomeih* K L. ElciiAanaoK, Ka« A.
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    • 535 1 NOTICES. CEYLON LACE MERCHANT. D. B. PADRIS H AM Y Has removed from No. 8 Stamford Road Xl-12 to No. 4 Armenian Street. KIHWAN BUCK WOEHK Co. PASIR PANJANQ. AHK now supplying building brick* For particulars, apply to Chop KIM 818, J.S-02 No. -J4 Malacca Street ST. ANDRUW'S HOUS-E. A
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    • 807 1 «4vT TMI i ■rii»*r.<f There is little, if any. ea*g«r froa bewal eomplainU when properly treated. Mrs. Curtis Baker of Mookwalter, Obie, U. a A., MV.: Uuring last May an infant child of our neighbour wa* suffering from cholera infantum The .loeior. h».l given up all hopes of recovery. I
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  • 41 2 ux list instant. Wai.tir Norton now. B tel" li l!k0D snd Bo »nghai Bank. Fox. -On tbe 27th instant, at Ethelhurst tenans, <"i.ars Evei.yh, younuest son of the late Lieut. T. A. Fox, Harbour Master of Pensng. Aged il years.
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  • 655 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY,31st DECEMBER. A Tientsin despatch of the 2lst inst. announces the death, on the previous day, of Mr. W. N. i ethick.tho Secretary of the late Li Hung Chang, and the only European that was really conversant with the affairs of the dead statesman.
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  • 427 2 Bktwiin the United States Supreme Court and Senator Lodge— the well known Jingo leader from Massachusetts in the Upper House of the American Congress— Philippine finances may lose their promising outlook. In June last, a Supreme Court decision declared in effect that possessions in military occupation, like the Philippines, tuight
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  • 157 2 lTappe;rs that the Sin;-a;ioro cuttle regulatioi.' lo not, in the aalasMl of tho SiamUhfcrvrr, press hardi i i p m Rrilish than on f>.etgn shipping. All ships ajas* inu<: ba fitted up lor tl fMMte trade— il t i.;y want lo enter .Siugapoio carryin,: eattl* Asa matter of fac'.so i:
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  • 63 2 The SInUU Vim" will appear in an increased -i/e ou Thursday, ami will henceforth be of eight pages. Thursday's issue will contain a njasaM of the local newn of the year, also some valuable articles from authoritative sources on the local real estate market and 1 1« great boom' in
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  • 26 2 Ckktai.n correspondence nnenl the lateen of Holland, and also a letter complaining of local bad roads, are held over until Thursday's issue for want ot space.
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  • 7 2 To-iMV's 4, ins bank rate is 1/10
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  • 10 2 Mr. I). I).' llrandt rmtt by the trom Poiitianak yesterday.
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  • 8 2 kfl Mooinarkcameby liic Hrr'M from Bangkok tins lnoruinj.
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  • 14 2 To-m 'Know, N'^w Year's Uiv, there will be no issue ot the (Mr tilt .'<«'-
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  • 12 2 M«Mis. Kr.T-er and '<cave send the Bingapon and Straits Almanac for Uttt
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  • 13 2 Km. i.ohbrandt arrived at Singapore by the \\i,i llrr l,,jn troni Banjermansin yestcrda}
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  • 13 2 Thk bhipping and import and export oflices will be closed to-morrow New Yeais.lay).
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  • 16 2 To-mobbow being New Years K.iy there will be no play at the Ladies' Latrn Tennis Club.
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  • 15 2 WiiH to-lay* issue there is a -uppleni. 'nt containing shipping nown and suine advert i>eineiits.
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  • 17 2 ■M. Mitchell and Mr. Wateham came to Singapore this morning by the I MfSI Irom Port Sweitenham.
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  • 23 2 Thk P. and O. extra steamer Mazagon loft Bombay yesterday and is expected to arrive here at njou on Tuesday, the 9th Jan.
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  • 20 2 Tm "we.-k. of prayer" will beheld in the Presbyterian Church from 6th to llth January -every evening at 8 o'clock.
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  • 24 2 Thkkk will be a New's Day service at the I'resliytori in Church at S a.m. conducted by ili<> K:v W Murray, M. A.
