The Straits Times, 23 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. a 0.71 a SINGAPORE, MONDAY DECEMBER 23, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 776 1 flft IOH BO COMPANY, LIMITED Tll( Btsn I Ufc \-f\rmat». Th. n>iM !««rif«rlo« CWr*e>J I Tk«TeMeafci.<i lJ** Osasjaaj. For nartlr" I*'"1 iW th.«»n Oomp»m«e.. eae the rail KlV.rfi-~". I I'HS IMKNKO OOHnsr.uamu A K OTf STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I mh^tmnwimhi I STKAM MVWAftt N Bfl. Onuv, Ivma, Anttuu, A MiIfHtIJI.I.I«HI.TI'. ADD
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    • 1488 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I-.»)Smi.'KF. PAKKTV.VAII'I MAAT»CHAPFIJ isitaVla witn iv» NHtl'.erlanue India tJo.a noien*.. iitmafon OBir AaonCT, latbJ. Dakupbls* Obw Om Qb*T. Tie .mlerraiiitioncsl date* ar« .>nlv appr..jimave. Froni fc»|>e<te«i >mi v» laaapsacmd t»r 0. !a7oi>~~ Moluocas via Dec. 18 Maeaswr, Banda, Amlnn. "oeroe, Soerabaia llatjar, Ternate. (Joror.tolo. Menado, TBIIIMIB m— I)
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    • 930 1 .NOTICES Ideal Milk ££§£g&:"'^* Enriched 20 per cent. X*^ Vr *~Y 'wi with Cream. Sterilized-Not Sweetened. B&^wnT^J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh INSURANCES. INSURANCES. THH PHffiXIX ABWTEANCE COMP/.KT o» lOKBOX. (EmmnvtM i. D 1782.) The andeAtgved, Age.-.ts for tho above Cm panj, aro propared V accept Fin Bints at th.
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    • 701 1 BANKS. HONBKO~Nti~A«ir SHANGHAI BANKING OOUrORATIOH. PAID-rP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE KT'ND.Sterling Reserve..sli',oliO,lJOol m:M000 Silver ftewrve. W.OnO/ J l6 llTO KFSERVE I.rABILITY OF I ..npnonrn VROPKIKTORS J..»lO.nOT.nuo Cockt < r Diaaorou:— IIOK. J J. B«lL-IlVI!fS DaTnTV CsAiaBAM. ■.I ToMKim i B L. RlcßAaoeoit. Rag. 'A Rlin.Kh IR SORTTBABT. I" M M e.n
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    • 497 1 NOTICES. Dr. H. S. Lawrence, American Dentist. No. 8, BATTERY ROAD. ;l Singapore EVERYMAN 1 pJs,ujHai t ,r^.r., c .r"' c.m 17/x/itt v. j. Ktrmtm c». a* wHmr ihmtr wnaMS aa> AGENTS IN f NQIA'JD. EmtmmUmltmm' In 1*44, Immy hmvm a thorough mnowriom'mo mf Ihm aMsaf oMporlonom ml tmmimrm
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    • 922 1 Croup A FEW MINITKS- DELAY ITT TREATINn anme eases of croop, even the length of tine it takes to t* for a doctor, often proves dangerous. Th» satsM way is to keep so-ne reliable Croon roedicino constantly in the houw. There is none belter than Ciiamb-i.ain'i Coogn Kemedy. It contains
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  • 24 2 On the nth of December. i>t hn rMid-nce. No lOu, Hul.Ming Well R->.il. .Shanghai, A: i i.n. Jimeh How, age 4 71 years.
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  • 610 2 THe Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 23RD DECEMBER. CoMMOMrATioiis have reached this office concerning a hardship occasion illy suffered by rnirinerj— deck officers and engineers included —whose ships get into collision or are shipwrecked in this part of the world, and who are subsequently detained as witnesses at the
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  • 405 2 Thb Americans in the Philippines do some strange things in tbe way of colonisation, which are alien to British ways in similar premises. For instance they built great refrigerators in Manila almost before they put up barrack*, and they have only just now begun to think of having an officers'
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  • 233 2 I'm expected war betwen Chili and Argentina, which to-day's telegrams assert to be imminent, ha* long been smouldering, and indeed, owing to the aggressiveness of Chili, has for seme time past been regarded ax inevitable. The dispute dates from old Spanish days, and boars upon the boundary of certain mountainous
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  • 163 2 Jurrriß Plcvius lias proven most unmannerly so far to-day, and there is no prospect of any cricket this afternoon. The Esplanade is virtually a swamp, and play of any sort seems quite impossible. It is a wet welcome to give tbe visitors, who have come all the way down from
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/rus bank rale is 1/10 j.
