The Straits Times, 20 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS NO. 30,710
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 763 1 *Tllli BOKNEO COMPANY, UMIIBD fall I -r I--..C «p»»/. Kor pa' •>' I'oaijaa'ee. tail ttwntawwri -I niK MlOn ri5T. I."HTKI> A«-nf. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. X, iam,TiuwnlMi HIM RAVMATV* OIHTIIT. iHcivim pis OHU, -v I'' Cv\lo>; iinu, AvfTiiu" AnxM. RovrT M.K-»Ti.Lfc<.Oi»R»i.i;' Klin, BsmiiM run urn LoKEm. I hrcuvh Bin«of Is-Aini I Ml
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    • 1492 1 NOTICES. "ORAND PRIX." P\RIS. leoo. DEMO 01 1»ls»ssta»sllty »»d >.n»« Ors»U»t BimbilltT. tr, unri--.." OHFAPEST. —M^ STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I S Kil JKK rAKJtTVAABT MAATHCHAITU rr"r coutrael with tbe EMsadaadi India Uo>e.'nmeal. At Knanycm: 8H1I" Aatxor, lath J. D'.kkdrl« k Co, 2-8, Coixraa Qu»v. mo uniierinentionc I rtat*- ai oi:!v approximate.
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    • 592 1 INSURANCES. FE LOKIXVS A.N'l) LANOAHHIRS I 71 RR TNBURANCK UOMPAHY. C»|>ital <i,I*7JJ» Pnid up Osr <al i;-JIS.7M K--.wrr» Fond £I ,<WSJWO r-r MdoritftMd, Agrnto for Iha Oom- pony, a-e |>rcpacud to accept Sre ri*k» >( I mrrent rtUt m iin-minni. nOVATEAD Co, A«ecta. ri cmx» nuoieu iN»n**K«Tf COMPANY LIMITED. OajM
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    • 328 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSUI^NCK. I (EHTADLISHED A.D. 1720) f -|>HK undersigned, agent, for tbo al-ore 1 company, are prop -red to acce pt Fire Ri.l:. al current rule.. IiKIIN MEYEit A Co. w. 4 s. SI, i J MAGDKHUKG FIRK IXM'irANCK (OMPAXV. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) f lIX undersigned, agents
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    • 678 1 BANKS. HURBK 0 S~' r AND SHI NUHAI ■ASKlira <N>KPf"KATJON. PAID- lII' CAPITAL »lO,noO,iioO ■RaUtTB FUSI>.— <\>''H? Of IJIRiCTKES:— K.-K«W»K. X-, -CH1I«-1..; Hon. J.J HllL [irnvo DlT'-ti CkUHU H. K To»in I R K«:«A«i»o!«. Bag A i:».'i-i. X«. !H *«oub. D M HmMlV*. I H A J lUmoin, Kaq. 18.
