The Straits Times, 16 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEM.B&I 16, 1601 NO. 20,706 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 771 1 »pH» bIiRSPO COMPANY, Ll* HEP fT^ IE Run tut I Inn'iv itla A»n.r.-.» I'.ir »nT (Fll«l. Th» K<r».t»". I »«ur*..TW Cklaa M<tMal >•< .-Aimi I'nmpui; TbaTnttMl' km 11--»i r..m|-«ij. Foe »fti of th-ww rimp»n't«. t-« f»ll adr«>H.-.iv.-<t f THF IK'KNK nIT.UInTKI A(«nt> STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I :ifn. r. 1«' lUllirH -THIKT
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    • 769 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ■"XIKKMJKE TAKF.TVAART MAATSCHAI'I'IJ laaaM <ii smjaycrr hnir AbXMCv, u«J. Dachdiu A Cv, i-», OHMIM Opat The^ndrrm.'ntwm .1 ntte^ nre only approximate. tM>as«ev >'■■■■ Ba«atM lit spauTied~ailJ tin" O. Jna* Molucca, via Dec 18 Billiton, Sr.ernl.aia Bielelrng Aas. H^ral-Bia Hsn-ur,, Ambon Hoeroo, Haljan, T.Tn»U>. iteronUlo Menndo, Taroena
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    • 753 1 rflTl A lib MKAMSHIP Mi. (I.TD.) R rt. Penan X On Mondays at 4 p.m for Wtm J'ort I>i.-k»on, Port Sewttnebam. a.d T-luk An»nn " <m Wedtiendays at ip.m. for Malne.-a, Tort Dickson, Port sweitenbxm. and Teluk Anson S S Kan Whvt Hin-: On Friday at 4 p.m for Malacca.
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    • 605 1 INSURANCES. rpHE |f>SIKIS ami LANCAtHirBK I FIHF INK'TRANCK fX)MIAVY. «'j<p"»l OLUMQI Paid up Capital £;ia.7.W Kawrv* Fund £1.075,6et» The nndereiKovd, Agents far tne Company, are pivpsml to accept fire risks at current ratnn of vr.iminm. POUSTEAD A Co.. Agenta. rl CHINA TIUDBRfi INSCUKCE OOTIPA NT. LIMITED. Capital Buhnribrd feOUO.(XJI> Amount
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    • 481 1 LIJNION FTRK IUtURANCE COMPANY OF TAXIS. Kin*ni.(rtH«ii I(<3r KKSEKVES AM) TOTAL HrAKANTKKK fl.iiW.frtj 'I'HE nn.lemiKiied. nK«ntii for mo above 1 •-■•-mifli. v, ant |>nt|urod to accupt fliv n»*s for loiik or short periods «t rumri r*te,. <:.IKH HKTTLKMKNTH promptly nivl^ Lv the A^ent- n i-innapore MOINF, COMTB 4 Co Two
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    • 720 1 BANKS. |rONUK<>V<i OVJ) HHA.MfIM.vJ 11 HANK! Nil CORPORATION. Pill ..IP CAPITAL f IO.UOO.KU i f-r.I.VEFfNP.-SK-rling H.-»cT,,ttt),noni Silver 1U»»m>....« s,-sij,(iOo/"* IS M( n KEnKRVK I.i,\BII.JTV OF I .„.„->,.-,., CoruT o» bumcmnr r— Hon. J J. lihli-Utino Dunn Cwwair, H. E To««cx, R L. Ric«a»t»«>». K*q s*"". t*l I H srn™»r. D.