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  • 8 2 lac Mrafh Budget will be published to-morrow evening.
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  • 15 2 Tbe South British hire and Marine Insurance Co. send a date block calendar for 1902.
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  • 17 2 Thk homeward French mail did not close at 6 p.m. on Saturday, but at 11 am to-day.
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  • 13 2 With to-day's issue there ia a supplement containing shipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 31 2 On Christmas Day and liuxing Day, (Wednesday and Thursday nrxt) there will be no issue of the Straitt Tima. On the afternoon of Tuesday next the paper will be published early.
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  • 34 2 As we go to preas, we hear that the French mail steamer Yille dt la Cioiot, wbicb brought the mail from China broke two propellor blades. Bhn will Ua*e to go into dock bore.
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  • 21 2 Thb English lady doctor shortly expected in Pensng is said to be corning out at the instance of two Chinese gentlemen.
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  • 29 2 Turn P. i 0. homeward mail .n, left Hongkong at 1 p. in. on Saturday, and in due to arrive hnre at 6». in on Thursday, the 26th mutant.
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  • 28 2 On the 25th Decemnsr, the Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will be closed, but they will be open on the 28th from 10 to 11 a.m.
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  • 24 2 BriiNMNu with the Kienig Albert homeward and tbe Su outward tin. Imperial (ierman mail steamers will call at Gibraltar to embark and land passengers.
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  • 26 2 M. Gbttiv, the eugioesr on the Orao bridge construction work.*, Algeria, has been amhnrieed to accept tbn post of Director-Qeneial of tho Indo-Chinese Railway in Yuoimo.
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  • 30 2 Ik the early hours of this morning the Maiir.e I'olice arrested aCbinamao at Kamp->ng M.ii.tcr with «i* bags of rice iv his possession, for which he could give no account.
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  • 36 2 Public randing* arc to be held in the Town Hall trom Sunday January IMb, to 19th, wlieu addresses on Christian topics are to he given by all thu local ministers, including the Colonial Chaplain and others.
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  • 36 2 \V>: understand that in tliu early hours of .Sunday morning, burglars broke into a house in Kiver Valley Road. Tbe police inform us tbat the burglary had not been reported to them up to nuon to-day
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  • 37 2 It in reported that the Hongkong Police Korce will be represented at the coronation ceremonies next summer by sixteen of its European members, who are all going home on leave in the spring of the coining year.
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  • 34 2 Thii morning, before Mr launders, BHBt Oooley, of Orchard Koad Police .Station, charged four Bengalee* with obstructing tho traffic in Orchard Koad on Saturday morning with ;i7 enws. 'Ihe men were lined >J each.
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  • 48 2 Thk annual prize distribution of Riffles Institution place 10-day al o p in. Mr. Kynnersle) will give away the pri/et The prize distribution of the Teluk Ayer Oirl»' .School takes place tu-dxy also, at 4 p. m in the Gan Ung Seng School building, Teluk Ayer Street.
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  • 55 2 Hkhk Johann Marquarlt, violinist, and Madame Bieittcnuck-Marquardt, hnrpi»', who are on tour, have arrived in Tlmy go to Bangkok, Mai then lelurn her« to perform on J.'iniiary 18th in the Town H.ll. They afu very lalunted peoplu, and have been received wilh great .ntliiiM.ism in all •in ports up nortu.
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  • 64 2 A nine at Canton on the 12th inttant was of a very destructive nature. The lie broke out near the Customs Club about midnight, and destroyed upwards of WX) houses. The a. i destroyed hy 'lie fire covers half-a-mile by a quarter of a mile. About twenty r«r'ons lost their
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  • 62 2 Thk Mul-i'-i from Teluk Anson brought tli« following passengers this morning: Mr. Stephens, .Mr. Lewin, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Peaisc, Mr. Ingall, Mr. Clayton, Mr Maxwell, Mr. Cummins, Mr. Allen, Insp Glover, Mr. Bagnall, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Swan, Mr. Jelf. Mr. Baddely, Mr. Ogilvic, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. 1. Pears, Mr. \V.
