The Straits Times, 25 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,664. SINGAPORE, FRID4Y, OCTOBER 25, 1901. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 T"H* BOBNBOmiIPAIIY, 1.***** ED TUB Maadarl Ufa Asanmiios. Novwicli Caioa fsaj laaanaes botut j. Isas mn« OompMj Kn»). W T V. aVi».t»bl. Ufa litMi Boeiaty. ■> 'h» CMa. Viiliir- Stsui rJavißmtwn Oomoaav T hr Tottaaftam La«*r Beor Oompasy. Vac particulars of thaw Coinpum, aas tea riJßfiTlll nl if THR BOKNKO
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    • 995 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^"ONINKMJKE PAKETVAART MA ATBOH APPI J Under contract with the Netherlands Indm Oovarnmeni. A fruit at Sinqaport: Ship Au»cv, lati J. Daikuils i. Co., 2-8, Count Odat. The undermentioned datos are only approximate. Hummer From fapactea Will he Dwipatc'wd for 00~ U.Uj Jacob 4iulucca» via Oct. 17 tjoerahaia
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    • 603 1 If AHIIIIW) -AMEKIKA LINIB II HAMBURG. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. M-nui tne unilTrnpntioDed dates: Outward ISOi. Homeward inoi «V Oct. 24 Snrlwn Nov 4 f«//jnr< Not. 7 XunitecJkou Nor 18 Vo»i>4/fc«,lNo».ai finj^m Dk. VtM«« /wm |)ec. 6 Slullgirl Dec 18 Prim Heinrich IH Aftn* 4f*erf Dec. 80 1802. long £»«"'ii Jan.
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    • 534 1 NOTICES JOSEPH niLLOTTS "ORANP PRIX." Pilßjguooo. HVB— Of Rujbsat Qaslitj ai hsvi v OrwUrt Barstdltj. u« m.rrhrc IsV El |H_K rPHE LONDON AND LAJIOABHIU I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,1*7,(00 Reserve Pond £1,073 680 rhe undersigned, Agent* lor the Companjr, are prepared to accept fire riikt at current raU-« of
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    • 435 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL KXCHANOE~ (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1730) THE undersigned, agents for the abore 1 company, are preptred to accept Fire Bitki at curreat rate*. BKHN MEYER A Co w. 31/1-J (ESTABLISHED A.D. 18S4) THE undersigned, agents for tbe abore I A company, are prepared to accept Fire I Kihkt at
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    • 702 1 BAKES. TTONSKMNO aA«H(.MIH.II 11 baicicthq oornKtion. paid-up capital t7|10,000,000 reserve fund.— Sterling Reserve..»lo,<Mo,gn'n Silver Reserve....* 5,;«0,*0/-» 13 /i 0' 00n RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 PROPRIETORS. |-|10,000,000 Coon or Director*:— 8m«w&, K«g.--c.«i«M<» Ho*. J.J. Bill-Utix* I Ditiitt Ciaiimax H K Tonm B '..Jb-— X*> I D. II Mow, Sao. I N.
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    • 416 1 LOST. I pOX TERRIER DOO Manicipil V o h a If Ten) T marked with black' on I bfnd, black pntoh on hody »nd near tail Finder will I*, rewarded oo 'returning to "PEANROW," I U< P«t«r»on Road 11 1 R. J. J QOLDBKRO. op, iclM 0 I car The
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    • 603 1 •witisb Mitiiu nr mm TEIJteSSd""' 1 Mit Cho>tr% Di r over Africa as commander of th- forrea «PJ""<« thr famoa. rebel <m'S£ /oderdateofflov. 41h.1r»? f, onl VrvLnrs? of Chamb.rl,l D Colic, CbcferaaLd DiarA Jr wbich uwd m "eif wbaa egg roved most beneficial.For sale by all dealers is madicinaa Afeon,
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  • 733 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS FRIDAY, 2eTH OCTOBER. Thanks to till MMtMf of II E i'ia Governor vr« have recrirud a -:n ill grey book I-' >:i' tiuin^ Cionar il Information fir Intending .-eillers in tho i. 1 Mai iy IMH Til i gist of i li- advice to
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  • 297 2 Whili admitting tbat the French are an excitable nation, one naturally refrains from regarding the Gallic race as principally composed of blithering idiots; yet what is one to deduct from the recent expulsion of General Davoust frum the Council ol the Legion d'Honneur? The Legion d' Honneur —so far as
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  • 125 2 As Australian paper notes that the Bsfsaaa steamer Tnnglin, which arrived at Melbourne on the UOcb ultimo, tilled her h inker* at Singapore with Borneo oil, and was enabled to steam to Sydney at a speed of from 12 to 13 knots. Tnirteen tons of oil were used daily, at
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1, lo|{
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  • 10 2 Mr. Werle came from Penang this morning by the lithe.
