The Straits Times, 29 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,667 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 910 1 T«HE BORN EO COMPANY, UHIIKD ■T'UI Staa<la- 1 1.if» Aasuaaes. I Honrioh Union Fin. Inraranos Sodsty. A' as Aassnno* Coaspanv (Fire). T' s E<ruM»V Ufa AssanuMS DooM*. r Chi»a Motoal Msass Navigation Cmapsaj T>a ToMamhass Ufsr Best Company. Kor ■artirnWni at thasai Conpauas, see ths fall .W'-LOt of TUB BOSNRO
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    • 1616 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TT'ONINKMJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Sutherland* India Government. Aij'ull nl Singapnrr: Sllll" AoXXCT, LIT! J. DABilDIL* 4 Co.. 2-3, I'OI.I.riB (JO1T The undermentioned dat are only approximate. Hteamer From E«p«ct«1 Will h# l>e«nV(*H.wi for On Ion ier Ujn Cotei Tia Oct 'Jl Bani.Tiua-sin. Kola rUrno. Halik
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    • 478 1 NOTICES Milkmaids MNDENSED MJLSJ 11/1 f I \j (tBE •uuio jlc H I V I I LsA f^vEBI "■""Tisco'.Diix^nsfi'a Full Cream. true .uk Largest Sale in the World. RSBBBBBsK 3^ "JJ SB ■K fct^lk m% Ji cup of it is Jbiquid Jsife Jit all better class Stores. INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON
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    • 354 1 INSURANCES. THE PHttKIX ABSUBiNCE COMPANY OF LONDON. IF..Tiiiiin(,.t 1782.) The uudHnnfred, tbo abonCom pant, propwsd tu acoept Fire Riiks at tb* current r»w» in Singapore, and al*> in Jobora and th* other 8tate> in the Malay IVnimul* BTIVEK k Co. L'UXIOX FIRE INSURANCE t COMPANY OF PAULS. Ebtabliihiu 1838. RESERVES
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    • 741 1 I BANKS. TJUMQKOHO AND (SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-I7P CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FTJNDSterling R««erve..|lo,ooo,ooo\ (Mirer 111 l *T1 S.TSO.OOO/-" 3 80 000 RF.KERVE LIABILITY OF I llnm m PROPRIETORS |-H".O<».«W) Corirr or Dieictoej B. SHMwiw, E>q.— CnumMkM. I Hon. J.J BillUtiv* i DirniT huMU. I H. K TOMKIM RL. RICSAJUMOK,
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    • 704 1 I SHIPPING. INDOCHINA 8. N. CO., LTD I *'ORSAMARANGANDBOURABAYA. I T HB C on >P»n'> steamer OKBASG, \fk b; t o c *P uin Yoan h "'»f! --WH m«t und will have prompt despatch for the above port*. For freight or passage, apply to »-10 BOUBTEAD 4 Co., Agents. INDOCHINA
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    • 700 1 Oats, BrniMs. Fealda and Bnrna, Or Ilk* Injurie*, Are Promptly relieved by CHAMBKRUIN'S PAIN BAt^f A few application* will r»"rt eunptoU ran. For sale by all dealm in aedieine*) "orrwhere. Priee 60 eta. »o<1 |i.un. Ueneral A(enta, The Di*peot*ry,8ing» port 1-B WANTBD partner with until eapitaJ for a good mining
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  • 108 2 Dm. VunL'iNmi Fi-iu.tKio Virtu* Desti-cation Oct 28 Oro Brit Mr. Colrman Hongkong 2- Tritos tier ilr Cl»uten Manmraug ria port* W Trisoni* Brit Mr. Powell Saigon Chigwell itr. Uoderbay Bnlik Pspmn ■JV BaUTitr »tr. Mollor I'orl Swrttrnham vi» |K)iU i» Monaoori Mr. Hannah fenang, Ad«o and JeUdab N Kut
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  • 965 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. Nearly alt vi:es are inexplicably epitleuiic even the ahsuu-er urn s tliat might be regjHed as ou'sidu the pale of ordinary hum. in conception. This statement applies eapecially to the natives of warm countries, who have h# ii known to cnimit
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  • 353 2 Business mer. in Bangkok have recently been interested in a broharagi case in which Mr Cas'le-Turner sued Mm, Balfour for M ticals ulle^cl to be due as one per c>nt commission on the sale of certiin shares in thn Kiam Electricity Co The case was decided against Mr. C.i-il'-Turner, who
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  • 54 2 Theke will be puMic meeting held at the General Karm Ipoh, Perak to-day at !i p. m to protest asainst the action of the F. M s Government in raising the railway freights to such a high figure, and to decide upon the steps that should be taken to get
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  • 42 2 Scnday next, November 3rd, will be theforiy-nineth anniversary of the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. Mr. S. Hisamidm, the Japanese Consul, will hold a reception a 4.30 p.m. on that day at his residence. No. o i Spottiswoodn Park.
