The Straits Times, 1 October 1901

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. 3NO. a 0,64- SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS atal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 952 1 »|MIE HoI.NEO COMPANY, LIMIIBD I TUR m*> I IJ/» Assmiaac» Tnlo« Kir. in.nrMos Socii«». »tlas v. CnnqMV (Fiwv Tb« Vc,,-i.l „ife .Owiifoi Soriety, Ta» Chin* V u»l HMm Navigation tn>l) Tt»Tottaß>">a Uf«r Co |iy Kor particlars o» th-. CoeipMu-. tbt faJCT. LIMITS!) *»«at». STEAMSHIP OOMPANB& H. OfFlOa, TILEUBiFB BTEMT Pr
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    • 1473 1 STEAMSHIP_COMPAME.\ -r^ONINKIUKI PAKETVAABT MAATBOHAPPIJ Uadtr contract with the Netherlands India Government. a q'%i* at Sinmporr: t>Hir Aoraor, l*ti J. Dukdiu 4-Co., j-S. Collvbk Quit. Tue undermentioned dates are only approslmate. Bteam« ftois" Jtspsassd Will be Despatched for On Ricnrrdeercvn Code via ports Sept. 30 Billiton and Pontianak Oct. ran d/r
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    • 582 1 INSURANCES rnn LONDON AND LANCABHIHK 1 FIEE INBUBANCK COMPAMY. Capital :...£X.I/7jrCß Paid up Capital £»5.71» BMne Fowl .....£1,073,580 The oßdcnigmd, Agenta (or the Company, art prepared U aeoapt fire risks st current rMM of premium. rMYTFTKAT) A gp,, AgcnSJ. F chkTa tra-dkjw uisoium-T co¥ pVrt r.iif rren. CupiUlflabKrpwd ,\"nnltr»id
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    • 699 1 LTLNIOIf^KE INSUKANPt" COMPANY OF PARLS. EaiIBLBHID IWH. I HKSVtargS AND TOTAL >J OUAKUBBBS £4,000,000. |""HE iinderngnod, *g-nu (or the above I 1 company, ace prepared to accept lira I ria** for- long or short periods at mr»»rt I rales. CASH SETTLEMENTS proaJH* I made by the Agents iv Singaßom. 81/10
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    • 700 1 aOJIOKONO AND hHANUH.M BJ&KINQ CORPORATION. PAILVCP CAPITAL $10,000,000. REBIRVKFUND.— Starling ReserYe. 110,000,(100) .i SO0 0080 Silver Rewrre." 1 1 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 lloou)l no PROPRIETOR* J_»IO.OUU.U» Oocar or Aaacroiu:— E «n*i>, faqT-AaAiiuiiK JH? j j. I Dirnrt Cmuia. Total*! R I>. Bic*a*d«ok, Kmq Oim, Csq H Bc«ri««T.
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    • 507 1 NOTICES. ENGLISH' Mining Rnsineer and Borvejr*V, shortly terminating present engagement, wishes further employment as such in the eaal. Address MINE 16-10 c/o Siraitt Timu. KiaiTAX BKIt'K WOEhH I'asir pan.iam; ABB now supplying kuilding katjaV For particulars, apply to Chop KIM RIB, 4/3-02 No. M Malacca Ktmt tmia.A i j™ mi
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    • 728 1 RKITISI MOLSIBM Dl ArCICA •as Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhora Remedy. Capt. C. O. Dennison l« well kno.n all ©▼cr Afnr* jtf commftnil^r of th^ foct^# that raptnred tar faninu. rehel (lalishe. Under date of Nov. 4th, li-OT. from Vryknrg, Becbuanaland. he writes: Before atarttnf on the la«t
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  • 9 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 1ST OCTOBER.
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  • 7 2 To-DAT 1 4/ms bank rate is 1/11,',
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  • 8 2 With to-day's iuue there ia a supple' ment.
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  • 11 2 H. M. 8. Britk left for IViiang at 6 30pm. yestenlay.