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    • 475 1 NOTICES. < HRHTMAS HOLIDAYS »«i l«lhm K good t»l.l«, in" UC Tfl»phoiw-.«Vor 111. CEYLON I.ACE MERCHANT. D. B. PADRIS HAMY, H»« nmtH frr.m }f o Stamford K om lo o. 4 Armenian Hlreel. Dr. H. S. Lawrence, American Dentist. No. 8. BATTERY ROAD. Singapore ■MVU BKIIK WORItK t. I'ASIK PA.NJANU
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    • 866 1 Sprains' Spimiu!' Sprwm!!! I F POSSIBLE 10 TRBAT THE Bf RAfH I withi iv houraitrr it in received, er htton inflimmmon hu set in besdafw lh*p r'sand ttrpthe handle t»turat«l «i'h lnnil«-rl«in« l'»in Hnlin i.ut aftor thu parta hay- bocome inriaim<u »nd ••woljen, no bandncre nbould b« u*«<J, only loo»e
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  • 201 2 Dm VBim'* Name. FuoAßio Tone. Dkstinatiox. Deetikatiok. I>iv 14 I'm Seng Brit rtr. 378 fVnanft 14 Medan U«r >tr. 478 Awlwu and Deli M Speelrnan Hut iir HOO Konrabaya ti» Bawean H Kai* Aut »lr. 13H0 Ritaria via porta 10 NerhuiMx Brit rtr. liwl k'goon A C'niandel Coatt l'ortt
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  • 65 2 (M ■atardaj, the tun instant, at I p.m. at his NaMaajaa, No. MrCal.ura Mtrcol Mv Am. Kirn Iff Age.l XX year At tm residence on th.' l-.'t!i mini at Chuicb Street, P*MOf,CM>M Kt.v. Kwi, Capittu rhiua, i'crnk Age.l 74 Eiwx«mw._ At S. Th.' Avcnu"., ncokenlum. Kent, Nov. Ilih Uaaut
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  • 494 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, 16th DECEMBER. Thi curs« of the My system and the thraMom in which those Indian money lenders keep the poorer classes of this and other communities in these Settleinent-. have often been referred to in the columns of t'.ie Straile Tim:> but no
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  • 546 2 That genial if sometimes caustic humorist, Mark Twain— who recently paid off a dnbt of a quarter of a million gold dollars that was bequeathed to him by the collapse of a publishing firm which had beguiled him into a partnership is evidently, to quote an exchange, "a prophet whose
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  • 225 2 toLLowixu in., exutnplu of the Engineers Association, the Masters and Mates Association of this port have to-day sent aroint. l a circular to the various ship-owners, setting forth a brief statement of their grievances, wbicb are comprised in the siutplu fact that existence in the .Straits to-day costs much more
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  • 59 2 H. G. Sm Frank SweUenham, accompanied by Cipt. Barry an. l Mr. Bosanquet, left for fenang iv me Sta little yesterday afternoon at i. 15. The Uovornor is expected l.> arrive at Penang to-morrow at o pm. 'J he I'enang Volunteers will furnish a guard-of-honour. The Governor will visit the
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  • 34 2 The Hongkong papers state that Judge Tafl, tbe dtsiinguithed Civil Governor of the Philippines, is coming on v visit to Singapore for his health aud will probably not return to Manila until May next.
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/10).
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  • 14 2 Mr. W. \V. Bailey has purchased Ballet Girl for «4A) and I'erak for MOO.
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  • 13 2 Mkssiuj. Elcum and Ong Chang (.Juan c.iine from Mal.icca yesterday by the llalavier.
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  • 11 2 The homeward mail by the HUllgart cloeeh at V p.m. to-day.
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  • 20 2 Du. Nolle, Dr. Reel, and Mr. Cobar from Hongkong aud Mr. Poole front Shanghai arrived by the Stuttgart this morning.
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  • 24 2 Tin P. and O. intermediate steamer Uorneo left Hoiigkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday and is due here at 6 a in on Thursday.
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  • 22 2 Tub Italian flagship V-ttor Fitnni accompanied by the cruisurs Ell>a ;in<l Fierramosca left for Colombo at 4 1 5 pm on Saturday.
