The Straits Times, 16 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,656. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 742 1 JTEAMSHTP COMPANIES. (MMf.'i MR DKS MESSAQEKIES j MAKiTIMES DE FRANCE. TIIIOI.UI.IC ADDSBM: MBStAOERIE, SiHUAroaa The mail «learners will leave Singapore on or about me undermentioned dates. ODTWAID. HOMEWAaO. 1901. 1901. Dates. Dates Invil Simoiu Loot Oct. 17 Oct. W SaUuie Nov. 10 rVwim.n Nov. 11 Annam Nov. 24 I'atva Nov.
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    • 712 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T-oNINKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAATBCHAFPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agntt at Singapore: Ship Aoexot, late J. Daerdel« A Co., COLLTBB Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamar From Ea paused Will be Deapateied lor On Swaerdecroon Pontianak Oct. 14 Singkawang and Sambas Oct. 18 Ailing Cotie
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    • 566 1 ENGLISH Mining Enuineer and Surveyor, shortly terminating present engageoi'-nt, wishes further employment as sucb in the east Address "MINE" 16-10 c/o StraiU Timet. MR. UEOKGE LAWS, M.E. A.I M.M 6, Battery Road, hingnpore. having had 17 years experience in the East Is now open to examine and report on, or
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    • 602 1 INSURANCES, rpHE LONDON ARD LANOABHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl CS.m.MO Paid up Capital £212.7 M Reserve Fund £1,073,580 The onderslgned, AgenU for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agent*. rE CHINA TRADERS UJBOKINCI COMPANY. LIMITID. Capital Sabsoribsd $1,000,000. Amount
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    • 599 1 THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17%) rHE undersigned, agents for tbe above company, are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current raMn. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A a. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1834) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire
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    • 700 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.llo,ooo,ooo) |*****000 Silver Reserve....! 3,760,000 3 .'00.™«REBEBVE LIABIUTY OFt nO noMm PROPRIETORS J~»10,COO,0OO OocBT or DißaoTOU:— B. Ram*, K.q.-r»»i»»ii< How. J J Bbll-Ibvis. I DsrnTT CaAiaaiAW. E.lTsmn I B L. BlCßAaosox, Eaq A Havpt, Km J H Stkcbabt.
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    • 524 1 NOTICES. ST. ANDRJSWB Hm> K. A CHURCH of England Boarding Houm for European ,nd Eurasian boy» who desire to attend the school, of the British Antifouling Composition and Paint Co., Ltd. Von Hording' t prote*. Manufacturer! of quick drying Enamel Compoaitioo* for ahip's bottom. The moat effectual prevention against Corrosion
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    • 658 1 Its Dangorous to Ml* with Mid. TJse CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY Pleasant to take— nrrer Inut to cor*. For ula by all dolors in medicines everywhere. Price uOcts. and 81. General Agents, The Dispensary, Singapnrc. 2-B WANTBD, .n experienced Store kee ner.« able to give I flr.l guarantee. 10/10 Apply
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  • 419 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 16th OCTOBER. The discovery of Commandant Scheepers, alone and seriously il< in a fanoiiouse, and his subsequent apprehansioa, |>racluden all immediate possibility of bis carrying out a programme he mapped out about six weeks ago, when lie assured a prisoner, since released, that
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  • 660 2 Not four years have elapted since tbe first palpable and general public reversion of international feeling in favor of Britain demonstrated itself in tbe United States; and, during the present year two great sorrows that bave befallen, tbe sister nations seem to have brought them still closer in tbeir sympathies.
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  • 164 2 A sample extract from tbe article referred to above ohould be quoted to show the spirit and p.>lt9h of Ilturit'i Ciirugo American. Tbe article it headed "Has Uncle Sam Softening of the Brain Havingreferred to the atrocious proposal of sending a squadron to the Coronation, it proceeds Does this country
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  • 23 2 The Times complains of the apparent indifference of most of the conspicuous Ministerialist politicians to the prolongation of tbe struggle in South Africa.
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/ 11 rj
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  • 10 2 The- homeward mail closes at R a ra on Friday.
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  • 8 2 The Btrailt Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 12 2 The Russian transport I'orviuj sailed for Colombo yesterday at 5.30 p. m.
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  • 14 2 Messrs Powell II Co. advertise an auction sale of books on the 2L'nd inst.
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  • 12 2 Mb. Haffenden arrived from Port Swettenham this morning by the Choir Phya.
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  • 12 2 Yestikuay morning, British transport No. 18 passed through bound for the East.
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  • 17 2 The steamer BuUmouth arrived from Sydney this morning with a cargo of about 4,500 tons of coal.
