The Straits Times, 7 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,699. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 874 1 1>hI: BUKMswootmunr, limhed TUX BlMi.^< I Life Asnutm. '-.ion K.r« Ir.Tnnnos Socisty. Alias Asrnn i'««|»T iKim). TV. Bonital LMs .»■•>" .wee s. <!iotj. Tb. (Tim. M u»l St««ni N'»n c %tio«i Company Tb« Tottaßh'.m Lagw Wssr CompMy. For mrtK"' .r* <>f thri» CompaaiM, se. tbs f«U J.h, II BOENBO COMPANT,
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    • 1508 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, |7-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAKT MAATBCHAPPIJ Under coutract with the Netherlands India Government. Aomts at Singaport: Hhip Aowot, l»t« J. Dumdils 4 Co., »-3, Colltm Qoat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will l» Despatched for On Maha Vajirunkis Padang via Dec. 2 Tenang, Olehleh. Poeloe Rnja, ports
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    • 886 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. i?^ with Cream. l^^l Sterilized-Not Sweetened. B^rwrrTcaagJ A Perfect Substitute for Fresh MM^aaat isMsat "S*V A^^ lSll^i4 a^SIaCV V Jl (Sup of it isJbiquid Jbife Jit all better class Stores. INSURANCES. rpHE LONIKIN AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital «3,157.rX» Paid up
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    • 715 1 'BANKS. HO.NHKON.t 'NH OHA.NUHAI BANKIXd OORPORATIOS. PAIIMTP CAPITAL 110,000 ,0Mj RKSEKVK FUND.— Stirling,ooo,ofjo ln;son nn Silver kessrvo... I 5,:.V),000/ •••'<»."»■•"«■ KKSEKVK LIABILITY OF I lln(nlin) PROPRIETORS^ iL I IQODO(W) OorET O» DtBIOTOBS H Y. Toainis I R L. BicnaoooK. im k HAUFT, hq I H STHITBIRT. D. M Mesas,
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    • 543 1 NOTICES. CHIANTI WINE. fft'HY. l>est table claret known) in flasks 1 and cases 9-ia At Mkssks. GAGOINO A Co. St. MAUY-s, HILL STREET. SISTER KATHKKINK would gratefully receive hnurehold linen, either new or old; al«o furniture of any description. 7-12 "OEtIUIRED hya I^)ndon firm of East IV India and
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    • 740 1 It's Dangerous to trile with a e«M. CHAMBBRLAIN'3 COUGH REMEDY Pleasant to take never fails to curs. For sale by all dealers In medicines erervwhere. Price 50 els. and »1 General Agents, The Dispensary, Singaport. l-B WANTED AT ONCE. BY an Import Firm, a Chinese BiUCollector. SecorilyllOOa n.c. Apply c/o
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  • 1090 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 7TH DECEMBER Now that the plan lor canal acrosi the American isthmus has advanced to a stage at which practical work is likely to he undertaken, it may be assumed that the report of the Commission submitted to Congress in more reliable than
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  • 102 2 On Monday evening, Lieut. Col Fullerton U.K., will give a lecture on "Military E ngineerlpg at the Volunteer Drill Hall All tbose connected witb any branch of engineering in Singapore— not necessarily Volunteers alone— are invited to attend. It should be understood that attendance at the lecture does not necessarily
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/im bank rate is 1/10J
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  • 9 2 The homeward mail closes at 6 p.m this evening.
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  • 8 2 Thk homeward mall is due on Monday forenoon.
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  • 13 2 President RoosevJslt is considering the advisability of taking a trip to the Philippines.
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  • 15 2 The Straits llwiget was published this morning A inahl supplement will be issued this eveniiig
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  • 14 2 With to-day's iss^e there is a supple men' containing uhipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 18 2 Mr. R. V Bland has been appointed President of the 'Malacca Municipal Commission rue Mi G. A. Hall.
