The Straits Times, 2 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,644. Singapore, Wednesday, October 2, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 969 1 »IMJE BORNEO COMTArTY, LI Mil ID TIE Star.. lk. I Lit" »«««r«OOS. Nor»..r. V'nior. K.r» Innrtso. Bodsty. Atla. Asmunr.l- .'om|«ny (Fire). TW Koaital.l. L.f^ A«mr.™» Vetsty. TV. <T.,na M.-»n»l Stwun NavigaUon CoaspaaT Tae Totstahan L««w Itoer Coatpaay. Ko> Bsrttoiilar. of tlxe. CompaniM, set the Ml a£rtt»™wt THK BORNEO COMPANT. LIMITED
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    • 846 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, I' iiMSKI.IJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. .i ....ii» at Singapore: Ship Aoesot, late 1. Daehdels A Co., 8-4, Collteb Qoat. The undermentioned datet are only approximate Steamer From Expected Will be Itoepatehert (or On Svaerdecnon Cotie via ports Sept. SO Hilliton and Pontinnak
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    • 643 1 STRAITS SIKAMSHIP OU. (LD). S. S. Penang": On Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca Port Dickson, Port Swettenham. and Teluk Anson. 6.8. "Malacca": On Wednesdays at 4 p.m. for Malacca. Port Dickson, Port -w. ti.>nh«m. and Teluk Anson S. b. -Ban Whatt Hin": On Friday at 4 p.m for Malacca,
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    • 462 1 NOTH-RS. Ideal Milk sglj^^jg^i Enrlchad 20 per cent. r» t with Cream. Sterilized-Not Sweetened. t^STrTc^J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh (aftT eat^aC.s^ c 7? cup of it is Jsiquid Jbife Jit all better class Stores. INSURANCES. fpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital x3,187,ft00 Paid np Capital W12.7M1
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    • 462 1 INSURANCES.^ THB PHOINIZ ABSUBANCK COMPAJJT OF LONDON. (IITIILIIIIO A.B 1781.) The nslenigsed, Agent, for th. above Com paay, ar. prepared W aooept Fire Risks at th. currant rate, m Singapore, and also in Jobor. and the other State, in th. Malay Paßinsala. STIVEM Oe. THK KOYAL EXCHAMfK I AaSUKABCB, (ESTABLISH^
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    • 717 1 BANKS. V] O.M. Kii.NO AND SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.llo,ooo,oool .lonpnnoo Silver Reserve... I 3,0 0,000 18 000<X RESERVE LIABILITY OF I 1n n«Yfm PROPRIETORS J-H0.000.000 COCBT Of DIBECTOBS B. BSTBW&H, lUq.— CMAISMAK Bok. J.J. Bsib-lavixo I Dir. tt Cbaibkah. B. K Totmn. Ii
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    • 451 1 NOTICES. <APIQL*CTEEE. A^LbV BVBak *> t» iBESBSBI PI LLS •e»sl aviltaslavee* dl'.w'.'i n .i o^ ttsv, surnN. cvaM. aotmiAMrroN. bnoijus9> PILSENER BEER. THE FINEST OBTAINABLE 2 Om. Quarts SIS H PinU Sl9 S. g le«a diaeount 6% f I JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD. SOLE AGENTS ASSAM TEA. from Tjiwangie Estate,
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    • 729 1 The Tiertor's idvir* When your chill h.s a protracted, paniotniii coogh. none at r.i<rii,a'-~*m-p/.med by a peculiar round or v,h>K>p, which cannot be mistake i, and the* laboured expectorstioo of mueaa, with spparex* toffocatlon after enngbing. give at oace CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY. It will render the of couching less
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  • 504 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 2ND OCTOBER. In congratulating Sir Frank Swettenham on the confirmation of an appointment that he has held tentatively since February last, it is difficult to refrain from some expression of wonder that the Home Government dallied so long in making up its mind
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  • 83 2 Pliasinoly coincident with the news that Sir Frank Swettenhara has been gazetted Governor, is the information received by us from private sources at home, that Mr. H. I. Chope, the popular representative of the P. O. Company at this port, is no longer Acting Agent of the big Company. As
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  • 554 2 Rili«ios has always been one of the strong points of tbe Scotch charaoter, and it cannot be eliminated even from their modern romances. Indeed, without its, Heenister" what would be a Kailyard story" An invertebrate abortion of literature, a testudinate reptile of fiction bereft of its shell. The rugged heroism
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  • 208 2 Mb. James W. DAViueoH, the United States Consul at Tamsui, is in Singapore en route to Formosa, after a visit to the United States on long leave. Mr. Davidson was distinguished as a newspaper correspondent before lie joined the U. S. consular service and is a man of many travels.
