The Straits Times, 11 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,652. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 888 1 »|MIE B< <NEOOOMPAWY, LIMIiEO Tuk sviUkMassaat it oncoa SoeJsrf. Atlm» f.'Hil«iT I P»l. 111. K.jUil Ufc A»ur»a» SoeWty. 1 lv. rs.T,« .i»l <t«m N«Ti««tioi, Companj TW ToHnl-w Uf« Bmt Company. for nartvnlan of tlw CompaUM, as* the rnU «KrV.-n,«t of THE bSb»W> COMPANT. LIMITED. Ajrsota. gTEAMSHIP ffIMFANM. Y~, i irrirs.
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    • 1546 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. JTONINKLIJKK PAKETVAABT MAATS'HAI'I i.i Under contract with the Netherlands! iudia Goverunuiut. j^-iiij al Singapore: Kmp Aai.xnr, LaTa J. UaKNucls 4 Co.. i-S, Couvaii s|oaT. The nndcrmontiooodjlates Hre oaly appro-*—-" Hteamer From Eipected A'iil be ii.-.pv--ie<i lor on U M ,rl l"»dang Oct. 9 Penanc, Olohleh Auiilnhoe. via ports
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    • 471 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ jgm pjpjpaw BRAND i^k Iwlillt' liHiS jJ^'|K XfXXXXI. rf^S- Guaranteed oJ?iir£Sf^3 »s»- Ut this Full Cream. nui uu Largest Sale in the World. "t"" J? cup of it is Jsiquid Jbife Jit all better class Stores. |NSU^RAN(m THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 'npital £'.',l«\N» Paid
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    • 544 1 INSURANCES. THt |-;iiKv|> ABSOBANCE 1 COM PAST OF LONDON. lE>:tiiuiiii.i 1781.) The iuKlflr.iirr.ed, Agwta for ti-., abovii Com pany, are urepored to seoept lbs Jii«k« at th« mrnot r»»«. in Stn^pora, and also in Johora aad th* h»r States is tho Malay Puoiasnla. 8T I V L N 4 Co.
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    • 564 1 BANK. Nedorlandsche Handel Maatsohappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY EBTABUSHBII 1824. Paid cp Capital f 50,783,000— (abt. £.1,000,000, Rrxißvs Furni f. 2,»08,0O0--(»bl. 1' 346.600.) Head Offlce in Amsterdam. Hoad Asency in Batavia. Bbahchss: Penang, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Semarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang. CoBUSPOKDiMTs at Bombay, Colombo, Madras,
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    • 597 1 NOTICES. A. M. 6AZZOLO ft CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war. Sailing ships, steamers. Ac. &c, supply All kin.lsof fresh prorisions. also Rul-lik-ks, Beof. Biscuith, Dread, Wine, Spirit-, Olive-oil, Macaroni. I'berse, and all kind, of preserved provisions. *v., <tc, in stock and on hand, retail, at moderate prices. Apply
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    • 770 1 AITB THE»«n There is little, if anr danger frnsa kevsl complaint* when properly treated Mrs. Cnrtia Baker ef limkwalter, Ohit, I. 8. A,, says: Daring last May aa iiUnt child of our neighbour was stiffen .g from cholera infaotnm. Ibe doctors ija-' given up all hopes of recovery. I
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  • 317 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY,11th OCTOBER. 1 r is gratifying, bill not iv the. least aiiaiialiißJ. to learn that Habibullah k'.iui, the laic. Ainu's favorite mbj and iii- nominee tv Urn turone h.b "Uccvedul his lather ilhout oppo^iliun aud in baajSt I'his happy circumstance has probably been brought
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  • 388 2 iWBOi give wli-n; justice ii duo, and let us witlidnw from Reuters Agency tin- imputation that the real Oom Paul Kruger may have died without the fact being telegraphed to Singapore. It apiwars that the deceased Mr Knißtr, the news of irliuse demist) wan U'legraphed to Rangoon, was only Mr.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4,'niß bank rate is 1/1 1J
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  • 14 2 The strike at Han Francisco has ended in a victory for the in isters.
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  • 15 2 Tbi Swimming Club launch will leave for the Club on Sunday at IU and 11.
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  • 13 2 Mfvhs I'owell i Co. advertise a sale of miscellaneous goods on Monday next.
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  • 12 2 Mhs- Murray Kobertaon arrived from Yokohama by the P. O. steamer Forinom
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  • 11 2 The ArnHiitine training ship /V«ndtnlt Sirmiento sailed for Colombo yesterday afternoon.
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  • 20 2 Tni British cable-ship aVitasat* arrived this morning from Honolulu Her destination is London and hxr date of departure is uncertain.
