The Straits Times, 3 December 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,695. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 907 1 s »|>HB IkiKSKO COMPANY. LIMIT II) •TVIt BtswU- 1 t.irs tnisn lforwi> Tnioa Fir. lawanos Kocisty. Atlas Assn»r.»- r«cnp»BT (F«>. Tke BqaUable l.if« Assumnos fcessty. Ths China Staass Navlgatwo C«rar-«7 .TtaTntllllßsss l»*s* rtass- Compaay. For •artaenlOT at taam Coaspanias. w ths fall ufvsVttxniMit of THE BORNIO COMPANT, LIMITXP. Agsnts.
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    • 1595 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. MNKI.IJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAFPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. al Sincfpore: Ship Aanot, latb J. Daxidbu A CcHOoum O,uat. Toe undermentioned dates are only approximam Suaroer From Expectea Will t>e IfciaptcoaJfor On' Remit Deli Nov. 30 Batavia, Samarang, -oerabaia Dee. i Mosul Bataria via Rilliton 30 Pale.'
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    • 655 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ SiiiifSJ lull lAt <km ™*WT^( ClWHaOs^P bWtI thll 1 Fall Cream. tudi hah Largest Sale in the World. 31 Qupofit isJbiquid Jsife Jit all better class Stores. SHIPPING. FOR MANILA Pb mail s. ISLA avion l«ft Colombo on ibr hem on or about the 3nl irill have prompt
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    • 630 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF CNREDKKMKD PI.EIKiKs. FROM THE FOL.,OWIN« PAWNSHOPS. TO BB HKLn AT POWELL A roB SALE-HOOM. »n Tiuwtiil X'd lie:, at ir, a.m. 0. IWaaav SA Ot Saturday 'Hi "tl M n't:; !Mk No. S«4 North Bridge !:<wd No M Sew llridge Road Xo. ftR Rochore Rond
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    • 575 1 /IKUSHED KOOI> I XT IT «*D YOU WIU. HIIWIU' I. K. HE 1.1 1.1 i )S beg* to inform the public that Ins Wtory for preparing (,'rosliod Food, at No. 1 Beliliw Bond i« now opened First cv«» Kr?.h Crushed Fowl p. o. per bag Kg. 1-10 ISOO Oiineil OaU
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    • 385 1 Up-to-Date Photography. Messrs. WAN FONQ CO I'botoiraphic Artists, have now entered into their new and spacious pr^ml"* 1 So. Sv* .South H ridge Bond, and are pnaarad to supply modern and bntntifally tinted higb art pho'ographa in all iim on moct rriuonablo terms. Views of Singapore are also on ule,
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    • 681 1 Spnini' Sprain!! Sprain*!!! [F POSHIBLRTO TREAT THE SPaUW 1 withii aa hour after It it rooeivad, sr before inflammation hu Ml I*, kaodaa* the pins and keep the bandage saturate* with Chamberlain's Piinßtlm; hot afte r lbs p»rt« ban became luftamed ud swollen, no bandage shoold be wed onlr a
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  • 58 3 Castle— At 138, l.rooke-road, gtoke N**t* nijion, Nov. 4, tho rvflidooct of bis son-in-law, Captain D. D.tilEs, CapUin U. T. C«»TLt, in his i>'.UU year, late Cowmander iimirr th« China Mutual rj. N. Company. On the 2nd Decemlwr, buddenly, at Hatu Gajah. Perak, Frank Loxijey Hooper. Kiungest son of
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  • 1324 3 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER. ScrFKHMG as it is from a congestion, caused jointly by compression from without and expansion from within, the putatively European residential section of Singapore threatens in time to vanish as utterly as the Cheshire Cat, without leaving even the smile behind.
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  • 139 3 Australia may be profiting internally from the new policy of protection, even as America profited by the McKinley bill; but, anyhow, the raising of tbe import tariff there has already affected the trade between Japan and the southern Commonwealth to a seemingly incomprehensible extent. From returns published last month at
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  • 6 3 Today's 4/ms bank rate is l/9j.