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  • 17 2 Mk. Mbi. Kik'Hek, Mr. Otto and Mr. Jaeger came from Palembang yesterday by tbe 0, 0. Myer-
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  • 21 2 Mabixim are notified of a sunken junk at Muka Head (Penang) bearing 8. W. of Pulau Tikus to the S. E.
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  • 21 2 Tbi Excellence of tbe Sledge brand of milk of Messra. J. Travers and Sons is set forth in our advertising columns.
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  • 23 2 Thkrc is a practice shoot for members of the Uarriaon Rifle Club at the Tanglin Range on Saturday next, commencing at 3 p.m.
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  • 25 2 'I h« R. V. F. steamer A'lj'ni Novgorod arrived Iroin Vladivoslock i Ins murnin«. Slie is bound to Odee'i, nnd is expectwi to Iwve today.
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  • 22 2 The Italian cruiser II rro Tola and three large torpedo-destroyers left Italy for China early last month. Admiral Palumbo commands the squadron.
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  • 23 2 Thi railway from Taiping to Penang will probably, the I'erak Pioneer understands, be open for passenger traffic by the cud of the year.
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  • 29 2 Mr. H W. Noon has gone to Penang from Singapore to act for Mr D Duncan, ot Messrs flilfillan Wood and Co., who proceeds to Darjeeling fur a change.
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  • 25 2 Thi Russian transport Xijni S'ovgorod arrived this mo-ning from Odessa round for Vladivsstock with two d«ck passengers on board. She is expected to tail to-day.
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  • 37 2 The freehold property known as Etheldene, No. 10 Sophia Road, is advertised to be sold by auction by Powell and Co. on the 30th inst.. and also land and house No. 131 Neil Road on Wednesday next.
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  • 40 2 It is reported from San Francisco that. Mr Clise and two rich stockholders of the Globe Company will meet in Seattle to consider the establishment of a Seattle-Manila line with two 8000 ton steamers now building on tbe Great Lakes.
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  • 45 2 Foub additional Sin. quick-firers are being mounted on the 6rst-class cruisers Terrible and Powerful. At present the Tembte and the Powerful have each 12 6m quick-firers With the additional armament mentioned, their heavy guns will consist nf two 9.2 in. guns and Itf Sin. quick-firers
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  • 58 2 Mr. E. H. Bfll, who has retirrd from the Straits Police force on pension, arrived from Mxlai-ca by the Han Whmt Hin this allerroon Mr. B-]| is going home. Other passengers for Singapore by tbe same steamer from Port Dickunn were Mestrs. J. K.rr, Wright. R. W. Leach, F. S
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  • 52 2 On Monday, 2otb November, Sullivan cuucert will be given under the auspices of the Singapore Philharmonic Society. The orchestra will play selections from Patience," (ir.ui i Duke," Gondoliers," and Mikado j and the songs will probaMy include "Orpheus with his Lute,'" Ho! J.lly .1. i. km," and cornet solo The
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  • 63 2 The Selangor yacht Ksmeralda arrived from Port Swettenham yesterday, bringing Mr Hugh Clifford, whose illness at Kuala Lumpur we noticed the other day. Mr Clifford is so much worse that he is now in hospital here Dr Travers was also a passenger by tbe yacht; and it i- understood that,
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  • 67 2 The large floating-dock ordered by the Spanish Government to be built in England before the outbreak of war with the United States, and intended for the arsenal at Subig (Island ol Luzon, Pnilippines) is now to be stationed xt M.ihon (Island of Minorca, Mediterranean), where it is expected to arrive
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  • 74 2 The Rev. R F. Cobbold MA chap lain of St John's Cathedral, Hongkong, has communicated to the Church Body his resignation. Mr. Cobbold is at present in England on a holiday, ami is due back in Hongkong next month, but has usked to be released on his return. Mr. Cobbold
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  • 87 2 It is reported, says a home paper, that a Company with a capital of $25,000,01)0 to compete in the market for oil fuel, has been planned at Austin, Texas. Ex-Governor T. S Hogg if said to be at the head of the syndicate, which is interested in eighteen oil producing
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  • 105 2 News comes from Soerabaya of the deatu there on Saturday, the sth inst., of Mr F. Pollitier, the Java Agent of the firm of Messrs Arthur Koppel A- Co., the well known railway and general contracting engineers of Berlin. Mr. Pollitzer's death was quite sudden. His loss will be regretted
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  • 98 2 T 'K grand opening performance of these popular favourites takes place to-night on the Beach Road ground. They will give for tbe first time here a grand Toreador Entree by nine Indies and gentlemen in the picturesque costume of the Spanish Festivals The costumes have been for months
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  • 253 2 An Excellent Entertainment. Last night, the Singapore Minstrel Troupe," numbering thirty performers, gave an excellent entertainment in the Town Hall to a fairly numerous audience. It should be explained that the troupe consists mainly of members of tbe Temperance Club in Hill Street, and a good number
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • Correspondence.