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  • 25 2 Amono the passengers on board the P. O. steamer Fnnnom homeward bound are Capt. and Mrs. Trevelyan, Lieut. Preston, R.N., and Mr W T Bidwell.
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  • 32 2 At the inquest on the victims drownxd in H. M. S (Mm, the jury I. >und that that the I'vlira buckled and sank in leu fathoms of water fur some c.iuse uukno'.vn.
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  • 29 2 Tut. la>i event in the n.C.f. loumaineiil tlie I> Sinjiiu;- is noi yet '.'oncJuJed. iiiis atternoun B <Mel''y Uhaaay will Suitta and tiie winner meets Tyler in the dual.
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  • 36 2 A Chink's convict under .1 sentence for attempted murder iv Kinta committed by hanging himself in his cell a few days ago. The roi c made up .1 torn prison clothing Ue 'vi wealing.
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  • 35 2 The wharves at Port Weld, says the I'erak Fionttr, are in a very dilapidated and dangerous condition. If something if not done suon. there may be a serious accident or thu loss of valuable MBJB,
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  • 41 2 An'ithlr batch of 707 Beer prisoners left Durban on the Soth of Saptaajbar, lor India, by the steamer City ol IV «a. <.■ Kb Bindon Blood and Colonel BaataM come by the same vessel. Ihe pi isoners will be located atShajeluni.ur
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  • 46 2 Tiik Church Work Association intend to bold their annual jnniblc sale ot old cluthes, on .--i: urJ.v Nov. 2nd at the Sailur= Home All contributions will be gratetully received, and can be sent to Km Adauih, Quaff. Koad, any day before tlie end of this ■oath.
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  • 41 2 The Hongkong (Jovernineiii has poftad up the following notice at places where Chinese there mostly congregate As without c doubt consumption is spread by means of the epiilum people .ne advised not spit, especially in public alaoaj where men mostly congregate.'
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  • 49 2 The largest tiu mine in .it the present tune is, says the Ml the one at Ibjwang owned by Messrs. ]..i»v Ctiow Thye, Tan Hun and dUbM*. trading under the name of The Bandar Bliaru Tin Mining Syndicate. Over l'.'Xio cooiics arc employed on this one mine alone.
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  • 54 2 Attention is called to the fact that, apart Irora the attractions uf an excellent menu, the band ot the 3rd Madras Light Infantry will play at the "Criterion Dinner at Kiflles Hotel to-morrow night. Those who desire to attend, but who have not already booked seats ought to apply this
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  • 52 2 The Federal Hnuse of Representatives in Australia have adopted a lauin the Immigration Restriction Bill prohibiting the entry into the Commonwealth of any per-un nrni.r contract to perform manual labour Tho education test has been amended to include any European language. A Bill has been drafted to exclude Pacific Islanders
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  • 67 2 I'iiivait. advices received in Calcutta state that, although the proclamation of the King as Lmperor of India will not take place for another 15 months, arrangements for the great Durbar at jelbi are already being made. The ceremony will unquestionably afford the most magnificent spectacle ever witnessed in India, as
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  • 91 2 1 iib revised programme of the Indian .Marine troopers for the ensuing seas .n us issued —The (Mm left Madras on the 2nd October with the 19th M. I arriving at Mauritius on the 17th. Thence she sails on the -'.trd with the ■71k M. 1 arnviii- it Madras on
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  • 90 2 It is reported that provisional ugreements have been entered into for the amalgamation of two of the oldest and best known British Insurance Companies, both of which do extensive business here. These are the I'hctuu Assurance Company and the Atlas Assurance Company, tho former of which was established in 1753,
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  • 108 2 Til* accouchement of the Queen of tliu Netherlands U expected to take place in January. If five years pasted without Queen Wilholmiua giving birth to a child, her marriage would have been dissolved by the Dutch Parliament. The Constitution of Holland also provides that, if the Queen hat a
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  • 465 2 S. C. C. v nth Co.. R. O. A. Tiir Club opened their new season of fixtures last night by a game with the lath Co., R. G. A. Unfortunately owing to the very heavy rains in the early morning, the ground was suft mid slippery and accurate shooting
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  • 694 2 barl of Clonmell Marries an Actress. Miss Rachel Berridge, daughter of the late .Samuel Berridge, a i.iniier. of Tolthill, Kug'Jy, was marrifd very quietly at Brighton OS lag Mi to the harl of Clonmell. I lie lush peer and f. bride were married by licence from Uoclur'b-cuiianons, Lord
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 24 2 Utm Lord Kitolieuur Majnphl 'hat Botha han oroMed t|,,, I'ivain River. Thiß me. me that he haj ii..-il to the northwurJ.