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  • 10 2 Mil Si'harlY came fro-n Samarang this morning by thn Tritos.
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  • 13 2 Mr Tnwer, Secretary of Lfgatioo at Peking, has been appointed Minister to Siam.
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  • 16 2 The belief is gaining in business circles that a trade revival has begun at the Cape.
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  • 17 2 Lm'NCHgs will leave the Pier for the Swimming lub on Sunday morning at 8.30 and 9 30
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  • 13 2 With to-day's issue there is a supplement containing shipping news and some advertisements.
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  • 19 2 Mll A. M. Marshall has been appointed to the post of Agent for the F and O. at Shanghai.
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  • 23 2 The M. M. s.s Loot left Saigon at noon on the 2.5 th instant and is due here on Sunday at about noon.
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  • 22 2 Tbk 25th Co. K. G A who are to be stationed at Singapore, are due to-mor-row morning from Hongkong in the Canton.
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  • 25 2 It is reported that Mr. A. E. Stiven has joined the Borneo Co., Ltd., and is coming out to Bangkok to manage their rice business.
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  • 22 2 Capt. De Gex, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, has b»en killed by a lion in Somaliland. Hn served in the Mad Mullah campaign.
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  • 24 2 The freehold property known as "Tyrie," Mount Elizabeth is advertised to be sold by auction by Messrs. Powell and Co. on the 6th prox.
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  • 20 2 Tin German mail steamer Bayern, which arrivod from Europe this morning, had on board 243 passengers, including 68 for Singapore.
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  • 22 2 One hundred and ninety-one deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 40.27.
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  • 23 2 The Lei Hang from Calcutta brought the fullow passengers from Calcutta Mr. U. J. Lane, Mr Michnlmore. From Penang, Mr, and Mrs. Kinder.
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  • 25 2 I'iiK following are the passengers on board the L"i Sang bound fur Hongkong: Rev. Mr. and Mi-- J M Alexander, Mr. George, and Mr. Fognini.
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  • 78 2 On Sunday next the Sopoy Linpa Golf Club links are reserved for a match to be played between Uiatns from the Sepoy Lines and Singapore Golf Ctatos. J0& To-IiIURT> performance ntHhrm»tonV Circus will !<• lor the bent-fit of Mr R. Love, the fti'iiu! and popular manager Mr. Lot* will appear
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  • 26 2 It is decided that no exchange com-pnn-ation in payable to nny Government, officer on other than bnna fitU salaries and allowances of a purely personal nature.
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  • 27 2 It is stated that Mr. A M. BurnMurdoch, Deputy Conservator of Foreata, Burm i, has been deputed to the Federated Malay States to initiate s forest department.
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  • 30 2 The Straitt Budget will be published to-morrow morning. It will contain sn account of the first two days' racing. Next week's Budget will contain tbe full account of the races.
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  • 39 2 The officers and officials on board the U. S. transport Mel* lan are giving a dinner at It itll.-s Hotel this evening, and the band of theXVlth M. I. will be in attenlance A very pleasant evening is anticipated.
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  • 36 2 The I'.irMH Theatrical Company will play for the last lime, to-m >rrow night, the popular piece Hawxi Stujlit A great demand for seatß is expected, the play being interesting and largely given in the Malay language.
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  • 47 2 This latent report as to the opening of the railway from iVtiang ts Taiping is that train* will b« abln to run through on the temporary line by the end of tho year, hut that the permanent route will nut be finished for some three months yet.
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  • 46 2 The passengers who left this by the Hamburg for Genoa, were Mr. G Roltger, Mr. A. B. Pryer, Mr S. M B.nar, and Mr. Robert M. Goldie. For London, Mr and Mrs. J. S. Smithson and Mr. H D Rihinson. For Penang: Mr. and Mrs. Fiendweiler.
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  • 44 2 Thb subscriptions for the Queen Victoria Memorial Fund ruined at Hongkong has reached 5130,5f0. The Fund Committee met on the 17th instant, and d-ridei to forward at once .£12,500 to the Suere'aiy of State for the Colonies, the balance to be sent later on.
