The Straits Times, 13 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,704. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 866 1 I>US HORN BO COMPANY, LIMIIED TUt •»»».t»'J Ufe AssMieoss. Nor».rh U*iee Fir. ißsmnos Boci^y. 11. ls>»n.< CempMy (Kire). Th. Bqmits*!- Ut Asrtmac SooiMj. The Chlaa V"io«l Navigaiieo fompnaj Tke ToMe.h»'° l*f«r Bsw Company. >'ov sartkuUrs r-f tllMe OeamaaM*. s». th* Ml ad™rri-»n«.r THK BORNKO OOMfAITT. LMITED A»ent. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. H.
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    • 1532 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IJONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India (iovernnieni A-enu at .Singapore: Ship Auisct, lati J. Da«ni)«l> Co., 2-3, Colltu IJOat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate^ M hron. kxpected Will be I Mnnatchwi »or On Mw^l Pale., bfcng IH-c. 1 1 Samaranu. Tegnl and Uherihon Dee.
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    • 577 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH ftILLOTTS <ii.'\M) PUl\ I-XKIS. iqoo. DEAIO OrHijb««tl}iiAUtT; aod bsvuijOi»«ta«t Durability, sreunretore W0 CHEAPEST. I hllV INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE J FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl i'5,127.1W0 Paid up Capital £21 ?.7JO Reserve Fund £1,073,680 I'he nmlonigoed, Agento for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current
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    • 483 1 INSURANCES. THK ROYAL EXC!IA\(IK ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17J0I uniiersigneil, n^.'nts for the above < company, are prup ired m accept Fire Risks al current rut.--BEHN MEYEKACo. w. As. 81/12 MAQDEBUUO FIISK IN'SUKANCB n»MPAXY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 18X4) rt HE iimlersigned. ftgcntß for the above M i ompany, are prepared to accept
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    • 724 1 BANKS. UONGKO. N 'i AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10.UOO.OtXl RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Rewr>c..»lo,o/io,no'll m,« 7MO m Silver Rewrvr....» .1.: 50.000/ RESERVE LIABILITY OF t ..nmuw,. PROPRIETORS |-tiq«W.OW Court of ihrectoe*-— R. suiwan, K*a.-- Chaikmah H. K TomiKi B L. BiciAansoK. Kw) A Him. tio I H Sckuiaet. I).
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    • 509 1 NOTICES. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. 'PHE Grove Bungalow. Tanjong Katong, I Sea bathing, good table, best wines "•<"• Telephone-;t!s-or 111. CEYLON LACE MERCHANT. D. B. PADRIS HAM Y. Has removed from No. 8 Stamford Road to No. 4 Armenian Street. ST. ANDREW'S HOUrB. t CHURCH of England Boarding House J\. for Eurojiean
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    • 863 1 CluuoWUin't Colic. Ck«l«M ul Diwrbasi Hnndj. IS F.VF.RYWHKRK ACKSOWLKDOED tv be the mo. i succeasful medicine in lisa for llauvl ('..mplaints. lt»l«ay« re», and cures quickly. It ran be cl- peii.led u,..)n even i ide most severe and dangerous cases. Cur.a imping. all Ivindn of .liarrhn-yand at the first unusual
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  • 20 2 UR the lith N r l.i'il at Lahad Dam r.iiKi". U. R. Uorneo. I. OrriTa JounDiif, of f ever.
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  • 844 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 13 DECEMBER. Siit i iKi ).v may not '<>.: wholly justified tuat the uuurnn mi al H-miy Cabot b"dge, ill tlic L'uilu'J States ■Sjmte, on tlie N.:irt^n Caml, as reported in despatches 10-d ly, were priunpted by President R io«e»islt, although the American
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  • 197 2 At Hongkong two ImsJ fi ros.- Messrs. But'erfield and Swire, at.d Mm Hongkong Ice Company, Ul liana just begun an extensive scb- me of impor■ne frozen mutton, game, in i provisions from Ans raii.i. The .hipping firm, says the Daily Pretf, has. had twj of its steamers fitted up with
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  • 93 2 Now that Lurd Kitchener has taken tho field in person, it is pretty certain that tbe Boers will be hard pushed. Had Lord Kitchener be -n allowed a freer hand, all would probably have been over with the enemy by this time. Lord Kitchener's chief complaint, which seems to have
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  • 6 2 Td-fiAY's 4/ms bank rate is I.IOJ
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  • 15 2 Thk annual prize-giving at the Baflles Girls' School takes place to-morrow at 5.16 p. m.
