The Straits Times, 18 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS. NO. 30,708.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 787 1 c •THE '.I.KNIiOCOMrANY, UMIIKD THK «».•<■' I K» Assure.**. 1 S>SJ li«nr«3c» •">■ A. aaaas 11 Otssjapi Tfteßooiu 1 U». aamsrasi rK» <^itsw v «SS»BS ."on.paoj Tb« Tovtae «n> L»«*r H~» m.p«}. JXlnZat4 IMF BOBSBO COMPaVT. UMmS AipMita. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I orrv^a, laicuurH Stbbbt 6r «n,ava..KarrsiH»i:«mß v. fIKAH NAVIGATION
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    • 1583 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. t- OMKKUJKK PAKBTVAAKT MAATBCHAPW.I rnder contract with tbe Netherlands India Qe nmon.. t «*nn «l Hmaavort: rtmr AOBWT, UTB J. D*B»DBL» Co.. (.OLLTaB VJIUY lbV..ndertnention«d dates are only appru«ira.i\» taSmm ''ov, ■sjiiijj! ""'Mil* fc. or rr,rne*t> llolnccasvia I>»c Is* Billiton, SUwrahaia B<*lelrn«. Amj^raVmi, penan. Macasur,, Aubon, Pocroe,
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    • 966 1 NOTICES. Milkmaidf I Ikaun aaursyH I I sglj Ji?L-*=^- 1 Guaranteed *Wl*W InPfang gftCMjP ***M US- 8s« this rai "^s aP Full Cream. tr*db mirk Largest Sale in the World. INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSIKANCK. (ESTABLISMKD A.I). JTW I'HK undemigncl "».ti'p for the above company, are pevp vnA to accept
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    • 690 1 BANKS. nO.NUKONU AND «HANi« H aT BANKING COKPORVTIOH. PAI'MJ! 1 C.vPITAL f!o,OX\Onn KESKRVF, FT.'ND.— SUrlinu R"«vve.*lVA),'T»>l .is t.vmWO. RKSKKVK I.OF.II.riV •>* innuuta Hmninojw^. 11 t'airtn or Duuotou*: R. «nU, K»l --f'MUMIU. Uon. iJ. BiLt Uviso I Dir.n <'.» lm iiAK. II K ToKim I K L. Ricni«D»-.«. **o Hi i
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    • 450 1 NOTICES. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS IMIK (Jrove Bungalow. Tanjoog Katong, S.'a bathing, good table, best wines. l>lephone-'.t»-ar 111. flrmmoii jittbj<tiox i i Photos of all sizes ready to be take* en Bromide or P. O. P. Enlargements made to any six*. Orders executed with all promptness and neatness. A lava atock of
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    • 746 1 ■■ITlftai MLIIIIH M tmntk ns« Cbasabarlain's Calic, Chaier* aast Mar n.i»a Remedy. rapt. CO. DeaaisoD is well kn»»n all over Africa as commamler of th« lorcsa 'bat captured the famans rehel Ualiea*. Under date of ov. 4th, lett. from TryLarfj Bwhaanalud.hewritOT. Before starting on the la«t campaign 1 bought a
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  • 277 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 18th DECEMBER. N'.w th:it Lord Kiicbener BBS taken the li.-1.l iv person, Hie Boer strength is getting q'lickly worn. Tueir numbers iv Iht lie!<l h«d sunk to .iliiul K,UOO. .Since tli.n aasassWM and Mirrtinlers have tuM iisariiy, and tii.- I'i-s fl !•> iii.-n
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  • 114 2 Afßr.pos of tbe petitions for adequate pay sent in lo tbe shipowners and shipping agents of Sings por« by the masters, mates, aud engineers ol tho local coastwise steHtnships, w« understand that the tailurt and firemen uf these vessels have bean holdiug meetings with the object of ameliorating their status
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  • 25 2 Jaroary Ist, being a generul holiday, there will bu no issu« of the Strait.Timti. From January 2ml, liowevur, this will be an eight page paper.
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  • 6 2 TV-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/lOg.
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  • 16 2 Mb. and Mrs Sin it and Mr. Swan came from Deli by tba Ilelie this morning.
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  • 17 2 A NaaT pocket Diary and Calendar for 1902 has been received from tbe P. A. O. Office.
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  • 19 2 H. M 8. Ffirle/i, which is to relieve tlit) y/ru/; on thin tistioo, left England 00 the 15th inktant.