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  • 17 2 Tiik l'u« her I'.trru brought the following passengers from Sambas this morninc:-Mr. Power, Mr. Michaelis, Mr. Kirshaw
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  • 20 2 Thk (IMB fruin liativu brought the following pHssengers yesterday Mr and Mr* Mandert, Mrs. Borrow, Mrs Wolf, and Mrs. Bourne.
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  • 25 2 Italy is about to establish a new steamer line to Australia and China, to which the Government will pay a subsidy of two million lire.
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  • 27 2 Thk ljady Mitchell will he used as subscribers boat at the sea sports to-murrow instead of the Malaaea as previously aotilied. The sports commence at 9.30 a.m.
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  • 32 2 To-morbow (New Year's Day) the general post office and sub-offices will be open from Bam. to 12 noon. The money order and parcel post branches and the savings bank will he closed.
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  • 36 2 Tflu s.s. .4. Apear leaves to-day for Penang and Calcutta with the following pas«encers for ('alrnita Mr. and Mr« t. R. Wardle, Mr and Mrs. Nelson, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Shrager, and Mr. anil Mrs. Elias.
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  • 40 2 Mis» Hale Johnsin, who is now staying in Malacca, desires to give her host wishes for the Nr,w Year to all her pupils, and to extend her thanks tn them for the many good wishes they b«*e expressed towards b«mlf.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 2 LIBERALS. LoTuUm, 3l.'< Am The Da,!,, \.-r, admits Hiat I^jrd Rosebcry has istaassl in act with the Liberal P.irty in UM work of restoring Liberal unity
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    • 27 2 Lord Kitchener has allowod the baM of 1600 permit* to return to Ihe Transvaal between the lath instant and the 15th of January next.
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  • 15 2 Cafcr. Kifty-oue men were wounded at Tweefontein, of whom five have since died.
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  • 53 2 A COMICAL REQUEST. Certain tVwan has. asked the United Si.ites Tl ■laal to hand them over any i.aiance of the American China indemnity These Power* sty that their share of the indemnity \i inadequate. Bui lbs olticiali at Washington do not anticipate that thero will be any balance
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  • 122 2 Thk November output at Redjan* Lehong came to lj»3 ounces of gold and VMi ounces of silver, valued at 9y,«.-)0 guilders KMtf ions of ore were willed during the month, of which 14f« lotii sands .md 141 tons Blime.. were woiked oil. 1168 tons slimes Mfii hdd over
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  • 107 2 At 713 p.m. yesterday P. C. i-tl heard shout, Ht Tanjong Kirn Ba went lowaida the s|Kit and saw a Chinese tumptt.t roolie (piarrelling with his law also a Chinaman. The asacaaa man otruck his fare in the chebt »ilh his list and knocked
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  • 139 2 The championship of the above Club ■sa pl..ved daring lbs pest wnrk, and reunited in a win lor B. 0. Stoker. K. But tii w.rtli had a nod run for hn money as hn m rape I into the second round by a narrow margin of ona
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  • 173 2 Kline Watchman hit by a Saloon Rifle bullet At 7 o'clock this morning Mr (irei_-, living at i'eluk Blangnh, reported to I h.i police that he had sh.a a Kline man. Tiie Kling, he stated, had been sent to Hospital. Mr. Wathen, the Chief Police Officer, went to
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  • 300 2 A High Class Variety Show at the Town Hall. Knini the rise of the curtain at the Town Hall last night, upon a smiling young wuman on I hi :h wire stroll, until it fell, after another little body had sut upon her head and performed other
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 544 2 I NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY L'l'KCI.W.l.Y •eleclod lilcud thoroughly O matured in bond. rnce III) ptreut; aunplea free. BORN BO IH>., LTD. l». th Hole Importer*. Al)VANr\(iK OF BmCTIira A8SVRANl'ES KAKI.Y IN LIFE. IT i> an a<l?antage to eSect Anunnn early iu life. By Hrlaii, the rale of rrrni i u
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    • 607 2 I \TfST AO««9RTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. AN IMMENSE SUCCESS Was the general verdict expressed by all when the Attraction of the Century HARRY JACK COQILL SUTTON'S ENTERTAINERS. Appuhed in a BhbVMB I'rcukammi OIVKM BY A I'nMfANY OF Class Artists. To-nltht and To-morrow Night New Years' Ev* and New Years' Night
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    • 1041 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROS., LD. o Have Just Unpacked a large Stock of their well-known PROVISIONS, ALSO WINES AND SPIRITS. CHAMPAONESPiper Heidsieck < ...Id Seal C. Heidsieck Co 's White S< a< Jules Mumm A Co.'s Red Seal HOCKS L Carl I.oeb's Liebfrautnilch Do DurkheitnerKeuerberg Do teinwein Sturm's I )orf
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    • 1021 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. B:: 1, -OOI.LKCTOR (Chines). Security #.IXIO. Apply by letter only lo 7-1 MANAGER, Central Engine Works. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. YOOM man with 6 yearn 1 experience in the Straits is open for engagement as Secretary or Book-keeper. General knowledge. For particulars, please spply to A. B. C. 14-1
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    • 98 2 G. R LAMBERT tf CO. Photographer*. 4 RP. <jnittinjj tli»'ir prot>ont Studio it rV Orchard Road on the Ist of January, when they remove to their OWN PREMISES at Orchard Road jm. Opposite Lambert Bros. Livery Stable*. The new St:tdio and Ethibition Rooms will be open to the Public on
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  • 35 3 DAT, M WtCI D",l*o Mr.l. I I Itiik.ii ili K I. im' with n accident. II- ttioi .n In I 'ril^lis n,i|, a B the: Hi Iv on, and I nun. No ry a*JI done.
