The Straits Times, 14 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,654. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 f«HE B<> .XrorOMrArJY. LIMUtD 'p'lirstA iV iwimM. I tnKMi Fit» liututEO. (kriety. A'la*A«~'. .QM|i J(»W>. TK. i:i.i.t« ...f" X«««r»ne» Th* r>,t u ..™»l N»mr»tiiM> C«iip«a» Th. Tot»«Bl. m L»fW Bwr Comjmr.j. Yor narti^>.l»r» of t»w~> Cmn?»nHM. tti. tall »dW RORNKO l-OM-PAKT LlV.':n> Ac»nt» si K A'! SHIP COMTANIffi. J^. kjfBSSJ,
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    • 793 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ■ronmoua takkivaaKT ,«aath<;hai-pii I'ader contract with thn Netherlands India Uovernmem. Af/rnt* at .Singapore: i*Htr AciISCY, LATE .1. Da.^mikiji 4 Co., -'-J, COLLTBK QW>. m- in.lerraentioned date* nre only approximate. «,,mrr From Expected will be Despatched for On Smte*drcronn Pnntiannk Oct. 14 Sinekawang and Hamuat Oct. 1« Allng lk>t.evia
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    • 711 1 iirtiiii iim jMiir in fin s s I'euang On Monday* at 4 p.m. for Malacca Port Hii-keon, Port Hwetuubani and Teluk Ani»nn. d. R -MBincca": On Wednesdays M 4 p.m. for Malacca, Pnrt Dicl.»oo," Port .-w.ttenburo and Teluk Anton 8.8. H;»o Whatt Hin": On Friday at 4 p.m for Malacca,
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    • 736 1 NOTICES. HAHNAIsL ft Hll.i.r.s «W, H-ilintm Bbss HAVE (IN HAND: Electric Fans. Ceiling and IkMs. 10, oil, HO «i, 100. 110, and IV Volta Designed to operate from hv»rid«*ccnt Auy Voltage to order. Direct or Attcmating Current K.-ul«. For Table Vm, 104 Volt*. Inspection invited from -til people who What
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    • 540 1 NOTICES. ENGLISH Mining Ennineer and Surveyor. «hortiy terminating present eiigagenu-at, wishet further employment ntt sucb in the east Addre»s" MINK" 11-10 c/o .Slroil. Timet. \|R. GEOKGE LAWS, ME. A.I M.M ITI t, Battery Rnad, Singapore, bavins bad 17 yean eiperience in th* East is now i optn to eiamin* and
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    • 722 1 BANK. UONGKONG AND BHANUHAI BASKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10.000,000. RHWKRVE FUND Sterling Re»erve..|ln,(Klo,(««l 1 lls7ROn m Silver Re»..rvc.. I S,TM,OO()/ IIS 760W RESKBVE LIABILITY OF I .mmmini PROPRIETORS CorBT of iiiuonu'R. SBBWAtf, E«q.— CBAnUIAII Hon. J.J. Uiix-livixo DxrnTr (k....i-., H. E Tomxiki I R L. Riciiabimoh. Kw. A HAvn,
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    • 549 1 NOTICES. EVERYMAN 1 em 17/2/lr.' v. v. mi r mtm m m. b> SrZmmS^^^^s r»..— b> mm3m «r nta mTi lnTi*' _"7? r "Vr* ->m nmm, m+n mm—mml '""JFj,^" X.AIi '.'.'i**'r^Tll.'jL mmiwwmt tttmt* JjiNjioja tm t a««i mmcm**. I, WMiriraiA*. .TRttr. TliieaAß.: Drink Malacca Tea The bast md purest, direct
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    • 737 1 •tiTiHa muiiu n MM om Chamberlaio't C«lic, Chalet* »nd Di»r r i K*«medy. l»|.t. <:. li. lh.uni.on i« we.ll known ail Afma tominandor of the fores* that »«ptnn-i the famous ratal lUlitbe. Under dale of Hot. 4th, Im>7. from Vrvturg, Ochuanalanri. ho writes Kofor* starting 00 Ihe l».t ,»n, >,u(:n
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  • 114 2 7/i DM* Vhmii/1 Ni»« FucAKib Cm*» I>..mimuh\ M I-' Hok Tjioe Dul «tr. Hubert SaiffOD 1- Bmiitsnf! Hr. Myndert Banjoolintjar II ttra l»n.i Dan Mr. H<x«t«dt Hoonkong s»«to.v A Amov 14 Fcronia Urn »lr. K.-nl Shnnphni 14 PrniiQf; ilr. Oftrn T. Annon via porU II Kmn Ann >,r. HußUr
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  • 25 2 At Herrick Huuse, l«ninlmni. London, on the 13th Svpt.nilmr, IM, aU*T an Mi hß.iv. wife of <;o..iye Thoin-..n .if TunjoM- Psgar Dedi Co., Lul.
