The Straits Times, 28 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1901. NO. 20,666. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 915 1 •THE BORNEO COMPANY, UMIIBD rl ftonlaiJ Lit* tjsmrmm. Morwiok TJaio« Fin luwues Society. A'' as Asnraoo Ooatpany (P»). TI-. Kqaitel'l* Uf* Aaraiaaos gookty. Th* China Mutual Staam Navigation Company TV. ToMsaham Later B~r Company. For parti, ii' m of thw. Conpanns. M th*> f.ll ai^rt—tiwnt of THK BORNEO OOMPAWT. LIMITED
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    • 954 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^ONINKLIJKB PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Governmunt. A genit at Singapore: Ship Aoejcy, uti J. Daiedels A Co., 2-3, Collteii Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. s-..«m«r From Eipectefl Will be IKxpatchirt tor On rmmmwTiMm (...i.ivia Oct. SI Banj.-rma.6in. Kota Baroe, Balik port* rapan.
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    • 642 1 I VOKIIDKIITHCHKK LLOYD > BREMEN. I TTAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. 1 I HAMBURG. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. The fast and well-known Mail-~t»r,nier> of these lines will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates: Outward 1001. Homeward l'"0l Stuttgart Nov. 7 Bachsen Nov. 4 Kmig Albert Nov. 21 Kiautsehou Nov. 18 Prinseu Irene
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    • 1008 1 NOTICES^ Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per oent. l^~ 7 J1 s ~^r*T« with Cream. |sbjsisl Stcrilizcd-Not Sweetened. Ksp^cgrtj A Perfect Substitute for Fresh ■esbß Hfc las* J^B fisP^^EsS m &*M Mm IS Jl cup of it is Jbiquid Jsife Jit all better class Stores. INSUBANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1
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    • 726 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-I7P CAPITAL $10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.4lo,ooo,oon „,-snrjon Silver Reserve....! 3,:ft0,0C0/ ■1 13 0 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF ..nnmnm PROPRIKTORB /-•'O. *****0 Cor»T or Diuectobs:— E. RHIW4IC. li«|.-CIAiaBIAII Hoh. 1 BBLL-lavis* I Dirnir i'maiumas B. E ToMXin I R L. BtcwAaosax, B«q A BAtirr.
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    • 525 1 NOTICES. -■s»M?."'rM >r '"••••'•"♦ti^. maTtN. a.,. gotmiAi^Tow. eNquum EVERYMAN c.m 17/z/U-J ■""V"- >*• mcrmem o*. ***> r. »>»lw IH.lsss M AOENTSU fNQLAHD. Wa«s*W ,hmy h.w. m >fc.^. e km»wfstm, f Mfm Jj**J«J «nr(MM r»*nn Tf— t~mtlm mt t h, rirm |I, IWIH1 »«w .tmlmm tm mm mmst wtii RELIABLE AQENT9
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    • 728 1 It's Dangerous te trite with a sold. CHAMBBRLAIrTd COUGa EBMKDT Pleasant to Uke-never fall* to care. For sale bj all d«al«rs in tnedicin**) every whrre. Price SO cts. and 11 .Gam* eral Agents, Tbe Dispensary, Hinfrapore. t- B WANTED partner with small eapltaj 'or a good mining undertaking. Apply to
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  • 786 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 28TH OCTOBER. There id some talk of a strike among the local dhobie* ou account u( tiio new regulations shortly to be enforced, and ensuring stricter Municipal control over the washerman's premises. The new by-laws am published in Friday's Government Gazette. They provide
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/lOtf
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  • 13 2 Tbb American transport McLltUm li-ft for New York at 8 a. m yesterday.
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  • 11 2 The Italian transport .tfareo Minghetle left for Hnngkong on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 17 2 The final game for the King's Own polo cup takes place at the Race Course this afternoon.
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  • 13 2 With ti-^ay's issue there is a supplement containing shipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 16 2 It is understood that a Church Parade of the Singapore Volunteer Corps will he held shortly.
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  • 18 2 Mr. Schmidt, Mr. and Mm. Shepperf, and Mr Stinifield «me from Bangkok this morning by the G'W Tsi.