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    • 501 1 NOTICES. CHItIiTMAS HOLIDAYS 'PHK Oro»e Bungalow. Tanjong Katnnu-, I Sea bathing, good t.ble, bmt wine, v.c. Telephone- .-OS-.r 111. Dr. H. S. Lawrence, American Dentist. No. 8. BATTERY ROAD, M Singapore COALS ATGALLE Bwl W«M ami Imlian (Barrnkur) Hlwayn in cock Quick despatch. .CLAKK, SPENCE4 C. E. COATK.B Co. Galle,
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    • 924 1 It's Dangerous to t ifle with a cold. Vm CHAM3BRLAIN3 COUGa REMEDY I'leasaul to tale atfat Mh to cure. K.r sale by all donhirs in mwiicine. everywnere. Pti.-e .V)ct». and SI. <ieneral Agenlj, The Dispensary, Kin^apora, J-B \\T ASTfD: AwtsUnt able to condaet f» import d.*p:irtment. Apply to CO. e,'o
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  • 1093 2 THE Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 20TH DECEMBER. It is nol to b-j infnrrcd fr nn to-day's despatches Uiat Captain II ir .n» .witi of the big 1.1 jy 1 liner, Netkar, was w.t.itonly cuuimit'ing a crimiii il <>.r,-ii wli«n lie broke the s.;als 00 his ship'x store*
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  • 83 2 Tan B.HIIHIII of British North Borneo has issued the following notification specifying thu recent additions to its torrilory With the approval of the Foreign Ollice and of tlio High Coini.ii^Kinnr, Maaaoata, H. E. the has taken over from His HigbMM UN S.iiun of Urunci the sovereign rights over the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 68 2 l.o,fhn, MM tmmkm The Jofcaaaaabaa] Stork Exchange, has been openej. IMI HI I Mill RAILWAY. The ra lway to Dilajtoa, Bay has lieun opened to .iviliun traffic. AMERICAN DUTY ON CHINA TEAS The cone-pandent of the Morning I'ntt at Washington says that the I'nited States (Jjf.rnment will
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    • 69 2 A Hot Time for Mr Lloyd (ieorge Mr I.loyd-George, M. 1\ for Carnarvon, while addressing a pro-Uoer meet ing in Uirmingliam Town Hall, was compelled to break oft' hi* speech. An immense cn.wd h auembled broke all the windows ol ths
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    • 87 2 He Broke the Australian Customs Laws Captain Goes to Prison. Later. Tiia capuiu of the North (iurm in I.lojd mail steamer Stekar liai been lined twenty-five pounds at Fremamle, West Australia, for contravening tbs newly passed custom* law of the Auslialian Commonwealth Uu had broken
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    • 34 2 Six more battalions of militia have been embodied. Two thousand Yeomanry have been ordered to be raised immediately. They will be despatched to the Cape in January and February.
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is II";
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  • 8 2 Tm ttrailt lludgel will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 12 2 Messrs. 1). Witt and fox nime fiom Pulenibang yei.lerday by Ihe Asia.
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  • 15 2 It is said that the I'enantt Municipal loan of 1500,000 has been considerably over-applied for.
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  • 13 2 With todays issue there is a supplemeDt containing shipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 20 2 Mkssbs J. Lkith, \V Hartui.-m, W. Lowe, A. Carrieo, and J Rolwrt-on, arrived from Pmiang by the An eltiui yesterday.
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  • 21 2 The M. M. homeward mail steamer VUi*-delaCxol<d left Saigon at 8 a.m. to-day, and is due here on Sunday, about daylinln
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  • 24 2 Tin Svllan from Kremaiitle brought the following passengers yesterday: Mr. Coghill, Mr. J. M. Archer. Mr W. Moule, Mrs. Ryan, and Mr. P. Johnson.
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  • 21 2 It is reported at Bangkok that the /Vii.m h;i» been .liarterwl by th..Nurddriitschrr Lloyd Company lor a period ol six monllm.
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  • 22 2 Two hundred and twelve deaths wore registered at Singapore during the wwk enHing on .Saturday last The ratio pur thousand was 44.70.