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  • 9 2 Th« cable ship Recorder arrived yesterday from Rhto Straits.
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  • 14 2 McdSHS. Powell and Co. advertise an auction sale of fire-Hrou on tbe 16tb instant.
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  • 13 2 A Bkitish transport passed through the port this morning from west to east
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  • 16 2 Thk Utnlamo d, which arrived from London yesterday, brought about 45 tons of explosives for Hjugkong.
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  • 21 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Oiireii Work Association will he held at the UafnVs Girls' School on Wednesday October :>nd.
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  • 34 2 This homeward H. 4 O. mail steamer ri,,,.,, n lelt Hongkong on H»tnrday at 1 p m and is due here <>n Thnr-diy morning. The mail clos> s the next morning at 8 o'clock.
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  • 36 2 Mr. G. T. Hare, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Federated Malay Static, has bevn gianMid on« month and twentytwo days' vacation l^ve, to be followed by tw,lv» months leave on half-pay, withefiVct from the sth September, 1901.
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  • 39 2 Tin Commander nf the B. I. v t'W.(,m, from Calcutta to Singapore and Australia, reports having opoken the iron h.injue /Woe of Liverpool anchored nesrthn On« Fathom B«nk" yesterday, .TOth ultimo The DuiUue wished to he reported all well.
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  • 51 2 Govkbkob Birch of British Notth Borneo has vinited the Bultan of Brunei. I hey are s:iid to have conferred on the «nhj«ct of the British North Borneo Company renting two district, from the Sultan. The latter is said to be "iiliug on condition that the local chief agree to the
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  • 54 2 The Italian cruiser Slrmn'-oli, Capt. O., arrived from Bangkok dining the night and anchored in the roals She exclnneed whites with F'>rt Canning at 6 o'clock this morning. The StromlvU is of *]UH tons has a crew of 27;t, carries 18 guns, and is of 7/W0 horse-power. Her data
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  • 53 2 The total amount of tin ore exported by the trihutorn on the lands of tl.e Royal Johore Tin Mining Co. Ltd. is SSO bags, equal to 41U piculs. The •tin 'unt obtained is less than usual wing to a strike amongst the coolies, which is expected to be settled in
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  • 57 2 y«j.TBRo\Y afternoon the charge againxt William MVGann, an Iri»h-Ameri>-an, of voluntarily causing hurt to Bhaik Mahomedxah, the Sailors' Home watchman, by stabbing him with a penknife, wan continued before Mr. ■<aiwar. Dr. Leask, of the General Hospital, gave evidence as to the nature of the wounds. McGann
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  • 284 2 Yesterday's Play. A. Sinrles. Klliot l beatDarbishirercr., H-< Cap 1 White-H Wreen IS, unftn Hnucaborgb+l v. Whilebead— a, undo. B. Singles. Bentty scr. heat O. T. Low scr 6-1 an. C. Singles. Goldie— S beat Maoterton +i, 4— 6—-J 6 i. Scott heat Peirce, o-S,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
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    • 175 2 Thkrk was launched yesterday forenoon, from one of the building bertha of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, a powerful tjteani self-propelling Dredger, which is to be employed for improving and extending the berthing facilities of that Company. The dimensions ef the
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    • 275 2 "Paroda Club." Ok Friday twenty six couples competed for the Pagoila Cup presented by Urn bachelor! of the Club, and a very close and interesting competition resulted in a tie between Mrs Salrin.inn and J. U Crockatt and Miss Balzmaun and A. Hose eacb with the execellent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 583 2 NOTICES. LATEST REPORT ON SIDERa^THEN PAINT AS AX ANTI-CORROSIVE. t'alcntl*. M»» Pth, 1901. RE 8. 8. HVUHI.I Thia Teasel's bottom waa psintrl on the atarboard a<de with Siurroaihi'ii, and on tbe port aid* with zinc and red lead. Wh.n recontlj doekrd it wiu (ound that the Sirfercwtben paint bad stood
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    • 511 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Raffles Store. 33 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Have just received and is now showing a large and varied assortment of New Goods! New Goodsl! New Goodsl!! Of which the following are a few details. Raffles Store depends upon small profits but quick returns, hence It Is the cheapest house
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    • 214 2 2-10 THE TANJOXG PAIiAIt DOCK COMPANY. LIMITED. rpENDERS are invited for the tupply 1 from lat January, itfijj, of labour to the above Company for tho handling of gooda and coal. Applicants may tender for the Company a entire requircmenta, or they may trnder tn aupply liUour for tpecirieil aectiona
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    • 794 2 L VTBST ADVERriSEMEm A Grand Special Night. I TO-NIGHT TO-XHWT AT THE PARSEE THEATRE. BEACH ROAD. The Ulcntwl raemlMn of the New Elphinstone Parse* Theatrical Co. of Bombay, will play under the kind patronage and in the presence of MAJOR H. 6. SUTTON, O/C IHlli 11. I. "ALADDIN OR THE
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    • 9 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. ESTABL 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Framing.