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  • 103 2 All mariners and shipping men in the East will be glad to hear that the Turkish Government has ordered the construction of four new lighthouses in the Red Sea— namely, at DschebalZubeir, at Abu-Ail, at Musclia, and on the island of Dschebal-Tir. Lighthouses at these places have long been an
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  • 6 2 To-days 4/m bank rate is 111.-,
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  • 9 2 I hk mail dunes at S am. on Friday
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  • 8 2 Th« Strait* Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 11 2 Mr W. Kennedy arrived this morning from Bangkok by the Singapore.
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  • 12 2 Tbk Italian cruiser Stromboli sailed for Colombo this morning at 6 30.
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  • 14 2 The new Philippine Tariff will come into force on Ist November of this year.
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  • 20 2 Mr. F. Bel field, who is a barrister at law, has taken over the duties of Legal Adviser in SeUngor
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  • 18 2 Captain Aintlie, whose time with the Guides is nearly up, will leave for India to rejoin bis regiment.
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  • 18 2 The railway to northern !-'ia:n i» now open to Lopburi, a distance of ob>ut XiU kilometres from B.m_liok\
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  • 20 2 H. E. the Qovibnob will be At Home," at Government House on Tuesday the Bth instant, at S p m.
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  • 24 2 Mrs. Wstherstos, Mr. H. A. Labrooy, Mr P. R. Warren and Mr. Jones arrived this morning from Port Swettenhun by the Ban Whntt //in
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  • 26 2 A Commit, with a capital of 160,000. baa been formed in Negri Sembilan to run motor cars between Beremban, Kwala Pilah, and the chief mines thereabouts.
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  • 28 2 The duty on tin collected in Selangor from January tn August last amounted to (1,841,178, an excess of upwards of SSOO.OOO over the estimated amount for the year.
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  • 24 2 Tbi head-quarters of the K M. S. Trigonometrical Survey Department will be at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Young basbeen appointed Federal Chief of this department.
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  • 27 2 An enormous crocodile, measuring over 16 feet, was capturei by Malays in the Krian river, Province Wellesley, the other day. The reptile had carried off six persons.
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  • 30 2 The China Mail hopes that the interport visitors will try conclusions with Hongkong at football. With the majority of people there, it is a much more popular game than cricket.
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  • 34 2 Mr. T. R. Hubback, formerly of the Selangor P. W.I) tbe Director of Public Works, British North Borneo, is reorganizing tbe P. W. 0. there on the system pursued in the Federated Malay States.
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  • 28 2 Tbk subordinate clerical service both at Singapore and Penang are said to have entered protests against some of tbe rßcommendations of tbe Committee which inquired into their grievances.
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  • 33 2 Tkaiik in Labuan appears to be going ahead, four North German Lloyd stcumprs being in port there in one day. The coal mines of L.itman and Muara have been increasing their output lately.
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  • 35 2 Thk Japanese Financial Annual (or the year has just cotna out. It shews that the of Japan for the financial year 1901-2 is estimated at 277,497,003 yan against an estimated outlay of 5275,»28,64a yen
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  • 41 2 Db. Paul, the manager of the southern branch of tlie Ah.m.a Mutual Life insurance Co., gave a dinner, the Other day, to a number of K n jla Lumpur towkays. He said tliut the company was making rapid progress in Malaya.
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  • 37 2 THECaptainof the Norwegian steamer Hrriil. which arrived this morning from Sarawak, reported that in the evening of the 3uth proximo betwnen S and 12, the chief malts, Jensen, disappeared from the ship. He was on duty below.
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  • 41 2 The steamer Singapore ha*, says the Bangkok Times, spent six weeks in dock at Singapore on her last trip down, and has undergone repairs costing over SoO.OOO. Seventeen new plates have been fitted, whilst the saloon and cabin have been renovated.
