The Straits Times, 24 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,713 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY* DECEMBER 24, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 808 1 NOTICES. T, I KBAfi 801 KS IllflHl 11 mi ars tbt eaaas ..I ma.-h <tp» uu.-tion. 1 ,>l.»rlh.|Ui.lte«? Thf m-irnlil leHowo -.■> tbe beat in-i.l.- Ika cnh, and Urn kkj IBsfcs uyint ss M ml.i aiorc <-om(«- |."-ui-.ii.. Hal I'int! so wf rmi oarr aartaqaakos t ilh-'hu^c in too 4evp
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    • 421 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TTONINKLUKB PAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPVIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Uorernmant. A at Snwaoorc Sbip Aoiscy, uTB J. Dakjiiiels A Co^ M, Coum Quit. The undi>rm«ntiono<l cl»tw> «.ro only approiimate "ftaVimr Trom Kiprcuwi "wirrbe I mapiMched tor On* O.~o77iii* Moluccas via Dec. 18 Macassar, Banda, Ambon, Rosm, RAArshaia Kalian,
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    • 371 1 NOfTICES. Milkmaid k BRAND Sra^ mrT~?*2>i njr*ii Mm tesEoOT Iviillz mM VtLCMAjn pmtf^y If I■■ 111 1A *W^C3D "•"TSS CONDCNSO^^^M taa B r r Bee Ihii Full Cream. «■•>■ Largest Sale in the World. f TAN S A N (MINERAL WATER) Most Refreshing and Invigorating NATURAL TONIC KOK SALK AT
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    • 699 1 BANKS. H~ ON ObTON IT AND nH A X H Ai BANKISO CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 KEXKKVB FUKIX— Sterlioß Reservo..sli.or<).r»ni |n7oonoo RESERVE I. iABUJTY OF I m nil n proprietor }.9i*mm Cotkt or i;iKacnroas K. >-'iiaw»». >>i -Oussmsa H K Tiinin 1 I L ■bwmbbusi, e»o. A IU. .-I.K-1 'II
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    • 426 1 NOTICES. CEYLON LACE MERCHANT. D. B. PADRIS HAMY, lias removed from No. 8 Stamford Road :Uk- to No. 4 Armenian Street. Vkmimmmmßmml COALS AT GALLE )Wt Wel^h and Indian (Barrakur) always in g. nek Quick despatch. CLARK, SPENCE Co. K. COATKB Co. Galle, December, 19.11. Maeniven and Camernn's Pens. ,Thr
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    • 899 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM Aprlvd lo (V nfilietM mwU fM W, HTIFF NECK KliK. maii-m SORENEbS of the MUSCLES STIFrXESS of theJOISTO. Fer sale l-y all dealers in raediciaas everywhere. Prices (io cts. and |l. General Ageits, Th« Disiwnary, Singapore. W.IXTKD SMART Chinese Salesman, thorenfhly acquainted with tbe baiaar. Apply to
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  • 751 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS TUESDAY, 24th DECEMBER Merry xmas. 7».» utl. m all r o« am,... 0" SntlM Daja, on Kmiu Oaya MM as all r.|o,c. IH 0» laaaaa Oaf la t -...,m. Far away the notion seems, and alien; but, as w« stand again on the
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  • 171 2 It is unfortunately very possible tliat trouble .may ensue botween the ebip owners and agents and the officers of the local trading steam-ships. At the meeting of the Masters and Mates' Association held at the Marine Club last night, it was determined to reject any offer of a bonus in
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  • 6 2 Bank. Britiih. j Germ... I Doteh.
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  • 126 2 In addition to the pay stated, th« Dutch officer* receive six months' leave on half pay every fivo years, with a free return ticket home. The local owners hare offered to improve the rates of pay according to the following schedule:— Masters —Present pay, 1150 a month, and a bonus
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  • 279 2 If the matter be ut all feasible, it ia intended to hold a Battle of Flowers here on the afternoon of Shrove Tuesday, Feb. llth, under the patrunage of Sir Frank Swettenham 80 far the arrangements ate in an embriotic stage, but a number of namus that ought to carry
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  • 81 2 Sm J. Winfield B >nser, formerly Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements and now Chief Justice of Ceylon, has been appointed member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Many here will endorse the words of tbe Onloaker of November 16; h, on his appointment as Privy Councillor, which
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4,' ms bank rate ia 1/lOj
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  • 9 2 The homeward mail closes at 6 a.m. on Friday.
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  • 13 2 To-uoirow and on Thursday, there will be no issue of the 9tralls timtr.