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  • 14 2 Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday morning at 10 and 11.
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  • 17 2 The next Tanglin Club At Home will be held on Thursday, 26th Derem ber, at 9 p.m.
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  • 18 2 Thbri have been several large fire* in Shanghai lately, and the insurance companies are likely to lose heavily.
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  • 20 2 McAi.istkr and Co. forward a wall calendar for next year with views of their business establishments in Singapore and Penang.
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  • 19 2 Mb. Thomas Patterson, an Australian, has been deported from Manila for being secretary to Sixto Lope/, a Filipino agitator.
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  • 22 2 Tiik S. C. C. Christinas Football team will be selected by the football sub-com-mittee to-morrow, and will be made known on Monday.
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  • 25 2 Mr. Sutherland, the Afaot of the Mutual line for the Kast, is expected to arrive here Jin i' Tuesday by the Moyune from Manila.
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  • 28 2 Is consequence of the fall in exchange, the chief mercantile 6rms in Penan? are announcing an incrsase ill the price of all goods amounting lo ten per cent.
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  • 30 2 Captain P. II Symons, I M. s who was in medical charge of the Kith M. I, now in Singapore, is appointed to act as Resident Physician, General Hospital, Madras.
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  • 27 2 Mtssas. K. A. J. Chotirmall and Co jewellers and silk merchants, of High Street forward a calendar for 1901', containing wnn striking photographic views of their establishment.
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  • 28 2 IxpttnvKii M li^'liling is making beadwa) in ('nloinbo, and several buildings are said to be now lighted with incandescent gas lamps instead of with electric lights us previously.
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  • 31 2 Ma. Bertram, a Municipal Commissioner of Caljulta, has been closely studying the subject of cold storage in England, with a viow to having it installed m tho Municipal Market in Calcutta.
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  • 35 2 Two hundred and twenty-two deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday loot. The ratio p«r thousand was 46.80 In November, the deat n registrations weie 981 with a ratio of 48.K1.
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  • 40 2 We understand that the tickets for the Oratorio Concert at the Town Hall on Thursday next are selling rapidly, and it is advisable for tho«<t who want good seats to lose no time in booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
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  • 29 2 Tna Singapore agents of Usher A Co., the well known dealers in Scotch whiskey, send a wall calendar for 1802, showing the King and Queen in coronation robe*.
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  • 32 2 Colonbl Hamilton Bowor has retired from the command of the Weihaiwei Regiment, having been appointed to command the British ition (iuard at Pekins. The Weilwiwei Regiment now consists of twelve companies
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  • 40 2 It apimars from a notice issued by the North China Daily Maaa that the proprietor* ot that paper and those ot the OstofitUiichs Lloyd intend issuing an illustrated inagaiinx next year. It is to be call.-d The Kail of Asia.
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  • 34 2 Two Chinese tampan coolies were sentenced to six months' rigornus imprisonment this morning fir the theft of pa-a 'nig.-rs' luggagß from the s. a. H. Q. Meyer. Insp. of the Marine D(.partmeiit pro»ermed.
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  • 46 2 Mk. Oliver M.irkj, of the F. M. B. Civil Service, will return from le»vo in January. During his holiday at home he has had a MBoaaaial erieket seaaom, playing for the [neaguiti and 1 1 1 Ml He has also done a gnad deal of golf.
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  • 48 2 Thk Maria Valeric is repmtel to have brought from Austria 4218 piculs of beet BBjajr. Whether it will suit the taste oi nugar consumers here is a point to be decided. Hut the above informa tion will douhtless prove of more than ordinary interest to planters up ninth
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  • 48 2 Tbi AVUMi hrouiiht the fallowing puKsengnrs Irom Japan via Manila this morning:— Miss K. Neiigett., Mi- I Howard, Mr W. Chose, Mr. H. Kchrage, Mr J. Howe, Mr. F. Smith, Mr. V B Down, Mr. F. Marfori, Mr. G. E Thompson, Mr J Autcheon and Mr H. Trusdale.