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  • 10 3 Mr. Swan came from Hongkong l>y I tUe Sum Btttj. >
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  • 9 3 Mr. Kirkpatrick arrived from Sambas by the Vamiar Pwrra.
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  • 11 3 Mr. Cross came from Part Swettenhara by the I'uk Ann yesterday.
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  • 13 3 Mr. C. W. Pandt and Capt. Poel arrived from Batavia by tho Mtueel.
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  • 14 3 Mrs R Goldenberg, Miss Anna and Miss Dora arrived from D<ili by tbe Calypto.
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  • 19 3 Oh Saturday night, an enjoyable impromptu smoker was held at the Masonic Club, Mr. E. Wallace in the chair.
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  • 20 3 Til P. <k O. intermediate steamer ilMntta left Colombo on Sunday afternoon and is due here on Saturday at daylight.
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  • 23 3 The Prinz»ti Irene, with the German mail from Europe, left Penaug at 6 a.m. to-day, and is due here ai 8 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 26 3 Thi P. O. intermediate steamer Japitn left Hongkong at 6 am. on Sunday and is expected to arrive here at 8 a.m. ou Friday, 6th mat.
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  • 25 3 Thk monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Rallies Girls School on Wednesday, December 4th, at 4 p. m.
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  • 30 3 Miss Bartlett, Mr. T. R. M. Smith, Mr. W. L. Hildburgb, Mr. H. Hildburgh, Mr. C. H. Paulsen and Mr. I. W. Eddy, came from Bangkok yesterday by the Dtli.
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  • 29 3 Thi total amount of tin ore exported by the tributers on tbe lands of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy. during November is 705 bags, equal to 574 piculs.
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  • 29 3 Owino to tbe inspection of the 8. V. C. on the 8. C. 0L ground tomorrow afternoon, there will be no cricket, tennis, or football practice on that day.
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  • 25 3 An advertisement to-day invites applications for tue new post of Superiiiit'inii'iiL uf Kegittratiou in the General I'oat Ollice, at a salary of £300 per annum.
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  • 34 3 Thk 4V C. Ezpres* of Nov. Bth says 'hat the Sultan ol Johore was prolonging slay in i'ans, aud that the date of bis visit to England was still a matter ot uncertainty.
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  • 25 3 The Singapore Art Club hold an Exhibition at Government House yesterday. Owing to pressure on our space an account thereof is held over until tomorrow.
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  • 29 3 Thk Singapore Volunteer Corps will be inspected by His Excxlleucy the Governor to-morrow afternoon, when medals and trophies will he presented. The proceedings will conclude with a march past.
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  • 38 3 It is reported that the post of Chief Clerk to the Judicial Contmisoioner, Federated Malay States, has been rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr. B. C., who is about to turn hid attention to tin mining
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  • 38 3 It is understood that conferences are being held in Paris upon the project of deepening tbe Suez Canal, to allow of the transit of ships of still greater draught thin at present. Indeed, the plans art) practically completed.
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  • 39 3 Thk following is from the Utntltwoman of 2nd ultimo Overheard by the little Bird in Art Circles— That Mr. George Wade's statue of Her late Majnsty, for Ceylon, is quite the fa at yet produced of our late Queen.
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  • 40 3 On Nov. Ist the Lord Mayor of London received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies a cheque for X1 2,500, being a contribution by the Colony cf Hongkong towards the Fund f>r the National Memorial to Queen Vic'r.ria.
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  • 38 3 J. A. K. Cbotirmall and Co. advertise that they attend promptly to jewellery orders and have a specially selected stock nf Christina* and New Year cards. Jewellery, silver ware, curio;, silk, and embroidery are specialities of the firm.
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  • 39 3 The appointment of Mr. R. T. Tower to be His Majesty's Envoy Extraordicary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Hi" King of Siuin. and also to be His Majesty's Consul-Gennral in Siatn, appears in the London Uaut'e of the Oih November.
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  • 43 3 Tm B. I. steamer Purnea brought the following passengers from Calcutta yes'erday Di and Mr Smythe, Mr. G Ross. Mr. A. Ross Mr. Stenson, Mr. Wright, Mr. R. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfenlan, Dr. and Mrs. Kenn, Mr. H. Sperling and Mr. Shan.