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  • 31 2 Katz Bros, advertise their stock ut toys to he sold at £5 per cent dincount ti clear. The rein lining stock of Christmas ami New Year card* will be, given away.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 404 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULAUOOW. Mam, fa-tun-™ of Dynamic, Qclkmlc, Qclatiao Dymiiiulo, Bia^tiug Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KIM'S ut Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. Ths u)*h' Kijuunr-r, Msf all m.ii.ufi.Jvr*l in 'he-it Iln>l\«, m* mvle lo pam th, kijk ttaaM 0/ mf»ty asd pvnly tfU miputrU by Uu lintuk finrornmrnl,
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    • 280 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. :o: Steam pressure to 300 lbs. sq. in. guaranteed. Flexible HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM Tubing. Being Metallic will not char, kink, or crush. Unaffected >|^ Climatic jJL^>-uj..->q. Variations.^il^g|r ji^lWßw*™ Indestructible. Extenhrrly used by the War Ollice and Admiraln-. Invaluable for sleara pumps in shaft mines. Can be
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    • 599 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KEUY AW |W^ LHIITED. NEW NOVELS AT A Large Selection of $1.50 Each. articles suitable for Marietta, the Maid of Venicr, t, ChHstmaS PreSdltS F. Marion Crawford. __j Count Hannihal, hy Stanley WVyman. an<J The Modern AntiEiif, by the authorof Nj>nr Vtfir'e Cllfi* An Knglirliwoman'n Love Letten. I^CW
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    • 637 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A\ r ANTED, for Christmas Island, a good TT Eurasian Surveyor also a limekeeper and OTerseer. Apply to BOUBTKAD Co. W-H AQENTS, C. I. P. CO. LTD." TO BK LET. "'pUOELA,-N> »10, Pamir Panjang (f.J 1 miles), completely furnished. Apply to lIAiiKHOKN ,t Co. n.c. 9 Stamford Road.
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    • 21 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENQRAVINQS. 300 Different Subjects. Prices tame m in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • 31 3 I found ..f A P Jayawat>i«n», Hit>*uals»« cleik to Mr. ul Hun Btraal who, a« we n.itednr i he lime, disappeared the ul her day with jewellery to a considerable amount
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  • 37 3 Ma A I'himpp is experimenting at Bangkok with a podosc.iph, i.r walir ■■\clh, 1.-rraed i>f portions of a bicycle and two metal mgat shaped pontoons. One d.n. Mr I'lnlii p had a tri;> OS) the Menam Hiver
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  • 43 3 The M M Oasapany lofam us that aivorrimc la I trl.«tr;un raaata 1 from the head nffi.-e, tim P~mr— J is prepared from the Ist J.tnuary licit to issue return tickets to KllWfja, MtaMing over two years, for a fare and a half
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  • 40 3 Mi" tfouthon, a lidy .1 'Mr with aaaaMarablt eiperieuce. in India, i•Bpactaa' to arrive at i'unang from Knglanri by the P and 0 m. f\n— infla. dueon ih« Uth of nnl month, with the ini.mtiun of piactising in the Settlement.
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  • 43 3 The I. S. Qjfanwaaiil lri« decided to build twonty-one guard ships to be stationed at Manila, and to give orders for them to a certain *hipbuilding companies in th<- Kast The mttrad for the construction «ill b* roncludt-d by m.- ins of tenders
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  • 40 3 ■ajsacusj will shortly have aimther ataaa ■■>!■ The Horn,.,. Compaoy, Ltd has purchased one in Calcutta and she is due there >me time next month. Captain Calder, late of the Phrm .Viinj, has gone to Calcutta to bring her to Bangkok.
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  • 46 3 KLLenUsetOt in tli»rni|'l'>v nf th* British Piupwmry nt Banckuk lias p.rjp la jml 1..r iwbi>ul»m»nt. The «vi4*M* ibovad thm he used to gathrr in hlauk I. copy I lip hills he had (.'nt. incltiriinp the sicnaturer rollicl the iiicncv, md therthy reap a ri<li h»rr»l.
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  • 48 3 Tin Cayloa [tovennnent ha« received requests fr.. in the Governors of Hongkong and liriiifh Gninnafma eocapataajt •Afineering officer for aaah Colony, and Masatl. A. fa t'.uir Carson and A. H. r. Clarke of the PubHe Works Department hay« ban wansnwnnitad far ttw posts out i>f saiwal a| p
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  • 50 3 ft 'II t-> tin Manorial aocoa»> panying the Owiaii Budget, laid betore tin- Ratehataa;, Germany will re-r,-i\n fiom China an indemnity of W million" taab, wbereol M millioM wU be paid hr tha axpadii inn which Garmany mn'i-rti'ok in ;ood-»ili to assist the Chinese Gwarnmanl in keeping order in China.