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  • 13 2 With today's isaue there v a supplament containing shipping news and Home aiivtrtibPtnente
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  • 19 2 A Gikmar Admiral and a fleet ef three iu«n-nf-wiir, are expected to visit Siani abuut the middle of January.
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  • 19 2 Wall Calendar* for 1902 have been received from J. Bastiaiii it Co., and from Uuan Hup Co., of Malacca.
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  • 20 2 Menu. C. W. Laird, Nicholson, De Kuzario and J. K. de Houza arrived bj the Ban Whatt //in tliis morning.
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  • 16 2 A Cbinaman bat been appiiiimd 3ian)"te and M-ilay intarpw'fr to H. B M. Leg»*iou a' U^ogltck.
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  • 24 2 The G»rm»n mail *t«amsr Prim Unnrirh having left Colombo nn the 17lh im>t. .-.t 10 a. m is expectrd here CD Monday at daylieht.
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  • 25 2 At Kualx Fil.ih, ,1 piece of land with an area ot 12,80u square feet, has been reserved by the Government for a Chinese pleasure, garden.
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  • 24 2 Mr. Walter Broadbridge, nt the Kechau Gold Mining Co, U.I hM been elected an AMnsJaM M ...i. r of tba Institute of Civil Kngineers.
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  • 30 2 Thk third annual prize distribution of tbe Taluk Ayer Chin»>e Girl>' School takes place, in toe Gun Km! Seng Flillisnl building, Teluk Ayer Street, on the2jnl inktant Hi 4 p.m.
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  • 27 2 Thk third annuil prim dintrituition nf the Telok Ayer Chines... (iirl- 1 Sohiol will br held in theGan EngSengSuhuol building, Telok Ayur Street, on M inday next.
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  • 39 2 Many i'piw!. u( the Britiuli OMfea Hcet, incliidiiiK the Crtxry Terrihie, n.d Argonaut, were, to ai-eiiil l.i nt V kohmna tluri'-R th« tiral ye, k iliim..ntli. Tha bdlilet-lnp (Mi th whs the first to arrira at tbe northern port.
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  • 50 2 Tns n^xt meting of th.< prnvint rcssion of the Cliineno Christian Association will lie held at the Prinscp Mr.', t Church on Friday n.-it at 8 p.m. when the lt..v W. Murray MA will give a lecture on Biblical teachitiz and Christian Practice." This meeting i* open to the public.
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  • 47 2 At a meeting of the Bast Isjoia Association, Sir Lepel G.ilhn ttronsly disapproved of Biahop Welldon's desire to introduce religious education in IsMsai in State Schools. Ms L.-p I deni-.'d that Christianity could give a l.igher 'tlu.-al creed than the creed of very large majority of ludians.
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  • 56 2 I)k. D. M.Ford, L.r.C.P .inrl K Edin., will arrive hern shorlv to tal" p tin.i| .p. lint m-tii of Hous" Baqaaa niral, S.iignpore, on a sxiary of £.;'«< pei annum. This gentltinan wat oin-e in charce of the den, -a! Ho*; Mai at IVnane, and is a younger brother i.f
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  • 56 2 Tim mornins: No. 'I Hubdl»laina of laaHV A, tho winners of the. McCallum Maiiin trophy, this ye»r, were photorraphed by Wilmm t- 1 Co Lhrrt LAM John.tone, their •wtion ntlir-er nnd Kergt Msj >r Mui(li«ton, SVC, were also in the proup Tha men were drawn up near a Maxim gun
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  • 67 2 I"hs E*il afO«ata»(P»irfftiamij for tho Culonim.) in a speech at Ciewe, ■aM Hal the Colonial Office had taker; over the concentration <-urnpe in Booth 4M«a. Those of the refaawa wi«liin B lo j;o to the cjinl w..uld be freely permitted lo iio «o. lue lirger camps w.iie bt.ins broken np
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  • 63 2 I'hi Queen, who much i a-id with -p. ■iin.-i.> of ii-!. ii ana Agra embroidery shown lo bat lecetill) by i ady Curzon, has roinmi-«i-nied her Kxcellency to order a number of Com .J-es-es to be embroidered in India on British materials It is thu intention of Her Mnjesty
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  • 63 2 ATl'ientsinontheBthin»td'it,asoldier belonging to the 4th fnnj.ib.s in s irnson there, ran asauk. After killing two in-n belonging lo his own regiment, he entered the storerooms at th. German barracks, whrrn be atla. ked Controller K'llert and three othe.r Oarmau soldiers. Contr..ll«r Khl-rt d.e-l, and of he other men attacked tw.i