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    • 82 2 cßorr A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go Ist a doctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep some good reliable Croup mediciue constantly in thx bouse. There ia none belter than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 272 2 lofo "Straits fSimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tki STRAITS TIMES Daily une, in Singapore -per copy IS CU. per month tt.SO ptryear tSO.OO (By poet J per month tt.SS per year tSi.OO The STRAITS BUDGET <• P>rn>py put: (By pott) ptryear ttO.OO NOTE:— The StraUt Budget it published in time to
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  • 2698 3 pre*on*. No steps have yet be-n lalcn lo»ar,l> inlrO'lll lion the lyl'fm here. The Bangkok Importers' Union, intimated lo lh« I'h.unb'r (in Ipril) th« formation nf the Union sending opy uf ih.-.r Knles and i>f c.-ru n pn-vl in DecemtMir last Kith respect to delivery
    2,698 words
  • 2497 3 Yutxrdiy afternoon the hearing of this ca«tt m cootiaued. Dr. Johnstone was cross-examined by Mr. Van Cuylenberg. Witness said iliH 1 sound teeth would drop out in other diseases in scurvy they might. But, in the latter case, it would be alter a ,-evem of several
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  • Correspondence.
    • 215 3 To the Editor ot the Straits Times." Sik, In your issue of the 28th mat. you published a letter from Lord Ctirion, Governor-General of India, to H. E. Sir KrankSwettenham, thanking the .Strain Government and the individual subscribers to tbe Kamioe Fund for tbeir generality.
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  • 560 3 *imuroßt, Ist Oc-roßts, 1(01. PRODUCK. OamMer I H4J» Copra Bah (UK J-. Pon*t«nak B.*i Pepper, Black buyers SflnO do White, 46.00 Sago Flour Sarawak »1M do Brunei No 1 »W Peart Ta«o 4.10 Coffee, Bali. lR* bast* Sl-W Coffee, Pslembang 1«% ha«l« on Coffee, Liberian No. I 16.76 Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 N(/T HMD DOPE from Kheumatism will he glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute speciBc. There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from wbat inu-e. that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently enrol by Little's Oriental Balm, l'eople who have tried a
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    • 197 3 Robinson Co. Have just received a NEW STOCK of Kynoch's Sporting Cartridges. I J^"fs^ s>i f\ l_l^_^. I LMiUM r\ iIN U n I^Sfl All specially loaded for this climate, and all guaranteed. In Gaslight" cases as illustration, 1^ bore loaded Kynocli's smokeless powder, 4, 6 or 8 Newcastle best
