The Straits Times, 10 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,701. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 768 1 c T»HE HOKSKO COMPANY, LIMIIED rE Wan' 1 IJf» Amiswi. Noe» Ms r«ior Kire Innuaaot Soeietr. A* as JLs— im 1 'V'mpMiv (Pirel. li Cfcina Y 1 Had Steam Na-HcV"!! OocifMlJ Tt Tottsak-ni ilew Company. aW nutirilan "f ttwM. f/OmpanMa, ttd the <M JZXL-™*.' -I 18l W0»I«W> OOMPINT. LrMITP Igmtt.
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    • 1425 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T'ONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Iniir contract with the Netherlands Intlit liovcranr.-n:. tm ntr at sinoap"?'-- Aoi«ct, lat» Da*»i>«i* A Co.. i-S, (Jourre «i'jAy. The iind.'riii.Mittcin. I I •i an oolt .i|iproxirnn:*. Stfamer From kxpoeled a ill be UMPHiched for On I'iin SasatM Bstavia Doc. 10 Ililliton. Bntavia. ChfrilKin, via
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    • 930 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid! BRAND itoisHk "H K "1 1 feiSEDMiJ 11/ ii I \T kk :^A ■uuuuid iu>y »tw 'i v i< Fsi< l^i iflllJH B Guaranteed *?w^ WgtK rospna*.* l Ses this Full Cream. m*rk on ttery Largest Sale in the World. Jl Qupofit isJbiquid Jbife Jit all better
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    • 676 1 BANKS. ONSKO.'.S VXD HHANOHAI BAXCIIta CORPORATION. PAID-rP OAi'iTAI ..»10.000.0H( RKBKBVI FTIND.RESKBVKLIAItiLITY i#* ..nannm noeastrtua Cihtoi iMU.-rrro.s-— p. «mi,V -<'i«i. Ban. J.J. 1011-Ibtixo D«r. Tv HAiaMASH. I TOMEIS^ I I U RICK.ROMH. K-l I .In it, Km II SesttraaM i> M Soati, In In a lias* x J Ravkohb, f:»q U».
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    • 470 1 NOTICES. CHUI-iTMAS HOLIDAYS. 'I MIR «ro»e Pungalow, Tanj..n){ Kutone, I l-ei« Lsthine, tal.le, lie.t wme« Telephone--.tlV«r 111. nOMJOMBENBE«JUTBHELL ■►InU. *c pnril.4 r^,r,L^l airrrtloe. lor n»nls» naa IhmlimniliifTlii taT lr»y u»h.|»n lll^^4*«« alt. ll'A. »7.^*j f* rr»tnt **tm*j m«|i(a« < la««TOdo«i«i) ObulubU ikilniinn Co uam>. s*>s<>. COALS AT_GALLK. Baal WcWt anil
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    • 770 1 Crtmp A FEW MISrTITK- DBLAT 111 TREATINO tome case* of rrnap, uven the leoglli .if time it ulct to go tor a doctor, often proves dangerous. Tbe •tant n»y it to keep some mli.Ue Croip rae.lioioa anaaliiiHy m the hata* There it l.jne better tnan Cnamheriaia'< Ceucb teawd*. It contain*
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  • 925 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 9TH DECEMBER. Tie contents of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society are generally of too specialised average tired Man in the Train so far as to keep him arrake through an all-night jjurney. For instance, there are millions
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  • 327 2 M. Blancrt, a French colonial politician of high local repute, died at Saigon on the 30tli Novumber. He came out from France to Cochin(Jliuia late in tlie sixties, at lliu age ol a little over thirty yuar», aud embarked in planting anu commercial pumuiu. M blanchy had already madu hi*
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  • 183 2 Thi Editor has received a communication from the ordinal informant of the Strait* 'limtt regarding the alleged occurrence of S^ deaths from cholera among the Port Swetlenham coolies. The writer regrets that his information— which he rcileratod to us at the time Dr. Travera declared that the number of deatha
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  • 6 2 To-UAV'a 4/ms bank rate is 1/IUrV
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  • 9 2 This homeward mail closes at 6 am on Friday.
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  • 10 2 Mk Pugh came from Bangkok yesterday by the N uig*ra.
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  • 13 2 Mr. Wool arrived from Port Swetten ham this morning by the Choir fhya.
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  • 10 2 Thi Commercial Union Assurance Company sends wall calendars for 1802.
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  • 15 2 Lady McCallutn, the wife of the Governor of Natal, is reported to be seriously indisposed.
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  • 19 2 The advantages of insuring in th* China Mutual Life Insurance Company are set forth iv our advertising column s.