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    • 119 2 REFUTATION OF THli CHARUbS AQAINST QOVERNMRNT. Mr. Urodrick'a St-'.rr-rM. A loiter from Mi. Brodrick to Ufa Howard Vincent, who is ju»t starting for ooulh Alnea, retnte« the charge* of apathy brought against the Government with regard tv the conduct of the war. Mr. Brodrick says
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  • 31 2 UHatM, UM Ofouer. The i.oll. ion Kajaj correspondent al Dundee (Nit il) wires that it appears probable Botha has escaped the cordon that w,t4 belli): drawn round him
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  • 32 2 CANNOT COMPETE NEXT VcAR. The New York Yacht Club ban declined to permit the flaaawta) tv c Minptitc fur the America Cup in I9OC, the deeil of trust forbidding it
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  • 23 2 Habibullah's ■COMbM as Anur ut Afghanistan has been peacefully accepted by his brothers, and by the sirdars (nobles) at CajMll
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  • 110 2 Vi..-ii.ui.A>, l.ei'iru Mr. Oraanio the fourth Police Court, .Seng Hual, riet shi.pkeeper, 71 Besch Road, for aaias a false quail measure was Huod Jfci.'i *nd costs and lor tampering with th.MM was linetl *.V) and costs. I.ew Xi Cheong, of T.S Bench Read, lor using a false daehing was
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  • 293 2 Successful Function. Tiik B ÜBHf held yesterday afternoon and evening in the Town Hall in aid of the Church and Parsonage Funds of Mm Ifalhodujt Kpiscopal Church was a succee.«b>l and well atlundel function, and pioduceil a substantial financial addition to the Funda it wan liosircd
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  • 268 2 •JBMM tho American jockeys, though not in the saddle, at the recent Deau ville meeting was Tod Sloau, who il now un owner of horses upou his own account, and who, writes a correspondent of the World, is such a heavy better that he thinks no
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  • 19 2 Th* M. M. homeward mail left Saigon at noun t.i-Jay, and ie dv« tero on tjuuuuy at ttUaut iiwu.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LU. GLASGOW. ■HaMaMaaaj of Dynamite. Gelignite. Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonatcrs, Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. Tht .«■.<>'•- Hrplon,;,, l«»g all m,u.:ftJmti M« M»de to pant tiir /liy/i ntnn-hini uf $af*ty at d punly Mi imputed by the orituh l}overnm>nl t and art, thef'fun, guuvmtetd lo
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    • 603 2 LATRST ADVRHTISEMENTS. Par see Theatre. Will play to-night, Fndny, Mft fkloher, "IMLAREM IVaajpjWßj S.itnrdty, I2ih tkWjer, "I.AL OOHER" RATES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. 31-10 WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. A clerk with a prac-tu-al knowledge of book-keeping and correspondence. Cbineae prefernd. Apply sharp WATTS CO., D c a Battery Knad. WANTED. 'I O
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    • 640 2 LVTKST ADVERTISEMENTS Estate of Tan Chin Hoon, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OK Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Qodowns and Shops thereon, situate in the commercial centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy s Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular and Newspaper Offices
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    • 20 2 Just Received a new supply of 100 Different kinds oi Picture Post Cards PANORAMA CARDS. With or without Handpaintlng. G.R.Lambert&Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 247 2 W6e Straits loimes." WBSCRIPTIOS RA TEs Tkt STRAITS TIMES Daily uuue, in Struytpy, —per cop, IS Ctt. ptr montk tiiO m ifear 450.00 (Bypo,') per montk pfr Jt.r fSt.OO The tfMdin BUDGET: ptrmpy 40 CU. per fear tIS.OO (K,potl) ptryear f.VA-i SDTE —Ih4 Strrziti Budyt v publiiheti in timt to
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  • 1464 3 .V/, Orl v *r Mr. k >i, tl i- tmkm Clerk in the R«Mm tieiwnTi office in Kuala Luinpui iMHtmj en llie Luke with two Irien l> few days a«.> unlnr'unatrly Urn njat upset and Mr Kt-yt, .ilihuiigli a good swimmer, was drowned. I lie. oth.
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  • 104 3 A WHITE BALL." Sir Antony and Lidy MacDonnell inaugurated the Civil Service Week at Naioi Tal with a White Ball Over t7O cueKts were present, and all the Tvm and nearly, if not quite, every district in thu Provinces *\w represented. The scene when the company assembled in the handsome
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  • 230 3 The Punishment of Escapees. The Tunn of liuiui -ays The escape and recapture of two Buer pmuners of war at Bellary raises an important point. An impression seems to prevail that these two men suffered such privations and hardships that they are not likely to find imitaliue.
