The Straits Times, 4 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,646. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 946 1 TUI K.iRNKOCOMrANV. I.'MHBD MSMft N,,,« sas* IVi ln-nr.n«, SocielJ. Aria. Imn' OassasEq (9m*. Tiie ■ajaaak 'a. UMsaaa. »«W| Th. rkOB aal s»«ui> Nsviijatinn i:ompmv Th. TitMKu L^pvr l'-~r l.'on>|iuy. Fur partic^'-.r" I th.». CompaniM, as* the tall adverrw- -i' <» r»K HoKNKH <'<>MfANT LIWiiF" *««"t« STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. t Ohk-e, T«leueapm
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    • 906 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. [TOMNKLI.IKK PAKETVAAKT HAATHCHAPi'i.I 1 i..i. -Mirm-i with the Nether Und. India (nvorDiaeut. a 'il SmMjior,: hHir AoE.xcY, late J. Daekdels A Ua\, M, (kiij.VEk Or.AY. The 'inderroentioned dates are oulv mate Mtcamer From Expected V. ill be l(e»patche<t tor On Swatnlteno* Cotie via pot. fept. 80 I'illiton
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    • 638 1 AKA(KI >lUAI>IIII' 1... (|.|i). K > fauna'; (i- Monday at 1 v f r M»lwc» iort IdcU-on. Port Swct tenTs*' Ma'aHc-i*"*""" Wttt llajl M p.m. For Haiaaav P<«rt Dick»on. I'ort "W'ttennim and Tplu*. \n-on Ida. -baa Whntt Hin": on Fi-ii. at A p.m for M»lacca, Port Dick«on and lort Kwi-tto.-uiim.
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    • 582 1 NOTTrKS. •TiRAND PRIX. PARIS, loop, Ik H i o:^iJbss»<Jnall^; »nilkt»-.r.i:G!t«tartOor.)>U«T,.r«thm'/>- M 0 lIbI WU JK QHCAPtsr. M IbIIIJ INSURANCES. 'I.I K, I^)N!)O«! \M> LAN'-ASMIRK I mtl IN -Vil-VNCR COMPANY. mi taimjm Paid up Onpit-k! £tl*-T5.1 Baavni fV-> 1 t1.075.«» :.-iu a«d*Mbja(d, Ageut" Ti-r tB*OBB> pa-y, %r: mtytmi :o i. ■<.
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    • 406 1 INSURANCE^ TBKBOY4L EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. )7iOi i'E undersigned, agent* for the shove company, are prep ired to accept Fire at vurreut nui*. BKHN MEYER Co. O/U MAGDEBURG FIXE L\>UiU.\CE (OMI'AXV. (ESTABLISHED AD. 18*4) E und-rsipned, agent* for the above toni|>au), are prepared to accept Fire lal .-in rates. UEHN
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    • 711 1 TIONOKUHe AMD SHANGHAI 11 BAN KINO CORPORATION. CAHV-nF CAPITAL 110,000,080. REMKRVK FUND.— Sterling R««rTe..sin,onO,OorM „,„*,,«> *i»er Ke~rre....» 3 .<w.nnn. KKHEBVE LIABILITY OF 1 ..nnmnnft f U. ll'KI ETOKri •W.W"-' l Corcr or Di&ktoes Bow. J.J. Biil I«t.- i pprt'TT r»,in». 8. I Toum R L. BICBAmowK. K*j A linn.