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  • 32 2 The Captain and Officers of H.MS. Britk will be at home lo their friends, on the Race Course, under the White Knbign. when the Briik sports ar» being contested on Friday next.
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/11J
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  • 10 2 IHe homeward mail closes at 6 a in on Friday
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  • 10 2 The French mail from Kurope is due to- morrow afternoon.
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  • 14 2 Thk Straits cricket team leaves for Hongkong by P. U. mail on Sunday next.
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  • 15 2 Liidt R. Walker, RE, passed in Malay at an examination held on the 28lh inst.
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  • 16 2 Dcßtna the high spring tide this morning several of the streets in town were under water.
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  • 18 2 The Sultan of Joliore has presented to the Zoological limli n, Calcutta, a pair of fine Malayan tigers.
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  • 18 2 H.MS Dido lias left Hongkong homeward bound and is expected to arrive here in a very few days.
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  • 16 2 The United States naval estimates provide for $99,000,000 (gold) to build three battleships and two cruisers
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  • 22 2 A dkakt of a new mining code for the Philippines is being prepared by the chief of the Mine* Bureau at Manila.
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  • 1005 2 Burning of the Bowman B. Law." As ■■iiiiuiry was hell this morning at i!i.- Master Attendant's otlice into the loss by firo uf me British barque Bountvin B. Law, at IV« il, Java, on Uct. II in l.i-t The barque measured 1,390 toos, and was built
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  • 35 2 Mies Kirsopp, Mrs J. II Hill, Misß Treacher, Rev. C Moody, Mr. J. K. Crowford, Mr. T. H. Hill, Mr. J. Robert and Mr L Hainovich arrived kg the Wakata Mam trum London via ports.
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  • 36 2 It is whispered atTaiping that as the accounts of the I'ur.ik Club for the paßt six months have revealed a substantial profit on the Bar Account," it is now proposed lo reduce the prices of drinks.
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  • 41 2 No. 12 Coy. R. G. A, who have been relieved here by No. 2S Co., embark on the Canton to-morrow. No. 12 Coy. have always been to the fore on the football field in Singapore, and they will be much missed.
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  • 34 2 Tai band of the 3rd Madras Light Infantry played an excellent selection of music at the Botanical Hardens last night. There were a large number of people present and the band was greatly appreciated.
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  • 39 2 .Thi Directors of the Mercantile Bank of India, Limited, have declared an interim dividend on the A," or Preferred Shares for the half fmi ending the 3Olh J line last, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum
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  • 36 2 The Straitt Budget, which will be published on Thursday morning, will conlaimhe full account of the thrcrdayx' Siugapore Races. A supplement will be added on Thursday evening, in time for the mail closing on Friday morning.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 50 2 Uiuton, 'Mk Od. Colonel D»wk rn hm surprised and captured three Boer laagers in the Nylistronra district. Three fiell-cornetn, the ex-Landdroat of Pretoria, and fifty other prisoner) weretaknn. BOERS IN KHAKI TRIED AND SHOT. Colonel GorrinRfl has mimmarily tried and shot some prisoners dressed in khaki uniform*.