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  • 57 3 I offl rial ii. re* in British Narta Borneo in Mr B P Gueriti to he Judicial Conitm-t-iom-r: Mr A K. Dnnlup to act as Resident nf the \\'e»t Coaat including Province K-pfel nnl Province Den' Mr H. J C. Whit* is ai'poinin i Treasurer, Labuan. Mr. Leonard UrasaMTuia i*
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  • 51 3 BIoKJACSCTI from the warships hottath and (ilury have recently given boxinE exhibition in YokahaMh The laeal H,,alH mv«:— "Tha noble urt appari'iitly puzzler! Iha Ja|.a;i(>re. They admired the fplendirl phyciqne of tlie coui^litors.lMit f.iilcd tn appn-rUte the fact that ev^n sloven can inflict a H>»>d deal of punishment when »kilfully
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  • 55 3 Tin Golf CliHmpionfhip of Ceylon has just been decided in Colombo, M»««m. Patereon and WnWon h^n.g in the laab. They played three rounds, or tl holes. In the fim round they wire xll «qti»re, P.iterson fcore MagW. Cuntiniiinjt. ttieplay. v«r,M »qu;<re at tlio 2.">tli hole. WatMM then worn the last.
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  • 72 3 The lan'l law of Siain has been reformed by the adoption of t new ie_-i«-tratioo system. Its main feature lies in the H"'ie nf hi tills jam Is hiand. on aetaal survey, tci holders land, and tlic registration of all change- in ownership wbieli miidu rab«equen<ly take pi tee In
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  • 80 3 Thi* mornins U-forn Mr („1i,,;,n tl.v K.mrtti MaftenU, Cmft foams: of Ik* Dntok "teamir /Iwiirns fined 120 and seati for riefotka of Iht rule* made under the Cattle Ordinance 13 nf 1001 Boarding Officer B»llri»im pm •ecuted Tlie Captain plealed ignor»n,-,. of the mien Mr WMI.x ks. 1.,. S«nior B
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  • 100 3 It 11. lio|m>,l that tlio in.-mln-M of the S C C and the public Eener.illy will »itfii(i their liberal patronage un the Mlfc instant to the performance uf "Charlie's Aunr," whiili Captain Uviil.r ha« kindly nnHrr'.r M v. reproduce in honour of 'hi? Christina* vbiton from IVnani, IVr.ik. and the
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  • 82 3 Th« Colonial ItM .sVi foil* left ijp rvpnins for Malacca, with Mi MiHbwi (of CootU B— «aJ Mntthewi.) ;.nH Iho Colonial Eneinp.r, the 11,,, A Murray After makinK an innwetina of Urn of tin- river at Malacca, with h vi-» to formiil;i',ne a acheme of impruvemnnt there, the Sen
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  • 105 3 Thi iiemp trade in the Philippines progresses eluirly hfcauro of Ink at ■MMMfjr to fnyut the fibre for the market Tlie Manila Txmet says that the trouble in that nun li of the prndui-t is thrown away to rnt on the ground, htcause of lack of inachincn to extract the
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  • 1118 3 CHAkOES AOAINSI THK HULICE. Tuc further hearing of charge* ■iu:u pallet officer* in run\.,tli tho Hongkong Brink ■M proceeded with jeslerday afi.rn.ou by Mr. Brockman in the I '1,1 M igistrate's Court. In* witness edled wan sh:,ik I him), money changer, of 100 Market V 8
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  • 769 3 I nR H e porpaaa of raisinfi funds for St. Matthew's Cnurcli, Sepoy Lines, an enjoyable concert arranged by an iufiVeiilial comnrttee of management whs Bjaaaataa lor the public at tbn Town liall last night. The choirs of St. Andrew's Cathedral, the Scotch Church and the Siu£apuie
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  • 329 3 Tbk silent marcli of Time brings round another Cliristnms. The majority, we imagine, find that the festive season has taken them almost unawares, so rapidly has it appeared to come round. The eternal summer in which we live no doubt has a great deal to do with
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  • 95 3 Mngnpore, X):h De<- 1001. Par ules There will be no drills during Chr.tni^s »e«k. F.iday, S.d prox. at 6l> pni Squat dill for No V Cot. at Telok Aycr. Lea»e:— lie. O.K. Wait is granted loan of absence from. ll 02 to 19.2.1. and I'le.