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  • 43 3 To-day ii the first day of the Selangor Races at Kuala Lumpur. Several local sportsmen went up to Kuala Lumpur by the Snppho on Saturday. Messrs Voules and Whitley returned by the same steamer after their visit to Hongkong with the cricket team.
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  • 47 3 Cars driven by electric motors will, for the first time, be run in Calcutta on the Knlighat line by March of next year. As drivers are trained to control the new form of traction, it will be gradually introduced on other selected lines within the city proper.
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  • 41 3 Ykctkrday the flagstaff's on Kort Cunning and Mount Kaber were covered with flags in honour of the anniversary of the birthday of H. M. Queen Alexandra. Several vessels in the harbour were also decorated. A salute was Gred from Kort Canning.
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  • 47 3 Till Oriental Hotel on the Bund at Yokohama was totally destroyed by fire on the night of Nov. 18-17. 1h« loss is estimated at 1150,000. The Hotel which was originally situated a block inland from the Bund, was totally destroyed by fire on New Year's night 1894-5.
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  • 49 3 Db. Stuart Bldridge, of Yokohama, one of the oldest American residents in Japan, died at Yokohama on tbe 19th ult. of heart disease. A day or two before his death Dr. Eldridge was dworated by the Emperor with the Third-class Order of Merit, in recognition of his public service*.
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  • 53 3 At a recent meeting of the Directors of the Perak Sugar Cultivation Company, it was decided Jo propose, at the annual meeting of shareholders advertised to lake place on the Mb nit a final dividend of 9 per cent., making, with the interim dividend declared last April, IS per cent,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 55 3 RUSSIA'S FLATTERING RECEPTION OF MARQUIS ITO. Manchurian Negotiations Broken off. London, lit Deemhor The Tsar has conferred on Marquis Ito the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The Marqui* had a mom flattering reception at St. Petersburg. Tho negotiations of Russia w th China regarding Manchuria Imvo rwnn broken off in consequent
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    • 20 3 Nobody without a permit will be allowed to enter Caps Colony or Natal after January Ist next.
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    • 23 3 There »re persistent report* of serious divisions between Q leon Wilhelmina and her husband. The latter has now g<*ne to Germany.
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    • 47 3 Lively Times Anticipated. I/tndon, 2nd December. A socialist petition ag-iinv. the new Garman Cuttonn Tariff .•inuins over three million rifHMW Violent debu-u am »ip in the Reichstag but in t.uirT will probably become law. Marquis Ito will rtraiin in St. Petersburg for some time.
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    • 38 3 A Possible Rapprochement. The K mian authorities and the newspapers arc at the visit, which they rapaviaa tauling to convince J<[ of K'lwi.i goodwill, and to preparo for a rapprochement between the two Empires
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    • 17 3 l.oi'iioii, Mrii /irivw'W An orderly pro-Buller demonstration has taken place in Hyde Park.
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    • 27 3 The Brussels fM states tint Mr. Krui(er's latest reports are said to show increasing want of amm'inition, arm*, and provisions among tbe Boers.
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    • 54 3 The War Rapidly Closing. Sir Gordon Spring, Premier of Cape Colony, speaking at Capetown, said tbe Cape army in the beM numbers 18,000 men. The Colony, ha i.M.i.l, has incurred considerable dnbt in maintaining tbe troops, but the prospect is not discouraging H« i« contident that the
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    • 13 3 Ui'r. The Coronation his been Hind for the 26th June, 1802.
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    • 29 3 General Klliot has captured twelve Boers, 000 hordes, Km vehicles, and 300 head of cattle in the northern section of the Orange River Colony.
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    • 15 3 Goudie, the embezzling book-keeper of the Liverpool Bank, has been arrested.
