The Straits Times, 21 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS NO. 20,711
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 711 1 f*UE IiO.SIKK OVFAHY. L1M11EI) 'pilCStar 4< v At«iiT<TIZ CMM r -•>*•» Tf.TuttenS Utter ii— i:.»«|>«aj. V.« iwrti f.ll «fc •ANT. UM IV.V> Airnnw. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I OMIM,fHaMMMiINMH I Pr WMI hmIUMI I flttl N\vi',;.\r."N ttKTAKT. (Huhlhii rok < mi.., .»,r-\ r«TUW, liHl*. AtHI»II» M «S. EhTM Mtamil IF*. OIRMIVtI UatM
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    • 843 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. t'OnnUiO I'AKKTVAART MAATHOHAPI'M Inter coutract with Hi N^therbvndn India lio a noiont. ,««™i« at .Sinai^<»': Miir AoiscT, L»T* J. DunDiu 4 c.i., -i-5, ixjiwtn yi-iv lermrntioneil .Ule- are only appmiimate. I-V..M "V.17"-'-. --...ti. '.ert mr 0 O.Jaoeb Mulucca« vis T>ec. 18 Macassar, Kanda, Ambon. Boeroe, r>i»'rahaia lialinn, Ternate.
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    • 697 1 unum srEAMsnii'ci. (ltw S. S. Pell»ng": On Mondavi at A p.m. fnr Malacca, i'ort Dickson, IVrt HcwttntH. k -MaiHcca": Ma Wwlnetdnys at i P.m. for Mai.tcca, Port liickun,' Port -w.tteiihnni. and Teluk VO'on > ban Whatt Hiii": On Friday it 4 p.m for Malacca, Port Dickton. and I'ort Sweltenham. s.
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    • 596 1 INSURANCES. rwmM UiNIXiN AND LAHCAfIrtIU 1 FIKK IKSIIKAICfIK COMPANY. Capital 1.1.127,1100 Paid up Oapilal £iV.'.?M> Re««rve Fund £\JOD3.NH I'be UDrtcr>iiin»'i, Agerti for the Company, an prepare i to arcer.'. fire risks at current rates o' prnmirini. BOUHTKAD A Co., Agent*. rl '!IN* rBAPKRii tNSIIHAfiCI I eotfPAHY L;j»rrßr>. Capital Eabiaribd IMHt**
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    • 274 1 INSURANCES. 1/UXION FIRE INSUKANCIv COMPANY OF PAULS. K*TABLIMIE» IH3B. HESKP.VEH AND TOTAL GUARANTEES CJ.nfJO.OOO. r I^H& undersigned, igi>nt* for the above I company, are prepared to accept fire MU for long or short periods at cunvinl rate-. CAPH SETTLEMENTS promptly m»rl» hy tho Agents 'n Singspor" n.c. MOINE OOMTE a
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    • 708 1 BANKS. UONOKOSU ANIJ PHANHHAI iIANKISi. C'ORWRATION. PAIDI'H CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESEKVBITNI).— Sterling R*jerve..«l:l.UoO.(xr 1 Hilver Benrrni.. V&O.OflO 3 o KK.SEKVK LIABILITY OK I 1!nm I'KdI'KIKTOUK^ f-l!0,om.oi». virir l>lß»rrTOKS R. <i»i>, K~, -Oa-aoaua Ho». J.J. Beli liiviyu DirriTi <'a»i«Hi.\. H. K Tomki*. R 1.. Kiciauimoic. r>q A H* 1-i.iV. IH in »>ir
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    • 493 1 NOTICES. Dr. H. S. Lawrence, American Dentist. No. 8. BATTERY ROAD. H Singapore COMMON BENBE --NUTBHELL MaiaSilail'' I'^*'1 h H "f B oal ■tl««aV •vj fatKtiocwl <.pilWil"rf p»into, aVi .t«a prtjttkd obnrmtmM on mttn^m m* fill «<*w!*SmT«?>ml 'XmuJitzz Sa.SStTCBCrBffISWSLSW* ÜbtalmM* «Uoof TUMCMf 4 O*.. LIaMTtK. mm,,. Raffles Hotel. The proprietors
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    • 909 1 Cuts, Bruises, Scalds and Burns, Or like iDJurlaa, Are Promptly reliavod by C.MAMBKHLAIN'S PAIN BALM A few apphcotioiiK »,ll ttrri o,mpl>to cur. For sale by all dealers in medi< me* vervwnere. Pri-e SO cts. aod $100. ti-neral Agents. The Dispense ry.Hingapore 3-B T ANTKD, for Christmas Islanl. ■■nod TT Bur<si<n