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  • 47 2 Among the passengers who arrived by the Malno-u this morning fruin Telok Anson via ports, were Mr. Cuiuming, Mi, Ciarrick, Miss Fmser, Mrs. R. Allen, Mr. R. 8. Butlar, Mr. K. A. Murphy, Dr. Leask, Mr. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs <Jiffiiey, and Mr. L. A. N. Johnston
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  • 356 2 THIRTY ARMED ROBBERS RAID A HOUSE AT SERANQOON. TWO ROBBERS CAPTURED. TEN PERSONS INJURED Ahoi-t nnen'.'|.,rk on Sunday morning over thirty Kowchews (half Macao and half I> ..hew) armed with lire. inns, pirangi, knives, and clubs, and carrying torches raided Mr. H >h Yang l'eng'* bouse near
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  • 14 2 Ik U.K. Mtfriaaa, the Time.i Puking correspondent, has arrived liere by Uie s. lMh.
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  • 31 2 It .i|i|» that all II. .1 Kuala I. impur griflinswnre prupared by Mr. II i) ■iiuiii.l, a' ho is able to place four w ns out of five to hi«. crc.iit
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  • 26 2 Thi: will of the late Mr Robert (irant Murmy (57). Bournemouth, rutirud comminder P anil O Co disposes of prop. rty valued a X4.'.'7S 7a. sd.
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  • 29 2 As the date of thn last miil leaving, the it. n-.> of Sai.iw.ik ii,,,l hh BncUnd for Italy. BtM lataath to «pend tiie winter at her villa near (ienoi.
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  • 25 2 Tbb fl.mnan trinspurt SraNfd/i, Capuiin I'aui Gnaah, Milml from Yokohama this morning and went alongside the wharf BtM is expected to leave tomorrow for Hamburg.
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  • 31 2 Thh following is thu list of pti MaaffNt who arrived from Mnlh»U'ne hy the Omm:—Mn."R.v, Jlr«. Birtplle, Capt Hodge, Mr. Gray, Mr. Brown. Mr. Tinsley, Mr. Woods and Mr. Marrvat
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  • 32 2 A CniNAUAS was charced Hpfnre Mr. Michrll this mornini; for taking produce—lalang Mtwa from Crown land at the 11th stonr, Changi Road, without a license. Ho was fined Sin or 14 days.
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  • 36 2 Ma S. C. Yenmar.s, a Cambridge ar^ity man, is coming nut from home shortly to join the staff of the Malay Mail Mr Yeomans took honours in the historical tripos, and is a good allround athlete.
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  • 41 2 Thk Govtmmmt Gmett* puhlishes the text of a Kill to facilitate the investment nf trust and, other funds in the United Kingdom in Straits Settlements Government Securities The aim is to r ii«fi such oecuritie*. to the category of Trustee Stocks.
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  • 42 2 In addressing the Poona Yolunieere, the other day, Mijor-Oeneral Hill, the Inspector-General of Volunteers, said i li it the three chief essentials of volunt«»r«. were hnw to post sentries, how to shoot at 3"0 yards, and how to keep their arms clean.
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  • 44 2 The K. Y. K. »te»mer BawadM Wmn hroncht the followinc p ixnntors. from London: Bishop Hr««e, Mr.. Ho>', Mi« 9 How, Mr. fc S. Hw, Mi«« Gentle, Mint W. Gnnil... Mrs Baker, Mi--Little, Mrs. Clark. Mr. Prentice, Mr. W Grove and Mr J. Robertson.
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  • 44 2 The Deli hroupht the following paseencr* from Rangknk this morning Mr. and Mm. T M. Freeman. Mr Carl Francke, Mr O. Reimerx, Mr Brunn Arnstadt, Rev Fere I)un»lle, Mr. D. rfe Sevenius, Dr. G (i. Morrison, Mr. Rose, Mr. Cluuis and Mr. H. Lover.
