The Straits Times, 22 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,661. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 790 1 SHIPPING. FOR PESANfi AND CALCrTTA ESHRP Apcar A Co.* .teamer AX, -J'l* tons. Captain B. Bel-on. .ft Hongkong on the 17th I |i due her.- on Tuesdsy the jjr..l inst en rout, to above port* For freight or p**Hme apply to M-10 BARKIES* MOBES. NAVIOAZIUNEOKN KRAI K ITALIANS FOR HONGKONG.
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    • 551 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IJ-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Aamts at Sinooport: Kmr AuEXCY, late J. Daibuels A Co., 2-S, Oolltbb Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Kteamer From Eipected tVill be Dwpatc'ie.l for On v. Ua Jacok Molucca. vU not. 17 rloiraaia. BoelelenK, Ampenan, Soerahaia
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    • 590 1 INSURANCES. rpilE LONDON AND LANOABHIRK I FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,157,M0 Paid up Capital £212.760 Reserve Fund £1,073.6*) The undersigned, AgenU for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROUPTEAD A Co., Agent*. rK CHINA TRADKBS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed UjOOXOOi Amount P»id
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    • 714 1 INBUKAISCEB. I/UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARLS. Established ikbh. RERERVEB AND TOTAL OUARANTEF.H £4.'«0.000. THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept fire risks for long or shtfrt periods at currant rate* CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by tho Ageat* in Kingapore. 31/10 MOINR COMTE A Co PiTISH
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    • 708 1 BANK% IT ONGKONG AND SHANGHAI I BANKING CORFORATIOH. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling R«'«erve..|in,\ .largnono <ilver Reserve....* »,:60,000/ KF.SERVE LIABILITY OF* llr innnooo PROPRIETORS |-»lO,outmiuu Oockt or Dibbctobi:— B SBWW4II, t*).-CwUJIMAn. B. K foitiiirs K L. Ricmauto*. bq. A Bivrr, Eh I B Bc»rust. 0 II M'SasTEKO. K.i.Stwt* A.
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    • 459 1 NOTICES. mi im'imnj •noMi to h»iii«. cna -i. I i Cr%fii*»4 tbootT—fMt* u«m». rMUf, COALS ATOALLE. B«,t Welsh and Indian (Barrakurj always in tiock Quick despatch. CLARK, SI'ENCE Co E. COATH'-S Co. Galrfl, October, 19.11. K. WALLACE, Bronie Medallist, British Horologieal Institute. Watch-Maker and Jeweller RMPAIKK IN ALL BRANCHES <*l
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    • 703 1 CHAM BKKL AIM'S COUGH RfMEDT Hut bteomf Jamtnu Jar itt swrsf COUOH (XILIHJ CROUP WHiM>"twfJCoUo*t IKFLUKKZA Try it whan in need. For sali I.) ail dealers in medicine* everywhere. Nice 50 eta. and 11. Oen•ra! Agents, The Dispensary, jtiagnpore. WANTED partner with small capital for a good mining undertaking. Apply
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  • 1594 2 The Straits Times. PRICE IS CENTS. TUESDAY, 22ND OCTOBER. It is «o unusual for a Brilis'i subject to net-It to hfMMM jill.-Kiiticn to his own sovereign in orler t> bucoiu-i the MttfMl of tbe ruler of a kim-lorn not yet admitted into the comity of civilued natiom, svca'l.) I, tint
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  • 537 2 SELECTIONS. First Race Victoria! uv Second Harold. Third Ace of Clubs. Fourth Vanltas. Filth Boyton Sixth Vagrant Seventh Duhallow. Thk outlook at present writing (noon) is decidedly gloomy but, if the afternoon holds, fine there may b» a fairly possible track. The rain this morning, though heavy, was
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  • 157 2 Appointments. Mr. D. U. Ci n.ib. 'll, Secretary to Resident, to act as Resident, in addition to his duties, with effect from ISth October, 1801, and until further notice. Mr Henry Burton to be a Ist Class Innpector of Police, with eff-ct from Ist Augu«t, 1801. Mr.
