The Straits Times, 21 October 1901

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1901. NO. 20,660. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 950 1 fIUE WiKNEO COMPANY. IIMIIED Tl( JKawior I Life Assurance. -i lon Fire Insansos Buei*ty. Atl» a«sumi .c iVmsanv (Tn|. TW |a*M*M' I Vs>nrM<» Soewty. The iT.ii- St»Mi Navt,rati«i (V^spaay The To«svjh« m lagsr Hear Company. Fo> parti nl*n ol tIMM Coaspyues. ses ta* wi adv»ti»— i* rnitßOW»«o comPANT I.IM'ThP Arwt.
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    • 934 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T'ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract witb tbe Netherlands India (somnolent Anrnit at Singapore: Ship Aciescy, late J. Daxbdbu 4 Co., M, Cou-rEK O.IMT. The undermentioned dale" are only approximate Steamer From E»p«cte<i Will he 1 >«« patched for On U. U* Jacob Molucca* vis Oct. if SSfSSB, Itor-ifU-ny,
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    • 685 1 AUSTRIAN 1.1.d YD- s r K A M NAVIGATION COMPANY. Undeb Mail Coktbact with the at-stkiah uovebkment. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamer* may be expected to skU from here Uctwabo. Homeward. 1901 IDOL SI. Bacquehem I China Sept. -J6 Oct. 7 Trieste Oct. 20 Antt'ia
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    • 484 1 KOTICES. Milkmaid^ ,^/^mmmt^ brand Wh •V as* <ssm ar JmSKHL 11/lillT' ffiS <«vii. —jray IWI I I safm dsV^^Bsi Sgr-JL Guaranteed *WW CWDDSO *aO" (assßßl j-i ■!*«> Fall Cream. »i DJ >»> Largest Sale in the World. <r7 sssssssssV '^ViassssW Jtt •a^K 2* A/£ »X..v >- J? cup of it
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    • 468 1 INSURANCES. TH K PB<ENIX ABSUB«NCE OOMPAKT OK LONDON. (BSTASLISBSD A.O 1781.) Th* ondenigseu. Ag«at* for tbe above Com pan j, are prepared tv accept Fire Risks at the current, rates in Singapore, aad also in Johore and the other State* in thu Malay Peninsula. 8 1 1 VI N ft
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    • 726 1 BA_NJKi HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKINO CORPORATION. paid-up capitii |io,ono,ouo r -XliV r FUND.— Sterling Reserve..»lo,o o,uW» 1 t i a7W )oon Silver Rewrre... VaCan/""" 1 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 PROPRIETORS. J-tI<MWWS«i COCBT OP iJIfcSCTOBS C -'lIWI>. r~i ■ciih«.' Hoh. J.J. BitL-IsviK* i I)si-. rr >'siit»i. H. E Touiiki II L.
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    • 600 1 NOTICES. IXJST tMX TERRIER DOG, Maiici.iU X > MIL evenly marked witb black" on bend, black patch on body and nau tail Finder will bo rew aided on returning to "DEANROW," uc Patewon Road EVERYMAN 1 «v«S^!!^pSStSg c.m 11/jna *»s—*. v. sjk Kirmsm a •>.. htm •*> tr^i^jsssjz y^ nmhtmfmmftl^r^mj^,,,,,,
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    • 719 1 CUmWusiß'i C»lic, CheWm vi Oulttlkm IUBMdy. T8 EVERYWHKKK ACKNOWLEDGED X to be the moil successful medicine in use for rowel Complains. It alway* circs, and cures quickly. It can be depended upou even i the imv.l sever* and dangerons case*. Curas griping, all kind* of diarrhns*. and at the first
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  • 22 2 fiv Mm tM insttnt. at Die Aj^u»li»n H«ik Keuo-itory. OrcharJ RohU, llli v i-« lit, l;.iu of llul>nrt, Ta>mania. *0* m
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  • 359 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 21ST OCTOBER. Mr. E. 11. Bell's pending dipirture for home, after Ion; Md dim lafuUta career in the Striili ."'iiUl.minnu Police, reotlla the fact tiiat he i-nib idiod more ollicial upacilitM tluu a.iy employee of Government in this part of the world.