    • 476 2 To the Editor of th» "Straiti Times" Sir,— The paragraph in your Monday's issue anent church music in Hongkong is apt to give rise to some questioning as to whether it is right that Singapore should be comparatively so indifferent in these matters. We bave at
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    • 115 2 To the Editor of the (Strait* Timet." Sib,— Could you advise me definitely, through your paper, which side of tbe Straits dollar is "head (obverse) and which is tail" (reverse) This seems to be a much disputed point, but I think that the side bearing the figure
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    • 147 2 Rumour at Bangkok is busy with coming trouble between France and Siam. The Bangkok limet points out that M. Klobukowski, the new French Minister, bas received bis present appointment because there is a FrancoSiamese question, or questions, of long standing, and France dx'ires to bave the friction
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    • 39 2 Ma. A. E Thomas, who is at present acting as Irrigation Engineer in Perak contemplates, says the Perak Pioneer, returning to Australia on the expiration of his aereeroent. He has been well spoken of as a smart and rsptbit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 NOTICES. "NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Vfanu!actar*rs of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ill xixns op Safety Fuses. Elecirie Blasting Apparatus. The aboiie Explosives, being all manufaUund in Great Britain, are made to matt the l.igh stniidard of safety m.d punty UtU impoeed by the British Government, and
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    • 612 2 LATEST AD^RTISEMENTS. ~ORANGE BLOSSOM WREATHS j Wax Flowers. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. Kelly Walsh, Limited, 35, Raffles Place. Just received PRINTING New Edition of ano HOBDAYS BOOKBINDING Celebrated in latest styles. Moulmein Timber Good Workmanship Calculator,, Moderate Prices Bound in cloth. $5.00. Estimates Free. mw.f. SILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!!! Just Received JAPANESE
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    • 637 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS ROYAL MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. Grand Opening Night TO-NIOHTITHE WORLD'S TO-NIGHT J CONQUERORS. The Mm that Pleases all. First Grand Matinee. SATUBDA V, OCTOBER \9IU. PRICKS OF ADMISSION Box Seats .fciOl Pri-i Circlo Chairs IGO Hulls. Carpeted Sets ..y) Gallery .30 Box office at Kelly
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    • 56 2 Just Received a new supply of 100 Different kinds of Picture Post Cards PANORAMA CARDS. With or without Handpalntlng-. G.R.Lambert&Co. At tbe Presbyteria I Church, Singapore, on the 16th uctolxT, lIMI, by the K yd W. Muir.i,. David Wood, Moug-ong Civil service, to Sor >Sa Milxi daughter of Uilliam Boulton
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 287 2 W6e" Straits Tomes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TKS Ths STRAITS TIMES: Daily usue, in Singapore —per copy IS Cts. ptr month $!.S0 per year $30.00 (By post J per month $t.fS per year tii.OO Tht STRAITS BUDGET: percept 40 Cte. per year $18.00 (By post) per year $10.00 NOTE:— The Straits Budget
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  • 170 3 Thi number of Boer prisoners eventually to be sent to station" in I'pper India may be increased to 2,50". an the camp about to be formed at Sialknte can be expanded to accommodate 1,000. The problem will be as to what is to be done
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  • 175 3 DAVID AND "GOLIATH. F.A G writes in the Kobe Ckrmi*U There is a war- vessel lying in the harhout of Kobe called the Ooliatk. It is said that, a few nights ago, the officer of the watch was surprised to find a little «team launch comn alongside and whistle for
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  • 246 3 EMBEZZLEMENT BY A P. O. CLERK. Ruined, and SU Months' Hard. At the Guildhall, on Friday, September 13th, before Mr. Alderman Smallraan, Michael Krancix Leeson, M, a clerk, of 8, Oxford and Cambridgemansions, Hyde Park, was charged on remand with embezzling £950, the money of his employers, the P. O.