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  • 266 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 14th OCTOBER. HoNMUH ago we expi'esse 1 M lur why people with au ap'.itu.l..- t'> toach should make a vocation <>t tin profession of teaching a calling foi the mo>t part underpaid, wpiirisoiu.-, and harruu of prospect*. The /'radial t'eaetier, in a recent
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  • 149 2 Th« Sultan of Sulu has granted Prince PoDiatowski (a French suhj-wt) a concession to develop the resources of Palawan, the southernmost of the Philippine islands. The papers bearing upon the concession are now at Washington, where the matter is under consideration. Prince Poniatowaki is at present in San Francisco, where
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  • 197 2 On Change at Berlin there hare heeu rumours that the capital ol the Norddeutucher Lloyd is to be considerably increased, iv order to pay for ships recently put into service, or no* under construction. It has been aiuboritatively denio.l thai any such increase is contemplated by the Company, but the
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  • 45 2 Sir Alexander Swettenliam, who has been staying at Government House a week or «n, left hy thf> M M KaM for Europe thip mornin; Aftor r» phort stty in Kngl md, he will proceed to take ov4r vis new appointment ol Govarnor of British Guiana.
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  • 40 2 Apiiopos of recent talk about arhitr.ition Lelween Cireat Uri'ain and tho two late H>utn Afriran It^piiblics, wire fn>m London to Hongkong states definitely that the council of tho Hagu" Court cf Arbitration refuses of the B)er proponal tor arbitration.
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  • 63 2 It is report «d that the -il.- by tlie Chinese to Russia uf the **inMM. Hnishau, and Unit/ung, thn tlin,- i .li-.-r-i built at the Vulcan Yard, Stettin, and of two torpedo-boats, has been concluded. The price paid for the live vessels in 50.000.u00, which is certainly a good bargain,
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  • 52 2 Our piadurn will hear with much regret of the unsatisfactory state f Mr. Hugh Clifljrd's health-so unMitisfactory ii it md-ed that Mr. Cliflbrd will be coinpell.d to return to Europe. Mr Clitiord had airendr n«<l« very favourahli- impression in BtiHMDr, and tin rclini|isliinent of the olliie of Itesident will M
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  • 9 2 To-UAVd 4, ins bunk rate is 1/1 1 J
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  • 9 2 THEBlueh.K.k of theColmy lor 1900 has just been puMisherl.
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  • 9 2 Missks. John Little and Co. Ltd advertise Manila cigars.
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  • 12 2 II MS Itrwl: is Hxperteil U return from Henanu next Friday morning.
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  • 11 2 Harmston'k Circus nrrived from Sou raliaya thic m.irnine by th* .I'iino.
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  • 11 2 Habjutoss Circus opens on Wednesday night next Mr a (hort season.
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  • 16 2 Mb. W. Naent, "r Cop.-, lad Mr. Rill arrived from IMi <hi< morning by the CJkNJpMi
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  • 20 2 Tm r A 0. M ilMfMrMadHti I 'It Bombay VH-t.-r-l.i> morninc, and is expected here at a.m. on the inst.
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  • 23 2 Some mining land at HIMMI l.aUng, BasMMTi MM [>nt u|i to aucti'-n last month at an upset price ol *160 It realised Sj.On'i!
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  • 24 2 The followiuu are i-.i-iij.-i > wlio left by the Annim: For Mr. Emil Meyerhaus. 1 or Hongkong -Kev. Father Vienol, and Mrs. K. Soubran.
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  • 29 2 I hh I*. 6. 0. btamni mail steamer I'iiluiian lefi Kongkonii 011 Saturday, at d is due heie on ThondM morning MM. Mail eJMM on Friday at 6 a.m.
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  • 30 2 Tvo British transports, the li'ijah and the [bsMia, (MIM IhlWMa from West to l-.i-i un Saturday, the first MM at Mi p. in. and tlie second at 6 p. m.