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  • 53 2 A Para rubber tree at the Penang Waterfall Gardeu has just been tapped for the fifih tune within three years The last tapping gave two pounds three ounces of dry rubber a total of over fourteen and a half pounds in three years. The repeated bleeding had no ill effect
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  • 52 2 The B. I. S. N. Co propose that tbe s. s. Buiimba should run direct from Negapatum to Port Swettenham with Indian coolies. There is said to be no difficulty in ocean shipß, even bigger than the Bulimlia, calling at Port Swetlenharn, as there is plenty of water, and plenty
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  • 61 2 The Daily Erprets understands that the retirement of Mr. Rudolph Lehmann from the editorship ol the Daily Newt is to be followed by an important modification of the present policy of tbe paper It is understood that this policy has not met with sufficient commercial support, and it has been
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  • 72 2 A Si.moapohe youth named Sheriff, the son of Inspector Sheriff of the Bangkok police, was a short time ago sentenced to death in West Australia on a charge of murder, upon mainly circumstantial evidence. His guilt was so doubtful that the Government of that Colony commuted the sentence to ten
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  • 82 2 A copy of the report of Mr. Rivett Comae, the Financial Adviser to the King ol Siam, upon the budget of that Kingdom for the year 120 (1901-19U2) has come to hand. The accounts for the year 119 are expected to show a small surplus. The accounts for 120, include
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  • 83 2 Amomq the passengers on board tlin Shinano Sinru outward bound, are Mr. A. Patlin, Mrs. A. Finch Uawson, Miss M. Renwick, Mrs. F. Chadwick, Miss Saunders, Mr. J. W. Davidson, Mrs. Akers, Miss M. Uonelly, Mr. V. Spence, Mr. and Miss Sharpie, Mr. W. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Whileley, Mr.
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  • 204 2 Last night, the Elphinstone I'arsee Company of Players gave a special performance of AUadin, at their theatre on Beach Road, for the entertainment of Major U. G. Sutton, of the Sixteenth Madras Infantry, and his friends. The auditorium accordingly had quite a military aspect, for the guest of honor took
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • 74 2 Ok August 23rd and 24th for the Incogs" against Hampshire Rovers, W. Duumau knocked up ISA Against the geutlemen ot Sussex at Brighton the Straits contingent ol incogs" showed up well in a total of 5l» for wickem. Olive; Marks laying on tbe wood aud gelling
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  • 24 2 It is reported here that t lib American* intend extending their cables from Siassi (in the Sulu Archipelago) to tjuufckan In Briliib NortU Buruw.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 393 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY; LD. Haoafactanrs af Dynamite, QeligQile, Gfelatme Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. ill Einna or Safety Fuses. Bleetrit Blasting Apparatus, Th» ahor* Erplorives, bnng all rnannfaJurtd tn Great Bn/ain, are made to pass the high staud-ird of safety and punty tmU impoeod by the British Goteinmvnt, and ore,
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    • 610 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Robinson Co. HAVE JUST UNPACKED NEW MILLINERY. naaa^flK ffiEutflßuV* ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Robinson Co. K.A.J. CHOTIRMALL CO. (:o:) Bombay Merchants. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL DIM OK INDIAN", CHINESE, AND JAPANESE SILKS AND SILK FANCY GOODS Foreign articles and novelties, Curios, Oriental embroidery, Carpets, Rugs, Silverware
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    • 774 2 LATEST ADVERTiaMENTS. PARSEE THEAIRE. NEW ELPHINSTOrC THEATRIC/L CO. Of 11. 'In IV Will nlay tonight. "VAFA PER JAFr For tbe Bret time. In their specially erected gram panda! on Beach Road, at 9 p.n Rates or AnNissioi lsl Class %2UI Gallery 1060 «ndOlaas SI.SO Native Udei (lIDO InJCIsM (LOU "Zenana
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    • 11 2 G.R. Lambert Co. ESTABL. 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Frajning.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 273 2 Ts6e "Straits XSimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tke STRAITS TIMES Daily ueut, in Singaporr —per ropy IS CU. ptr montk $t.SO ptr ytar $30.00 (By post) ptr montk tt.U per ytar ISi.OC Tke STRAITS BUDGET: pereop) 10 CU. M per ytar $18.00 (By post) per ytar $10.00 .SOTE—Tke Straits Budget v
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  • 2319 3 Tuesday, ist October. Present. His Eicm.limct Sir Fiuki AtwrlstakbSwirtisHia,;.. (Acnuo GovHon. C. \V. S Kynnerlley (Acting Colonial B»crel*ry). Hon. K. 1' nney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. T. H. Kerahaw (Acting AttorneyGeneral). Hon. J. Burkimbaw. Hon. J. M. Allinson. Hon. T. E. Earle. Hon.