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  • 511 3 A correspondent writes to the London Tiwm:— Will mangoes ever be imported into England from the West Indies in niflicietit quantities and at a price that will make them as popular as bananas have become? It is fairly easy to import them if only a small quantity is sent
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  • 86 3 The Hongkong Jockey Club held its annual general meeting on the 6th instant The report showed that the Club had a successful financial year inasmuch as, having started with a debit balance of f 10,850, they were able to present accounts showing a debit balance of only $4,i17, which mean*
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  • 1305 3 (Via Autlr alia) South Africa. Particulars of the engagement fought at Eland's River Poort, west of I, where the Boers rushed, a squadron of the 17th Lancers, under Major V. 8 Sanderaan, show that the Lancers were defending two passes in order to prevent a Boer
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  • 117 3 Wx are informed, says the Sportsman, that Barne* i* undoubtedly proceeding to Australia with MacLareo'e team. The Buruley professional is about twenty-five years of age, six feet in height, a good right-band bowler, just above medium pace, and is also a very creditable batsmen As he has been
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  • 308 3 A special Army Order has been issued by Lord Roberts which shows the Commander-in-Chiefs anxiety to develop responsibility, resourcefulness, and initiative in the British Roldier. The Comuiander-in-Chief points out that the training of troops in peace is governed by what they are required to do
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  • 409 3 Mr. Dooley was ill, and tent for his doctor, who at once proceeded to take his temperature. While I have th' chube in me mouth," says Mr. D, "be jabs me thumb with a needle an' laves th' room. He comes back about th' tim I'm
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  • 464 3 Probable Cause of His Fall. 1 mi'Ms-mhv, ol ilia latest Doncaster meeting largely concern the jockeyship ol Lester R«iff The American, by bis riding of Volodyovski at Hurst Park and again in the St. Leger, and of Morry Gal has cast himself to the wolves of criticism,
    Daily Mail  -  464 words
  • 674 3 airl's Painful Suicide. Exciting Scene at the Inquest. Dk U. Thomas held an inquiry at Ulmgton with reference to the death uf Minnie Eleanor Webxter, aged 22, a cigarette-maker, of 11, Coombs street, Islington, wbo committed suicide by hanging herself Alfred W»bsier, barometer-maker, of Hands-place, stated that
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  • 57 3 It having been derided that bulk keroame shall be rated for wharfage in Sydney at 1* tfd. per ton instead of ,d per gallon, as previously demanded, the sgent* for the Bhell Transport Company have been refunded .£BlB out of XI, 154 which had been paid to the
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  • 340 3 THE LOSS OF THE WACHT." Thk Cologne Uuzttte gives some further detail* of the sinking of the German cruiser Wacht. The order full speed astern" came all too late. When the collision was seen to be unavoidable five single strokes on the bell gave the signal for the doors of
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  • 463 3 Lift of Unclaimed LetUrt lying at the Gtmeral Pott Office, Singapore. Alillen. Mrs. Koater, J. p. Alton, F. Kumrner. P Andianer, Capt. Landor. H. S. Apcar Leach, Capt. Apedjamos O. Lew.n, J. Alhcrton, T. W. T. Link. A vuguste Lloyd, MiiaA. Bern -rd, F. I.u W Keraard Julie.
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  • 548 3 Himurou, l»rn Ocrom, 1901. PRODUCE. ftunbiw buyers f 18.86 Ooprs Bull (UO do Pontinnnk (.its Pepper, Black KIM do Whitens*) „47.00 Sago Floor B«r»wak 8.4S do Brunwi \n 1 S.JO Pearl Pago 4.10 r o ««e. Ball. IS* basis 21 .SO Coffee. Palerahsng. 1«% basil. MI.OO Cogee. Liberian No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 PAINFUL BRKATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is quickly relieved by taking Chamberlains Cough Remedy For sale by all dealer* in Medicines, The Diapeoaary, General Agent* f*ing»j>ere. *_A
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    • 38 3 When children are teething they have more or less diarrhoea, which :an be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrha>a Remedy. Full directions with each bottle. Sold by all dealers in Medicines The Dispensary, General Agents. Singapore
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    • 306 3 l'o\T SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like it, but after just a little deliberation decide you can't afford to do it. But that thumping racking Headache what caa you do with it r Giveitito quietus by using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain at
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    • 453 3 NOTICES. Plates Q z"i«&Films GEOKGK MICHAEL, Photo Stobm. Robinson Road, Singapore. WILSON Co., P.HOTOSrUip.HBRB. 17 Arminun Strut. V)l/ T E t»g to announce the opening of ffew Studio rh h "pAl;*x UI T c ion b !j ""FINEST in tbe EAST. We hare effected an i>ntir>l* NKW DEPARTURE Hstadta conS
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    • 639 3 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OK Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Qodowns and Shops thereon, situate In the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office. Consular and Newspaper Offices &c.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 184 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, i6th October. High Water 11.66 a.m. S. V. R. Musketry A Recruit* Drill. 6.10. 8. V. A. Battery Parade. 6.16. Harmston's Circus. Beach Road. 9. I'artee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Thursday, 17th October. High Water. 0.47 am. O.'Jp.m. P. A U. homeward mail due. Minstrels. Town
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    • 1075 4 I'ndnrthit heading tnofollowinssbbreri* tiont are uted str. tte&raer th. ihip :•<).— liarqae sen.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Ore.— Cruiser; Qbt.— Gnoboal Torfo'pedo H.p. Horse-power Brit.— British U. g.-Uolted Sta'.et; Ft.Franch G«r.— German I Dat.— Dutch lot.— Jobon- I Ac, G. c.,— General cargo rl.p. deck pUHnpn U.— Unc»r
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    • 716 4 Nam', part, prohibit do/« »f arrrnJ, and name of agentt. Htiihih. A. Apcar, Calcutta, Oct 18: 8. 4 Mow*. A Treres, Baltimore. I'd July 21 A'lana. Hongkone Nor 16: G Wood. Afridi, LiTerpool, Nor P. Simnns. Annam, Hongkong, Nov Mj M. Maritime* Antonio Lop<-r, Barr-lona Not 8; Barlow.