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  • 28 2 Thk Yokohama Specie Bank closed the first six months of this year with a profit of about six million yc/t. The directors recommend a 13 per rent dividend
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  • 29 2 Amongst the horses duspatclied to J-ipan fur stud purpoiiHS by thu Hitachi Him, which is mi. here on Wednesday next, are a number from the Eirl of Cruwe's stables.
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  • 28 2 The M M. steamer Annum from Europe arrived this morning, bringing Mr. and Mrs. Miraßer, Mr. Dupire, Mr. and Mrs. Varloop, and Mr. and Mrs. Down and family.
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  • 25 2 Thk .ViT.un brought the following passeugers from Calcutta via ports Mr. Tottenham, Mr. Haggart, Mr. Adams, Mr. Brenuan, Mr. Butlin, Master li.itiin, and Mr. Evans.
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  • 29 2 The French Government has bought a hotel at Macao lor 7.\00U dollars. It is intended to use the hotel as a sanitarium for French naval officers and Indo-Chinese officials.
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  • 29 2 A fmskT barber at Sumenyih in Selangor, who cut a Towkay's mroat while shaving him so that death ensued, has been sentenced at Kuala l.umpur to one year's imprisonment.
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  • 34 2 Amonu the passengers who arrived this morning by the JmWmi from Teluk Anson, via ports, were Mr. K. M. Goldie, Mr. Elliott, Hon. K. M. M'rewether, Dr. Leask, and Mr. I. A. M. Johnston.
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  • 34 2 Thk directors of the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co. have declared interim dividends for the six months ended June ;toth at the rate of 3 per cent on the preference, ordinary and B shares.
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  • 37 2 Thk marriage of Mr. Walter Makepeace and Mi«s Pitt, formerly of the Rallies Girls' School, Singapore, will be celebrated at Bristol to-morrow. We understand that a large number of congratulatory telegrams are being sent to Mr Makepeace.
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  • 49 2 Drai'i.h i iced beer will be on tap at the Rattles Tiffin Rooms daily till p.m., from to-day, and after I p.m. till mid-night at Raffles Hotel. This beer leaves the German brewery in ice, and it is in ice till it is retailed to the customer in Singapore.
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  • 44 2 Tiikrk was a big crowd of diners at the Criterion dinner at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night. The band ul the :inl Madras Light Infantry discoursed pleasant musical selections and after dinner there was dancing in which a large number of the guests joiuod.
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  • 40 2 I'tvtu ik prevalent anionc thocoolirs employed at the Kallang Waterworks extension. Specimens of blood taken from nick coolies were examined and the parasite of malaria detected. The doses of quinine administered to the coolies iiaa bocu iuwoMcd wit.i c-mkl •ffw;.
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  • 49 2 Th* mail hrinss news of the engagement of Mr. r. \V. Barker to Miss May h>mrnell. It in understood that the wedHing will take plare shortly after Christina*, and that Mr. Barker and his bride will leave for the E-««t about the end of February or beginning of March.
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  • 53 2 Thk Kill..' Chamber of Commerce is credited with a curious proceeding. It has arranged to set up boies at important place* in the city to receive memorials from any person on commercial matters, with a view to improving business. Mix boxes will be set up in all and they are
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  • 48 2 Thk first ot three performances by the "Singapore Minstrel Troupe takes place to-morrow at the Town Hall, and on Thurclny and Saturday next. The troupe consists of thirty performerx, with orchestra, and tickets can be obtained at the Temperance Club, Hill .Street, or at the Robinson Piano Co.