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  • 133 3 ONaofthe reasons for tha Municip:ilily ill KinpHin being us unpopular as it is, is'doutailess the reckless wny prosecutions are entered into in the Magistrates' Com ts. A well-to-do householder wns recently prosneuted and fined Rk. r >o for neglecting to till up a space belnw his
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  • 463 3 Ni'«»i- as are Budiiha images in Sbm, the installation of a figure really historical occurs rarely more than once in a reign. Such an event occurred in Bangkok last week, when an iiuage cast by the King was conveyed under hid escort from the navy yard,
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  • 481 3 A Thorough System of Inspection. Thk .Siam OUerrtr describes the inspection of b«ef and cattle at Bangkok as the best in the world. The .Siamese Government has built cattle sheds at Dangkolum in that city, said to be large, airy, and solidly paved. U i being lauded
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  • 83 3 Ik the vicinity of llun-chun Manchttii,), not f^r from Vladivostok, rich gold4- pi'Sits heeii discovered By asretmunt with .io Chinese authorities of flat place, the gold-Cold was leased la' Kiis-ians on condition that 1,5 per cent, ul the total output be appropriated rot tbe local Chinese
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  • 107 3 l.iwn Curi hi is now Tißiiing Burma—That a Viceroy's occasional trip to the tutlying portions of tho Kmpire dor- (.mid is shown hy the fuel that the Rnnfoun Municipality hospital there agreed to entertaining ten extra cooliea to clean up thu place in expectation of the
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  • 276 3 Befokk Mr. Bea'.tv, two Kling meo, Arnasalam and Andiappen, were charged with theft of a piece of wood, alleged to belong to lue T.uij >ng Pagar Duck Co. Imp McMunay prosecuteJ, and Mr. Cliopnrd defended. Babii and Itoraiaamy, who belung to the Tanjong P.i^.ir police force, gave
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  • 604 3 The Herman Emperor On Naval Artillery. Thk German Kinpcror, attended by a Urge navrfl staff, was present in Berlin raaeatiy at. Ihe annual general meeting of the Society of X.ival Architects, which was founded three years ago ->n the model of the British Inarif la of .S'nval
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  • 535 3 :<Th l>« imbbr, MM. PRODUCE. naw'lat bayers I M.nn Coprn 1l»li |0 0 do PonlUnak 87n Peppei-, Blick UJ| do White,(RV MOO Sago Floor Sarawak x tf> do Branoi So. 1 141 fWri raaa (K Toff-v, B«li. I»X h»«i« -.11/10 Coffee, Palembang 30.% h»«i«. •.■flou Coffee, Liberian No. I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 nmtMM ADVKMUSKD IOSAII.. Honkong Huao*o <| UI > Dm, -'Ntli II M mpt* r r H ieh d11 bSV'S" 1 I*"^1 «h IVlimilc Mi ll.miiila iluc Ik'.■M B M. Honckimu, /.uViini-o Hupilut Dfc H M T«lok Anno via purl., ft«nj j.J~ Monday, And Malacca u\t-r\ d-* J'ort Sw^lt.i:h»ni mh
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    • 47 3 IN AMERICA. Ch.inlNrll.lnV Ci,ii t !i Itemed)' is a (rreat favourite with ■nlfcstl for colds, croup and vvboopini; couuli 1, ._r__ s: t t il coniains no luimiinl suhstnnec and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. Tha Pi»pePf«ry Gen ral Agsnta, fcinirnpore. <I-A