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  • 21 2 Tn» annual general meeting o> the Penang Volunteers will be held in the I'enang Town Hall on the Bth of November
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  • 23 2 Mw?RS. Powell and Co. advertise an suction sale of superior French C"gnac and Scotch whitky at their saleroom on Monday, the 4th Not.
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  • 21 2 A British tobacco trust has been formed with a capital of X15,000,000 The trust embraces the leading manufacturers in Great Britain
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  • 23 2 The Volunteers have a march out to-night Fall in at the Drill Hall at »:W. Drais— uniform, putties, belts, frogs, and water bottles.
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  • 28 2 Mk J'.l n Barrett, formerly I'nited States Minister to Siain, id now at work on an elaborate book on the Far East, which will be published next year.
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  • 24 2 Mr. Blake, Mr. J. Archer, Mr. J. Sheffield, Mr. \V. Ryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Bouriard arrived from Kremanllu on Saturday by the Sultan.
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  • 27 2 Mrs. Donaldson, a former resident of Singapore, has issued a book of short tales connected with this part of the world, entitled CrumU Gathered In (he aflat
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  • 30 2 The homeward p <!c O mail steamer Bengal loft Hongkong Jt Pl on the 26th inst. and is due her« on Thursday morning Tht mail cljse.- on Friday atC am.
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  • 27 2 The M 81 yacht Ksßsa arrived from Klang this morning with Mr. and Mrs. Treacher, and Messm. Maxwell, Talbot, Sanguinotti, Mr. and Mrs. Reutens and Mr. Cropley.
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  • 29 2 Ai.thoigh Mr. H. O. Newland, the Chief Police Officer in Penang is said to he progressing favourably towards recovery, he ii not yet in a position to attend office
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  • 18 2 A -fFn.ii. meeting >.f the Municipal Commissioners will be held to-morrow af'ernoon to consider tin) estimates for 1902.
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  • 34 2 Thk I' A O. ontw lrd mail steamer Bnltaaml with the mail from Europe of the 11th Oct. left Colombo at 2.:<0 pm on Sunday, and is expected to arrive here on Saturday morning.
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  • 28 2 On Saturday morning, Mr. Michell sentenced an Arab, a patient in the I'auper Hospital, to one month's rigorous imprisonment for assaulting another patient, an old and feeble man.
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  • 30 2 The Dutch gunboat Tamiang arrived from l)j u»hi on Saturday and anchored in the roads. She carries four guns. The Dutch Government steamer Basil also arrived Djambi on Saturday.
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  • 35 2 Among the passengers who 1 eft by the Sappho on Saturday for Port Swettenham were Mr. Joaquim, Mr. C. B. Buckley and Mr. M. 8. Parry. For P. Dickson Mrs. Leach and Mr. J. Leach.
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  • 34 2 Thk members of the M. E. Church express their thanks to those who so kindly assisted in making the recent Bazaar a success Upwards of $900 was added to the Church and Parsonage Fund.
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  • 34 2 Th* following passengers arrived this morning from T. Anson via ports by the ilalarca Mr. C. K Crane, Mr. and Mrs W. Walsh, Mr. N Walsh, Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. (ilcdhill and Mr. Burgess.
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  • 40 2 Mk G T. Lane, the Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, passed through Penang the other day bound for Singapore. After a short visit to Singapore he will spend a little time in Penang on his way back to Calcutta.
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  • 41 2 Thk piece of road opposite the General Post Office was relaid with granite yesterday, the work being carried out very eipeditiously. It is to be hoped that other portions of the roadway in the same locality will suon receive similar attention.
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  • 40 2 A partial eclipse of the nrnon occurred la>t night and was plainly visible from different parts «f Singapore. The Chinese fire'] crackers and banged tom-toms to frighten away the big dragon, which, they declared, was trying to 'wallow the moon.
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  • 24 2 Mb. E. M Merewetber, the Acting Resideot-CouDcillor of Malacca, arrived in Selangor and assumed duty as Acting British Resident, Selangor, on 24 ,b lustanl.
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  • 42 2 The following paitsenger! left litre for Colombo by the M M steamer Laoe Mr. and Mm. K. W. Weir, Miss K. li. Alden, Miss Juliette Duoy and Miss Renee Moreau. For Marseilles: Mrs. Buucbard, Miss Eugenic Uerniger and Mr. L. A. Reiti.