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    • 492 1 t NOTICES. J, tir den Bnid t Ci,, Lawyers, Medan, Deli, f. ao/«/o-j. fclW WAN Bill k W9EKK RMU PANJANG. 4 H* now uipplying buildin* t.rickt. /a. Yot p»rlicul*r», apply to < h«P KIM BIP. W" So. S4 HlV^i. COALS AT GALLE. Btat Welhh and Indian (Bwrakur) dwayg in K.ock
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    • 682 1 Cute, Bruises. "calds and Burns, Or like Injuries, Are Promptly r»H»fed bj CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM A I" »p?licti<«. will e«.c» o-.aiplela ere. For uld 1,,- .11 dealer, mw j lt; i n# n urr "f" r Pnc# nil HJ» uanrral Agcnlt. The I)ti|<«iiMrr,.-iiigkpor« 3 -y WANTED. EHREE Chine., clerks for
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  • 474 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS FRIDAY, 4th OCTOBER. Utrrm senda us no further news concerning the Koweit difficulty in the I'.-i-un (iiilf For that matter, the Agency failed to wire us any newa concerning the settlement of the Franco- Turkish crisis anent the Constantinople Quay's question, and we may
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  • 577 2 No very groat surprise will be expressed at the victory of Co/untni'iin the contest for the America Cup, and while we nviy feel patriotically and perssnally sorry for Sir Thonns Lipton on the failure of hit second essay in Shamrocks it will be admitted, we doubt not, that the best
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  • 172 2 "Givk adog a had nimft and hang it.' At the seesion of the Licensing. I notices yesterday, Mr. Chater, the leeeee of the Marlborouch Hotel, appeared to surrender the license of the establishment and explained that his reason for no doing was that the house had surb an unsavoury reputation
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is I/U|.
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  • 7 2 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 10 2 Mr. Krager arrived this morning from Labuan by the Kudat.
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  • 13 2 Mr. Clifiord was expected to arrive at Kuala Lumpor on last Tuesday evening.
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  • 14 2 Mai ih Little of the Hongkong Regiment died at Tientsin on the 13th September.
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  • 16 2 The latest beri-beri theory is that the disease can be cured by a diet of pineapples.
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  • 19 2 A record pythou skin is now on view at the Kuala Lumpur museum. It is exactly twenty-five feet long.
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  • 21 2 Tut. (JaromaiuUl with the mail from Europe left Penung at 4 p.m. yesterday, and is due here at 7 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 18 2 Miss Mary Johnson has been appointed lady-nurse in charge of the Batu Gajah hospital, and has assumed duty.
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  • 22 2 Thk German steamer Premten, having left Hongkong on the 3rd insUuit, at noon, is due here on Monday in the afternoon.
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  • 21 2 Mh K. A. Stevens of Messrs. Caldbeck Murgregor and Co. has returned to the Colony from China, fully recovered in health.
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  • 23 2 Hamlet, in Hindostani, will be played to-night at the Paisee Theatre, special preparations are said to be a progress for staging the piece.
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  • 19 2 Russia has offered 5,000,000 rouble* for three Chinese cruisers and four torpedo-boat destroyers. China will probably accept ti.e offer.
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  • 23 2 It is reported from the Hague that Botha is developing a new plan ol campaign, including the annexation ol Cape Colony and Natal.
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  • 23 2 One bnndred and eighty-eight deaths were registered at Singapore daring the wuek ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 39 61.
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  • 26 2 A misting of the Members of the Cb'ircn Work Association, will be held at the Colonial Secretary's house, on Wednesday, Oct. '.Uh at 11.30. a. in.
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  • 25 2 The lie raw ah Hold-Mining Co received the following telegram from Batu Bersawah Crushed 1 48 tons of stone which realized 71 ozs. smelted gold."
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  • 27 2 A miming conference, consisting of officials and non-officials, began to ail at Ipoh in I'erak, on tun SKirt September. The conference n exyectc I to chMa today.
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  • 29 2 Tn« U. S. transport hgallt arrived this morning from New York with 44 passengers onboard. Her destination is Manila and ohe is expected to sail on the Mli inst.
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  • 28 2 Funk, a professional cyclist, won a five mile bicycle handicap at Vailaburg, New Jersey, on the 26th August. His time was lOmin. lSsec, this being a world's record.
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  • 26 2 Accordino to the latest investigations made by the authorities, the population of Formosa is estimated at 2,758,151, including 33,120 who have settled there from Japan Proper.
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  • 27 2 An American negro soldier, who indiscriminately oi-ened fire on several Filipino boys, killing one and wounding three, was hanged on the SOth Sept. at Fort Malate, Manila.
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  • 31 2 Mr. and Mi«n Thompson Mr. A. K. Mitchell, Mr. H. W. Thomas, His Lordship Bishop Fee, and the Rev Father Vignole arrived yesterday from Calcutta, via ports, by the C Apcar.
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  • 29 2 The fifth Philharmonic Society Children's Concert takes place at 530 to-day at the Town Hall. There will also be a Philharmonic Musioal Evening there to-morrow at 9 p m.