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  • 52 2 Thk Hnmliiir: -Amenk.i Linic steamer Savoia, especially built for the Pacilic, and hit herto used as an ambulance-ship for the Uerman China Expedition, will open the new Senates line from Hongkong to Japan and Vladivostock 1 his line, hy means ol ice breakers, will, it is !>a.d, run all the
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  • 44 2 Thk tirnt England-Australia cricket match wus tixeil to commence to-day at Sydney. Tlie recent matches of Mr. Mai-laren'x eleven against teams representing farina parts ol Australia, seom tn chow that Maclaren has recovered his form— witne«s his MS and 73 against New garth Wale«
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  • 48 2 This morning, Insp. Howard proseruieri four Chinese towkays who were in charge of thecliiniay on the 4th intt ior pl.iying inusic(.'j while passing the Police Courts an.l oilier plaOM, lontraiy to tlie paaj Mr. (iilman i iflii te.l the full penil'v KM sjajah Mr Obapatd delendwl the Inwkays.
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  • 55 2 Tv missine rhinainnn, who war t-u;iposei! ti li ive been drowned in W.v early hours ot yester.lay mirnini; when I i r. :kang wa« run into :nni sunk hy an unknown strain r r.ff St. J.'hn's Iclaiid, lias turued up. He was picked up bf -ume Malay tishernien, and was
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  • 63 2 A SMALL boy was being instructed in the Scriptures by his m.itbei. She was Trailing aloud to him when she came tothe passage:— "The Israelites passed over Jord in, and pitched i:i Aroer." A light passed over the small boy's face for he had heard somethini: that he could really
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  • 58 2 The death has occurred of an old and much respected Chinese resident in Hongkong -Mr Chao Chec Bee, who was lor over ISO yea's couipradore to the China Sufar Refining Company. The deceased was a Strait«-born Chinaman who went to Hongkong many years ago. He was noted for his charitable
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  • 67 2 Tm« morning, before tli» Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Uilman.Uapt. Davidson of the s s. /"in Seng was charged t'y Mr. Kodrigiie/, Biardiiii; Ollioer anJ Inspector under the new Transit of Cattle Ordinance, br breach of the rules. Tin- Captain pleaded not guilt; and paid he was ignmant of the rules. The
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  • 61 2 Br.r.ißE Mr. Michell, this morning, an elderly Malay named Omar, an old gaol bird, was committed to the next Assizes, on cha'ges of personating a public servant, wrongful restraint, and attempting to commit extortion. Prisoner had twenty-one previous c •> victions and had served over twelve years in gaol. Seven
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  • 70 2 Tim Convent Bazaar in the Town Hall was continued last night, there being again a very large and fashionable attendance. Business was brisk, and the Convent should be much the better off for the evening's sale. The side entertainments were asain largely patronized. In yesterday's account of the Bazaar, the
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  • 112 2 Ths llmighfng Daily }'rr>t last sliure report hhvs that, under mining, there is nothing of any rruiseqnrnce to note, except that sonic good nows had come from the Punjoiu Mines, which had revived the flagging spirits of the holders of this scrip. Mr Kerfoot Hughes, who has only recently come
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  • 42 2 Tiik following have been selected to represent I'enang in the forthcoming Christina* cricket week at Singapore May, Parsons, Talma, Wicks, Zehnder, Murray.Korbes, Sproule, with thefollowinc pisiihles for the two vacancies:— Skae, Wemyss, Drummond, Moraes, Ward, Kirmstone, Coveney, and Park.
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  • 70 2 A Malacca oorreHpondeut writes 1 lie celebration of the birthday of Mr. Ong Chuikn (man's mother on Ist Dec. and lasted tor a k It was kept up on a grind scale, the house being gorgeously decuated The many am-st.* were well looked after There were grand dinplays
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • 50 2 Thk new ftwHth half-penny and penny stamps with the Kinc'n head on them BMJ I ibt azpeetai liero. The colour of the new hallpcnny stamp is fcreenish Una, in conformity with the Postal Dnioa auraeaant, and that of the penny stamp is a deep carmine on white.