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 198 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, ist October. Higb Water, America Cup Race 5. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Parsra Theatre. Beach Read, a Wednesday, and October. Higb Water. 0 M a.m. 0.13 p.m. Hedges Sale. Powell. 10. 8. V. A. Batten- Parade. 6 8. V R. Prel. Mu-wetrv Drill. MS. Birthday
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 194 4 NOTICES, =i RIC-AUD'S m Kanaaga J OF JIPU M TOILET WATER 1 Kiond' C° B^^V> j f rti f-r NOTICES. CASH CLEARANCE SALE. ENVELOPES. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPE. 1,000 SI Kent free by Poat 1.40. THEANTIQUE. ENVELOPE l.i «>" S2 Ml free by Poat SR.SA For sale by THE "STRAITS TIMES"
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    • 449 4 NOTICES^ CHLNA MUTUAL LIFE LVSURANCE COY, LTD lA^wSsa. s^. Xa OAm MESSRS. TAX KIM TIAN SONS, Local A,renu. Ibe Company offers easier term* and better bonuses tban uy othor ComnuiT doing busmen in the East. A special point is made of prompt payment of claims. The Head Office being in
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    • 355 4 PPiiinolinc "S I IWW HM Natoral Toilet Preparations. IHlfllH^^E&Sr PMi «*.ruf, HfMß'tTV°7 eenptvrlti fro- wrg Mfl BlT| ■Uaollne- Toilet Soap 'w frWratM Ihpi m« M/« l^f ri. I BKjWwWW^PI wv.l^l. D^«i-«,. H"i«!«i TiAD»rr. Unm Superior Hungarian Dairy ButterT ABSOLUTE PURITY OUARANTEED. J& Tbl« Butter n prepuad under control ol tk"
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    • 40 4 TANSAN Is on sale at all the principal Hotels Tiffin Eooms, Wine ft Spirit Oaalers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Sub-agents... McCl}-mont& Co., Porf Dickson. »> Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuala Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton, Tcluk Aneon.
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    • 258 4 NOTICES. A. M. GAZZOLO ft CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war, Sailing; ships, steamers. &c, 4c, supply All kindi of (rath provision* alto Bui lock., BaaIMMIIK Brwd, Win., H r ir,U. Oliw-011, Macaroni. Ch«w, and all kindof preterird proriaiom. 4c., 4c, in stock and on h»nd, retail, at moderate
      258 words
    • 727 4 I SHIPPING. CIX Ti»ANHATLANriCA OK BARCELONA FOR MANILA 'TIHE Mp.nitb mail.. t. MOSTBVIDKU X dne b«ra on or about the «th Oct »'U have prompt despatch for tbe abort port. For freight or passage, apply to 10/10 BARLOW CO., Agent*. KOR HONGKONG \fES3Rg. APCAR Oo.'s steamer M CATHERINE APCAR, 2.71R
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    • 1222 1 l!ndorth'sh.'.v!io.i;tni'to!low'rj;abb'.i>'. lions we used sir.— »Wa:n«r «h.— sh'.> In.— U*roue sen. «^-hoon>T; Y-t. -Yachi Cru-Craiwr; Ilil.— (lunboat Tor Torpedo; H.p. Hor^e-power Brit.--Hrltlsh U. B.— Unitol fHH. Tr Fremh; Oer.— Oerman l>ut.— 'in-: .loh.-.lohore Ac. O. c, how ll cargo ct.p. ileck pas*:.r.t;erli 11.-- t rev l«in T.
