The Straits Times, 19 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 THe Straits Times. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS NO. 20,709
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 804 1 Tin -....sfoopmhnt. Mini irn I K,r»' l<i«-mac H J- I riw 1-kiM >: <t<ml si«w» Xai-i,nu»'«i a.t«(—i» I Ib» To***' xoi l»f '«™panjKr» »«rU vtar. «•>•»• I Mil ■"••i* niK (uiKsr.o com- I fAKT. LIMiTKK STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I i o»rt'-r.T«i saum Sn«n I mi navigaiiiin rwmait. 4nm Ml* China, lai'V
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    • 1608 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I-ONINKLUKE PAKBTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under routracl with the Netherlands India Go< a nment. Agenit ai Smonjw fflir Aesacr, late J. Daskdsu A v, -'-S, <V>lltss vJuai Th* undermentioned date, are only approximata. SSSS lion. tipect»a A in be iV.uau-SaJ'io. Oa OG* Jacob Molnccanvis Dec. 18 Billiton, SorraUi* B-vleleng, AmSoerabaia
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    • 591 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCABHIRK I FIRE INSURANCE OOMPAJJY. Capital UMtt.MXI Paid up CapiUl <;*1!.7G0 Reserv. Fond £I,O7SJH»i The undsnignod, AgecU fur tb* Company, are prepared to accept flre risk* at current rates of premium. P.Ol STF.AD Co., Agents. rE CHINA TKAPCRS INSCBAM K OOMPANT LIMITPI). Oapittl SnlacriJwl MWJO.iX. Aiaoont
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    • 195 1 INSURANCES. LTJNION FIRK tKSUtUNGt COMPANY OF I'AHLS. EITABLISHED ]<•?*. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. rE undersigned, *grnts for the above company, are prepared to accept tire risks for long or short periods at current rate*. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by tbe Agent, in Singapore, n.c. MOINE rOMTK Co BRITISH KMI'IKK
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    • 706 1 BANKS. nu.MJKi'M. AN l> nUANUHAI BANKIMM CORPORATION. PAIDtTP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND. Bt*rllnß Rwr»«..»l<).o(JO.umi oon. Silvrr hswrve t 5.00.000/ f" 00 RKBEBVE LIABiLITY OKI .momonn PROPRIETORS I-"* 0 1000 rorRT or DiK*<rT<ik*r— B. •■■arm. rNi.—CMIRMK Hon. IJ. Bill Ihvi-.ii Darnri aimm H. E Tomiins I li L. BicaAiMoK. r-y i
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    • 572 1 NOTICES. DR. NOBLE, Dental Burg, on ha* rrturnrni lo Singapore and may I*. consulted daily fr .m H to I Marine Club Building. Raffles Square Dr. H. S. Lawrence, American Dentist. Na. 8. BATTERY ROAD. M Slni-apsrc FRANK VOXUn HOOPER DKCKASEI) ALL perrons ha- ing claim., agsinst the a1.0v., d.-i
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    • 925 1 I When your chim tiu protraetad paxoivsowj cough, worn* at night, red by a peculiar sound or nhood whii h cam,,,! be mir>l»w i, and Hied Unonre'l expectoratiou of mucus, witl appnr. Nt suffocation after e"Mbifi*: in* U on.-.- CHAMBEHLAIN'B COUQ! KKMKIIY. It wrtl render th.- pirujy.ra, of cooifhing
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  • 229 2 THe Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 19th DECEMBER. From tbe I'maitg Gazette it i- to be inferred that the Transit of Caltl* Ordinance, recently passed by the Straits Government, is destined to become inoperative because it is not sufficiently comprehensive in its diction. In plain language, the Ordinance is
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  • 160 2 In connection with the alleged high mortality at Port Swettenham, Dr. K A. O. Travers, tho State Surgeon and Registrar of Births and Deaths for Selangor writes as follows I have taken the trouble to go carefully through the returns of the Klang Hospital as well as through the registration
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  • 125 2 With reference to to-day's telegrams from the seat of war, it is interesting to note that, in tho tirst week of thin month, 48 Boers were killed and wounded and there had been .'l<7 prisoners and surrenderors. The extension of biockbouxes has pormitted for the 6rst time the conducting of
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  • 64 2 ttovEXMiKKT is in luck just now, that is if one may regard the animation of a large and unexpected contribution to the revenues of a country in the light of a piece of luck on the part of its Government. It is stated that the personal property in Penanat of
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  • 63 2 at 3 prr ami. to be paid to Government will therefore amount to the handsome ■urn of fcj 1 0,000, The recent death of another wealthy Chinesn gentleman, whose property is estimated to be valued at $1,500,000, will bring in another $45,000. A quarter of a million dollars in probate
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1. 1”> 4
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  • 12 2 Mr. Swan arrived from l'nuang thii morning by the I long Moh
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  • 13 2 Miss H. C. Lead came from Yokohama by the Hitarhi Slaru this morning.