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    • 41 3 H'TB, BRUISHB. SCALDS and HUhNS -I Oi i.ik- Injuries. Are prompt I v relieved l.v CHA.MbKKI.AIS'S PAI.N 8.M..M K few applications will effect a complete cure. Kor s«le by all dealer* iv mcd i. ines rhe I>lp|»«m»ry, General Agept.. Blng- »-A
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    • 325 3 Yr.u must Btoo Coughing. Tbo best uhv to cur. Chronic Csj>jlil. Rroncbitis, and i 1., -t f,,1.|» is to applo Little's Mnlm. Kublwd nell intthn chest nnd hack, t pcin-trntef imme distely to th<- Inflamiil parts. The ti. kliiiß in th»- throat B*aMa;tßataaMl wenkens: Hie couijli disnpiienrs. ll often
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    • 200 3 Charles ifoetbsiecrYs "CClbitc Seal <Ibampa<jne. Soli Acisu, BEHN, MKYKR Co., f «Si \j Sinyapore <md '^^jMC Depots. Singapore Jv Hestrs.JoHi Litti^A Co ftMHI'HtUCUItk. i O. UopruinE j rti**?? L;:JI| i Sovrnlmya I ;^-iJ 1 Co. m. w. r. Dc HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT Have phicr.; IsOSSaißttSakl l"i 111.--■nBI AI.I'S
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    • 418 3 NOTICES. 90 par oant af tha orders far FRAMING c-nii.o In us because our Usi-ai hu.i.i* lt-ni« roaxmablj. tlioy cannot b« n-duced tiy or even by |>er cent. <»E.»KCiK HIORAK 1 Kr.bin.on Road. VIOLIN UHMW. A PP J- V f°- Mr J te* i Hal iV Hotel, North Bridg« Road
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 340 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 30th December. High Wat.-r h V. C. "KiiM lid" Lecture S. V. I. N > -Co lirill MokAjar. 6.30 C. 0. A. Prinsep St hurt-li. H. Parse 11.. nu... 1■..,■,,•I 1, Koaii. Saturday, 21st December. Idtlli ivai. am. H.4J p. in. S. R. C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 834 4 NOTICES. ItftIIAPAIILIA ij CLEANSE YOrR BLOOD BilWCi'ilA. U »Ki»«_aOAa ft I Medicinal Skin Soap NOTICES, inwu BKim womw HMI TANJANO t UK now .up lying lioiMiti([ ktMs) A rorr n|l(| ajM| No M M Uaaai WUtt Guaranteed Cure. Aftor nn.lri.nivl »ud pun-takin- re^wrrb, a t»uroii"hlr -«i»- and cium Krmmiy h«-
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    • 617 4 NOTICES. WHITEAWAY.ILMDLAW STSGT. VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE From Friday Dec. 20th to Tuesday Dec. 24th Positively for 6 days only Whiteaway, Laidlaw tf Co., will clear out the whole of their Mock of TOYS and PRESENTS 3i\\ Xmas (Bards AT 20 CENTS DISCOUNT ON THE DOLLAR. WHiriSAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., always make
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    • 112 4 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Tailoring Dept. Tliie department ie now replete witb all the very latest goods. Dress Suitings Angolas, Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Saxonies, und tbe NEW GUNPOWDER COATING. Vestings Silk Damasque, Pique. Marcella. Suitings A now Belection til* lalfwt patterns, gpucially for X'MAH. Tennis Suitings K.r the KA.\AOA WA
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    • 284 4 NOTICES. lohn Little Co. Ltd. TOYS. A large selection suitable f orXmas Presents. Dolls, Perambulators, Barrows, Dolls, &c, Elephants, Sheep, Goats, Bears fife, ON WHEELS WITH VOICE. Tricycles Horse Tricycles, Rocking Horses. Rocking Hor»« John Little Co. Ltd. John Little Co. Ltd. Crackers From "Tom Smith." t'ompri-in(t. HitP, Cip», Omtmmm,
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