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  • 1133 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS SATURDAY, 21ST DECEMBER. Ghosts appear to have suddenly Ijjunl.'l 111U mMm I) it 1u .1 popularity hiii ing Ik* lujJi.i;; li'.?nry ii j.u>. ail in I lie rcaily fa*hijn tbio tut of c iku'ui people, wliich ISjOMMMtM like erf am above the le«
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  • 287 2 KviiS Soiisn, who ha* put Frame and Inland, and possibly the rest of Eirope, in humming unJ whistling rapport with the United Btaata, 11.13 his mi-ical limitation?, an I it apparently encountering some uncomfortable reminders that he had bettor stick t« his lii-t. As a leader of the kind of
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  • 421 2 Pouti'gai. clearly wishes to make clear title to Hie remaining Chinese possessions of that Government, at Macao, and is willing to pay well for the accomplishment, if the report be true that riinhor Branco, the new Portugese Minister to Peking, comes out at a salary of £20,000 and an allowance
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  • 431 2 Agitation has been started in Siam in protest ag.tinst the p ilicy which his parcelled the supnrvision of various public departments so promiscuously as to thre.ifen the Rnvernment with trouble on account of the rivalries and jealousies of tbe foreign buncficiaries. It would have been easy, tlie agitator* say, to
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  • 232 2 Thk Gmernmenl Goiettt lately notified the exemption of the steamer Choir Vl, yn and tlie steamers of the Straits Steamship Company from certain rules, under the Cattle Transit Ordinance, f>r the comfort of live stock cargo. The fining Q.izclie in corainmliu; on these exemptions, points out that these rules mainly
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  • 91 2 A si-null, cablegram to the Calcutta Engiukman states: The publication in the Buglish press of Reuttr's statements regarding the serious difference between Queen Wilh.;l<nina and her husband has created irreal indignation in Holland. Categorical official denials have been made of all lUnia't statements. We are asked to believe there was
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  • 180 2 As will be seen by an Milvertisoment in another column, the Hircnimre Masters and Maten Association have summoned a meeting of all marinen-, intere«tei| in their agitation, to a meeting at the Marine Club ,v -|i o'clock this evening. The local O«MH and Agents, in reply to the petition recently
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  • 51 2 Thk Uxinli Riilway which is now almost r.mi|ili-;.-d. lieeuu in Dm, IMt The railway is 670 miles long from Momlii-'t. a port on the nnt to the «hore» of the 1 w... O*M millions sterhni! Laura baea pmvided for the line by tlio IHtisli (i.nernment. It o[ien» ii,. rich
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  • 39 2 Tiif /'unnj Unzette sMael 1 hit Battlejaanl aubasriMa> to thn Singapore Queen Victoria Memorial BaUso llm ground that its betiehia would lie eirliisivelv confined to Sinnpure. Ii favours h kMal nieuurial at 1'..-:ianx in the ihaat afl pul-ltc park.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 37 2 A BKi LIST OF CHARUES. Lt*Mba,*M DtaMatar. The trill of S.iieo,.eri, the Boer Commindant, has begun at (in, l Keinet. Tliereare thirty charges against him of inur lev. irso:i, trainwrecking, and cruelty to prisoners.