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    • 72 2 Uttr. A Cabinet Council, At which the fitting laitei tw» and .1 h ill hours, hu been held. It i- m4mM t h it the Duller alfair was the leading topic of discusoion. DIPLOMATIC CHANOES. ■Sir Brooke Buotliby, the Secretary to Mm Bn'.isli L>>;ition K.o
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  • 23 2 Mks'RS Powell Co. advertise the sale of a billiard table on the sth, and of land and Cuhstinas toys on tbe 6lh November.
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  • 25 2 Thk toy bazaar of Messrs H igedorn and Co., at 7 Stamford Itoad, advertised in yesterday's paper, does not open until some lime next week.
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  • 42 2 A m fi.iin Pans to the Echodt Chine states tint M Deloaw*. the Minislnr of Foreign Alf,ii;S, denies the rumour of a dispute having existed between him and M. Douiner on the subject of the French mission on the Yunnan Railway.
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  • 42 2 Ths .Siamese gunboat Sugrii, Commaii'ler C B icke arrived this morning from Bingkok with I'ny i Skill Luang Sunlhurn Koßa on board The vessel is u«w lying in the roads and is expected to leave for Bangkok on the »lst ii. -i
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  • 40 2 The Zamania brought the following passengers from Penanx:— Hon. J. M. Vermont, Hon. and Mrs. J K. Birch. Mr. Stennmeyer, Mr. Mrs. and HMMa, Uiinn Mr t. W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Keuteus aud Mr Yong Lee Stn*.
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  • 80 2 Sik Georce Moore, the President of the Madias Municipality, has brought an action for libel against the Sttulrat Unit ou Hi,- ground of defamation of etiaracter. Ihe defam»tion was in connection with a letter signer Fact on cholera in Madras A few days baton that date the Madras Mail had
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  • 164 2 The fl-et of IS i«n boat* which invariably visits Singapore at this Mam .1 tli^ nh entered tlie harbour no > I'urd.iy. Out) of the boats brought I ntiaM of the Auoa depressicornis, or .S.ipt ll'in ol Celebes. 1'ue aniiuHl was bought by the Acting Curator of the M'lhi-uin an
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  • 54 2 At Harmston's Circus last night, tln-re was a crowded house. This popular show will perform only to-night and to-morrow night. The Utter performance will he for the benefit of the Frezagonda sisters, and will include a high jumping contest lor a handsome trophy presented by Mrs HarnißtonLove. Previous
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  • 141 2 At 8.30 last night, the S. V. A. and S. V. It. fell in at the Drill Hall for a moonlight route march. There was a pretty large muster considering that the band of the :ir.l M. L. I. were playing at the Gardens on the same
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  • 205 2 A Great Success. The Rack Dinner given at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night was a success characteristic of all'snih functions at that mint popular establishment. About i7O guests sat down to dinner. The officers and ladiui from the Am. n can trausport MrUllan then in port
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 592 2 NOTICES, BELTING. John Tullin'9 Llama Hair Belt lug m th. ni'iti Kintahle kind made for Tropical Climates Priie Medals have hoen N at no less Sixteen Exhibitions by Messrs John Tullis !v>n tor their manufacture*, and we confidently recommend Llama Hair Belting as being specially constructed to withstand the
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    • 350 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POWELL ROBINSON. SINGU'OKK. Jiig6@toss 4 tailoring. Gentlemen's High-Class Outfitting. Toys Games Great Show at KATZ BROS., LD. INSPECTION INVITED. Sarkies Joftannes 6& 7 Telegraph Street. Qf Q 9 Manufactures and Importers of Teak Wood Furniture. Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns. All sorts of Teak
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    • 668 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARMSTONS GRAND CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. LAST 2 NIGHTS. LAST 2 NIGHTS. TO-NIOHT TO-NIOHT A PROORAMME OF NOVELTIES. Wednesday, October 30th. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. Complimentary Benefit of the SISTERS FREZAGONDA. The High Jumping Contest. Look out for the High Jumping Contest for local horses.