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  • 85 2 Harmston's Circus drew a large attendance last night. Them was a change of programme in which Gus Burns performed in two events before entering "Duke's" d«n The tieer rtTcignihHd its old master, welcomed him affectionately, nnd went through the ii*n il 'ricks quietly. On Friday next, there will
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  • 35 2 COMMANDANT MARAIS CAPTURED. London, Oct. 22nH. Commandant Marais is among pri Sonera recently captured. AMERICANS AT TIENTSIN. The United States liai asked China to recognise her right to a Municipal ennces'inn at Tientsin
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 34 2 COERCION IMMINENT, France is determined not to wait much longer in the Quays dispute, but tc resort to such coercion against Turkey as is considered to be warranted by the circumstances.
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  • 81 2 TREATY OF BERLIN TO BE ENFORCED. Ulrr. France and Ru«sia and the Pawert are disciKiing about making joint representations and taking eventual action, f>r the purpose of ohliiring the Sulian to carry out the Treaty of Ilerlin. The points to be pressed are those regarding
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  • 10 2 Scheepers has been banished along with eleven others.
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  • 393 2 THE 'RIKISHA STRIKE. AFFAIRS STILL QUIET. A Meeting at Oovernment House. Thk slnke of rikisha pullers still continues, much to the inconvenience of the general public and the disadvantage of the coolies themselves. Armed police patrols are still out in the main thoroughfares leading to the centre of th« town.
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  • 131 2 A Brisk" Meeting. 11. M. S. britk intends la hold atl.Ntic spurU on the Ist of November ~.nd negotiations are being made to obtain a suitable piece of ground. The programme will include various athletic contests etc. Four of the ovents will be open to the public.
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  • 217 2 Large Gathering at the o rave-side. Thk funeral of the late Mr W Dalian took place at the Cemetery this morning, the K«v W H C Dunkerley officiating Despite the rain, a large gathering of friends had assembled to pay a last tribute of reaped to the
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  • 19 2 Tint P O. intermediate steamer Canton left Hongkong at ii'x>n cm Sunday, mid is expected here on Saturday tocruhfg
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 467 2 NOTICES. BELTING. John TulUn'a Llama Hair Belt Inr 'I the ino«t suitable kind made for Tropic. «i Climates Prise Medals ive been revived at no less Hi in Sixteen Exhibitions by Messrs John Tullis A ttssl for tleir manufacture, and we ronfidently recommend Llama Hair Belting a» being specially constructed
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    • 599 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS: BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to Order. Saddlery and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding. Polo and Walking Boots and Shoes
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    • 732 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET. A SPLENDID with h autif j (tarden. nrth HJstk-M ft, No ;.H Hill Street, formerly occupied I y acon.ul ■nilable for Hotel. Rent moderate Aldlv to ry HONG LOONO -'810 No. iflTelu Aver 8t WILSON Co.. PJIOTOSRJPJIErIS. 17 Akmkwan -Street. Telephone .No. Xmas 9*6otos.