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  • 50 2 Tiik returns of Russian trade with China shew that the Boxer disturbances not only seriously afTecied its volume, tint in many instance* annihilated it Kjr the first four months of the year, the trade t-i'a Kiakhta amounted to 850,000 roubles as compared with 6,000,000 for tho same period in 1900.
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  • 52 2 The transport Oity of Vienna with 754 Biipr prisoners, has arrived at Bombay, with 40 r.i-i- uf measles and 14 caseit of pneumonia amun^st them, two Boers died of pneumonia on the voyage. The prisoners were to he trained to Sliabjehnnpore. One thousand more prisoners have just left the Cape
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  • 47 2 Ahmed Altaoullah Bey Effcodi, the newly appointed Tuikish ConsulGeneral at SniKapore, was »t Columbo at the date of last in.iil advices. He is accompanied by his Chancellor, Hamid Klfundi, and his French Secretary, Jilalodeen Bey. They are leaving Colombo by the next P. O. steamer for SingHpure.
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  • 65 2 Mr. A. S. Aitk.-n, a native of Edinburgh and one of the oldest EuroP" in residents of Hongkong, died there a fun' days ago in his 64th year II was ill the employ of tho P nnd O. Company as engineer until he joined the Hongkong and Wliampoa Dock Compiny's
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  • 51 2 A Commutes appointed by Government have reported on electric lighting and tramwajs in Rangoon, recoinineuding the invitation of tenders for the supply and erection of electric power light installation and electric tramways on a concession of 2[ year* also tenders for lighting the public Ktreets, Government offices, and I'ort Trust
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  • 77 2 A Chivese coolie who stole four ticals in the market at limckok defended hiinsclt in court in a way that is not usual in Siain. It was true, he said, he bid taken the four ticals, hit then he had no money of his own, and he was hungry enough
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  • 66 2 The N. D. L. steamer Biycrn brought the following passengers for Singapore From Southampton Mr. S Mildred, Mm. Ellis, Mr*. Leatk, Mian Dduntzer, Mr A Mrs. Spencer. From Genoa Mr. \V. Unrewutt, Mr W. Schmidt, Dr. Hierscliß, Dr. tfaluz, Mr and Mrs. Bonnet, Mrs. Groeren, Mr. Parry, Mr. Peasop, Dr.
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  • 77 2 Before Mr. Micliell this morning Private Wade was charged with gambling in public at the Race Course yesterday. Accused pleaded not guilty on the ground that he was in a private place, to wit the non-mrmbers' stand for which he had to pay one dollar to gain admission. The Magistrate
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  • 105 2 Bkforb Mr. Green yesterday morning, Inspt. Batpman charged a Chinamun named Li Kens, the keeper of a rice shop at 48 Beach Road, with using a falte duelling and with tampering with the same. On the first charge Li Keng was fined 92b, on the second S7'> The same officer
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  • 153 2 A Mono the passengers on board the Bayern bjund for Hongkong are Mr. P. Stappa, Mr Longuet, Mr. Waltmann Mrs. Mnnrhead, Mr. hii I Mrs. Slave, Mr. K. Possval, Mr ft Kelaiker, Mr. and Mrs. R itter, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mrs. Unsworth, Mrs. Clausen, and Mr. Klimachmidt. For Shanghai
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  • 36 2 THE SETTLEMENT OF CRETE. DGCISION OF FOUR POWERS. LoiuUm, 25th OH. The Tempt states thot four of the Powers have decided in principle to sanction the incorporation of Crete into the kingdom of Greece
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 8 2 Colenbrander's scouts have captured forty-two Briers.
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  • 26 2 It is stated from Kusnian sources of information that the Japanese Government has granted Cores a loan of 7S millions of dnllnrs.
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  • 17 2 Marquis Ho has been admitted to tbe doctorsliip of lawn at Vale University.
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  • 27 2 Uter Lord Salisbury lias liad a long audience of the Xiii«. A Cabinet Council will lie hell to-day. The Kiug In-11l a reception od Monday.
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  • 21 2 General Uildyard's two guna, captured by the Hoers on the occaaion of General Gough'n revorne, have been recovered.