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  • 95 2 Mr E. CauMwell to he traffic ir, FMS Railway*, I'.rak. Mr. Can, dwell arm-nil on l.Mh Nov. Mr. .1. R 11. m.-k.m'i, apprentioß, Bereai >nrviy Department, Mpinclo trt .v rin.-f .:.Tk. Traacury, Lowef hrak. Mr. P, PblUips t.. ha hi. aaiiataßt forest Mis. (i. K. Batva baa
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  • 90 2 A CtYLO.v pa|ier sayt The S'lrrevurGen.ral of the Straits Settlements hal m.ieai plied to tlie local Department for ollicers, .in I in ■nfiiin.niH with that r.-(|Ues'. applications werecall<ml for, anil the following were selected: Hasan. C. M. D im and G K. riiornhill, »t Held
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  • 103 2 (hang l\h->i, a Secretary of the Board of K..r.-un Aflabl, laM h.-.n appuiliUd t'liim ta M,ni-tiT tut !i« Court of St. Jumes's Tho new Mini^.r w;is formerly Hacratarj at the Chinese Legution in London, and since autumn last has beflu acting as Sn-ietary to l'rince
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  • 143 2 By Majok Mt ukav, V.U., Commdt. ITjG Sui(;a|iore, Uth Ueu., IHOI. S. V. I. I'arades: -Monday Iflth at p.m. No. I. Co. will Im- BMBMWad for unif.irms. At .'•.SO Squad drill at Old Uaol sit*. lii.~ a] LTtbatSpjn. No. 11. Co. will be mea«ur'.'d for
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  • 122 2 HaBM, Latfcaa and Mactacgart weekly chare, report, Jated yesterday, 8008, slates The pour rattUtU frutn all the gold miMt fur the inoinii .if November have aanaad bob*, Ki-.liau«, Bersawaha, South Udiihs, and North Kwbani to be freely oll'ered al lmur ptigMkaad we clone with aaUrn uf most
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  • 159 2 Same Clang Still at Work. Bt Hcii.AßS are mttinj: v.-ry daring m Singapore faat now. ro-daf we have tot rdeuU aaotbar bwtgbfj in the Tangliti ilis'.iiot, in wlii.-li tlm thieves got clear away with the spoil without one of them being arrested The tliell* seem to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 363 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LO. Ui.VS-.OW. Mautifactutrra ol Dynamite. Gc!: v flelahn? OToamite, Blasting Gehline, '.ucrs, Sfafety Foaea. Elai^ib tSiaSliL 1 Apparatus. Tkt flaalaMta, Waf oil maitv- an 'nulr I: pan It" >,1f.,1y ,nd pmly I a tiki llrilun li> t-ifri mer.t,a>i<lc tt'-reftrr*,-}*iir'iiile' t d ml rtr^iytl, lo at v
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    • 440 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY AND WALSH LIMITED. CHRISTMAS 1901. A large selection of articles suitable for Christinas presents. i'ukt-, an i> <>THrR standard i A large selection of BOOKS IN HANDSOME B B B pipes y^lc^ite and amber mouthpieces. cHiLMunm books ix SaUUX I VARIETY AND FOR ALL LOOWB Co'S A(JES
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    • 502 2 raw I. J&eGbina Mutual Jsife Insurance (80. Jstd. Thk only laaal British Life Insurance {'■■iiip-my in the Far Kast, organised cspH.inlly f >r the iK-neflt. a-jd to supply a loiik felt w.iot, of residents in tne East, register- d under Hongkong Ordinances— ii prepared to unnt unoomlltlonal polivies from .lay
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    • 720 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTKD. A European Assistant and Book-keeper for a public company. Address in confidence, staling salary, Ac. to D. Strain Jimrt Office 16-12 (iOVEUNMBNT NOTIFICATION. FOR THE RE SURVEY OF RINGAPORF. TOWN AND CODNTRY LANDS. WANTED on iMh January. lf> v or as soon after that date as possible.