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  • 44 2 Hakmctu.n's circus was cmwiieu on Eiaiuiuay ingnt. 1 lie Circus will p. rlurui tui luur uighls nioie. I'ne perU.ruiaiiua uu VVeUueauiiy will b« lor tne ueneui ot Uie aisKirs Frezuguuila, auU will nicluda a 111,411 juuipiui; cuulcsl Iruin wlucu loriuer winuers will ue barred.
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  • 43 2 Im National bank ol Ure«x:e has been delrauueu ul Hit) suui ut £eu,UUO vi ttiu loruuu uoleb haw uui'U m*ue, ttliil bUVCtai lillCaiß ililVu I. CCU CiluUkU \S. lUtt li4Uua ale Lliu uulcuuw ut a cuDapuauy wuiuu uoa nuuiuuMiuiiS in Uoiuiali) uuu i-'i.iliue.
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  • 50 2 Hie (laoai-n^i'ia who MM b) tUtt -VI. Biea'i.ei Ijao* hum Jtfpuu was Mr. t'uweil Ii .lau-. in. riuii. ouaugtiai Mft U. lirauu, Mr. Lutsr», Mis. OißßUglasx. fluin iiuli&fcuug: .ur. ana Aim. Aiuuld «v.v Mi. ana iI4V. AlbtiUt liruwu. fiuiu Atilguu Mr. U. V «uiUbr liuvucn una Air. A. ciuiici.
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  • 66 2 Siah has no Anus Act. I'ho lesull M IBM lucre is a unsk trade in arms ..n.i aiiini luii Liun 111 Hid interior, aud on t renc ii -i .ii ma. KoUbery under a. ma is uuw common in Oiain and will uuuliDUti to Ue so until tuu sale
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  • 72 2 Tub mislorlune that has befallen the Cobra gives rise lo the remark that it would be wise lor the Admiralty tv give a clear beith lo reputes m the uuure, lor ul 11 M ships christened v. it. -lioin the following, daung lroui Ult, have been wiecked or lost in
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  • 69 2 A despatch from the Secretary of Stale, published in Friday's tinernvunl talts*, notifies that the Ciurman (iiivi-rniiifni ban granted to the national! and products ot the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as to those of British Colonies and foreign possessions, until the .list December, 19o.(, tliH
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  • 78 2 Before Mr Sarwar, on Saturday morning, Tan Tarn Soon, a Teochew, was convicted of selling Macao lottery tickets aud wax fined 12,000 or 3 months' R. I. in default, an. l further was ordered to give security for a period of one year in two sureties of £1,000 each, in
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  • 18 2 Captain Loiing, R. fi. A Lieut Wall and Lieut. Campbell came from Hongkong on Saturday by the Canton.
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  • 93 2 At Penang there has bten a big theft ot diamonds in the house of the Rnjuh of Edi in Northam Road. The articles stolen are three diamond brooches (S6UO), one ring set with a diamond about the size of a half dollar piece worth Slo.OuO or more, and a tew
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  • 23 2 The following remarkable order is repoited to have bun recently issued from Pretoria by Loid Kitchener to commanders of columns throughout South Africa:-
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  • 56 2 The Comniandor-in-Chief in South Africa desires to impress on officers in command of mobile columns that the object of such columns is mobility tbat he mis luarnad that nucb forces aacTwd about with them lurniture, kitchen range?, piiioos, and harmoniums, which nullify tbat object; that these articles must be handed
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  • 95 2 The following nineteen have been chosen by the Selection Committee of the Hongkong Cricket Club to practice at the reserved net lor the Interport Cricket Match H. K. H. Hancock, T. tomb- Smith, Major Durehill, R. A., Major Dyson. A.P.D., Capt Weymouth, R. A Capt. Kddclilfe, R. E H. Arthur,
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  • 97 2 S. Q. C v. S. L. Q. C. The match at Sepoy Lines yesterday between teams representing the Singapore Golf Club and the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, was won by the latter by 15 pointe. The return match will he played next Sunday at the s 8.0. links. Yesterday's
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  • 181 2 The iii inn Mail sporting critic thus speaks of the Shanghai team to play at the coming Hongkong ioterport match The cricket eleven is a very excellent one, and oue that will take a lot of beating. Hongkong will have to put a very good side against
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  • 23 2 MARQUIS ITO. SAILS FOR EUROPE. London, Oct. 27(/>. Marquis Ito has sailed from New York for l£uro|>e. He visits France fir-'
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 35 2 Columns of troops which have been operating for six weeks to the south west of RiiKieobcrg have returned to Klerksdorp bringing 250 Boer prisoners and a quantity of raptured supplies.