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  • 39 2 (24M fnrf lit) Hotel de la Palx. Mv Dea.-on, Mr. Mm WsbMl Mr. t Mrs. dUm, Men-r Wool. Jones. Ellis. Emitter, Luya, B-isligßl, Uobson, Man man, Ht Bar, K-i'.iy, Hon. Mr Ciirllo", Mei«n. Keuchenin*. Oul.Jenbi.rt, Kiiikuiii. l.u.iwig,
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  • 47 2 l.tmsi.ATivK Council meets on Tuesday uext, when the buninei>K includes: Final Supply Bill. Lepers' Ordinance Amendment Bill Criminal Procedure I'ode Amendment Bill and Licence* Bill, third reading Supply Bill (190 i), 2nd r-'ading; Or In Ordinance Amendment Bill ami Civil Procedure Ordinance Amendment Bill, committee.
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  • 98 2 Coolies molest a Syce At noon yesterday, a mob of Chinese 'rikisha cooli"9 in Orchard Road attempted to intimidate a gharry driver. They a-i..-mhleil in lar^n numbers and shouted Pab The nyce shouted for the police and an armed polico patrol which happened to be dose at hand
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  • 89 2 The Shanghai Team. Thk following have been selected by th* Shanghai Cricket Club to represent •Shanghai in the forthcoming Interport matches: F. Potter, K J. McKuen, A. K Lanning, V H. Lanning, V. H. C Weippeit, \V. K. Stanion, Captain Rose, Captain I'riie, J. Mann, \V. J Turnbull,
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  • 103 2 Arrived by the Bayern." I'binck Chun and his suite of 21 followers arrived here this morning by the German imiil steamer fiiym which went alongside the ivlrirf. A number of Chinese tuiikay* rlres«e<H in Mandarin rubes went on hoard to pay their respects to the Prince. China
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  • 113 2 Prince Paribatra arrived from Europe by the Baytrn this morning. The vessel went to the wharf A Royal Salute of 21 guns was fired by H M.S. Britk The Siamese Royal yacht Mnka Chalsrkri and fort Canning also saluted in turn. At 1.45 the Prince,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite, Geliguite, Gelatine Dynamite, Busting Uelatiue, Detonators, Safety fused. Elwific Blasting Apparatus, The aim-* Rzplnnres, bnug all tnuuu/1. tur"f fa 0N« Mk are made to paM the high standard 0/ tafety ai>d purity tests imputed by the British Goitrnment, ami are, therefore,
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    • 558 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Kelly Walsh, Limited, NEW BOOKS. Just received Tl.<- Time, Alls New Edn. (19 0) j 17pVDTT AW iciKirE. .on, EGYPTIAN^ Eastern Forest \<y W Pkrat. H- hi i^ A T>l7 r rTI?Q ttrSZ* of ,h. Empire „y A. 4 5 CIGARETTEb W. Jose 3.60 Through r«nte on a
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    • 236 2 RAFFLES HOTEL UlaeeWeek. Special Dinner: Thursday 24th Oct AND Criterion Dinner Saturday, 26th Oct. The Band of the 3rd M.L.I, will play during and after dinner. Dancing after 9-30 p.m. Pleass reserve saats previously. Brothers. Proprietors. CALDBECK, MACGEEGOR&Co. Wine Spirit Merchants Singapore. (Al«o at LONDON', GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONT.) Pkice
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    • 594 2 LATEST ADVEBTpMENT>, RAFFLES HOTEL Race Dinner. To-morrow Night 7!t30 p.m. The 3rd M.N.I, band will be in attendance during and after dinner. DANCINd 9-30 P.M. T AfcltJtf> Arim.N to inrodnce a >» highly drsiroblebußinuss. strait«born Chiueoo or Natives with knowledge uf the Bwatow, Osnton or H- »-n dialects ■luiy in'-'i
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    • 120 2 Pictures. •fl PHOTO ENGRAVINGS. Frum Uerlin, London and New York Photographic Company. Marlon Co., London. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same an so!d in Kurope. Special mouldings on very cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co. ADVERTISING SATES. (Per .tundarH line, (bourgeois) inch.) Fiist insertion IS cents. ,«<vW and third insertions, each
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 191 2 V>se "Straits Viimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES Ths STRAITS TIMES Deiily tsne, in Singapore —per cap) IS Cts. per month tt.iO per fcr 130.00 (111/ post) per month tt.SS per pear tSi.OO The STBAITS BUDGET: per ropy 40 CU. per year tl'.OO (By post) per year $10.00 NOTE The Straits Budget
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    • 168 2 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 35th October. High Water. 8.37 p.m Harmston's Cm v«. 8. l'arsii'u Tbeatre. Beach Road. 9. Saturday, 26th October. High Watflr IVJ a.m. fI.'JH p.m. Raves. Third Day. M M mail for Europe closes. 8 p.m. M. M. mail from Enrope due. Criterion Dinner. Kaffl Hotel. Harmston's
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  • 1755 3 T»i attendance at the Races yesterday afternoon was not phenomenally large— not was there any more than the aver. me amount of mild excitement to which we are accustomed at our race meetings The weather was serene, and there was the usual display of nice frocks, some of
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  • 161 3 Open (iriflin Handicap. Ficeman MM Ace of Clubs 10 li\ SpHrrowhawk 10.11.'. Bonaparte 10 M. Dulcineatlll. Skull- 1 !i 10 Harold 9 7. Beuvenuto V.H. Donit Dong 9.4. AlaricßO. Liucolnahire B.VJ. San Vile SomiTictshire H. 7. CMofaotT. I. O. U. »4. KlDfston 11. A S. 8.4. Ashk-rove X.?.