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    • 126 2 Pictures. PHOTO ENdRAVINGS. From Berlin, London and N:w York Photographic Company. Marlon Co., London. 300 Different Subjects. Prices same an sold in Kiiro|>e Special moulding!! em vrry cheap terms for these pictures. G.R.Lambert&Co. ADVERTISING RATES. (Per standard line, {bourgeois) i inch.) First insertion BfSSSSa Second and tkird insertions, eack 10
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    • 68 2 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO BAIU Hremiintln v ports, Australia, on 17th Oct Uou»t »d A Co. Pnntinnni, Sambas, on 18th Oil., IScbn M.-yer Co Hongi-nnt!. A Apcar, due lHth Oct., Barklci Mooes Penanit aid Rombnv. Worm rf i, on !Srd Oct., Behn Mey*r A Co. Hamhurgvin ports Koenij'brj. on 30th O.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 193 2 V>6e "Straits V>imes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES The STRAITS TIMES: Daily urue, in Singapore -—per ecpy IS Cts. per montk ii.fO m per year $30.00 (By poet) per montk S. SS H .i per year $34.06 The STRAITS BUDGET: •< per ropy ,'■'.»'>,. m per year $U,OO (By post) per year
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  • 72 3 A »:u isimv in.'mt»r if the Liverpool >faip|Ma| c .mm.mi l > wttUs 10 a t'.'l'.in temlH-r iiHh us follows: "You will b* in'er-.tcl to learn that the VM.iie Slat Linn have pra.tici '•>■ to enter ihecnmpetition for the 1r.i1.. anl MMMMt traffic if tin- Kir Ki>t, and in
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  • 84 3 A ssmot-9 case of r ibhery and murder is reported from Balu Gaj ill in Perak In the morning of the Jo I m-l three Chinese attempted to break into a iNrt-hawt there The owner of the h 11-c and lii. brother gave chase la the thieves and with ilinaid
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  • 83 3 With a view to the rl. vdlopm-nt of commercial r-Ulioni >.iw .eu Rua.ia and the Far gener.iy on a wider ha-11, an instituiion c.ili d th.- lnf.irmatinn Bureau of Trade and Comm-rci with Eastern A-n is being founded in St. Msrs»», [I will ba*t hr.mch e>t •bliHlnnonts in all
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  • 92 3 Mr. J. 8. Gi.tch, the founder of the MMMw ag.m.'y firm of O .rd'.n and Goich died at Melh.iiinit* nn Btpt 24th Mr (ii.tcli j .iiied Mr. Cordon in c-taMi-hing the limt general newspaper agency in IMfcMrM in 1856, and the traneacti.ins of th- firm steadily increased until, in
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  • 123 3 THEC.iinmeixi il Pacific Cable Company, with a aapital .if ID),'*)) dollars, has been in.">ru >r itfd M Albany h\ Mrt<r> J i-,n W. Mi ■•k-.y, Clarenw H Umekmj. B-Imrd 0. PUtt, AIL.Tt Baok, Oe.irge U. Ward, Albert B. Cliandli-r, and Wnii.m U Cook, for the o\ laying a caMe froiu
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  • 73 3 If we are to believe a Mr. J. EI Webb, M. li. C- S, Rig, w.Ti in. in.,d., a siai. merit to UM lain Colonial \,eit,cnl Journal of Au«tr.i ia, the cure for .ancer is to be found in a vi ry simple remedy. He has made
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  • 64 3 As extract from the i'.m«»ofs,| t.mher 14m, Is Jl -K.^ut boers b m haw 1 at the Cape, of Q ad H ipi for having eicited thx farinem and others at Gralle BsJaM to revolt. Twenty others have been sentenced to lesser punishment" for similar offences, and
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  • 119 3 DIW the new sterling scheme, atks the ilai;y J/,n/, will an olß.er accept lug promolijn have to accept sjch pro.notion on sterling pay If hy future officers" is meant "officers who will obtain future promotion" the que--tion munt be answered in the affirm t' 1 vc