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  • 1344 3 Tbi ball given by the Marine Club on tit. Andrew's cv» at tbe Town Hail surpassed its pradecennora. Never before has lue Hall looked ao pielly. A large St. Andrew's Cross from tlie roof to tbe ground on the front grass plot first caught the eye as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 452 3 NOTICES. IiKLTING. John TulHh's Llama Hair Belting i» in* m.i«t suitable kind made for Tropical Climates Prize Madals hare been rwmvr-d at n<> bmlh .ii 3ixteen Exhibitions ■n John TuUi« Son for their maiiuf.i.'t ir, Mid eoktdantly ■MMMMBt] Llama Hair Belting at Mnf (pgeialljv .i'-n i, iM in witusiand tbe
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    • 220 3 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 1901-1902. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, to kindly inspect our Stock, for the season, of GOLD AND OEM-SET JEWELLERY SILVERWARE AND CURIOS SILKS EMBROIDERY. Qhristmas and ftew 2/ear (Sards. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Jewellers and Silk Merchants. I a. 51 52 HIGH STREET,
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    • 449 3 CHIANTI WINE. a 'HE best table claret known) in naskt and cases 9-11 At M»»r*. GAOGI NO Co. St. MARYS, HILL STREET. SISTER KATHEUINE would gratefully ltjceive household linen, either new or old also furniture of any description. Ml NOTIC 4. 81KAITS Cily Hubber Sump. Short notice Price modWau.
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    • 835 3 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. PR General store in Bi<marrk Archipelngo. a M ilny or Chinese Clerk. Knowledge of English is euutntial. Apply by l»*t»r In: » HOUsTEAD <t CO. WANTED IX>R the Public Works Department a thoroughly competent kond Overseer, for Herembao Town. Liberal salary will be paid to a good
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    • 34 3 FRAMING OF The Illustrated Pictures OF •A mas ffumbers. 26 per cent less than our usual charges. G.R.Lambert&Co. v.c Photographers. CiiLnsb— At Rltliam. Kent, So». 1, wife of H. C. Oulhsu, of a (on.
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    • 4 3 Theodora Page pp.c. L
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 287 3 We" Straits T^imes." SUBSCRIPTION HA TES. The STRAITS TIMES: Daily uuue, in Singaimrr —per copy IS CU. per month $t.SO per year $30.00 (By post) per month $I.IS ixryear $34.00 The STRAITS BUDGET: tercopy 40 CU. prryear $U.OO (By post) per year $10.00 NOTE :—Tkt Straits Budget it published in
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  • 88 4 The McCallum Trophy. O.h Saturday evening the fc>. V. A auh-diviMvu competition for the McC'ullum Maxim trophy took place. Only two sub-divisions competed, No* 2 and S. No. 6 subdivision proved th« winners The competition was very keen, the winners only beating their opponents by
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  • 1586 4 Th« fourteenth ordinary general meet ins ol the Pahang Corporation (Limited) was held on 7th November. al WinchwM limns? Old limad-*tn)et, i rv ol bunion, Mr M. A. Pontif.x (the ilium. m) presiding. The secn-ury (Mr. Arthur Giffard) having rea.l the notice convening the meeting, and also
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  • 118 4 Thk Imperial Germau mail steamer Iliyern from China brought tbe followiug passengers for Singapore from the north: -Mr. and Mis. S Krocker, Mr. Ryhomall, Mr. P. Andrenuci, Mrs. i. Miike, Mr C. Nielsen, Mr. Dengamall, Mr. R. Treuke. The steamer look the folloniuK passengers from Singapore
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  • 214 4 According to the Daily Graphic:— His Highness Ibrahim, the Sultan of Johuie, who is now on his way to London, is the representative of tbe old Malay Empire, which at one time extended over the whole of the Milay Peninsula and Archipelago. At the present lime
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  • 211 4 A Paid Handlcapper Wanted. Thk writer of racing notes in the ilnlny Mail comes to the conclusion that we shall never have satisfactory hindicapping in the Straits till «c have a paid otlicial, who ought to be paid at lea", a salary of S5OO a month, with
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  • 50 4 Amon'ii tlioae who arrived here from Marseilles by the Vnlelln were Sir Lionel Cox and Mr. W McMillan. From London Mr. and Mies Huxham, and Miss G.-oige. From Colombo Mrs. 8. A. Drissen, Mr. M. Wilkinson, Mr. E.S. Grigson, Mr. E I). Harrison, Mrs. Brownlow, and Mr. O. P. Watson.