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  • 137 3 A 1 1: i l.uH George Hamilton to Mr. John (1 A. Baird, Member fur the Central Division of Glasgow, recoinmendu the engineering trade to adopt strong measures to expand the power of production and prevent contracts for locomotives falling permanently into the hands of foreigners
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  • 15 3 [The 81r,.i1. Tumi v nut rssuomibU for th« Oli'l'll- ilil Of 'I* ■'<>'■'" '[l'l»'tlt*. 1
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  • 262 3 To IU Mfcr of Ihe Straili Time*." Mk, My attention has been drawn to thelen.lerelteiothe "Straits Tiuoee" of tbe 3rd instant regarding my fish pond at Baleslier Plain near tbe Leper Hospital. It is there stated that al present all the sewage thereof (from the Leper
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  • 229 3 The Chinese Imperial Court left Singan or Hsian on tho 6th instant for Kaifeng. The Emperor and EmpressDowager started before noon, and the Empress and the Crown Prince in the afternoon. The people along the roads taken by the Imperial family have supplied enormous sums with the.
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  • 585 3 Lipis, 18M O't. Thk Paii.tng Corporation's tin ore export f'T Si-ptenib.T amounted to 4.'iO piculs (>unzei Lemning 442, Jeram H in.' 8), b«ing 459 picil. less than the August output. From the Blat alluvial mines 49 piculs were sent ..ff last month, and truin Lepar 65. The K'"
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  • 854 3 Horn*. Bin Kdward Grey, speaking at Newmale, endorsed the recent declaration I Mr. Aoq'iuh as to the necessity of he Liberals becoming indejwmlent uf lie Irinh party, as it «u uo» impossible or a Liberal Government u> fulfil tli< ondilion attached to Irish support. in.- publication of the
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  • 139 3 TH E PERSIAN GULF. Latest Persian Gulf news attributes the recent unrest to a movement of the Governor of Bunsorah and the Ameer of Nejd to capture Kownit Tbe Ameer marched ten thousand troops within easy distance of Koweit and took possession of the wells, expecting the Vali of Bussorah
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  • 113 3 Mu. i j.i p. my, heail ol the Laboratory of I'ublic Works at Hanoi, had been ollicially commissioned to inspect certain asbestos deposita which had been reported to exist nl Cao-Bang. Although tbe eearch has been superficial, it is staysd that tbe results are very promising It waa
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  • 353 3 Complications Thrcatend. Thk latest developments in the inland of Sam ir m.iko it appear that tbe military authorities there have decided tuat the agents of the Englinh houses in Manila must leave both Leyta and Sitnmr. It was thought (says the .U.i«i(u Tinuu of the
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  • 489 3 Litt of Unclaimed Ulten lying al <A« General I'wt I'jjicc, Singapore. Alillen. Mr*. Landor H. S. All. l ;ili.T. I IP. Lew D, J. Apcar l.iok, A Ai-edxamo* O. Lloyd. Mint A. Morton, T. W. T. Lv Iwi. K. vi. ut- W. ilaTa—sln R. w. Mmiuei, c. r.