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    • 526 1 Nam', port, probable dnte of arrival, and nanv or* 09*11(4. rtiimiu. A Trey«, Biltimow. I'd July 21 V >pear. Calcutta. Oct S: 8 A Mjh>. Adana, New York. left Auz H| Ajal. Ohina. Oct it; M in.flcld. Annam. olombo (let 14: M M V H.n<koiu. O-t I*; R*>iri
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    • 73 1 M AILS CLOSE. Vnr f.r »lr 7iiv To-Mokr<''-v (ndragiri Aiitg Ann 11 a.m. Ratavi.t Van dfr Parra l\ K.n\ r. An«m via poit« Wn/n,.-,i Jt p.m. Vnshan anil iVli Atakan I p.m. P B*rl'btm vi»port» Po* 3 p.m. Aingora via port^ M VnjiraruHh 10 a.m. Ma-RKsar via ports Sam Yung
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    • 138 1 Fecm Euson -By the P. 4 O. foromandrl doe on Friday with dates to the ISth •eptemher; »h.' hrinrt replies to the in nl' Im.-m left Sin.aporeon th- 16th Aug. r hum iHim:— By the P. 4 O. >.a. due on Thuradny. !<■(• Singapore Due in
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    • 241 1 AKKIVAL«. (Hooked) < K-r ii'l'.titMrr*.. Per M. M. a. Annim fi,uni Marseilles Sept. t>— Messrs. Dnpflre.nnd Leinair, Mr. I>..Kn and family. Per M. a. K MMM from Mar. seill.-n (Vt. 8-Mr. and >lr». de Sturlcr. Mr. W. I* M«ir. Per S. 1> L. s. s. /Timiln-hou from Bremen
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    • 147 1 5 I Vekkl'h Sam .t OUTua Fkoji )W» OmMW i Bio. B'pt 30 Honi; Whii I 2i«o f.>iitnr>y I'.t«i; <cpt '.>* Woo Bin an.) Co SO B-nloinowi ITM Hutlnn .11 V.ii; P Kimonn »n<i Co. 30 iUnion .V<jr ttr. kII l.>rl.jncti-i". H nit^y -i-pl lit llnrnco
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    • 84 1 Dmk. Vi*«ELa NiMH F'ii.AKi' CAPi*m Dmtihatjo* IM I llimt Hut Mr. Mei.o- r. Dickaon 4 P. Swtiterinam 1 Shus Mr. Payne r-iwut And GWwMi 1 Atkks trr. ]/aiy Xtw York tI» porU i P.layo >r, irw.ii liongkonit I > li.T,. :i. itr. Hullen Pnlrml'aoK 1 I'rbni <tr. Allen
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 Premier Vinolia Soap i H not coloured with poisons, render d transparent with chemicals, or semi transparent with resin and sugar, jnor does it turn yellow In spots revealing putrid fats. It is not charged with powerful penetrating perfumes that gratify the .ense of smell to the detriment and injury
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    • 421 1 4 Settleuieul Uftker in r.q.ii,.-,! r u r ihs J\ Mutf nf MfeMR salary o( 1108 per mensem with Kirbanua Ommwllm if eligible, an.) v uhl transport mil field allowance. Five unfurnished Quarters if available or ih- fr. occupation of rent hoii-e« for Td»>H beyond Which period v rhnrge nf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 273 2 Mr. J, vid don Bpand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, D t li. tu. Af. 30,11/02. REALLY EXCELLENT!!! IND(XK)I>K (X)'S AI.K AM) STOUT. Price SI 80 per doz pints. Prioe sii 00 per oase of 7 dos pints. Delivered free within :t miles radiua. W. A Wafford&Co., BOTTLERS, AXSON ROAD, Singapore What
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    • 339 2 HAMMAL.L RILLKS V 6, HMmvn Rood. HAVE ON HAND:— Kleulric P»ns, Oiling ami Table 40, Ml, dO «i, 100. 1 in, ami lan Volts. Damned to operate firm Incandescent Circuit*. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Farm I For Table Use, lm Volt*. Inspection inyit.-.l from all people
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    • 377 2 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE uF VaLUaBIE Hi*USE ROrERTY. BITFATI AT THE ''OUXKB OF CiSAI Ko II) aro New Market Road, To be held at Puwell A Co.'« sale-room. On Tuesday, U,e -2nd Octal**, 1901, REA4,n.V>tiq. ft ,-.],ii|,ri.,.,| ioHututory /V Orant No «,*»< nuUv.-t to a yearly rent of |;i.