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    • 23 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENQRAVINQS. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same at in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R. Lambert Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 271 2 JBde" Straits loimes." SVBSCBIPTIOX RA TBS. Tkt STRAITS TIMES: Daily utut, in Singapore :—fr eapy IS CU. t, m PPr* r montk $t.S« ii ft* year $30.00 (By pott) per montk tlti ptTftar Hi") Tkt STRAITS BUDGET. ptrcopy 40 CU. ptruear $11.00 (By pott) per mot $tO.OO XUTK —Tke Strailt
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  • 1191 3 FURTHER HEARINO OF CHAROES AOAINST THE POLICE. Th> hearing of Hrn charges against NflMi peltM officials of assaulting priMM to extort evidence in the Hongkong Hank n te robbery, was iiintir.ii.ii before Mr. Brockman, yesterday afternoon, at the tirst Magistrate's Court. Mum Kaiuaran, another of the
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  • 113 3 Tin coronation gifts from In.liv already announced will take the form of hMMMM caskets, containing loyal addresses of congratulation to the King. The I", mih-iy Muni.-i|i:iliiy has already vote I K- 7,500 for thin purpose, and the Calcutta Municipality Rs. 10,000; bat the Madrn Municipality is Dot able
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  • 150 3 An Ocean Workshop for the Mediterranean Fleet. Hiihkkto when any sorious damage •H ilnii.- T.i any of the vessels composing tb« lllllMl Medilerranean ll. ci, tl±«- injured hi>at had to be detached from the fleet in order to undergo repairs hut this will shortly lie remedied. With Kir
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  • 179 3 Tn -V-r. lhuly Ana says: With i.v-C .t to a statement ndabi'g to the formation of two companies in KuantUOß, n>':ir Port Arthur, fo:' tinpnr]>of« of minimi for fold an I eon, mt an bow informed tint time nornp— lot liave Ij.-cn organi»«H and bava olitainmi certain
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  • 199 3 A Questionable Point. Thi writer of QoM Notes in Urn London Dnly 'I'tU^roph say 9: "ft is really cut ions how eai-y it is to fill into irroi in dealing with the rules of the name. Old, experienced players have tba nil.* it their lingerf-'.nds. They
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  • 353 3 Captain and Five men killed by a Qun Explosion. SS.'MB particulars have ban wir.-.l by Rmitcr of tlie disastrous nun explosion on H. M. baitiaahip lluyoi Sswiyn while on the voyage from Plataa to M dta. Mail papers contain further detail, from -vliich it. appr-an-that
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  • 1441 3 As I told you ju«t now, Tuan, liad it ■nt been fur the old woman, Timnh, we could never have managed it, and Sinan ami 1 would not have known it..- jail here But Timab was like all our oW women. They are fond of money, and,
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  • 169 3 Sir Francis Lovell In Bombay. The tour which Sir Francis Lovell it making in the interests of the London Tropical Srhool <.f Medicine has already taken practical shape. Sir Franci.", who liag arrived in India, lias addlMMd a lam meeting of medical practitioners at Hi* Bombay
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  • 302 3 In the Ammitm lUviei,- of Renew Dr. .-haw makes some noteworthy observations h- to probable developments of American enterprise. Up considers that American policy will centre round the construction of the Isthmian Canal, which entail?, in !>■ Shaw's opinion, the ultimate tztmaioa of Ihe direct sovereignty of
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  • 543 3 Ihe President of the United states bat ;in article in the November number of tlie Fortnightly Mm, entitled "Reform through .Social Wort.' 1 In this Mr. Roosevelt discuses some of tlie bran tell fur decency in Xew York City." At tli« outset lie' describes
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  • 112 3 RXPECTKD AKKIVAM. Passengers lor Singapore. P.m I 1 .to. h g. R;,,, f comu-ctinn with the s. ftaaat at i:oi..iabo, from London 14th Ni.v., .lv.' 13th U«c. Kwnl, Hron.-11. >w H nu, Ogilvie, K. 8. Odoni, (i. and A. E. Stiven Her P. and O. s. s. Shnngkni f mr.
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  • 552 3 Nicaragua or Panama -Which TIIK TWO KOI'TKS COMPAKItI). rim— .Vu-O -agntl. Two pnd li.irWnn. T,vo lmrl~,ur» to he now t-xi»tiii£. ureAtcti one >.f then. l*m™).l~S Ld linn-nil tiatural ilillicultien. A kwh! riiilr..ii,l now A^ and .litlic-Hi e\iMi.i|.' ulon; tbe railrua.l to be MBentire ronLe.
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  • 1 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Tho PAIR of a Hl-RN or KtU i. a mint instantly relieved hy aiiulviiiK Ch-niU-rlni,,'. fan H;,| ni It B n h™l» the injured p*-t» more <|uiikly than hv any "lli. r tivatnu-nt. anil metA the lioni i» very arrrp, doea not leave A H'AK. For all dealrra in Medicinn.
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    • 48 3 THKKK'S HO KKIKNI) I.IKK AN OLD FRIEND.-He will nlwayt help you in berlain's OsHe, Cholera and nmrrh.i* ninny tli"UMinds of homes Mid like oth old fniMui* can always lie depended upon in time of net*). For tale by all dealers in Mediciaes. The Ditpenwy, Oenoral AgvnU, Singapore I
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    • 172 3 S. C. C. Christmas Events D.-C. 2.11-d Cricket v. Terak 0. C. Mth (Viciet v. Perak C. C. Football. K. M. S v. 8. 0. 'Iheatrictla !on-n Hall. Mta Cricket v. Perak C. C. Football F. M. 8. v. K. 6. A. K K. Vflth Crirket v. Penang O. C.