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  • 39 2 H.M.S. llrifk, whose commission will be up in November next, will, it is said by the Hongkong Daily Prett, be relieved by one of thn Petonu class of cruiser. The Hritk will be back here on the 16th instant.
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  • 33 2 Thk Penang Volunteer Inspeetior by Captain Sarpeaunt wan li.-l.l on Saturday last. Captain Sarguatint noted decided progress among the volunteers •ince Ian year, and urgod them to exert themselves to reach the mark.
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  • 32 2 (tKN'ißtf. French commands 34,000 troops in Cape Colony. The third-class cruiser Barrocouta has arrived at Simonstown on her way to defend M.ffisel Bay, Cirx; Colony. The tirst-ol.i-r, cruiser Giliraltar is expected there.
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  • 37 2 Tde Japan Timet «ays:— "The Chinese mission of reparation, under Na Tung, for the uiur.ler of Mr Sueiyama, the Japanese Location Secretary at Piking, has accomplished its delicate laak in a manner satisfactory to all parties concerned."
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  • 45 2 Mr W. Kershaw, a widely known mining engineer at Melbourne, has been engaged by a mining syndicate to work extensive mining concessiions in Sambas (Dutch H<rneo) as engineer in rliief He was about to leave that city for Borneo at the date of last advices.
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  • 45 2 Last Friday, r Lawn Tennis tournament closed at Kajang in Selangnr, nearly all the Europeans there being present to witness the final. Mrß. (hepley Part cave away the prires. Mr Si afford came out winner with the scorn at 9-7, Mr. Basagoiti being the runner-up.
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  • 51 2 The I^egißlative Council ngemla, at the meoting on Tuesday next, includes the 6rst reading of the Supply Bill for 190^ and a motion that the estimates for that year b« referred to a Committee of Council. Seven Bills and a motion re the Johore Railway stand over from the previous
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  • 51 2 Among the passengers who left by the P and O.s.s. Chutun for London, this morning, were Inspector Stenhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Mackie, and Mr. J. A Wattie. Those for Penang were Mr. H W. Noon, Rev. J. E. MaeKnight, Mr. T, Breiiven and Mr. I) Gilchrist. For Colombo Mrs. K.
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  • 53 2 2,400,000 roubles have been assigned by the Russian Government for the purpose of developing the Soochow eoaMaMi in the neighbourhood of Nakhodka Bay, Siberia, east of Peter the Great Bay, rendering the Russian Pacific squadron independent of foreign coal. The fields are estimated to contain one and a half million
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  • 87 2 Messrs. Latham and Mactaggart report as follows under date, yesterday Our markets show an improvement in most stocks. Raubs have ruled very firm and have risen to 514.50. Bersawahs, Kt-chaus, P.ihang Kabangs, and Jelehus all show a rise in price. Straits Traders have been in strong demand and
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  • 115 2 The friends of the late Mr. Henry Edwin Leicester will learn, with regrnt, of his death which took place last night, after a comparatively short illness. Deceased who was the youngest surviving son cf the late John Leicester of Bencoolen and Calcutta, held the
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  • 172 2 A Musical Evening will be given in the Town Hall to-morrow night by the members of the Philharmonic Society Choir and Orchestra. Members are allowed to bring one guest ftee. A second guest, however, will be admitted on payment by the member of SI. The following
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 80 2 FURTHER DETAILS. London, 4<n October. Kemp commanded the Boers in the attack on Colonel Kekewich's camp at Magato. Delarry was present at the engagement. Columns under Colonel Fetherstonhaogh and Colonel Kekewich were returning from driving the Boers. BOER TACTICS. The columns becamn separated for some distance. The
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  • 36 2 COLUMBIA WINS. Later The triangular America Cup race came off under a spanking breeze ShamroeJi rounded the first two marks, a minute and a half ahead. But Columbia finally won by a minute..
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  • 19 2 DOINO WELL. Lord Kitchener reports that Colonel Kekewich is severely wounded, but that he is doing well.