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    • 29 2 ENDORSEMENT BY MR. ASQUITH. Mr. Aatj'iith, in a speech delivered at \V »kf rn.imptnii, unreservedly endorsed .tiio policy sketehel out by Lord Roaebery iv his rrcent pronouncement.
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    • 8 2 Captures of Boers continue daily
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    • 12 2 The M irq lis Ito has arrived at ■MMab.
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    • 19 2 Has Reached Victoria Nyanza. The rails on the Cg^nda railway have been laid to Like Victoria Nytiii/.i.
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  • 7 2 To-nxy's 4/ms bank ra'.e id 1/10, 1
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  • 8 2 The hoiiu-ward nail closes to-day at 0
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  • 10 2 Thk K Miles lloi.-l sendu a wall Ciilenilar fur 190i'.
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  • 15 2 HaMW. A. Knight, and T. H. lliom--.mi are auditors of Municipal accounts here in IMv.'.
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  • 12 2 Eight banishment orders against aliens am notiiittd in yesterday's (Joientmenl Oat He
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  • 15 2 The Slrail, liiulgtl was published this morninii. A mail supplement will bo issued this evening.
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  • 15 2 Mks S. C Miini and Mr. Cornelius arrived from l'ontiauik yesterduy by t!-e Willing Wkf
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  • 14 2 With to-day's issue there ii< a «upi lament containing shipping news and some advertiscmen's.
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  • 19 2 Thk Hon'ble C. \V. S. Kyimersley is the Deputy for thu Governor here during II E.s absence iv Pcnaug.
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  • 23 2 Mr. E. G. Heth who arrived here on the lath inut has oxen appoiuled a Cadet in the Civil Service of the Colony.
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  • 21 2 The Penanj, from Tuluk Anson via ports, brought the following Mr. A. H.imilion, Mr. C. Wanutig, and Mr. \V. W. Wahen.
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  • 21 2 Hk. xml Mrs. M trg.iret, Mr. Campbell, Mr. D.ivio, and Mr ll.rnu c.iin* from Manila this morning by the Che,i«g lU.
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  • 22 2 The P. and O intermodule steamer Shnngkai left iNmiai at pm. yesterduy ami is dm; to arrive here tomorrow (Sunday) at daylight.
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  • 23 2 Miss Webb, Mis«. A. Niuhronner,. Mr. Labruy, and Mr. Hoi in bun; came from Port Swettenham by the Han Ilia (inun this morning.
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  • 25 2 Mh H. Lupton has been appointed to be :t«« i»l ml Superintendent of works in the Public Works Department Mr. Lupton is stationed at Malacca.
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  • 24 2 This m.'rning the Marine Polii.i posted on duty in the harbour arrested a Chinaman for boin^ iv fraudulent possession of four bags of copra
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  • 26 2 In imMm, -."> at Iht most efficient men will he selected from each of tbu approved Volunteer Corps to proceed to London next year for the Coronation.
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  • 26 2 Mr. G. C. Gnapp, of Colombo, has bean authorised to tile, in the Colonial Secretary's OUice, the specification of an invention for the improvement ot jinrikisbas.
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  • 28 2 Thk miiual distribution of prizes at Uatll'S ln-lilu!ion takeo place on Monday at p.m. The Hou. t \V h\ Kynnersley will preside and will give away the prizes.