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  • 26 2 The Ponang Municipal revenue tor 1902 is set at ?458,000 against an estimated ordinary oujtlay ol $480,000 The extraordinary outlay met out of loans is $699,M6.
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  • 29 2 The Sea Belle arrived this morning from Malacca with the Hon. C. W. 8. Kynnorsley and, Mrs. Kynnersley, Mr. and Mrs. Hyndm.feu-Jones, Mr. Kershaw ami Mr. Wright km board.
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  • 39 2 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimniiing Club to-morrow morning at 745 and 9. There is to be a game of water polo between the Club and K. K. All ulayers must go over by Urn lint launch.
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  • 39 2 Tbe Italian Government is reported to be preparing a bill to he laid before I'.irliaiiii-nt for the creation of direct steamship linen to China an.l AiiKimli.,, for which subsidies to the amount of U million lire will he granted.
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  • 43 2 A kcmbik of theS.V A. wr>iit orer to western the forts by launch yesterday evening to take part in the manning operations. The Royal Engineers unvd the searchlights and blank ammunition was fired from the guns the Volunteers having charge of several maxims
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  • 46 2 Thi second boat in the new line to Indo-China established by the Socia'te' des Cbargeurs Reunis, the Amiral Erelmant, recently launched on the Loire, left Dunkirk for Singapore on the 28th October. The next boat is the Amiral Fourichon which is still in the builders' hands.
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  • 98 2 It appears that there will be new buildings shortly at the corner of Market Street and Kling Street. The plans have been laid before the Municipal Commissioners. They resolved that as the land is only 32 feet deep from the edge of the verandah to the party wall of the
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  • 84 2 The Women's Christian Temperance Union, following the custom of previous years, asks for funds to provide Christmas gifts in the lorm of fruit, flowers, food and clothing among tliH inmates, of the various hospitals, asylums, and other benevolent institutions of Singapore, as well as among the poor of the Churches.
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  • 169 2 Is Modin, Mi, a Malay man named Salleh employed us clerk in the Chartered Bank there committed forgery >iy using as genuine a certain forged document purporting to be a cheque for i Bigned by one .1. B. Skelton of Medan. Sallflh cashed the chequ* in Medan tad left Em
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  • 48 2 Mr. Hooper's last report on the jinrikisha department states that the recent pullers' strike aro>e Among the Henz Wah and Hok Chia clans. Lee Chong H in, the principal owner amongst the Heng \V iin, has been bani shed by the Governor for 3 sm,
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  • 101 2 The "Arratoon Apcar" Cuts into Tanjonjf Pagar. Tub morn inn while the Arratoon Apctr, which hid ju-t arrived from Calcutta, was going alongside the TanJDiig I'.umt wharf, a collision occurred. The Arratoon Apcir ran into the wharf and cut right through the wharf and into godowu
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  • 152 2 Yesterday from 4 to 7 p.m. the customary half yearly fancy sale was held at the Town Hall in aid or tbe funds of the Chinese Girls' Schoul. There was r very large attendance, and the many articles of a fancy und usetul character
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  • 277 2 General Meeting To-day. Today, at noon, an extraordinary general meeting of the Straits Trading Company was held, at 17 Collyer Quay, to consider the statement of accounts and balance sheut for the half year ended 30th Sept. last, and the directors' report thereon. Tli« directors' report states
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 12 2 liondon, 7th Dertmher. The Marquis Ito has left St. Petersburg.
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    • 2 2
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    • 52 2 Freedom of Navigation for all Nations. The provides for the free and equal navigation of the Canal by the merchantmen and warships of all na'.ions on a similar footing to the Sum Canal. Forts on the Canal. There n no mention main of the right to build fortifications along
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    • 15 2 The French Senate has passed th* Chinese Indemnity Loan Bill.
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    • 19 2 The Foreign Rations Committee of the United States Senate has reported favourably on the Hay-Pauncefote treaty.
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    • 10 2 The Marquis Ito i* at Berlin.