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  • 75 4 The Laws of Selangor from 1977 to 1889. as revised up to October 1901, have just been published in handy book form at the Government Pruning Office, Kuala Lumpur. It is compiled by Mr. A. B Voulea, registrar of Courts in that State. The work is compact and conveniently arranged
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  • 1163 4 Home. I. 'nr> George Hauiilton, speaking at Acton, dwelt upon the prosperity of India, and said thai Lord Curzon, as Viceroy, bad been a remarkable succt-bs, showing power of administration and capacity in public afftirs even greater than his most sanguine friends anticipated. He coi '.dnitly predicted that
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  • 167 4 The lirst drill of No. 1 Coy. 8. V. I. took place at the old gaol situ yesterday at 5-30 p m There were 74 volunteers present mid tlio prelim nary drill was conducted bySrrgeant Major Muglistnn ami wn« keenly watched by Major the Hon'ble A. Murray,
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  • 567 4 . SmdAIVXI. .IRP PIfIEMHKK. ISOI. PRODPOK. Onmbier buyers lfl.So Cop™ Bali W0 do Pontinnsk 8.70 Pepper, Black buwr* WOO ,)o Whito. <»%) 8".O0 Sago Floor Sarawak S.W do Branei No. 1 S.M Pearl .'ago 4.50 •^oflo», B*li. 18% »«»i» OSee, Palembang. 'JO% biwis SOW i*>»>e. LiberiM No. 1 21.00
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  • 319 4 run. Vaswi/a Name, fho Biu Ton. Dec 1 Benlomoud* i rim utr. > 1761 Nuv SO ,-.i, str KM Dec 1 Nam Y'ong str. 984 I 1 Sn Pontisnak Dut »tr. 323 I Van der l.\ n »r. I Oil I 5 Hrouwer «tr I 8-J6 Not Si rh»ui>uan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 IX ALMOST KVKKYCOM.MI NIIY there i* someone whose life has been s.veil l,y CliainUrlHin's ft. lie. Cholera and Iliarrliua llemedy Such persons seldom iiiisn an <>p|H>rtunity to rw I'Mnimml it, andtlieir recmninentl -ition and the never failing qualities of the remedy account for its great Poularity For sale by all
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    • 49 4 MNOI OF INFLUENZA. The great danger From in^uenza is of its roeulting in Pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough lieii.eily. as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. foJrf by all dealers in Medicines Tbe Bfnpep*sry, General AgcDts, Singapore
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    • 210 4 NOTICi: Off RUIOVAL 'pHE Office, of the i'iiiskke JL I'kintim; (Uh< k ha» bren removed to No. 2 K ii, -.,a Koad, but tbe printing basinet* is OSctM oa at Hie fame address a. before 114 Amoy Street. 8 S. KIM, Manager. •JB-VO2 T. c. HIN, Anst. Manager. MILLARS'
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    • 688 4 NOTICES. KATZ iROS., (LIMITED.) :o: Great Clearance Sale. Commencing Monday, December 2nd. Ending Saturday, 7th. GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DEPTS. Special Lines must be Cleared. Outfitting Department. White BUrti from M per dozen White Dress Hrirta &>4 per dozen Cnttella Shirts with Collar mm) Pocket SIJ per doren Ojford Matte
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 203 4 UAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 3rd December. High Water 3.19 p.m. Moan. Last Quarter. 4.44 am. Municipal tleotion closes. I. a. V. K Cycling and Musketry. CIS. H. V. I. No 2 Co. Drill, lelok Ayer. ft.SO. Kuala I umpur Races. First Day. farsee Tbeatre. leach Howl H. Wednesday, 4th December.