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  • 47 2 The departure 01 the Islander for Christmas Inland, and the Cocoa has been delayed till Monday. It is understood that the steamer will convey mails to tlif CVcos, and letters intended f.>r the pur*uns stationed on Mm may be posted up to X p.m ua M-md»f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 NOTICES, RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY .elected blend, thoroughly matured in bond. Price (10 per cane sample* froe. BORNEO CO., LTD. tn. th s. Hole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests W.V) lbs.. i.-.'imi ii.... tter irrra after tour> «tn>« in i.-< i» liijp. Water in Water. Tha aliore tests were nuwle
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    • 650 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CORONATION His Majesty King Edward VII. JUNE 1902. PRESENTATION CASKETS. ORDERS BOOKED FOB Onl.iand Silver Caskets, Gem-Set or otherwise, of any description, design, A value. Phn and Estimates submitted on application. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL V CO., Jewellers and Silk MerchanU, High Street, Singapore. KATZ BRbS.,ILD. TOYS TOYS
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    • 419 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. UNDER THE PATRONAQE OF THE S. C. C. EXTRA PERFORMANCE On Tuesday, 24th December, IN THE TOWN HALL At v-:n i p m. "Charley's Aunt" A FARCICAL COMEDY BY BRANDON THOMASI Preceded at 8-4.i p.m. "Grass Widows" MUSICAL COMEDIETTA VIRGINIA GABRIEL. Reserved Seats $3.00 ■aok Mats *1.00 Soldier,
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    • 21 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENORAVINQS. 300 Different Subjects, Price* tame a* in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 292 2 T36e Straits TDimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tkr STRAITS TIMES: Daily tttue, in Singapore :—ptr cu/,u IS VU. ptr montk it.SO m >. ■> ptr year fJO.OO (By pott) per Hiontk tt.SS per year $3i.00 Tkt STRAITS BUDGET: ptr ropy 40 Ctt. per year fIS.OO (By pott) ptr year tSQ.OO .VOTE:—
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  • Article, Illustration
    2209 3 Love tttajaal aa >ri ir>|e, n enchan: a| that one proll'cr- on •>:> 'i writing shun it Tbarafora I wiß i ntmmi (ardilaibatapga aa epiKo.ii- t aorta tint eaaw madw v) •rvhtion on Thursday. Tna hero M n.v own pirlicu'ar boy, than wltosi I can hnsmil
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  • 1132 3 Scuttling Advocated. ttCTMUI. ni. mh, r« of the States, G( m-rnl I avelutterly urged the abandon- in- nt of ftiliawi and Dutch New Guin«:i on the (TOlilld that these territories are uatwoAlabl* pu*aaaahMat, In Acinin there hus bet-n a state of war since l*7:i, .11.1 the enemy have
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  • 162 3 At tha junction of Boat Quay and B.uiiMii. Str.-sl— a«aiaat Maatn and Cos. go.iown— the passenger way lias for some time been in a neglected condition but. it is now *o bad as to constitute a danger to persons walking along there. This state of affairs
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  • 194 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (4th Sunday In Advent.) 7 a. m. Matins I ,\'t ani Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Sunday School. Qarrison Parade Services. 7 a m., St. An lr*w'« Cathedral. ;o 4". a. m. Htakaa Mati. If noon. I'uliu tool St. Matthew's Church. Sepoy Lines. ROMAN CATHOLIC
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  • 45 3 HKMI-- for the salaries of assistant surgeons and drivers are published in yeiterdny's Umernmrnt Gazette, The former start with $?.ii a year and rite to Si«4o on the 19lh year of service. Bmlm dre«*era start with *720 and rise to SDOO in ten years' time.
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  • 49 3 Mr. Micbell the second Magistrate is going un a week's vacation leave to Pennng. On his return he will take up the appointment of Commissioner of the Court of Requests. Messrs launders and Carter will act tor Mr. Michell during his absence in Penan?. Mr. Michell leaves this afternoon.
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  • 69 3 It is stated at the London Docks that the P. and O. Co. carried out the the recent judicial decision that they must provide for their lascars the same accommodation they have to provide for European sailors and stokers by the simple process of diminishing the complement of lascars instead
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  • 71 3 Thi following shopkeepers bave been convicted by Mr. Gilman for using false darnings and tampering with the same: Tan Si Yeok, 8 Hongkong Street, tinejj $50 and costs Tan Neo Soni;, .11 Carpenter Street, fined 140 and cost; Lam Kirn Sang, 172 South Bridge Road, Sued $40 and eouts Chan
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  • 49 3 IlktoKK Mr. Oilman the Fourth Magistrate, yesterday, Insp. Branagan, of the Marine Police, prosecuted two Chinamen for broaching cargo in the Singapore river. The men were sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment. One of them got an additional three months for attempting to commit suicidu while in the lock-up.