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  • 49 2 This morning a Chinaman was eharsed before Mr Michell with beiiiE in posaeskion of a Police whistle and with personating a Detnctive police constable. He was line I flO or 14 days on the first charge., and $26 nr 6 weeks on the second. The fines were not paid.
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  • 46 2 Thi Sineapore Municipal budget, No. il of 1901, has been passed by (iovernment. It provides for an outlay of over Cl 9-.',000 More than 5102,000 come under the heading of gas supply, stock, and transfer. Special allowances to officers not enjoying exchange compensation account for SlB.OOO.
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  • 50 2 Mmukk Mr. Mii-hrll this morning a Chinaman was charged with theft of some clothing and a belt valued at $30 10 cents. Hh was snntenced to 3 month*' imprisonment and wan also ordered to rec ive In strokes with the rattan Prisoner had three previous convictions for the same offence.
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  • 84 2 Apropos of the article published in these columns on Thursday laot with rrfrrence to the King's heilth, it may be noticed that Sir Frederick i roves, Sergeant-Surgeon to the King, presiding at the half-yearly dinner of the Aberdeen University Club, ami submitting the toast of "Tim Kin.:," snid it was
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 48 2 HAMILTON'S SMART WORK. Lnwion, IMA The. Oaeial Bruee Hamilton reports that on the 13th instant he surprised Commandant Hiet Viljoen's laager. Sixteen Bo»m were killed, 78 armed prisoners were taken, and many others were wounded. The British troops also recaptured one of Colonel Benson's guns
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    • 59 2 BRITISH AND FORRKIN APPREHENSIONS. Tbe British Government has drawn Germany's attention to the grave apprehensions entertained in Rngland as to the injury which the new German tariff will do to Hh Wmh of bath countries The Russian and Austrian press also continue to express
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    • 27 2 THE KAISER CONFERS A DISTINGUISHED ORDER. Lah* The Kiisnr his conferred on the Marquis Ito the Grand Cross of the. Ked K.iel.', with brilliants.
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    • 56 2 AN IMPORTANT CAPTURE Success of the New Blockhouse System. Colonels C>lenl>ranler and D.iwkins have captured Commandant Riden-hor-t and fourteen The eflejt of this important capture will be good. The new sya'.em of placing blockhouses closer taajrthM hn already resulted in the clearing of the country within
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  • 86 2 CABLBS BETWEEN I 111 ISLANDS CEASE WORK. llv thf... 1 ir!cv ..f liie QtMtal MainR«r of the K.isifrn Kxtcr.sion Telegraph Co. we at* informed that Mriy un the morniiii.' <>f Sunday I6tl in«t. (yesterday) a severe atmaqaatM risflah was frit in Manila, all unr mnlhuni Luzon, and
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  • 101 2 Mr. A H. Snow, thn Mining Engineer to the Sultan of Johorr, returned to Singiporo on Saturday from an inspection of the tin-r>naring districts of Johore. Mr. Snow travelled in a northerly direction from Sungei Kaidan in the south, to Bukil Tanah Ahang on the Kn.lju rivrr
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  • 105 2 Ok the 0. C ground on Saturday afternoon, a match was played betweon elevens captained by C. W. Darbixhire and H. W. Sharp. Sharp's eleven made 103 for nine wickets, Hannaford contributing 42, Purkinb 18, aud .Stronaeh and Bradbery 9 each. Darhishire'a eleven made 76 for seven wickets. Cater
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  • 141 2 The following will|reprei-ent theS. C. C. in the forthcoming (,'brisi mas cricket inatchi*:— Billings, K. Br.tdbery, Carter, J. G Mactacpart, Sharp, Coulcher, Cater, Green, and H. Tongue. Tim remaining two places will be filled up after next Saturday's match. The Singapore football team will be