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  • 429 3 The Wrong Man The Police in Colombo recently received uiturinalion Iroin the authorities 111 Singapore 10 arieol a man named ladu-wt'l who had swindled a tirm ut shopkeepers thure, under the style ol Ham Cam brothers, out of a large sum "f mouuy and
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  • 1150 3 Qnu|fh'.« Reverse. l.'nin MM that at eight o'clock mi 'ho IMi .Sept, three Companies ul MoiiiHod lnlantry with throe gui.«, mi M H-. r liuu.'h of the Royal VWI-h fusilier*, were reconnoitring to the south of Utrecht, in conjunction with ii party of Johannesburg Mounted British
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  • 251 3 Dye know I'd like to" be an i.iitor," said Mr. Dx>ley. "It matt he a hard job," said Mr. Henneagy.-'*Ye have to know no much." "Tis'a hard job," said Mr. I) mley, bat 'tis a fawiiialin' wan. TheyVe nawihin' so hard as ■nindin'
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  • 734 3 Is Federation a Failure lr,,m a Hunting Corrnfxmd-ul The following paragraph appears in Hie High Commissioner r,\ .v to tin -Hilary of Slate wuicu «ir puhliiiieo in y>ur columns on September 27tli Tin fonr State* under Brititb pruteetiun that y«ar bjing a Imle orer eight unlliou 4'fllarn.
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  • 195 3 MR. MACLAREN'S TEAM FOR AUSTRALIA. Lob 4 Hawke, president of the Yorkshire Clul>, is taking part in the coutrover^v which has arisen concerning the visit of Mr. MacUren's Kngli-li Kleven to Australia. He states that he would like to know why English cricketers should go to Australia in order to
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  • 313 3 A Final Dispatch. Lord Roberts baa handed to the Government his final dispatch dealing wi'h the war in South Africa up to the date when he handed over the supreme command of the forcea there to Lord Kitchener. The Cnnimander-in-Chief, 111 review of the whole
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  • 552 3 PlKGtroill, IITH OfBUK. 1901. PHOIHTCE. O*tnl>ier S IJOO i onr* Rail d.nn Ho Pontinnak S Prpper, Bla.-k. tiuyem 50.87; do White, («X> 47.00 8a«o Flour Smmk S.4S do Brunei No. 1 SjO Pi-«rl r*m 4.10 Coff«e. Bali. 1»X ba«i« 21 .VI Coffm. Palemhang. lIS* h»«i« SS.OO Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 When children are teething they bave more or lees diarrhoea, which :an be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diirrln, Remedy. Kull directions with each bottle Sold by all dealers in Medicines The Uispeiibary, General Agents. fr-*
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    • 28 3 PAINFDL BREATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, i« auickly relieved by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, For sale by all dealer* in Medicines, The Dispensary, Owttr*! Agentu
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    • 240 3 You mutt stop Coughing. The best way to <jur>- Chronic Coughs Brouehitis, and Chest-Colds is to apply Little's Oriental Balm. Rubbed well into the chest and back, it penetrates immediately to tbe inflnmed parts. The tickling in tbe throat cases the upaam weakens: the cough disappears. It often cures when
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    • 289 3 LAJJY would t»k« one or two childreo tv educate with ber own in healthy part of Sumy, ltufcrenn permitted to U. K. Baldwin, Kola Tmgjji. 21/10 LOOT. PX TERRIER DOG, Municipal No. 372H, evenly marked witb black on head, black patch on body and Dear tail. Finder will lie rewa
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    • 532 3 N OT I CM t RUBBER BOOTS. For Mariners For Miners For Pilots. MADE BY m Bay State Rubber Co. price $11.50 ,r;; R R WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. MR. J J (iOI.OHKR'I. optician of long eiperinnce, with high cro.ienlials can he consulted (free) Irnni 7 a.m. to p m. daily