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  • 14 2 This morning a Chinr.ntmn was fined SS by Mr. Uilinan for gambling in public.
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  • 21 2 A CaTYLONkSE clerk employed by Mr B. P. d« 81 1 vii ki missing. So is jewellery valued at SI, Sou.
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  • 13 2 With 10-day's issue there is a supplement containing shipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 16 2 all. Mc'laggart, Mr. Diana, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy came from Bangkok yesterday by the Borneo.
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  • 16 2 Th« Municipal Commission meet to moriow at 2:to, to hear appeal? against the assessment for I9o?
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  • 19 2 Ok Christmas Day and Boxing Day, 25th an.j 26th inst., there will be no issue of the Straits Timtt.
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  • 16 2 CaFT. Caldcr, Lieut. Kul'le, and Capt. Spencer came from Hongkong this morning by the IM Asa*.
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  • 19 2 It is rumoured, says the ftminj Gazette, that at least two new bauks will shortly be opened in Singapore.
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  • 16 2 T:tL Hovenement (itw.tte notification declaring Batavia an infected port on account of cl.olcra haa been withdrawn.
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  • 21 2 Thb Northern Assurance Company— hire Lite -uf which Messrs tiandi--1.11,'- iiuiteiy are the agenta, send a wall calendar lur IWOJ.
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  • 21 2 H.KKii.AMir it Co, agents fur the '•I ..'en (Uoyal) Insurance Company send blotti'iii book, wall, ai.J pocket calendars for next year.
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  • 25 2 itie.S'-; llel'c returned *****1 Penang ;iii- moming with Capt Bairy on board Air. Matthews leaves by the Hal Iklle tUie evening for Penang Raa Malacca.
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  • 26 2 1 his S.ippnu brought the following passengers from Klung yesterday: Mr. ■I. BasHgoiti, Miss Basa^oiti, Mr. S. P. Joaquim, Mr. W. H. Ayan, and Mis. Spencur.
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  • 35 2 The Mm lleinrieh with the German mail from Europe is due on Monday morning. The M. M. s. a. C'Utdonitn iTith the mail from Kurop« uf tile "Uth November is due on tbe same day.
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  • 34 2 Thi Governor of Hongkong, >ir Henry A. Blake, G.C M.G will gu on leicHon the first of January, when HE. Major-General Sir W. J. Giucoignr, C.M.G., will again be Acting Governor of the Colony.
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  • 43 2 Thi B. I. dtramer I'almnuotta, arrived tins niuniin^ from Calcutta and went alongside tlic wharf. 4be brought tlin following i>ii9*enger»: Capt. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Abenheim, Mr W. K Phillips, Mr. Budax, Mr S A Keutens, Mr. H. li. Morris, and Mm. Hociiuard.
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  • 43 2 The superintendent of the Kmigration Depot at Negapatum has lieen empowered lo give Government-aided passage steamer tickets tv all hona lido coolies travelling from there to the Colony und the K. M. The rate from Nogapatam to Singapore i* fixed ut seventeen rupees.