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  • 13 2 Hooas Co. greet the New Year with wall calendars and a pocket book.
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  • 12 2 Thk G.-rman mail steamer Prix: Heinrick leaves for China early to-morrow morning.
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  • 13 2 Ma. Morrihon arrived at Singapore by the /<«n Heug Gvan from Bangkok yesterday.
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  • 15 2 .Mns Berli and Dr. Valile arrived at Singapore from Bangkok by the this morning.
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  • 19 2 Mh. C. C. L. Fitz William and Mr. F. II Asimont came by the Calypso from Deli this morning
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  • 18 2 Tug Sultan of Johore arrived in London on 27th Snv. and was staying at Bailey's Hotel, South Ken«ington.
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  • 21 2 Stub and Co., as agents for the Scottish I mon and National Insurance Co. has sent a wall calendar for 1902.
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  • 19 2 Thk masters and m»te«, anl the engineers sailing out of P.-nnng, intend to ask the shipowners for increased wages.
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  • 21 2 The P. O. extra steamer Pekiit left Bombay on last Saturday and is expected to arrive here on Wednesday at daylight.
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  • 20 2 Is another column will be found particulars of the Christinas sen-ices at St. Andrew's Cathedral and other places of worship.
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  • 20 2 Libi-t. Col. Wedrier, Mr. Y. Miclaine Pout, and Mr. Kakcbeeke arrived at Singapore thin morning from Batavia by the Maetmytker.
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  • 22 2 Mr F. RnDßim-ti!, of the General Hospital, I'enang, has been promoted to the Senior Assistant-Surgeon-grade, at a salary of 12,640 per annum.
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  • 27 2 Tb« Shtngluii brought the following passengers to Singapore the day before yesterday from Europe:— Mrs. Finck, Mrs. Williamson, Mr. Allen, Hon. F. Penney and Mr. R. Walter.
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  • 32 2 Thk P. and O. steamer Cortmandel with the mail from Europe of the 6th December left Colombo at 11 p.m. the. day before yesterday, and is due hnro nest Sunday at daylight.
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  • 31 2 Oh Christmas Day all Post Offices will be closed. On Thursday, the J6lh instant, the money order branch will be closed. The General Post Office aud sub-offices will close at noon.
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  • 36 2 Tbi aunual North Borneo dinner dime off with the usual sparkle on the 27th ultimo. Mr. Cowie spoke in glowing tern™ of the fiscal prospects of the territory He anticipated a revenue of Jg'.^/W, next year.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 22 2 Australian Reinforcements. London, L'4(A Deemnher. The Australian Commonwealth Government has decided to send a contingimi, LjMO strong, to the Cap*.
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    • 42 2 The correspondent of the Daily .\>,/-» at VuUrmt in the Transvaal says that the Bourn are apparently rosolved to continue the war. The real obje-ct «l the recent meetings among them was la mak« plins for the summer campaign.
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  • 483 2 I'SAcncaLLT every Englishman has heard fU in ß Xmas carol sung, and especially will he recall Ond ri'-t you merry gi-ntlomen Let ncit'liiii" you di.may, For Jeraa Canat, ooi Bavkmr, Wan born upon Una day. To uv< u« all Irom Satan m pomrr »li»» Oh, tilling* "i co.iifiitt
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  • 137 2 The current is-me of the DWinl a«rti>e liauttr cays Commandur Sir K Knirchier r.-y, Hart, who has retired from the Navy with tho rank of Captain, entered the Navy as a cadet in April, IH>». As a sublieutenant in the Forester he was actively employed at Fort
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  • 48 2 Slit Frank Swettenham has offered to give a cricket bat to the member of the I'er.ik team who makes the highest scoro in any innings in the match against, the 8. C. C. This news was telephoned to the Cricket Club Pavilion this morning.
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  • 22 2 Messes. Powell and Co. advertise Hie valuable residential area known Keldon 1 'anjong Katong) fur sale by auction on the •■tii January.
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  • 33 2 We learn that Lieut. Williams, now in me lical okargi of (ha M Madras Light Infantry, in Singapore, has been awarded the Distinguished Service OnJur for rucent Mrvices with the China Kxpeditionary Force.
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  • 41 2 D«. J. F. Carnegy, who died of heart disease at Penang tho othor day, at tlie age of M years, was a native of Singapore who joined the Straits Medical Service in 1876, He was educated at thu Madras Medical College.
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  • 40 2 Iwo European police officers at IVnang are about to retire inspector O, Morton of Kebong Tcbal, and Inspector Campbell of the Arms and Gunpowder Department. Both these officers leave on tho score of age, they having completed their 46th year.