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  • 58 2 Mr Jnlin Long haa r.-ady for immediate puMiuation a new novel by Keighley HnowHen, entitled Barbara West." The book is offered as mnmd go«pel of sex, and the dtory of Barbara, lost by her ignorant, disregard of Nature's kindly purpose, is us tomhing and terrible as any evi-r tol.l. The
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  • 65 2 Os tin 28th ult .it, Shanghai a cricket maich. K.^l.tntl I S.-otlanr), wasplayei, rouliih. in an .i»y vwt..ry for tlie former. "h-oMhi.! w.-nt in lirstand only made .>; the bowli..g .>f Mann and Ci. K. Lannin: provin^ to,, much for them. X;. :la. ul, on the other hand, made 183
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  • 62 2 I'arts of the North Borneo iii are still in a disturbed state, .•■j.--i illy near Kudat. The assistants the outlying estate* there have all pni. entrain! in the ii'iu'ral managers' d tern and the coolies on one estate i> iv v '-crted in n body, banji quanli i.-
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  • 63 2 A la— iniiiiher ol Ctllinn officials oaaaMMd with the army orpanisHtions ot ihf various provinres in the VHiiglze Vailt-y and Moth of tlmt river have l>eei. recently arriving in Shanghai to lake »t«iime. t.' Japan Three oHßials have I.- en dolaiied to proceed to Japan in mmm t<> the invitatijii
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  • 79 2 Ihk Mamla I'unet fears that Manila will soon be the most heavily taxed city in the Orient. The multipliMiofl of taxes there is now increased hy the order just promulgated by the War Department staling that "Collectors of Customs will collect a duty of one, dollar (gol-J) for each and
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  • 89 2 Thk municipal inspection of bakeries in town has thowu the crying need for tlie by-laws NMh| them recently p t».-en. This was apparent in the case uf even one or two v the bt-ti. 1 MM bakciics and much more so in the case of several of the Chineee and
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  • 110 2 In April last the Sarawak steamer bm Uoo"e was seized by the l/ihuan Gjvernmeiit fur having opium and fiuiulu on board, munifeKted as through cargo from Kuchiug to Lunbant. The Sarawak Government remonstrated to such purpose that, in August laal, the Sarawak agent in Labuan received a letter from <
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  • 492 2 An extraordinary meeting was held on mh Sept., at i .inn.m tttreet Hotel to cuntinu the resolutions patted at the extraordinary general meeting held on I'Otli ult. Mr. B BfMMi presided. Tlie Chairman, in proposing the con.'inuation of tlie resolutions, said the cunpany was tMM in
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    Reuter  -  2 words
  • 25 2 SCHEEPERS CAPTURED LOTTEk EXECUTED /Won, l.«/ t Delnhr A company of ihe 10th Husnars ha* captured OmmMM Seheepers. Commandant Loiter has beeu executed
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  • 28 2 Marching Under Difficulties. Commandant Butha is marching parallel with the western bonier of Swnziland, in difficult country. He has abandoned the whole ol his wheeled transport
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  • 21 2 Deficit of 50 Million Francs. Unulon, Ui/i Del. The Krench Budget shews a deficit of fifty millions of francs.
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  • 32 2 TO SHARE THE FATE OF HIS CHIEF. Liird Kitchener !ms continued the death sentence puised on .Sohocman. Lotter's BmriMll, who is tho son of a wealthy MTMM in Cape Colony
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  • 174 2 A water polo match between the Swimming Club and a team from the Garrison captained by Lt. Gainsford took place yesterday forenoon at Tanjnng Katong. Thero was a very stroii); tide running and the Club had to swim against this in the first half, so it was no
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  • 632 2 Kin Lode Report for September. Thk Manuger reports as follows:— No. 1' lode at top of incline, driven I.V, total distance .JOS'. This drive has been stopped as the teet is much broken up. A rise was then put up 'M' to the level above. A crosscut has h.ien
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  • 126 2 A MM class of public 'rikisbv is now plying in Hongkong, with pullers dressed in black. The China Mail thus describes the conveyances They are nicoly japanned in black and have the ■prrwram of an up-to-date private rikisha. They are very roomy both as regards length of foot-rest and width
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 JTOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. IiLAtjQOW. Manufat-iurMn of Dynamite. Qe lignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators, ILL IIM« OF Safety Fuses. MB Electric Blasting Apparatus, The alw laWat Maj all muauftltJureA in th-r-t Hr<t.«n, are nuule in Ihr high MMMmI uf (afely at d purt/y frit* impose/I by Ihe