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  • 21 2 liondnn a \Hh Octoher An order fur the banishment of thir teen more Boer loaders has b*M promulgated.
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  • 26 2 Botlia with a few faßoaMn has gone to Amstenlain, whnre S^h. ilk burner and the moveahle CtovernTiient are lnoa'ed tnnporarily.
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  • 55 2 The Band of the M Madras Light Infiniry will play in the Botanical Gardens from 9 to 1 1 p. m (weather permitting) to-night. Programme: Overture Maritana" WaflMd Selection Sin Toy Jonea. Hong Mona Adams. Wain EstudiaQiina" Wahlteufel. Selection "The liclle of N York" Kerkei. (iavotte Alexin i
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  • 95 2 All British Colonies to be Represented. It is as good as settled, says a Ceylon contemporary, that at the King's Coronation next year all British Colonies will bu repiesent»d in England at the demonstrations in honour of the event, and we trust we are not divulging any
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  • 92 2 Tut A.-C. Daily Hmm is informed upon reliable authority that Mr. J. Pierpoint .Morgan has joined the Board of the American China Development Company in New York, and that it has been decided tbat work upon several sections of the Company's railway concession from Hankow to
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  • 99 2 THE "BRISK SPORTS. By kind permission of Captain Martin and the officers of H. M. B. llnsk, the Hriil; sports consisting of fourteen events with iluablti pri/-s attached, will be held at the race-course on Ist November. By kind permission of the commanding officer and the officers of theard.M L.I
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  • 132 2 Thieves Arrested and Money Recovered Ox Monday 1 i-t, a Chinaman living in Cavenagli load reported to the Police that t3,400 worth of property had been stolen from his residence. On the same d.iy thn police arrested a ChlaWMB in connection with the theft. Two
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  • 235 2 By Major Mukkay, Comudt. Singapore, '.'6th Oct., KM. S. V. A. O. O. fur the ensuiog week l'nd Lieut. Johnston. O. N.C.O. for the ensuing week :-Boral.r. Brock wel! Paradea:— Monday :Mtb at 8.30 p.m. Route March. Dreva F. Caps, puttie*. I ••■lt and frog.
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  • 34 2 Ths Itubattino steamer Kmm arrivi-il last night from Bombay with BMBfaajMS. After medical inspection she went alongside Tanjong Pagar wharf tliis asflrafat brings cargo from Kuronves.*. ft />om<nii«> Baldaino, and leaves for Uiiua tonight.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 438 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Mftoufftcturer* of Dynamite. Qehgmte, Gelatine Dynamite, fiiastiug Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus, Tht aliovr Estplorim, l*n,g all sunnfaJvrtd in (heal Britain, are made to pan Hit high stmulurd of safety at.d ■wiry tettt impottd by Ult Briluh Government, and are, t/ierefore, guaranteed
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    • 446 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Toys Games Great Show at KATZ BROS., LD. INSPECTION INVITED. Kelly Walsh, Limited, NEW BOOKS. Just received The Times Atla< New Eda. (19 0) I 17pVDTT A M cloth MM moroooo 28.50 >H,{j\ V 1 1 A JN Tables aud F"U Tales from an EasU-rn Forest by W
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    • 259 2 Attention I Attention I TO.XIGIIT, 28th OCTOBER. at the Parsee Theatre HARISH CHANDRA to-morrow nan "SHAH-E-IMDAD. Great Reduction in Admission Prices. 31-10 MARINE CLUB BALL. 'I'll ■•<• bold in the Town Hall ou Friday, 1 2»th Sot., 1901. Hasaaars ar- mbssM 10 make applithrir gueets, an earh as po»ih|e to