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  • 60 2 BeruKK Messrs. Brockman uad Oilman, yesterday, two Chinese were charged with theft in a vesot I of a box containing pepper valued at $7o the property of A. Barker Co. They wern found guilty. One had a previous conviction and was sentenced to one with hard labour. No. 2
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  • 80 2 This morning before Mr. Oilman, tbe Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Rodriguez, Boarding Oilier, charged eight Bengalees und one Kling with attempting to leave the Colony without passes from the Immigration department yesterday for Bangkok by tiie German steamer Singora. The defendants said tlmi they had ju»t come to the Colony and
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  • 141 2 W'k have just been informed by the Solicitors acting fur Mr. I.mi l..>h that they have hoard to-day by cablegram that the appeal to the Judicial Committee of His Majesty's Privy Council from the decision of the Court of Appeal of the Straits Settlements which reversed
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  • 111 2 This following postal notice lias been issued The wrappers of Christmas cards, photographs, and other articles intended to be sent by book post, should be entirely open at the ends. Wrappers may bo tied with string but should not be sealed. Closed envelopes with the corners or part
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  • 59 2 An interpsting presentation took place at the Anglo-Chinese Free School yosterda) whon v han(i>on)e oloctroplati'd ten snj roffte nxrvite and erupt BtHnd were given to Miaa Julia Br«tt, one of the teacher*, on the ocvaainn of her wedding which takes placu on Inn 261h met. The present
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 87 2 MAY BE OVER IN TWO MONTHS. lsndon, 197/. Vcrember. The correspondent of the Daily Stir* at Heidelberg (Transvaal) says that, judging from the prevalent feeling, the war will be over in about two months' time. DELAREY WISHES TO SURRENDER. It is rumoured that Commundant Delarey wishes to surrender.
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    • 28 2 Liter Commandant Kri'zinger's two adjutants, and three other H ler officers wero rial w w. led in the engagement whicii ri-Hiilte.l in the capture of Kril/.inger.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 427 2 To tUe Mbr <•/ tin Strati* Titm.' BMX) Apropos of tlin request by the. M iMcis and Mates of HiagapsTC for a rise in pay--the pneeat wages being inadequate tv defray the cost of existence al the prices ruling nowadays Here, as puimed out in
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  • 301 2 The Dallas Company, a Lady, and the Bottle. This many friends of the Dallas Company in Singapore will read with regretful interest the following extract from the Calcutta Letter in the latest received issue of the Hnngnon Time* The SoaaaaaiM at inc. Opera Huusu and Koyal hove
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  • 172 2 linroßi Mr. Michull ytoterdny nn.tninn a Chinese haba named Goh Hok Kiatn and hi» wile were charged by Mr. Tan, living at Tanjong Katons, with theft mi rervants of a .|uaniity of jewellery valued at $.'>.'«.', and with diahoneatly retaining the same. It appear* that the two
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 433 2 NOTICES. RiTCQTE'SIVIILSKY STBCIAIXT »*l«cfcHl l.lend, thoroughly swtsiMi id bond. Prte* (10 p*r oaa* aamplea freeBOK.NKO CO., LTD. ta. tk. a. Bole Importer*. "Eagle" Cement The Latest Tests •Hi lh«.. I.WXIIb-.. 1 Iterariris after l'a«r- laj* in Ircn U»>Watfr in Water. Tbe alvovn tests were mad* by the Rafioxrr of the
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    • 677 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROS., LD. Have Just Unpacked a large Stock of New Goods. MOST SUITABLE FOR Christmas AND New Year Gifts COMPRISING Handsome Cut tti,m I,iqu»nr Bottle;. ram-y Taptr W..11 Docomlions. Fancy Photo Frames. Real Dwlen China Figured. BaaW Hand Rags. Leather Writing Caae*. fpler.ilid Assortment of Flower Vnses.