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    • 131 3 K. WALLACE, Dronze Medallist. Kritish Institute. Watoh-Maker and Jeweller. RKTAIRS IS AU. RHASCMEB OrARANTIBD fl B BAITKKY ROAD. til til K. lIC Carreras' Craven Blend Tobacco. A I'ritish of Pare Tobacco leaf, m.ommcnde.l by I. M. Rarrie as the only Mi|wrl. TWiiiii ..htainable, in 1/4 Ib. and I,J Ib.
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    • 440 3 NOTICES. SARXIES JOHANNES AND CO. Jiuetioneers and Estate Jigents. 6 and 7, TELEORAPH STREET. THK CHKAPEST HOUBI Kt)K TKAK WOOD KI'KNITIRK all man or mg wood ki-rniti-bk rEa» ma»k AND MADK To ORDKU. LATEST PATTERNS. Inspection Invited. SARKIES JOHANNES AND CO. 13-.1 *-j*StSll*®*' Confectionery Br^ 1, fTAMKOKU RllilD. X'MAS AND
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    • 228 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. IT ARMENIAN STRKKT. The Premier Studio. rhoi.v. Uken equally well at an; hoar of the day. Up- to- Date Photography. Messrs. WAH FONO CO Photographic AriMa, haTe now entered their new and apacioua prem.nea No. .J. South Hridge Koad, an.l are praparad to supply modern and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 205 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, i.ith December. High Water 11.8 a.m. Mellloll.ll Hootiw. Town Hall 4.30. s V. I. No -'<-o I'rill Teluk Aver. ."..I'). r.u—|. rilCHlre. Re.l.'h Ro;i.l Saturday, 14th December. rfi(h MrtlM ".jll».m. I I.IH HIM Fture SaY. WIIU* Ko:w). Powell. 'J. s. c. a< li.-i.-i. H. R. C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 422 4 NOTICES. I KHWU BRM K WORhS Co PASIR I'ANJAKO. ARI. now aupplyinn buildin* bnckt For imrticulara. apply Vn Chop KIM BIR. 4/S^« No. 24 WkMaa sir.«t Guaranteed Cure. Allit |.i..ii.i.-i.'.l :mil |>t«kiiif rr»p«r<-h. tharoa«hl< «Afr and aartala liiu. l»»n .l,- l 1 .r.-.l f..r Nervous Diaordora f all kin.l-.
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    • 418 4 notices. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Jt CO. pfew Jresd Stock of Real SBriar Root Pipes and 9enfs Requisites. AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. -.SRK«TOS PIPE. ■^J^B^BJB^BbI P r ...^^^Ai^taaflaflaaaaaaß [y^HHHBIHfaSMM^BEBPaBA veil. drawl jWßP"^lb^^^^^ |H^BcEcr!?^^n^''Valakaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß\ the lif, »l uf a> V l'l|» nn.l Q'A^^gmammfr^mW^BßLmmf •mok.. c«,i,dry n *<™ e«n the favouriti: daisy- air
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    • 141 4 Afients isr LEA a PERRIRS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Bg Special Wcrrant^^^H^^S His Majestg *o. Purveyors to The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. TAN S A N (MINERAL WATER) Most Refreshing and Invigorating NATURAL TONIC KOIt H.VI.K AT MODKaUTI PUICSd. CAN Bli HAU AT G. OTOMUNE CO. UNTOUCHED BT HAND. For INFANTS and
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    • 99 4 COALS A'J^GALLE KM Welsh and Indian (Barrakurj always in s^ock Quick despatch. CLARK, sI'ENCE Co E. COATKS Co. Galle, December, 19.11. CIGARETTE! Vo. -55. la tins of M Ho. (80. Gold Tipped N fmckmd In r'mlmnt airtight Tlmm. Agent.: KELLY WALSH, lIMOAPORE. Sal. Vanufa, lur c. ARDATH TOBACCO CO. l.intn.
      99 words
    • 429 4 NOTICES. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of jH V 1111/ 1 I\ And light dreuiogs of CtmctmA, purest of emollient akin cure*. Tbia treatment at once stops falling Bair, remnv.s rniata, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulate the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy ami nnuri<lim>'i>i. and
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