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  • 397 2 It is unfortunate that the order winch lias caused the jinrikialia strike should have been promulgated oo the eve of the Raca Meeting when the town ia particularly full of visitors. As a matter uf fact there was nothing in the order that might be calculated to causa a strike
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  • 76 2 Sumk weeks ago we noted the receipt of ap. iv i; c telegram announcing thai Mr. H. I. i:ii..,i.-, whj uaa for lung acted iv thai capacity, hat been delihitily appointed AgMl of the P. O. S. N Co. at Singapore. His man> iriendn in all the ports buiwoeu L
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  • 23 2 To-horkow is the anniversary of the birthday of Her Imperial Majesty A v'.iHf Victoria, Empress of German) ihd ii it-- ii of Prussia.
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  • 9 2 To- day's 4/ins bank rate is 1, 1 1
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  • 14 2 With to-day's issue there is a supple■nunt enntaining slapping neivi au I line ndmrtinenii'iits.
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  • 20 2 Xli;r S'riny.'r nnd fhrnily, and Mr. Tan Jixk and tM nrn (iue here by the i.onig AlUfl on Nov. 21st.
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  • 19 2 Skcosd UaoMnanta G W. Bricrley mid 1». Mucle»y, R U. A have been 1" 'in .:pd to l.i- Lieutenants.
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  • 22 2 Ikm tnoming it Cuinainun was sent t.< jiil lor two in m' ln for bciiij in i --i.--nm of a stolen 'rikitha.
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  • 23 2 Mr. H Alir.vnu mind from home by the V ii O mail on >aturday. and was greeted by a large gathering of frionda.
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  • 26 2 Caitai.v Hu'nnor of the ss A-.n: in' rwporta having h.^'n a wliite buoy marked P No. It ia Lat. 2.50 N. and I^ing. 100 44 E.
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  • 22 2 Inr public nre reininji-d thai itipln ikiotw for the Mnni<'ipil Lian of il,iiOi,(X) clwe on Oct 3 lit— a week xl Thursday.
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  • 26 2 T"TI! German mail utenmor liaytrn lun.i; left Colombo on the 19th mutant •t If in. is exieuted to ariiva here on Xi i J.iy at daylight.
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  • 26 2 On Tue><rlav and Thursday race day* tini Simla Tlmet will be issued at i p. in Tho hour of publication on Saturday will be the same.
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  • 24 2 Thr North 'i-iiu.iii Lloyd is now building 13 stnamers, regi<tAring ■JtoajMMr llO.Ji'Xl tons and 89,200 li irse-power. Twelve of thorn Invc f* in screws.
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  • 27 2 At.nEiiM\N Sir Joseph C. UimnHale, M. P. tur the City of London, will lithe new Lord Mayor nf London, in •uccetaion to the Kight Honorable Frank Green.
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  • 30 2 PmxcE Chun i* a passenger from rmany by the Kayrrn, due oil Friday next. He is returning to China after having completed thn mission of apology to the German Emperor.
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  • 33 2 A L*no» number of tlin 8 V. R. Kr«rl their course at tlie Tanglin Ringnon Saturday afternoon, ami a number of men qualified for the marksman's badge. Other men have yet to fire.
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  • 33 2 As the result of an altercation at HariiisWn'9 Circu* nn Saturday night, negro is alleged to have «eriou«ly a-saulted two persons He was arrested, and was up at the Police Court this morning.
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  • 42 2 This morning, before Mr. Michel), a Portuguese girl, married, named N. Norri-, aged 15 ye ir«, was charged with theft of jewellery valued SI.VJ Property to the value of $100 was recovered by Sergt. Fr.ivne The case was postponed till the 28th.
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  • 37 2 Thk P. h O. s'eamer I'arramntt* brought the following passengers from Uombay, Mr. K L Wool, Mr H. S. Lerescho From Punang: Mr. Pickenfrack, Mrs. Collins, Mr C. V. .Stephens, Kijih Mansoor and Mrs. G. K. Buttery.