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    • 450 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Christmas Oratorio Concert. TOWN HALL 19th DECEMBER, ie»i. PATRON H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham, KCM.Q PROGRAMME. Pirr 1. Selection, in Oratorio form, from UANbEL'iJ "MESSIAH." Tfee Bolo* I.y Milme da Brandt, lira Halsroann, Mr*. Arthur Barker. Mr J. Graham Kirk, and Mr. E. A. Brown. Tho Orchestra and
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    • 996 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. APPLICATIONS will be r-.-nved up to the Slst insUot at tbe Colonial Secr*tarT's office for th» appointment of a Chief Oticr. Colonial steamer Sea Bull*," at Slngapor*. Applicants must hr the holders of a Marine Offlcnr's Certificate a* siasier or Mate. Salary LJiO per annum, rising
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    • 21 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENGRAVINGS. 300 Different Subjects, Pric«t Jinn m in Europe. Special moulding on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 281 2 Ts6e" Straits Tsimes." SUBSCRIPTION MA TSS. The STRAITS TIMES: Daily mi«>, Singapore —per ropy 1: CU. per mnnth it.SO per year fSO.OO (By post) per month #S.« m per year $Si.OO Tkt STRAITS BUDGET n >. per copy 40 CIS. per year $111.00 (By pott) per year HOMO NOTE.—Tkt Straits
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  • 1619 3 MUNICI PAL COMMISSION. A mmmm of the Municipal Commia*iea h h)«M ye-t.>ril;«v afternoon, tiie Presid, nt (Mr Anthoni«) in thi- chair. rii.r, -..i,' .1-.. pi sml Me****. Mosas, Kvanx. M»>-la'en, Solist, Barker, and life :he Munici|'»l Secretary. Mr I' .i nii.l the Muni-ipal Kngin."., Mr IVuvh The President's Statement. The
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  • 482 3 By Muub Mrn*AY, V.D., Commdt. B.V.C. Singapore, Mia I ><■•■.. ML S. V. C. Committee The Commiiudanl bas appointed tbe uader-m<-nuooed to i.c members of s Piovisioutl Committee to consider, aud furcitb a report on the 01'Knniza.tion and conditions of service of IB* >. V. EngiLCers
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  • 120 3 '1 limit thousand dockers met at the labour Exchange at Marseilles last month, to consider tbe proposals, of a Dutch dockers' delegate who is enuYainoriiiK to promote a boycott of Brititb ship-. A resolution Wat adopted by h minority of 20 votes pledging the mrft ing's
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  • 1208 3 Kvorylhinu can be forgiven the mater except the school" ii one of I hone quoutions, tbe occasional use of w ich no reviewer can deny himself, and, having a i ■pted this text, he is naturally apt to be hypercritical ol the work of a new
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  • 1408 3 About Wrecks. l.ipit, \oth Bsaaaair. The Amberst was wrecked in Pahang waters, ami yet |>eople in the capital did not know of th« disaster until iho Singapore papers brought the news. Pahang ha« often been called a country of magnificent distanrrs, and it i« a strikiug
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  • 469 3 Sensational Trial m Bavaria. A criminal triu!, which has excited mv.'ii interest m Bxvaria, and in other parts of Germany, as lately concluded, says a despatch from Augsburg. The accused were a man n-imed Mll thias Kueibl and |>easaiii named Rieger. They both belunned to the wild
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  • 216 3 Thi thm York Txmet, whh reference to the Inatury sutenieut that Use irade of the L'nitifl ."lates tras mrl'ered more than that ot any Kuropean uution through the dirtuibaiicea in China, says that this lor-t, is tnu diruct consequince of tbe Kussian oci -upation of Manchuria. The Slaws
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  • 213 3 KM'H Thli AKIUVAL4 (lIooliKl). Passengers for Singapore. Par P. sn<l U. s. k. .VVin.i».ii from l-onorrn Nor. IMb due Dec th Mra. Finch. lVr K A U.S. a. HitHtlaua connecting ivith the steamer Cv r.mndcl at Colomlio iroin London Xov. iird. duo Da*, 2!* th M.nars. A. a