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  • 318 2 Apropos of the victory of thn Columbia in the rac« for the America Cup, nn Wednesday, the following doggerel which was printed in Cruiktkank* Comic Ahnunnr for 1K52, the year following the original race, is rather interesting. I weep, ye liriliob «Usn, Above or nnder
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  • 262 2 K. O. R Cup Thk first match was piayeil yesterday afternoon, the competing teams being Garrison A team, Capt. White (Capt). 4 Capt. Lyne XVI M 1. I Mr. Gilchnst XVI. M. I. X Mr. Walker, R. K. 1. The Civil .Service Capt. Barry 3; Mr. Bosanquet 4
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  • 128 2 Tennis Tournament Prizes. YE9TKKDAY .iftiT!.. 11l Mr I'mll'lp Seng, the president of the Straits Chinese Recreation distributed the prizes in connection with tho above tournament. The ceremony took place on the Club ground. The following are the winners: Championship. -Chi* Hood Teek. Rl'vcr Cup presented by the
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  • 73 2 It is understood that the work of the China Tarifl Cummi»i.i'>ii, at which Bit Charles l.yle Maokay will represent Britain, will be the settlement of thn specific which are to tiiko the place ol" the new aH rahnm duties, and of the commercial change* necessitated b> Article XI of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 NOTICES. "NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. Dynamite, Qelignito, Gelatine Dynamite, Busting Gelatine, Detonators, ill hrn Safety Fuses. Eleuu-ie HlasUhg Apparatus. Th» nt*™ Kxplnntw, Imtug mil W-«W fkmt HnUin, an ma>le to xvi tiit hxgU ttitiul'irU of iaf»lv mml tunty hah impomU ly Hit Brituk iovernnonl, and art, tlterefnn, goarunlfd 0 U
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    • 796 2 NOTICES. The "Champion" 4 S Lever Padlocks, cast from /Zfijfc^^^ R un metal 5 harcler an£ tougher t j\. than bronze quality the most A -^JL reliable. The keys are of good Sm plated steel size 2 x if. PRICE Cts. 35 EACH. WfifiW Whiteaway, Laidlaw >s^ to^^ LO. Kelly
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    • 758 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET BELLEVUE Bunwalow. No. 1, Oxley Rise. At present occupied by Mr. Palmgren. Entry Ist January, 1903. n.c. MEYER BROS. AUCTION SALE. To be held at Powell A Co.'« Sale-room, On Mondty, the Ilk Od., al 2-30 p.m. A FOUR-9EATKD Victoria Phaeton in A. good order.
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    • 9 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. ESTABLD. 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Framing:.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 285 2 156e" Straits Witties." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tlu STR AITS TIMES Daily issue, in Singapore —per ropy IS Cts. per montk ti.SO ptr ytar $30.00 (By pott) per montk $t.SS per year $34.00 The STtAITS BUDGET: ptr copy tOCU. per year $ls.oo (By post) per year $10.00 SOTi —The Straits Budget
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  • 1799 3 THE M MMl\<i-l I' Tnr. I. IliwingistheJiidgesmmmingup in /"..rv euro: He said that thf wrUmte* mi^lit be aMM into four part* the evidence, of the v n nesses in hoard tin' ship, tin 1 medical evidence in favour of phosphoruspoisoning, the evidence of I he MMf
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  • 472 3 Tut: year 1900 has been an unsatisfactory one for Javanese importers. Tbaadvmaot in the cost of tU« cotton and Co*MS*|MMlj "I most descriptions of .Manchester makes, as well as of Dotofa cotton goods, which was alluded to in my last report, was -t.-.uliiy n .iintaiued last
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  • 104 3 The Lancet says. the report of the commission at present sittine un Mr. Krodrick's scheme for the reform of the Koyal Army Medical Corp* is on the eve of twin; made public. In fact, the scheme may be out at any moment, for we understand that
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  • 123 3 Thk American revised version of the Bible, after having heen held back for 14 ye-us in Hccoidancc with the contract in ile wiui the Knglish revisers at the lime ol the disagreement between the Xi Jish and American committees, was piaeed on sale in the United States
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  • 134 3 John Williams, aged 75, was recently charged at Bow-street police-court with begging in the Strand. Mr. Bosley, an officer of the Mendicity Society, told tbe magistrate that the prisoner usually went about with a bandage round his head, under which he placed a horseshoe. He
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  • 112 3 Yesterday's Play. Championship. Withers, v Green nnfin. B Singles. Final. Beatty— 3 beat Foreman, scr. C. Singles Final. Gollie— l beat T. G. Scott. B. Class Doubles Handicap Final. McKoan and CunlifTe-M heat Chancy and Barrett— l. Ties for To- Day. A. Singles. Capt. Win!e