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  • 630 5 .Voflw, port, prohahU ditto of arrival. ami wnu 0/ agenlt. Htiihim. .V. Ap-ar, Calcutta, Dec 7; S. A Mos««. \chilles, f hina, Dec IK; Manttield. miral, Eleelraan, Dunkirk left Oct 98; \ini.n», Hamburg, llerll; B-hn Meyer. Ann*, .r*p»n, Dec 6; Huttenbach Bro« Annum, Colombo. F»*h Srd M. M«»xitimT*s.
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  • 55 5 10-Moksow. Bangkok Oata a.m. lodragin Aing Ann 1 p.m Sydney Mary Part 3 p.m. Asaban aod Deli Btndm 3 p.m. T. Anson via ports Malacca t p.m. Cheriboo 4 B'maraoi I Jiang Sent 4 p.m. SbayaASamarang Amara 4 p.m. Mao, Bangkok Dtli "i p.m. StmbwaodPtianak VanderParra Asahan
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  • 103 5 From Eußon:— By the N.D.L. Prin- I sum Jrtnt doe on Wednesday with dates to the 12th Nov. She bring! replies to the maili which left Singapore on the 18th October. From Cuim:-By the M. If. «.i. Krnut S'mont due on Sunday. Oct 23rd N D. L.
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    • 1826 5 Und-v 1 1. U4 admy ib<i(o<lo<vini(abbrevotioni are nsed «r. ateamnr »h.— shi; :q.--barqoe; tch— schooner; Yet.— Yach i>n.— Cruiser flht.— Ounboat Tor lorpedo Hp. Horse-power Brit. Rritith U. A.— United Sta'.mi Fr.Frencb Oer.— Merman Dat.— Dutch loh.— Jobore 4c, Q. c,— General •argo d.p.— deck passengers U.—
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    • 90 5 *ASSEII BUNl)A_BTKiltB_oll ARRIVE!) FUK URDfcftfi: Flao I Diti I BiDati. I »d Ship's Nami. Caftai». i of From whiri Dnrriv- auii. Rio. Hailiho. itiok. Mot llDat !>.« 'Telamachut Ara»l«r<l»in jB»U»i« UDut is'Oengarmn Putt* iKottorJam B»u»i» 18 Brit i.illamDi Wadge London Butivm ltfOut BijPrio«i»Bophi«Boomer Not \'i BhUti* Amsterdam 17Dut ii
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    • 553 5 Si Flak i Vmul'i Nami < 4 I Tons. L Km. I !*ol H Bm Hio Ou»n Brit itr 19» 30 Ki«n Ymn« itr. 70 SO R. 8. Babru Out itr.i 85 SO Prosper Nor MrJ 7tW Hong Wan Brit itr. Url SO Uraf Lutke Ku» ttr 1380 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 421 5 NOTICES. TH«N*,W FRENCH REMEDY tradeH Hmark TMI ItfMMfßl m* hlftllj powlir Mfd* M -inpl".*l InllHrtiMmUl«Utri kvm4, BmUK. J*»W,Vtl. mJtl. of thfl kiMd. and WnMIM *v«nlklM >>lt>OT«o THERAPIONNo. iZUS ■htl Urn. it la> j mtt.»M «ii divtw f*» tnm th«Mrt»a.»nig»il«.^»r»tMtlyniMTl|iißttaMmii»fl.UW nt -fct*h 4 rm>>«r«ki| htm af mjimf IW t-mmAutmi of
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    • 63 5 NOTICES. RIGATO'S OP JAPAN TOILET WATER Iligud's Ksungs Wster ht. the iwcti pcrfusM ol ;hc K... n( Flc-« of J. M J KCh^, „i t i%, 1 M 'tl'«»fcii|[ -|^9B RIGAUD&C ij||gMJ a. ma VlTlonns t U-"^ »l ImlliallODsl IHHWXX lIRU k WOKhS C». lASIR PANJANU. VKF. no* supplying building
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    • 840 5 NOTICB& NOTICE is hereby given that the above NF.W trademarks printed IN RED are the property of the undersigned Chop Chu Kwong Lan of No. 30, Market Street, Singapore, and Chop Chu Po Lan of Penang, and that the same have been duly registered in Hongkong. The said trademarks are
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