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  • 59 2 Is a paracrnph in yesterday's paper it was stated that the meeting last evening at tho Marine Club was to be a joint meeting of the Masters and Mates' Association and the Engineers' Association. It has been pointed om> to us that the meeting was not a joint one, but
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  • 90 2 Bum Eumunp nk Itomui of the French banking family, will soon visit Singapore, lie baa a pleasure party witii him OB l>is acht, AtmaJi, which bas now ri'Rched Colombo, after leisurely cruise from Havre, with rests at various ports on the way out. His party consists of his wife, son
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 436 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECI AIXV (elected blend thoroughly matured in bond. Price |10 per cue sample* free. BORNEO CO.. LTD. la. tb. Sole importers. AI>VANTAOE OP KFFE(TTINU ASSURANCE* EARLY IN LIFE. 1 T is an to *Sect Assurance 1 early m life. By delay, the rate of Premium increase* Dratk
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    • 722 2 •NOTICE^, GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 'I'HK Meeting of tbe Licensing Justices I for the quarter commencing Ist January, 'SO/, will Ikj held in the Private mom of the fM Mwitram at the Polico Courts at i p.m on Thursday, Kth January, Applicants for renewal, transfer or new licenses, And persons objecting to
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    • 990 2 NOTICES. Photo I SHE Iffifffl Stores. CiKURGfi MICHAEL, Singapore, tu. VIOLIN LESSONS. APPLY to Mr. Jolids Sum, Union Hotel, North Bridge Road. tn 24-11 r |M those seeking remedy for aches I and pains a moat efficacious oil for the curing of all kinds of diseases has just been discovered.
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    • 614 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Re Wei How 8oo» IK BiKKRCPTCTT. No. 17 of 1001. Particulars of Valuable Properties. To be told by auction at Powell A Co Saleroom. on Wednesday tbe Bth January, HO2 at i'-30 p.m. 1. Freehold land at Orchard Road Singapore area 2UOI square feet, being Lot or grant
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    • 736 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VITANTE'>, a Chinese Clerk with TT knowledge of Book-Keeping. Apply to V O.C. "<J." e/0 .N'lraK. 7imu. IT/" ANTED immediately. Good Pianist. f T flood engagement. Apply lo t-1 H. C. WAVERLY HOTEL. MTK hereby Bite notice that Mr. TT Jacques Orner it authorized to sign our hrm
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    • 14 2 JUST RECEIVED Kodak Films 9>. O. 9> Papers. Dry plates in all sizes. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • 1794 3 ANNUM. PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: •V(i innd MtodfaMikatiM R.111.t limtiiuvioo took ■flame- n«cli.i..l*asv<-iy ia«t.f.illy deciaied with bunting of p-wnni) The t*am of MvanJ \v in Kurlid -i-h to each- in ferns, which demonstrated themselves coßspicuoualy on the valla, must have reminded many visitor* f forgotten H K F.'tMd Q
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  • 219 3 St Andrew's Cathedral Christmas Eve:— 6.:t0 p.m Choral Kvensong. Chri«tma« If n 6 a.m Holy Communion. 7 30a.m H(>lyCommtini'.n<Choral). 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon. l-'m.un. Holy Communion (nonChoral). p.m Evensong. Sunday after Clii 7 a.m Matins. 7 45am Holy Comm.inion (Choral). i p ni Kvi-usoiiE and Sermon. Garrison
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  • 123 3 IaMI Mr. Munders yesterday mnruint;, Mr Holley charged a Teochew named Tan Tee Song with illegally slaughtering a pig not bearing the Municipal llau|Etar-hMKa mark. It appears that while Sanitary Inspector IVrcira was clearing a verandah on the morning of the 21st inst. at Lavender Stri'-t, lie saw a Chinaman
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  • 385 3 A START MADE THIS MORNINQ. Tiffin -Perak 30 for 6 wickets. The first of the Christmas Crickot lUllluhni -S C C. r. Perak— was commenced this morning. The ground was shockingly wet, but after an inspection it wan decided to make a start. The elevens
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  • 607 3 Federal team v.R A and R E. THE9E teams met yesterday afternoon in the tirst of tlie Christmas matches on the S. R. C. eround. Owing to the rain, tLc ground who net conducive to guud i>Uy, but luckily while the game was in BNgNM tiie rm ceased.