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    • 506 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARMSTONS GRAND CIRCUS. AND ROYAL MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. LAST 4 NIGHTS LAST 4 NIGHTS. TO-NlOfir lil-M(illl A PROUKAMMI: OF NOVELTIES. Wednesday, October 30th. Complimentary Benefit of the SISTER FREZAGONDA. The Mich Jumping contest The High Jumping contest Fur Loral Horsrs ALL FORMER WINNERS BARRED. A handsome Trophy
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    • 129 2 Pictures. PHOTO ENO.RAVINO.S. From Berlin, London and New York Photographic Company. Marion Co., London. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same as sold in Europe. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co. ADVERTISING RATES. (Per standard line, (bourgeois) 1 inch. J First insertion IS centt. Immmi nnd third insertions,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 187 2 V)6e Straits V)imes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TKS The STUAITS TIMES: Daily usue, in Singapore :—per cepy IS Cts. per month $2.f0 per year $30.00 (By post) prr month $t.SS per year $1100 The STRAITS BUDGET: pereapy 40 CU. per year $18.00 (By post) per year SOTE -The Straits Budget is
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  • 1473 3 Thi third and last day of the Autumn race nicotine was exceedingly well attrn.le.l, and was a fitting wind-up to what has been an enjoyxbln meeting The afternoon waa fine, and the ladies were present in very large number!>. For the lucky ones who spotted all the winners,
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  • 173 3 riparrowhawk Minsw.-irra Duliillow Bonaparte Victoriatu* Snuozer Ljon Lock Sir Launcelot liaylass Cutaway Boh* Uontadioa Ksgnhild Ace of Club* Lucky Jim Scots (iuanl Beauxit* Baager Arijunaut Beorenuto Harold BkittlM tmp Huf*hrang*r Battlefield Sau Vite I>unit Dnag Kedclifie Deadliubt I lU,. I l.nrcl M w Kingston BomiT»euhir* Lincolnshire
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  • 215 3 The }'\nang Gazette prints the following All the Yankee papers, especially the Parisian Yankee nnes (says the Afar York World, European edition) are fulluf the Sultan, and say that one (if his favourite amusements is to dine at a restaurant with countless rings on his lingers
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  • 106 3 A sensational occurrence took place in Queensland church recently, which might have had a very tragic termination. It appears that a wedding had just been concluded. The happy couple were leaving the church, when some persun fired a confetti cracker* over the head of the bride one ol those illuminated
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  • 430 3 Vrtm our Corr—pundni. Oct. 27th. ArriK all our Tuan Besar (ih« Hon. K M. HmpmUmt] lias let l us for Sel:ingor Last Wednesday ba was entertained at tiffin by Malacca's elect. Alter an excellent tiffin winch reflected great credit on those responsible, Tuan Uarrard from bebind the remains
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  • 368 3 A dastardly attempt in made on the life of a sentinel on guard at the tomb of the late President McKinley in the Canton cemetery. It appears that two night prowlers stealthily advanced in the darkness and subbed the soldier on duty, and then escaped. It is
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  • 243 3 The position now tilled by the transference of Mr. Tnwer from Peking has been vacant for a year, ever since Mr. (ieorce Greville, C. M. (i., went irnm Banzkok to Mexico as Envoy Extraordinary 'will Minister Plenipotentiary. The record of the Minister is thus recorded
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  • 127 3 Is the Austrian Reichsrath the Premier, referring to the country's commercial policy, declared the determination of the Government to defend Austria's interests. Even a political alliance, he said, might be endangered by an economic war. This is regarded as a strong hint in connection with Germany's new tariff.