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  • 42 2 Thi Si.-ime-r- warship Mali* Chnkrtri, '-'.■J(«l tons, 300 crew, 12 guns, which arrived from Bangkok as we went to press on Saturday, has come down to meet Prince Paribatra, who is a passenger from Europe by the Bayrim, due on Friday next.
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  • 41 2 Thk Malaecd from T. Anson brought the following passengers this morning Mr Swan, Mr. Justice Jickmn, Mr Biiley, Mr. Watkins, Mr G. Cummers, Mr. 4 Mrs. Spoonur, Mr. Tedlin, Mr. G. Hjlh, Mr. U. Muir, Mr. Allnn and Mr. Chile. .it
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  • 42 2 Wbkn Mr. Voules proceeds to wield the willow in Hongkong, Mr. Maxwell will become Registrar of Courts for a month, his place on the Bench bcinp taken by Mr. Dickson Mr. J-ll will th.-n act hs D. 0. at Kuala Lm.i'.liatay Mail.
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  • 78 2 Aboct 3HO p.m. on Saturday a report w.i« made at Kandang Kerbau I'olire station that a Kline had ntu-inp-ted to commit suicide. The man wannconsciouF and was sent to hospital On recovering consciousness a stalement was taken from him by Sorgt Stnplny. The man stated tliat he MM held down
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  • 1146 2 PULLERS STOP WORK. Streets Patrolled by Armed Sikhs Gharries Smashed and t'assengers Molested. £inqafou wuke from its slumber* this morning ii> lirni iliere w.n uol a rikibliM mi the Mn-cii tn i'iiii.elicited lual ttie 'riki»ha |» in tin town had gone out on slnke in a ii iity
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  • 41 2 A MLR of rare ferns, |>aim>, aroMa. n see. cunnn», rtephunutii, l»v v, i-i. its iiilvi-ru-fil tn he Iih1<1 il Tll« Priory," Kiver ValUy K <ad Tli» owaat li» m hi <wv<ral tirm t>riz«a for ferns at ill* Ijc«1 fljwer ihun.
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  • 55 2 DEvVdT NATAL RUMOURS OF HIS DEATH. /.Won, Ml Octobtr. Tlipr* »r» per«i«tHnt r.-p..rn in Natal that Drwel in tienrl. ROYAL TOUR OVER. The l>uk« and D.ic!im« ..f Cornwsll and York h»»e readied H.ilifm The Royal Tour is now completed. YEOMANRY SAIL. The Urn dr.ift of M-<mli* ted Yeomanry
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 47 2 BOER LAAGER SURPRISED. london, 21,/ October. A detachment of |ha Ctn.ulian conItegHN b<u atirpriiuj i l.iii;er, killing ,lir,« 01,***** ini four ..t Iht Bwra. I'iie t>n«iny ah in 1 «\M rurything in tlinir lli^lit and fMatMkn of Mock, Uuil, ual «m n l:n; on wr.; -ijiturad.