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    • 33 2 Pictures. PHOTO ENO.RAVINOS. From Berlin, London and New York Photographic Company. Marlon Co.. London. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same a» sold in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap tnrms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 284 2 V)6e "Straits TSimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. The STRAITS TIMES Daily utue, in Singapore —per copy IS CU. per month H.SO per year $30.00 (By pott) per month ti-SS per year $34.00 The STRAITS BUDGET: a per ropy 40 CU. per year $11.00 (By pott) per year $10.00 NOTE —The Strait,
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  • 74 3 The .\WU ('A,,,., I) ,ily .\>-r.. speaks highly ot 0 Tin in activity at FVingl i i, in Slian' tag. B tli < hintwe and t.rrmans hay iiriMi tai'h in the future of rsingtao, I Wta which seems 1 1. nn. 1 to be juslin -d hy the ontc >nie.
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  • 68 3 At the Cathedral, Shanghai, on the l:llh in.lml, MiroiiEh mishaps there was nobody to con. in. t I lie service, and after the .rmin-i aad shafts' the congregation into their pews, and some minutes had gone by in silent meditation, it was found that there was nothing else '.> do
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  • 72 3 Thk following is the list of passenger" onboard the Wmkam Vcni for Hoar kong: Miss O Mill, sfn Johns! n, Mrs. Atkinson, Miss J Hunt, Mrs. S. E Fuller!..!!. Mr. .1 C Cunning, Mr W Bota, Mr (Mot, Mr. W Clark, Mr. W Seamor, Mr. J W)ke and Mr. E.
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  • 66 3 The ffiatisaai SsiIMUL an influential newspaper in Germnny, in discussing the German tariff sell. me, says that Count von llulo-v. the Chancellor of the Empire, may find himself unable to adopt the proposed standard of duties. The Agrarians would support the m li.-rin, .iii.l the oi.-i»ei|ilence would be a depression
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  • 74 3 Tim Hongkong ZMfy Pren states, with regard to the inierport cricket match, that according to present arrangements, Honpkone will play the Straits on the I lth and Uth Nov. and the afternoon of the 13th will be kept for tenni-. On the Uth and I.lth, Hongkong will probably meet Shanghai,
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  • 84 3 TIWW f'-ver PH lieavv tofl among the Germ. in In in (North China) Deaths ire nany. The men complain of their food, but I in re probable cause i« the bad accommodation fur the tNOnt, Many of the men have to lie on the damp earih and live in mud
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  • 778 3 The other day, at B^ntkok, in H. B Me Consular Court, a case arising i>ut of a hii-iiies* IHIISSK Ilin in shares wai heard helore Mr J Stewart Blatfk. ThepUintuf. Mr W 8. Castle-Turner, sought to recover from Mrs M. B. ftalfour, widow of the Kite Mr.
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  • 1729 3 PROMENADES A L'ETRANQER ANARCHY IN THE UNITED STATES. He was the noblest Roman of them All." (From an Occasional Corretpondent San Francisco, 14fA September. I rave assisted at a sad and terrible event— the agony of a people and the passing away of a great and good man. l'resi lent
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  • 495 3 Maybe Aye anil Maybe Nat- «vite« as fvllows to the A'.-C. Duily AVi« regarding the eleven the Shanghai Cricket Club ate sending down to Hongkong to play in tlie luUrport matches. Out of the twelve names there are only three who renresen'ed Shanghai in Japan in iti"v,
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  • 46 3 The Manila Board of Health has found rat-traps useless as soon as a half-dozen rats are caught in one trap, all the rats give that particular trap a wide berth. The health authorities have cow is- in- 1 a strong poison for the destruction of rats.