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  • 64 2 Gamblino has hitherto been a favourite form of amusement in Manila, and it yielded big revenues in Spanish times, t'nder American rule, however, tilings have ciianged. The Municipal Board have before them an ordinance making all and every form of gambling illegal in the city of Manila, and placing the
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  • 73 2 With regard to the Seckar case, it may be noted that a writ was previously issued against the Captain of the P. and O. steamer Oceania for bieach of tbe Australian Customs Act. Tbe Supreme Court of Melbourne gave judgment adverse to the Oceania, holding that tbe Commonwealth I'arliment is
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  • 158 2 mmiapome is about to enjoy a treat in the shape of some light and varied amusement. The above company will commence a season at the Town Hall on Monday evening next in a programme full of novelties. From what we read and hear this company is
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  • 234 2 Assistant Engineer of the "Prinz Helnrich" Shot Dead A terrible tragedy occurred al midnight, or parly tins moruing, on board the German mail steamer IViai Ibie* rich a* she was nearin^sinsaporo ou the voyage from Europe. At the hour mentioned there was a loud report
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 54 2 N. D. L. CAPTAIN RELEASED. THE FINE WILL BE PAID. London, 23r</ Dffmher. Tbe Captain of the N D. I, steamer SerJttr has been release 1 from prison at Freiaanlle, on the steamer's agents giving a bond to pay the fine and cost* arising from hi* conviction for bm.ikiof; the
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    • 22 2 BOERS DRIVEN OFF. <;»npial Dartnell engaged Cominaodent Dow,u neir I,a.n»l>erg. After four hours SghtinK the Boer« were driven 00.
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    • 19 2 Covered Many Times Over. Inter. The Fnaoa Calaa indemnity loan was covered twenty four times over.
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    • 21 2 Two liun.lrol Burgh^ri at Sinnrlir ton have j «ine.| Urn Cirps of N Bcout«.
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    • 29 2 A Boundary Dispute which Is Expected to End In War. War is expected to break out between Argentino and Chili en account of a boundary dispute
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  • 240 2 A WET DAY PREVENTS PLAY. The first of the matches in the Singajiore Cricket Week -si C. C v. IVi .ik w.i- to liave coinmoncnd on the K. C. 0. Krouiul ahfa morning at 10.30, but shortly after IU o'clock r.tin hr.'in tn full Hinitrlly.
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  • 77 2 To-day Federal Team v. R.E and R. A. on Recreation Club Ground. Kick-offs p.m. Tuesday, Dec. Nth Federal Team v. B.C.C. on C.C.C. Ground. Kick-oIT 0 p m. Friday, Dec. i"lh i F'enang v S.C C on S.C.C. Ground. Kick-off 6 p.m. Tbe original arrangement was for the
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  • 58 2 The following is the result of play for thn medal on Saturday liaffucy IH r i»- 96—10 m of) Winter M-H3-. lie— 6 !U Wolfentan M+67^luo-U W Jones /.7+«- 96- I N Uol. Oakes.. 60+48^108-1;! im Monro .V 4B- 103- 6 90 Carver tSH+W-HS-- 5 «li*
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  • 120 2 It is proposed, if it is a line moonlight night on Friday, the 27th, that the Town and Volunteer Band shall play, if it can be arranged, on the Ksplanadu at S.itU p in. The band commenced to practice shortly after the beginning of this montb,
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  • 149 2 A meeting ol the Masters and M.ilrAssociation wan held at the Marine Club on Saturday night with relerence to the suggested increase of salaries Capt. Busk took th« chair and read over the ofl'er of the owuers. It was unanimously agreed that bonuses were unsatisfactory substitute*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 I NOTICES. ifOBEITs" EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULAtfUOW. Nsnats>*un>rs of Dynamite, (telLsmte. Gelatine Dynamite, BLstmg Gelatine, Detonators. ALL EI.IIU M Safety Fuses. Bfcfric Blasting Apparatus. T4« ahorr Ktepltwi>y>t, Imng all svkib-(i.Krr-i lire.ii Britain, art made lo mm the high ttamlard of tnfety and •un'iy <*>'.' impo.od hy Ike Brituk tiorerjime*nl,andort, therefore,
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    • 640 2 NOTICES. CORONATION His Majesty King Edward VII. J"LJ 3STE 1902. PRESENTATION CASKETS. ORDERS BOOKED m Hold and Silver Caskets, Gem-Set or otherwise, of any description, design, A »»lue. Designs and Estimates submitted on application. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO. Jewellers and Silk Merchants, Higb Street, Singapore. KELLY AUD WALSH UNITED.