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    • 426 2 UTEST ADMiRTISEMENTS. Manila Cigars La Constancia Factory." CONSTANTINO DIAZ CO." S ctr cts. nVina Victoria 1UO« 6 50- Entreactos Cilindrados 10M I I'.ilan 25a 1 78 Prince«a» IOO» a 00 I' Selected 100s 5 50 > Regalia de la Reir.a Hi* I 00 High Life in the Kant SOa 2
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    • 553 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention I Attention TO-NIGHT at the Parsee Theatre An entirely n< w piece "HASIN CHATRANAL." (treat MMM in Admission Prices. TOUOVUOW SUillT ALADIN." 31-10 NOTK'K. Draught Beer ran he had xt RAFFLES TIFFIN ROOMS From 9 a.m. io 5 p.m. RAFFLES HOTEL From 6 p. m. to 12
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    • 38 2 Just Received a new supply of 100 Different kinds of Picture Post Cards PANORAMA CARDS. With or without Handpaintlnfr. G.R. Lambert Co. Sullivan,— At, Peniing on th« IL'lh inst. the wife „f D MtUTU ot Malacca of a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 270 2 V)6e "Straits Isimes." MOM RIPTIOX RA TES The STRAITS TIMES: Daily tstur, in Singapore —per rap* Ii t'tt. per month $!.SU per year $30.00 (H'ipost) prr month ti.lS fcrytnr ttSt.oo The STRAITS RUDUET: pernpn M>Ct: prr year *M.OO (Rt/post) pr.ryrar tif.oo SOTE The Straits Budget is published in time to
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  • 1947 3 1 F..rtiiT in. -ii -.t\. -lolli p .|n- 100 in-li-h But pat i. ut-\ri gate enough to sag l,om'o,i. MM Septemher. The lack of Oaoem Ivlwards of Gaiety I tame is BtuwafMsJ am! r .l) kuuws how many theatres he now controls myway Ijondon theatre-c
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  • 179 3 RocHtsrEß, N Y. Ai&ist 28tb— At :J.OB this momingtlieWuumOil Works, located on ExchnnKe .Street, was discovered to be on fire by Stanley E. Shippy, the Company's watchman, and an alarm was immediately Bent in. Before tiie Fire Companies could reach the Pceiie, however, the works were
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  • 208 3 Soldier hanged atManlla. A i-KivATi: of the 41st t'nited States Volunteers, (ieorge A. Raymond by name, was hanged at Malila on th« '-'7th September, lie had tin md gang-robber and had murdered one o'.his comrades. The unfortunate man had a chequered career, having been in tie Far
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  • 971 3 South Africa. This Knglish newspapers continue th.-ir ossoaaifa against the Gavtra ■Oat in relation to the war, and reiterate the nations willingness to make further tfl'orts. Th» Tim** dwells on the perplexing an 1 disheartening attitude of the Ministry, which is apparently indifTcreut. Lord Kitchener reports that Colonel
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  • 1316 3 FURTHER DETAILS A Message from the King. i In number of nun saved out "I the total ...I s.'v.-i,! y-niiif on boaid the unfor- lunate Cobra is ascertained to be twelve j only, leaving sixty-seven unaccounted lor Evidence forthcoming seems to indicate that the horrors vi raiding
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  • 176 3 S.C.C. ist XI v. Next XVI. A maivh was pl.iyed on tbe Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the B.C C. first eleven and the next XVI of tho Club. The next XVI put up 92 for the loss of 12 wickets, and the Ist XI responded with 74 for
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  • 217 3 The Hongkong Dally Prus contains the following Lovers of music will be gratified to know that it has be«n decided by the Anglican Church choirsin Hongkong, in emulation nf the work at home, to give an annual Festival in St John's Cathedral, the object being the
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  • 566 3 Swotrou, 14th OrToniK. ittoi PMOIMTCK. Onmhier buyer* 11.75 Copra Bali POO do Pontinnnk 8.9S Pepper, Black buyer* 50.87$ do White,(s*o 47.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 5.46 do Brunei No. 1 3.50 Pearl Pago 4.10 roH», Ball. 16% basis 21..V) Coffee, Palemhaog. \K% hasi*. 26.00 Coffee. Liberian No. 1 18.7S Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 PAINFUL BREATH IXi and dangerously sounding rnuglj indicating congested lungs, is quickli relieved by taking Chamberlains CotCh Remedy, For sale by all dealers i Medicines, The Dispensary, (ienekl Agent* Siogapote, t-A.
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    • 39 3 When children are teething they have more or less diurrlm i. which ;an be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhrra Remedy. Full directions with each bottle Sold by all dealers in Medicine*. The Dispensary, General Agents. Singapore.