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  • 159 2 TntKX is slight animation in the betting for the Cup, rs. 6,000 to rs--1,000, and r*. 2,.'>00 to rs. 600 havinp been accepted about lititrily't change in the paddock. Severity and GM-mith were out, the pair being confined to trotting and canturiiit: which was the character of
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  • 39 2 Fhom the Ist of next month, the insurance system will be extended to .1- ••zi-haiiKed Iwtweun the .Straits BaltleaMall ami (iihraltar, and tlie sßMWaaea system will also be extended to letters exchange.) between ttis Sirai's Settlemau it and CVjkn.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 503 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* or Dynamite, Qeiiguito, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators. iIJ XI.MM UP Safety Puses. Becthe Blasting Apparatus. Tk* atom Kmplonrnt, bnng all rnunu-ft.'-rrl i/. ttrrd ltr\lmn,nrr m.flr to pott the- high, rtamlttnl of tnfttu ai d purify tvtt tmpota! by Hit Rriluh Horenmtmt, and
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    • 273 2 NOTICES. KELLY AND WALSH LIMITED. CHRISTMAS 1901. A large selection of Christma POBTC, AND I'THKR STANDARD BOOKS IX HAXD.SOMK ■nronraa. CHILPRKN'S BOOKS IN GRKAT VARIKTY AND FOR ALL HIM Writing Caaot, Fountain Pens. Albunm, Ph.itngrapli Krmne«. l'urß«>, Ciftaraml < igarottn Case*. Wallets »n4 Card Inkntandii. (S/jristmas and f Christmas Oratorio
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    • 218 2 articles suitable for presents. A large selection of B B B pipes with vulcanite and amber mouthpieces. Loewe Go's Briar pipes. I Cigar Cigarette holders in amber meerschaum. few years' (Sards. TANBAN* Is on sale at .ill the i.rimipal Hotels Tiffin Rooms, Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld.
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    • 722 2 LATBST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. BOARD and residence in private family in healthy locality. Apply to O K. c/o Straitt Timet. m.w.ths. 81-13 SITUATION wanted by a Rcotchm an jnst arrived. Expert book-keeper and accountant. Thorough knowledge of groceries. liMora, and dry goods. 17 years experience ia the East good testimonials. Apply
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    • 71 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENQRAVINOS. 300 Different Subjects. I^^ob Prict» same as in Earopc. Special mouldlngi on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R. Lambert Co. Oo 1i... l.iih iust.. at St. Audrew't C thmir»l,BiOKsporo, by tho key W. 11. C. Imnk-rley. Colonial Chipla.n, i'iiihi.u Hail Wiutkhiad, son of James Nicholas Whiteuoad
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 290 2 V>(je "Straits TDimes." ■SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tk, STRAITS TIMES Daily ttue, m Singapore :—per copy IS CU. per month ,i ii per year $30.00 (Bypoet) per montk $t.tS m per year $34.00 Tkt STRAITS BUDGET: per copy Ifi CU •i per year $11.00 (By pott J per wear $tO.O-> NOTE:—
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  • 2549 3 ANM'AL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. ftMMMMI prize liit-trib.uiin uf the Untile. Uiria' .Soli.iol ti>.>k pttm i>n Baiam 1 i) ..ii-iM.irtn Tba ftmotina was held in v I ii nr schoolroom which w»s prfiuK and tHHtct.'llv dteonUd forth* occasion Iho Wliiamw were dr.ip.-il with fl.ii.-ii And baiwacl, and were hung
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  • 278 3 A Millionaire's Career. Thk death of Cheang Kenn Kwi, Capitan Cmna of I'er.ik, a millionaire, took place at Penang on tbe 12th instant, after an illness lasting only a few days. The deceased, says the I'many Uniettr, was 74 years ol ace, 60 ot which
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  • 394 3 Tur annual meeting of the Straits Development Company was held at the L'tudon offices of the company on IMb Nov., the chairman, Mr. Alfred (iaussen, presiding. In proposing the adoption <t the report and accounts the Chairman at the outset referred to the company's holdings of Caledonian