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  • 102 3 AcroHulxa to reports from Port AiMiin, a nuiniterof drodginie-machiiies belonging to the Naval Department hnve commenced work there with the puipose of duepeniiiK and widening the western part of the Port Arthur harbour, at which place the dip li is intended to be brought to such an extent
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  • 263 3 Tiik members of the Singapore Polo Club will probably be interested in the following account of a donkey polo match .a Tientsin Buffalo William and his Wild rt'est Show pale into insignificance besde the exhibition given on the. Tientsin Recreation Ground, when the sergeants of the Royal U
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  • 313 3 Book Tea" common enough in India, has come into fashion at Taiping. The I'eral; Honter thus describes the tirst co.-ay at this form of aimne- Mrs. Douglas is to be congratulated on the success which attended her introduction of the "Book Tea" to Taipeng. It was looked forward
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  • 120 3 ARRIVALS. {Booked). (For Sini/up'tr'.) Per M. M. s. s. E. Simons from Marseilles Oct. due Oct. L.i Mr and Mrs. de Kturler. Mr. W. Le Mair. Mr. Driver. Per P. 4 O s.s Borneo from London Bept. -21 due Oct 2A Mr. .1 Drtsdale. Per P. 4 O.
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  • 26 3 Samnrangand -nurabaya, Kut Sang on 29 h October, Rou-lead 4' Co. Hamburg via ports. Koenin-brrg, on 30th Oct.. Behn Meyer A Co.
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  • 534 3 Li*t of I'nclaimed Utlen lying at the General Pott tiffice, Singapore. AHwrs. j inn, A. Alillen, Mrs. Lloyd, Miss A. Andlan.-r, Capt. Lu.iwik. E. Apcar, w. ApedxamoD a. Mansoor, E. Atherton, T. W. T. Marlatt, C. L. Heisiegel Marriol, F. Bernard, F. MacLellan, Capt. J. Bernard Julie.
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  • 555 3 MIXOAPOKK, -"ftTH OCTOBBR 1001. (tqmhier buyer* l.Vio Copra Bali 9.2S do Pontiinak 8 *1 Pepper, Black. buyer. SO.M) do White.***,) 47.00 Sago Flour Sarawak .1.40 do Brunei No. 1 .,8.20 Pearl Haeo 4.10 Coffee, B«li. 16X b»«is 2K 00 Coffee. PalemhantlBi! ba«is ?S00 Goffne. Liherian Tto. 1 20.00 Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 niTS, BKUISEB, SCALDS and BURNS l> Or Like Inj .he* Are promptly relieved l.y <-ll\MlihUl..\].vs I'.MN BALM. A lew applications will effect a complete For sale by all dealers in medicines Tbe Dispensary, General Agents, Sing-, apore. 6-A
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    • 38 3 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a great favourite with mothers for colds, croup, and whooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. !-old by all dealers in Medicines. The f>isp*Dsary General igerts. Fiogapore.
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    • 263 3 On Saturday. Tuesday, and Thursday the 2nd, sth, and 7th November. AT THE TOWN HALL AT 9-30 P. M: "QfjaAeys Munt:" A Farcical Comedy by Brandon Thomas I'receded, each evening, AT 8-4.-> P. M. By fyass Widows A Musical Comedietta by Virginia Gabriel. Reserved .Seats S3 Back seats $1 Soldiers
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    • 236 3 I* fl rtliO iIK!iT ""O"*X IL\JV\J Lowest I'k,.-ks. lav.u-l Stores. tiEORGE MICHAEL, Singapore. MARINE CLUB BALL. •TO l« held in the Town Hall on Fridaj-, I 20th Nov., I*U. Members are requested to make applications for their tickets and for thore of their guests, as early us po>sihle to F.