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  • 29 2 Secon d Lieut. R. F. Mainguy RE and 42 N.C.O's and men of thu Engineers have arrived from England and have been taken on the strength of tbe command.
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  • 29 2 This morning in the Seuior Magistrates' Court, over 200 Chinamen were charged with verandah obstruction. The fines ranged from B'J to $7. Several of the men admitted previous convicjjoni.
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  • 13 2 With to-day's issue there is a supplement containing nhipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 27 2 Thiri will be a service at the J .linre Church on Sunday next at B. IS am., to be conducted by Rev. Campbell N. Moody M A.
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  • 25 2 Mb N. P van den Bar?, formerly of Batavia and of the Java Bi-ik, and now of tlie Netherlands Bink. celebrated his 70th birthday racentlr.
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  • 38 2 Thb P. 4 O. outward mail *teamer Bengal with the mail from Europe of the 22nd .Viveimo.r left Colombo at 11 a. m. on Monday, and i« due. to arrive here at daylight on SiniJiy, tlia 15th instant.
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  • 39 2 Thi Russian Volunteor Fleet steamer Yaroilivl arrived from Nagasaki yonterd.iv and anchornd in the m id*. She is bound for Odefs.i and is eznec'nl to leave to-morrow. The Orel from Odessa also arrived yesterday. She is bound for Nagasaki.
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  • 45 2 Somk time ag> it was announced that the Colombo Cricket Club had beon invufi I liy Singapore to get together and send an eleven at Mm beginning of February A reply has just been despatched to tlie 6. C C. saying that this is impossible.
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  • 60 2 A llki-tkk mp.«.n« in the Ceylon papers uudor date 30th Nov. says There in- perslstttut rep.iriaofa SArious division betwean IJieen Wilhelmina and her huiban I. nru.i hn now gone to (iennany Tlie liiograph at Amsterdam of the Queen's portrait wan cheered, whilst th;it of her husband was hooted. It is
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  • 70 2 AccOkdiikj to the London and Clan* Expret, the Sultan of Johore was riding in the Bois de Bjulogne, Paris, on Sunday, the loth November., accompanied by a young English lady from London. The latter's horse bolted and 1 am down, breaking its neck. Tbe young lady was thrown he inly,
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  • 70 2 Tub K*<f Wan I wliich had been undergoing repairs a« Keppe.l Harbour D .ck since th« Ist Oct was yesterday lowed to the roads. The i<.i..A-i bat been unslipped at Tanjing Kliu and the F. M .S. sir. J/,i lus taken her place The Datoli cruisti uoiungin W'iUielmina der Xtderlnnden
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  • 74 2 It a paragraph published yeisteiday, it was in 1.1.1 to uusl that Lnu roule tuirch for '.lie Voli.: riteers tOHOUfTOW (Wednesd.iy) night bud h-m .-nnc-lled. i'.ie Adjutant of the .S.V K informal 1 ut tbe m irch k not cancciiud lor tnc U He-, who fall in
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  • 68 2 The following appears among military orders just issued al Colombo A case of corrosion in barrel of a machine-gun has recently occurred, wliich is attributed to tbt> üba of Itiiigoon Oil after firing, inßtead of RiHe Oil The attention of officers having the'-e guns in their charge is
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  • 119 2 By kind permission of Admiral Candiani the band of the Italian flagship will play a selection of mu^icon the Esplanade this afternoon commencing at o'clock. The band of the Vtttor I'isiM is one of the finest in the East and was greatly appreciated by the European
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  • 274 2 Sir Frank Swettenliam's appointment as Qoraraor of these riettltinenu seems to have evuked more enthusiastic endorsements from tho home press than any similar action taken by the Colonial Ottice in a month of Sundays. The issue of the tree Laiiee just to hand says It is many
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
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    • 33 2 The correspondent of the .Sfon/W at Brussels says that the Powers hare declined the request of H.»ll.«nd to them to support her application to bring the Buer nrffm to Holland.
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    • 30 2 Eafcr. Tiie Dutch dockers have finally abandoned the scheme of an interMtioaal boycott of British uliippind. Foreigners and many of the Dutch relused tj join them.
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    • 22 2 The ot Ii Warwicktliires (Militia), nearly »U0 strong, leave on the 16th instant for th« Cape.
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    • 37 2 By kind permiseion of the officers of the IMih Madras Infantry the band of that regiment will pluy a selection of music at the Botanical Gardens on •Suurday neit, commencing at 5 p.m.