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  • 547 3 Sihoapom, JRth Octobh, 1901. PRODUCE. Unmbicr buyer* I ISW Copra B»H..r ».W Ho Pontlanak 8t» Pepper, Blvk. bayen 1*0.76 do White. («X> 47 Sago Floor Sarawak S.4O do Brunei No. 1 S«l Pearl r«»o 4.10 Coffee, Rali. UX b««lt SSOO Coffee, Palembang HI* h«wia ?8nn Coflee, I.iberian No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 IN AMERICA. Chamberlain'- Cough Remedy is a great favourite with mothers for oolds, croup, and whooping cough. II cniaina tm harmful subatance and always givea prompt relief. Sold by all dealers in Medicine*. Tbe DitpeDsary General Agents. Singapore. B— A
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    • 37 3 CUTS, BRUISES, SCALDS and BURNS Or Like Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN'S FAIN BALM. A lew applications will effect a complete cure. For sale by all dealer) in medicines. Tbe DispenMry, General AgeoU, Singapore. 6— A
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    • 141 3 You must stop Couching. Tbe best way to enre Chronic Coughs, Bronchitis, and Chest-Colds ia to apply Little's 1 1, lent. il Balm. Rubbed well into tbe chest und back, it penetrates immediately to the inflaniLtl parts. The tickling in the throat cases the ttpssni weakens: Ihe cough disappears. It
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    • 141 3 TIIE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. (/?y llrt. Egtrtm Eruhcick.) Printed on antique toned paper, vith wide margins and uncut edges— 269 pages. PR!CB-t3«i 1/ I'm Saturday Rerirtc says Tho local colour ia well done and picturesque, the style ia cultivated, and tho character of tbe Bcnident Councillor himself capitally workod out and
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    • 962 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDEUS will be received at the 1 Color i»l Secretary'" Offtcre up to noon of the-fllai instant for stitching 31R soils of white d ill snd 4-1 suite of superfine bine cloth and supplying 43 helmets Christy's Lon Ion) for tbe European Varders of tbe Singapore Prison.
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    • 635 3 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OK Valuable 999 Year' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Oodowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph-Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices &c. Ti>
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 98 3 WKATHKR RKPORT. fsmtiM Curtail If.tptl'-, tilk OeL, IWH. »a.m spm.9p.m. .:>*•■■ e.t. Hk. S9 9t»-.^.«0.f1«98 Tern». HtS 57.1 W.O JiJe W.BlhTh*- 78 0 7ft K .7.0 0.-E" Uir. of Wind ii.w. ws.w. Calm "eSS a Mai. Temp. t-T.rt K."'S Mta 714 S=Z^ Mm. In 8un, 1 63.8 ll"4 Terr. red
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 564 4 NOTICEB. NOTICE. On the Ist October, the CIGAR FACTORY ol Manila known *«s tbe "Maria Qristina" with all rights, wan purchased and formed into a limilcd Compaay under the style of the Maria Cristina Compania Anonima, Manufacturera de Tabacos y clgarillos, Limited. Until the issue of a new tariff the
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    • 479 4 NOTICES. FOR BABY'S SKIN SGALP AND HAIR Something for Mothers to Think About EVERY CHILD born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to distressing:, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering
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    • 466 4 I CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD MEDICINAL SKIN fOAP «J j t—»» aya CIGARETTE! Smßgwga Ho. 566. In tint of M Ho. tte. Gold Tipood M Im Hm,mn< Hlwttl Tin*. Aftnti: KELLY WALSH, SINGAPORE M« Mamila.lur'r. ARDATH TOBACCO CO. I ..njon. I n lanJ TMI NEWFRENOHREMEDY tr *°eH Hm< r>Umii.lWiM blftl. p~Uar
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    • 592 4 NOTICES. AfHISforLEI&PEIIIir HI |H WOBCESTERSHIBE SAUCE. Bfl Special Wcrpant^^JJjEJ^ His Majestj Purveyors to The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. riLSKNEK BEEK. THE FINKST OBTAINABLE |o 4 Doi. Quarts SIS ff 1 8 Pints SI9 g. Jg SL less discount 6% Z l JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD. SOLE AGENTB. Maeniven and Cameron's
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    • 188 4 UNTOUCHED BY HAND. For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared l» »lmll»r to Irmt Milk. I I ""JJ"" WORST... rwm», I.OWDOK. EIWUHD. HIGH CLASS DIAMOND JEWELLERY ISMAIL& RAHEEEM DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELLERS. No. 82 I 4 82-2, BRAS BA*AH K'tAD, SINGAPORE. Are showing a Splendid Collection of High Class Jewellery Set
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