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  • 39 3 I lnt-idre.l rikifliff a. c n)rin« at Hon irwai* to have toraeh low BMra iwinc to inera* th itnanvnullan ■i up tbe ikiah i 1 lliiel tmpi ln They c nun.!, stand tbe (6 a month on aaat rwdaM
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  • 56 3 Thk estiina'i-d revenu,' j| f,, r IBOL' 1- **t al •7.756.7 M. The pßahln revenue for 1801 i» put ,J Sv,»t)o. Tha caluaatad outlay in WU nMki.s S-.797..M- wJ.ieh" Viji^^r niiier tin- head of slate ij In .w^^L probable bnlanca to the ■r.-.lit .il<: Dec. .v I -i .^^A
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  • 52 3 0.1. Sir II Smith btj rcsiJl nonitinn as CoßMiMion* 1 AY nf London Police Mr \\M n pasted a rtlinflH •1011 nf £780 per aunuiii. '^M Maokinnon. C. H. wii.fftl eomnianded tlie City lni»e^B 11, South Afrk"i. ted him-ell' as a fl_| OMM. Tlie name of ('■;>!—■ tlie Matron litaa
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  • 73 3 I.c |.;i-ient/ s frorr^Bßi hv the Sl'ltin wm M' J- H. nf"| M 1 M B tin- reprern'i'liv' ft Cutlen Bro« a well known *<* Zealand firm of t'll dntdgiol erilin«er^. Mr I'iper i« :.n Ins way to Bor?IO where he bops wraporl on soma lailf.,. old dradsini taluUMllon* in
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  • 76 3 At •>-Xi but ntyht a Rant; robbery nc.iined in Naw M:irke» IJ.iad. Five Iced a Chinaman who i fur t!ie poUra, 0a arrival th* police found the I'iiinainin surrounded t.v icrovd The saaa suited thai he had bow rohkad d WOO in money .111.1 a watch ami chain
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  • 143 3 N. Y. K. PASSENGERS. HWgan are booked N V K. »:e. liners from Man .In.- here. Tib Jar, Mr K Morris. Mr. W.Bmitb, Mr. J l.'im I-. «l 1 Hillino, Mr. and Mn 1 lemMil fufl'. Mr. V. W Warhurl 11. Mr- Crasand child, Mi- J H. Mr at.'! Mr.