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    • 153 2 I lit: December monthly medal was played lur on Saturday and reunited in a tie between Gnnti and Mourn at M Ilitn leoriog »a> U)« ordi-i of the day, in spile ot tlielinkx being iv good order. The followir.g handed in cards: A. A. Gunii iihi (rH
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    • 676 2 The report of tne manager on the Km Lode, Jelebu, for November runs as lollowe Main shaft 1 10' level, No. I lode X:— This has been driven 28 total distance from ciobscut at main shall WS lode t of payable stone. The slopes over this level still continue
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  • 14 2 Lohmakn, the well known cricketer, has died in South Africa of coo•u mpi ion.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 563 2 NOTICES. Knviinrs whisky SI'I'.CI UJ.V selected biejd; thoroughly maturwl in bond. Price 110 pm ca»e; Mniplm fro. HoUNKO CO., LTD. to. th. a. Sole Importer*. ADVANTAWK <>F EFKKCI'INO ASBUBUMM KAKI.Y Di LIFE. IT is an a Wantage to effect Amuran.n early in life lly drttiy, the rate of J-romiuii <WM,
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    • 353 2 NOTICES. Tasmanian Jams. I. K. L. pur Dozen 1 Hi. Tins. FUOM H. JONES CO.. HOBART. John Little Co., Limited. MILLARS' KARRI JARRAH FORESTS LTD. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. \I K. the 1111 It-rsgn.-.1. having been »p- -\> pointed Ageiitu for Ihe above Company, are now prepared to quote and Jarrah and
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    • 257 2 NOTICES. Christmas Oratorio Concert. TOWN HALL 19th DECEMBER, 1901. PATRON H. E. Sir Frank Swertenham, KCMO. PROO.RAMME. Put I. Selection, in Oratorio form, from HANDEL'S "MKPSIAH." Tha 9nlos by Mdme ile Brandt. Mr*. Halimann. Mr.. Arthur Barker, Mr. J. Oraham Kirk, and Mr. E. A. Brown. The Orchestra and Chorus
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    • 771 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JbeGbina Mutual Isnfe Jnsuranee Qo. Jstd. TH*onlylonl British Life Insurance Company in the Kar East, organised especially fjr the benefit, and to supply a long felt want, of residents in the Kast, regiater d under Hongkong Ordinances— i» prepared to gr*nt ynoondltlonal policies from day of issuo at
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    • 44 2 PICTURES. PHOTO ENGRAVINGS. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same m in Eurdfee. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these picturea. G.R.Lambert&Co. At the lpoh M.-: 1.1 Epi«:npiil Church on lM«Mstar Mill, Fk-i.»ki. NtLM.N Mi Ke\/ t tO iiLICI MtBEL Kiimi; .N., 1 tr 1.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 287 2 15f}e" Straits TSimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. The STRAITS TIMES: Daily utue, 1.1 Singapore —per copy IS Ctt. per month $!.5O per year $30.00 (By pott J per month tS.SS >, per year $34.00 The STRAITS BUDGET. per copy 40 Ctt. m •> per year tIS.OO (By pott J per year
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  • 2352 3 Interesting article by Mr. Kynnersley In the rurnnt iMiUe ol 'tin- Jwrnil .if Urn Utraila Bnaoo of <U<- K ml A-iatic Social} there appusm a moat inler.-sting article from the pin of Mr. C. \V 6>. Kyßßanltn i.titl 4 Notes ot a Tour tlir.mgli the Siamese States
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  • 199 3 and American reports were only conducted at one Legation, of the same nation. as the authors' reports (fie). The Italian Budget presented to the Chamber shows tint last yeai > n.1c.l with a surplus of 41 million lire, and there ia anticipated a surnlus of 13 millions
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  • 93 3 Heynol/h' Weekly Vtirpaptr asserts that King Edw.irl is -.tillering from cancer uf the thro it, and declares that since the King's accession three operations hive been performed for the removal of papilloma on tlie left vocal chord and, that one has been removed from the right vocal chur.l.
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  • 137 3 Tna Ixmdon and Chita Eajna states -It cannot h,; said that the first birthdfry OniMe uf His Majesty King Kdward VII. will be 11,-moral.le in the annals of the far Kast. There is only one honour gi anted in that field, a companionship of the Order of St.
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  • 184 3 Blforr Mat*!*. Brockman and Gilman at 'lie Police Court, jesterday, a young Malay woman nam.-d Rahama was charged with dishonestly retaining a pair of gold bracelets, valued at $234, the property of Wan Mohamad Sall.-h, of .loiiote Prut-editor ttiited that on With Nov. last he received information
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  • 182 3 The I'rencl. military Pross is reported t<> be diMpiieted by the pragHM which i- being made in Germany in the development of a quick-firing field gun. With the construction uf a field-piece of 78 millimetres calibre— the French believed that they had pruviiled their artillery with a weapon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 I-AINH'I. HKKATHIMi aaa .latifrernusly s. minimi: cough, indicating congested luims, is .jui.-kly reln-v.-.l hy taking IhHinl.iTl.nn's Conch Xc ly. For aale by all dealers in men, Tbe Disaensary, (ieneral Agent*.