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  • 214 3 Dr. Wilfred Frilick, a visiting ph*ician of the sta'e hospital on Blackwell's Island, New York, has given a public demonstration of the treatment of two patients with a fluid which he believes will cure consumption, provided the patient retains sufficient lung capacity to afTord a basis to
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  • 298 3 The quarterly meeting of the Licensing Justices was held at the First Magistrate's Room at the Police Court yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. Brockman (Chairman) Mr. Stewart, C. P. 0., Dr Middleton, Capt.Boldero.and Mr. Evans Mr. Jennings represented the Opium and Spirit Farm. Mrs. R Silbermann was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 296 3 7'o tU Editor of the '•6'<roi/« 7W«." Sir,— Your correspondent "Sympathizer has not come forward a day too soon, to expose the injustice done to the Government Subordinate Staff, in the matter of their memorial for an increase uf pay owing to the bigh Mat of living at
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  • 358 3 ■hi: many efforts, prolonged through many years, by those who have dared to attempt reform in the most conservative of all services, the Admiralty appear to have come to the commonseuse conclusion that both the quality of the British sailor's food and the hours of serving
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  • 196 3 Ships, like ladies, often change their names, sometimes more than once, though mariners of an ancient type consider such alterations most unlucky. We sincerely hope that the legendary misfortune may not hold good in the case of the magnificent American liner I'hUndtlphia, which, in the
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  • 143 3 Tbk last batch of homing pigeons from the Aldershot Military Pigeon Loft were removed lately, and Colonel!, who received a special staff appointment at Aldershot when the loft was started, now lapses back to the Koyal Reserve of officers. Colonel Allatt is understood to have
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  • 34 3 Thr new.Philipnine tariff i« "till under discussion at Manila. The German Coufil ol.j«cts to Mie duty on scissors. The Spanish firms wish the new tariff not to come into force for six months longer.
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  • 65 3 The followinc passengers are due from Europe per Hitachi Maru to arrive on the 16th October. For Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. F. Owen, Mrs. Fletcher and I children, Mr. A. Gee, Miss M. P. Shaw, Mr. W. E. Lott. For Hongkong: •>■ is*. M. Armstrong, Mr. A. G. Coppien, Miss
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  • 70 3 SoMßlime ago an unsuccessful attempt was made at the Boer prisoners camp at Diyatalawa (Ceylon) to construct a tunnel for escape from the camp At R igama, another prison camp, some of the prisoners excavated a tunnel 50 feet long Then something wnnt wrong, and Captain Ingram, of the Gloucester
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  • 92 3 A Citßioi'B report came last ..mntti from Kankakoe, in Illinois, to which town, it is said, two citizens have returned from a tour in Hudson Bay territory. According to a statement alleged to have been made by these gentlemen, ceriain Indians in the spring of last year
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  • 221 3 A Hint from India. Apbopos of our local water troubles, and the recent notice of the Municipal Secretary by which the water supply is cut off all night and for five hours during every day, we notice that the more enlightened section of the Indian pres9
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  • 570 3 SiKOAPoaj, 4th October, 1901. PROUUCK. Gumbler t 11 4!» Copra Ball fI.H do PonlhniOc 8.34 Pepper, Black buyer* SOjTO do White,(BX) M 46.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.88 do Brunei No. 1 3 Pearl Tago 4.10 Coffee, Bali, 18% baols 21.50 Coffee. Palombang. 15% basis !f!00 Coffee. LibeiHan No. 1
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  • 71 3 I'M.-. Vemil's Nahi JFlaoAKiu CiPT, I>IKTI»4TIO.V L ■t 3 IHcnTenue 4 Singapore 4 Hoi* 4 Nnter 4 I And»luM» 4 Ki«l S MS" 4 ton Fo Been J Duo I.ionii 4 Kartell* Brit ,v WVi .t«J itr. Or»y 1 I Mr. lnk>ler Mr. i.-'mis (i«r Mr. Kh >r« »ir.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 DANGERS OK INFLUENZA. The great danger from influenza is of its resulting in Pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough Keiiiwry, as 1: not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, General Agent*, Hincapore.