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  • 334 3 Titr. ninf'-reni',' ..n tha(taodarduat.ou i.f Ind'an looufUOtivei iiline ilmlhim 1 and II narro* conx p«iu 'it' opinion infrtba coofercne* w.n thai flnwrifin cumpalitioo wai not seriously Uireatanioji local anil B'itisu liafw lIIIIM of vei M. i- Lmmt, 'lie K'i>mi;i Minuter at Peking, and Piinc Chin- linve *xcbaoaad l.irmal
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  • 730 3 Mn. D. EL Wise is expo-ed back in ,v OB or about, the Hist DwanV ,v.' expires. .Mr. Che-valn.-r will take up his own bin.-! at the New Y.-ar in Kuala Pilah. Mr. C.ildicott returned l» BieaihMl on >.i(unlav. Messrs. Sugars aim Km- also gone back
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  • 375 3 BOM I."Pk/, lin.ler nf Urn Filipino Junta in rJaogkonft wishes to return to -ie Philippine! L.r the purpose, be declare*, M including insurgent leaders yet in tlu< liel.l t" ■surrender. He objects tn taking the oath of allegiance to the Doited Kata*,aod s«vs that it lie
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  • 367 3 Upit, 20<A Dtcemher. Motor Cars. The first motor-car ever seen ban m Btmufct in to Lipis last week by Mr Kons Urn of Kuala Lumpur, who did th' journey from Raub, a dutanca ol 40 niiles, in a little under 3 hours. The car wus quite a wonderful
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  • 529 3 ■The Henetactress," by the Author of Elizabeth and her («?rman Garden," ii. an interesting book. It should appeal mo-t strangely to the psychological student wLJat special study it mean mihl vicious character*. We are told that a favourite saving with the hcroineof "The Beticfactrtsi' i~ lout romprtndrt
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  • 220 3 Rich Ore. Ai a recent meeting held in Lcs Angeles Mr. U. M. Tab^r read before the geological section of the Southern California Acxdemv of .Sciences a paper on tin deposits. Mr Taber said: Among the various mineral product! of California tin has not us yet been considered
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  • 367 3 A Tip for the Colonial Office In the course of his speech at the Borneo dinner, recently held in London, Sir J.'hn .lardine said Whether you 100 on Norih Boraeo as colony »o governed in accor ivitii British traditions or as landed estate to developed in the
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  • 441 3 Among the many valuable vegetable produclß of this country the Cashew tree (Aruitnrdiutn oetiiknlah) certainly deserves mention. Originally a native of the West Indks, it was introduced into India by t!,e Portuguese Tlk tree it a hardy one and thrives in practically any soil. It resembles the
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  • 352 3 A writm in (Capital hears from a well-informed Scotch correspondent that it is beiiiK rumoured in private circles on the Clyde that a gigantic scheme is in contemplation for the acquisition by a United Suites syndicate, commanding practically unlimited capital, of the whole of the Clyde ehtpyards, the object being
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  • 998 3 Acheen Pepper. Thk Netherlands, consular report on the 11 i'!e of l'-jnaug for last year has just bawl published. It dwells npon the fiu-t that the pepper trade tbeie is mostly in the h.,u.i» of Chinexe and rf a few Kling firms These firms giv« advances to growers
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  • 104 3 KXPECTID ARRIVAL. tfookal). Passengers lor Singapore. P.»r P. O. s. Himiin'in connecting with the steamer CornmanfUl at Colombo (ram London Nov. Mi due IV.'. ttHti. Me»«rt>. A. 8. HaynM, W. H. Macray, Clarke. Q. M Laiuior, E. B. Young, tnd J. S. Ulovcr, aE. Strode Hall. Dr. U.
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  • 471 3 l.ifl of t'lulaimtd tellers lying al lite (lateral I'osi Ofiee, Sitiynpore. .\:.i:.h in. Ji.ulatt,V'. U H. Anderson. C. Mrs. M»nd.m K F. Anton), Moraine A., .M id. Harm, K6. .11 1. ,al< J I. uniKartniT, Capt. MoscowiU. M. K. Mnll«r, Dr. l; I: ,*****. H. M 111
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  • 86 3 The Vrt»t Assotuition understands that, in order to prevent tlie recurrence of the difficulties which arose in Natal at the commencement of the war through the lack of military maps, it has been decided to make a complete military survey of all our Colonies Two officers and four non commissioned
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  • 551 3 MianroßS. S'st DcntMBXK, 1901. PRODUCE. (!»mhi»r J 1.V.1S Cop'» Pal Ho Fnn»iin*k /eon Pepp", Bl.vk Sl.Wi do White. (X"> MOO Sag" F'nur Sarawak S.«o dn Brunei N<v I Penrl Taro Cnffe*. Bali, ISJJ hasl* ?n .vi Coffee, Palemhnnir. 2«X bwis ti Cotlrm, Liberian No. 1 KJH Tapioca, small
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  • 220 3 Din. < VsrsiL's Unit. Fug A hie Tons. I Dutinatioh. Dee SI Athrais Her atr. SW3 New York ■11 Landau™ ilrit »ir. J167 K'goon A C'nmmlel Com! PorU 31 SlfM -lr 1678 Manila ami Japan ltKttJ'ol Glenrsr «tr Sill London Him- 31 Resident S.-inll Hill ulr. K8 I Khio
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 ADVICK TO TRAVKLKILS. We wish TKAVKLERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of fhaml.-rlain't Colic, Cholera nnd Viarrhna Rtmedy. Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be uuickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicinal. The Dispensary, GeneralAgentr, flimapora 7—
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    • 49 3 TOO RIDK A BICYCLE. You are always liable to have a fall. Chnmherbiiti'* J'ai* Balm is tlip best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will heal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicinns. Tbe Dispensary, Ueneral Agenla, Sinnnnre.