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    • 14 2 The Australian Commonwealth Senate has psssuit the Alien Immigration Restriction Bill.
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    • 26 2 The total number of deaths in the British forces in South Africa since the war began amounts to 18,347 including 893 oOicers.
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    • 202 2 Thk New Year Sports provisional conuni'tee have appointed the following stewards to carry nut the arrangements for the Land Sports, which will be held on the Ksplanade at 2 15 p in. on Wednesday Ist January next. -The Oatai ffinimandinß th« (iirrw.i,, Ueul (HI. Tov.T-h.irii. Mi'»n
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    • 213 2 Effect of the New Ordinance. Th« Jtutigkok Timtt says that the ordinance recently piissed in Singapore requirine all ships to be properly fitted witb stalls for cattle trade purposes, is for the moment disoreanising the trade in Bangkok. No bullocks had been shipped for a fortnight for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 456 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY Sis .d, thoroughly matiirad In bond. Pric* flu par cum-: aamplM fr»«. boßNliu Co., LTD. la. Ib. a. Sole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Teste IMM) !!>•>.. sVMs)MsV attf r nrvrn at'.r fouril ii. in f<-rii ilny Water in Witter Th« att^v^ te*ts wrrc made n? th«
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    • 229 2 NOTICES. Kodaks Us! Films. iIBSfWiE MICHAEL a. I Robinson Road. CHIRCH Off KN(iLAND ZKNANA MISSIONARY SOCIKTY. CHINESE OIRL*' SCHfMIL. rpHK miint half voarly S ,le of U'tfal 1 and Fancy Articles, in aid of the funds of the almvp School, will take place, 1). V., in the T..wn Hall on
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    • 404 2 NOTICES. Christmas Oratorio Concert. TOWN HALL nth DECEMBER. 1901. A CONCERT on a large scale will be quen on the above date, when selection, in Oratorio form, fi'om Handel's Mestiiab will compose tbe first part of the concert. The Ohoroses will include the eek-bratrd Hallelujivli and 'For unto us a
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    • 822 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. REWARD. lOST, between the Central Police j Station and Paya Lehar on tbe night of the 4th inatant, five testimonials belonging to the unn<>rsi(tned given him by Mr W. w Bailey, Klang; Mr. P. w Parkinson. Panghra; Mr. VV. W D.Mitchel PaMling, The Superintendent nt Police Ceylon and
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    • 39 2 FRAMING OF The Illustrated Pictures OF X'mas flumbers. 26 per cent less than our usual cnarges. G.R. Lambert Co. v.c Photographers. «t R.VHr VaUlf I!-.»"l on Wednesday, the 4th mat. tbe wife of K. L. nttii of a son.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 284 2 V>6e Straits V>imes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. The STRAITS TIMES I Daily utue, in Singapore per copy IS CU. per month t! SO m ptr year $30.00 (By pott) per month tt.SS per year $34.00 Tkt STRAITS BUDGET: P*r "ft 40 CU. per year $11.00 (By post) per year $10.00 NOTE
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    • 258 2 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 7th December. Ui.'li Water tl p.m. 8. V. R. Class Kirinu. Tanglin. C Kualß Lumpur feaSV third Dny M M. hnnnward mail closes. <l p.m. Parsue Theatre. Itoach Koad. 8. Sunday, Bth December. High W-.r-r. 8.12 ft.iM p.m. Second in Advent. M. M. humeward mail
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  • 2431 3 lUnim Webstkk the Orator -not the man wl> i wrote the Dictionary, as so many p. ..pie erroneously suppose once stated li ii lr .insistencies of opinion, arising i. "it chsagei "I i ir.-iiinslances, »r.- H ii jusiilial.le" This is indubitably bet, and beyond i-..ntrover»y limited comprehension
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  • 225 3 American Difficulties. The Mahommedan islanders, or 1 Moros as their lonner masters called them, were ever restless and rebellious under Spanish rule. Their American masters, 100, rind them hard to deal with. In Sulu they are giving trouble. The Moros of Mindanao, in tho Southern Philippines, are no
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  • 375 3 Moderation in all Things. A PRKss report that the illness of Empress Auguste Victoria, of Germany, was the result of excessive tea drinking in an effort to reduce weight, and that Em|>eror William is also said to be Buffering from tea drinking, led the New York Journal to
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  • 359 3 Sin Charles Elliot, special railway Commissioner for the Cape Government, left South Africa a few months ago to see the newest methods of Europe and America After examining several large works in England and on the Continent he went to the United States and Canada He
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  • 28 3 Missus. W. L. Bye™ Co.'s stockless anchor, after practical trial, has been approved by the British Admiralty, and has been adapted on the Formidable, MK-marlt, Kent, and ('Wlengtr.