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    • 57 3 IN ALMOST EVERY COMMUNITY there is someone whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and their recommendation and the never failing qualities of tbe remedy account for its great poularity. For sale by all dealers in
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    • 169 3 UOIXG IXSAXE. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridfte.N. Y. says:— I was for a long time troubled with sleepletmness and with intense neuralgic pains in the hevl which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some eitraordinary cures effected
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    • 243 3 "Batavia Niou-wsblad." PUBLISH EKB (i. KOLFF (X)., BATAVIA. Is the best Java paper for advertisements. Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Ahmknian Street. OUR Studio will lie ready in a few da*s. We are now prepared to take outdoor photos, such as groups, houses, Ac, Ac, in deliver copies in two days.
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    • 507 3 NOTICES Sarkies Joftannes 6 7 Telegraph Street. Q* (^jO Manufactures and Importers of Teak Wood Furniture. Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns. All sorts of Teak Wood Furniture. Ready made and made to order. All our furniture is made only of well seasoned Teak. The Cheapest House
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    • 426 3 MINICIPAL NOTICK. is h.r.hv given that the Water I >up|.ly will lie cut oil from the lown tietween the hours of noon and 2 pm. daily, and from 6-30 p.m. to 7 it m until further nntice. By Order, J. POLOLASB, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore., md Oclolier, 1901. 4-10
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 314 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 4th October. Higb Water. X l 4 am. 1.40 p.m. Fem>t of Branches (Jewish.) ft V A. Dismounting Prill. 8.16. s V. K. Prel. Musketry Drill. 6.15. 1 hildren's Concert. Town Hall. 5.30. Saturday, sth October Higb Water. 3.23 am. 2.44 p.m. Moon. 1.:,-: Quarter. .".!>•
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 NOTICES. SPRING HUMOURS Complete External and Internal Treatment ■k Consisting of CITICURA SOAP, to H cleanse the (kin of crusts and scales 9 and gotten the thickened cuticle, CUTIHlllliHnW CURA OINT IENT to 'nst*ntly allay l|J|<i^H Itching, Irritation, and inflammation UrMPMHIIIB nd tnc and heal> and CUTICURA I RESOLVENT, to
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    • 179 4 NOTICES. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) by .a.:f:fo:e:n't:m:e:n"t To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Sin;:; .iurness In Stock or made to Ord.-r. S.-uldlcry and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding, Polo and Walking Boots and
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    • 423 4 SARSAPAIILLA |j *t-y %i~m kt CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD MEDIC'NAL (KIN SOAP Ml 1 Medicinal Skin Soap JAPANEBK BEST WHITE CKEPJE SMUTS. SIZBM FKO.U 14 TO 18". G. OTOMUNE CO. MEN'S WEAKNrSK* CXJRBD. i Many thousand* of men suffer from enervating weakne«*eit, nn<l cannot find write to nii i and I
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    • 579 4 NorKEs. Alients for IH PEBBIIS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v Bb Special W:rrant^^3K^^ His Majestg Parregors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. THI NEW FRENCH REIWEDY r«*DEH Bu.o. THERAPION No. tits; U«.n»..i.. !....<•. i.. iJ-«,»™».i. t u.j^u.«..i».iiM .h.«» a ii-wdii Mm >i l—i., u> l>Man n. < rM .,Uf, .ril^mt. uu h«i
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    • 351 4 CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE OOY, LTD iah! 1 WArnK. Ma»«». No v'u CA ril>l lu> MJ-XSItS. TAX KIM TiAN !>()>,;>. Local A S ent«. +?£22Lm'Z'£Z£ m l n an<l ta honil!<€ thHn «ny o»»>er Compajty A special p.>ir.t itudi of protn|.t |ay»aßl of clairaa. The Head Offic* «ing in bhang!,,,,,
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    • 57 4 A. M. 6AZZOLO CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war. Sailing ships, steamers, &c. &c. supply all kin.l«of freth pro»i«ionii, »1.0 Bullocks, Beef. Hiscn't», Bninl. Wine, Hpirit*. OliTc-oil, Macarnni. fhe.-w, and all kind' of preserved provinious. Ac, in (lock and on band, nttoil, at moderate prices. Apply at tli.> ITALIAX
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