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  • 303 3 Thk minutes of the United Planters' Association F. M S. meeting at Kuala Lumpur on the 7th Heptemher have come to band. The meeting decided to a-l: the government to get Mr Ardpn, tbe state agriculture expert, to stti'ly ilw commercial interests of the ramie industry,
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  • 312 3 Oesirai. Sir Bindon Blond, who has just returned frum India after holding bigh command in the Transvaal, ha* been interviewed bj a representative of the Bombay Gazette. Sir Bindon blood said No doubt the majority of the Boer leaders are just as anxious as we are to
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  • 157 3 At the Bombay Custom Heuse on the 15th instant, five European officials were examining military accoutrements belonging to the officers who came on the transport Cilyof Vienna from South Africa. Among the articles was a Manser pistol, which Mr. Selkirk, a preventive officer, took in
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  • 665 3 Hare k) quotation from an old friend of •toast, 11.0-t kindly-hearted, and SBMSaW of the men who roni|io«e lit*- useful profe*»ion. Una thing he says, I have Wen Idling iiiv |.»li'nt» ii.r the Nut forty >ear«, that, so far at kast as the science of
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  • 551 3 Hiaoaruac, 28th Octobxk. 1901. PRODUCE. Humbler KM Copra Bull do PontUnak M Pepper, Black buyer* 8O.IS0 do White. (H*) 47.00 9»go Floor Sarawak 1.40 do Brunei No. 1 SJO P»»rl Sago 4.10 Calif*, Ball. 1«X b».i. 3.100 Coffee, Palembao*. IB* ha«i> ?».OO Coffee, Llberian No. 1 10.00 Taplora. small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedyis a great favourite with mothers for colds, croup, and whooping cough. It contains no harmful subetaoce and always gives prompt relief. Bold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary General Agents, Singapore. «-A
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    • 66 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED To SAIL. Hamburg via ports, Koenuj>h,ni, on 30th Oct., Behn Meyer A Co. Manila. Xirbudda on October 26, Boostend A Co Hongkong, Lais" tie duo October 38. Bountead A Co. CUTS, BRUISES, SCALDS and BURNS Or Like Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN-SPAIN BALM. A few applications will
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    • 338 3 NOT ISKViiM) MR Those who hnve suffered year after year from Rheumatism will glad to hear'of a remedy that has proved an absolute «|i»T,iii' There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from what <.*HU»e. 11,;.t cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Little's OrionUl Balm.
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    • 241 3 COALS AT GALLE. Best Welsli and InJian (Barrakur) always io s.ock Quick despatch. CLARK, SI'ENCE Co E. COATKS Co. Galle, October, 19,11. NOTICK. 'PHE Firm J. DEN BAK THE PIK TO 1 A Co., Stevedores and Shipchandlers, Seniiirurig. will from this day be known as THE NEW SEMAKAN<» STEVEHOKK. COMPANY
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    • 774 3 NOTICES. G"6Orff6 Pictures. Michael PHOTO STORKS, Singapore, ra NOTICK. STRAITS City Rubber Stamp. Short notice. Price rooderite. S7/ISAH 1, Robtnson Road NOTICK. /"iHirKKN and Ham pies (a la gelee) aspics. Ready for sale at the CHALF.I', *J» Orchard Koad. Taasts Cish. MR. J. J. GOLDBERG, optician of long experience, with
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    • 633 3 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OK Valuable 999 Year' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices &c.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 18th October. High Water. 11.3 p.m. K o. li. Polo. (*solgo«z's Execution. 8. V. A. Parade. Volunteer route march. 8.30. 3rd M. L. I. Band Gardens. 9. Harmston's Circus. Beach Road. I'ur-ee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Tuesday, aoth October. Hich Water 10.43 a.m. 1148 p.m. Legislative
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    • 77 3 WKATHKR REPORT ■'"■■aw ■."■■-'■l- H^-I'ni. nth Oct., !H)1. fta-m :ipm. Kp.m. Kkuakka, l»ar. *****2f1.*****.1W2 Temo 83.4 88.6 81.2 ajaf^ •V. li'll.l 7110 78(1 77..1 Sj.o Haa.'Twwa *«fl i War.'ln "tin MOJI ?S f-rr '.-.<! 74.1 5= MsiM Nil as"" The stindard time Ull at Ma Bntni fell correctly that at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 586 4 NOTICES^ NOTICE. On the Ist October, the CIGAR FACTO It V ot Manila knowu as the "Maria Qristina" with all rights, was purchased and formed int.. a limited Company under the style of the Maria Cristina Compania Anonima, Manufacturera de Tabacos y cigarillos, Limited. Until the ikhup of a new
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    • 1235 4 NOTICES. NOTICES. yi w MEN'S WEAKNEHE'S /JLANGUID WOMEN CURED. 111 it PLUDATCIIIT cure for them. I«y to such sufferer. YIN LnArU 1 1 A U I nU d mi! o,.'r.d L:i" how Toa 4 0 ELI CIO US your •afleriaga. It will only cost you* HUTIIITirC penny (or postage, and
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