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    • 512 3 FRAMES. I.«€JE HTIHK «M> VARIETY PICTURESGeorge Michael, Photo Stores. NOTICE. C MOONA PAKiR MUSI AN A Co IJ have opened their huainen at So. SU, North Bridge Road as HIKKKAL OUTFITTKH for L»DJM *«D OmTLEMBX. PHOTO STORES NO. i, ROBINSON ROAD. SINGAPORE. George Michael, Proprietor. Tl,e < 11,1.-st Photographic Warehouse
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 175 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, nth October. High Water. 9.44 ».m. 1(1.0 p.m B. V A. Dismounting Drill. A.15. K. V. K. frel. Mu.ketry Drill. 6.10. I'll—.' rbeatre Beach Boad. 9. Saturday, nth October. High Water. 10.14 a.m. 10.39 p.m New Moon. 0.7 p.m. Furniture Sale. Marlborough Hotel Powell. 1».. Race
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    • 125 4 SHIPPING I N PORT. Undmonbealinijth. following aubrevU Uou» am Uio.) ftr.— rtramer »h.— «bip bq.--barque »oh tcbooaer; Yet.— Yscht Crti.— Croiter 'Ibt.— Out txwt Tor Torpedo; H.p. Horse-prwer Brit.— British U. A— Uuited SUteii Fr rr-nch Ger.— OermM i Dnt.— Dut.'h loh.— Johora iky., (4. c.,— (hsn«r»l jstro d.p.— deck
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    • 1278 4 TRADING VESSELS C. ARRITU4 StKC* NOOS OF YESTIBDIT. Albim, Brit. 7«0 ions. Opt Curtis, Iflth O"t From Bangkok. «h Oct Timhar Borneo (Toy. Ltd. For Bo.uhay. .Imdii, (tar. Mr. 4.8*7 toon Opt S».-hi. 1 lib Oct. From Homiknnz, Mh Oct. O.c B*ho Meyer 4 Co. For Jfamburg, 15th— A-mtxin,
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    • 357 4 iV<rm«, port, prooabU dale of amvni, and namt of agent*. Htiamirh. A. pear, Calcutta, Oat 'H: S. 4 Mote*. A Treves, Baltimore. I'd July II AUna. Hongkong. Nov 16: G. Wood. Afridi, Liverpool, Nov j P. Simon*. Altini. Colic, Oct It; l>nenrtel». Annam, 'olombo. 1M 1 1 M
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    • 83 4 fo, rtr «r. IM'. TO-MORKOW «»odakai) vi» port* Ktdak Mooailo etc., Terua 11a.m. Macoesar via ports irafc/m I p.m Pensng s "'y P"' l-enangaud Deli llrU tfM Hatu l'»h»t Mwannr 3 p m Bangkok ftonvo :i |i m Vaahan and D.-li Amltan 3 p.m Puntianali *H Pontiatnk
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    • 116 4 Fbom EiRoris:-By the N.lI.t.t.Aniuxi» due on Monday with dates to tbo 3Otb -"opt She brings rcpliea to the mails which l«fi Singapore on tb« a«th August. Fxom i H(Ni:-By the MM. Xatal due od Sunday. Time TiBi-E Of Muls Dvk. Laft Sinrapore Due in Londoo Arrived Aue
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    • 178 4 £.1 Vnoi'l Nuu I jToiw. Cimii Kion B*iU">- Cokmomm. I Bio. 10 Rabv 149 Smith Palembaui. |oct W""'"*^.,,, 10 U'rU» .tr 1310 B»wyor* Liverpool i» ManjttoldACo. 10 Formo« 2616 Snow Yokohama pcpl IB P. and 0. Co}. 10 Smk Out »trJ 24i» 00l huur T. Poer» !Oct
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    • 116 4 Dm I. i JFuaAKii i C*rmv D»T1»41!O; 10 Bronwcr 10 Gamelot 11 Aju 11 Taotalut 11 Kitrickdalo 1 1 <>rnn-av 1 1 Bank* 11 Hong W*u 11 Hui Ainu 1 1 tenant 1 1 Ciiwn Shan 11 Mboin 11 B-njU Maru 11 Anns II Soood Ban Dul str. Poow«n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 NOTICEB CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Head Otfici No. IS, 0»»toi. Ro»i«, Oiusumi. lAH. A. WATTIK, Manimer. MESSRS. TAX KIM TIAN SONS, l-ocal Agemi The Company offer* easier torms and better bonuses than any other (Jompaay doini business in the Bait. A special point is made of prompt payment
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    • 750 4 NOTICES^ JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARK THK BEST VALUK IN THE MAKKEI FLAG URAND, 10 YEARS OLD *i2oo i-kr cash, i-otv *xtka V.V.O. SPECIALLY KECOMMENDED) woo pm o*n, i>.tt miv OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DKALEH*. OK MoALISTER Co.-,.... Sarkies Joftannes 6 7 Telegraph Street. QV \^j 0^ Manufactures and Importers
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    • 1060 4 NOTIOBS. CQNJAPORE SPORTING CLCB The A'llmnn Rat* Meeting m U he held on OHober *>*d, Mlh, and 2Hlh Programme. FIRST DAY. Twday, 22nd October. First Racr. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue HOo.— A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of Ulb. to ex-Griffins imported into tbe
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