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  • 79 2 Tn« HiMltli Department, at Manila in- turned its attention to barbers mil lias drawn up an Kiiactineut to regulalr t.ieir biifine«s e-iUblinbments. fkM in.-a-u.-c provides that nil articles n-.-n in these establi'.limeiiU must be tborouiibly cleuused and sterilized after i-'ii use, nnd that hot water mils' a* iilwiv-h k>>pt a'
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  • 83 2 Somk inmths at;o, Mr. NoiUon, Chief Engineer of the frfpaa, was senienc.d to six weeks' rigornus imprivonnirht by tl>o Acting Master Attend«nt for refusing to go to sea on tbe ground ><f the absence of one of tbe principal officers. He appwalnd, and on tne appeal being heard Him sentence
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  • 84 2 Witb reference to a p*ra;mph published yesterday, announcing tl at the H irnburg-Arnerican I. inn, iv consequence of the extension of its K..-t Asiatic service uext rpring, will opon a branch office at Honekong, anH »Uo establish an fcjeaey at S!..nighai, we ure informed that the Company ha« had nn
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  • 77 2 A Rci'Tiß t*-1.-cr.itn to the Uangkok press says that the aevrre trpaiment of Polish auhool-cliildrwn »t Wernchen in Bast l'ru--ii. an orler to compel them to speak German, and the imprisonment of purenta who protested, have led to riotous rations outside the German Consulates at Warsaw (Run*ian Poland) and
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  • 151 2 BtKORU Mebire. Miuhvll and Oilman, Mr. A. W. Cashin chargad bin Chlnetw boy, nainoil All Ju, with ciiininal misappropriation of a diamoud valuuJ at Jloii The evidence went Iv sh>.<? that, ul.out ■evon months ago, while Mr. Ca'hin was entering his corup'jnnrl in hi* trap from office, he happened to
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  • 153 2 Mr Fi'RKR UMritf has ju->t published in Inn a new mv.-l by Mrs. Alexander en'itl«d The YelL.w Fihu.l." Mrs Alexander. Y-llow Fond" M a p.-rv.n titd many of us would like to bee huh bate* saquaiatod with, tot ita name ih flalaV." to the mi*«rly old man who
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  • 32 2 TIIK Sublime I' .no, ssfl thn Timu c irre»i..inient „t Cin-i.iniin.i|.|», paid tlie Bu '.i-llKlllbas-y I6O>(IJ\ ou hii'mh t of the Bntwli chiim pssfastlag the Siny.'rl mines.
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  • 134 2 CARRIAGE ACCIDENT ON THE ESPLANADE. Arjot'T 5 p in.'rUy Mm. Purtile and lady weru d.ivinc r.iiin I tba Ispainnrta in her .irriag.. and pair. A limillmll match was BDtag on »t the Hint, am i wlien tli- carriig- was near the »ea front a goal wis scored A
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  • 143 2 Tn« T*ulonin recently arrived »t Port Sn.lti nliam at about 4.15 p. m. an.) i here beiiih' no acini wlurl, anchored in inui-hiream. Tha Hoarding Officer ,li'l not at oil' as Ii- iial Illlall to pass paaaaagan only wlien a ship was at the ivh.uf. Thu r. -suit
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  • 167 2 Aboi't l.'W t.'.is inortiing Inspector 8.-.v a» in, ot tlie Marine I'o.ic. who was in a koltk dis^iuisod a M .lay, captured two Chinamen bfeaabtß| cirgo in a tirnlto'v at K:im|Mjng Malacca. The Ciiiutinen had 10 piculs .f rice rwady for removal. There were thrue of them,
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  • 200 2 A Realistic Camp Tin (ir.' it Indian Peninsula Railway Volunteers have recently completed ihnir annual cinp al Dbond, whrre Ih-V hive been carrying out ULinoDiivres mI an i|>-tu-dat« dHrcriptiun, which inatasM .in armoured train. Divided into tuu •aataasst, the d.-funce patty, ihe p.iFsnsors of the arinnir. i
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  • 274 2 Oxley Rise This Time. Last nigbt, still another house was eniut.dny burglars. About .1 o'cloik tins Homing Mr. Vigar, of the Telegraph Co, who resides at iiarg-inny Houkp, Oxley Rise, was by hearing a noise in his roum. He lay still and presently In .ml a match
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 155 2 ON SOI'TH AFRICA. Union, ihM Deeemhr. Lord K ".phery, addressing a meeting at Cliesterfield, raid our honour »nd the future „f South Africa require us to tbe war as vigorously »nd succiissfully as possible to the promptest snd comple>st conclusion. On the Liberals and the Irish L
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    • 33 2 LaUtt. Kiu/:uger hai been caplure.i Hu was severely woundxd while alleinpting lo cross a hlocituouse line. 458 BOERS IN A WEEK. During the week, 458 Hours have been disposed uf.