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  • 182 2 At Knifl Hotel on Satunlny night 1 farewell dinner was given Lo Mr. K H -11 by his Ohlaoaa lriend» in Singapore iy whom 110 ii he. I in kiaji r.; m >.. vbout thirty sat dowu tn dinner iucludi* Maaam BaaA i.,ang Baah,
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  • 355 2 li it «i i ui "lt")t we learn of Iw tan Mr. William Dalian which ivtinl at Inn residence at six 'cluck ti.i- morning. Though it m known that Mr. Dalian hits been f riously ill for several months past, iis death was comparatively «udden
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  • 109 2 A Dauikl telegram dated early last month stated There has beon a wholesale collapse of the men engaged in the Western Manor uvros. Two regiments have fiO per cent, of their strength incapacitated, while nr«ny more have irom 200 to :<OO men each on the si -k
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  • 119 2 Thi result of tho play for the October medal at the above club on Satur day was as follows Kyunersley, J. II I). Jonea, Wathen, Anthoniii, and Uenile returned no scorea. I>r Ellis having won before, Pearce takes the medal. H'CAP. Dr. Kills 4S +4* BO
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  • 92 2 Tub Mercantile (juardian notes that Singapore Tramways, Limited, is the style of it company which has boon rendered, with a capital of XJ.OOO in XI shares, to establish, maintain ami work by electricity, steam, horse or other power, rail .ml tr.nn roads in the Straits t>otil«'inenl(i, to carry nn the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. IUjASUOW. M ujii.'aclur^n* o' DynamiU-, Geltffnitc, CFelatine Dyuami(«, blasting (jclalir.o, Detonators, ILL lISM OF Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. Th* ahon Krptvnic', hnng all munw taihertti m iJreai bnlnin, an mw/« In ftw the nigh ihwdard v/ iaffty a d fi*nty tttU •mputt.t by the
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    • 302 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Whiteaway r*iJi*4* In Black r Laidlaw 0W Whlte Chlffon nmnrg Choice Seleciion Ci^m V Wir^m%^mW Chiffon Ruffles and i.' $8.00. BOAS '-^Hi Each. RAFFLES HOTEL VlaeeWeek. Special Dinners: Tuesday 22nd Cct. Thursday 24th Oct MM Criterion Dinner Saturday, 26th Oct. The Band of the 3rd M.L.I. will piay
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    • 794 2 IMI'KRIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK FOR HONGKONG, -HVNOHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS. 'pHE Imp-rial German mill uteuner 1 /;il'r«v, rapt tin Hli-u-r, of the BoraVl— taohat 1.10y.1. having left Colombo on s.iur.liv. the Iwth intant at J p.m. niny be expected to arrive hcrq on Fri -lay nt .iayli»:hi. th -.»Mh inst
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    • 472 2 LATKST ADVERTISEMENT.^. ICE, a Hiiii.lor mmteu a >lart in life I i» Sin wort, in a Men:aMtl« (Iffl.-e \ln* hud livi- fej/mtu ix[i. ri.-ii-.- n up cantilo work, anil know, hook-ke. ping and typ-wriiing Wood at Eng i»h >nmpo-i--tloa, can proluoe cxeellimt lemimoniaU and ref< rencen. Modi-rate unrt n» i-orre-ponient
      472 words
    • 120 2 Just Received a new supply of 100 Different kinds of Picture Post Cards PANORAMA CARDS. With or without Handpainting. G. RJ.ambert Co. ADVERTISING RATES. (Per ttandard line, (bourgeoit) i inch.) Fint iaaardaa v rente. Second and third insertion, each 10 eenll. F^nrth.Jifth'tnttiisth iiurr'uiiu, each S rente. Srcenth to eighteenth I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 178 2 13b<" Straits "(Dimes." SUBSCRIPTION RATES The STtAITS TIMES Dailyttsue, in Singapore per copy !S Ctt. per month t! SO p*r year $Ji\oo (By pott) per month $>.U per year tt*.oo Tht SIR AITS BUDGET: P"-"n *>«.. i. >• per year (By pott) per year t/0.00 NOTE .—The Straits Budget
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    • 173 3 U*t* t »-:nlin«thafollnwin«al(V"- lnn< tr.' •■\i -itr— staamer th.— »hij. fo.— ban. te teh— schooner; Yet.— Yarht Crn— (!r'i.<er: «ht.— Gunboat TorTorpedo. Hp. -Home-power Brit.— Bntrsn U. B.— United Sta'-eo-. Fr.— Freacb Ger.— German Dut.— Duvh iob.^Jobore Ac, O. c—Genrral;hruo d.n. dock pataocgon: U.—Uw«rtain T. P. W.—
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    • 1218 3 A&bivils Smci Noon 01 Satvkimt. Asakan, Ger. itr. 161 tons, Capt Hubner, IMb Oct. From B«l>no, 16th Oct. Q.c, and 1 dp. B«hn Meyer A Co. For Atahan, AyetKan, Brit. Kb. 112 tont, Naoodah. IMb Oct. From Kelantan, IMb Oct. G.c. Htrtit« Cattle Trading Coy. ForFaUoi, U-Kdl.