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  • 1961 3 Yesterday's Hearing, At the resumption of the hearing of this case after tiffin yesterday, Dr. Murray Kobertson's evidence was continued. He stated that he told Cap',. Suacban tbat u« thought the contraction of l'apau's shoulder was tbe result of paralysis. Capt. Strachan asked witness if be had
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  • 256 3 Yesterday's Play. Championship. Von Berg beat Battenburgb, 2-ti, B-? s-1. A. Singles. Sal/mann scr. heat Elliot *cr. 8-1,9-7 White heat Wolferttan-f. I, 7-5, US. White+l beat Oreen owe 16. B. Singles. Beatty-16.2. heat Mansfield 6-2, 1. C. Singles. Ooldie— S beat Miller+4, 6-4.6-!. Gray— 2
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  • 766 3 IMPRESSIONS OF SINGAPORE'S VETERAN SPORTSMAN. I fkom)sid before I left the sunny East thai I would write you some account >f my doings in old England. Instead cf that, however, I will try and let you lave an idea of how I paid a visit to "buld
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  • 428 3 With reference to the question of subsidies to German shipping companies, Mr. Albert Ballin, DirectorGeneral of the Hamburg-American Line has addressed the following letter to the London rime.'. Tbe letter speaks for itself:— To the Klitor of the T\>net. Sir, For a long time
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  • Corrcaponbence.
  • 461 3 From the day when Arhilles fasted three day- aod night, over tbe body of I'.trorlu., Mam id tbe mi yearn' aiegs before tbe Mom wall, of Troy, have we learned of war's sorrows Tbe Duke of Wellington wept like a child when he surveyed tbe bloody,
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  • 567 3 HIMMFOU, tKD OCTOBIB, (Ml. PROimOK. i Onmbier buyers I Hit, Copra Rali .V, ».1« do Pnntinnak (SS* Pepper, Black buyers SOM do White. (RJ) 4A.00 Sago Flour Sarawak S.M do Brunei No. 1 J8) Pearl Hago 4.10 Coffee, Ball. ISX beat* JIM Coffee, Palemhang. \KX basis. MS 00 Coffee,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 A sore throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the side or chest, should be treated in a similar manner. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore
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    • 104 3 DON'T SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like it, butafvr just a little deliberation decide 1011 can't afford to do it. But that thumpingracking Give it its quietus by using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain at once. No waiting, no suffering, no dosing with
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    • 305 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Armknian Strert. OUR Stcdio will be ready in afew da**. We are now prepared to take oatdoor photo*, such as groups, houses, Ac, Ac, in deliver copies in two days. Highest class of work, Permanent results and reasonable price* guaranteed. H. ABRAMS, THE HORSE REPOSITORY. HAB
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    • 921 3 NOTICES. Plates pin E=3&Pilms UKOKGhTMICHAKL, Photo grow w. Robinson Road, Singapore CHAMBKR OK COMMERCE. CHARLES Stringer Ktq., of Messrs Patenon Simon* Co.. having heen proposed and seconded for nomi nation a* a Member of the Legislative Council a Special General Meeting ef the Chamber will be held at the Eichang*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 239 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, and October. High Water. Ml p.m. S. V. A. Battery Parade. 6. 8. V R. Prel. Musketry Drill. 8.15. C. W. A. Raffle* Girl*' School. rl. C. C. reams Tournament. Birthday Dinner at Johore. Paraee Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Thursday, 3rd October. High Water. 1.21 a.m.