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    • 114 2 Os Moi.d..y al'iernoon, »t St. Andrews, l i.c inairUge was solumnized ol Mr. K'U.ird A Cook, of lpoh, with Mii» U'relord, bister at the General Hospital, sjingaporfl Tbe c. reinoiiy nas iwttormed by the Key W H C Diuikerlcy, and to the concluding Siniaa uf
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    • 292 2 FOOT BALL S. C. C. v. R. v. A. The teams mot on tbe K«planade iv a trieu.ily game of f.ioiball jv^lrr.iay afternoon. Tne H. C. C with une exception, played tlm team chosen to lajKasaßl lbs Ulub in the CliriKliuas analraw Tbe K. A. played the pick ol
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    • 338 2 Tbs near approach of the Christmas season lias brought to Singapore, as usual, huge si ockn of Christmas goods of alt sorts ana tiuex, ami 11 can fairly be said that this litlfslf the godowns are as well slocked as ever before, and iv many cases the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. IiI.AHQOW. NUnufS'lUlTt of Dynamite, QelijZuiV:, Qe latino Dyaaiuile, Slacking iioiaticc, Dciocatciii au iisi'i or Sal'sty Fusos. Eleeirie Biding Apjuratiu. TU abort tkpUmnt, i-oi .j all mx.-i,.--fiAj'inl i* rVsMsa,«n m.vie ii ptu* til* hi'jn rUtiH'.iri <•/ t>'frt j m d pwr./v w.posai l-\, the hrituh
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    • 793 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS "NEW ApALST 9er s. s. "Stuttgart" and s. s. "SBallaarat" Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! Finest Selections for the X'raas Season. Japanese Plain Silks, in all colors at 35 cents per yarH Japanese Plain Silks, suprrior quality in all coloi s at 60 cent* per yard. Japanese Silk Tweeds, (Special
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    • 933 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WA.MtU. BOARD and ratid^nce in a private family, l.y a guutlenian. Apply to t c/O Mr.itj '/mm V\' A.s.fci', lor General More, in Uisv T marck Archipelago, a Cuiuesa or alsisy cle. k. Knowledge of Englmb it eMcutial. Apply by letter to bOLbIE.DICo 21-.'l WANiEU at once, a
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    • 21 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENQRAVINOS. 300 Different Subjects, Price* tame as in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 283 2 136e" Straits Jaimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TKS. The STRAITS TIMES: Daily tttue, in Singapore :—ptr copy IS CU. per month tt.U> ptrytar fM.OO (By pott) prr Month tZ.U per year $U.OO TU STRAITS BVDQET: P"<*pr *ocu. ptrytar $U.OO f (By pott) per ytar $10.00 NOTE —The Straitt Budget it puolithej in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 429 3 3b rVi* Mil r "i Smmi llmb." Blß,— ln liie 9»|H»SBb«f n.ioiber ol the Miiiin t'u-U, (i pntaliMtSM "I the .r 1,.c 1*» >| t .'I lh. i I Foren;ii f.r.-), tin-l -v a,,1. i». i 1 »Nitive S lmuiigr.ini-, and 1.ui..p...n K nerprisea, liom the pM the