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  • 748 3 The War. Inn London correspondent uf th« Indian Uaiiy A«w», lulitgraphing on tb« Sib instant, ttates that at a meeting of the Liberal Federation a resolution wis J pasaed condemning the manner tl>« war j vm being pursued, and demanding the appointment of a Special Commt*M'Mi«r to negotiate
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  • 306 3 A mom; the paesenners leaving by the N. D. L. B.h. /Vi/u HeiariiJt, thin afternoon, is Mr. G. t. Witlon, tbe wellknown Directory, History and (gazetteer publisher. Mr. Witton is at present here, in connection with business for the Singapore and Straits Directory, published by M -i>.
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  • 28 3 Swimmino Club members will be plea to hear that a launch will leave for the Club at a.:n a.m. on Xmas Day and at 10 on Boxinc Day.
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  • 54 3 Thx first text match between Australia and Mi. Maclamn's XI was played at Sydney, an.i ended on the 18th instant, in the defeat of Australia. England scored 404 in theirfirst innings. Australia scored 168 in the first innings and 172 in the second innings Km.-I ui'l won by an innings
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  • 36 3 Mr. R. W. Braddi-11. who been pleading, in the I.'m Loh case before the Privy Council, leaves Marseilles for Singapore on the Sflth January. A report of the case will appear in Friday's Straitt Timu,
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  • 231 3 COGILL SUTTON'S COMPANY. Mawaoni's famous intermezzo from Cavalluria Rusticana has appeared in so many guises and as the product of instrument in such variety, that it is perhaps not wonderful to learn that its engaging strains have captivated a se.t of billiard cues and taken lodgment in them, and Altro,
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  • 220 3 Inquest Held this Morning. An inquest w^s held by Mr. Gentle at the Generil Hospital, this morning, to ascertain the cause of tbe death of Fritz Boldt, an MaMaal engineer of the German mail steamer Htnn2 lltinrick, whu was supposed to have committed suicide
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  • 52 3 Dec. 24th Cricket v. Y«r*V C. <\ Football. F. M. 8 v. S. CL C. 1 beatricols. Town Hall. 2.->th Cr.cket v. Perak C. C. J6th Cricket v. Penang O. C. n-n.-e Tanglin Club. 27th Cricket v. Penniic 0. C. Koutbnll, K. C. 0. v. Pennng.
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  • 465 3 IJTKItmU. '.'-ITH PH -TMBKR. 1801. PRODUCE. CmmWiu.'''".\"".T." ">°9 I <U Po-itivwk *■*> I IVpr*. Blaok bay*™ .M.7S do WbH«,(»X> -MOO 9m(o Flour Sarawak I do Brunei No. I S4* I PMrl aruto j» foffm, Bull, 16% bvi« »M I Colin, Palemhanc *>% bvii »•«> I Mm, Übtriu 1 91J»
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  • 160 3 H»T*. I---KL N AMI. tUM A Rio. Tox". MMNMt Dec '.'3 Union Si Km. Y-u-.j l 1 1.. -i. inn 24 Hi.f-i M Hri Wongte* 24 Emil* 24 HhancliM M K»rl«ll.i 24 Van Outhoorn 26 i -lil-mc Mai 94 Loo ok* •M Hok Tjioe H KulUo :>7 <'hu»an M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 IN AMBBIOA, ChamJirrlalnV fnuch BtSMw) is a (.n-Ht ln\miriie with mothers for c-ulii*. t-rmi[», mid whooping cough. It c 'Wttinrt no hnmiful sul>stance an'l Klwaya given prompt reli. 1. fold by all dealers in Med.cioon. The Cis|«nwirv (ieneral *ccci». S-ingnpore. «-A
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    • 91 3 TOWN AND VOLUNTEER BAND. Ik it is a fine night on Friday, the Band will play on the Esplanade, commenting at 8.15 p.m. Programme Quick Step— My Pretty Jane. WaltzFerryman John. Overture— Eclipse. Quick S'.ep— Cherry Ripe. Fantasia— Pantomime. Waltz— Fiddle and 1. March— Seipio. The Christmas Hymn. God Save
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    • 222 3 There is no particulnr time of the y.-.r for taking Steams Wine of Cod Liver Oil. Tbe time to take it is whenever it i« □ceded when the system is disordered by disease, or overcome by unnatural languor and dr pres- ion. when the body is in an atonic state.