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    • 1386 4 under ttin Jvaiims; tbi'iolloirtnn ashr""t v Modi urn u«ert etr. eteamer «h. >!iip -q— barque ieb whooner; Yet— Yacht On.— CraiMr Obt— Gunboat TorTorpedo H.p. -Hor«<- power Brit BrUUh U. ft.-Uoited State,. Ft.French Ger.— German Dot.— Dutch lob.— Jobore Ac. O. c,—Generalcargo d.p. deck nuvoitn U.— Truer
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    • 75 4 MAILS LOSE. rtr Ht ,i- l lm TO-N'OR-n" Biogora via ports Al.TaiirarudA 10 a.ra. Maiasftar via ports A'omVonj 11 a.m. Bangkok B'onjloi 11 i. m Mhlhock 4 |Linggi //«faiM Ipm Bangkok B. Senj Ouan 3 p.m. Fmday. Knrope Tin ports CAumn 6 *.m Chbon A Bam»rang Picmtr ll».m Penang and
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    • 53 4 MAILS TO ARR IVE FROM KUROPI :-Ky the P. a O. Coromnndtl due on FridtT with datm to th« IBih -'cptemtyir the l.rinin repliei to the miils which left Singapore on the 16th and 17th Augutt. Fmoii i -him*:- By the P. AO. C*u»n doe on Tharaday. Tim Tißi i;
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    • 217 4 5 I Vuul's N'ihi i A I Tomb. Cartim I a j r io j PIOM I Hiiuo. j ComUQRIIK. let i 1 SwMrdecroon Dot sir. 40U |Won»er B'lermuin Hept 117 Baundels and Co. 1 Niennnya «ir M 4 Poijewjrs B>rma»in -cpt 27 Daondsli aoJ < o 1 Tjrdeu,
      217 words
    • 102 4 Date. Vemel's Name Date. Vksil's Name Fiao.VKig FnoAKio CArriix CAITAIII Destwation I I Oct 1 Hong I--1 s, L 3 Pnh Ann a Malacca 2 Bt'iilofnond Van der Pairs 2 Sr, PomUnxk 2 Wilhelmina S Asahan S Patani •i Caatiut 1 T«'arto« Brit or. I Peters Nor itr. i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 467 4 NOTICES. f imts for LEA I PEIIiRS' Tkt gft VORCESTEBSHIBE SAUCE. W* J^j TV B| Special WarpaitJW3 E^.His Majestg Pineiers ti S^SHs^*» The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD H«»i. Ornoi No. IS, Ouni Ko»i>, Shkuhii. ll» A. <VATTIE. Marnier. MESSRS. TAV KIM TIAN SONS. Local
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    • 414 4 [MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. PAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. i t; i H i i .■>. J. n. A. PEREIRA HouTint>LTnuß ud Fioaixi. Oollmtob tun Expobtib op Obchiiw. j special appointment to Hi* Majesty The King of Biam, H. H. The Sultan of Johore, and H. H. The Sultan of Lingga.
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    • 654 4 NOTICES. NOTICK. S'TKAITH City Rabb«r BUmp. I Short notice. Price moderate. »/IHU Robinen Rosd NOTICE R. One Rood Tse is authoriiH to ilm i»± (or our firm. ONG EWE HAI CO l r /10 Cbop SOON WHATT. C MOONA FAKIR MnBTAN A Co. O h»»« opened their busintss at No.
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    • 626 4 I For Constipation I I i» m <*2!'mFSS!X»,. I IPUBE fob ASTHMA MO lAN CIGARETTES I For Asthmatio paopl* whs •altr from •rruuiM v bruthint. loiumn, •mmmciitis iisomu,u4 Dimcnrr la nnoTOUTItI. Onmmilt citarcltt. muter 0* r*«prr»I tlon eaMier, e»it short the [jar. Tytiiii, anil i sJ'?|£ rt U> lort f
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    • 653 4 NOTICES. COALS ATGALLE. Bent WeUh and Indian (Barrakur) always in d.oek Quick despatch. CLARK, SHENCB Co K COAT*'.* A Co. Galle, October, 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TUR Meeting of the Licencing Juaticea (orthe qunrtercommeni-ing l«t October, will Iw held in the pri. ate room of the Firmt Maeiitmte nt the Police
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