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  • 150 3 Exactly at noon, says the Shanghai Hi-rn^y of the iilrd Nov., two guns, tirid by special courtesy, at Pout ting, announced the arrival of the Coptic with the victorious cricket team. The Bund foreshore was noon alive with friends and spectators to give the
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  • 160 3 Liquid Fuel Fittings The Hamburg-American Liner Ferdinand f/iem which has just left Hamburg for Japan will, on arrival at Colombo take in liquid fuel, on both the outward and homeward voyages, for her onsmuption. This vessel, along with the Silria are the fii.-t. vessels of the Ci mpai.y
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  • 783 3 New (mine.i I'ai'Kks laid before the Slates General shew that strenuous effort* are in progress to establish formally the authority of ll>e Government m Dutch N> w Guinea. Officials have already been stationed at several spots, but they have not done much in gaining influence over the wild
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  • 113 3 TAI E OF A TELEPHONE. A good story is going tbe round of the West of Scotland just now, which, if nnn vero 'nhenirouulo The clerk of a well-known (Glasgow) city man, requiring to communicate with hie principal, who posieeaes a mansion on the K- neatb peninsula, turned on the
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  • 189 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral, (and Sunday In Advent.) 7.40 a in Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Sunday School. 6.i0 p. m EvenM>ng find Sprmon. Qarrison Parade Services. 7 a. m.. St. Anrinw'a Cathedral. 10.4-1 a. m. blakan Mali. St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines. 8.'6 p. m., Evenaonn nnd Sermon.
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  • 130 3 ARRIVAL*. (MM) (/'or Singapore) Per P. (>. s. a. Ronu connecting with tbe s. k, Htruial ut Columtio, Irom London 14th Nov., due 16th Dec. Messrv F. H. Hronnell, Swarm. Ogilrie. F. S. Odoni, O. .-.•th and A. K. Stiven. Per P. and O. 8. s. S'tnntjkni from
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  • 566 3 Swoiroß*, 7th Dkobmrm. 1901 PRODUCE. Onmbier U.M Copra Bali »•'•<> do Pontinnak. :n Popper, Black bnyers do White, M°° Sato Flour Sarawak 8.80 do Bronei No. 1 SM Pearl 2ago < w Coffee, Ball. 10% l>Mi» 97 7« Code*, Palemhang. SO* basi. 80.S0 Coffee, I.ihcrian No. 1 21 .00
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  • 138 3 Pii>. \'r-«i Xi-nt. Flic 4 Rio Toxs. Dmtimtiok. I>*c Sri Wongtoe Dut str. P2 Kbio 8 Kelaulan in-r nr. 607 Manila 7 InalwMaru Jan Mr. 8N» Antwerp via rorti 7 Sinai Fch tra. 57«4 Saißon 7 Kudat I <J«r >tr 68U Sandakan via ports 7 Borneo Brit Hr. 404
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 PAINKUL BREATHIKG and dangerously sounding coogh, indicating congested lungs, is quioJrry relieved hy taking Chamberlains Cough Remedy, Kor sale by all dealers} in Medicines, The Dispenwy, General Agents. Singapore. 4
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    • 38 3 When children are teething they have more or less diarrhoea, which •an be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrho-a Remedy. Full directions with each bottle. Hold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, General Agenu. Singapore.