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  • 162 3 Official Changes THIRf. i« tn Im> a considerate shnffl ing of oflcial s-hortly. in lirnish North Borneo almost amounting to a General 1',.,t Mr J HI ifleld D.iul.i" goes to Kminnau shortly to replace Mr. Fiaser who is due for furlcuch, Mr D.ugl.«»> [.lace being taken
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  • 238 3 Mr Kennel Burleigh, writing to the •Duly lei. graph" from N laawpaott on Aiicii»t 17th, sayni-s hi IB in an.l 1. 11 nner are the only two B.ier cmnm.mdants of any note at the. 111 .Tn.nt within this Colony. Their numbers and courage are alike despicahle and
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  • 181 3 S"»«ti«m trill h is not s'rangT than fill 1 in, mi. reality MaMMfMf cut.;si>d supremacy with r.i,n mm in an Australian soft-goiHls h..u-e r-ccnilv. A young in in. newly arrived f 1 l.'.ndon. pr. s. nl.'d hiin-flf to the iniu.igi-r ..f a d.-|.art ment and applied
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  • 902 3 (From Aulntlvm p 'ptrt) l*>iulon, -Mlt $*pteml*r. Lokd Kitchener repuris that Lieutei.jiii All. r». of the Somerset Lii:ht liiluntry, who has latterly been attached to the constabulary at Xiv, Mdraai, was treacherously shot h) the Boers on the Mta Sept It appeals thai Lieutenant went out
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  • 1338 3 Fwcet are the uws of ndttitiument." London, H»pt Vlth. Yacht Race. This yacht lace for Ihe America Cup is 1 1 .11 nish Hi« mm 1 -;it 1, hi of the month; Him newspapers leave us no choice. Entire of Hi.- 11.11 m -w .1 1
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  • 163 3 At P,,rt .Sweitenhain, says the Malay Mm, Urn has been delayed by Hut of loading and unloading coolies Of 160 men sent to Port Swettenham a in. .nlli ago, ir- now dead and about 40 are sick. ( these circumriancts il is not surprising that local labi.ur
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  • 249 3 England v. Qermany. AssociATioN football is in its infancy in U.rinauy, no thai it cau be readily realised that the German eleven were c i-ily worsted in their m.mli with the -plendii baud of amateurs which IM Kinl. ill Association put into the field against them on the much
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  • 574 3 S!!C<1troRJt. •.>•.>»!. OCTOIIB, 1901. PKO1MT0R. CtamM,.- g 1J.TS Hull ais Ho Pontianak S Pepper, Black. bnyen do White, <o*) 47.00 Sago Flour Sarawak H.4O do Brunei No. 1 S.M Pearl Tiibo 4 10 Cotlm, Ball. iji«u ba.i, also f-onW, Palemhang. IS* ba«ls Ml.Oft 'Vflee Liberlan No. 1 17.110 Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 The PAIN of a W>R\ or 8CAI.I) is a run t in«tantly reh.ved by applying .h.n,1*r1.,,,V P»in |„,m l/.ij;' he .f, the Inland parti more quickly than hy an> ulli. r tr..|.tniei.t, and ept the kl rii yen- severe, doe. not l.a.c A IAR. For ►ale l.y all dealer, in
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    • 184 3 .HUSPJ 0 FRIEN r> LIKE AN OLD FRIfcND.-He will always help you in time of need. It is the s..roe with Chamberlain's colic, Chuiera and D »rrbaM Kerned It is as old aud tried friend in many thousands of bomrs and likeothjr om Ini-nd- can always tie depended upon in
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    • 262 3 ■one* S TRAITS ON* Rubber SUrap. J Short notice. Price moderate. 27/I-A" 2. RolnnsoD Road NOTICE pHICKES and Ham pies la gelee) s»pics. Ready for sale at the CHALET, MO Orchard Road. Terms Cash. uc. MR. J J OOLDBKRO, optician of long experience, with high credentials can he con.ulie 1
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    • 708 3 KOTICES. AUCTION BALK OK «8» YEARS' LEASEHOLD PROPERTY AT NEIL ROAD. To be held at Powell and Co.'s Sale-room. On Widnnday 33rd Oclobrr, 1801. At 2.30 p m. AREA 1,800 sqaare feet enm prised in an Indenture of Lease dated Bth May, 1876, for the term of 9W years. Together