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  • 49 3 Tae following Warrant Officers and non-commissioned officers of Infantry (regulars and embodied militia) whose former weapons of defence in the Held were the sword and revolver are now to be armed with the carbine vii. Sergeant-Major*, Quartermaater-Ber-geants, Orderly Room Sergeants, Sergeant-Drummers, Sergeant- Cooks, Band-Sergeants, Sergeants-Master Tailor, and Armourer Sergeants
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  • 59 3 I.\ the football league matches, Notts County beat Notts Forest, Everton beat ciunderlkud, Small Heath beat Stoke, and Sheffield beat Bury. The match between Derby and Blackburn Hovers waa drawn. In the Western League, Portsmouth defeated the Tottenham Hotspurs; and, in the Southern, Southampton gained a victory over Millwall. I'nder
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  • 57 3 •Hi.- PAIN of a lirKN or SCALD is a'mo-l n.-mntlv relieve. l hy applying <-hi.n>l^rli>in'. fain ll»lm. It »l»u henl. <!"■ injured part, more quirkiy than liy nn\ i.ih.-i iTi'atnu-iii, nn. l x.cpt tho I. urn i» very severe, doe* not Irave A -CAR. For •ale by all denim in
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  • 972 3 Wo.ib makea tho m.n, «nd want of it the Mlow 11 The raw if M but laath.r >n.l prunrllo." Ltndon, Norember SJAirf. 1 Fof and Storm. I A wkik of fog has been succeeded I by one of the severest storm 1 experienced on these coasts
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  • 95 3 Friday's Qoiernment Gazette notities the exemption of the Straits Steamship Company's steamers and of the British steamer Chaw I'hya from the operation of rules 5, 6, 7, and 9 in the schedule of the Transit of Cattle and other Livestock by Sea Ordiuance. These rules boar upon the dimensions of
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  • 64 3 Thk new postage stamps will, it is repoited, according to present arrangements, be, issued nnrly in the new year. The halfpenny stamp* will be green, aa hitherto; in tun penny stamps a dull crimson will be Mibstituted for the existing mauve colour; and this may also lie used for .-tamp*
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  • 62 3 A Corhbbponoxnt writes Homo papers bring the 111 ws. that the Queen of Holland is a- total abstainer, and refuses on all occasions to take wine. Her most intimate friend, Priucesa Pauline of Wurtemberg, was by her won over to the ranks of the teetotalers. LiH us hope the late
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  • 61 3 Tna Queen's Scholarship regulations have been amended tv admit of the quarterly amount due to e<ch scholar being paid in full only when tbe certificate is excellent, and being cut down should the certificate be less satisfactory. Il is within tbe discretion of the Secretary of Slate to terminate the
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  • 63 3 Ihk death is annuunced of Sir William MacCormac, the eminent surgeon. from ihe effects uf dysentery. Sir William MacCormac was born in Belfast in Ituii and neate.i a baronet in 1«97 He was for the fifth tune presiuent of tbe Koyal College of Surgeons. He was consulting (ehril) surgeon to
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  • 59 3 Thk new Suineme Court is being quickly pushed forward towards comulation. The structural alterations have nearly all been i.mdc, und upstairs there "are now two r.Kimy and well lighted courts, with apaaiaM corridors ou either side and plenty of accommodation for all those who use the Courts. The new building
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  • 74 3 At Rallies Hotel, on New Year's Eve, there will be a special dinner. As there is sure to be a Urge demand for seats, intending guests should make Uieir arrangements for bonking as early as possible. There will be dancing after dinner to the strains of the :<rd M. L.