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  • 331 3 luik>. baowhsmg eree'ed on the CnaHiwfital pi I'l'tm it V. i.. ra ma-ion utera ai. 1 l.'in iiini KuUay) a beaiiMlnl tihle.ui wim-ii w k hy tf Hwias sHrt» usthuritsii v< Mm- Part. exhibition. Ai the dore. if Hie exolition tbatfca Hi i >1» i
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  • 203 3 A Home View. Till iter-antxlit HsMfkMM, in a r. id of the tiade. ol the .its tielilemfots for the past yiMr, msoarks -We haruy appreciate tlio valui ol tlie ti.i le MMM uith tlie-e ."eltleiiients of ours in tlie Ku' K.nt I'hc nmbition to rival B'l'lllMSl <
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  • 150 3 Tas following is an amnxing asjcmei from a private 1. tt.-r r..e.v. il Si Ml brother fioru Mr Cmsj Mm, an F M S. uln.lar, mnlyu.jj ut t'aiiif (»lle(.-, Cambridge:— "On .Niivemb. r lOt ii we had in«" er meeting of the Fnr iMtsva aWet)
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  • 232 3 Memorial Service. Ay Iti Ml m m .iial service Tor li HniiL- I'iiaiii: b M been held at Can'iD. K*ar) Hi. in the prarines ha.l sent a -.1 il witti Kuit.thl.., saeh ;n "i great in in i* de i.1," CMnSM and |...i:ii i« alike rastMatsi
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  • 274 3 In Fcur-ton Schooner. Ths arrival at Sydney on the 18th November of the tiny fchoouer Titikum irom OsjMM exeil«l considerable inte.psi. Much admiration was px,,r«*H.| the pluck of the two naviiiatorn who broiiiilit HsS rrhooncr SMI si.joo ni'i.- ..I ore.iti. How tbe venture MSM about is
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  • 399 3 The Board .if liiie return* forOctoMl show, like their m. .re rPcent preI'.ecessor-, that alth.u^h Britioh comin. rce i» no Imsjsi prugrsMita, Mi'brt has it a retrogressive character. At first sight, th. »t">rt Ml ..I 8^ per cent, in impoits las a ui«quie ing appearance, SS ►eeiiiniL' to
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  • 538 3 Imiion, 24th Nowmlm Mmy Biers are volunteering for seince wall the Biilish. They are MM tt.rtack Hie irreconcilahlas and mil tlio MitJttJa General Andiiiis Ci 'j.', brutlKU olGemralCroije, who sUfraud io.i at Taardeb-rg, coiumanls one corps of ex-l urghers, and (J.nerul Ceilier another. The buU oi He«te>S
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  • 547 3 Riitfr's rppr*»e»' itive ha» had an interview with Mr. E igur Cnnisiua, an American, who for live years was in the employ of the t'..ncin Free Slate and of oue of t lie concessionary rubber cunp une*. A«ke.l M to the position of
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  • 1088 3 Atthu .'icninij o» the third winter SMsiw < f tliu l/inilcin Sch'iul of Tr epical HadWnct, Dr. P»irick Mannon, KB B., 0. M Li wbucM name is «v well-known in tut'B[r:iii-,inaH«mi importnnt »|M*ecb iiu tliu functions ot tlie Bcli'>ol. At the outset of this scheme, he •Hid, Hgieul
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  • 91 3 Kiriom Hum Passengers lor Singapore. Per P. ami a. Ska«gKni t om l-ondon Not li.ih due Doc 1 tb Mra. Finch. Pit r a v a. Uuniita a connecting wilb th. simmer Co matufej at Colombo from l-onduo Nov. IWrd. due I'w. JVID M...i«. A. a MantM, W.