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    • 91 4 for Pkt ttr. Tiw. To-Houow. Muntok A Pbing U. O. Meyer 7 a.mMalacca 4 Linggi Hefcw 1 p.mBatu Pahat Honuil 1 p.m. Kemaiuan via ports Atna Utn 1 p.m. Bangkok B. Srng Quan 3 p.m. Fromantle via ports Ayutralind 2 p.m. Samarung A S'baya Hhip.ui 3 p.m. Saroarong,
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    • 113 4 From Europe By the P. 40. s.s. Parramalta dae on Saturday with dat«« to the 371 b -epi. She brings' replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 31>t Anguit. FaoMiiHiMi:— By the P. 40.5.5. PaJoinm dae on Thuraday. oft Rinnpore Dae in London Arrived Bopt
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    • 96 4 5 VnnL-alfAHi 4° I Tom.! Cimix I ftou Saiud. Comiohew. Rio. 15 E»raer»ld» Fed yet. 171 N»cod»b iP9wefh«nOct 14.FW. State* Gort. 1R <» O.Meyer Bui itr.i 443 Vn 'Pulembang Ocl 14 Heck Seng 15|Z»id. Brit .tr. WO.'. Ori.r Madrw K 'f o ISChowlbyl .tr. S7 IJ«llicoe" HBw.fh.mOct B»n bw-e
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    • 112 4 DATS. Vraii/s Nam Pua&KiOt Cattaik J DUTIMATIOiI Oat 4H I Smint Quentin 16 I'i.h 16 Malacca 16 Chun Sang 16 Arjui 16 Fnfltof Kettie 16 N«TSM 16 I Farfalla 16 Swarrdecroou 16 I>- Klerk 16 Nijui Novgorod 1« Rein 16 Victoria Brit ttr. Bennett itr. Robertwn Mr. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 NOTICES. April for LElft PERMS' f|f IJ| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. V IB Special WunitJHa B£Sk His MalestD A/ Pirvuors to ii e& The KinoCELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Manila Cigars La Constancia Factory." CONSTANTINO DIAZ CO." S ett. ct». Reina Victoria 100» 660 Entreactos Cilindrados 100s 325 p, r M 2Se 1 75
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    • 434 4 /"kKOHIDK. J. D. A. 1'ERF.I KA. HoKTinrLTttBin »»d Fioaisr. COLLSCTOE »»D EXPOKTIB O» OBOHIDS. By special appointment to Hii Majesty TnTKinf! ofSiam, H. H. Tho Snltan of Johore, and H. H. The Sultan of Lingga. Orders for Bouquet spray*. *o.,*e., Carefully and promptly executed. Cheapest Hoaae in the Trade. NURSRRY
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    • 992 4 NOTICES* I For Constipation I PURE foe ASTHMA I U ORIMAULTS I INDIAN CIGARETTES Tor Attbmatio people who rafter from I aPPKESSIOD in breathing. UUani, I •stHeaCIITIt. IHOHU.uIDITTIcmTT I EIFLCTOITIOI Onmiuli Clilrctua render th» mplr*- I tjon e&kirr. nil short the ptroiytmt, M 4 I remove the IrHmg of UfhtneM
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    • 696 4 NOTICEa Premier Vinolia Soap i 8 not coloured with poisons, rendered transparent with chemicals, or semi transparent with resin and sugar, nor does it turn yellow in spots revealing putrid fats. It is not charged with powerful penetrating perfumes that gratify the ense of smell to the detriment and injury
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