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  • 556 3 Maawaasv iptu DcciMitit, imi. J>RODUCE. (turn' havers 1 I.VJ". Coprn Pah 1(1 An Ponti»n»k H.rn Pepper, Blark .11.75 do Whito,<«r> »00 Bacn Flour Santo 11k SHO Ho Broad No. 1 S« Piwri ."aito LSI r.ofl«w, Bali. \-,x bwi« -JM.V) CofTee, PalemhanK. W% twis „«"■<> Coffee. Liberinn No. I tilt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 VKBBKI.S ADVEBTISED lohui. I'enang and Calcutta Svua,-,; due Dec. 10th H.KlrllM.l. Honkong Himiui-o due Dr.-. Mil R. M Japan via ports. H. Htiwiek due Dec. ASlh B. M. Copenbagan via [h.iU. Kurra ou 30th Dec. B. M. Pennnfi and Bemhav. Bonnida due Dei-. Hl'Dd B. M. OUTS, BRt'ISKM, SCALDS aud
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    • 348 3 Thw peptoniate of iron io mmn* Winr. iia prc.liKestO"!, eavlrj H-.*imilate>i turin of ■taaafaina ll will "not injure tbr torih. uill ilib laacaaata tonas af iron heretofore so larijely ut.l. The Liking of the latter tbrouiih elaa>-tni4-a, atr.iws etc, proHrtnl tho teeth to a .-ertain i<\trnt. but di<l not obviate
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    • 137 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 ARM LSI VN STRKKT. The Premier Studio. Photo* taken equally well at any hour of the day^ WHY Are 90 Baf cent of llsl Orders for FRAMING cntrusli'd to u»V BECAUSE Our Usual Charges art- 10 per cent above cost, and never so high as
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    • 436 3 NOTICES. Reduction in wm m Plates, Papers, Chemicals. Kodaks, and Films. QEOatai MICHAKL. PHOTO ATuRK.s Ju. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 'pHEOrovi- Bungalow Baaaa* I Sea Uthiog. good t.1.1*. IJ[ SSS* oc. leli-i'^or 111. APAhSAUK lo England miy 1.. ol.Uliiedattlie beginning of the year to return for •rrvir-M aa nnr«e, Jnrnw th*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 257 3 OAY BY DAY. Thursday, 19th December. Hi»li Water. 3.11 p.m. Moon Ist. yu-iri.- r 3.31 in. S. V. I. Xo I Co. Drill. Old Jail Site S.3<). Makers and HakS** Meeting Maria* CMa, MM. Oratorio Concert. Town Hnll. 0 Friday, aoth December. High Wnter 4.3»am. a* a.m. Mntuittr" Sale. I'nwi'll.
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    • 83 3 WKATHKU REI'OKI Kowtfaaat RMaa MjapMai, mi\ fft.t t na*), n« SMaCriWil r*mi i-sis 1-7(1 no W.B'I 1 T'rt" 751 7»0 7J.11 .iir..ii Wind N >:. SB. Culm %2 Ha* romp. H".o Mir. n-n SMm. in Ril' 1 IU 1 r-rr ran MO g lUin(»;i Nil S The «>nii''artl limn bail
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 NOTICES. HOTEL DKR NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) IXaM <:i"« Hotel. Known (.>r it« «c«llcni foal. \>rr fivquenlly »Ui»- I c.l hy British people, fcniilnh peaking I iervant*. K»«*rj' accunimoiation. M<»<ft6Os«r on board of all th« steamer*. A. F. MEKTEN. Proprietor, m. A th. lie. TANSAN SPLITS. Price $6 per case of
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    • 743 4 NOTICES. WHrrIAWAYrLATDLAW CO. VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE From Friday Dec. 20th to Tuesday Dec. 24th Positively for 6 days only Whiteaway, Laidlaw 6" Co., will clear out the whole of their itock of TOYS and PRESENTS Mil Xmas Qards AT 20 CENTS DISCOUNT ON THE DOLLAR. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., always make
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    • 112 4 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Tailoring Dept. Thie department is now replete with all the very latest goods. Dress Suitings Angolas, Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Saxonies, and the N'KW (iI'NI'OWDEK COATING. Vestings Silk Uamasque, Pique, Marcella. Suitings A new helection of tbe latest patterns, specially fur X'MAS. Tennis Suitings Ex. the s.
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    • 286 4 John Little Co. Ltd. TOYS. A large selection suitable forXmas Presents. Dolls, Perambulators, Barrows, Dolls, fife, Elephants, Sheep, Goats, Bears &c, ON WHEELS WITH VOICE. Tricycles Horse Tricycles, Rocking Horses. 0-7 mi it^J Horses. American H^^ 1 wm\ nnn Horses. *^&2U' T I John Little Co. Ltd. John Little Co.
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