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  • 142 3 Tiik London rorrespondrnt of tie Kngluii un m I n rl is,) l elegraph i ng on the Slh Dei mber,«t .•>!<•■ t hat them was mtich nucert inty m i th. rpal facts of the scan'lpi at the Court ..r Queen Wilhelrnina. Ihe stocy ol (ha duel*
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  • 452 3 UNCLAIMED LE TTERS. EM i if Uitdaimed Utters lying ut the General Pott iffiee, Singapore. Abralinni Marlatt, C. I. Alixler Marfa, K it. Au.leiton, G. Mauldon. K. F. Antoin, M. .am.. A. Merecki, Mi.d. Ilagley. tl. .Mi. i.Hlci., J. Uaniiapws*. H. H. UneeowHs, M. Mailer, Dr. i.e-.iham, H. Mo
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  • 513 3 BOSMMBS, I*TB IS tliKkk. IBUI. PRODUCE. (iaml.ler buypr- I I«W „nrs Hal. ,lr. Ponti'.nitf H.m Ppppp», B!aek. buvsrs M.T.I 'lo WhiU>. (.1X>...; MOO Sago Floor Sarawak 3*o do Brnnoi Ne. 1.... 344 Ppftrt .V" <■** rodoc Bali lft% hwl' •XtA r^flp*. Palpm^n-: b».,. 20 1« r,,e... I Ihen-.n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 UIKFE* NO FKIKNIi I.IKE AN OLD Hill Mi- He will aloavi belp you la tine of tip~i. Hi. tl.e dip with Cham. l*i lam. I nlic, hi.leia and I) i rrhca* I emeil Il is nn old an.l tried friend in n SB) nl homes an<l like oth r
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    • 393 3 A Helple&s Ci ipple N. Borigert of Norborni', snys: For nineteen Dionths l«v n hflpless cripple from Thf wjlght of i.y tKXIy «:is ivdaced from 170 lU. (a 130 a proof nf thu SSTfiUs pnin I hatl to oniiure. Durint; all this time, I touuht a cure, but Aft
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    • 139 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOCRAPHERS. IT ARMENIAN bTKIiET. The Premier Studio. l"h. .i taken cqunllv well at any boor of tbe day WHY Arc 90 per cent < if tlie Orders for FRAMING entrusted to us? BECAUSE Our Usual Charges are only 10 p«'r cent aliove cost, and never so hii.'li as
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    • 321 3 NOTICES. KELLY AND WALSH LIMITED. CHRISTMAS 1901. A large selection of articles suitable for Christmas presents. BINDINGS. BB P 'P" Wlth vulewute and amber mouthpieces. CHII.KP.KNS BOOKS IN (iRKAT VARIKIY AND FOU ALL LO6We A Co'S AGRS. Briar pipes. Wiiting OsMS, Fountain Pen*. Album-. Photograph Frames. Pumea, ci Ki ir
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 265 3 DAY UV DAY. Wednesday, iSth December. iiu.. i A'Hiur. tmm.m i- V. U. l.rciu.ts Drill, ft. 10. 1-arnee Thea re. Leiuh Koad. A. Thursday, 19th December. H.gli U..lvr. .l.4;a.lll 3.i. p.m. SMM I*l. <4u rI.T 3 :<! am H VI No 1 Co. Drill. 111.IJ il Bit* -W. MaSlin ami
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    • 88 3 WKATHKK RKI1)KI .1... o-'. hmlm. mi, fta-m oj. m.yp.m. rC- m \:.s>. ''ai BtUtWtAwSU I'en.ii P2O h«3 IU 4 W. BibT To 14 TSS TS.O >„: Dir.tfW.nn ns. »s. ».E. J Mu.Tvnp DT* ,Z Mm... »J0 fj Mai. Id Knr 14nn ~z% Terr.rsd ..I 6T.0 Sc l I Ml
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 NOTICES. Ftr Constipation ana Biliousness sPTRn (Jrffllfflli Illlljj,^ PURE rot ASTHMA MOIAN CIQARITTCB fW Aathmatto pOTpl. wbo »ii<n>r from •rtuWM la kmtktac. louuncu xn.icsmi irssnu.ui Dimen.Tr ■a nrtcreuTws Onn.aulli Ci(wttc« render the iWpirftXion tuifr, nit «nurt tbe parity. aim, and mane tb' feetiaf «l ti«btne^ arrow ttxeartl OMHADLT O. PARIS
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    • 516 4 NOTICES. WHITEAWAY, I^IDLAW CO. SPECIAL SHOW THIS DAY OF A LARQE VARIETY OF USEFUL NOVELTIES. INSPECTION INVITED. r/dgrVv JlQ£\ BLOCK TIN SAUCEPAN v *y Secure. V/tS. t)U. J«»j3?**? j T&^ 8 inch REFILLS IKON PEN RACK /f^lA IRON CtS. 65 $1.50. CtS. 7. !|J photo Cts. 7s LL.C\ sWI nailbrush.
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    • 287 4 NOTICES. Sljristmas and Pfew Year (Sards. NEW JAPANESE CURIOS. A fine collection just received for the Christmas season, Ladies and Gentlemen are kindly requested to inspect early. G. OTOMUNE CO., John Little Co. Ltd. Crackers From "Tom Smith." CoroprininF, Hats, Caps, Costume*, (ierns, Toy«, Jewellery, Manlcx, Knees Puklm, Picture., View,,
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