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    • 91 3 VMaU aSTBROMB TUBAIU Teluk Anson via ports, h.i.i.j every Honday, and Malacca every vve.ine-duv, H 8. Co. Port Swell, i, ham via ports, li oi 11/i,.1l Wt.i cv. ry Friday, and S.ip/i*.. > very Saturday. I/Midon via ports Pouro Per. 13th M. M. IVnang and Calcutta C. Avmr due Dec.
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    • 76 3 Drink Malacca Tea The best md purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BK OBTAI NED AT VI- —r- John Little Co., Ltd.. Messrs Ann Lock A Co., Hattery-road. anil Messrs Yong Lee Seng, Orchard-road. m. w. A I. B, :u.( J CASH CLEARANCE SALE. ENVELOPES. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPE.
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    • 234 3 VIOUB LKSSONS. VPPI.V to Mr. iwum 'iuii, Union H. t. -I. North Hi io v Road. tu. f. 24-12 CEYLON LACE MERCHANT. D. B. PADRIS HAMY, Has reinbvcd No. 8 Stamford Road to No. 4 Armenian Street. KOI RKS|'ON.-IBI,K FOR DEBTS. >*KITHKN th.. Captain, Agents nor I (i.vnersof the
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    • 745 3 NOTICES. NOTICK. Sl'l'.Al TS City Rubber Stamp. Short notice. I'ru mod»rat«. »7/l:Mll j, Kohinnon Road NOTICK OF REMOVAL. 'pHR Ofllre of the S»TR»ITa I'llivmr 1 I'iihtino dini'it haa been remnvml to No I Robinson Koad, but the pri-tin? butinta ia carried on at th« <anio a 11-v.s aa before 114
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    • 356 3 NOTICES. Photo IH/'S^I 'offiffi Stores. Unm MICHAKL, Hingapore. TANSAN SPLITS. Price $6 per case of 100 bottles. Stoppered with Crown Cork*. May now be had from all dealers in Singapore and the Native States. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, Kobe, Japan. v p. ASSAM TEA. From Tjiwangie Estate, Jara, Delicious Flavour. Pekoe
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 234 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, loth December. Hiirh Wassf In 4l pin S V K sinnHllmg. r. ir. pin. I V I. No. tCo Drill. ».:)ii p.m. I'arKve 1 li.-att.v Baaat K.ia.l !> Italian ban. l on tin- K>plannd«. v p.m. Wednesday, nth December. RigaWasar. lUaja. ILlTavm „v Baaaar, Tewo H.-ill.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 393 4 NOTICES. J I <)t JAPAN m TOILET VvATER L^^J RIGAUD &C° Nf'tt^^rJ 8 run Vivlaan*. 8 NOTICES. ThiNEWFRENOHREWEDY traoeH I Hmark ThU ■■■■■■rfhl to* Ktffaly p««lar r—nif. M mmpiojM i'.'h»r».ii;o»«ul HMptuUbt fUwrd. iMUß.iofcwt.Vw. iw«.i.«nit n I—n*+iTt1 n*+iTt ill thi JnHinn n b«*««ftii ik THERAPION No, 1," b-.rt UtnTZiU i f»w
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    • 440 4 NOTICES. WHIT EA WAY, LAIDLAW ft CO. TERMS:— STRICT CASH AT TIME OF PURCHASE. We hold a large and well assorted stock of Gents' Boots and Shoes from the Best European and American Manufacturers. Every pair clean and fresh, all in excellent condition. First class value for Gash. .4/ OENTS'ELASTICSIDtSriOES.
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    • 96 4 jiff' Natural Tu.lct Preparations. H/ r»J^B|IBHJ!A lullc 'l-anollnc' .i WI > M^^^HB^^^3rfljßf amfltxiomt from v*4 iW un. |mßßK^^^^W l^nollne' Toilet Soap ■KifMHraNNi WT.01.«1. n^.-( 7 Hoik, r V,m,v. r. Loicnok. Carre ra s Fa ss Beer I ced Craven Blend Pass Beer Iced TobaCCO. Can be had durin S: the
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    • 317 4 NOTICES. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to Order Saddlery and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding, Polo and Walking Bools and Shoes Made
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