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    • 247 3 A Helpless Cripple K. Benqert of Sorlorno, says:— For nineteen months I Ihv a helpless cripple from Rheumatism. The weight of my body was reduced from 170 ll*. to 1.10 It. a proof of the ternl.le pain I had to 'n'.uri'. l)Drinft nil thin tinit 1 I t>oucht 8 cure,
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    • 210 3 Som« people :iro WMBtjl nnil pmm-mtrd uppetiU-s are f»ir UwtS'ajaml, whnl*. ioida food, bnt they ennnot sain rt n *-H. The fsct in, their nutritive functions are deficient. The fmxl nmy even lx> riitinstrd bnt is not properly m-imi|nt«d. With lo<m of, or lock of, Miffii-ieut flesh tliev- is a
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    • 617 3 NOTICES. DX. NiitlLK, Pental Rurg. on hum. turneil to Singapore nnd may 1^ conMiltr.l .l.ily fr m to 4 Marine Club buil.jiug, Knffl H^u«re. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS I^HE Grove Bungalow. Tanjonc, Kntong. fe» hnthing. good Ul.le. tmt wines u-c. Telephone- ,'H.Vor 111. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, or
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 120 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, jist December. HlakWatat 1.4 p.m. Nr» Y.r B. V. B t<i*naUlng. .'..Kip.m S V a cue laying. n.I.V Spinal Ilmn.r Humes Hotel 7A). Cogill Co Towa Hall. ad. Wednesday, ist Jan. igoj. High Water I 4.1 am. I pin 1 lii.-ii l.n>t l>u.irl. i ll.SpUi. 1»»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 NOTICES. ff" s^ RIGAUD'S y Sa&aaga jL-Jl °F JAPATI Wm toilet water J Piqtod liDiaga WiwT r c WfW i*rfiia»e Dt** A. ■flB v>->itnng «cd j^Kd RiGAUD &C° Mieniven and Cameron's Pens. Ttry mm' iv a |SS. «nrf <1 bUttiwi Io mtn n- PirLvU-k, Ikr Oa-1 n»W Mr PtasWfSJ /Vi.l
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    • 323 4 NOTICES. WHITEAWAY, LAIFLAIT& CO Have always on Hand a Large Assortment of Gents' Goods AT BEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FOR NETT CASH AT TIME OF PURCHASE. Pries $?26 each. v&E&ktl* BLHKPI^ ITS A I W/ $4 only Price cts 60 P er urn* cawxpork <y W v\ THE prince ok wales
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    • 42 4 COALS AT GALLE Best Welsh and Indian (Barrakur) always io s.oek Quick despatch. CLARK, NPENCE Co. E. COATKB Co Galle, December, 1901. RADHASWAMY &JX). TBeak and Rosewood Jurniture Show Rooms. Iron Bedsteads New Strong beautiful and Cheap. 35. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE.
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    • 252 4 MCALISTER CO. SOLE Ai.KMT FOR The Angrlo-Egyptian Cigrarette Co. The following high cla»» brands of cigarettes are always in stock Shah, gold tipped, $1 .60 per box of 50 (large size.) Royalea, cold tipped, 51. 25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed In patent alr-tlght im> Obtaiaable from M
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    • 507 4 $/i£3S^tJtfK! Bakery and iDsUh Sm '^SfcflH-*^** Confectionery V^J Bf^ 1, Stamford Road X'MAS AND NEW YEA* C4KE6. Vj fIORSKI begs to inform his many i-nsto«r* Hat he hns now iv his ENO 3 ,^H >LE |emedv roR ALL [^^RT^Hjl "wuwties OF THE HI.OUI. II ~f K> I 'It is not
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