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    • 264 3 You must stop Couching. The best way to cure Chronic Ought, Broncbitm, and Chest-f'oldfc is to apply Littk-'s (mental Balm. Itui.hed well into the chest and hack, it penetrates immediately to the inflamed parts. Tbe tickling in tbe throat cases the spasm weakens: the cough disappears. It often cures when
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    • 195 3 HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT Have placed \mgt contract* for tbe BEKNKSK ALPS MILK COMPANY'S "SLEDOE" BRAND. Sledge .-^j^LA Brand Dasoattaaal CundenMd Milk for Hoapital India and Africa. The lm|wri.l Yeomanry Hmpitah m the ••Sledge" Brand. SSaa lliaC u »c the "Madge" Brand. The "Sledge" Brand Is highly re .oiiunenHid hv
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    • 381 3 NOTICES. John Little Co. Ltd. Crackers From "Tom Smith." Comprising. Hits. Taps. Costumes, (Jems, Toys, Jewellery, Masks, Faces, Ptiziles, Pictures, Viewj, l'lwtos, Tea Sets, Musical Instruments, Perfumes, mitation Animals, Japanese Costumes and Curios, Genuine Postage sumps, '"ans, from 35 cU. to '4 Suitable for Dinner Parties, Rails, Chiltlrens' Parties, Christmas
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 82 3 WKATHER RKPORT «,««,<»*,. fi--.i ■SSJSM, Der. mm. »a.m'sp"m.Trp.m. Kk'wJmcV Har. 30fJ03 29.««6J»l>if.' Temp 81 0 75.9 "(13 j W. B'll.T'ii" 770 7«0 Hir.ofW^lsNE.Calm U.E. f J \»<w.T*rjp. 816 .1 Mm 71.J> cf° Mm. in l»un W.n T'rr md 70.2 J Rtinfr.i- Nil a Th» min.Urd time bull at l"ulo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 NOTICES. For Nervous J©E>haus*fof) /^B j^Tt CH»POTE«UrS N^H Phospboglycerate OF LIME r» mdm marttm Far knlmrtan. I Hull v Ml" 1 PHOSPHOSITCEP-tTE STROP (CMAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHOeirCERtTE Wl»e (CMAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOSLTCEIUTE CiPSULES (CMAPOTEAUTI a. n< vivixuw, ••Mt-rM«et •NOTICES. KIIWU BEH k WORHB PABIH PANJANU. ARi now supplying building bricks For particulars, apply to
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    • 590 4 NOTICES. IHB^ CHURWONG LAN~^pjgg c B pj it *l;f MiPl^^ m \}&fS^K^B!^f9B&^^^^^nS&^BlE^^ntF^3E^^lC^K!^BJSZß^E^^t^^9l^N&B/Biß&l^K^&si f'-'.tJtL jv t?NHp*jw vP^sOf^JV vC^tßtf^Jt. v^HßS^^w *^**S7ar^^v i-v*JHsr*^si vT &£n NOTICE is hereby given that the above NEW trademarks printed IN RED are the property of the undersigned Chop Chu Kwong Lan of No. 30, Market Street. Singapore,
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    • 215 4 (Sd.) CHU KWONG LAN, fio. 30, Market Street, Singapore. CHU PO LAN, _^enang._ <:o:) Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, to kindly inspect our Stock, for the season, of Gold and Gem-Set Jewellery, Silverware and Curios, and Silk Embroidery. (Sdristmas and Jiew year Sards. K. A. J.
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    • 975 4 NOTICES, CHINA MUTOAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hiud Omci .No. l:i, Ct*TOH l!oi«. III! lAB. A. WaTTIE, Man,. .r. MBBB& TAN KIM HAN SO.VS. I^cal Agents. Tbe Company offers easier terms and hotter homiio* than any other Company doing busincu in the East. A special point is made of prompt
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