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    • 658 3 Nmme, port, pntbabit dit*. 9/ mrrimt, mnd nnm* of agents. STIAMEK* Adana, Hongkong. Not 16 G. Wood. Afridi, Liverpoul, Not ;P. Simons. Annam. Hongkong. Nor 24 j M. Maritime! Antonio Lop>'7, Barcolona Not 8 Barlow, llama. New York, p'sd Canal 0 1 i Athe«ia, New York, Oct 21
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  • 64 3 •V I'rr ttr. Time. To-Mokbow. Negapatam tin porta Zaida i p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Balmitr 3 p.m. Pontianak Sri Pontianak 4 p.m. Wbdrudiy. Rillitun A Pontianak H Whmi Soon Noon. Penang and Bombay Bormida 2 p m. Atahan and Deli AMaKan 3 p.m. T. Anton via ports
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  • 44 3 Fbom Eokofi By the N.D. L.i.s. Bayern dae on Friday with datei to the lit Oct. Sbe bring! repliei to the maili which left SiQi:apore on the 31st August. From Ciik «■-»>• tbe N. D. L si Ha<n. burg due on Monday.
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  • 75 3 eft Singapore Dae in London Arrived Sept 1 1 th N D L Oct 4th Oct 7th Sept 14th M. M. Oct Hlh Oet 9th SeptitOth P. 40. Oct 1-Jth 0.-i 14th Sept -'Uli N. D. L. Oct 18th s-|.i Mth M. M. Oct ftnd
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  • 308 3 i rut VswiL'a Nami A Ton. Caftah j Rio. 10 Ayefbah Brit Kb 119 Nacodah 10 .Aaaban Mr. l«l Habner 18 iFarfalla lUI «tr. U7 (iaftgmo 19 CbeanK Chen Brit atr 1.'13 IFrampton 18 Nor Mr. 1130 Toliefnen 19 SinKapore Brit itr. 748 'Oray ID I'urr.m ilia PAOMr.
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  • 159 3 Tn> i!.n a' Line of«t. ninrm, which 1.-en plting I. 11 tsf "01 Uarmanj and Knirlaod, have, jnn'ly with th. IllSSOlllH oune.l I. MSm Mm li-h -d a new Mirvici (run India tn Xew York via the Sues Din. Oct 19 19 tl SI SI SI SI SI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA S I EAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR RANGOON AND CALCUTTA ■JiHK Company'i tteamor KUDDEA, 1 1,944 toot, Captain Hare will bo delpatched for the above port* oa Monday, tb^ 2ltt in-unt. at 4 p.m. For fneiflbt or pasaage, apply to 21-10 BOUbIEAD 4 Co.- Agent*
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    • 171 3 Funagoya Tansan. The above Mineral Water, for which we have jnt>t been appointed Sole Agents, is bottled at FunagoTa Spring in Kiushui, Japan, and is an invigorating and refreKhing drink. It mixes excellently with whisky, brandy or milk, and in this respect is tiHualW preferred to any other Mineral" Waier.
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    • 585 3 SHIPPLNG. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. VfEBRRfI Apoar A Co-'l iteamer IYI C. APCAR, 1.71 ft toni, CapUla M. Belson, left Rongkoat on the lT«h in«t., and I* da* here on Tuesday lbs itnd inst *a ront* to abov* part* For freight or patsag* apply to 32-10 HAKKIF.S A MOBKB. BRITISH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 John Little Co., Ltd. Wine and Spirit Merchants. FOMMBRY <t GRENO-S Champagne GEHI.ER A Co India Frail I Pry EXTRA DhY." AYALA Eitra Dry." C nek burn and Campbell's Vino de Pasto Sherry John Little ft Co. s Firm White Seal. Dciohard Co.'s Liebfranrailch Musley's Celebrste-1 Old Tawoy Port. do
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    • 196 4 BAONAX.I- HIIA.KS 96, RoHnton Hood. HAVE ON HAND:Electric r .in.. Ceiling and Table, W, Us, m 100, 110. and 130 Volts. Designed to operate from Incandescent Circuit*. Any Voltage to order. Direct or AltemstinK Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volta. Inspection Invited from all people who have Ilvnamnd installed.