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  • 29 3 T» _'S'h December, the 26*h I) ■.■.•01--l>or next and tha Ist January, 190:2, have b...'ii c icotted as publi holidays all Government Office.* will be closed on MM** days.
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  • 32 3 On Christmas Day and Boxing Day, (WeduM-l iv and Th«rat%f ne.t.) theie will be no issue uf the Slraxlt Timti. in toe afternoon of Tuesday next the p<iper will be published early.
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  • 31 3 Tuk Sultan of Johore's \.-,'p.,,.- haa I i'bii entered for the Viceroy* Cup. tJeitritg in most strongly backed among ihe candidate* for the Viceroy's Cup. .Vuiepuit i« quoted II to 1.
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  • 38 3 Thkiik will be an "At Home at S. Mary's on Tuesday, January 7th, when, hy kind permission ol' the Colonel and officers, the band of the 3rd M 1.. I. wiil play from 7.H0 to 10 :«> p. in.
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  • 29 3 Mr. Michell linuU a Chainaman $10, or 14 days' imprisonment yesterday morning for fraudulent possession of two cut champagnn glasses, a glass bonl, and half a bottle of chutney.
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  • 35 3 HjMNB. Cogill and .-button's entertainers, a Vaudeville Company of reputation, who have lately been playing with success in Australia, have arrived hy the Sultan, and will open in the Town Hall on tha :<Oth inst.
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  • 36 3 Thi Governor arrived at I'euang on Tuesday. Aguurd-of-honurot the Volunteers lined up at Mm entrance to the jetty. H K. inspec;ei the guard rareHilly, expressed his pleasure at the honour done him, and then drove off.
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  • 37 3 Tilt names of the Widows and Orphans' Kund direr-tors (or 1902. and those of the Committee Members to manage the Halites Library and iMueeuiu and the Gardens in the same year are notified in yesterday's Government tiaiette
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  • 76 3 Military census r«:uin-> takaM list month in Cape Col. v; go to show that some thousandi of men anived in the Colony during the Baal feu' uumtna, add it is believed the mMJori.y of these were mercenaries frum Kurjpc who came out with the intention of joining the Hits Published
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  • 81 3 Ykstkkuay niorniug, Acting-lmpec-tor Staple)', of K.'iioy Linos Police .Station, obaftvd four Kling syces with furious driring in Sel-gie K ii'l at 4 p.m. on the li'th ot Nuvcnher. He said that the ayM* were flogging their ponies and shouting. Witn.-s wirne.t tin in, but they took no notice of him.