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  • 104 3 All those who take an interest in British spoita will be glad to hear that there is to he an boatrace next year that is, if entries are forthcoming Mu.h has been left wnderided, it secnis that the present arrangements are that between July 20 and 25, win!-
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  • 551 3 MIKOArOKI, IHTII I»E.EMnK«. l(*l|. PRODUCE. Oamhier buyers IS.'O ropra Bali HiCO Ho Pontiinak f*> Pepper, Blark buyers KM do Whlte,(*t> .65 00 Sago Flonr Sarawak S.ICI do Brunei Nn. t »4» tVarl I'ngo 4.JUS Poflmi. Ball. 1«X hs«i- .10 Onffwi, fSlemriana :<n% h-i«i. »nr> fflffne I.lberi»n No. 1 •-•1.00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 THERE'S NO FRIEND LIKE AN OLD KUIKMv- He will always help you in time of need. It is tbe ran with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and U nrrh.ea Kcmedv. It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes and like oth?r old friends can always be depended upon
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    • 186 3 FACTS OF ABSORBING INTEREST TO THOSE WHO ARE IN THE CLUTCUEB OF RHEUMATISM. One cannot be too quickly cured of Kheunintism. To get rid of thow awful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mild, now excruciating, to day in lied, to-morrow hobbling around in crutches to
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    • 236 3 THE STRAITS TRADINO COMPANY LIMITED. Notice to holders of Bearer Share Warrants. >TOTICE IH HEIiKRYGIVEN that, on II presentation of Coupon No. lat the Chartered Bank of India Australia and China, or «t ihe OIHi-e if the Company on or after the !Hh December, ISOI, Holders will receive *i; per
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    • 349 3 NOTICES. GeOrge I Pictures. 1 Frames. Michael PHOTO STOKES, Singapore. Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 ARMKMAN STRKKT. The Premier Studio. Phfttoa taken eiiuallv well at any hour of the day Modern European Dentistry Messrs. CHEONQ BROS.. sons of ihe late Ms. Cuaoiir. din TtK.'in order to meet tbe requirement* of Knropean
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    • 726 3 NOTICES Nones. STRAITS C -.t Rubber BUn>|.. ■"hoi t notice, fries m»lartW. H/WWsi S. Rol.inaon Read NOTICK I^HK Kaffle* Library and Muaenm will loclowd on Chrintma. and Ihe following day. By onler (aillM HrLLIF.R. ■M* Ag Curator and Librarian. KOTICK. MR. ALEXANDER JAMES ROHH. b<ilig no I. inner in our
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 368 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 16th December. High VVnter UNam ti. .7 p..v. S. V R i: rui>. Drill 5.10. S. V. A Drill. 6.1-V I. No. ICo Drill. Old .fail b.te. ft.* 1. N l>. L homeward mail closes. A. l'urs.-» I'heatre. Majaak Koa<l Tuesday, 17th December. Hirh U 2.h
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 NOTICES. /Ilanquip women me cmLßHet old none, nm/os m CHAPOTEaUT cunrum wv rvnß J OILICIOUS HUTHITItE SI 10 UL A IT Tfc »wlir, .im la MMlr M.i«ll«M4 w4« W X C«BTIIMCMI I NOTICES. Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and l-lorist. Has this day removed his business from Eskbank, Tanglin, to
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    • 694 4 NOTICES. WH I T E A WAY, LA ID LA W CO For all Descriptions of Leather and Travelling Goods. Every Article New, Fresh, and Up to Date. TERMS-CASH AT TIME OF PURCHASE. '^^^i|ia CHAIRS. nut brown leather GLADSTONE BAO S. 7*5 n A BAGS. lalataflMGMk HOLDALLS FOR TRAVELLERS. ZZI
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    • 451 4 NOTICES."^ MAINTAINS THK lIKJIIIXI 1 REPUTATION IVUfYWHKMv Fortify ihe System against Disease witli PURE BLOOD. "THt 3EST SECURITY FOH HEALTH.' ft y v m ■ih H~X^ML*HLT4i\i(^nUL^vl ESSENOf QR FLUID ■XTBAOT OF W«D JAM«K>« bill. I*Jil -"X*»f l 1 ■liai*l IV K7iVI since 1829. »S7-1 k#«*f,l ff^| "A" ESSMM TORPID m,
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