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    • 524 4 Robinson Co. i i Have just unpacked. .{aijSL Waterproof Coats v Waterproof Invernesses gag? Waterproof m The Army fii' K A Regulation mf. ..r r i^» Waterproof. fS ;'^^hß The Naval I Regulation ?^B Waterproof. p^WU' All sewn seams %JLdOP throughout a^E^ Robinson Co. AUCTION SAI.KS. AUCTION SALE <>K VALDABU
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    • 543 4 NOTICK. SIRi I n City Rubber Stamp. Phort notice. Price moderate. I, Robinson Road NOTICE. |JU!«»IAK Volunteer Fleet s.s. KIEV, IV will Mil for Odessa, in the beginning of .Nove.i,t*rnext. For freight apply to R. A. PALHOREN, -■'•in Agent. NOTICE. < 'HICKKN aari Ham pies (v la Rel.-e) »Hpii«.
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  • 53 5 MWmiM for ihe regi-triti 11 and coi.trol f nki~lia will -liortly com. inio force at Kintkok Om rule la that the number of the rikislm must b« not only on the VHhicl-, MM on th» puller's drea*. Most of the rikiahas at Bangkok .ire said to be played out
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  • 60 5 Til* new InMMM twin-screw armourel aranr, Oiaay, l'»..jiio tons, which M coming out to the China station, will be here probably about tin ■r-ei.'iii'i.ngof n. xl MOOtb. Thevessel ia in coimnand of Oapi lenry M. T Tudor and w«« commi-i mcd nearly f-.ur months hl'o at Purl- .loulh, whero the
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  • 73 5 Bifokk Mr Miehell, tI(M morning, one Umm V.i ki.-l BHa*. a Jew, charged his son n Mil Umm Mm (of theft of one pair of leather shoei., value Sj, the [.roperty of lii« father. Accuse 1 »a» f.iiiid guilty and was ordered hy the •c to lee.ive ten strokes with
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  • 74 5 Th« Dated Hteaner Ik Carw»ti»r nrrt v»*n tin- rti'iroinc fr' m i Jn va hrintring tl-p li.llnwitig pai-rtreirs: Mr. R K. Biimley, Mr W A Kvanv Mr. Te Van, Mr W. Ruddineh, Baron H. Hmmlwilmi. Mr de Favange. Mr. O. Huh", Mr W M... 1. -.11. Mr John H. Kar
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  • 95 5 As order hi< cone forth that the reputation of Strain cricketer* shall not he endangered riv the ar.«ence of M S. mi. i after all The voice is that of but the hand la the hand of Our readers, say* the Ksbf JM2, ran fill in the blanks. Mr. Ellerton
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  • 31 5 THr crew of the c lilinz ship Bou-mnn H Lfr IhfafMM irn'n in all— which »a> iwliiiiiil hj fiteiit Tnsal. ■cntlv. »rrivi-i here Ihil mnrnine hi thn Dr ('■•rnrnlirr. Tl K
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  • 53 5 Court of Inquiry hrn Tl>« llorm»n B.tmtwmla/lrn wkhftMM (•«•.••< al pftrolcum. part of which had hcpn rti«char B eH The rrow wmni tlii>m«lv*« in tim* Th.vp««ol m»a«nr»l 1.X&0 tnn« RnH wa« huilt in l>-*-» Sim Iwlnneeri :o W. I and On .of Tfath, Nova Sc«'i» Th» p<-fnl<>iini was consigned to
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  • 88 5 Mr anrl Mrs. Henry Dallas, with m new theatrical rompanv. MNa returned to the E*«t in 'he P and O. r.i'e'iri. Tho Company are to perform at Calcutta and. on the steamer Mn.-hinsat Bombay, Mr. anrl Mr- D* laf travelled overland hy rail, while the real of the Company, with