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  • 573 3 St^oiroan, 21st Piokmbki:, I »>l PRODUCE. Baa Mar buyers I rapra Rali 10/0 do Ponti-.n.»k H7n Pepper, Blvk buyers SI M> do White, (»XV IttOO s»go Flour Ramwnk MO do Brunei No I S« Pear: :'aeo 4 S5 f\irT..,, Bnll. 18% h».|« MM (Mat, PnlemNins: *n bwiii »00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 CITS, BKVISES, SCALDS and BUKNS O> ..ike Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBKRLAIS'SPAIN BALM. A few application* will effect a complete euro. For sale by all dealers in medicines The I)i»|*n»ary, General Agents, Sing-. «f° r 9-1
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    • 458 3 Childhood n the formative period of manhoo I and womanhood A" the child i< to i< the adult. Heccn health li nvt nrcesrary ilurin? this imp irtunt stiw* of physical deTulopment. 111-h-nhh renters children stupid and dull, diiinclined to play, prevents proper development of mind aad m.i-cle. A sickly, weakly
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    • 147 3 IfIHUPTTir Pl™ Italy* BtNGAPOftS. Harness Saddlery Department. All articles in this Department are obtained irom the most reliable English makers, and our Harness Is all made from Oak-tanned Hldaa. Pair Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In Black Leather, with Brass or Fitted Mounts. Single Horse, Cob, and Pony Harness In
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    • 421 3 NOTICES. KATZ BROS., LD. Have Just Unpacked a large Stock of New Goods. MOST SUITABLE FOR Christmas AND New Year Gifts COMPRISING Handsome Cut til. m l.\q\i-UT BdUle? fancy Papar Wall l»«;ur.iti..n» Fancy I'iioto Krames. Real Dresden Chion Figures LndieV Hand Bs X I.ea'her Writing Cases. ■Splxn.hd Aaaottnaatol Klower Vasus
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    • 233 3 Kodaks m 'Hsrj- Films. UaOjjWl MICHAEL s. I Robinson Road JbeQftna Mutual Jsife Jnsuranee Qo. Jbtd. The only local British Life Imumm c t'oiiiimny in the Far Eafll, organist^ (■-I!.-, ully for ihe benefit, and to supplj a bag fnlt want, or residents in '.be Kaat, raflatw d under Honckonß
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 262 3 O.W BY DAY. Saturday, list December. Hivh Um.t n.4_- p in. S. K. C OrWhat M M. bomewnrd mail closes. *pn s v I. in.-- Golf. Monthly medal play. Pars a Theatre. Beeach Hoad. 9. Sunday, 22nd December. Hieli MTaavr. Hl l a.m. SC p.m. Fourth Sunday iv Advent. M.
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    • 80 3 WKATHKU KKPOKT. jV«h*i»c K~tm Hxpf'"' Ml Dre. •■■>!. Bar. .VMttTWasaWi Temp. H4.0 880 7A.0 W. B'lbT'f.o- 77 0 :>>l 74,' i •ir. of Wind 9 r.. XX. Calm Via>.Temp. *<n \f.n 7.1.2 M it. in Ban I'AO Terr. r»d 70.2 Rainfall Nil The atMi.lard tini- ball I"'H" «-wi, and thai
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 401 4 NOTICES. Tor NsfVoUs Nkr^B Pbosphojlycsrate OF LIME TH MMm IMMH kW ml H, lajrtm. aaai. fl H^*- aM I. MM,. jßßj^ r«M«, inn ml mttmenretHATi smut ICWAPOTBAUTI HOtMOUTCIHATe WIKI ICM*">OTEAUT| nmmoiLrctiiATE capsulu iCM»POTt*UT| a. n* Miw-nuaec NOTICES. HIMWAN BKIt'H fIOKHM PAHIR rvN.IAMi 4 R?. oow «up:lviti(( bailHiDg bricks J\. Krtr
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    • 540 4 NOTICES. WHITEAWAY, LJEDLAW C(X VERY IMPORTANT KOTICE H From Friday Dec. 20th to Tuesday Dec. 24th Positively for 5 days only Whiteaway, Laidlaw 6' Co., will clear out the whole of their stock of TOYS and PRESENTS Jill Xmas (Sards AT 20 CENTS DISCOUNT ON THE DOLLAR. WIIITEAWAY, L.VIULAW CO.,
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    • 272 4 NOTICES." Qftristmas and Tfew }/ear (Sards. NEW JAPANESE CURIOS. A fine collection just received for the Christmas season, Ladies and Gentlemen are kindly requested to inspect early. G. OTOMUNE&CO., John Little Co. Ltd. Crackers From "Tom Smith." t'omprUiiu-., (, CottomM, (ia.ns, Toy-, Jewellery, Mask.. htM Puzzle;., Picture- .ews, Photo*,
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