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    • 382 2 NOTICK. CTKAJTB CitT Subber BUmp. 12/?il* notice I>ric<> n «x»«»»«. iVI R >n 8t >n Tee »"'l>«''^'l 10 «i«n <>N<i EWE HA I CO, Ir ('hop SOON WHATt! U MOON A FAKIR MLSTAX ft Ct if hate c|mitil Ihcir tm-. No. .id. North Ori'lso Ronil 18-10 1 AUIE- AItD BWIIW
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    • 347 2 THE NEW HARBo, R DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED iho. arv n ""«j_ M MM*3*Si »!x>ve Company will be bell at No I rrinces MfMt, Singapore, at noon on for l'l"' l y m ten d y Oi;tob > I*ol, 11/10 ft mnatt The North Kechau Gold Mining Company, Limited. VOIKF. hqrtyHy,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 802 3 •UOVKRNMKNT NOTIFICATION. rftHE Meeting of the Licensing Justices 1 for the quarter commencing let Octol.ei. will be held in the private room of the First Magistrate al the Police Courts «t 3 p SB, on Thursday, 3rd Octolier. Applicants lor transfers or new licenses »nd persons objecting to tli same
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    • 599 3 aOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 11 II HIM arc invited for tbe Mile right to ..(.en oar pawn-linp fur a period of three ••Its from tlie 1-1 January, 1002, in each of the Street, or HNkssi of Street* dexcribed in the Schedule hereto annexed. •J. Ka^li St eet <ir Se.l i.m of Street
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    • 446 3 NTHE 81 PKKMK COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 387 I of 18»9. Bctwsw <ioh Sm Koh, Lim Ti ing ah. Kii-.o Sin (.'hni and Tny Ho HM Plaimifls and Lim Tay Koh alias Lim (juee Kng. Defendants. VI7ITH the approbation of the Judge If pursuant
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    • 357 3 A ISA/AAi; IN aid of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage Fund will lie Seld in the Tuwn Hall on Thursday October loth 1901. from 4 to «.:i 1 p.m. and from B.SO to 1030 p.m. INDIAN ENGINEERING. THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With tmmmtmi '■■•>« M>
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    • 781 3 BT. ANDRKWB HOWS. AC H URCH of England Board i ng H ou-.. tor European and Eurasian hoy i who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be mude to tbe Colonial Chaplain. w. uc. HOTEL DKR NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA 17IUST Class Hotel. Known for its 5
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 693 8 I^LNUAPOKE SPORTING CLUB Th» Auluuui tmt Moling uill he held (MosWiOsss! S4(A, <itul 2Wli. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, -J-'.td (Mu>*r. Fibst I:..THK MAIDEN PL-VTE.-Value »JOO.A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141 b. to ex-Griffins imported into tbe Straits Settlements or Nativo States at
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    • 771 8 Thied Kace. THE ROADSTER HANDICAP.— VaIue tiSO. A Handicap (or Horses that have started in Ihe Roadster Kace on thettocondDajr. Entrance. IS. Distance. It mile. FOCKTH Kill. THfc STEWARDS' CUP.-Value ttOO, and SIUO to the Second Horse. A handicap for 1101 that have started in Races Nos. or 7on the
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    • 296 8 GOVERNMENT OK I'AHANG. REQUIRED an aixithecnry whose li.-ad-■l... it. is woul'l l.<. »l Kll 11.1 l.ipis. Salary fli'ft pvr meusrm with freo partly furnish.-. 1 quarters. Applications with copies (not originals) of receul testimonials qualifications *c, should be sent totheAcing Kebidrn.v Surgeon, Kuali Lipis. m. w. f. IR/I0 BKLLBVUE HOTEL,
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    • 414 8 TMK MOST RIFRUHINQ DRINK IN INDIA. "IIpNTSEpAF JP£ LIME-FRUIT JUICE «|Wlj AND CORDIALS. j "WSp^ci^A u><:M wf nimiii sonsaea. unmtt. VINOLIA S O ut*. I» IS -A.CICI>rO-WJ_.E!JDa-EID TO BE a?HE FINEST M)A1» lN THU WOULD. Facts:— VINOLIA SOP s imsiii [lassoil for tlie compleuoa VINOLIA SUAP keeps tho skin oh
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