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  • 168 5 The K..]me Coffee and Knbhcr Company (Limitel) his Keen registered with a cap.tal ot £MS>«> in XI shares. The to a-'qidie (I) t c Wtst C.intv MM in .-elangur, on whirh ii,e Bajtioast «'f tiow inp and dealing in •■■a, ruhler, nnd fruit, and -.lie 'or
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  • 171 5 KkinvY's ii(ir«r,i.n«ii' Gazette tontains the f .Mowing letter from the Furrim Dllice in the matter uf the China Tariff A Protocol reiording the Agreement arrived at between the Powers and China in settlement ol the dir.>nr' .nee, in China vMch took fMM la-t year VMtifncdoa the T'li lasts
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  • 223 5 Now He Met Mis Death. As Amsterdam paper, the MtsjSN ran 'irn i>g, puhll-hes un account lit tin, fad fate <>f theUte Mr Vinder Burgnf which the Mlowing UmmmJmi Em been kindly furnished t > the Anita Timet —A fMMJ aiiilenernniir Netlicilander has lout hie
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  • 1232 5 Od Wh. Tin: Vit her tMmdm ii.ts been -l..\u^ in K11.11.1 l.iiiM|nir for v I, .1..\-', iiiu,:i t.i t:io eiaiiiicati.Mi of Ut many In.'inN, who are at all sorts and ,■..11.1111. .in. Tlie.riik. t LanifrimtheStr-iit^wliieh is g>'llig to ll' ll<koiU, IS UOt tj be d.,11
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  • 618 5 Qus. Burns at ll.irmston's Circus. Uw MMML nli.i in- jui-t arcovend fr.-in llie eir.-. i, of a mauling b. the lig.r Duke," in Jnva, will enter the c.i,... for UMWist liiii«Hincethe iii iiiling, at Ihe circus to-mglit. Bums Im' Ii el a good many wi .1 alveutures,
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  • 235 5 S. C. C. Committees v. The Rest. A HATCH between elevens representing tlie above was pl.iyed on the K-planade un Saturday with the loliowuij result The Rest. E. Bradbery cGr ill .m b Uaniafkld S M «ri»,.« X -tron -eti c .-ir t. b IMrMsMsa S Han'iHfiird
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  • 66 5 All tlie above inatrhea begin ut 330 p.m. on Saturday. Oct. .1 (i h!.T«> iiw 12 l: A i; E. ID Raffle* School... Nov. -i Royal Artill-ry IS 8. "C. C. £id XI 23 RaMeo Scbool Dec 7 1: l; I 11 R. C. C. 2nd X1...
    66 words
  • 49 5 iri stand on my head, tho Mood all riiß!i.-B to my head, d.xwn't it tin one vent ured to contra'lict him Now," he ciintinued, triumphantly, "when I utand on my feet, why doWt the Wood all tnah to my f^i'if" "B.<can«e," replied Hxetetter McGiunis, "your feet are not empty."
    49 words
  • 333 5 A ■MMnMMJ incident otrurred nt llu S ,v»y Hotel MOM time MMj on Hit: birthday of lUmMM Aiii> Sliernin, in wi,.,oe honour a Majwaf |«ny w»s being hei.l, and on whu 5 e menu card Mr. Muy MW an exquisite ii lie. Uriwiog at a souvenir
    333 words
  • 771 5 Afghan Affairs. Thi ne*--|i i|>.:n MMaWh long oiiiitiaiy notices of the lal-j Anjir, the articles recognising bis sagacity and energy and efforts to improve hi* couiiuy, and hoping that Habibullan inherits his father's strength and capacity While regretting the Amir.--death, the articles rejoice that it his cume wh.-n
    771 words
    • 549 5 flUOAPORt, '.'IST OCTOBEII. IflOI. Oimlwpr tuyere 19.40 I "onm Rail B.OT do Pontinnk «SS reppor. Bli-k. bnyen 3KM do Whlt».(S%) 4700 Sago Flour Har«w»k S 40 do R'Unfli No. 1 S *^O Pearl r»ro 4 in •'offee, Buli ir.x h*«i«.'.' ?1 isn Coffee. p»lemhnng IS? M«|a. '.>*nn f\iffe». l.ilwrian Vo.