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    • 141 3 JiillfitHjif SINGAKHLfc Harness Saddlery Department. AM articles in this Department are obtained from the most reliable English makers, and our Harness is all made from Oak-tanned Hides. Pair Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In Black Leather, with Brass or Plate l Mounts. Single Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In Black
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    • 366 3 NOTICES.' nun I.OXLKY HOOPER, I.'BCSASKD. I J A Lf. per>ons ha- ing claims .ig.iin-t n.» A. »l""'- ■<■ i 1 ■»<••>! who died on (he 2nd 1 Dwrr.iinT MM, are rr<|u»»t-d to send parti* uUrs thereof 10 the undersigned hefore MM 16th day of Kebniar;, 1902. and nil I»m-i- owing
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    • 718 3 NOTICES. DR. Nobi.F, IMa*al hu r»-Uun.-d to nuikv.pore and may be DOaaulUri .inily fri m to 4 Marine dub Uutiding, Kaffl Square 11. C. NOTIC'S. STRAITS City Rubtwr Htanip. "hort notice. Price moknW. •7/12/01' Rnhltuon Ro».l SOTICK. llF.Xfi Hock Chuan having M our service on the 14th instant, he nro
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 173 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, S4th December. High W»le' 10 11p.m. (' Eve. 1 neils. TOWS Hill. Ml Par».e Theatre. Beeach Road. i. Wednesday, 25th December. High Water, wan B.m. 1 1 J) p.m. Full Moon 7.11 a.m. Christm-.s Day. Public Holiday. No ia-uc of the Slroi'j Timtt. Swimming Club Launch.
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    • 1452 4 Uuder this heading the f.illowini abbreviations are used atr ateamdr sh.— thip; ha— barque; sch schooner: Yet— Yacht: Cru (ruirwr; Gbt Gunboat; Tor -Torpedo; H.p -Horsepower; Brit.-Rri ttati U. B.— United States; Fen French Oer.— German; Dut —Dutch; Joh.—Johore Ae.G.e General-cargo; d.p. -deck passeo »«r U.-l'ncertiin T.
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    • 578 4 \a'itf t p'>rt. prohibit <ti'r nt 'irrirru fid nnmr of agrnlt. ■nunsam Ai or*, II in.-Vcinii. to leavr Uoc IT Ml... 111. HmiKkik. Jnn 1, (lonian Off. Aml>ri». Hon«konu. h'.>t> It; H.-hn Mayar. Annum. Oalambs, FVI> i; >f. Moritlma,. Buku sundanl. Holt, 1.-ft l>m: 17; linno», lAnJua. J:inti;
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    • 61 4 HV Per Itr. lintf. To-D»Y. Ptjntoc Jyttrt^t 3 p.m. I 1 Snvrhnm via ports Hatnrirr 3 p.m. Maiiasssr »i» ports NUi i p.m. I Mi ''a/i/pjo 4 p.m. Sunaranjf »nd s'l>»y» J/i.."iu'irt<" 4 p.m. T. Ansoo via porttt MnUiccn 1 p.m. Horontalo yin port! 0. <!■ Jacob 4
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    • 129 4 From Europ«:— By the P. *O, Cortmatukl due on Sunday with dates to the Hth Dec. She brings replies to tb emails which left Siuiiapnru on the tlth and 9th Not. From Chika:— By the M. M. s.s. TAu«in due on Thursday. eft Sincaiiore Due in London
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    • 158 4 H VMULi NAM! !TO« CAPTAIS FEOJ. S»'"«U COMIOSIM. SI Kio. Aiu Am s tr SOOO Hutchipwn Norfolk M II 0. Contul S3 Sh»Dghßi' 2044 Hpicer Lomloo Nov 14 4 0.C0y. S3 jl-elcbaburi O«r str 1100 Hillm»nn BtwaM IU-hn Meyer* Co. 23 lEmile 00 N«od»h Rhio >.'- i:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 NOTICES. |T| RIGAUD'S fat E&n&aga |i OP JAPAN H TOILET WATER J Mfsaa'ttMtnfaWaBji n ii» ."j Moth,., i.d k^S RIGAUD&C S. ru< vlTl.nn. t TM HEW FRgNOH REMEDY toamH Hmark mi I*l mt W»'7 r°F^" ™»W7. w mpMI I. a. <M>«'Ul<^u tTaMiJtMba. J-««t. wianp, <yl t». kMd. ma* .»,|iMm fclHiMli
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    • 536 4 NOTICES. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW «STCO. KEEP FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES PROMPT CASH PRICE LISTS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION. LACE 8 ROOCH RM j^^Jffi a^^^^3p^BHr n r>* ai\ prktty wax bridal wrkaths -I />T^/4JPf%^pJ rnce \j\%. OU TH k yacht club- hk. 7 ../f (Jb/A \-Jf $1-50, 2-50, 4-50, 5-50 •£?<!dfy&2 r
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