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    • 224 3 XOT BEYOND lIOI'K Thoie who have suffered year after year from Rheumatism will l>e glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute specific. There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from what i-au that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Little's
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    • 299 3 MR. J. J. GOLDBGKQ. optician of long experience, with high credentials can lie consulted (free) from 7 a-m. to p m. 43 and 44 Dhoby^haut." 6 B-ll LOST. PX TERRIER Hem, Municipal No. ;t7i'ii. evenly marked with black on head, black patch on body aud near tail. FiDder will lie
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    • 575 3 NOTICES. G"6orff6 I Pictures. Fr a™es] Michael PHOTO STORES, Singapore, m. NOTICK. STRAITS OHy Rubber stump. Sbort notice. Frio* moderate. •-•7/12/01 1. Roliinaon Road NOTICE. S.MOONA I'AKIR MCSTAN A Co. have opened their business at No. &J. North Bridge Road Ulneral ui'tnttkii for I. AIHES ASH GKNTLEIISK. 16-10 Nomi:. Opportnnllv
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    • 633 3 AUCTION SALES. Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE ov Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coys Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices &c.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 14th October. High Water. 11.4* p.m. Rare Course Golf Links close. I' Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Tuesday, 15th October. High Water. 1130 am. Philharmonic Choir, s.i:. Minstrels. Town Hall. 9. Wednesday, 16th October. High Water. 0.1.1 a.m. ll.Ria.rn. Arms Sale. Powell. 11. Thursday, 17th October. High
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    • 1256 4 L'mJtirlm-h'vwiHKin ,iollo>* M .(.thli-* i». lions NT ti**d »tr. «lotmer j f h _*w v fq.~ barque •oh— ttltoootr; Yet.— Yai-ht Oil.— Cruiser <ibl.— <iunh<ni Tor torpedo; ll.n.— Horw-|»iwi>r Bril l.ritish U. P.— Doited Staloa- FrPreneb tier- German: Dni.— Mun-h 'oh.— Johore Ac, O. >..,—<;, >nori]. argo
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    • 578 4 ttamr, part, probtiblt dale of arrival, and name of agenta. r-TIAMIM. A. A pear, Calcutta, Ocl H H. A Moaes A Treves, Baltimore, lit July 21 A.lana. Hongkong Not 16:0 Wood Afridi. Liverpool, No* ;P. Simons Argyll. New Vo It, left Sept I l««ma. New York. p'«d Canal,
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    • 55 4 for rer tlr. To-SIOHKOW Ik'iiij 1m fen Bangkok Kwini Mpdiulo. etc, Tereta I*. Kwrt'bamvikiiorts Hatavirr VVkunkiiiuv. Indragiri JUag Ann 1. Adboq via ports Malacca I'onang A Dali Calvjuo 1 hik-hav. "jmiMiif, eU; Dt Klerk Fkid»y. Balik Pftpnu, etc., Allinij H in 11a.i.1 I p.,,, 3 p.m Noon ■t
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    • 114 4 From Ecrop«:— By the P.AO s.s. Pnrr.inuxllo due on Saturday with dales to the 27ib -e[it. She brings replies to the mail* which left Singapore on the .list August. FBOHt uiHA:-Bythe P.AO.S.S. Palaun i doe on Thursday. »ft SingH|>ore Due in London Arrive.. S-|.t 6lb I. ,V
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    • 100 4 PAWED StNIU HTRAITK OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag I>at« I K»Datk. iitn Ship's Namk. Cimii. or FBoHwiiiKk Didtix- nun. X: 1 .BAIUSO.J ITIOK. -*»pi :lflr>ut v 4rriio»no Bagcbus I ißotterdain BaU»i» 30 Dot sh.MiUne Klyn s«pt B»t«vi» !Tiil«ijap Get lAm bqK M Pbolps Graham Oct 1 !I»uvi» Auslrallft ajDot
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    • 195 4 VnKKL-n N«i I A Toks.i C»ft«is FtOH iUUK Cu«ia«i». 3 I Rir,. I 00l 14 iAtjju, Bru etr Ib« Kohiuioo Calcutta Ocl 3 McAlMer and L> 15 Voicui »lr. »i; Vally Wry f- pt S 13 i Heine Nor «tr 7J6 iOlnen Rnoukok Oct S Hour Uc Cbao l»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 650 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hud Omrt No. 13 ChiiToK Hoax. fHmii. lAS A. WATTIE. Mimiw. Mima TAX KIM TIAX SONS, Lml The Company offer* easier terron and hetior bonuses than any other t.'omii my doing bu«in«M in the Kasl. A •pecir' point U made of prompt pay-nent
      650 words
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    • 351 4 /{languid women Hit CHILDREN old feopu, i urn /os YIN CHAPOTEAUT 'oilman ma or nrmtt I TMi aitaMaaary wta« b «a*ilr KiniUMj I a. •"!>• •> UqaM Ind will iw. m> ika I I. lajicaud la towilalkaul witii ta> lack ol dlrmiTC |n»aai. I arUlaMjt. Dyap^rti,, ■^Ti^Jl^^^^^^l D7t.ut.r7. A. M.
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