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    • 654 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. Coming in Igoyal Splendor. The Attraction of the Century. HARRY JACK COGII.L SUTTON'S ENTERTAINERS. Opcaittg Next Monday, Dec 30. A Company of Hioh Cla<s Aanrrs. A Small Card THE management take great plrasore ia informing the theatre-voinz public of Singapore that they hare brought with them
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    • 57 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENORAVINOS. 300 Different Subjects. Prices Mac M n Europe. Special moulding oa very cheap term* for these pictures. G.R. Lambert Co. ljtw.— on tbe I9tb IK-c. at Naiomra," Nortliam Hoad, Penanc, '.ho *\(e of Cucil A. Law of a daughter. At Upper-Norwood, St. Unmaa'e Mala, on flat instant,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 287 2 I§6e "Straits XSitnes." SVBSCRIPTION RA TBS. The STRAITS TIMKS Daily umu, in Singapore —per copy U Ctt. per montt tI.SO per fear $30.00 (By pott) per monIA tt.SS per year IS;."* Tht STRAITS BUDGET: poreopy 40 CU. per year $11.00 (By pott) pert/ear $SO.OO Xorh:—The Straitt Budget it publithed in
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  • 2118 3 Ua Qou/erneur a Poigne. (From OttatiotuU Corn.- pooler t Snijon, Hl* December. The uillotuic, ;it one time <i U m*i» in Kran.- has been applied of late in Indo-Cliii.. I'hi* time it it the record of summary eiec.i.or.s a whole Colony li.rt bocn decapitated— :-aigon is
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  • 159 3 A < "KRti'roND«NT write* from the Peninsula to the Bangkok Tiint/ that a recent visit of the Vice- Minister of the Interior gave much satisfaction in the south. He visited I'hya Suit hum at Smgoru, nnd discussed the administration of the seven eastern Malay States, whore dilik-ullies
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  • 692 3 Lipr, 16«» Dtemhrr. Civil and Criminal. Tut Acting Senior MigMiraw a— br.'ii engaged miring the part few days in heariuf; a c.iso in which Mr u>U Kirn Tek, on behalf of Messrs. Bernard Kalkensi«in and Co. of Singapore, saed a Chinese firm in Lipis, named Kirn Soon Hiu,
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  • 198 3 Thomas Brown, seaman on board the British barque Ketrerdale, committed suicide lately at Manila in a marvellous manner. He had been conSned in the forecastle for threatening to kill certain peri >ns on board His wrists were ironed, but he was allowed the uxe of bis lefts, lie
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  • 129 3 The annual general meeting of tbc Batavia (iolf Club was held in the Pavilion on 16ih instant, at 8.30 p.m., Mr l)a»id Pryce (President) in the chair There was a large attendance of members. The H"n. Treasurer submitted the account* for the past season, which were duly
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  • 1068 3 18<* Dtcemhtr. Mr. Waller T»te from Perak is the I guest ol Mr and Mrs. Heslop llill at I llukit Nan«o, Berernban. last week. Mr. and Mr». Epbraims have returned I to their house at the Seminbao Tia Mining Co., from Penang. Mr Penny has been
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  • 79 3 SeverUy wan quoted at 3 to 1, and Vkerry and Security at 6 to 1 each; Bnuher at Bto 1 longer odds against tha reft, that is to say 10 to 1. 'ISihal Cain 11 and Vnuda, Stralkroy, Sinepinr, and Pluius, 15 to 1
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  • 143 3 St Andrew's Cathedral Eve:— 6.;i0 p.m Cnoml Evensong. Christ ma* Day 0 a.m. Holy Communion. 7 3ua.m Holy Communion (Choral). 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon. 1 J noon. Holy Communion (nonChoral). p.m Kvensong. Sunday after Christmas 7 am. Matins. 7 46a m Holy Communion (Clioral). 6 JO
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  • 186 3 German mail t-tearaer l'nitz Wrin/iWi arrived this morning from Kurope with 108 passengnrs. of whom 78 disembarked at Singapore. Hie steamer was delayed a few days, throucli the 6uei Oiml being blocked by a French steamer. The cabin passengers for Singapore are: -Prof. Dr. Volckcrs, W. Koch,
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  • 221 3 Thl problem ofconstruc'injra.liviof dress which will succvufully r««in the presbure of water, and so permit of diving being carried on at a greater depth than 150 font, na< it is uisnrted, been solved by the invention of a special apparatus in West Australia. Mr. A. E
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  • 526 3 RIWOArOM. S8»l> n« BM»S« 1901. PRODUCE. «*mbi« buyer* I ("opr« Fal' l"_ n >» I do P(viii«n»k Pepper. Bl»rk bnrert M.W do White, (»X> MOO S«tro Floor Bar»w»k JW" do Branei No. 1 S4M I Pearl ."affo I r o «T~. K*li. 15X _V««) I f!o(I~., Pulemhunc JO* b*<iJ
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 Cl n, i;i;l,]f ks. MALM »nd LLRNH Oi ..iko Injuries. Are promptly relieved l>y CHAMBERI.MNS PAIN BALM. A few *pplications will e(!r. t a complete ■•ure. Kor salu by all dealer* in medicine*, lbr linit.mry. General Aprtt. Blngapore. A
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    • 39 3 IN AMKRICA. Chanibrrlainn Cough Remedy is a grvat favourite with mothers for colds, croup, and whooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always give* prompt relief. Hold by all dealers in Medicine*. The Dlapeiisary Oi r»l Agent*. Singapore.