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    • 708 3 NOTICES. WILSON Co., P.HOTOSrmP.HERB. 17 Aiimkman Street. Telephone No. 272, Xmas fPfiotos. ALI. descriptions of Photographs taken and Amahe-I as Xmas and New Year Cards at our ordinary prices. Lar^n and choice selections of artistic mounts with appropriate mottos (or the season just rxvivcl. Fbotos can 1« taken in our
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    • 632 3 AUCTION SALES." Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Year' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices &c.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 201 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 29th October. I Water 1 1 it p.m. Philharmonic Choir, 8.1.1. Harmeton's Circus. Beach Road. !>. Parsee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Wednesday, 30th October. High Water II 19 a in. Mat* We. Kling v, H. A. Crane. 10.30 Ijind Sale. Powell. '-'..10. M. M. mall fr..m
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    • 1636 4 Uidar tnt<n'ndiiu.'(hrf jlL.v.l tloos are use.! str. stmmer sh. «bir hq.— Urqoe sch.— schooner; Yet— Yachi ''m.—C ruiser, '3bi.— «u,.boat Tor Torpedo; H.p. -Hone-power Ml British U. B.— United SUtos; Fi French G«r.— Oermao Dut.— Dutch lon.— Jobore 4c, G. c.,— General cargo d.p.— deck passengers U.—
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    • 426 4 Name, port, prtb-iblr date of arrival, and name o/ aagent.t t. Btiamsrs. Aohi'le*. Liverpool. OctSO; Mansßeld. Arara, Europe, p'sd Canal Oet IK A'iana, Hongkonu. Xov 16; O Wood. Afridi, Liverpool, Xov ;P. Bimonn. \nnam, Hongkonir, Nov "J4- M. Maritim«M» Antonio Loper, Bircolonn. Nov 8; Barlow. Atholl. M'hro. left
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    • 85 4 ■sv Per $lr. Ttmt. To-Hoksow. Berouw, etc., Ton d^r l.yn 7 ajn. Mai'uxar via port" Jam I'oiij II am. In.lniKiri Ainij Ann Noon. H,r»w»k Knit,, Noon. If oar and Halaeea Fai/nUa lam Bangkok A..n il I p.m. T. Anson via ports Malacca 3 p.m. Bangkok Srng f.'unn 3
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    • 115 4 From Button :-By the M M. M, Krnrtt Simom doe on Wednesday with dates to the 4th Oct. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the aist August Left Singapore Due in London Armed Sent 1 1th N. D L. Oct 4th Oct 7th
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    • 125 4 4 I FUb 5 tVnui/* Nim A Tons. C»mii> Feom Siilmj. Couraaim. Q Rio. Ocl' iBFnrf.ll* lUI itr. 147 G«B((ino Mu«r «Vt Soon Keck W Carolina UM Mr. M)l Kruiten P. Dickßon .Oi-t l' 7 Wee Bio »nd Ce. ■JH Banks Brit »tr. l«f Backhouse Natuna l«. ,<>< i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 500 4 NOTICES. CHLNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. HS»I. OWCS HO. t\ CIHTOH Koah, SHAK.IHII. JAB. A. WATTIK. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. Local Agents. The Comru ay offer* easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business n the East. A special point is made of prompt
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    • 458 4 NOTICES. HIGH CLASS DIAMOND JEWELLERY ISMAIL&RAHEEEM DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELLERS, No. 82-1 4 82-2, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. Are showing a Splendid Collection of High Class Jewellery Set with Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Cat's Eyes, Sapphires, Opals, Turquoises, Alf xandricea, and fancy stones WITH A I. A ROC ASSORTMENT OF Solid
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    • 389 4 ■H. (iKORUE LAWS, M.K, A I MM C, Bnttery R. finvnpore having 17 year, experience in tlm East is nowopen to cxaruin" and report on, or survey mining properties, or assay mineral" and metala at uliort notice. Term- moderate. NOTICK. 8 THAI IS City Rublier SUnip. Short notice. Price moderatu
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    • 482 4 NOTICES. P% RIGAUD'S M Kanaaga OP JAPAN p£ TOILET WATER Rigand'sl.naDgsWsv g fc^ t.r his the iwfH perfume I^WJ RIGAUD&C" S. rue J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED the mitsui bi^san k.-usiia (MIISUI &tX).) HEAD OFFICE 43, Sakamotochil Tokio. LUM>O\ OFFICE 34, Lime Street, EC. SIM.
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    • 1007 4 NOTICES. B 0 H 1 1) 8. J. D. A. PF.KEIRA. HOBTIRDLTTTSIBT tND Pi OUST. COU.1CTOH tun KlPOMTIR OP ORCHID*. special appointment to Hit Majesty The King of, H. H. Th« Knltan of Johore, and H. H. 1 ho HulUn of Lingga. Orders for Bmqaet Sprayi, 4c, 4c, Carefully
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