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    • 638 3 I AUCTION SALES. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Year* Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, (iodowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping: Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 258 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, a>nd October. Hi,;h Waier. 4.4H Race Dinner. R.ffl Hotel. Wednesday, ijrd October. Hiiih Wsihi «.S7 .1.... «.ln pm. M np ,1 Meting. 2.30. Land Pale Powell, i.30. Harmaton'a Circa-. llh „-h Road. 9 Parses Ttioairt). Boavh Koad. Thursday, 34th October. High Wal.r. 7..1X a.m. 7.30
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    • 177 4 'Mio- tßiihwlitnjHi«lol'iminKiihi.ri-.A--tion» sre ated ttr. iKtmtr ih— ship bq.— barque ich.— »choonor; Yet— Yacht Ore.— Oruiaer Qbt.— Gunboat Tor Tornado H p.— Hor»«-pow«r Brit.— British I. B.— United SUtea. Fr French ()t.— German Dat.— Patch Job.— Jobore *c G. c.,—Geo«r»l■aitro H n. deck DMMDffen V.— Uncar tain
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    • 1135 4 Arkivv" Srnna Noon of Vksti«i>at. Athena, U.t str. S BA4 tons, Capt IVmner 22ud Oft. From New Tork, loth Sept. G c B«hn M«yer A Co. For M»nll», U Mb. Hatnt'r, Brit. str. 21« tons, Opt Mellor. 21st Oct. From I. Kwettenham, 19th 0.-t Gc, »nd 10*
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    • 662 4 Name, fort, probable date if amtaJ, and IMIIH 0/ a^#rrt«. HTBAHISiI. Adana, Hongkoni. Nov 15: O Wood. Afndi, Literriool, Nov ;P. Simons. Annam. Honxkuiw. .Nov M: 11, Maritimss Antonio Upt-7, R.tro.-lona. Nov I; Barlow. turn), Now York, pad Canal Oot 1 Mli. .11 M'hro, left Srpt 19 Anttfta,
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    • 96 4 For Prr tlr. 'tiw To-Mohbow. Pcnang and Bombay Bormida 11 a.m. Shangnai and Japan MerioKttlukire 1 1 a.m. Billitun A Fontianak B Whnit .Soon Noon. Indrainri Aing Ann Noon. Muur and Malacca far Mia i p.m. A«ahan and Deli 8 p.m. T Anson via ports Malnoo* 3 p.m.
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    • 102 4 FROMEraoP«: By theN D L.s.s. Aiyci due on Friday with dates to the Ist Oct. Hue brinxs replies to the mails which led Singapore on the SUt Angubt. eft Sin(!»pora Due in London Arrived SHptllth N. D. L. Oct 4th Oct 7lb Sept Uih MM. Oct Ktb
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  • 69 4 VmulNui' F 4* I Tom.} Cirtim F«o» Siimd.! Co«io»». 3 Rio. «0 iMbelU Datrtrl 84 N«cod»h Singkep Oet BTwiAhChoon 21 BatMier Brit .Ir.i SlBMellor PSw.fbunOct IB Mm Bin mid Co. 21 Terrier Nor .tr 1008 'Ki.mpj.rU 'Bombay Oet 9 lorneo Co, Ltd 12 Hambnrg O«r itr 651W Honukanu Oet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 495 4 NOTICES. NOTICES. I 1 J. MOTION CO. /f«ji RIGAUD'S tf Jl WATCHMAKERS, S Aft&ft&Cft JEWELLERS, or^APan OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PIMMIMI.Y EXECUTKD. TOILET WATER i...... w.. Tasmanian Jams. S i#T a.l IB* vm**L T*rfßßt I f u A. of i«t K.o.i.j« I lo«tf o( I JJF P l| > d #Vs La...
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    • 654 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD HMD 0f»I« SO. IS, CIUTOH ROID, BHAXiIHAI. lAS. A. WATTIE, Marnier. MESSItf. TAN KIM TIAN 4 SONS, Local Afents. The Company offers easier terms and bettor bonuses than any other Company doing business in the Kast. A special point in made of prompt
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    • 519 4 NOTICBB. NOTICE. On the Ist October, tire CIGAR FACTORY of Manila known as the "Maria Cristina" with all ri.'hta, was purchased and formed into a limited Company under the etyle of the Maria Cristina Compania Anonima, Manufacturera de Tabacos y dgarillos, Limited. Until the issue of a new tariff the
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