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    • 248 3 Nirr BKY(iM) HOPK Those who have suffered year after year from Rheumatism will lie glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute •peciflc There are no condition* of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from what cnu*e, that caanot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by tittle's
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    • 139 3 BUIOAPOftB. Harness Saddlery Department. All articles in this Department are obtained from the most reliable English makers, and our Harness Is all made from Oak-tanned Hides. Pair Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In Black Leather, with Brass or Plated Mount*. Single Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In Black or Brown
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    • 440 3 NOTICES. Katz Brothers, Ltd. Beg to Announce their CHRISTMAS SHOW Cadbury's Chocolate Creams in Fancy Boxes, from 20 Cents to $10 each. Exhibition Packets. Footballs Mumpers Baskets I'lusli Puree*. l'lu-h Ban Pluih Glove 1t.,,.- Plush Handkerchief Bom Venetian Ca»ke(». ChryMothOmur 1 Boie» Satin Violet Boies Violet Bagt Puinted Wlluin Boim
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 162 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, ari December. High Water p.m. M. M. outward mail due. (tovt. Clerical Berviie Eiamination. Telnk Aye> Girls' School. Mtim 4. Raffle. Instituiion r-riz^UUtributioo Tuesday. 14th December. Hich Water 8.56 a.m. 10.11 p.m Christina* Kvo. Theatricals. Town Hall. B.IV Wednesday, JSHI December. High Water. 9.2H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 473 4 NOTICES. /]laniutd women *tLI CKnOllll $i§ noni, iiriiios YI N CHAPOTEkUT (Qurmurt t ptmn i IILICISUi IVTHITin STIKULiKT Tk» a«»i»ni7 wia. U «ail r wtaaUalal -k« a. «k» ali< lI^U hmi ».ll laaaki M la. > 1»4..«W ia caaahiiiaul aW \f JaJPj^ >y Djaiwatla. m« jCoaaamptio*, ■l- V«' Ult'ratio. Guaranteed
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    • 200 4 NOTICES. FANCY GOODS SUITABLE FOR Christmas Gifts &c. Albums letter Caaea A»h Travn Military Brush Sets Rue Chatelain Menu Stands \l:iz« Kiitni Manicur* SeU Bagi Hand Motor Car Cigarette Stands Blotint Cues Musical Albums DriisnSiMn Photo Frumua Canl Casra Photo Scriwna Calendars Pipes (B B. B.) Brand Chatelaios Pipen Loew»s
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    • 584 4 NOTICES. VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE From Friday Dec. 20th to Tuesday Dec. 24th Positively for 5 days only Whiteaway, Laidlaw tf Co., will clear out the whole of their stock of TOYS and PRESENTS 3i\\ Xmas (Bards AT 20 CENTS DISCOUNT ON THE DOLLAR. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., always make it .1
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    • 86 4 WHERE TO SPEND XMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS" SARKIES JOHANNES AND CO. Auctioneers and Estate Agents 6 and 7. TELEORAPH STREET THE CHEAPKST HOCSK FOR TKAK Wn'in fitrkiti'dv LATEST PATTERNS. Inspection Invited. SARKIES JOHANNES AND CO. John Little Co. Ltd! TOYS. A large selection suitable forXmas Presents. Dolls, Perambulators, Barrows,
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    • 409 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION Forty tie System against Disease withTURE BLOfIF. "THE BEST SECURITY FOR MKALTH." CSSKNOK OK FLUID EXTRAOT OF RID JAMAICA _^_^r«ag«^e«d_bT_it»^«>OMaa^«iaolcT^TrT?!^r^aa^^^^'^^^ E u^.V^ TORPID I ,VER, DEBILITY, ERUPIIUwb WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And all Imparities of the Bleed. IaiPOHTAIIT IVIMHCI OF SUPmmomTY. JH "W. .tax* k»>
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