      549 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 IaWJU ADVEMTI^ED T0 BAIU Fn-mantlev a ports, Autiralind. on 17th Oct l.'.n-t cl V Co. l'.mti innk, Sumtxu, on 18th Oct., Behn M yr ,v Co Ho' A. Apenr, due Hth Oct., Par-kl.-».t MMM Penann a id Bombay, florin -Hi, on 23rd Oet Rehn Meyer .v Co. Hamburg via port*
      149 words
    • 57 5 The PAIN of a HURV or BCAI.K is amo t inatantly reh. ved br applying. ('b.mberlatn'. Pdn Balm. It also heals the ininrel part, mor.- quickly than by any other tn'iitinent. and x ept Ibe le m it very teeer... iloes not leave A -CAR. for tale hy all de«i,r»
      57 words
    • 187 5 FACTS OF ABSOKBIXO INTEREST TO THOSE WIIO All IX THE CLOTOMata OF h-HEUMmSM. One cannot bu too quickly cured of Hheum Htm log t rid of ibot- awful pnins th it ra iko life a never-ending series of torture nuw mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morro» hobbling around in
      187 words
    • 834 5 .NOTICES Attention I Attention 1 I Tn-SIGIIT, 21st OOTOnER at tbe Parsee Theatre "ZAL OOHER" TO-M'iRROW SI IHT ••BULBUL 11 and a farce. Great Seduction in Admission Price*. B'-10 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. ROYAL MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. crowded NMWnVt ADMITTED TO BE Ai.WAYS HIE BEST To-Nlght. To-Night. Mr»l appearance of
      834 words
    • 565 5 NOTICES. Gr6orff6 Pictures. I Frames l Michael PHOTO STORES, Singnpore. KXCHANGE BANKS I 'pHK Exchnngo Mm k» will h« closed at I 1 noon on the following daya Tn«»l«T a»nd Intt 1 Thurwiaj 241 h j R °*J*I 1 1 o \|KCH.\MC\I. engineer, eiperienced, I ill desires engagement good lestiI
      565 words
    • 633 5 NOTICES'. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Year* Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Oodowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping; Coy's Offices, Lejal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices fee. Te
      633 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 155 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, list October. Hi*:. V»^,,.. J.1au.,,,. M On. lat Quirter. O.'-I a.m. M»rni»l<.u'» Circu-. llet.h K0.i.1. V. i i r, II",. n Km,. i. 9. Tuesday, a and October. ilign i-.»iu. 4.10p.0. Uouk Hale. l*uwmi. 11. ka rirM ..ay. ItM cl m> .Noon. Sr.u Ji.,.i-, Ul ,,,,ti|.m
      155 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 479 6 NOTICES. NOTICES. LANGUID WOMEN I llM^n «^M HIE CHILOHtK Basssss^LaatwawUtJaVaaH YIN CHAPOTEAUT r* A iri 1 -aimum wm mm r Th«e capsules cure A >luclO lf* m ritt I recent and chronic discharges. I tTMUUKT THIY «YE« MIL TV* iilwMlirr w*»m U Mail' imi*Um«. wkm IHtM m J m tfkMt
      479 words
    • 1210 6 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION I-'V 'l.'VlVlll'i'l. 1 Fortiiy tbe System against Disease lid PURE BLOOO. "THfc 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." OP KID JAMAIO*. met tiit. fcM nl A^i Xrf It Ir* 1 i l,w Z^tVM TORPID I m, DEBILITY, ERUPIIU..S, WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And all Impirltltt *f the
      1,210 words
    • 517 6 NOTICES. NOTK'f:. i n the 14 October, thu CIGAR FACTORY of Manila knovro as th« "Maria (Sristina" with all ri.'lits, whs purchased and formed into a limited Company under the style of I lie. Maria Cristina Compania Anonima, Manufacturera de Tabacos y cigarillos, Limited. Until the iaaue of a new
      517 words
    • 750 6 NOTICESCHINA MUNUL LIFK INSUUINCE COY, LTD Hud Drrics No. IV Ca»io» Kc-ad, imias.ihji. )A9. A. WATTIE. Manbger. MESSItS. TAN KIM TIAX SONS. '^>oai Agent*. The Company offer* easier terras and better bontiHSs than any other Company loing business in the East. A »p. cial puipt is made of prompt payment
      750 words